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In this study, we performed a greenhouse experiment to investigate the effect of cow manure biochar on maize yield, nutrient uptake and physico‐chemical properties of a dryland sandy soil. Biochar was derived from dry cow manure pyrolysed at 500 °C. Cow manure biochar was mixed with a sandy soil at the rate equivalent to 0, 10, 15 and 20 t biochar per hectare. Maize was used as a test crop. Results of the study indicated that cow manure biochar contains some important plant nutrients which significantly affected the maize crop growth. Maize yield and nutrient uptake were significantly improved with increasing the biochar mixing rate. Application of biochar at 15 and 20 t/ha mixing rates significantly increased maize grain yield by 150 and 98% as compared with the control, respectively. Maize net water use efficiency (WUE) increased by 6, 139 and 91% as compared with the control, with the 10, 15 and 20 t/ha mixing rate, respectively. Nutrient uptake by maize grain was significantly increased with higher biochar applications. Application of cow manure biochar improved the field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil, as a result net WUE also increased. Results of the soil analysis after the harvesting indicated significant increase in the pH, total C, total N, Oslen‐P, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity. The results of this study indicated that application of cow manure biochar to sandy soil is not only beneficial for crop growth but it also significantly improved the physico‐chemical properties of the coarse soil.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments offer promising potential to improve soil fertility, soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yields; however, a limited research has explored these benefits of biochar in the arid and semi‐arid regions. This two‐year field study investigated the effects of Acacia tree biomass‐derived biochar, applied at 0 and 10 t ha?1 rates with farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM) and mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer combinations (100 kg P ha‐1), on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity, P use efficiency (PUE) and farm profitability. The application of biochar with organic–inorganic P fertilizers significantly increased soil P and SOC contents than the sole organic or inorganic P fertilizers. Addition of biochar and PM as 100% P source resulted in the highest soil P (104% increase over control) and SOC contents (203% higher than control). However, maize productivity and PUE were significantly higher under balanced P fertilizer (50% organic + 50% mineral fertilizer) with biochar and the increase was 110%, 94% and 170% than 100%‐FYM, 100%‐PM and 100% mineral fertilizer, respectively. Maize productivity and yield correlated significantly positively with soil P and SOC contents These positive effects were possibly due to the ability of biochar to improve soil properties, P availability from organic–inorganic fertilizers and SOC which resulted in higher PUE and maize productivity. Despite the significant positive relationship of PUE with net economic returns, biochar incorporation with PM and mineral fertilizer combination was economically profitable, whereas FYM along biochar was not profitable due to short duration of the field experiments.  相似文献   

生物炭具有改良耕层土壤理化性质和保水保肥的功效.针对华北地区农田养分利用效率低的问题,采用田间试验方法,研究了生物炭不同施用量对夏玉米生长关键期0~100 cm土壤有效态氮、磷、钾垂直分布特征及其对作物养分吸收利用的影响.试验设B0F(0 t/hm2生物炭+化肥)、B5F(5 t/hm2生物炭+化肥)、B10F(10 ...  相似文献   

为解决季节性干旱导致云南省烤烟减产的问题,开展了烟秆生物炭改善云南典型植烟土壤持水性的研究,进而为生物炭在烟叶生产中的推广应用提供依据。通过盆栽试验研究了穴施不同用量生物炭(0%、1%、4%、7%、11%干土重)对黄红壤(YR)、黄棕壤(YB)、赤红壤(LR)、水稻土(PD)和紫色土(PE)5种典型植烟土壤持水性的影响。结果表明:施用生物炭显著提升5种土壤持水性,一次浇水周期较对照延长1~5 d,对烤烟产量的影响因土壤类型而异。其中,1%~11%范围内,YR土壤持水性随着生物炭用量增加而降低,施用生物炭1%土壤持水性最好,与对照相比,烤烟生育期总补水量显著降低59.5%,土壤含水量平均下降速度显著下降50.4%,水分利用效率显著提高32.3%。但施用生物炭导致烤烟最高减产37.9%。YB土壤持水性随着生物炭用量增加呈升高趋势,施用生物炭11%最好,相比对照,烤烟生育期总补水量显著降低41.3%,水分利用效率显著提高93.3%,产量无显著提高。随着生物炭用量增加,LR土壤持水性先增加后降低,施用生物炭4%效果最好,烤烟产量和水分利用效率分别较对照显著提高46.2%和68.8%。随着生物炭用量增加,PD和PE的土壤持水性及烤烟产量呈现先增加后降低趋势,施用生物炭7%效果最佳,与对照相比,烤烟产量分别显著提高17.0%和55.6%,总补水量分别显著降低40.3%和26.8%,土壤含水量平均下降速度分别显著降低37.4%和36.5%,水分利用效率分别显著提高94.4%和121.7%。烟秆生物炭对于云南典型植烟土壤的保水效果明显,其最佳施用量视土壤类型而异。  相似文献   


