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高山蔬菜是长阳县一大特色产业。在发展高山蔬菜的进程中,化肥和农药的不合理使用造成农业面源污染、产品质量下降。长阳县农业技术推广中心从抓"三品一标"品牌建设着手,率先在"三品一标"蔬菜生产基地推行化肥、农药减量使用试验示范,保障了"菜篮子"安全。  相似文献   

<正>无公害蔬菜是指在良性生态环境中,按照一定技术规程生产出的符合国家食品卫生标准的商品蔬菜。生产中提倡使用有机肥,严禁使用剧毒、高残留农药,控制化肥施用量,使各项指标符合我国的食品卫生标准,达到安全、营养、优质。其主要栽培技术要点是:  相似文献   

蔬菜生产中,农户为追求更高产量及效益,大量使用化肥、农药,有机肥施得少[1],造成了环境污染,土壤板结、盐渍化,蔬菜品质下降,这与追求更高质量的消费理念相违背.2019年青海省政府提出化肥、农药使用零增长行动方案后,在全省推广增施生物有机肥6.67万hm2,其中乐都区蔬菜面积2666.6 hm2,取得了很好成效.在此结...  相似文献   

@@@@导读:在大田蔬菜生产中,一线农业工作者一些不经意的不适当的农事操作可能会对作物造成一定的为害,从而造成经济损失,如除草剂的不适使用、农药使用不当、底肥过多施用化肥、在微量元素对蔬菜作物的影响方面注意不够、不注重田园卫生、未腐熟有机肥的使用等。让一线的农业生产工作者充分认识这些不适的农事操作,有利于其更好的开展农业生产,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

国内无公害蔬菜施肥技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 我国化肥使用现状对无公害蔬菜的发展我国传统农业以施用有机肥为主,在蔬菜上也是这样。建国以前,国产和进口少量氮肥(硫酸铵)主要在沿海的广东、福建、浙江、江苏和山东等省使用。建国以后,化肥的合理使用技术未受到重视。50年代后期在化肥数量极少的情况下,当时肥料主要以人畜粪便等有机肥为主,施用有机肥为土壤良性循环创造了良好的环境,因而农作物病虫害很  相似文献   

发展有机蔬菜生产实施轮作制度的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近几十年来,为追求蔬菜的高额丰产和防治病虫害,化肥、农药和激素已成为菜农不可缺少的生产资料。禁用化肥、农药和激素已成为发展无公害蔬菜、绿色蔬菜、有机蔬菜的难点。尤其是发展有机农业中的有机蔬菜因要求严,难度最大。回顾我国数千年来的传统农业生产都是自给自足,并未依赖化肥、农药及激素而存在。由此可以证明摆脱化肥、农药及激素而从事有机蔬菜的可能性是存在的。传统农业生产中抑制病虫害和土壤培肥主要是依靠轮作换茬,切断病虫害的中间寄主、减少病虫发生的源泉。培肥土壤主要是依靠提高土壤保水、保肥的能力,依靠施用大…  相似文献   

从建立基地、加强病虫预报、综合利用农业措施、发展生物防治、运用物理防治、科学使用农药化肥6个方面重点介绍无公害蔬菜生产防止污染的途径和方法。  相似文献   

蔬菜安全生产中有机肥的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国内蔬菜消费水平的提高,尤其是我国加入WTO后,蔬菜生产的安全问题越来越受到关注。蔬菜是一种容易聚集和残留硝酸盐、重金属及农药等污染物的作物,在生产过程中,为追求产量,盲目地滥用化学肥料以及农药,是造成当前蔬菜产品污染的最主要原因。大量使用化肥不仅造成土壤板结,也污染水体和空气,并通过产品、食物和饮水等途径危害人类的健康。增施有机肥,不仅可以增加土壤有机质含量、改善土壤物理性状、提高土壤  相似文献   

乜兰春  陈贵林 《蔬菜》2000,(2):19-20
近年来,由于蔬菜生产中农药、化肥的超量使用,造成蔬菜产品中农药残留、硝酸盐及重金属等有害物质大量积累,严重影响到人民群众的身体健康。因此,蔬菜生产必须向无公害方向发展。无公害蔬菜生产不仅对灌溉用水、周边环境以及农药的使用有严格要求,还对施用化肥的种类、用量等有严格的限制,以确保蔬菜中硝酸盐及其它有害物质的含量不超标。下面仅就无公害蔬菜生产中的施肥技术做一简要介绍。一、无公害蔬菜生产的肥料种类蔬菜中有毒物质的含量,特别是硝酸盐含量,与所施用的肥料种类密切相关、其含量顺序是①化肥①沤肥;③高温堆肥;…  相似文献   

