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Although Ni has been officially recognized as an essential micronutrient for all higher plants since 2004, research on assessing its sufficiency critical levels with different soil tests is missing in the literature. The objective of the study was to determine Ni critical levels in unpolluted cultivated soils utilizing four methods, employing three commonly used calibration techniques. Ten soils with different physical–chemical properties and low Ni content were treated with Ni at rates of 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg kg?1. After equilibration for one month, the soils were analyzed for extractable Ni by four methods, namely DTPA, AB‐DTPA, AAAc‐EDTA, and Mehlich‐3. Response to soil‐applied Ni was assessed by a greenhouse pot experiment, with the untreated and Ni‐treated soils in three replications, using ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). The aboveground biomass of ryegrass was harvested two months after sowing, dry weight of biomass was measured and relative biomass yield was calculated. Nickel's critical levels were determined employing the: (a) graphical technique of Brown and co‐workers, (b) Mitscherlich–Bray equation, and (c) Cate and Nelson graphical technique. According to the first technique, Ni critical levels were ≈ 2 mg kg?1 for the DTPA and AB‐DTPA methods, and 6.0 and 5.3 mg kg?1 for the AAAc‐EDTA and Mehlich‐3 methods, respectively. Similar levels were obtained by the Mitscherlich–Bray equation. However, the critical levels assessed by the Cate and Nelson technique were lower and ranged from 0.5 to 1.3 mg kg?1 for all four methods. Conclusively, Ni sufficiency critical levels for all four methods are expected to range at levels of a few mg Ni kg?1 of soil. As far as the three calibration techniques are concerned, a distinct boundary between Ni response and non‐response was accomplished by none. However, the fact that 60–74% of the soils were correctly separated into responsive and non‐responsive to added Ni by the graphical technique of Brown and co‐workers suggests that this is the most suitable technique.  相似文献   


Twenty surface soil samples were collected from Nainital Tarai (foothills of Himalya) where “Khaira”; disease (Zn deficiency of rice) is prevalent. Rice (Oryza sativa L. variety IR‐8) was grown in pots for 8 weeks after transplanting. Experiments were conducted to determine the suitability of five soil Zn extractants: dilute acid (HCl + H2SO4) mixture; DTPA‐(NH4) 2CO3, pH 7.3; dithizone; NH4OAc, pH 4.6; and 2N MgCl2 to predict Zn deficiency. Critical values for soil available Zn were established for rice by the old and new Cate and Nelson procedures1.

Zinc extracted from the soils with dithizone; NH4OAc, pH 4.6; 0.2N MgCl2. and DTPA‐(NH4) 2CO3 pH 7.3 was significantly correlated with the uptake of Zn by the rice plants. The correlation between Zn extracted with the dilute acid (HCl + H2SO4) mixture and plant Zn was not statistically significant. The ex‐tractants which extracted greater quantities of Zn gave higher critical values and vice versa. It is concluded that all extracting solutions except the dilute acid (HCl + H2SO4) mixture were found to he suitable for predicting available Zn in rice soils of Tarai.  相似文献   

娄土区作物和土壤淋溶磷临界值研究及推荐施磷建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定临界土壤磷最佳水平及合理的施肥量可为实现作物高产和减少磷素损失提供理论依据。本研究以“国家黄土肥力与肥料效益监测基地”24年长期肥料定位试验为基础,利用长期试验积累数据并结合相关土壤分析,通过米切里西指数模型和两段式线性模型确定了土区冬小麦和夏玉米高产土壤有效磷临界值以及土磷素淋溶阈值并提出了施磷建议。结果表明,该地区冬小麦高产时土壤有效磷临界值为26.2 mg/kg,夏玉米为13.9 mg/kg。土壤有效磷随全磷的增加存在明显的临界点,当全磷含量为1.15 g/kg时,有效磷含量为34.8 mg/kg,高于此值后有效磷随全磷快速增加。土壤有效磷含量大于39.3 mg/kg时,磷素淋溶风险增大。无轮作情况下,当土壤有效磷含量分别为<25、25~40和>40 mg/kg时,冬小麦施磷量分别为P2O5 80~95、60~80和10~15 kg/hm2;当土壤有效磷<15、15~40和>40 mg/kg时,夏玉米施磷量分别为P2O5 70~85、55~70和10~15 kg/hm2。冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下,当土壤有效磷含量分别为<15、15~25、25~40和>40 mg/kg时,冬小麦施磷量分别为P2O5 100~120、90~100、80~90和15~20 kg/hm2,夏玉米施磷量分别为P2O5 50~60、45~50、25~40和5~10 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