Poor soil structure is the main cause of soil degradation; however, biochar the solid carbon-rich production of pyrolysis biomass could improve the soil structure. Biochar from the feed stock sawdust (SD) and corn cobs (CC) was pyrolyzed at 450?°C. Wheat was grown as a test crop and treatments were control, NPK, SDB1% (sawdust biochar), CCB1% (corn cobs biochar), SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%, SDB1%?+?½ NPK, CCB1%?+?½ NPK. The higher growth, higher grain and dry matter yield were displayed by biochar?+?NPK. The lowest pH, the higher organic matter, available P and available K were observed in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. However, the highest total N (1.43?g kg?1) was by NPK treatment. The biochar increased plant available water contents, water contents at field capacity and permanent wilting point, soil porosity and decreased bulk density. The highest stable aggregates were in SDB0.5%+CCB0.5%. Biochar application was found as a useful practice for soil sustainability  相似文献   

施用辐照处理的污水污泥对作物产量和土壤氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field experiment was conducted to study the feasibility of irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge as a fertilizer for the growth of wheat and rice. The irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge were applied at rates of 0 (CK), 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg N ha-1 for wheat, and 0 (CK), 112.5, 225, 337.5 and 450 kg N ha-1 for rice, respectively. (NH4)2SO4 at a rate of 150 kg N ha-1 for wheat, and 225 kg N ha-1 for rice were added to the control treatments. Additionally, 20 kg 15N ha-1 in the form of (NH4)2SO4 was added to each treatment for wheat to study the effect of sewage sludge on chemical nitrogen fertilizer recovery. The results showed that the irradiation of sewage sludge by gamma ray at a dosage of 5 kGy increased crop yield by 11%~27% as compared to the non-irradiated treatments. Irradiation stimulated mineralization of organic nitrogen in the sludge and improved seedling growth. It was found that addition of irradiated sludge could reduce the leaching loss of chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Both irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge could increase the content of soil total nitrogen. Based on the preliminary results, it was concluded that irradiated sewage sludge could partly substitute for chemical nitrogen fertilizer in crop production.  相似文献   

Northeast China, the important grain-producing region in China, is under threat from soil degradation because of long-term conventional tillage (CT). The adoption of conservation tillage is anticipated to restore soil fertility, maintain crop yields and enhance sustainability. However, the integrated effects of conservation tillage practice on crop yields and soil organic carbon (SOC) remain unclear. In this meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies conducted in the Northeast China region, we assess crop yields and SOC values under no-till, ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage practices. The results indicate that in areas with mean annual temperatures (MAT) below 3°C, crop yields were significantly (p < .05) higher under ridge tillage (0.8%) and subsoiling tillage (13.1%) compared with CT, whereas yields reduced under no-till (−3.7%). Ridge tillage generally had a similar effect on crop yield as no-till, without the negative impact in colder regions. We also report that no-till practice increased SOC concentrations by 24.1%, 43.9% and 17.4% in areas of higher temperature (MAT > 6°C), low mean annual precipitation (MAP) (<500 mm) and continuous cropping conditions, respectively. Ridge tillage and subsoiling tillage also had positive effects on SOC concentrations (to a lesser degree than no-till), indicating that conservation tillage can enhance SOC in Northeast China. Overall, the implementation of different conservation tillage measures in Northeast China was found to enhance crop yields and sequester carbon. We recommend that ridge tillage is used in colder areas and that subsoiling tillage is used in rotation with other tillage measures to maintain crop yields.  相似文献   

劣质水灌溉对土壤盐碱化及作物产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19  
长期的劣质水灌溉将导致土壤潜在的次生盐碱化。通过在以色列的大田试验,分析了劣质水灌溉对浅埋地下水位条件下土壤盐碱动态和作物产量的影响。试验在安装有暗管排水系统的试验田中进行。试验田土壤为粉砂粘土,种植有饲料玉米(Zea mays L.)。试验结果显示,高盐碱地下水的侧向运动和蒸发形成了试验田南半部和北半部土壤中盐碱度分布的巨大差异。在试验条件下,0~1.2 m土壤中的盐分在整个玉米生长期内平均增加了7.5%,碱度增大了19.6%。作物产量和植株高度与土壤含盐量成反比,籽粒产量受影响最为严重。利用冬季的降雨淋洗土壤盐分是维持本地区灌溉农业持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

