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1. The interactions between dietary fat type and xylanase supplementation of rye‐based diets were investigated using a 2×2 factorial design in which a rye‐based diet (610 g rye/kg) was combined with 100 g/kg of soya oil or beef tallow, with or without xylanase supplementation at 3000 IU/kg, and fed to 1‐d‐old male broilers for 35 d. Growth, nutrient digestibility and AMEn values were determined and the vitamin status of livers assessed at various ages.

2. There were significant interactions between crude fat and xylanase supplementation on the faecal digestibility of crude fat and crude protein. Fat digestibility was improved by xylanase in both fat type groups but to a greater extent for the tallow diets. However, the effects were found to be significant only for oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Similarly, protein digestibility and AMEn values were significantly improved by xylanase, but only for the tallow diet.

3. Heal digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids also were affected by enzyme for both fat type diets, the effect generally being more pronounced for the tallow diet.

4. The deposition of the fat soluble vitamins A and E in livers was significantly increased by xylanase supplementation and was also better for soya oil than for tallow.

5. Xylanase supplementation increased the digestibility of insoluble pentosans whereas for the soluble pentosans the opposite effect was noted.

6. Without xylanase supplementation the tallow‐based diet caused high mortality. Liveweight gain and the efficiency of food utilisation were greatest in the soya oil‐based, xylanase‐supplemented diet, followed by the unsupplemented soya oil‐, supplemented tallow‐ and unsupplemented tallow‐based diets.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were conducted with laying hens to determine the effects of supplementing 0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 or 4.0 g trp/kg diet to a maize and soyabean meal‐based laying ration (basal tryptophan = 1.66 g/kg) on tissue lipid concentrations.

2. Plasma cholesterol, triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids were increased by supplementing the diet with 1.0 g trp/kg diet and decreased with 3.0 or 4.0 g trp/kg diet. A significant quadratic effect of supplemental tryptophan was observed on plasma lipids in most cases. The observed effects diminished with time. No consistent changes were observed in plasma glucose concentrations.

3. Total liver lipids were reduced by supplemental tryptophan at all concentrations.  相似文献   

1.?A factorial (2 × 3) feeding trial was set up to investigate the effects of coarse or finely ground brewers’ spent grain (BSG) and xylanase treatment, either with no xylanase, top-dressed with xylanase or pre-treated with xylanase.

2.?The experimental diets shared the same basal formulation and were fed to male broiler chickens (Ross 308) housed in individual cages from 12 to 29 d of age.

3.?Xylanase pre-treatment reduced the dietary concentration of arabinoxylan by 15–30%. Pellet durability increased when BSG was ground.

4.?Feed utilisation was significantly higher (6%) when the birds were given coarse BSG rather than ground BSG, whereas there was no significant effect of enzyme treatment. Apparent metabolisable energy was unaffected by the dietary treatments.

5.?The overall starch digestibility was high (99%), with no dietary differences, whereas ileal protein digestibility was low (57%). Xylanase top-dressing tended to improve ileal protein digestibility but, in general, xylanase treatment had no major effect on overall performance in male broilers given diets with BSG.  相似文献   

This study tests the effects of supplementation of high-dosing Aspergillus oryzae phytase into the corn – wheat – soybean meal (SBM)-based basal diet on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, faecal gas emission, carcass traits and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs (29.73–110.86 kg live weight; 70-day-old to 166-day-old). A total of 56 crossbred pigs [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] were divided into two dietary groups for a 96-day experiment (growing period, days 0 – 42; finishing period, days 43 – 96) with a completely randomized block design. There were seven replicate pens in each dietary group, and each pen has four pigs (two barrows and two gilts). The dietary treatments consisted of a corn – wheat – SBM-based nutrient sufficient basal diet or the basal diet supplemented with 1500 FTU/kg Aoryzae phytase. One phytase unit (FTU) was defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyses the release of one micromole phosphate from phytate/min at 37°C and pH 5.5. Higher average daily gain and lower feed conversion ratio were observed in growing-finishing pigs consuming a high-dosing Aoryzae phytase supplementing diet during days 0 – 42 and 0 – 96. Supplementing high-dosing Aoryzae phytase to the diet of growing-finishing pigs increased apparent total tract digestibility of phosphorus on days 42 and 96. Moreover, growing-finishing pigs fed the diet supplemented with high-dosing Aoryzae phytase had higher carcass back-fat thickness than those fed the control diet. However, the faecal gas emission and meat quality were not affected by high-dosing Aoryzae phytase supplementation. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of high-dosing Aoryzae phytase (1500 FTU/kg) had beneficial effects on the growth performance, apparent phosphorus digestibility and carcass back-fat thickness in growing-finishing pigs.  相似文献   

