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The DyDOC model simulates the C dynamics of forest soils, including the production and transport of dissolved organic matter (DOM), on the basis of soil hydrology, metabolic processes, and sorption reactions. The model recognizes three main pools of soil C: litter, substrate (an intermediate transformation product), and humic substances. The model was used to simulate the behavior of C in the O horizon of soil under a Norway spruce stand at Asa, Sweden, that had been subjected to experimental manipulations (addition and removal) of above‐ground litter inputs and to removal of the Oi and Oe layers. Initially, the model was calibrated using results for the control plots and was able to reproduce the observed total soil C pool and 14C content, DOC flux and DO14C content, and the pool of litter C, together with the assumed content of C in humic substances (20% of the total soil C), and the assumed distribution of DOC between hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions. The constant describing DOC exchange between micro‐ and macropores was estimated from short‐term variations in DOC concentration. When the calibrated model was used to predict the effects of litter and soil manipulations, it underestimated the additional DOC export (up to 33%) caused by litter addition, and underestimated the 22% reduction in DOC export caused by litter withdrawal. Therefore, an additional metabolic process, the direct conversion of litter to DOC, was added to the model. The addition of this process permitted reasonably accurate simulation of the results of the manipulation experiments, without affecting the goodness‐of‐fit in the model calibration. The results suggest that, under normal conditions, DOC exported from the Asa forest floor is a mixture of compounds derived from soil C pools with a range of residence times. Approximately equal amounts come from the litter pool (turnover time 4.6 yr), the substrate pool (26 yr), and the humic‐substances pool (36 yr). 相似文献
The forest floor represents the major source of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in forest soils. The release mechanisms of DOC and DON from forest floors and their environmental controls as well as the dynamics of concentrations and fluxes are still poorly understood. We investigated the effect of drying and rewetting on the release of DOC and DON from a Norway spruce forest floor. Undisturbed soil columns of 17 cm diameter and 15—20 cm height were taken with 7 replicates from the forest floor of a