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As repeatedly reported, soil flooding improves the availability of P to rice. This is in contrast with an increased P sorption in paddy soils. The effects of soil flooding on the transformation of Fe oxides and the adsorption/desorption of P of two paddy soils of Zhejiang Province in Southeast‐China were studied in anaerobic incubation experiments (submerging with water in N2 atmosphere). Soil flooding significantly increased oxalate‐extractable Fe (Feox), mainly at the expense of dithionite‐soluble Fe (FeDCB), as well as oxalate‐extractable P (Pox), but decreased the ratio of Pox/Feox. Flooding largely increased both, P adsorption and the maximum P adsorption capacity. The majority of newly sorbed P in the soils was Pox, but also more newly retained P was found to be not extractable by oxalate. Flooding also changed the characteristics of P desorption in the soils. Due to a decrease of the saturation index of the P sorption capacity, P adsorbed by flooded soils was much less desorbable than that from non‐flooded soils. There are obviously significant differences in the nature of both, the Feox and Pox fractions under non‐flooded and flooded conditions. The degree of the changes in Feox, Pox, P adsorption and P desorption by flooding depended on the contents of amorphous and total Fe oxides in non‐flooded soils. Our results confirm that the adsorption and desorption behavior of P in paddy soils is largely controlled by the transformation of the Fe oxides. The reasons of the often‐reported improved P availability to rice induced by flooding, in spite of the unfavorable effect on P desorbability, are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term P Fertiliser application increases soil phosphorus (P) labile fractions, which can be associated with crop P uptake and grain yield and are useful to improve fertilizer recommendations. Research aims were to evaluate in long-term experiments with different P Fertiliser application in a Mollisol and a Vertisol: (a) the changes of soil P fractions and (b) the relationship between soil P fractions with long-term P Fertiliser application, with accumulated apparent P budget, grain P, total P uptake, soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.) and maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield. Soil P fractions were measured after 1 and 9 year since the beginning of the long-term experiments. Experiments included an initial Fertiliser application rate of 200 kg P ha−1 and annual P Fertiliser application rate of 36 kg P ha−1. Bray1-P, total, organic, and inorganic P in fine (<53 μm) and coarse (>53 μm) (CF) soil fractions, and in NaHCO3 extract were measured. Initial P Fertiliser application increased inorganic and total P fractions. However, Bray1-P, total P in NaHCO3 extract and in the CF were the fractions that most increased with continuous long-term P Fertiliser application in both sites. In the Mollisol, maize grain yield was unrelated to long-term P Fertiliser application. In the Vertisol, total P in NaHCO3 extract, and total and organic P in the CF were more closely related to soybean grain yield than Bray1-P. We proposed soil P indices of labile inorganic and organic P that showed close relationships with soybean grain yield and may be useful to improve the diagnosis of P soil fertility.  相似文献   

The concern that climate change may increase fire frequency and intensity has recently heightened the interest in the effects of wildfires on ecosystem functioning. Although short-term fire effects on forest soils are well known, less information can be found on the long-term effects of wildfires on soil fertility. Our objective was to study the 17-year effect of wildfires on forest net mineralization rates and extractable inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. We hypothesize that (1) burned forest stands should exhibit lower net mineralization rates than unburned ones; (2) these differences would be greatest during the growing season; (3) differences between soil variables might also be observed among plots from different years since the last fire; and (4) due to fire-resistant geochemical processes controlling P availability, this nutrient should recover faster than N. We used a wildfire chronosequence of natural and unmanaged Pinus canariensis forests in La Palma Island (Canary Islands). Soil samples were collected during winter and spring at 22 burned and unburned plots. We found significantly higher values for net N mineralization and extractable N pools in unburned plots. These differences were higher for the winter sampling date than for the spring sampling date. Unlike extractable N and N mineralization rates, extractable P levels of burned plots exhibited a gradual recovery over time after an initial decrease. These results demonstrate that P. canariensis forest soils showed low resilience after wildfires, especially for N, and that this disturbance might induce long-term changes in ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