1. The effects of corticosterone and the time of its addition to cultures, on concanavalin A (Con‐A) and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)‐induced lymphocyte proliferation were studied.

2. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were isolated from Cornell K‐strain Single Comb White Leghorn immature male chickens and cultured with various concentrations of Con‐A or PWM. Corticosterone, in different concentrations, was added to the cultures either 2 h before or 2 h after the addition of the respective mitogen.

3. Addition of corticosterone 2 h before the mitogens caused a significant suppression of lymphocyte proliferation in response to both Con‐A and PWM stimulation. Also addition of corticosterone 2 h after the mitogens caused significant suppression of proliferation in response to both mitogens; however, the degree of suppression was not as great.

4. The results indicate that after early activation events are initiated by the mitogens, lymphocytes are less sensitive to the effects of corticosterone. Because less suppression was seen in the cultures preincubated with PWM than those with Con‐A, it is likely that there are different sensitivities to corticosterone in the cell populations that respond to these mitogens.  相似文献   

1. The interactions between fat type and xylanase supplementation of rye‐based diets were investigated using a 2 × 2 factorial design in which a rye‐based diet (610 g rye/kg) was combined with 100 g/kg of soya oil or beef tallow, with and without xylanase supplementation at 3000 IU/kg, and fed to 1‐d‐old male broilers. Food passage time, viscosity of digesta supernatant, xylanase activity and pH in different segments of the digestive tract were examined.

2. Food passage throughout the digestive tract was accelerated by enzyme addition regardless of fat type. The time taken for 50% of the marker to be excreted was reduced from 8.4 to 6.7 h in animals receiving the rye‐soya oil diets and from 8.0 to 6.9 h with the rye‐tallow diets.

3. Viscosity in the supernatant of the jejunal and ileal digesta was markedly decreased after enzyme addition. Viscosities were generally higher in the ileal than in the jejunal supernatant, and fell as the birds aged from 14 to 28 d. The effect of enzyme was also reduced in older chicks. There was not a clear effect of the fat source on viscosity.

4. Xylanase activity was still found at the end of the ileum in digesta of birds fed on the enzyme‐supplemented diets but not in control animals. Xylanase activity was also detected in the caeca of all groups.

5. Significantly lower pH values were found in tallow‐fed birds in some segments of the digestive tract. A significant increase in pH after enzyme addition was detected in the proximal ileum; this was independent of fat source.  相似文献   

1.?The study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary supplementation of enzyme and oregano essential oil at two levels, alone or together, on performance, digestive enzyme, nutrient digestibility, lipid metabolism and immune response of broilers fed on wheat–soybean meal based diets.

2.?The following dietary treatments were used from d 0 to 21. Diet 1 (control, CONT): a commercial diet containing no enzyme or oregano essential oil, diet 2 (ENZY): supplemented with enzyme, diet 3 (EO250): supplemented with essential oil at 250 mg/kg feed, diet 4 (EO500): supplemented with essential oil at 500 mg/kg feed, diet 5 (ENZY + EO250): supplemented with enzyme and essential oil at 250 mg/kg, and diet 6 (ENZY + EO500): supplemented with enzyme and essential oil at 500 mg/kg.

