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Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Basic activated sludge process kinetics of: (1) complete-mix reactor without sludge recycle; (2) complete-mix reactor with sludge recycle; and (3) plug-flow...  相似文献   

The effect of chronic exposure of sublethal concentration (5%) of vegetable oil factory effluent on ovarian maturation of Channa punctatus was studied. The process of ovarian recrudescence was significantly retarded as evidenced by the low ovarian weights and low occurrence of Stage III (Yolky) oocytes in the ovaries of effluent-exposed fish. A high incidence of atresia was also noticed in the ovaries of fish exposed to the effluent.  相似文献   

A gel filtration chromatography technique was used to separate soluble species of Cd, Cu, Co, Mn, Ni, and TI in the influent and effluent of a laboratory scale activated sludge simulation operated at a range of sludge ages from 3 to 18 days. It was found that, whilst there was no general trend for all six metals, Cd and Mn associated mainly with low molecular weight fractions; Co, Cu, and Ni with a range of predominantly high molecular weight fractions; and TI tended towards association with high molecular weight fractions which influenced metal solubility and appeared to be significant in determining metal removal. It appeared that all metals exhibited high affinity for mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and that this affinity was strongest for Cu and Cd. Nickel, Co, Cu, and TI appeared to show a high affinity for polymeric microbial products produced at longer sludge ages. The gel filtration technique was found to be useful in the separation of metal species in conjunction with a sufficiently sensitive detector provided their concentrations in the original sample were relatively high.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the activated sludge process is solved with consideration given to the wastewater composition. Inclusion of wastewater composition will lead to predictions where N or P may be limiting nutrients. The procedure presented is useful when designing or evaluating the operation of an activated sludge process.  相似文献   

Concentrations of air-borne coliforms and ‘other’ bacteria (defined as total bacteria minus coliforms) were measured. downwind of a sewage treatment plant activated sludge tank. The Gaussian plume diffusion equation adequately predicts concentrations of the ‘other’ bacteria; the diffusion equation must be modified by an extinction coefficient, equivalent to a half-life of about 7.4 s, to predict coliform concentrations. Coliform concentrations downwind of this tank did not present a significant health hazard, but the method is applicable to treatment plants of higher capacity and possibly greater emissions.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a rational approach to minimum cost design of an integrated activated sludge process which includes activated sludge reactor, secondary clarifier and sludge recycle. The cost of anaerobic digestion of excess sludge produced is also considered. Procedures for optimal design of both single and multiple stage activated sludge processes, considering construction and operational costs are developed. Biomass concentration in aeration tank and return sludge are utilized as the primary independent design variables to which system performance is related for single stage process. In the multiple stage process, additional design variables (flow and volume fractions for each stage) are included in design vector. Liquid-biomass separation is based on the batch solids flux theory. The optimization problem is framed as minimization of capital and operating cost subject to the constraints determined by effluent quality criteria and process variables affecting the performance. The interior penalty function method is used. Results definitely favor the application of multiple stage process over single stage. The major factor which appears to be contributing to reduction in cost is the biological solids retention time and hence the aeration tank volume.  相似文献   

活性污泥中微生物种群特性及对底物降解的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简介了分离微生物培养基的选择以及PCR、ERIC、DGGE、TGGE、FISH、T-RFLP等种群特性测定方法,阐述了活性污泥微生物的种群多样性、结构稳定性和功能稳定性等特性,指出活性污泥微生物种群多样性是结构稳定性的基础,而结构稳定性是功能稳定性的前提,功能稳定性又是底物有效降解的保证;同时底物及环境因子的变化也影响活性污泥群落结构及功能的稳定,并可能使种群多样性发生变化,结构稳定性与功能稳定性二者变化并不同步。  相似文献   

葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
厌氧消化技术被广泛应用于多种行业废弃物的处置。然而,葡萄酒生产废弃物浓度高、pH值低以及季节性变化的特性容易造成负荷冲击,导致反应器微生物流失、运行不稳定。同时,剩余污泥组分复杂、水解率低导致产气效率低。厌氧共消化具有均衡营养素、减缓抑制效应、丰富菌群多样性和提高甲烷产量等优势,也逐渐成为一种重要的葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥的处置方式。尽管已有二者在不同运行策略下共消化性能的研究,但仍未有报道阐明其共消化的影响因素以及基于葡萄酒生产废弃物特性建立直接种间电子传递的研究进展。因此,该文介绍了葡萄酒生产废水与剩余污泥、葡萄酒生产固体废弃物与剩余污泥的共消化进展,并分别归纳了2种体系中影响消化效能的主要因子;随后总结了共消化体系中基于乙醇建立的直接种间电子传递的研究进展;最后,围绕以上内容展望了共消化技术在葡萄酒生产废弃物与剩余污泥协同处理的前景。  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted to compare the response of an activated sludge culture proliferating in an environment where the DO concentration was maintained between 8-9 mg l?1 to that of a culture in an environment where the DO concentration was 2 mg l?1 when both systems were subjected to identical loading fluctuations. It was observed that in the high DO system, filamentous microorganisms became the predominate form when the suspended solids concentration dropped below a value near 4000 mg l?1. However, no filamentous growth appeared in the alternate system until the suspended solids level dropped below 500 mg l?1. A model is developed which proposes to explain this observation.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted in a full-scale activated-sludge plant to evaluate the influence of detergent concentration on the development of ciliated protozoa during the biological treatment of wastewater. Density and diversity of ciliates were determined in relation to detergents entering the aeration tanks. Results suggest that a threshold of detergent concentration in wastewater entering the aeration tanks for an efficient biological process is 10 mg L?1. Values higher than this, yield a significant decrease in ciliate populations.  相似文献   

The behavior of six heavy metals in an activated sludge pilot plant under conditions of normal and elevated influent metal concentrations has been studied. Percentage heavy metal removals at sludge ages of 4, 9, and 12 d were more consistent when metals were added to the system, possibly as a result of lesser variations in heavy metal speciation in the settled sewage, and the greatest degree of accumulation of heavy metals by the biomass occurred at the 12 d sludge age. When shock loads of heavy metals were introduced into the system, their concentrations in the effluent did not immediately rise in proportion; however, heavy metal removal efficiencies were similar under steady state conditions of normal and elevated influent metal concentrations. Cadmium, Cu, and Ni were largely soluble in the effluent samples, but Cr, Pb, and Zn were predominantly insoluble, indicating that particulate forms of these metals may escape removal in secondary sedimentation. The high degree of Ni solubility in the settled sewage and final effluent reflected its consistently poor removal in the process. The two most soluble metals, Cu and Ni, appeared to be associated to a large degree with high molecular weight substances in the settled sewage and final effluent, possibly influencing their availability for uptake by the biomass.  相似文献   

用于污泥厌氧消化的温室-太阳能热水器组合增温系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用温室-太阳能热水器组合增温工艺提高和保持厌氧消化反应器的消化温度,实现厌氧消化反应器在中温(春、秋、冬季)和高温(夏季)条件下高效稳定运行。以剩余污泥为原料,考察了该组合工艺一年四季的保温效果和污泥厌氧消化产气性能,并对各季节的能源产出和消耗情况进行对比分析。结果表明:与自然环境下的反应器I相比,温室内反应器II的温度在春夏秋三季分别提高了13.0~28.5℃、15.0~26.5℃和10.7~12.2℃,具有良好的增温和保温效果。春夏秋三季污泥厌氧消化的累积产气量分别提高了176.1%、98.8%和109.9%;总固体(TS)和挥发性固体(VS)去除率分别提高了6.8%~27.1%和7.5%~24.1%。通过能源产出和消耗情况分析,发现反应器II在春夏秋三季度的能源转化效率比反应器I提高了21.0%、38.5%和30.3%,冬季的耗能大于产能,但能保证厌氧消化的持续高效运行。  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2002,19(3):237-248
Recycling of organic wastes within agriculture may help maintain soil fertility via effects on physical, chemical and biological properties. Efficient use, however, requires an individual assessment of waste products, and effects should be compared with natural variations due to climate and soil type. An 11-month incubation experiment was conducted between April 1998 and March 1999, in which a sandy loam without or with anerobically digested sewage sludge (4.2 t dry matter (DM) ha−1) or household compost (17 t DM ha−1) was incubated under constant laboratory conditions at 10 °C, as well as in the field. The following properties were monitored: wet-stability of soil aggregates, clay dispersibility, hot-water extractable carbohydrates, resin-extractable Pi, inorganic N, biomass C and N, PLFA profiles, FDA hydrolysis activity, β-glucosidase activity and CO2 evolution. In general, effects of waste amendment were positive, but moderate compared to the dynamics observed in unamended soil, and mainly occurred in the first several weeks after amendment. The temporal dynamics of inorganic N, FDA hydrolysis activity, biomass C and PLFA composition appeared to be faster under the fluctuating climatic conditions in the field. To evaluate accumulated effects of repeated waste applications, soil was also sampled from a field trial, in which the sewage sludge and household compost had been applied at the same rates as in the incubation study for three consecutive years. Sampling took place after the final harvest, i.e. 5 months after the final waste application. Compost amendment had increased potentially mineralizable N by a factor of 1.8, and sludge amendment had increased the amount of resin-extractable Pi by a factor of 1.6. However, there were no accumulated effects of waste amendment on the fraction of soil in wet-stable aggregates, or on the microbiological properties tested, which supported the observation from the incubation study that effects of organic wastes were transient.  相似文献   