A major challenge in sustainable crop management is to ensure adequate P supply for crops, while minimizing losses of P that could negatively impact water quality. The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of long‐term applications of different levels of mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure on (1) the availability of P, (2) the relationship between soil C, N, and P, and (3) the distribution of inorganic and organic P in size fractions obtained by wet sieving. Soil samples were taken from the top 20 cm of a long‐term (29 y) fertilization trial on a sandy Cambisol near Darmstadt, SW Germany. Plant‐available P, determined with the CAL method, was little affected by fertilization treatment (p < 0.05) and was low to optimal. The concentration of inorganic and organic P extracted with a NaOH‐EDTA solution (PNaOH‐EDTA) averaged about 350 mg (kg dry soil)–1, with 42% being in the organic form (Po). Manure application tended to increase soil C, N, and Po concentrations by 8%, 9%, and 5.6%, respectively. Across all treatments, the C : N : Po ratio was 100 : 9.5 : 2 and was not significantly affected by the fertilization treatments. Aggregate formation was weak due to the low clay and organic‐matter content of the soil, and the fractions > 53 μm consisted predominantly of sand grains. The different fertilization treatments had little effect on the distribution of size fractions and their C, N, and P contents. In the fractions > 53 μm, PNaOH‐EDTA ranged between 200 and 300 mg kg–1, while it reached 1260 mg kg–1 in the fraction < 53 μm. Less than one third of PNaOH‐EDTA was present as Po in the fractions > 53 μm, while Po accounted for 70% of PNaOH‐EDTA in the smallest fraction (< 53 μm). Therefore, 16% and 28% of PNaOH‐EDTA and Po, respectively, were associated with the smallest fraction, even though this fraction accounted for < 5% of the soil mass. Therefore, runoff may cause higher P losses than the soil P content suggests in this sandy soil with a weak aggregate formation. Overall, the results indicate that manure and mineral fertilizer had similar effects on soil P fractions.  相似文献   

Effect of 19 years of different tillage (direct drilled vs. conventional tillage) and stubble management (stubble retained vs. burnt) on soil carbon fractions were studied in a red earth, an Oxic Paleustalf at Wagga Wagga, NSW. The changes in carbon fractions were related to observed changes in soil structural stability and nitrogen availability. Significant differences in total organic carbon (TOC) were detected to 0.20 m depth, but the largest differences existed in the top 0.05 m where a difference of 8.0 g/kg (equivalent to 5.2 t ha−1) was found between the extreme treatments (direct drilled/stubble retained (DD/SR) vs. conventional cultivation/stubble burnt (CC/SB)). Tillage had a much greater effect in reducing total carbon than stubble burning accounting for 80% of the total difference between the extreme treatments in 0–0.05 m layer. Tillage and stubble burning resulted in lower levels of different organic carbon fractions with tillage preferentially reducing the particulate organic carbon (POC) (>53 μm) (both free and associated POCs), whereas stubble burning reduced the incorporated organic carbon (<53 μm). We also found that tillage and stubble burning both significantly lowered the water stability of aggregate >2 mm, whereas stubble burning was related to the reduction of water stability of aggregates <50 μm. Furthermore, tillage was related to the decline in mineralisable nitrogen (MN) due to the loss of POC, especially the free POC fraction. POC was a more sensitive indicator of soil quality changes under different tillage and stubble management than TOC.  相似文献   

Accumulation of phosphorus (P) in agricultural topsoils can contribute to leaching of P which may cause eutrophication of surface waters. An understanding of P mobilization processes in the plough layer is needed to improve agricultural management strategies. We compare leaching of total dissolved and particulate P through the plough layer of a typical Danish sandy loam soil subjected to three different P fertilizer regimes in a long‐term field experiment established in 1975. The leaching experiment used intact soil columns (20 cm diameter, 20 cm high) during unsaturated conditions. The three soils had small to moderate labile P contents, expressed by water‐extractable P (3.6–10.7 mg/kg), Olsen P (11–28 mg/kg) and degree of P saturation (DPS) (25–34%). Mobilization of total dissolved P (TDP) increased significantly (P < 0.05) from the intact soil columns with increasing labile P, whereas the increase in particulate P (PP) with increasing labile P content was modest and statistically insignificant. We found concentrations up to 1.5 mg TP/L for the plough layer of this typical Danish sandy loam soil. This highlights that even a moderate labile P content can be a potential source of TDP from the plough layer, and that a lower concentration margin of optimum agronomic P levels should be considered.  相似文献   


The effects of combining the Bray 1 extracting solution with ammonium chloride (NH4C1) for simultaneous extraction of P and K were studied in several experiments. For pooled data from the experiments in which the Bray 1 solution containing 0.5 mol L‐1 NH4C1 was used, the relationship between the amounts of P and K extracted by the combined solution (PC and KC)and the amounts extracted separately by Bray 1 (PR) and 1 N neutral NH4OAc (KR) are given by PC = 2 + 0.906 PR, r = 0.988 and Kc = 14 + 1.033 KR, r = 0.944. Variations were observed in different experiments when the concentration of NH4C1 and the conditions of the experiment were varied.  相似文献   

