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正一、花卉类:精品月季百余种、超级玫瑰、大花重瓣、浓香型(黄、红、紫、黑、蓝、绿、粉、双复等色),天堂、洛神、金奖章、荣光、红双喜、蓝月:四种云系;四大和平、杨基歌、十全十美、梅郎口红、一流小姐、黑金刚、国旗红、肖像、友爱、法国花边、吉祥中国红、理想的家、贵妃醉酒、情侣约会、鸯鸳合、标名挂牌、2-4年生05、08、15、3元,大株母苗5元、8元,玫瑰(黑魔术、罗佩斯、爱丽沙、沙漠)1.5、3元,蔷薇、红花爬墙梅0.06、0.4、0.8、1.5元/株。二、嫁接15种梅花(红、绿、骨红、乌、朱砂、龙游、曲垂、五色、美人、照水、绿萼、春、榆叶、雀  相似文献   

<正>主营:嫁接核桃苗、油松、侧柏及各种绿化苗。核桃品种:石门核桃、清香、硕丰、辽核(共10万株)。文玩核桃:百花山(满天星)、盘龙纹、王勇官帽、麦穗虎头。另有国槐、白腊、栾树、五角枫、法桐苗、山桃、山杏、樱花、碧桃、矮樱、丁香、连翘、卫矛、女贞、小檗、小叶黄杨、大叶黄杨球、白皮松、银杏、刺槐、海棠、金叶榆、椿树、樱桃树、大规格核桃树。  相似文献   

桦褐孔菌Inonotus obliquus化学成分及药理作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桦褐孔菌的化学成分包括多种三萜类、木质素类、黑色素类、叶酸衍生物、鞘氨脂类似物、甘露醇、多酚类、半单宁化合物、类固醇、生物碱、芳香物质等。桦褐孔菌可被用于治疗和防治多种疾病,主要药理作用包括:抗癌、抗氧化、降血糖、降血压、降血脂、治疗心血管疾病、抗菌、抗过敏、抗炎、增强免疫力、止痛、抗失眠、保肝、治疗消化系统疾病,还可用于治疗胃炎、胃溃疡、胃癌等,具有很高的药用价值。  相似文献   

正百亩育苗基地常年提供名特优新品种果苗和接穗梨:红香酥着色南果、大南果、小南果、爱宕、早酥、尖把、黄金、锦丰、元黄。苹果:寒富、红富士、国光、黄元帅、红王将、嘎拉、新皇家嘎拉、美国8号、红嘎拉、鸡冠、123、K9、黄太平。李子:安哥诺、幸运、超黑霸、琥珀、澳李14号、秋红、红宝石、盖县大李。  相似文献   

1按照季节选择春季(阳历3-5月):韭菜、苋菜、西红柿、苦瓜、救心菜、丝瓜、豌豆、四季豆、鱼腥草、朝天椒、茄子、紫苏、木耳菜、玉米、紫背菜、茄子、葫芦。夏季(阳历6-8月):空心菜、西洋菜、花菜、油麦菜、黄瓜、冬瓜、南瓜、西瓜、菜瓜、辣椒、苦瓜。  相似文献   

正果树苗大樱桃:红灯、岱红、黑珍珠、砂蜜豆、斯塔克艳红、拉宾斯、先锋、美早、早大果、红心、冰糖樱,带分枝大樱桃树有10万株。毛桃:国庆红、仲伙红、秋峰桃、红久鲜、明艳桃、突围桃、早春红桃、春雪桃、春蜜桃、超早红桃、醉人仙桃、十月红桃、中华晚蜜、中国沙红、夏之梦、夏香姬、红姑娘桃、玉红巨雪、黄金蜜桃、西洋皇后、锦园黄桃。  相似文献   

罗芒生 《花卉》2005,(4):10-10
水培,就是将花卉直接栽培在营养液中,通过定期更换营养液或添加营养液,不断补充供给养料。水培花卉耐水渍力强,适合水培花卉品种,主要有丛牛春芋、银色芋、合果芋、竹芋、火鹤花、广东万年青、龟背竹、绿巨人、银皇后、吊竹梅、吊兰、芦荟、银边万年青、莲花掌、芙蓉掌、君子兰、兜兰、蟹爪兰、富贵竹、凤梨、银叶菊、巴西木、常春藤、彩叶菊等。  相似文献   