mature Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) site and established at 10°C in the laboratory. Columns were exposed to different periods of drying (3, 5, 10, 20 days). Each drying period was followed by a rewetting for 5 days at an irrigation rate of 10 mm d—1 with a natural throughfall solution. The percolates from the forest floor were collected daily and analyzed for DOC, total N, NH4, NO3, pH, electrical conductivity and major ions. Drying for 10 and 20 days decreased the water content of the Oi horizon from 280% dry weight to about 30%. The water content of the Oe and the Oa horizon only changed from about 300% to 200%. The fluxes of DOC from the forest floor were moderately effected by drying and rewetting with an increase after 3 and 5 days of drying, but a decrease after 10 and 20 days. On the contrary, the drying for 10 and 20 days resulted in a drastic increase of the DON fluxes and a subsequent decrease of the DOC/DON ratios in the forest floor percolates from about 50 to 3.3. These results suggest that the mechanisms for DOC release in forest floors differ from those for DON and that drying and rewetting cause temporal variations in the DOC/DON ratios in forest floor percolates. 相似文献
可溶性碳组分是土壤有机碳库中最活跃的部分,作为土壤碳周转初期变化的敏感指标,其含量受到凋落叶等植物残体输入、森林类型及季节性水热变化的共同调节。采用土壤原位培养法,以亚热带米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)人工林与杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林为对象,分析生长季内土壤可溶性碳(DOC)与热水溶性碳(HWSC)含量动态变化及其对凋落叶输入的响应趋势。结果表明,凋落叶输入、森林类型和培养月份均极显著影响土壤可溶性碳组分含量(p<0.001)。杉木人工林土壤DOC与HWSC含量整体较高,分别高出米槠人工林15.09%和13.06%,但后者的土壤可溶性有机质芳香化程度更高。经过1个生长季的培养,2种人工林土壤DOC与HWSC含量均明显增加。凋落叶增加生长季米槠人工林土壤DOC与HWSC的含量,但对杉木人工林的影响具有季节差异。研究结果表明杉木人工林土壤DOC与HWSC含量更高,但凋落叶输入促进米槠人工林DOC与HWSC含量,更易于随淋溶过程流失。 相似文献
Evidence of trivalent manganese (Mn3+) in the aqueous phase of soils is unknown so far although this strong oxidant has large environmental implications.Aims
We aimed to modify a spectrophotometric protocol (porphyrin method) and to discriminate between Mn2+ and Mn3+ in the aqueous phase of forest soils based on kinetic modeling.Methods
We investigated manganese speciation in 12 forest floor solutions and 41 soil solutions from an acidic forest site by adjusting pH and correcting for absorbance.Results