蔬菜中硝酸盐的危害和标准管理   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
王晶 《中国蔬菜》2003,1(2):1-3
如今一提起蔬菜产品质量 ,人们不仅想到农药残留 ,同时还关注蔬菜中的硝酸盐含量。对于蔬菜中硝酸盐的危害 ,国内外研究者有着不同的观点 ,到底蔬菜中的硝酸盐有何危害 ,是否需要制订限量标准 ,以及如何管理都是目前所争论的焦点。1 蔬菜中硝酸盐的来源氮素是植物的“生命元素” ,对植物生长发育起着重要作用。植物主要从土壤中吸取氮素等必需营养元素和水分 ,土壤中的氮素来自农业生产过程中施用的化肥以及有机肥中含氮化合物的降解 ,其中氮素化肥是蔬菜中硝酸盐的主要来源。无论是有机肥还是化肥施入土壤后 ,其中的氮素通过复杂的转化过…  相似文献   

井玉梅 《北方园艺》2011,(19):194-195
当今在人们渴望绿色环境、绿色食品,追求生态农业的形势下,物理农业悄然产生并迅猛发展,物理技术成为一种新兴的农业生产技术,物理肥料代替化学肥料,物理农业新领域正在开发利用和推广.  相似文献   

范蕊 《吉林蔬菜》2016,(9):36-38
叙述了微生物肥料的种类及在无公害蔬菜生产中发挥的作用;介绍了微生物肥在使用过程中应注意的问题及如何合理施用微生物肥;分析了长期施用微生物肥对农田土壤中的微生物群落及土壤生态系统的影响和变化;展望了微生物肥在农业和生态环境中的重要性。  相似文献   

The rational use of water in arid and semi-arid zones is fundamental for resource sustainability. The integration of aquaculture with agriculture appears to be an excellent way of saving water, disposing aquaculture effluents and providing additional fertilizer to the agricultural crop. The objective of this study was to test the feasibility of using fish effluent to irrigate cherry tomatoes cultured with different types of organic fertilizers. A field experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design in a 2 × 5 factorial scheme, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of two irrigation water types (well water and fish effluent) with five fertilizers (cow manure, chicken manure, vermi-compost, commercial compost and a control without fertilization). Evaluations for tomato fruit number, productivity and mean fruit weight were performed. Statistical analyses were done in the following harvest periods: 0–25, 0–50, 0–75 and 0–100% of the harvest days. On the first three harvest periods analyzed, treatments irrigated with fish effluent had higher fruit number and productivity. This effect was more evident when the organic fertilizer used did not attend all plant needs. The higher productivity observed in effluent treatments was related to the increase in fruit number. The higher productivity in treatments with fish effluent has a special importance for small farmers, to whom fertilizers are often cost prohibitive or unavailable.  相似文献   

控释肥料对大白菜产量、品质和养分利用率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对自行研制的5种控释肥料进行田间试验,研究控释肥料对大白菜的产量、品质以及养分利用率的影响.结果表明,在等N、P、K比例和等养分量处理下,控释肥料可以显著提高大白菜产量和提高养分利用率.与普通肥料1次性施用相比,控释肥料处理增加产量5.8%~16.9%,氮、磷、钾当季利用率分别提高3.2~13.6,3.2~10.3和9.2~19.4个百分点:与普通肥料分2次施用相比,控释肥料处理增产3.8%~14.7%,氮、磷、钾当季利用率分别提高了1.8~10.4,1.5~7.1和-1.0~9.2个百分点.此外,控释肥料对大白菜的品质也有一定影响.  相似文献   

Urban agriculture, as most agriculture, can potentially contribute to eutrophication via losses to ground and surface water. Few published studies have empirically measured nitrogen and phosphorus losses (including leaching) from urban agriculture, and even fewer have examined losses in real-world settings throughout the year. Here we investigated year-round (May 2020–2021) weekly nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from allotment gardens in Linköping, southern Sweden. We installed eight lysimeters (8 plots) and collected water 0.3 m below the soil surface in four gardens (2 plots per garden), each with their own gardening practices (organic fertilizers, irrigation, and crops). The gardens exhibited large nutrient leaching per area cultivated compared to observed nutrient leachate in rural agriculture in similar climates. There was a large variability among studied plots, where nitrogen leaching reached 39–191 kg ha−1 y−1 and phosphorus 0.9–2.4 kg ha−2 y−1. Importantly, the non-growing season, especially snowmelt, was a key period for leaching. Most of the nitrogen (78–91 %) and phosphorus (45–97 %) leaching occurred from November to April when the soil was bare, suggesting that mineralization of organic matter was important. Three of the gardens received high amounts of organic fertilizers, though no clear relation between inputs and leaching could be discerned. One plot deviated from the pattern, with less than 40 % of the nutrient leaching occurring in the non-growing season. This gardener had a fine net covering the plot to deter insects. This protected from precipitation as the water volume collected was the lowest, with only 26 % collected in the non-growing season, and nitrogen leaching was also the lowest. Our results illustrate that additional monitoring studies should occur year-round and in several gardens to account for high temporal and spatial heterogeneity and avoid under-estimating leaching losses from urban agriculture. Providing guidance on fertilization, irrigation, and soil covering may be a way to minimize leaching.  相似文献   