3.?Birds fed on diets containing ENZY, EO250 and ENZY + EO250 had significantly higher weight gain than those given CONT diet from d 0 to 7. No significant effects on feed intake, feed conversion ratio, mortality, organ weights except for jejunum weight and intestinal lengths was found with either enzyme or essential oil, alone or in combination, over the 21-d growth period. The supplementation of essential oil together with enzyme decreased jejunum weight compared with essential oil alone.

4.?Supplementation with enzyme significantly decreased viscosity and increased dry matter of digesta, but did not alter pH of digesta. There was no effect of essential oil alone at either concentration on viscosity, dry matter or pH of digesta. A significant decrease in viscosity of digesta appeared when essential oil was used with together enzyme.

5.?The supplementation of essential oil at both levels with or without enzyme significantly increased chymotrypsin activity in the digestive system, and improved crude protein digestibility.

6.?The higher concentration of essential oil with and without enzyme significantly increased serum total cholesterol concentrations. No significant effect on immune response was found with either enzyme or essential oil, alone or together.

7.?Enzymes and essential oil had different modes of actions. The supplementation of enzyme with essential oil in diets is likely more effective in view of performance, nutrient digestibility, enzyme activities and immune system.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fermented soybean residues on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, meat quality and blood physiological indexes of Hu sheep, and to investigate the value of fermented soybean residues in the production of meat sheep. In the present study, twenty-one healthy male Hu sheep with similar body weight were selected and randomly allocated into a basal diet (control) group, a soybean residue group (basal diet+20% soybean residue, SR) or a fermented soybean residues group (basal diet+20% fermented soybean residues, FSR), with 7 animals in each group. The experiment lasted for 49 days, including a 7-day adaptation period. The results were as follows: 1)Compared with the control and SR groups, addition of 20% fermented soybean residues in the diet (FSR) significantly increased the average daily weight gain of Hu sheep (P< 0.05) and significantly reduced the weight gain cost (P<0.05). 2) The apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of Hu sheep in the fermented soybean residues group was significantly higher than that in other groups (P<0.05). 3) Compared with the SR group, the carcass weight of the FSR group was increased (P<0.05), while the dressing percentage, meat redness values of the FSR group were greater than those of the other groups (P<0.05), and the drip loss was lower than other groups (P<0.05). 4) Compared with the control and SR groups, the serum total protein content of the FSR group was increased (P< 0.05), and the urea nitrogen content was reduced (P<0.05). Compared with the SR group, the serum albumin content of the FSR group was increased significantly (P<0.05). In conclusion, the addition of fermented soybean residues in the diet significantly improved the average daily gain of Hu sheep, reduced the feed cost, improved the apparent digestibility of DM, CP and NDF, and improved the meat quality and serum biochemical indexes. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary supplementation of β-hydroxybutyric acid(BHBA) on performance, nutrient digestibility, organ development, and serum composition in earlyweaned goat kids. Sixty-four goat kids at 30 d of age were assigned to 4 treatments in a completely randomized design: 1) control(basal diet); 2) low(basal diet with 3 g/d per animal BHBA); 3) medium(basal diet with 6 g/d per animal BHBA; and 4) high(basal diet with 9 g/d per animal BHBA). Subseq...  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme on broiler performance and ileal nutrient digestibility in diets containing dried distillers’ grains with solubles, as well as evaluate non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme inclusion in low energy diets with dried distillers’ grains with solubles on performance and carcass yield. Experiment 1 was a 4 (dried distillers’ grains with solubles level of 0, 5, 10, and 15%) x 2 (with and without enzyme) factorial design in battery-reared broilers for 21 d; body weights and feed intake were determined weekly. On day 22, ileal contents were collected to determine digestibility of energy and nitrogen. The second experiment was a 48 d floor pen trial utilizing three dietary treatments: positive control, negative control (positive control, negative control less 132 kcal/kg ME), and a negative control + non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme inclusion. Diets included dried distillers’ grains with solubles at 2.5 to 10%. In Experiment 1, BW decreased (P < 0.05) with 15% dried distillers’ grains with solubles inclusion as compared to the control. The FCR was also increased (P < 0.05) with 15% dried distillers’ grains with solubles inclusion as compared to all other diets through 14 d. Inclusion of dried distillers’ grains with solubles reduced (P < 0.05) ileal digestible energy at 10 and 15% inclusion and inclusion of non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme increased (P < 0.05) ileal digestible energy. Increased energy and nitrogen digestibility coefficients (P < 0.05) were observed at all dried distillers’ grains with solubles inclusion levels with non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme inclusion except for the 10% inclusion rate. In Experiment 2, non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme in the negative control diet increased BW compared to the negative control at all observed time points at each phase (P < 0.05). Additionally, non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme in the negative control diet reduced mortality corrected FCR through the grower phase. Non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme inclusion in the negative control diet resulted in comparable live weights, carcass weights, breast filets, and tenders to the positive control diet; however, fat pad was reduced compared to the positive control (P < 0.05). These data confirm that elevated levels of dried distillers’ grains with solubles in starter diets can negatively impact digestibility and performance of broilers and the inclusion of an non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme can increase nutrient digestibility and improve broiler performance in low energy dried distillers’ grains with solubles containing diets.  相似文献   