The solutions showed broad ranges in pH (3.4−6.3), dissolved organic carbon (DOC, 1.78−77.1 mg C L−1), and total Mn (MnT, 23.9−908 µg L−1). For acidic solutions, a pH-buffer was added to increase the pH of the solutions to 7.5−8.0, and background absorption was corrected for colored solutions, that is, solutions high in DOC. This was done to accelerate the reaction kinetics and avoid overestimation of MnT concentrations. After the pH and color adjustments, the comparison of MnT concentrations between the porphyrin method and optical emission spectrometry showed good agreement. Trivalent Mn, which is stabilized by organic ligands, constitutes significant proportions in both forest floor solutions (10−87%) and soil solutions (0.5−74%).Conclusions
The dissolved Mn3+ is present in acidic forest soils. Thus, we revise the paradigm that this species is not stable and encourage to apply the revised method to other soils. 相似文献5.
Mineralization of dissolved organic carbon in mineral soil solution of two forest soils 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) constitutes an important carbon input flux to forested mineral soils. Seepage from mineral subsoils contains only small amounts of DOC because of mineralization, sorption or the formation of particulate organic matter (POM). However, the relation between these processes is largely unknown. Therefore, the objective of this study was to quantify the mineralization of DOC from different depths of forest soils, and to determine degradation rate constants for rapidly and slowly degradable DOC pools. Mineralization of DOC and formation of POM in mineral soil solution from two forested sites in northern Bavaria (Germany) were quantified in a 97 days laboratory incubation experiment. Furthermore, spectroscopic properties such as specific UV absorption and a humification index derived from fluorescence emission spectrometry were measured before and after incubation. DOC in all samples turned out to belong mainly to the stable DOC pool (> 95 %) with half‐lives ranging from years to decades. Spectroscopic properties were not suitable to predict the mineralization of DOC from mineral soils. However, together with data on DOC from the forest floor and long‐term data on DOC concentrations in the field they helped to identify the processes involved in C sequestration in mineral subsoils. Mineralization, formation of POM, and probably sorption seem all to be responsible for maintaining low concentrations of DOC in the upper mineral soil. DOC below the upper mineral soil is highly resistant to mineralization, and thus the further decrease of DOC concentrations in the subsoil as observed under field conditions cannot be attributed to mineralization. Our results suggest that sorption and to some minor extent the formation of POM may be responsible for C sequestration in the subsoil. 相似文献