张娜 《蔬菜》2023,(3):43-46
为促进辽宁省肥料高质量发展,回顾了辽宁省肥料产业建国后发展情况,介绍了当前全省化肥、有机肥、生物肥、水溶肥4大类主要产品新型化、多元化、功能化、综合化发展状况,提出了目前肥料行业存在的化肥用量过大、肥料利用率不高、施肥方式落后、新型肥料推广滞后等问题,最后建议应从3方面推动新时期肥料行业发展,包括加强新型肥料产品研发、加强优质菌种选育和加强农业有机废弃物肥料化利用。  相似文献   

蓝得土壤调理剂在苹果树上的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在苹果树上进行了蓝得土壤调理剂使用效果试验。结果表明:果园土壤施用蓝得土壤调理剂能显著提高叶片质量,但单一使用蓝得调理剂效果没有配合有机肥或复合肥使用效果好。每树以蓝得土壤调理剂与N、P、K复合肥和有机肥按1kg+1kg+5kg,或1.5kg+1kg+5kg配合使用效果为好;在肥源不足的情况下,还可以利用调理剂1.5kg与有机肥5.0kg或N、P、K复合肥1.0kg组合应用。  相似文献   

氮磷钾配比对设施辣椒产量和效益的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验研究了二代日光节能温室氮、磷、钾及其配合施用对辣椒产量及其经济效益的影响。结果表明,供试土壤速效磷、钾丰富,速效氮素相对贫乏,表现为设施内高投肥特征并导致土壤轻度盐渍化;三要素对株高和叶绿素含量的影响顺序为:NPK〉NP〉NK〉PK〉CK,氮素的促长效应显著;而肥料配比对辣椒茎粗的影响作用顺序为:NPK〉NK〉PK〉NP〉CK,钾素的壮苗品质作用明显。氮肥对温室辣椒的产量具有决定性影响,三要素对辣椒产量影响的顺序为氮〉磷〉钾;辣椒产量59%依赖于土壤供肥水平。  相似文献   

The effects of deep ploughing, shallow ploughing-with-subsoiling, shallow ploughing, and shallow rotary cultivation combined factorially with three manurial treatments on the yields of vegetable crops are described. Each of the five crops in the rotation was grown in each year from i960 to 1962 on a sandy loam at Wellesbourne.

Where a high level of fertility bad been built up by the use of farmyard manure (FYM), yields were subsequently maintained at a high level for a three-year period by the use of NPK fertilizers alone.

Plots which had received either FYM with NPK fertilizers for each crop from 1954 to 1962 (FYM -j- NPK), or FYM with NPK fertilizers from 1954 to 1959 but with NPK only from i960 to 1962 (residual FYM + NPK), gave much higher yields than plots which had received only nitrogenous fertilizers from 1954 to 1959 and NPK fertilizers from 1960 to 1962. The increases in yields from FYM + NPK over those from residual FYM + NPK were small, and significant only for autumn lettuce and leeks.

Although, on average, the differences between the yields from the three ploughing treatments were small (the largest was 10%) some of the differences were significant.

The ploughing treatments gave significantly higher yields of early peas, autumn lettuce, leeks and Brussels sprouts than shallow rotary cultivation ; with early summer cauliflowers, however, only shallow ploughing-with- subsoiling gave a higher yield than shallow rotary cultivation.  相似文献   

控释复合肥对盆栽一串红生长发育与品质的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
颜冬云  张民  蒋新 《园艺学报》2004,34(6):773-777
 对采用流化床包膜技术制作的控释复合肥进行了一串红花卉盆栽试验, 并与普通复合肥进行了肥效对比。经控释复合肥处理的一串红叶绿素相对含量、叶面积、叶数和生长势均比普通复合肥有明显优势。植株的平均干样质量和花样质量在各施肥处理上均显著大于普通复合肥。从观赏价值来看, 与普通复合肥相比, 控释复合肥处理的一串红开花早, 花量多, 鲜艳夺目。控释复合肥不仅在促进生长发育方面,而且在防止因施肥量过高造成植株伤害的安全性方面都具有明显的优越性。一串红在直径25 cm、高21 cm盆栽的控释肥最佳施肥量是纯N 0.4 g/ kg 土。  相似文献   

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