【目的】沿海滩涂土壤属于滨海盐土类型,由于长期受海洋潮汐的影响,盐渍化作用导致土壤盐分含量偏高、 土体发育不明显、 理化性状差、 肥力水平低下,且滩涂面积还在以一定的速度增长,同时可耕地面积的逐年递减和淡水资源的日益遗乏,滩涂盐土的开发利用越来越受到人们的关注。本文研究牛粪不同用量驱动新围垦滩涂土壤原始肥力并为绿肥植物黑麦草幼苗生长提供养分的作用,以期为滩涂盐土的改良提供一条可行的途径。【方法】采用田间小区随机区组试验,探讨了牛粪不同施用量(0、 30、 75、 150、 300 t/hm2)对滩涂土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体、 盐分、 pH、 有机碳、 氮磷养分含量等肥力因子及黑麦草幼苗生物量、 生长状况的影响。 【结果】滩涂0—10和10—20 cm土层土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体的数量随牛粪施用量的增加呈逐渐增加趋势。与对照相比,牛粪用量150和300 t/hm2处理的滩涂0—10和10—20 cm土层土壤0.25 mm水稳性团聚体差异均达到显著水平; 施用牛粪各处理滩涂土壤有机碳分别比对照增加17.4%、 32.6%、 55.0%、 205.8%; 与对照相比,施用牛粪各处理显著降低了滩涂土壤盐分含量,降幅分别达25.2%、 75.8%、 76.0%、 75.9%; 施用牛粪对滩涂土壤pH值降低不明显; 随牛粪施用量的增加,滩涂土壤全氮、 全磷、 碱解氮、 有效磷含量均呈逐渐上升趋势; 施用牛粪增加了黑麦草幼苗地上部和根系干重; 施用牛粪各处理黑麦草幼苗株高分别比对照增加52.6%、 46.1%、 74.2%、 56.2%(P<0.05); 牛粪施用量达150 t/hm2时可显著增加黑麦草幼苗的分蘖数; 随牛粪施用量的增加,黑麦草根系总根长、 平均直径、 根表面积、 根体积均呈逐渐上升趋势。【结论】施用牛粪改善了滩涂土壤的初始肥力特性,促进了绿肥植物黑麦草地上部及根系的生长,并提高了黑麦草幼苗的生物量,因此,牛粪可作为改良新围垦滩涂土壤的“原始肥力驱动剂”。利用牛粪进行滩涂土壤的改良还有效地处理了畜禽粪便,是滩涂土壤改良和畜禽粪便合理利用一举两得的新途径。  相似文献   


Corn (Zea mays L) was grown at three locations on soil treated with Zn at two levels of soil fertility. Corn leaves were sampled at 2 stages of growth and analyzed for several elements. Yields were measured and soils were analyzed for O.lN HCl and DTPA extractable Zn and by standard testing methods for other components.

