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林风 《农家致富》2006,(19):22-22
广东省肇庆读者王玉成读者来信:我是贵刊的忠实读者,我想购买1台小型家用喷雾器,请问哪里有得买?  相似文献   

1.选择销售商家用燃气灶具应向专业的大商店、大商场及各燃气公司设在各地的办事处购买,决不要贪图价格便宜在地摊或小店购买,更不要购买"三无"产品。购买后必须索要正规发票,并将保修凭证与发票保存好,以便出现质量问题后维权之用。  相似文献   

<正>1.选择销售商家用燃气灶具应向专业的大商店、大商场及各燃气公司设在各地的办事处购买,决不要贪图价格便宜在地摊或小店购买,更不要购买"三无"产品。购买后必须索要正规发票,并将保修凭证与发票保存好,以便出现质量问题后维权之用。  相似文献   

<正>随着生活水平的提高,家用榨油机也成为家用电器中的一员,越来越多的家庭开始使用这种新型的电器产品。随着地沟油等食品安全问题的出现,传统压榨食用油的方法已经不能保证提供品质优良的食用油。家用榨油机使人们从地沟油、潲水油的危害中解放出来,为人们创造了更加方便、有利健康的饮食环境。那么,究竟怎样购买家用榨油机呢?  相似文献   

一、种类的选择。若用于家用抽水,最好选购手提式小功率电机。如为了农业灌溉,既可购买潜水泵,又可购买水泵和电机联为一体的水泵电机。如果既要抽水,又要磨面、碾米、脱粒等,最好选购水泵与电机分离的电机。  相似文献   

家用秸秆气化炉:新一代的家用秸秆气化炉,可利用一切农作物的秸秆、木柴、锯末屑、干燥的畜禽粪便作为原料,2公斤的原料,经过2-3分钟就可转化为优质的燃气,并持续燃烧1-2小时,火力可调,随开随用、无烟无尘、安全可靠,拥有一台气化炉,就等于拥有了一座不化钱的煤气站。本刊自推广以来,深受农村及小城镇居民的欢迎。购买一台样炉,即可得到生产加工的技术资料,以及现场使用的VCD光盘。成本每台不超过300元,样炉每套980元。如有疑义可先汇20元购买VCD光盘和使用问答供参数。蜂窝煤专用气化炉:“投入的是蜂窝煤,产出的是液化气的效果”,这是使…  相似文献   

光驱是多媒体电脑必不可少的配制,在实际使用中,光驱经常出现各种故障,而做好光驱的日常保养维护可减少故障的发生。  相似文献   

市场前量: 富民家用快速磨刀器是家家都需要,人人都想买的便民好产品。市场巨大,前景广阔。我国人口众多,有4亿多家庭。哪个县市的需求量都在几十万只,一个拥有100万人口的城市,就有30万个家庭,按有三分之一购买我们的产品计算,可销出10几万只。市场空白,前景广阔无可限量!  相似文献   

1.家用智能豆浆豆腐机。豆腐凭借其可口的味道和高蛋白质含量深受人们喜爱,各种各样的做法更使得豆腐成为餐桌上不可或缺的一道美味。豆腐制作过程繁杂,城市家庭自制豆腐不现实,在市场上购买豆腐己成为众多家庭的首选,但近年媒体屡屡报导黑豆腐作坊,让很多爱吃豆腐的人心生畏惧,不敢购买,新产品智能家用豆腐豆浆机,解决了家庭自制豆腐的难题。家用豆腐豆浆机一键式自动制作豆浆、豆腐,该机采取微电脑控制,只需轻轻一按,磨浆、煮浆、滤浆、冲浆全部由机器智能完成。智能家用豆腐豆浆机能以最短的时间最简单的操作,让人们在家轻轻松松就能制作出豆香味十足、细腻嫩滑的豆腐和美味醇厚的舌尖级豆浆!该机采用浆渣分离和智能磨浆煮浆技术,磨浆效率比一般豆浆机高一倍以上,出浆率高达30%以上。在磨浆温度上,根据康奈尔法则采用86℃磨浆,有效去除胰蛋白酶抑制剂和脂肪氧化酶等有害物质,去除豆腥味,使得黄豆营养充分释放,营养比传统豆腐高一倍以上。煮浆温度达101℃,彻底煮开,安全卫生营养。该机制作的豆浆比普通豆浆更浓、更香、更滑、更营养。智能家用豆腐机用现代科技取代繁复的古老工艺,轻松在家自制豆腐,让您吃上自制放心豆腐。功率为800瓦、容量为2.2升,3~5人适用,一次可做1~2公斤豆腐,智能温控。可做内酯豆腐、石膏豆腐、卤水豆腐及豆腐脑。  相似文献   

在天气炎热、潮湿多雨的夏季,居家生活要注意用电安全。家庭夏季安全用电常识注意以下事项:一、不要购买"三无"的假冒伪劣家用产品。在家庭生活中,如需安装电气设备或电灯等用电器具时,应由有资质的电工  相似文献   