Determining how agricultural management practices affect soil phosphorus(P) over the winter may further our understanding of the soil P cycle under specific environmental conditions in eastern Canada. This study assessed changes over winter for soil P fractions and other selected chemical properties as affected by tillage and P fertilization. In 1992, a long-term corn(Zea mays L.) and soybean(Glycine max L.) rotational experiment was established in the province of Quebec, Canada. Soil samples(0–15 cm) were collected in fall 2001 and 2007 after a soybean harvest, and in the following spring 2002 and 2008 before corn seeding, in main plots under moldboard plow and no-till managements and selected subplots fertilized with 0, 17.5, or 35 kg P ha-1and 160 kg N ha-1. Soil samples were analyzed for P fractions and other chemical properties to assess changes over winter for 2001–2002 and 2007–2008. Changes over winter of all soil P fractions were significant for the two periods, indicating the occurrence of soil P transformation and movement over winter. The Mehlich-3-extractable Fe, Al, Ca, and Mg decreased during the two studied periods. Tillage had no significant effect on all soil P fractions. The resin-extractable P in 2001–2002 and Na HCO3-extractable inorganic P and Na OH-extractable organic P during the two winters were significantly increased under P fertilization. This study demonstrated that P in cultivated soils changed during winter as a result of changes in labile P fractions possibly due to the solubilization of residual fertilizer P combined with environmental factors.  相似文献   

The bioavailability and stability of organic phosphorus (P) in the soil may be affected by exogenous phytase (EPase) activity and distribution, but remain poorly understood. The distribution of EPase activity and hydrolysis ability of EPase on organic P in soil solid‐liquid phases was investigated. The EPase addition to soil suspension (1:20, w/v) from three soil types (red soil, brown soil, and cinnamon soil) under three treatments (untreated soil, removing clay from soil, and removing organic matter from soil) with different characters in the solution and solid phases was assayed. The results showed that the disappearance pattern of EPase activity from solution was similar for all soils, whereas the enzyme activity on the solid phase was dependent on soil types and treatments with the greatest in red soil and untreated soil. When EPase was added to soils, the adsorption ratio of organic matter and clay was 10 to 25% and 3 to 7%, respectively, with sorption capacity of organic matter being significantly (p < 0.05) stronger than that of clay. Additionally, soil dehydrogenase activity, which is the indicator of overall soil microbial activities, increased after EPase addition and the two enzymes showed significant negative relation in the soil suspension and solution. At the same time, the organic P decreased significantly (p < 0.05) after the addition of EPase in the soil solid, which had a varied rate under –40% after incubating 192 h, whereas organic P in the solution phase increased significantly (p < 0.05). This study demonstrated that organic matter had a strong protective and adsorptive effect on EPase effectiveness and microbes mightbe directly affect EPase longevity and decay. This finding suggests that EPase activity in the solid phase played a more important role in organic P hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Invasions by alien plants can alter biogeochemical cycles in recipient ecosystems. We test if Early Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) alters P fractions. To that end, we compare invaded plots and adjacent, uninvaded resident vegetation for specific fractions of organic and inorganic P, phosphomonoesterase (PME) activity in topsoil, and immobilization of P in above‐ and belowground organs and in soil microbial biomass. Invaded plots had lower soil pH and 20%–30% higher labile P fractions (resin‐Pi, bicarb‐Pi, NaOH‐Pi), and the difference was consistent across seasons. There was no difference in microbial P. Alkaline‐PME activity was 30% lower in topsoil of invaded plots. Annual P uptake in aboveground phytomass was not markedly higher in Solidago. In contrast, P in belowground organs steadily increased in autumn in invaded plots, due to both increased biomass and increased P concentrations. This indicated higher net P immobilization in Solidago, far in excess of both resorption from senescing shoots and P requirements for aboveground biomass in subsequent year. Higher turnover rates of P in belowground organs and mobilization of sparingly soluble P forms through rhizosphere acidification may be involved in the observed differences in soil P status between invaded and uninvaded plots.  相似文献   