苑迎旭 《中国蔬菜》2008,1(5):55-55
天鹰椒自20世纪80年代初由日本引入河北武强县以来,至今已有近30a(年)的栽培历史,由当初几个村几公顷,扩展到现在包括武邑、景县、阜城、故城、深州、饶阳、安平、河间、献县、肃宁、盐山、任丘、霸州、泊头、东光、德州、宁津、平原、南宫、新河等毗邻县在内的近3000个行政村10万hm^2,天鹰椒高产优质栽培技术日趋成熟。  相似文献   

<正>果树类大樱桃:红灯、岱红、黑珍珠、砂蜜豆、斯塔克艳红、拉宾斯、先锋、美早、早大果、红心、冰糖樱。(带分枝大樱桃树有10万棵)桃树:国庆红、仲伙红、秋峰桃、红久鲜、明艳桃、突围桃、早春红桃、春雪桃、春蜜桃、超早红桃、醉人仙桃、十月红桃、中华晚蜜、中国沙红、夏之梦、夏香姬、红姑娘桃、玉红巨雪、黄金蜜桃、西洋皇后、锦园黄桃。油桃:明月油蟠桃、早油蟠桃、中油蟠桃、晚油蟠桃、46—28油桃、中油14号、中油564、井村油王、  相似文献   

<正>果树类大樱桃:红灯、岱红、黑珍珠、砂蜜豆、斯塔克艳红、拉宾斯、先锋、美早、早大果、红心、冰糖樱。(带分枝大樱桃树有10万棵)桃树:国庆红、仲伙红、秋峰桃、红久鲜、明艳桃、突围桃、早春红桃、春雪桃、春蜜桃、超早红桃、醉人仙桃、十月红桃、中华晚蜜、中国沙红、夏之梦、夏香姬、红姑娘桃、玉红巨雪、黄金蜜桃、西洋皇后、锦园黄桃。油桃:明月油蟠桃、早油蟠桃、中油蟠桃、晚油蟠桃、46-28油桃、中油14号、中油564、井村油王、短枝红、特大甜油王、白玉、晶王油桃等。  相似文献   

Salt stress has been applied to improve the quality of tomato, but detailed information about the changes in antioxidant systems in salt-stressed fruit is not available. In this study, we examined the effect of salt stress on oxidative parameters, antioxidant content and antioxidant enzymes in two tomato cultivars during two cropping seasons. Salt stress was applied by adding 100 mM NaCl to the nutrient solution. We show that tomato fruits have antioxidant systems to protect themselves from salt-induced oxidative stress. This finding is supported by the lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide levels, which remained unchanged under salt stress conditions. However, these antioxidant systems depend on cultivars and cropping seasons. In the summer crop, the antioxidant systems in salt-stressed ‘House Momotaro’ can be attributed to the enzymatic reactions of ascorbate peroxidase (EC and glutathione reductase (EC, while those in salt-stressed ‘Mini Carol’ can be attributed to their non-enzymatic reactions of ascorbate and glutathione. In the winter crop, the antioxidant systems were not influenced by salt stress in either cultivar. However, the proline content increased in both cropping seasons and cultivars. The seasonal and cultivar differences of salt-induced changes in the antioxidant systems may result from cultivar differences in antioxidant capacities and the interaction between salt stress and growth conditions such as temperature and solar radiation.  相似文献   

利用闲置的哈密瓜大棚,对15个豇豆品种进行比较,试验结果表明,正源豇豆和农家乐373油白豆角2个品种在三亚春季设施栽培条件下,表现产量高、耐热性和抗病性强,适合三亚地区甜瓜地轮作设施栽培.  相似文献   

Researchers have clearly identified the importance of green space to promote mental and physical health among humans. In urban areas, public parks are essential for providing access to green space for many residents. This study identified the relationships between demographics, neighborhood social capital, violent crime, and residential distance to the closest park (park proximity) with self-reported access to neighborhood parks, among a population-representative sample of adults in Philadelphia. Women, older age groups, minorities, and those with lower education levels had lower self-reported access to neighborhood parks. Those reporting high neighborhood social capital had higher self-reported access to neighborhood parks. Park proximity and number of violent crimes within 100 m from respondents’ residence were inversely associated with self-reported access to neighborhood parks. Interestingly, those living proximal to parks had higher odds of self-reported access to parks, but only among residents living in lower violent crime quartiles, and not in the highest violent crime quartile. These results suggest that those who lived in areas with high violent crime might be deterred from using neighborhood parks, even if there are parks close to their residence. Results of the study show that demographic groups that have been historically marginalized in the U.S., including women, older age groups and minorities, had lower self-reported access to parks in Philadelphia. The study also highlights the potential importance of neighborhood social capital and perceptions of safety to self-reported access to neighborhood parks.  相似文献   