现代动物育种已广泛应用计算机。本文主要从数据库、数值计算、遗传评定、计算机模拟、育种专家系统、网络六个方面综述了计算机技术在动物育种中的应用。  相似文献   

《计算机学报》1994~2004年载文统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以《计算机学报》为调查对象,统计分析了1994~2004年(截止9月30日)的载文量、发文时滞、作者发文量、合著率以及载文的单位、地区分布等项目,试图为计算机学界的研究提供某角度的参考。  相似文献   

Computers are now widely used in product design and in automation of selected areas in factories. Within the next decade, the use of computers in the entire spectrum of manufacturing applications, from computer-aided design to computer-aided manufacturing and robotics, is expected to be practical and economically justified. Such widespread use of computers on the factory floor awaits further advances in computer capabilities, the emergence of systems that are adaptive to the workplace, and the development of interfaces to link islands of automation and to allow effective user communications.  相似文献   

Sociological data sets are now being computer analyzed by means of a variety of sophisticated procedures, to produce results that reflect the intricacy of social life. Computers also are being used to conduct simulations of social processes based on mathematical models and to collect the data for analysis. Portable computers allow computing power to be used in field studies, and the relatively low cost of computers is expanding the range of sociologists who use them. While opening up new research opportunities, computers also bring certain problems for social researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

Stanford, California. On 29 July through 2 August, a group of computer scientists, mathematical physicists, and mathematicians met at Stanford University for a conference on Mathematics and Computers. It was a varied meeting-the talks ranged from the mathematics of chaos to a talk by the peripatetic Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos on number theory problems that might be interesting to work on. In addition, software vendors set up shop, inviting investigators to bring their problems and try them on different systems. On the last day of the conference, when the talks were in the field of computational complexity-the difficulty of doing certain computer calculations-two new computer science tricks were presented and are recounted here.  相似文献   

Computers are becoming more commonly used by farmers for improving their management. The big need is ‘user friendly’ software for use by farmers. An integrated water-energy management system was developed. It includes ‘user friendly’ software run on a microcomputer which communicates to center pivot irrigation systems via radio. The program provides monitoring, control, irrigation scheduling and electrical load control. The system has been used and accepted by our cooperator for three irrigation seasons. He has been able to improve his management and reduce the amount of overirrigation and the variation between systems of total water applied.  相似文献   

CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) are widespread security measures on the World Wide Web that prevent automated programs from abusing online services. They do so by asking humans to perform a task that computers cannot yet perform, such as deciphering distorted characters. Our research explored whether such human effort can be channeled into a useful purpose: helping to digitize old printed material by asking users to decipher scanned words from books that computerized optical character recognition failed to recognize. We showed that this method can transcribe text with a word accuracy exceeding 99%, matching the guarantee of professional human transcribers. Our apparatus is deployed in more than 40,000 Web sites and has transcribed over 440 million words.  相似文献   

蒲宁  王崇新 《油气储运》1995,14(1):15-18
针对石油工程设计单位的具体情况,提出了CAD资源是佳配置的整数规划模型,并对模型的约束条件及目标函数的含义进行了补充说明,为了求解,结合模型特点,通过分析将原模型转化为线性规划问题,并给出了求解算法,由于计算机性能,价格,可靠性等因素随时间的变化幅度较大,针对价格,折旧年限,计算机出图率,计算机能力利用情况等几个参数的变化进行了敏感性分析。最后,根据模型的求解结果,结合一些石油设计院的实际情况进行  相似文献   

Computers today use a hierarchy of large-capacity, relatively slow mechanically accessed memories in conjunction with fast electronically accessed memories of relatively small capacity. While the gap between these is spanned by ingenious organizations and programming, it would be highly desirable to fill it instead by some device of sufficient capacity and speed. Candidates for gap-filling memories include metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) random-access memories (RAM's) made by large-scale integration (LSI); charge-coupled devices; magnetic bubble devices based on cylindrical domains of magnetization; electron beam-addressed memories; and optical memories based on lasers, holography, and electrooptical effects. At present, the MOS RAM is the prime contender. Its natural evolution and the evolution of magnetic-recording techniques on which mass storage is based are likely to continue to shape the future as they have for more than a decade. On the other hand, radically new technologies, still at an early laboratory stage, are aimed at a more ideal solution than today's hierarchy.  相似文献   

Although long-term forecasting is best left to science fiction writers, scientists can illumine basic technological trends, as in the 100-year scenario presented here. Computers will continue the "small is beautiful" trend, but they are not likely to follow the semilog trail because extrapolation from the current base would lead to absurdities such as a computer cost of 3/100 of a cent. To achieve inexpensive high speed and Lilliputian size, new techniques are likely to replace silicon technology. The ultimate computer might be biological and patterned on DNA. Future computers will reacquire information when needed rather than store it, and we will see personalized products at mass production prices. Light wave communication will broaden communications exchange, but software that is more friendly to human users will be needed. By taking over knowledge distribution, electronic information systems will let universities concentrate on new knowledge. More importantly, they will expand everyone's right to information and free expression through the existing media system and to protection from misuse of information by others.  相似文献   

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