Zinc at 10 and 20 lb/A did not affect corn grain yields. The Zn treatments significantly increased leaf Zn concentrations. The influence of leaf sampling time differed between locations. The DTPA and O.lN HCl extractable soil Zn both reflected the Zn soil treatments. The DTPA appeared to extract a more soluble component of soil Zn which became more un‐extractable with time. In general, the extractable soil Zn was poorly correlated with Zn concentrations in the corn leaves. Under the conditions of the experiment the soil Zn levels as measured by the 2 extractants were a poor predictor of plant Zn when soil Zn levels were adequate.  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus tests offer a potentially powerful tool for land managers trying to predict the areas which will contribute diffuse losses of phosphorus (P) to surface water bodies through the overland flow vector – but do they work? We address this question at a range of scales, from patch (< 1 m2), through plot (several m2) to small watershed (several hectares). Our hypothesis is that as we increase the scale, and therefore the complexity of the system, soil P tests will predict P concentrations and losses associated with overland flow less well, and that this is partly due to a shift from dissolved P losses to P losses associated with eroded soil material. At the patch scale soil P tests were used to predict the P concentration and load from 24 European soils exposed to simulated rainfall under controlled conditions in the laboratory. Results showed that soil P tests were generally good predictors of reactive P <0.45 μm, but did less well at predicting total P > 0.45 μm. By combining the soil P test with measured sediment concentrations predictions of total P concentrations improved. Outdoor rainfall simulation experiments on bare soil plots (10 m2) revealed the overwhelming influence of particle bound P losses compared with P losses in the water phase. Soil P tests, which relate primarily to the dissolved P fractions in soil, were not able to predict total P losses, but were related to reactive P < 0.45 μm losses. At the watershed scale soil P tests were able to predict reactive P < 0.45 μm losses, but with considerable uncertainty. We conclude that soil P tests, in combination with sediment concentration provide a useful means of assessing the mobilization of P in overland flow, but should not be expected to provide watershed scale predictions of the movement of P into overland flow.  相似文献   

【目的】土壤养分是植物生存的必要条件,探讨山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.)主产区林地土壤肥力因子及其对土壤生产性能的影响,为山核桃的栽植和可持续发展、土壤培肥提供科学依据。【方法】在浙江省山核桃主产区,随机选择58个典型乡镇的山核桃林采集土样,测定了pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有效钙、有效镁、有效铁、有效锰、有效铜、有效锌、有效硼12个肥力因子水平,运用主成分分析和回归分析方法,分析了它们对山核桃生长、感病等级、产量等级的影响以及丰缺临界区间。【结果】主成分分析前5个因素(PC1、PC2、PC3、PC4、PC5)的累计贡献率达78.49%。PC1的主要荷载为土壤pH、有效钙和有效镁含量,PC2的主要荷载是微量元素和有效磷含量,PC3是有机质和碱解氮含量,PC4和PC5分别是有效硼和速效钾含量。林分生长性状中,生长势等级与pH、速效钾、有效钙、有效镁、有效铜、有效锌显著负相关(P <0.01),干腐病感病等级与pH、有效钙、有效镁显著负相关(P <0.01),产量等级与pH、有效钙、有效镁、有效磷、有效锌显著正相关(P <0.01)。回归模型分析得出,土壤pH、速效钾和有效钙、有效镁、有效铜、有效锌是当前栽培措施水平下影响山核桃生长的关键土壤肥力因子。综合评价后发现,研究区现有约57%的山核桃林地土壤综合肥力低于平均水平。【结论】对山核桃林地土壤生产性能影响最大的因素是土壤pH、有效钙和有效镁含量,其次是微量元素和有效磷含量,有机质、速效钾含量也有一定的影响。山核桃主产区的林地土壤关键指标丰缺范围:pH 5.19~5.70、速效钾87~129 mg/kg、有效钙817~1374 mg/kg、有效镁93~145 mg/kg、有效铜1.36~4.39 mg/kg、有效锌0.78~2.33 mg/kg。  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted using a root-bag technique to study the root exudates, rhizosphere Zn fractions, and Zn concentrations and accumulations of two ryegrass cultivars (Lolium perenne L. cvs. Airs and Tede) at different soil Zn levels (0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 mmol kg-1 soil). Results indicated that plant growth of the two cultivars was not adversely affected at soil Zn level≤8 mmol kg-1. Plants accumulated more Zn as soil Zn levels increased, and Zn concentrations of shoots were about 540 /μg g-1 in Aris and 583.9μg g-1 in Tede in response to 16 mmol Zn kg-1 soil. Zn ratios of shoots to roots across the soil Zn levels were higher in Tede than in Airs, corresponding with higher rhizosphere available Zn fractions (exchangeable, bound to manganese oxides, and bound to organic matter) in Airs than in Tede. Low-molecular-weight (LMW) organic acids (oxalic, tartaric, malic, and succinic acids) and amino acids (proline, threonine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid, etc.) were detected in root exudates, and the concentrations of LMW organic acids and amino acids increased with addition of 4 mmol Zn kg-1 soil compared with zero Zn addition. Higher rhizosphere concentrations of oxalic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, phenylalanine, leucine, and proline in Tede than in Airs likely resulted in increased Zn uptake from the soil by Tede than by Airs. The results suggested that genotypic differences in Zn accumulations were mainly because of different root exudates and rhizosphere Zn fractions.  相似文献   