变量施肥对玉米产量及土壤养分影响的试验   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
采用自主开发设计的基于GPS和GIS技术的自动变量施肥系统,于2003、2004年间进行了玉米种植条件下变量施肥田间试验。与相邻传统施肥地块相比,变量施肥在一定程度上增加了玉米产量,在合理控制化肥用量的情况下,可以达到既减少投入又增加产量的目的。土壤养分分析结果表明:两年试验前后,变量区与传统施肥区土壤中的碱解氮含量均有所增长,但变量区碱解氮含量的变异系数较传统区减少;变量区和传统施肥区速效磷的含量都有所下降,且变量区较传统区下降明显,变异系数减少;速效钾含量均增加,增加幅度基本一致,但变量区变异系数下降。说明变量施肥具有一定均衡土壤养分的作用。  相似文献   

Biochar application can improve soil properties, such as increasing soil organic carbon content, soil pH and water content. These properties are important to soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC); however, the effects of biochar on DOC concentration and composition have received little research attention, especially several years after biochar application under field conditions. This study was conducted in a long‐term experimental field where the biochar was only applied once in 2009. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of different biochar application rates (0, 30, 60 and 90 t ha?1) on the dynamics of soil water content, DOC concentration and DOC compositions (reducing sugar, soluble phenol and aromatics) over nine samplings during a 12‐month period in 2014. Our results showed that soil water content and DOC concentration varied from 7.1% to 14.5% and 59 to 230 mg C kg?1 soil during the 12 months, respectively. However, the biochar application rates did not significantly (p > 0.05) affect soil water content, DOC concentration and DOC composition at the same sampling period. The DOC concentration across the biochar treatments was positively correlated to soil water content. Moreover, the DOC composition (reducing sugar, soluble phenol or aromatics) and their concentrations were positively correlated to the total DOC concentration. In addition, biochar did not affect soil bulk density, pH, saturated hydraulic conductivity and crop yields. The results indicated that some benefits of biochar to soil may not persist 5 years after the application of biochar under a field condition.  相似文献   

秸秆生物炭配施氮肥对潮土土壤碳氮含量及作物产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
【目的】探讨玉米秸秆生物炭配施氮肥对华北潮土区土壤理化特性和作物产量的影响,阐明土壤和植株对生物炭和氮肥施用的响应,旨在为该区域秸秆资源高效利用、培肥土壤及作物增产提供科学依据。【方法】以华北冬小麦–夏玉米轮作区为研究对象,研究玉米秸秆生物炭 (缺氧条件下 450℃ 热裂解 1 小时获得) 配施氮肥对土壤养分含量、微生物量以及作物产量的影响。试验采用裂区设计,以秸秆生物炭施用量为主区,施氮量为副区。秸秆生物炭用量设 0、7.5 和 22.5 t/hm2 3 个水平 (以 BC0、BC7.5、BC22.5 表示);氮肥用量设 0、150、225 和 300 kg/hm2 4 个水平 (以 N0、N150、N225、N300 表示)。小麦在 2014 年 10 月 9 日播种,次年 6 月 8 日收获;玉米在 2015 年 6 月 10 日播种,当年 9 月 28 日收获。在作物成熟期进行产量测定,并采集 0—20 cm 土壤样品以及采用常规方法进行土壤有机碳 (SOC)、全氮 (TN)、可溶性有机碳 (DOC)、铵态氮 (NH4+-N)、硝态氮 (NO3–-N)、土壤微生物量碳 (MBC) 和微生物量氮 (MBN) 的测定。【结果】生物炭对土壤养分含量、微生物量碳氮及作物产量有极显著影响。生物炭用量增加,土壤 SOC、TN、DOC、NO3–-N 含量以及土壤 SOC/TN 比值均显著增加,较 BC0 最大增加幅度分别为 165.0%、74.1%、39.1%、75.1% 和 44.0%。MBC、MBN 含量和作物产量均以 BC7.5 处理达最大值,较 BC0 最大增加幅度分别为 49.2%、57.6% 和 46.1%,BC22.5 较 BC7.5 处理平均降低 12.1%、7.3% 和 9.7%;施用生物炭降低 NH4+-N 含量,BC7.5 和 BC22.5 处理较 BC0 分别下降 18.4% 和 23.7%。随着氮肥施用量的增加,SOC、DOC、NH4+-N、MBC、MBN 含量均先增后减,在施氮水平为 150 kg/hm2 时,其含量均达最大值,较 N0 最大增加幅度分别为 29.7%、22.9%、44.8%、79.4% 和 115.3%。所有施氮的处理作物产量较 N0 均显著增加,而三个施氮处理间其产量差异不显著 (P>0.05)。【结论】在维持作物产量不降低的情况下,短期内 N150BC7.5 处理对提升土壤肥力的效果最佳,是较为理想的施肥方式,但其有效机制及长期效果还需进一步试验研究。  相似文献   