Background:There is a lack of data for the standardized ileal digestibility(SID) of fat and fatty acids in national feed databases.In addition,it is important to specify the procedures used for fat analyses.Therefore,an experiment was conducted to 1) determine the apparent ileal digestibility(AID) and SID of fat and fatty acids in ten different oil sources for growing pigs and to develop prediction equations for SID of fat based on fatty acid composition;and 2) compare the effect of the fat extr...  相似文献   

1. An experiment was designed to evaluate the effect of the gluco‐sinolate content of rapeseed meal on the transfer of dietary iodine to eggs.

2. The experimental diets, containing two concentrations (50 or 100 g/kg) of high‐ or low‐glucosinolate rapeseed meal and a diet, devoid of rapeseed meal, all supplemented with 0.3 mg I/kg were given to laying hens for 6 weeks before oral administration of 125I daily for 11d.

3. The percentage of 125I transferred to egg yolk was significantly reduced by the inclusion of high‐glucosinolate rapeseed meal but not by low‐glucosinolate meal.

4. Determination of the total iodine content of egg yolk indicated that there was some reduction in the transfer of dietary iodine to eggs even with the low glucosinolate rapeseed meal.  相似文献   


Grasses have developed through natural selection to deter, escape and tolerate herbivory, and to escape and tolerate fire. In the semi‐arid grassveld of the Eastern Cape, the species Themeda triandra and Sporobolus fimbriatus have been classified as Decreaser and Increaser II plants respectively. Both species have well‐developed escape and tolerance mechanisms, although T. triandra readily tolerates defoliation only during the dormant season, while S. fimbriatus is adapted to tolerating defoliation throughout the year. Furthermore, T. triandra has only moderately developed deterrents to herbivory, in contrast to S. fimbriatus, where deterrents are well developed. It follows that the Decreaser species T. triandra is adapted to relatively frequent fire and no more than modest herbivory, while the Increaser II species, S. fimbriatus, is adapted to heavy herbivore usage, but infrequent fire.  相似文献   


This study investigated how intensively manipulated grass/clover silage (finer structure than chopped silage) fed in total mixed ration (TMR), influenced feed consumption, total tract apparent digestibility (TTAD) and pig behaviour. Ten Yorkshire x Hampshire (YH) pigs were included in a digestibility experiment and 64 YH pigs in a behaviour experiment. Pigs received TMR with 20% dry matter inclusion of either intensively manipulated (SI) or chopped silage (SC). Behaviour was registered with instantaneous and continuous sampling. SI pigs consumed more silage (p?=?0.001) and spent more time eating from the through (p?<?0.01), however no significant difference in TTAD was found (p?>?0.05). Less social interactions prior to feeding (p?=?0.029) and less rooting after feeding (p?<?0.05) were found among SI pigs, indicating SI pigs being more satisfied for a longer time after feeding. We conclude that TMR with intensively manipulated silage benefits feed consumption and increases the opportunities for pigs perform feed-related behaviours.  相似文献   

1. Cross‐bred hens were offered, from 25 to 73 weeks of age, diets based on either wheat or barley in the form of either a mash or as whole grains plus a concentrate mixture; four sources of xanthophylls were also compared.