有机物质对土壤溶液中铜形态的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Incubation of two soils,a red soil derived from granodiorte and a fluvo-aquic soil from alluvial deposit,with rice straw,Chinese milk vetch and pig manure under submerged condition were conducted to study the species of Cu in soil solutions as affected by the organic materials.The organic materials increased total soluble Cu by raising dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in soil solution when the solution pH values were below the range in which Cu deposited quickly.When the solution pH rose to this rage,the increase of DOC did not raise total soluble Cu.Total soluble Cu in all the treatments dropped with incubation time.After adding organic materials labile Cu dropped with incubation time and decreased sharply in the pH range of Cu precipitation.Addition of organic materials enhanced slowly labile Cu but depressed the ratio of labile Cu to total soluble Cu.Slowly labile Cu decreased with incubation time.Sepwise multiple linear regression analysis showed that total soluble Cu was positively correlated with Eh and DOC(P=0.0025),labile Cu was negatively correlated with pH(P=0.0118),and slowly labile Cu was positively correlated with Eh and DOC(P=0.0022).Both the labile and slowly labile Cu were correlated with total soluble Cu at extremely significant levels. 相似文献
[目的]研究玉米秸秆不同构件混合分解的非加和效应及其对黄绵土土壤有机碳矿化的影响,为秸秆还田背景下坡地土壤CO2排放提供理论支撑。[方法]采用室内模拟试验,试验设置无玉米秸秆土壤对照(CK)及4种玉米秸秆添加处理:茎+土壤(CKS)、叶+土壤(CKL)、鞘+土壤(CKLS)、混合玉米秸秆+土壤(CKM)。[结果]培养结束土壤有机碳矿化累积排放量实测值显著高于预测值,且促进作用主要是由培养初期快速分解阶段(1~28d)导致的。培养结束后混合玉米秸秆剩余质量预测值明显高于实测值,且元素含量发生明显改变,其中全氮含量预测值明显低于实测值,C/N预测值明显高于实测值。培养结束后CKS处理土壤微生物碳含量明显高于其他几种处理,其他几种处理差异不显著;添加玉米秸秆处理土壤微生物量氮明显降低,相应的土壤微生物量C/N增大,CKS,CKL和CKM处理与CK处理差异达到显著水平。土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量CKLS和CKM处理明显高于其他3种处理,CKS与CKL处理与对照差异不显著。[结论]玉米秸秆不同构件按比例混合对玉米秸秆分解产生协同促进作用,混合分解过程促进氮累积。 相似文献
马尾松-麻栎混交林土壤溶解性有机碳、氮空间分布特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以河南省驻马店西部低山丘陵区马尾松—麻栎混交林为研究对象,分析土壤有机碳(SOC)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)和溶解性有机氮(DON)储量及其对坡向、土层深度(0—10cm和10—20cm)及胸高断面积的响应规律。结果表明:坡向和胸高断面积显著影响SOC和DOC储量(p0.05),且不同坡向土壤中SOC、DOC和DON的影响因素不同。阳坡SOC储量主要限制性因素是速效钾,阴坡是全氮;阳坡与阴坡土壤DOC和DON储量主要受全氮的影响。另外,土层深度亦对SOC、DOC和DON储量有显著影响(p0.05),且随土层加深而降低,呈表层富集的现象。相关性分析表明,SOC、DOC和DON储量与土壤物理性质即土壤湿度、紧实度及土壤中颗粒组成存在显著的相关性。SOC、DOC和DON两两之间呈显著正相关关系,并均与土壤全氮、有效氮(铵态氮、硝态氮和碱解氮)、速效磷和速效钾等含量也存在显著的相关性(p0.01),表明土壤养分含量是影响马尾松—麻栎混交林土壤有机碳储量及溶解性有机碳、氮空间分布的重要因素。 相似文献