有机-无机肥长期配施对潮土土壤肥力和作物产量的影响   总被引:46,自引:8,他引:46  
以24年(19812~004年)的肥料长期定位试验为基础,分析探讨了有机-无机肥长期配施对潮土土壤肥力和作物产量的影响。研究结果表明,除增施秸秆外,增施化肥也能提高土壤有机质的含量,但同时增施化肥和秸秆更有利于土壤有机质的积累。在提高有机质复合量方面,施用化肥的效果好于施用秸秆,而有机-无机肥结合效果较单一施用秸秆或化肥都要高;随秸秆或化肥施用量的增加有机质的复合度逐渐降低,但有机-无机肥结合施用可以提高有机质的复合度。有机-无机结合有利于改善土壤的物理性状,降低了土壤容重,提高了土壤田间持水量和饱和含水量,增加了土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙。单施秸秆肥和单施化肥均有显著的增产效应,而化肥的增产幅度远远大于秸秆肥,有机-无机结合的增产幅度在同等施肥量下较单独施用秸秆或化肥的产量都要高。结果表明,有机-无机结合较单一施用秸秆肥或化肥能更有效地提高潮土的土壤肥力,提高作物产量。  相似文献   

冷凉地区不同耕作措施对土壤环境和作物生长发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过不同耕作措施的实施,比较其对玉米种植地土壤水分、土壤温度、玉米生长发育及产量的影响,从而探讨不同的耕作方式在旱作农业试验区的适宜性。结果表明:不同的保护性耕作措施均可提高土壤水分含量,其中留茬旋耕处理的土壤贮水量最高,达(4.542±0.894)×105L/hm2;在玉米播种前期及苗期,免耕覆盖处理降低土壤温度1~2℃,而整个生育期留茬旋耕处理与传统耕作处理的土壤温度相近;苗期,留茬旋耕处理的玉米株高、根长、鲜重和干重均优于其它处理,促进了玉米的生长发育;不同的保护性耕作措施均可提高玉米的产量,与传统耕作相比可增产4.01%~22.1%。整秆还田和留茬旋耕处理玉米产量较高,两者之间差异不显著。综合考虑不同耕作措施的效应,留茬旋耕处理比整秆还田处理更适宜于冷凉地区的推广、应用。  相似文献   

在皖南酸性红黄壤旱地上进行了为期三年的定位试验,以探讨施用白云石改良土壤的效果。研究结果表明:施用白云石能显著地促进作物的生长发育和提高产量,小麦增产11.6%~13.4%,油菜增产9.4%~27.2%,红豆增产21.9%~49.7%,玉米增产10.9%~44.6%,黄豆增产6.6%~29.8%,其增产后效与使用量成显著正相关。施用白云石粉处理三年六季作物累计增加的纯收入为2511.6~5376.8元/hm2,产投比为27.9~12.4∶1。从作物的产量效应和经济效益评价来看,适宜的白云石粉施用量为1100~1600kg/hm2。  相似文献   

Little information is available regarding the effect of sewage sludge biochar on soil properties and crop yield. Thus, our objective was to evaluate the effect of sewage sludge (S) and its biochar (B) on maize shoot yield, nutrients and heavy metals uptake in two calcareous soils. The amendments were applied at the rates of 0, 10, 20 and 40 Mg ha?1. Moreover, NK treatment was included to compare the effects of S and B with conventional fertilization. At harvest time, plant shoots and soil samples were collected for yield, nutrients uptake and chemical analyses. The highest shoot dry matter was obtained in the S treatment. The B application in the clay loam and loam soils resulted in 5.2% increment and 17.7% decrement of shoot dry matter relative to the control, respectively. Shoot dry matter in the NK treatment was significantly higher than in the control. B application decreased Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu and Pb uptake by maize shoot. DTPA-extractable Pb in B-amended soils was lower than in control, while an inverse trend was obtained for available Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. Biochar application at the rate of 7.3 Mg ha?1 might be suggested for maize cultivation in clay loam soils.  相似文献   