Nickel (Ni), an essential micronutrient, is toxic to plants and animals at elevated levels. Fewer data are available on the dynamics of Ni than for trace metals such as Cu and Zn. Dietary intake is the major source of Ni, but almost no information is available on dietary intake for Asian populations whose diet contains much less animal products and processed foods than in Western countries. In south‐eastern China, most food is grown on peri‐urban agricultural land and thus, food crops from these areas should be the major source of dietary Ni. A large‐scale survey of Ni in soils and edible crops, including 515 sites and 24 crop species from 10 crop groups, was conducted in Fujian Province, SE China, to assess Ni intake for a typical SE Asian diet. Correlation, principal component analysis (PCA) and data mining were used to identify soil and plant factors that determine Ni accumulation in crops. Both soil Ni content and plant species contributed to Ni accumulation. Crop Ni (Nicrop) was positively correlated with soil Ni DTPA‐extractible (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) (NiDTPA) for many crops. PCA did not identify strong relations between soil‐to‐crop transfer factors and any soil properties. Stepwise linear correlations found positive correlations between Nicrop and NiDTPA; however, relationships between Nicrop and both silt content and pH varied between crops. Dietary intake of foods containing mean Ni content could lead to health risks, especially for children. It was concluded that sandy soils, rich in organic matter with a large Ni content, are unsuitable for the production of rice and legumes.  相似文献   

Background  Petroleum products are widely used in various sections of industry and they are one of the most abundant sources of environmental contamination. These products are classified by their physico-chemical properties such as boiling point, density and viscosity. Oil contamination in the environment is primarily evaluated by measuring the chemical concentrations of petroleum products in the solid or water phase. The results of chemical analyses do not correspond directly with the harmful environmental effects of petroleum products on the soil flora and fauna, because the interactions between oil compounds and the production of their methabolites in soil are not measured in chemical assessments. These kinds of effects of complex chemical mixtures in soil can be estimated by bioassays. Therefore, ecotoxicological tests are important for estimating soil quality in the risk assessment of oil-contaminated soil sites. Objectives  The objective of this study was to examine the oil-contaminated soil site of a closed petrol station with both chemical and ecotoxicological methods. The goals of this study were to compare the sensitivity of the terrestrial and aquatic bioassays and to compare the toxicity responses of aquatic bioassays determined from three different extraction procedures. In addition, our aim was to characterise a cost-effective battery of bioassays that could be applied to a comparison of oil-contaminated soils. It was in our interest to investigate oil-contaminated soil with oil concentrations of 2500–12000 mg/kg and to find out the possible differences between terrestrial and aquatic toxicity tests. Methods  Six soil samples from a closed petrol station were examined for toxicity with terrestrial and aquatic tests. Terrestrial tests includedEnchytraeus albidus survival and reproduction assays and seed germination assays using wheat, cress, lettuce, and red clover seeds and growth inhibition assays of onions. The toxicities of the water-extractable fractions of the soil samples obtained from three different extractions were tested with aquatic bioassays based on plants (onion and duckweed growth inhibition tests), microbes (luminescent bacteria test), and enzyme inhibition (reverse electron transport test, RET). Chemical analyses of the solid samples were carried out simultaneously. Results. Oil concentrations ranged from 2500 to 12000 mg/kg, BTEX varied from 300 to 2800 mg/kg, and fuel additives: MTBE and TAME from 0.0 1 to 260 mg/kg. Only the sample contain-ing 12000 mg/kg oil had a significant toxic impact on all test organisms. Soil samples with oil concentrations 2500–6200 mg/ kg had no or only slight adverse effects on the test organisms with one exception, theE. albidus reproduction test. TheE. albidus survival and reproduction tests were the most sensitive bioassays of the terrestrial tests, and the luminescent bacteria test of the aquatic tests.  相似文献   