A previous study indicated that regenerated spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst, added to a test activated sludge system, increased the sludge settling rate, decreased the settled sludge volume (compaction), decreased the supernatant (effluent) TOC and increased the supernatant optical clarity. In addition, phosphate levels were markedly reduced in a municipal sewerage a ctivated sludge system. As an extension of this study, fresh, spent, and regenerated cracking catalysts have been examined to determine if the observed activity could be attributed to the carbon and metals deposited on the catalyst during the cracking operation. To do this the earlier studies have been repeated and adsorption isotherm tests have been conducted with fresh, spent and regenerated catalysts. The results indicate that: (1) the carbon and metals on the catalyst surface do not affect the improved settling and compaction of activated sludge observed when the catalyst is present, nor do they affect TOC removals; (2) none of the catalysts tested adsorb soluble TOC to an appreciable extent; and (3) the presence of catalyst, by enhancing compaction, may stabilize the activated sludge system during wet weather conditions.  相似文献   

The development of a concept of ecological functions of soils has facilitated interdisciplinary studies in various fields of soil science and neighboring sciences. As is shown in this paper, the ecological functions of activated sludge have a lot of features similar to the ecological functions of natural soils. A classification of the major ecological functions of activated sludge is suggested. It is stressed that the role of activated sludge as a protective barrier is particularly important for the biosphere preservation, as the self-purification capacity of many water objects is almost exhausted. In general, activated sludge can be considered a biological reactor of a polyfunctional character.  相似文献   

为探究有机废弃物蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液对马铃薯致病菌立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani)和尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)的抑制作用,该研究采用皿内生长速率法测定了蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液及二者混和液的抑菌作用,并通过盆栽试验分析了它们对马铃薯促生抑病效果。结果表明,蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液对立枯丝核菌和尖孢镰刀菌均有显著的抑制作用,浸提液的100倍稀释液对立枯丝核菌抑制作用分别可高达78.3%和98.8%,对尖孢镰刀菌的抑制作用分别为60.1%和75.8%;2种废弃物浸提液混合后具有协同增效作用,混合液稀释1000倍后,对立枯丝核菌的抑制率为98.6%,对尖孢镰刀菌的抑制率为72.6%。将有机废弃物浸提液高温灭菌后,对病原菌抑制效果极大的下降,与空白对照相比相差较小。盆栽试验结果表明,蚯蚓粪和活性污泥的浸提液能有效防治马铃薯茎溃疡病,2种浸提液1∶1混合稀释200倍后,防治效率高达75.0%。而且蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液灌根施用能促进马铃薯幼苗的生长,浸提液1∶1混合稀释200倍后施用,与对照相比株高增长了56.8%。综上,有机废弃物蚯蚓粪和活性污泥浸提液对马铃薯致病菌具有显著抑制效果,2种废弃物浸提液混合施用对马铃薯茎溃疡病的防治有协同增效作用。  相似文献   

The enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) method is widely adopted for phosphorus removal from wastewater, yet little is known about its microbiological and molecular mechanisms. Therefore, it is difficult to predict and control the deterioration of the EBPR process in a large-scale municipal sewage treatment plant. This study used a novel strain isolated in the laboratory, Pseudomonas putida GM6, which had a high phosphate accumulating ability and could recover rapidly from the deteriorated system and enhance the capability of phosphorus removal in activated sludge. Strain GM6 marked with gfp gene, which was called GMTR, was delivered into a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) of low efficiency, to investigate the colonization of GMTR and removal of phosphorus. After 21 days, the proportion of GMTR in the total bacteria of the sludge reached 9.2%, whereas the phosphorus removal rate was 96%, with an effluent concentration of about 0.2 mg L^-1. In the reactor with the addition of GMTR, phosphorus was removed quickly, in 1 h under anaerobic conditions, and in 2 h under aerobic conditions. These evidences were characteristic of EBPR processes. Field testing was conducted at a hospital sewage treatment facility with low phosphorus removal capability. Twentyone days after Pseudomonas putida GM6 was added, effluent phosphorus concentration remained around 0.3 mg L^-1, corresponding to a removal rate of 96.8%. It was therefore demonstrated that Pseudomonas putida GM6 could be used for a quick startup and enhancement of wastewater biological phosphorus removal, which provided a scientific basis for potential large-scale engineering application.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of Ni upon a biological system of activated sludge has been analyzed in two semicontinuous sequential reactors feeding synthetic wastewater. One of the reactors was used as control while in the other given amounts of NiSO4 were added to the influent to achieve a concentration of 30 ppm Ni(II). An analysis of the characteristic biokinetic parameters has been made and the correspondence with the operating conditions stated. A series of O2 uptake tests were proposed and the results analyzed together with the specific rate of substrate removal (U) in order to explain the toxic influence of Ni(II). An accumulation of undigested substrate on the floes seems to explain certain aspects derived of the presence of Ni. The sludge residence time (SRT), within a certain range, can be used as a control operating variable to mitigate the inhibitory effect of Ni, since a somewhat contrary effect upon the settling characteristics of the sludge must be also considered.  相似文献   

This paper reports on investigations carried out to determine the feasibility of using various types of adsorbent medium to remove odors emitted during the thickening of surplus activated sludge by the dissolved air flotation (DAF) process. The performances of four different commercial grades of granular activated carbon and a grade of activated alumina were evaluated using a pilot facility set up at a local wastewater treatment plant. The odorous air directly above the DAF unit was pumped simultaneously through a set of columns each filled with the appropriate test adsorbent until odor breakthrough occurred. Air samples were collected at the inlet and outlet of each column and also at intermediate sampling ports located along the column. The odor concentration of air samples was assessed by dynamic olfactometry and the capacity of the various media for removing sewage odor was evaluated and compared. Results revealed that the odor concentration of the influent column air averaged 35 son m?3. Of the four activated carbon grades tested, the alkali impregnated carbon that is frequently recommended for used at sewerage facilities was found to be least effective in the treatment of odors from the DAF unit. The capacity of the various media tested ranged from about 2650 son kg?1 for the worst activated carbon grade to 37 510 son kg?1 for the activated alumina which was the most cost effective adsorbent used. It is estimated that the cost for treating a given volume of odorous air at the DAF unit with activated alumina will be less than 65 % of the most economic activated carbon grade.  相似文献   

The effects of Cu(II) sulfate on sediment respiration were investigated in a 3-phase aquatic microcosm, containing a calcareous, southern Ontario stream sediment. In Cu2+ treated flask-microcosms, with the pH restored to 7.1, both aerobic and anaerobic CO2 evolution were unaffected by 5000 jig Cu g?1 sediment over a 40-day period at 15 °C. Oxygen consumption in sediment was initially unaffected by 5000 μg Cu g?1. However, after 35 to 40 days, a significant reduction of 28% was observed. The added Cu?2+ was removed from the water column and the sediment solution. In microcosms containing 5000 μg g?1 of total Cu, only 1.00 ± 0.76 μg g?1 was water soluble Cu, and the free cupric cation (Cu2+) concentration was below the detection limit of the specific ion electrode (less than 0.01 μg g?1). Maximum Cu retention (98.6%) was observed at 2800 μg Cu g?1, above which fractional retention decreased. In a calcareous, organic rich, sediment of pH 7.1, Cu+ was essentially unvailable to exert a toxic effect on respiration.  相似文献   

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