2. Wheat reduced food intake by 8%, increased efficiency of food conversion and live‐weight gain while barley increased litter moisture content, and, during the first half of the laying year decreased egg production by 3.3% and yolk colour by 4%.

3. Hens offered whole grains ate 11% less food, converted food into eggs more efficiently, were heavier and laid larger eggs than those given the mash diets.

4. With whole grains yolk colour was less than with mash diets during the first 24 weeks of lay but this was reversed during the last 24 weeks of lay.

5. Either canthaxanthin or citranaxanthin or β‐apo‐8'‐carotenoic acid ethyl ester plus canthaxanthin in diets containing lucerne meal produced eggs with acceptable yolk colours.  相似文献   

1. Broiler chicks were fed normally for 21 d, then starved overnight and given a single oral dose of an aqueous solution of diammonium hydrogen citrate (DAHC), triammonium citrate (TAC), ammonium lactate (AL) or urea equivalent to 24.76 mg N. Controls were given water. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma were measured 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. The only non‐essential amino acid significantly affected was glutamine, which increased in chicks given DAHG or TAC

2. In another experiment, non‐protein nitrogen (NPN) from the same sources was given at dosages of 124 mg N per chick. The concentrations of free amino acids in the plasma and liver were determined 2, 4 or 6 h after dosing. NPN from all sources increased the amount of glutamic acid and glutamine in both tissues (P< 0.001), although the response to urea was delayed. The concentrations of plasma aspartic acid (P<0.05), plasma alanine (P< 0.001) and liver aspartic acid (P< 0.001) also increased.

3. The results are discussed in relation to earlier studies with liver homogenates in vitro.  相似文献   

1. Two experiments were conducted with male broiler chicks from 2 to 5 weeks of age to determine the effect of dietary protein content and amino acid balance on the response to dietary sulphur‐containing amino acids (SAA) in terms of performance and carcase quality.

2. In experiment 1, 5 graded amounts of a DL‐methionine and L‐cysteine (1:1 by weight) mixture were added to basal diets containing 197 or 233 g crude protein/kg. The diets containing 197 g protein/kg were fed with or without the further addition of 36 g crude protein/kg from nonessential amino acids. The amino acid balance of all diets was kept constant for all essential amino acids except the SAA. In experiment 2, 5 graded amounts of SAA from either a crystalline source (DL‐methionine or a mixture of DL‐methionine and L‐cysteine) or from intact proteins were added to a diet containing 208 g protein/kg.

3. At each protein concentration there were significant responses to the SAA addition in weight gain, food conversion efficiency, and carcase quality. Non‐linear exponential regression analyses were used to describe bird responses to SAA concentration. The broiler chick's requirement for SAA increased with increasing dietary protein concentrations ranging from 197 to 259 g protein/kg.

4. The utilisation of SAA differed also with differences in origin (crystalline or peptide‐bound), and methionine:cysteine balances. Compared to DL‐methionine, a 1:1 mixture of DL‐methionine and L‐cysteine was only 81% or 86% as effective in supporting growth or food conversion, respectively. SAA from added protein was even less effectively utilised.

5. The addition of nonessential amino acids tended to decrease food intake without affecting SAA utilisation.

6. Slaughter yield and breast meat yield were clearly increased while fat deposition was clearly decreased, by SAA addition. The response in breast meat yield suggested an important economic benefit for further meat processing. Nitrogen retention was significantly enhanced by SAA supplementation from crystalline sources, and this led to reductions of up to 30% in the amount of nitrogen excreted per kg weight gain.  相似文献   

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