Model calculations were made in order to quantify the effect of carboxylate excretion on phosphate (P) uptake by a single root. The uptake of chemically mobilized P increased exponentially with increasing concentration of adsorbed citrate or oxalate in soil because of the exponential relationship between adsorbed carboxylate and the solubilizing effect of carboxylate on P. The effect of local citrate excretion compared with uniform citrate excretion along the whole root was also calculated. Local exudation increased the uptake of chemically mobilized P because the higher concentration of citrate increases the solubilization of P. Additionally the effect of citrate excretion by root clusters e.g. proteoid roots was evaluated. Uptake of chemically mobilized P by root clusters was much higher than that of single roots, especially if the ratio of P buffering to citrate buffering was high. This is often the case in P fixing soils where by definition P buffering is high and citrate buffering is low because of the short time of reaction between root excreted citrate and rhizosphere soil. The reason for the superiority of cluster roots lies in the fact that most of the mobilized P is transported away from a single root to be absorbed by neighbouring roots in the clusters. This phenomenon demonstrates the strong ecological significance of cluster roots in relation to nutrient mobilization. The calculations on the effect of oxalate excretion by sugar beet roots on the uptake of mobilized P show that under P fixing conditions the influx of mobilized P will exceed that of P transported by diffusion to the root surface by a factor of 1.5—6.0.  相似文献   

Within different land‐use systems such as agriculture, forestry, and fallow, the different morphology and physiology of the plants, together with their specific management, lead to a system‐typical set of ecological conditions in the soil. The response of total, mobile, and easily available C and N fractions, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities involved in C and N cycling to different soil management was investigated in a sandy soil at a field study at Riesa, Northeastern Germany. The management systems included agricultural management (AM), succession fallow (SF), and forest management (FM). Samples of the mineral soil (0—5, 5—10, and 10—30 cm) were taken in spring 1999 and analyzed for their contents on organic C, total N, NH4+‐N and NO3‐N, KCl‐extractable organic C and N fractions (Corg(KCl) and Norg(KCl)), microbial biomass C and N, and activities of β‐glucosidase and L‐asparaginase. With the exception of Norg(KCl), all investigated C and N pools showed a clear relationship to the land‐use system that was most pronounced in the 0—5 cm profile increment. SF resulted in greater contents of readily available C (Corg(KCl)), NH4+‐N, microbial biomass C and N, and enzyme activities in the uppermost 5 cm of the soil compared to all other systems studied. These differences were significant at P ≤ 0.05 to P ≤ 0.001. Comparably high Cmic:Corg ratios of 2.4 to 3.9 % in the SF plot imply a faster C and N turnover than in AM and FM plots. Forest management led to 1.5‐ to 2‐fold larger organic C contents compared to SF and AM plots, respectively. High organic C contents were coupled with low microbial biomass C (78 μg g—1) and N contents (10.7 μg g—1), extremely low Cmic : Corg ratios (0.2—0.6 %) and low β‐glucosidase (81 μg PN g—1 h—1) and L‐asparaginase (7.3 μg NH4‐N g—1 2 h—1) activities. These results indicate a severe inhibition of mineralization processes in soils under locust stands. Under agricultural management, chemical and biological parameters expressed medium values with exception for NO3‐N contents which were significantly higher than in SF and FM plots (P ≤ 0.005) and increased with increasing soil depth. Nevertheless, the depth gradient found for all studied parameters was most pronounced in soils under SF. Microbial biomass C and N were correlated to β‐glucosidase and L‐asparaginase activity (r ≥ 0.63; P ≤ 0.001). Furthermore, microbial biomass and enzyme activities were related to the amounts of readily mineralizable organic C (i.e. Corg(KCl)) with r ≥ 0.41 (P ≤ 0.01), suggesting that (1) KCl‐extractable organic C compounds from field‐fresh prepared soils represent an important C source for soil microbial populations, and (2) that microbial biomass is an important source for enzymes in soil. The Norg(KCl) pool is not necessarily related to the size of microbial biomass C and N and enzyme activities in soil.<?show $6#>  相似文献   

We analyzed in soils with contrasting cultivation histories the depletion of P following sequential extractions with soil testing solutions. Soil samples were collected in three experiments in eastern Canada (L’Acadie, Lévis, and Normandin) and P was sequentially extracted 16 times, once daily, using Mehlich-3 (M3) or Olsen (Ol) solution. The cumulative amount of P extracted was 252 mg PM3 kg?1 and 77 mg kg?1 POl for L’Acadie, 212 mg PM3 kg?1 and 66 mg POl kg?1 for Lévis, and 424 mg PM3 kg?1 and 83 mg POl kg?1 for Normandin. The depletion of P was described by a logarithmic function (Y = a ln (N+ b) for PM3, and a power function (Y = αNβ) for POl. The inorganic P pool decreased in the three soils. The organic P pool did not decrease possibly because soil testing solutions did not directly extract P from this pool. This study demonstrated that laboratory soil testing analysis using M3 or Ol solution principally target P from the inorganic pool, suggesting that P fertilizer recommendations to mineral soils relying on these methods do not account for the potential of the organic P pool to contribute to soil P availability.  相似文献   