生物技术在香蕉育种中的应用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
近50年来,香蕉的生产得到了稳步的发展,但同时正遭受越来越严重的病虫、霜冻和台风的危害。解决目前香蕉生产障碍的根本措施是培育高产、优质且具有高度抗性的新品种。而鲜食蕉高度不育性和果实无核性的特点,使目前香蕉选育种工作明显滞后于生产。这些现状迫切要求生物技术在香蕉育种中应用不断发展和深入。综合有关文献概述了近20年来在香蕉的突变育种、基因工程育种和体细胞杂交育种等领域取得的可喜进展,并展望了香蕉产业发展的未来。  相似文献   

陈凯莉  许轲  张贤聪  王亚楠  汪志辉  王迅 《园艺学报》2017,44(10):2008-2014
对果实果胶代谢相关酶基因的研究概况进行综述,总结了参与果胶合成和分解途径的重要酶类编码基因的家族信息、基因功能鉴定、基因表达分析等研究,为果胶代谢分子机制的深入研究及果实品质改良育种提供参考。  相似文献   

乐都县引进大樱桃效益分析及栽培技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
从气候和区域地理优势角度,对大樱桃在乐都县的发展及栽培优势作出了简单介绍,对栽培大樱桃的效益作出了分析,指出大樱桃在乐都县具有较高的栽培前景,并对大樱桃的栽培技术作了一般性介绍.  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜永州地区早春大棚种植的甜瓜新品种,通过随机区组设计,对6个参试甜瓜品种进行比较.试验结果表明,脆禧表现为早熟,一品红、玉菇生育期与CK(雪峰蜜2号)接近,3个品种均表现高产,且商品性、口感、含糖量较优,因此认为脆禧、一品红、玉菇这3个品种适宜在湖南永州地区推广种植.  相似文献   

Onions normally form bulbs in the first year of growth; however, exposure to low temperatures can induce flowering (vernalisation) before bulbs are produced. Based on the cultivation data of onions grown in Japan, we evaluated and validated a reported model describing the onion vernalisation response. The observed bolting rates of ‘Sapporoki’, which was used in the construction of a previous model, were a good fit to the model, whereas, the bolting rates of one of the overwinter-type cultivars, ‘Momiji No.3?, were lower than the predicted value. The difference between the predicted and observed bolting rates in ‘Momiji No.3? was caused by a larger VD0.5, the coefficient in vernalisation response models that represents the time point when half of the plants have bolted. Overwinter-type and/or bolting resistant cultivars can have parameters that indicate a further vernalisation requirement for bolting. The parameters in our model can be customised to the cultivar being investigated, and our study suggests the viability of modelling onion bolting by using air temperature.  相似文献   

园艺植物在长期营养繁殖过程中易感染各种病毒病害,严重威胁了园艺植物的生长发育,降低经济价值,目前世界各国对病毒病害的研究和防治都极为重视。通过全面总结园艺植物病毒脱毒原理及常见方法,为提高园艺植物的品质与产量提供参考。  相似文献   

Changes in landscape patterns in Georgia,USA   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The objectives of this study were to determine how landscape patterns in Georgia, USA have changed through time and whether the spatial patterns varied by physiographic region. Historical aerial photography was used to analyze spatial patterns of land use from the 1930's to the 1980's. Land use patterns were quantified by: (1) mean number and size of patches; (2) fractal dimension of patches; (3) amount of edge between land uses; and (4) indices of diversity, dominance, and contagion. Forest cover increased in aerial extent and in mean patch size. The mean size of agricultural patches increased in the coastal plain and decreased in the mountains and piedmont. Edges between land uses decreased through time, indicating less dissection of the landscape. Fractal dimensions also decreased, indicating simpler patch shapes. Indices of diversity and dominance differed through time but not among regions; the contagion index differed among regions but not through time. A geographic trend of decreasing diversity and increasing dominance and contagion was observed from the mountains to the lower coastal plain. Landscape patterns exhibited the greatest changes in the piedmont region. Overall, the Georgia landscape has become less fragmented and more connected during the past 50 years. Changing patterns in the landscape may have implications for many ecological processes and resources.  相似文献   

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