潮土小麦和玉米Olsen-P农学阈值及其差异分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
【目的】磷农学阈值是指导不同作物磷肥用量并获取最佳经济产量的重要依据,然而,不同地区不同的耕作制度、土壤类型、作物种类、pH、温湿度条件下,作物的磷农学阈值不同。明确小麦–玉米轮作体系下,典型潮土区小麦和玉米的磷农学阈值,并分析其差异。【方法】本研究基于“国家潮土土壤肥力与肥料效益长期监测站”25年的定位试验,选取氮、钾肥施用充足和磷肥用量不同的NK (不施磷肥)、NPK (施用氮磷钾化肥)、NPKM (氮磷钾化肥和有机肥配施)、1.5NPKM (高量氮磷钾化肥配施有机肥)、NPKS (氮磷钾化肥与玉米秸秆还田配施) 5个处理的试验数据,使用米切里西指数模型 (Mitscherlich exponential model) 拟合小麦和玉米的Olsen-P农学阈值,并通过对比不同土壤磷水平下两种作物的磷吸收利用特性,分析其阈值不同的原因。【结果】获得最大相对产量的95%时,潮土区小麦Olsen-P农学阈值为13.1 mg/kg,玉米Olsen-P农学阈值为7.5 mg/kg。玉米Olsen-P农学阈值低于小麦主要原因:1) 土壤磷水平较低时,小麦对磷缺乏更为敏感,而玉米可保持相对较强的吸磷能力,25年不施磷处理玉米吸磷量是小麦的1.4倍;2) 土壤Olsen-P含量达到玉米阈值,而未能达到小麦阈值时,可保障玉米籽粒、茎秆及小麦籽粒正常生长对磷的需求,但小麦茎秆磷浓度仅能达到相对最大磷浓度的68.9%,严重影响了小麦的正常生长和获取较高产量的能力;土壤Olsen-P含量提高到小麦阈值后,小麦茎秆磷浓度提高到相对最大磷浓度的80.5%以上,进而可保障小麦获得较高的产量;3) 土壤磷素养分充足时,小麦对磷的吸收量大于玉米,且主要是由于小麦茎秆磷浓度和吸磷量随土壤Olsen-P含量的增加而大幅度增加。【结论】小麦和玉米作为典型潮土区两种重要的粮食作物,Olsen-P农学阈值分别为13.1和7.5 mg/kg。由于两种作物的生理特性不同,小麦对磷素的吸收利用率较低,茎秆需要较高的土壤磷浓度维持正常生长,产量形成对磷养分需求更大。因此,小麦–玉米轮作体系下,小麦的磷农学阈值更高,小麦季所需土壤磷供应量大于玉米季。为增强磷肥利用效率,减少磷肥投入量和土壤中磷素的过量累积,玉米季磷肥使用量应适当小于小麦季。当土壤Olsen-P水平高于作物磷农学阈值后,减少或短时间停止施用磷肥并不会对作物产量有明显影响。  相似文献   


Soil samples were obtained at 0–3, 3–6, 6–9 and 0–9 inch depths from experimental plots receiving five tillage treatments. Each of two samplers composited approximately six one‐inch cores from each plot. Soil samples were analyzed for acidity, P and K using routine analysis procedures in the University of Illinois Soil Testing Laboratory.

Few significant differences were attributed to sampler and it was concluded that samplers using similar sampling techniques were obtaining soil samples from the same population.

No significant differences in soil acidity at different depths were observed. The different tillage methods did significantly affect soil P at the 0–3 inch depth, but had no significant effect on soil P at deeper depths. Different tillage methods also significantly affected soil K values at different depths.  相似文献   

Adequate evaluation and interpretation of silicon (Si) phytoavailability in soil is a key to fertilizer recommendation. This study was conducted to determine the effect of soil texture on the choice of Si extractant, and provide baseline data on the relationship between extractable Si and sugarcane Si accumulation. The effects of soil texture and extractant solutions of Si were investigated on soil of nine areas of sugarcane cultivation. Si contents in clayey soils were higher than in sandy soils only in the extraction with standard calcium chloride, acetic acid, potassium chloride (KCl), and sodium acetate buffer. Other extractants failed to reveal differences in the Si availability among the three soil textures. The choice of the extractant should consider soil texture for the determination of adequate Si contents in soils planted with sugarcane, and the extractants that proved to be more efficient in the three soil textures was acetic acid and KCl.  相似文献   