The nitrogen content of humic and fulvic acid fractions recovered in parallel with sodium hydroxide and a mixture of sodium hydroxide and sodium pyrophosphate from a volcanic soil under pine was determined. Despite minor differences for some horizons, the values found by the two methods were similar. Furthermore, the ratio between the N contents in the humic and fulvic acid fractions (Nh : Nf) was independent of the nature of the extractant. This fact and the facility of the determination suggest investigating if the Nh: Nf ratio can be used as indicator for the quality of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The dynamic of different soil C and N fractions in a Cambisol under succession fallow was investigated from June 1996 until May 2001. Mineral soil samples (0 – 10 and 10 – 30 cm) were analyzed for their concentrations of organic C (Corg), total N (Nt), hot water extractable C and N (HWC and HWN), and KCl extractable C and N (Corg(KCl), Norg(KCl), NH4+‐N, NO3‐N). The values of all C and N fractions revealed a distinct depth gradient. While the concentrations of Corg increased after set aside significantly from 7.7 to 8.9 g kg–1 at 0 – 10 cm, those at 10 – 30 cm depth decreased from 7.2 to 6.1 g kg–1. Nt remained rather constant throughout the whole observation period. The HWC concentrations increased from 0.33 to 0.49 g kg–1, while HWN decreased slightly at 0 – 10 cm with time. In contrast, both HWC and HWN increased at 10 – 30 cm soil depth. HWC showed close significant correlations to Corg, and HWN to Nt as well as to NH4+‐N and NO3‐N, respectively. In comparison to hot water‐extractable C and N, Corg(KCl) and Norg(KCl) accounted only about one tenth of those and showed a decreasing trend with time of succession. C : N ratio of the KCl fraction was in the same order of magnitude as the HWC : HWN ratio, except the last phase of the experiment where hot water extract values increased above 10.  相似文献   

The content of soil organic matter (SOM) can be considered as an important factor for evaluating soil fertility, crop yields, and environmental effects. Sensitive measurements for the assessment of quantitative changes in SOM shortly after the conversion of the management practice would be helpful to understand the SOM‐transformation cycle in more detail. Changes in SOM are reflected in modifications of total organic‐carbon (TOC) and total organic‐nitrogen (TON) contents. They are initially detectable in the readily decomposable fraction. We used hot water–extractable carbon (HWC) and nitrogen (HWN) as measurement of labile pools of SOM and aimed to quantify changes in contents of these C and N fractions in a sandy soil already few years after changing management strategy. In this context, we examined the impact of the conversion of a succession fallow (F) to organic (O) and intensive (I) agriculture on TOC, total N (TN), HWC, and HWN. The conversion of succession fallow to cultivated land resulted in a significant decrease of TOC, TN, and HWC at 0–10 cm soil depth. On average, TOC decreased approx. 0.70 g C kg–1 (approx. 9% of initial TOC), TN decreased approx. 0.13 g N kg–1 (approx. 17% of initial TN), and HWC decreased approx. 0.05 g C kg–1 (approx. 12% of initial HWC) within 3 years. Relatively rapid changes in TOC and TN contents indicated comparatively high proportions of decomposable C and N. These were reflected in comparable high HWC (ranging from 0.37 to 0.59 g C kg–1 at 0–30 cm soil depth) and HWN (ranging from 0.04 to 0.10 g N kg–1 at 0–30 cm) contents. These high contents as well as the high HWC : TOC and organic hot water–extractable N (HWNorg) : TN ratios (both between 5% and 7%) implied that the soil investigated has a high ability to provide short‐term available organic C and N compounds. Long‐lasting applications of high quantities of organic fertilizer in the past and high quantities of rhizodepositions were assumed as reasons for the high capability of soil to provide short‐term to medium‐term available C and N. Changes in the HWN content due to the fertilization or crop rotation were mainly based on changes in its inorganic part. This ranged between 10% and 30% of HWN. By discriminant function analysis, it could be shown that the HWN represents a suitably sensitive measurement for the determination of management‐specific impacts in terms of the N, but also of the C cycle. In combination with other C and particularly with other N parameters, the HWN allowed a statistically significant separation of comparable sites varying in management practice already 2 years after the conversion of the management system.  相似文献   

