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This study considered the effects of thinning on the development of compression wood in stems of 35-year-old stand of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra L.). Part of the stand had been thinned at 5-yearly intervals and part left unthinned. Twenty trees each from the thinned and unthinned stands were randomly selected and felled. Measurements were made on tree height, stem diameter, stem slenderness and canopy depth. Wood samples were removed from the central part of the main log and cross-sectional measurements made on ring width, basic density and compression wood content. Cross-sectional area of compression wood was found to be three time higher in stems from the unthinned trees in comparison with those from the thinned trees. No significant differences in mean radial ring width or basic density were found between treatments. Correlations indicated that, with increasing in stem diameter, compression wood content increased in the unthinned trees, while a decline in compression was observed in the thinned trees. Tree height was also positively correlated with compression wood content in unthinned trees, while no equivalent relationship was observed in thinned trees. Observations from this study, while not conclusive, suggest that phototropic stimulus may be producing stem inclinations in the unthinned stand as trees compete for space in the canopy, whereas crown competition has been largely eliminated in the thinned stand; and that this is responsible for compression wood levels recorded in this study.  相似文献   

We examined the post-planting consequences of pre-planting exposure stress on two-year-old, bare-root Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. laricio var. Corsicana) seedlings. Seedlings were lifted from a nursery and exposed to ambient conditions for periods of up to 192 h before being planted in minirhizotrons. Exposure decreased seedling water potential, CO(2) assimilation rate, leaf conductance and new root elongation, and increased mortality after planting. During exposure, needle total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC) concentration (expressed on a dry mass basis) decreased by 0.31 mg g(dm) (-1) h(-1); however, needle and root TNC concentrations remained high (> 100 mg g(dm) (-1)) at planting, even in those treatments leading to severe seedling mortality. More than 90% of the seedlings with predawn water potentials lower than -1.3 MPa at planting did not elongate new roots and did not survive, whereas a similar percentage of seedlings with a predawn water potential above this value at planting elongated new roots and survived, suggesting that this value corresponds to a turgor threshold below which new root formation is inhibited. At planting, embolization of xylem conduits in roots and shoots was low for seedlings in all of the exposure treatments.  相似文献   

The biology of Lophodermella conjuncta on Corsican pine needles was studied. Results of a spore exclusion experiment and histological examination of needles indicated that infection of young current years needles occurred and that the fungus first colonized only the endodermis. Infection remained latent until symptoms developed, from hyphae penetrating the mesophyll from the endodermis, in July of the year following infection. Ascocarps were produced on second year needles by mid-August. Aseospores were trapped throughout the year.Infected needles were cast prematurely during the third season. The phenomenon of latent infection of pine needles by some pine needle fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

Nodal cankers caused by C. sororia on Corsican pine were three times as common as internodal cankers. Natural infections reached maximum incidence on the fourth internode from the apex in branches and stems, but on stem internodes only on the ninth internode down. The longitudinal rate of canker spread was approximately 4 times that of the tangential rate. Crops of Corsican pine on N-facing slopes were more severely infected than those on S-facing slopes or flat areas, but in all cases the frequency of infection increased progressively with crop age. Cankers on individual stems showed a highly significant concentration on Northerly and Easterly aspects. Evidence is presented which suggests that the temperature differentials observed on different sectors of tree trunks may influence the duration of water films and hence limit the time period during which spore germination is possible.  相似文献   


Scots pine log specimens were given three different surface treatments and two different orientations of large cracks, and subjected to cyclic wetting and drying. Individual fitting of a mechanistic growth model was used to study the shape of absorption and accumulation curves and the final drying curve. Two parameters from this model (increase/decrease rate and maximum/minimum weight gain) were used for statistical analysis. The results indicate that wood tar results in less accumulated moisture over time than solvent-borne or water-borne coating or no treatment at all. An incipient attack by a white-rot fungus on parts of the material during storage affected water uptake greatly, often overriding surface treatment.  相似文献   



The current fire regime threatens black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) persistence in the Mediterranean Basin, which recommends larger-scale fuel treatments. Prescribed burning is an option for stand protection but its use in young stands (which are particularly at risk) is hindered by the scarce knowledge on post-fire tree survival.


The objectives were to characterize bark thickness as a fire-resistance trait in P. nigra and to describe how post-fire tree survival responds to tree size and fire effects in a 16-year-old plantation.


Bark thickness was related to diameter at breast height and height in the stem. Metrics describing tree size and stem and crown damage were measured 1?year after prescribed burning in 259 trees. Tree survival was modeled with logistic regression and Classification and Regression Tree analysis.


Bark thickness increased linearly with diameter at breast height (dbh) and decreased with height in the stem. Tree survival was primarily a function of crown injury. Stem damage was an influent factor in small trees.