为了解沈阳市玉米主产区土壤养分状况及其与玉米产量水平之间的关系,于2004~2005年对沈阳市不同肥力水平的玉米主要产区的土壤有机质和有效磷含量及其与玉米产量水平之间的关系进行分析。结果表明,沈阳市玉米主产区土壤有机质含量总体处于中低水平,有效磷含量总体处于较高水平;玉米的产量水平与有机质和有效磷含量之间表现出了极显著的正相关关系。由此提出增施有机肥,实行有机无机肥配施以及建立适应目前农业生产需要的土壤磷素丰缺指标是发挥玉米增产潜力的必要手段。  相似文献   

Visible and near infrared spectroscopy (vis‐NIRS) may be useful for an estimation of soil properties in arable fields, but the quality of results are often variable depending on the applied chemometric approach. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) may be replaced by approaches which employ supervised learning methods or variable selection procedures in order to increase the proportion of informative wavelengths used in the estimation procedure, to reduce the noise of the spectra and to find the best fitting solution. Objectives were (1) to compare the usefulness of PLSR with either PLSR combined with a genetic algorithm (GA‐PLSR) or support vector machine regression (SVMR) for an estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (N), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil texture for surface soils (0–5 cm, n = 144) of an arable field in Bangalore (India) and (2) to test and optimize different calibration strategies for GA‐PLSR for an improved estimation of soil properties. PLSR was useful for an estimation of SOC, N, sand and clay. In the cross‐validation (n = 96), accuracies of estimated soil properties generally decreased in the order GA‐PLSR > SVMR > PLSR. However, the order of estimation accuracies for the random validation sample (n = 48) changed to SVMR > GA‐PLSR > PLSR for SOC, N, pH, and CEC, whereas for clay the order changed to SVMR > PLSR > GA‐PLSR. A sequential procedure, which used the most frequently selected wavelengths of the GA‐PLSR runs, proved to be useful for an improved estimation of SOC and N. Overall, SVMR especially improved estimations of SOC and clay, whereas GA‐PLSR was particularly useful for SOC and N and it was the only approach which successfully estimated CEC in cross‐validation and validation.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Sewage sludge use in agriculture should be limited by the presence of metals and other persistent environmental pollutants. The present study aims to contribute for the definition of a test battery of ecotoxicological assays that allows a proper ecotoxicological characterization of sludges, providing information on their potential hazard and identified “safe” application levels. Materials and methods  Three sludges from distinct sources (urban, olive-processing, and electroplating industries) were tested using avoidance and reproduction tests with earthworms (Eisenia andrei) and springtails (Folsomia candida) and plant growth tests with turnips (Brassica rapa) and oats (Avena sativa). Different soil–sludge mixture concentrations mimicking recommended/realistic field dosages were tested. Results  Only the sludge from the electroplating industry induced an avoidance response from the earthworms (EC50 = 0.4 t/ha) and collembolans (no observed effect concentration (NOEC) = 15 t/ha). This sludge was the only sludge responsible for any effect on the reproductive output of the earthworms (EC50 = 7.74 t/ha). Regarding collembolans, none of the sludges tested caused any significant decrease in reproduction. In higher plant tests, the two industrial sludges were toxic, causing a decrease growth in both species. The EC20 values determined for B. rapa were 20.3 and 24.2 t/ha and for A. sativa 14.7 and 16.2 t/ha for sludges from olive-processing and electroplating industries, respectively. Discussion  The metal loadings of the different test sludges could partially explain the results obtained. The toxicity of the test sludge from electroplating industry observed on the tested invertebrates and plants could be explained by the high amount of total chromium from which 22.3% was in the most toxic oxidation state—Cr(VI). However, the toxicity caused by the sludge from the olive-processing industry in the test plants could be attributed to the presence of other compounds (not measured in this study) since the metal content was not high enough to induce such an effect. The absence of toxicity showed by the urban test sludge was in agreement with its low levels of metals. Conclusions  The response of the different test organisms and end points varied according to the sludge type. The urban sludge was non-toxic whereas the sludge from the electroplating industry caused a toxic effect on almost all parameters measured (avoidance behavior of both test organisms, reproduction of earthworms, and growth of both plant species). Sludge from the olive-processing industry only caused a toxic effect on growth of both plant species. By analyzing the sensitivity of the different parameters for the most toxic sludge, it was found that avoidance and reproduction were more sensitive than plant growth, whereas plant seed germination was not sensitive at all. Recommendations and perspectives  The ecotoxicological evaluation of wastes can be used as an environmental safety control of sludge use in agriculture. A tiered approach could be adopted for this purpose, incorporating avoidance tests in the first tier (screening level) and reproduction and plant growth tests in a second tier. But more evidence aiming to define the most suitable ecotoxicological test battery for specific sludges with a different contamination profile is still needed.  相似文献   