Different land use and management actions can affect soil aggregates (SAs) and nutrient stocks, which are crucial for sustainable agriculture. The impacts of various chrono-sequences on the soil aggregate structure, soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrients associated with aggregate fractions in wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) plantations are still not fully understood. This study examined the composition and stability of SAs, SOC, total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP) and exchangeable cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) in bulk soil and various aggregate-size fractions from five wolfberry plantations with varying ages (1, 4, 6, 10 and 13 years) and a corn field (0 years) in the arid region of northwest Ningxia in China. The results indicated that silt–clay (<53 μm) fractions were dominant in the soil, accounting for 51%–66%, under different plantation ages. The proportion of the macro-aggregates (>250 μm) increased significantly, by 40%–47%, over the 4 years of wolfberry plantation. Likewise, the soil aggregate stability was improved, and total exchangeable bases (TEB) along with numerous cations concentrations (K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) in SAs were significantly reduced as the wolfberry plantings became older. Both concentrations of SOC and TN in the soil aggregates peaked in the 13th year. The silt–clay fractions stored a considerable amount of SOC and nutrients. However, short-term (under 6 years) cultivation of wolfberry reduced the stocks of SOC, TN and AP in the soil, while long-term (over 10 years) cultivation increased them, particularly in macro-aggregates. These findings indicated that long-term wolfberry farming had several advantages, such as enhancing soil structure, accumulating SOC and nutrients and ameliorating alkaline soils, especially after 10 years, in the arid northwest of China.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) and phosphorus (P) fractions play a key role in sustaining the productivity of acid-savanna oxisols and are greatly influenced by tillage practices. In 1993, a long-term experiment on sustainable crop rotation and ley farming systems was initiated on a Colombian acid-savanna oxisol to test the effects of grain legumes, green manures, intercrops and leys as possible components that could increase the stability of systems involving annual cereal crops. Five agropastoral treatments (maize monoculture—MMO, maize–soybean rotation—MRT, maize–soybean green manure rotation—MGM, native savanna control—NSC and maize-agropastoral rotation—MAP) under two tillage systems (no till-NT and minimum tillage-MT) were investigated. The effects of NT and MT on SOM and P fractions as well as maize grain yield under the five agropastoral treatments were evaluated. Results showed that soil total C, N and P were generally better under no-till as compared to minimum-tilled soils. While P fractions were also generally higher under no-till treatments, SOM fractions did not show any specific trend. Seven years after establishment of the long-term ley farming experiment (5 years of conventional tillage followed by 2 years alternative tillage systems), MT resulted into moderately higher maize grain yields as compared to NT. The MGM rotation treatment had significantly higher values of maize yield under both tillage systems (4.2 Mg) compared to the NSC (2.3 Mg ha−1). Results from this study indicate that the rotational systems (maize–soybean green manure and maize-pastures) improved the soil conditions to implement the no-till or minimum tillage systems on Colombian savanna oxisol.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient content of soil aggregates can vary spatially and temporally, and for different soil types and cropping systems. We assessed SOC and nutrient levels within water‐stable aggregates in ridges with no tillage (RNT) and also under conventional tillage (CT) for a subtropical rice soil in order to determine relationships between tillage, cation concentrations and soil organic matter. Surface soil (0–15 cm) was fractionated into aggregate sizes (>4.76 mm, 4.76–2.00 mm, 2.00–1.00 mm, 1.00–0.25 mm, 0.25–0.053 mm, <0.053 mm) under two tillage regimes. Tillage significantly reduced the proportion of macroaggregate fractions (>2.00 mm) and thus aggregate stability was reduced by 35% compared with RNT, indicating that tillage practices led to soil structural change for this subtropical soil. The patterns in SOC, total N, exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and total exchangeable bases (TEB) were similar between tillage regimes, but concentrations were significantly higher under RNT than CT. This suggests that RNT in subtropical rice soils may be a better way to enhance soil productivity and improve soil C sequestration potential than CT. The highest SOC was in the 1.00–0.25 mm fraction (35.7 and 30.4 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively), while the lowest SOC was in microaggregate (<0.025 mm) and silt + clay (<0.053 mm) fractions (19.5 and 15.7 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively). Tillage did not influence the patterns in SOC across aggregates but did change the aggregate‐size distribution, indicating that tillage affected soil fertility primarily by changing soil structure.  相似文献   

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