以两种常见的有机废弃物牛粪和稻秆为原料,利用Eisenia foetida生产蚓粪,采用室内培养试验,研究了蚓粪在重金属污染的酸性土壤中对有机碳含量和形态、土壤酸度及Cu、Pb形态的影响。结果表明:在2.5%~10%的蚓粪用量下,土壤总有机碳含量增加了25%~83%,除牛粪蚓粪组的可溶性有机碳显著高于稻秆蚓粪外(P0.05),其余形态两种蚓粪间土壤有机碳含量无显著差异。蚓粪使土壤pH(H2O)值提升0.38~1.13个单位,同时交换性氢和铝的含量分别降低41%~77%和57%~94%,显著降低了土壤酸度,且较对照高出0.35~4倍;牛粪蚓粪仅在10%用量下降低土壤酸度的效果高出稻秆蚓粪22%。蚓粪使土壤中水溶-交换态Cu和Pb含量分别降低22%~70%和29%~70%,使有机结合态Cu和Pb含量分别提高19%~56%和10%~40%,表明蚓粪可以显著降低土壤中Cu和Pb的活性。蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果分别较对照物料高出0.58~9.6倍和0.16~3.4倍。稻秆蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果分别比牛粪蚓粪高出11%~61%和1%~32%。综上所述,蚓粪降低土壤酸度和Cu、Pb活性的效果优于对照,牛粪蚓粪降低土壤酸度的效果较好,稻秆蚓粪降低土壤Cu、Pb活性的效果更佳。在降低土壤酸度和Cu、Pb活性方面,蚓粪中的总有机碳、微生物量碳、胡敏酸碳和富里酸碳均具有重要作用,并且蚓粪中有机碳的作用效率高于对照中等量的有机碳。 相似文献
[目的]探究去除凋落物和草毡层对寒温带森林土壤活性有机碳的影响,为我国寒温带森林土壤碳循环的研究提供科学参考。[方法]以大兴安岭北部3种典型森林(白桦林、樟子松林和兴安落叶松林)为研究对象,在3种林型中设置对照、去除凋落物、去除草毡层以及去除凋落物和草毡层4种处理,于2021年9月对各处理不同土层(0—10 cm和10—20 cm)土壤进行取样,研究其土壤活性有机碳组分及其影响因子。[结果]在0—10 cm土层,与对照相比,去除凋落物后土壤可溶性有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量在白桦林和樟子松林中无显著变化,而在兴安落叶松林中显著降低了25.49%和39.40%; 土壤微生物量碳含量在白桦林和兴安落叶松林中显著降低了19.26%和18.86%,而在樟子松林中无显著变化。去除草毡层后土壤可溶性有机碳和易氧化有机碳含量在白桦林和樟子松林中显著降低了16.08%,60.69%和17.38%,17.33%,而在兴安落叶松林中的变化不显著; 土壤微生物量碳含量在3种林型中显著降低了19.47%~42.02%。同时去除凋落物和草毡层后3种林型土壤微生物量碳和易氧化有机碳含量极显著降低了22.03%~27.01%和52.22%~57.01%; 土壤可溶性有机碳含量降低了11.25%~22.18%,其中白桦林和樟子松林达显著水平; 在10—20 cm土层,不同去除处理对3种林型土壤可溶性有机碳和微生物量碳含量均无显著影响,白桦林和樟子松林土壤易氧化有机碳含量分别在去除草毡层以及同时去除凋落物和草毡层后显著降低,而兴安落叶松林土壤易氧化有机碳含量无明显变化。3种林型土壤活性有机碳各组分与土壤总有机碳、全氮、含水量呈显著正相关,与土壤pH则呈显著负相关。[结论]去除凋落物和草毡层降低了土壤活性有机碳含量,凋落物和草毡层的存在有利于土壤活性有机碳的形成与累积。 相似文献
不同松栎混交林土壤溶解性有机碳氮的差异分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为揭示北亚热带地区不同林分类型的土壤活性碳氮分布特征,在驻马店市南部山区选取4处具有代表性的松栎人工混交林为研究对象,对其0-20 cm土壤的溶解性有机碳(DOC),溶解性有机氮(DON)等组分进行研究。结果表明:4种林型土壤DOC的含量为麻栎纯林 > 湿地松麻栎混交林 > 火炬松麻栎混交林 > 马尾松麻栎混交林,DON的含量为马尾松麻栎混交林 > 麻栎纯林 > 湿地松麻栎混交林 > 火炬松麻栎混交林,不同林分类型间整体上差异性显著(p<0.05);在垂直剖面上,4种林型土壤DOC和DON均随土层深度的增加而显著性下降(p<0.05)。4种林分类型DOC/SOC,DON/TN,DOC/DON分别以麻栎纯林、马尾松麻栎混交林、麻栎纯林最高,在垂直空间分布上,差异性整体上不显著。土壤DOC和DON与土壤含水率、土壤硬度、速效钾、全氮均呈显著(p<0.05)或极显著(p<0.01)相关性。 相似文献
[目的]揭示典型人工林土壤溶解性有机质(DOM)含量和生物降解性及其影响因素,为评估武夷山西坡退耕还林工程的生态服务功能提供科学支撑。[方法]选取江西省武夷山西坡杉木林、枫香林、枫香-木荷混交林和弃耕地,调查了0—10 cm和10—30 cm土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)、溶解性全氮(DTN)和溶解性全磷(DTP)浓度以及DOM芳香化程度,分析了土壤DOM生物降解性及其影响因素。[结果](1)退耕还林对土壤DOM含量的影响趋势取决于造林树种,但退耕还林地土壤DOC:DTP和DTN:DTP均高于弃耕地;(2)在0—10 cm中,枫香林土壤DOM的芳香族碳含量高于弃耕地,在10—30 cm中,杉木林土壤DOM的芳香族碳含量则低于弃耕地;(3)枫香林和混交林0—10 cm土壤DOM生物降解性均低于弃耕地,而杉木林10—30 cm土壤DOM生物降解性则高于弃耕地;(4)土壤DOM生物降解性与DOC:DTN:DTP化学计量比无显著相关,但与芳香族碳含量存在显著负相关关系,即碳质量调控土壤DOM生物降解性。[结论]树种决定着武夷山西坡退耕还林地土壤DOM数量和芳香化程度,而且碳质量是驱动退耕还林后土壤DOM生物降解性变化的主要因素。这些研究结果有助于理解和评估亚热带地区退耕还林工程的土壤碳汇功能。 相似文献
西藏原始暗针叶林凋落物有机碳释放特征与土壤有机碳库关系研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