To establish critical limit in soils and plant, soil samples were collected from twenty; 12, 5 and 3 soil locations of low, medium and high boron (B) status from Madurai district of Tamil Nadu, India for pot culture experiment. Based on the results of pot culture experiment, the critical limit was determined to be 42.7 mg kg?1 for groundnut plants and 0.39 mg kg?1 in Madurai soils. Groundnut plants were highly responded to B application in soils below the critical limit whereas soils with B greater than 0.51 mg kg?1 did not respond. For the confirmation of pot culture results, a field experiment was conducted with different B treatments comprised of soil and foliar applications and results revealed that the pod yield of groundnut increased with increasing levels of B and the soil application of 20 kg ha?1 as borax has showed significantly higher pod yield in the district.  相似文献   

土壤颗粒分布参数模型对黄土性土壤的适应性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
土壤颗粒组成是土壤最基本的物理性质之一,其分布曲线可用来估算土壤的水力学性质,然而对于土壤颗粒分布曲线的完整表达需要借助于参数模型,对于不同类型的土壤,参数模型的拟合效果不尽相同.为了选择能够较好描述黄土性土壤颗粒分布状况的参数模型,该文采用了3个指标--相关系数(R),均方根误差(RMSE)和Akaike信息准则(AIC)值,对3类共10个参数模型(单参数模型2个,二参数模型6个,三参数模型2个)在黄土性土壤上的适应性进行了评价(共828个土壤颗粒分析资料).结果表明:简化的三参数Fredlund模型对黄土性土壤颗粒分布的拟合效果最好,且受质地影响较小,二参数Weibull模型次之,单参数的Jaky模型效果最差.三参数Fredlund模型是估算黄土性土壤颗粒组成的最适宜的模型.  相似文献   

地下结构的浮力多以阿基米德定律为基础进行计算,未考虑周围回填土体。该文以某地下粮仓为研究对象,考虑周围回填二八灰土的实际工况,分别进行直径为400(模型筒A)、500(模型筒B)、600 mm(模型筒C)的室内缩尺模型试验。试验包含纯水试验和回填二八灰土试验。纯水试验结果表明,以阿基米德定律计算的实际浮力与模型筒自重(包含模型筒上部约束反力所折算自重)的理论浮力基本一致,模型筒A、B、C的实际浮力与理论浮力的误差分别为0.03%、1%、3%。在回填二八灰土试验中,通过缓慢注水,利用位移计、压力传感器监测模型筒位移及模型筒上部的约束反力,分析了模型筒整个上浮过程中位移和约束反力的变化情况。位移突变值滞后于约束反力突变值,压力传感器读数发生明显变化而位移计读数未发生明显变化所测量的水位为警戒水位,压力传感器与位移计读数均发生明显变化所测量的水位为实际起浮水位。以警戒水位和实际起浮水位作为理论计算依据,得出警戒水位和实际起浮水位时模型筒自重(包含模型筒上部约束反力所折算自重)作用下理论抵抗浮力及计算所得的实际抵抗浮力。警戒水位时模型筒A、B、C实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的1.93、2.43、1.66倍。实际起浮水位时模型筒A、B、C实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的2.15、3.36、2.96倍。从安全储备方面综合考虑,回填工况地下粮仓在预警水位时实际抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的1.5倍,实际起浮水位时抵抗浮力为理论抵抗浮力的2倍,研究结果为今后地下粮仓及其他地下结构的抗浮设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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