Due to thinner bark and lower tolerance to crown damage, young P. nigra trees are less fire-resistant than other Mediterranean pines, e.g., Pinus pinaster. Prescribed fire should not be attempted if dbh <10?cm. Mechanical clearing is the treatment of choice in young stands with a significant shrub layer.  相似文献   

通过对松材线虫病发生区春季枯死枝条感病状况况调查,树龄为10年生左右的枯死枝条带松材线虫比例为15.2%,15年生左右的为38.5%,而20年生左右的仅为10.0%。分析了枝条枯死原因,并提出了相应的防治建议。  相似文献   

本论述了可持续发展中的我国森林工程的发展模式、现状、并对未来的发展提出了建议和措施。  相似文献   

In the southern Rocky Mountains, current mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) outbreaks and associated harvesting have set millions of hectares of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm. ex Wats.) forest onto new stand development trajectories. Information about immediate, post-disturbance tree regeneration will provide insight on dynamics of future stand composition and structure. We compared tree regeneration in eight paired harvested and untreated lodgepole pine stands in the Fraser Experimental Forest that experienced more than 70% overstory mortality due to beetles. New seedlings colonized both harvested and untreated stands in the first years after the beetle outbreak. In harvested areas the density of new seedlings, predominantly lodgepole pine and aspen, was four times higher than in untreated stands. Annual height growth of pine and fir advance regeneration (e.g., trees established prior to the onset of the outbreak) has doubled following overstory mortality in untreated stands. Growth simulations based on our regeneration data suggest that stand basal area and stem density will return to pre-beetle levels in untreated and harvested stands within 80-105 years. Furthermore, lodgepole pine will remain the dominant species in harvested stands over the next century, but subalpine fir will become the most abundant species in untreated areas. Owing to terrain, economic and administrative limitations, active management will treat a small fraction (<15%) of the forests killed by pine beetle. Our findings suggest that the long-term consequences of the outbreak will be most dramatic in untreated forests where the shift in tree species composition will influence timber and water production, wildfire behavior, wildlife habitat and other forest attributes.  相似文献   

介绍了加拿大林业的主要特点和可持续经营的经验。加拿大森林面积近 42 0 0 0万hm2 ,接近整个亚洲的森林面积。其森林以省有林为主体 ,其用材林经营活动主要靠私人企业完成。加拿大森林可持续经营的经验 :贯彻可持续原则 ,建立区域森林管理模式 ,严格科学质量管理 ,林业科研为生产和管理服务 ,广泛采用新技术 ,采取多种形式经营公有林 ,林业社区参与管理森林。通过考察得到 5点启示。  相似文献   

In natural plant populations, leaf polyphenols show high intraspecific variation that occurs both temporally and spatially. Leaf phenolics may be induced by diverse ecological factors such as light, nitrogen availability or herbivory attack. Both light and nitrogen availability can show spatial structure in forested stands, meaning that they each have a high degree of autocorrelation, which can determine the appearance of spatial structure in leaf polyphenols. However, the availability of these resources may be drastically changed by forest disturbance, and little is known about the effect of forest disturbance on the spatial pattern and scale of leaf secondary compounds. We hypothesise that the spatial structure of leaf polyphenols in understory vegetation will disappear due to forest harvesting, because these compounds depend on light availability, yet it will remain unaltered for those compounds that either depend on the availability of other resources or are under major genetic control. The study was performed in young pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) populations growing either under a pine canopy (Pinus pinaster) stand or in a pine harvested stand in NW Spain. The spatial structures of green and senescent leaf polyphenols, tannins, non-tannin polyphenols and nitrogen were analysed in both stands using geostatistical analysis. The spatial structures observed for green and senescent leaf polyphenols and tannins in the forested stand disappeared in the harvested stand. However, non-tannin polyphenols, as well as nitrogen, showed spatial structure in both stands. Understanding these changes may be important for the successful recovery of native oak populations growing under pine forests in NW Spain, one of the priorities of the local government. Our results showed that changes in the concentration of leaf secondary compounds after disturbance may be accompanied by differences in their spatial properties, which may have important consequences for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The influence of pine twist must (Alelampsora pinitorqsat) on growth and development of Scots pine was studied during three consecutive years. The experimental material included three provenances from natural stands and one open pollinated seed orchrd progeny. Trees severely affected by pine twist must reached an average of 38% lower height than did not-affected trees. while mildly affected trees grew somewhat better, on the average, than did non-affected trees. Pine twist must caused tha greatest loss of height increment in the seed orchard progeny.  相似文献   