结合野外凋落物分解袋法和室内分析试验,对藏东南2种典型暗针叶林—急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.Smithii)和林芝云杉(Picea likiangensis var.linzhiensis)凋落物的分解和有机碳释放特征进行研究,分析了2种亚高山暗针叶林凋落物有机碳释放速率与土壤有机碳及其组分之间的关系。结果表明:藏东南2种原始暗针叶林凋落物分解均呈现出雨季分解快(4—9月)、旱季分解慢(10—翌年3月),前期分解快(3—9月)、后期分解慢(10—翌年2月)的特征,且冷杉(PLLF)分解速率大于云杉(AGSF),Olson指数衰减模型能够较好地模拟2种暗针叶林凋落物的分解,冷杉(PLLF)和云杉(AGSF)凋落物半分解时间为2.11,2.52年;分解95%时间为8.96,10.84年;2种暗针叶林凋落物中有机碳含量表现出先上升后下降,再平稳降低的趋势,而2种暗针叶林凋落物中有机碳释放速率表现出先短暂富集再释放的模式;2种暗针叶林土壤总有机碳(TOC)及其活性组分(MBC、POC、LOC)含量都具有明显的表聚性(p<0.01),且同一土壤层次内TOC、MBC、POC、LOC互相之间均呈极显著正相关关系(p<0.01);2种暗针叶林凋落物分解进程中有机碳的释放速率与表层土(0—10 cm)中TOC、MBC、POC、LOC含量、10—20 cm土层中的TOC、MBC含量以及20—40 cm土层中MBC含量之间呈现显著的正相关(p<0.05)。 相似文献
通过研究不同有机物料添加对内蒙古河套灌区碱化土壤可溶性有机碳含量变化的影响,寻找合理高效的增碳方式,降低碱化土壤有机碳损失。以内蒙古河套灌区轻度、中度盐碱土为对象进行田间试验,设置生物炭(BC)添加、羊粪(GM)添加,对照(CK)3个处理,对比和分析不同有机物料添加后土壤有机碳(SOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、土壤理化性质的变化。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,轻度碱化土壤BC、GM处理土壤DOC含量分别增加3.28%,20.66%,SOC含量增加5.40%,10.30%,中度碱化土壤BC和GM处理下可溶性碳增加41.32%,74.10%,土壤SOC含量增加60.24%,79.16%;(2)轻度碱化土壤BC和GM处理土壤DOC含量与SOC含量呈负相关,中度碱化土壤BC和GM处理下呈正相关;(3)盐碱土壤SOC、DOC含量主要与土壤pH、电导率的变化有关;BC处理较GM处理相比土壤电导率低约1.93%~29.15%,而GM处理土壤pH、碱化度比BC处理低0.31%~1.53%,7.10%~24.63%。总体来看,有机物料添加后均能使土壤中SOC、DOC含量提高,不同程度地降低土壤碱化程度,且羊粪添加较生物炭略好,因此羊粪添加对河套灌区碱化土壤碳含量的提高比生物炭添加更有效,土壤改良效果更好,土壤理化性质改善更明显。 相似文献
[目的]揭示土壤侵蚀作用下重金属的迁移规律,阐明重金属在土壤侵蚀作用下的迁移机制,为重金属的污染防治提供科学指导。[方法]基于国内外有关土壤侵蚀作用下重金属迁移的文章,从土壤性质、重金属性质、环境因子3方面就土壤侵蚀对重金属迁移的作用规律与机制进行系统研究。[结果](1)侵蚀作用下土壤重金属主要以颗粒态形式进行横向/纵向迁移,溶解态重金属迁移占比小但活性强,侵蚀造成沉积区的泥沙特性与侵蚀区土壤存在差异,可能影响重金属富集特征的空间分布格局;(2)土壤pH、有机质和黏粒含量越高,吸附重金属的能力越强,重金属被释放迁移的能力越弱;(3)土壤重金属的赋存形态对其迁移方式有影响,一般溶解态重金属主要来源于有效态,而相对稳定的残渣态通常以颗粒态形式迁移;(4)降雨、地形、植被等环境因子影响泥沙颗粒的迁移过程,并优先迁移细颗粒,使泥沙粒径分布随迁移路径呈一定的变化规律。[结论]侵蚀作用下重金属迁移受土壤—重金属性质及环境因子等多种因素影响,未来研究可重点关注不同地质背景与污染成因条件下土壤侵蚀对重金属迁移过程的影响; 不同粒径土壤颗粒的重金属赋存形态异质性研究; 喀斯特地下漏失对重金属迁移的作用机理,探究不同侵蚀条件下重金属地表流失与地下漏失的分配机制。 相似文献
Yue Feng Jianzhang Xiao Yingqi Wei Hong Cai Jinghua Yu 《European Journal of Soil Science》2023,74(2):e13348
模拟酸雨条件下生物炭对污染林地土壤重金属淋失和有效性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过土柱淋溶装置,研究模拟酸雨条件下生物炭不同施用量(0,1%,2%和5%)对复合污染林地土壤重金属淋失和有效性的影响。结果表明,淋滤液pH值、电导率和溶解性有机碳含量均随生物炭施用量的增加而增加。生物炭施用不同程度地增加淋滤液中Cd、Cu和Zn的含量,相较于不施生物炭,1%,2%和5%生物炭施用量下Cd、Cu和Zn的累计淋失量分别提高28.3%~298.3%,25.3%~187.0%和27.5%~217.6%。不同处理间Pb的淋失总量无显著差异。生物炭的施用能使淋溶后土壤pH值提高0.03~0.09个单位,有效态Cd、Cu、Zn和Pb含量分别下降0.9%~6.5%,23.3%~30.6%,15.2%~24.2%和24.8%~31.8%。综合而言,酸雨作用下尽管生物炭能增加林地土壤中重金属的淋失量,但考虑到其淋失量远小于土壤中有效态重金属的减少量,生物炭仍可作为修复污染林地土壤的一种备选材料。 相似文献
不同森林植被下土壤水溶性有机碳研究 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
在我国亚热带采集了常绿阔叶林、马尾松林、杉木林和毛竹林土壤,分析了土壤总有机碳和水溶性有机碳含量。结果表明:土壤总有机碳含量常绿阔叶林和毛竹林显著高于杉木林和马尾松林。土壤水溶性有机碳含量毛竹林显著高于杉木林,极显著高于马尾松林,阔叶林和杉木林也显著高于马尾松林。水溶性有机碳占总有机碳比率以杉木林最高,达1 26%(25℃)和1 82%(100℃),马尾松林最低,仅0 78%(25℃)和1 30%(100℃)。马尾松林、杉木林和毛竹林土壤水溶性有机碳与土壤总有机碳含量间的相关性均达显著水平,相关系数分别为0 5106 (100℃提取),0 4739 (25℃提取)和0 4752 (25℃提取)。 相似文献