以长期定位试验为基础,设置7个紫云英和化肥施用配比试验处理,以探索施用绿肥情况下减施化肥对土壤养分、持水和供水能力的影响。结果表明:在翻压紫云英条件下,即使不施化肥土壤氮也可基本得到满足,应适量施用化学钾肥,必须合理施用磷肥,以保证土壤全量和速效养分得到平衡和持续供给,化肥施用量减少未显著降低水稻产量;土壤持水、供水能力在处理间的趋势表现为:紫云英+40%化肥紫云英+60%化肥紫云英+80%化肥、紫云英+100%化肥单施100%化肥、单施紫云英CK,与CK相比,其它6个处理田间持水量提高了1.6%~15.4%,有效含水量增幅更大,平均提高1.5%~30.5%,说明紫云英化肥配施能显著提高土壤的持水、供水能力,且化肥施用量越少效果越好,而单施化肥或单施紫云英效果有限。因此,紫云英施用量一定时(22 500 kg/hm~2),化肥施用量应减少至40%甚至更低。  相似文献   

为提高甘肃河西绿洲粮食高产、稳产、高效生产能力及土壤养分资源管理水平,通过设置于甘肃河西绿洲长达25年(19822~006年)的长期肥料定位试验,研究长期施肥对作物产量及土壤养分供给能力的影响。结果表明:连续25年不施用任何肥料或单施氮肥,会导致农田土壤生产能力严重衰退;氮、磷或氮、磷、钾肥配合施用能使作物持续高产、稳产;随试验年限的延续,磷肥、有机肥增产效应逐渐积累,并表现出良好的渐进性和持续性;钾肥在试验开始后最初6年(19821~987年)无显著增产效应,中期具有一定的增产作用(19881~992年),后期14年(19932~006年)显著增产。土壤磷素自然供给能力随试验年限的延续逐渐减小,而钾素的自然供给能力相对稳定。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study soil properties, soil enzymes activities, water use efficiency (WUE) and crop productivity after six years of soya bean straw mulching in the semi‐arid conditions of China. The experiment included four treatments: CK (Control), N (240 kg N ha‐1), H (soya bean straw mulching at half rate 700 kg ha‐1 with 240 kg N ha‐1) and F (soya bean straw mulching at full rate 1,400 kg ha‐1 with 240 kg N ha‐1). Soil organic carbon (SOC), soil labile organic carbon (LOC), soil available N (AN), available P (AP) and enzyme activities were analysed after wheat harvesting in 2016 and 2017. Results show that straw amounts had positive effects on the soil fertility indices being higher for treatment F. The SOC, LOC, AN, AP and enzyme activities (i.e. saccharase, urease and alkaline phosphatase) were in the order of F > H > N > CK. High wheat grain yield and WUE were observed for F treatment. A total of six years mulching along with 240 kg ha‐1 nitrogen fertilizer application is sufficient for wheat yield stability and improving soil properties except urease activities in the semi‐arid condition of China. However, the straw mulching amount should be further studied with minimum nitrogen fertilizer for an environment‐friendly and effective approach for improving the soil biological properties with adequate crop production on a sustainable basis in the semi‐arid region of China.  相似文献   

在模拟精度验证基础上,应用WinEPIC模型模拟研究了黄土高原旱塬地1957―1998年期间不同施肥水平下麦玉轮作方式“春玉米→春玉米→冬小麦→冬小麦→冬小麦→冬小麦”的产量变化和土壤水分效应。模拟结果表明:1)无肥、低肥、中肥和高肥处理下,麦玉轮作方式的模拟产量均呈现波动性降低趋势,其平均值分别为1.573、3.272、3.877和4.318 t/hm2,其适宜的施肥量范围为N 90~120 kg/hm2、P 30~60 kg/hm2;2)4种施肥处理下,麦玉轮作田逐月土壤有效含水量均呈现波动性降低趋势,平均每年分别减少8.5、10.3、12.3和12.0 mm,无肥、低肥和中肥处理间土壤有效含水量差异十分显著;3)在模拟初期(1957―1962)出现了土壤湿度逐年降低、土壤干层逐年加厚的干燥化过程,在模拟中后期(1975―1980,1993―1998)均出现了稳定的土壤干层,无肥和低肥处理土壤干层分布于2―3和2―4 m土层,中肥和高肥肥处理均分布于2―5 m土层,表现出随肥力和作物产量水平的提高,土壤干层厚度逐渐加深。  相似文献   

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