我省竹产业发展经过“十五“期间的快速发展,2005年竹林面积比2000年增加了27.7万hm^2竹产业总产值增加了48亿元,竹产业的一、二、三产业发展已初具规模,全省竹产业已跃上了一个具有一定规模的发展平台,在我省建设完备的森林生态体系和发达的林业产业体系中发挥着越来越重要的作用,竹产业已成为我省一些地方农村经济、社会发展的支柱产业。党的十六届五中全会提出了加强建设社会主义新农村、构建社会主义和谐社会,要求统筹城乡经济发展、千方百计增加农民收人,要求建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,为我省竹产业发展提出了新的要求,指明了新的方向。如何把党中央的要求落实到我省竹产业发展中,促使我省竹产业再上台阶,已成为我省竹产业发展的重要问题。  相似文献   

Thirty Norway spruce trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) from the forest district of the ETH Zurich were tested for bending MOR, static MOE of bending and dynamic MOE (calculated from eigenfrequency and sound velocity). The specimens were clear and were sampled from the whole of the stem. Their correlations to density, annual ring width, height in the tree, distribution over the stem diameter and the percentage of compression wood were statistically analysed. All three elasticity modules and the maximal stress can be very well predicted from a linear function of the sample density with a common gradient across the compression wood values but with different intercepts that decrease with increasing compression wood content. The other variables have highly significant impacts on the response variables too, however, this is largely irrelevant for the goodness of fit. Further, a clear increase of density, of MOE and of bending MOR was measured from pith to bark and similarly with decreasing annual ring width. Concerning the height of the stem, no distinct trend for the mechanical properties could be found.  相似文献   

莆田市森林公园和森林旅游业发展初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据森林旅游发展趋势,阐明莆田市森林公园和森林旅游发展的优势和现状,提出今后发展森林旅游业的布局和应对措施。  相似文献   

Damage to residual stand after partial harvesting or thinning may lead to serious economic losses in terms of both timber quality at the final harvest, and tree growth reduction. Logging damages and their effect on tree growth were studied in a long term experiment on Corsican pine in central Italy. Damage frequency, agent (felling, skidding), position (root damage, stem base, between 0.3 and 1 m a.g.l., >1 m a.g.l.) and severity (light, severe) and tree growth were measured after selective thinning from below and at 10 years after the treatment. In detail, we aimed at: monitoring mechanical damages to trees at the end of thinning and after 10 years; and assessing stand stability, growing stock, ring width and basal area at 10 years after the thinning. The thinning removed about 20% of volume, 38% of trees and 26% of basal area. The basal area decreased from 56 m2 ha−1 to 42 m2 ha−1 but after 10 years it increased again to 56 m2 ha−1. Immediately after thinning, 13.6% of the standing trees was damaged, out of these 36.17% showed severe injuries. Damages to standing trees were mainly due to skidding. Ten years after thinning, the percentage of damaged trees was about 17%, out of which 86.67% showed severe wounds. An increase of damaged trees and of trees with severe wounds was observed suggesting that a deeper knowledge on long-term effect of logging damages is needed. This study did not highlight any effect of logging damage on tree growth. In fact, no difference in ring width was recorded between damaged and undamaged trees.  相似文献   

Chinese pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus tabulaeformis) larvae were fed with pine needles of different degrees of damage to evaluate the effects of pine needles on the growth and development of larvae. The results showed that the nutritional index of the larvae declines after feeding on the damaged pine needlings. The lowest amount of food ingested and voided feces, the lowest nutritional index, slowest development, lightest pupae and most mortality were found in those pine caterpillar larvae fed with pine needles which were 50% damaged. The damaged pine needles significantly affected the population dynamics of Chinese pine caterpillars. The nutritional indices of larvae fed with 25% and 75% damaged pine needles were similar. The nutritional index of the dark morphs was higher than that of the tinted morphs, however, their mortality was lower than that of the tinted morphs. This phenomenon was reversed at the later stage of development when the larvae were fed on 50% damaged pine needles. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(6): 83–88 [译自: 北京林业大学学报, 2005, 27(6): 83–88]  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the regeneration cut of the shelterwood system and four site preparation options on populations of eastern red-backed salamanders in 90–100-year-old white pine forests in central Ontario, Canada. We established the study in 1994 using a randomized complete block design with three replicates and five treatments: (1) no harvest, no site preparation; (2) harvest, no site preparation; (3) harvest, mechanical site preparation; (4) harvest, chemical site preparation; (5) harvest, mechanical and chemical site preparation. We applied harvest and site preparation treatments from fall 1995 to fall 1997. We collected pre-treatment data in spring and summer of 1995 and post-treatment data from 1998 to 2002. We monitored salamander abundance using a grid of 20 cover boards surveyed 10 times per year within each of the 15 treatment plots. We also quantified changes in overstory and understory cover, supply of downed woody debris, and disturbance to the forest floor. Our data suggest that shelterwood cutting and site preparation can have immediate negative effects on the abundance of red-backed salamander populations in pine forest. However, effects are relatively short lived (<5 years). Changes in abundance appeared to be related to overstory and understory cover, and forest floor disturbance.  相似文献   

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