改良剂对旱地红壤微生物量碳、氮及可溶性有机碳、氮的影响 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
基于室内模拟培养试验,研究改良剂(生物质炭、过氧化钙)对旱地红壤微生物量碳、氮及可溶性有机碳、氮的影响。试验设置4个处理,即CK、Ca(过氧化钙,1.72g/kg)、C(生物质炭,21.46g/kg)、C+Ca。结果表明:各处理土壤微生物量碳、氮以及可溶性有机碳具有相同的变化趋势,即前期(3d内)都增加较快,在第3天达到最大值,随试验进行有所下降,配施效果优于单施。各处理可溶性有机氮在21d内缓慢增加;第21天时,C+Ca、Ca、C相比CK分别显著增加了62.1%,55.5%,40.9%;35d以后,配施(C+Ca)与单施过氧化钙(Ca)的效果显著优于单施生物质炭(C)和对照(CK)。120d培养期内,配施(C+Ca)处理能够明显提高微生物量碳、氮以及可溶性有机碳、氮的平均含量;微生物量碳的平均含量大小顺序为C+CaCCKCa,微生物量氮的平均含量C+Ca处理显著高于其他处理;可溶性有机碳的平均含量大小顺序为C+CaCaCCK,可溶性有机氮的平均含量C+Ca、Ca处理显著高于CK、C处理。微生物量碳、氮以及可溶性有机碳之间互为极显著正相关(P0.01),而微生物量碳与可溶性有机氮之间呈极显著负相关。因此,生物质炭和过氧化钙能有效提高旱地红壤微生物量碳、氮及可溶性有机碳、氮,且生物质炭与过氧化钙配合施用更有助于土壤改良。 相似文献
Addition of wood ash to acid soils will affect the soil chemistry of forests in a number of ways which were assessed for a pine stand in northern Germany. A field experiment was carried out in a fifty‐year old pine stand on a sandy Podzol at Fuhrberg (Lüneburger Heide, Lower Saxony/Germany) which involved depositing wood ash (2.4 t ha—1) on the surface. Soil solution chemistry was investigated monthly at different depths for 24 months. Prior to and 19 months after the ash addition, exchangeable cations and amounts of heavy metals were determined at different depths. Two to four months after addition of wood ash, maximum mean concentrations in the soil solution of Ca were 240 μmol l—1 at 0 cm (surface of mineral soil) and 100 μmol l—1 at 100 cm and of K 980 μmol l—1 and 140 μmol l—1, respectively. The pH values in soil solutions dropped temporarily by 0.3 units at 0 and 10 cm depth. Nitrate concentrations increased at all depths and maximum mean concentration was 230 μmol l—1 at 100 cm. Concentrations of Pb and Cr in soil solution did not change significantly (p < 0.05) after ash addition. Concentrations of Cd and Zn increased significantly at some depths but stayed well below the legal limit for drinking water and below the limits given by the German recommendation for soil conservation. Nineteen months after ash addition, the cation exchange capacity (corrected for the release of cations from the ash) of the upper 6 cm of the organic layer was almost doubled and amounts of exchangeable Ca and Mg increased significantly in the upper 8 cm of the organic layer. Amounts of Zn were increased in the entire organic layer, but changes were significant only in the upper 4 cm. The results of this study suggest that ash from untreated wood (using modest additions) may be recommended for amelioration of forest soils. 相似文献