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Background: Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) is the most common form of hearing loss in humans and is increasingly recognized in dogs.
Hypothesis: Cochlear lesions in dogs with ARHL are similar to those in humans and the severity of the histological changes is reflected in tone audiograms.
Animals: Ten geriatric dogs (mean age: 12.7 years) and three 9-month-old dogs serving as controls for histological analysis.
Methods: Observational study. Auditory thresholds were determined by recording brainstem responses (BERA) to toneburst auditory stimuli (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32 kHz). After euthanasia and perfusion fixation, the temporal bones were harvested and processed for histological examination of the cochleas. The numbers of outer hair cells (OHCs) and inner hair cells (IHCs) were counted and the spiral ganglion cell (SGC) packing density and stria vascularis cross-sectional area (SVCA) were determined.
Results: A combination of cochlear lesions was found in all geriatric dogs. There were significant reductions ( P .001) in OHC (42%, 95% confidence interval [CI]; 24–64%) and IHC counts (21%, 95% CI; 62–90%) and SGC packing densities (323, 95% CI; 216–290) in the basal turn, SVCA was smaller in all turns. The greatest reduction in auditory sensitivity was at 8–32 kHz.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: ARHL in this specific population of geriatric dogs was comparable histologically to the mixed type of ARHL in humans. The predominance of histological changes in the basal cochlear turn was consistent with the large threshold shifts observed in the middle- to high-frequency region.  相似文献   



Age and rate of acoustic stimulation affect peak latencies in brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAER) in humans. Those effects are unknown in foals.


Our goals were to (1) establish reference values for BAER in foals by using 3 different stimulation protocols, (2) evaluate the effects of age and stimulation frequencies on BAER tracing in foals up to 6 months old, and (3) compare the data with BAER obtained from foals with central nervous system (CNS) disorders.


Thirty‐nine neurologically normal foals and 16 foals with neurologic diseases.


Prospective observational clinical study. BAER recorded by using 3 protocols of stimulation (11.33 repetitions per second [Hz]/70 decibel normal hearing level [dBNHL]; 11.33 Hz/90 dBNHL; 90 Hz/70 dBNHL).


No effect of age was observed in normal foals (P > .005). No significant difference was observed for latencies and interpeak latencies (IPL) when comparing foals with neurologic diseases and normal foals (P > .05), but 78.6% of foals with neurologic diseases had an asymmetry in their tracing, reflecting a difference in conduction time between the left and right side of the brainstem. Increasing the stimulation rate did not improve detection of CNS disorders.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

We propose BAER reference values for foals up to 6 months of age by using 3 protocols. Most foals with neurologic deficits had abnormal BAER tracing.  相似文献   

Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP(R)), a synthetic analogue of vasopressin was slowly administered intravenously to 12 healthy dogs of various breeds and 10 Doberman Pinschers with mild-to-moderate type I von Willebrand's disease at a dose of 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 micro g/kg body weight. Plasma von Willebrand factor:antigen was measured by an electroimmunoassay prior to and 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes after desmopressin infusion. Desmopressin induced only very modest and statistically insignificant increases in von Willebrand factor in both groups. We conclude that the response to desmopressin as measured by circulating von Willebrand factor is much less pronounced in healthy dogs and in Doberman Pinschers with von Willebrand's disease than in humans.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ten female flea-naïve beagles were hypersensitized to flea allergen by controlled exposure to unfed adult fleas and intradermal allergen testing over a 16 week period. All 10 dogs demonstrated a delayed dermal response while nine had an immediate response in skin tests. The development of a positive skin response was associated with an increase in flea antigen-specific IgE levels. The efficacy of prednisone in inhibiting dermal hyperreactivity to flea allergen in the hypersensitized dogs was determined in a blinded placebo-controlled study. Five dogs received 0.55 mg × kg-1 prednisone orally, twice daily, for 5.5 days while five received placebo. Prednisone therapy resulted in a significant, if limited, reduction in both the immediate and delayed skin hyperreactivity. These findings support the use of this model to evaluate therapeutic candidates for flea allergic dermatitis. Résumé— Dix chiennes Beagle n'ayant jamais été en contact avec des puces ont été sensibilisées à l'allergène puce par des expositions controlées à des puces à jeun et testées par des intradermoréactions pendant six semaines. Les dix animaux ont présenté une réponse intradermique retardée et neuf une réponse immédiate L'apparition d'intradermoréactions positive était associée à une augmentation des taux d'lgE spécifiques de la puce. L'efficacité de la prednisone sur l'inhibition de l'hyperréactivité dermique à des extraits de puce chez ces animaux allergiques a étéétudiée en double aveugle contre placebo. Cinq chien ont reçu 0,55 mg.kg-1 de prednisone per os deux fois par jour pendant 5,5 jours, alors que le placebo était administré aux cinq restants. L'administration de prednisone a entrainé une réduction significative, bien que limitée, de la réaction dermique à l'injection d'extraits de puce tant immédiate que retardée. Ces observations font de ce modèle un bon candidat pour des études de traitement de la dermatite par allergie aux piqûres de puce. Zusammenfassung— Zehn weibliche, Floh-naive Beagle wurden gegenüber Flohallergen hypersensibilisiert, indem sie kontrolliert hungrigen adulten Flohen und intradermalen Allgerietests über eine Zeit von sechzehn Wochen ausgesetzt wurden. Alle Hunde zeigten eine verzögerte Hautreaktion während neun Tiere bei den Hauttests eine sofortige Reaktion hatten. Die Entwicklung einer positiven Hautreaktion war mit einem Anstieg von Floh-spezifischen IgE-Spiegeln verbunden. Die Wirksamkeit von Prednison, die dermale überempfindlichkeit auf Flohallergen bei den hypersensibilisierten Hunden zu verhindern, wurde in einer Plazebo-kontrollierten Doppelblindstudie bestimmt. Fünf Hunde erhielten 0.55 mg.kt-1 Prednison 2x täglich p.o. über fünfeinhalb Tage während die anderen fünf Hunde ein Plazebo erhielten. Die Prednisontherapie ergab eine signifikante, wenn auch begrenzte Reduktion sowohl bei der Sofortals auch bei der Spätreaktion der Haut. Diese Befunde unterstützen den Einsatz dieses Modells bei der Auswertung von Therapiekandidaten für allergischer Flohdermatitis. Resumen Diez perras la raza Beagle las cuales no habían entrado en contacto con pulgas previamente, fueron hipersensibilizadas con antígeno de pulga por medio de una exposición controlada con el parásito en ayuno y también con el antígeno intradérmico, durante un periodo de dieciseis semanas. Todos los perros demonstraron una respuesta dérmica tardía, mientras que a nueve, produjo una respuesta inmediata. El desarrollo de una respuesta dérmica positiva se asoció con un incremento de los niveles de antígeno Ig E específico. La eficacia de la supresion de hiperreactividad al antigeno de pulga en los perros hipersensibilizados, se determinó por medio de un estudio placebo de tipo ciego. Cinco de los perros fueron administrados con 0.55 mg.kg-1 de predisolona oral, dos veces al día, por un periodo de 5.5 días, mientras que los restantes recibieron placebo. La terapia con prednisolona produjo una reducción significativa, pero limitada, en tanto la respuesta inmediata, como en la tardía. Éste hallazgo apoya la teoría del uso de éste modelo para la evaluation de posibles candidatos para le terapia de la dermatitis alérgica a las pulgas.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine effects of intravenous detomidine on intraocular pressure (IOP) readings obtained by applanation tonometry in clinically normal horses. Twenty horses were randomly divided into two groups of 10 each (treatment and control). All horses in the treatment group received intravenous detomidine alone (20 μg/kg). The horses in the control group received only intravenous saline (0.2 mL/100 kg). The IOP values were measured before the treatment (T0) and then at 5 (T5), 20 (T20), 60 (T60), and 120 (T120) minutes after drug administration in both groups. A significant decrease in IOP values was observed in both right and left eyes of the horses in the treatment group at T5, T20, and T60 in comparison with the baseline values (P < .001). The observed decrease was only statistically significant in the right eyes of the treatment group horses at T120 (P = .044). Mean IOP was not significantly altered at any time point during the treatment period compared with the baseline evaluations in both eyes of the horses in the control group. This study demonstrates that the use of intravenous detomidine lowers IOP quickly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study is to report the clinical signs, clinicopathological findings, and response to therapy of 62 dogs from North Carolina and Virginia. Ehrlichiosis was diagnosed in all of these dogs, and previous retrospective studies of ehrlichiosis in dogs were used as a basis for comparison. In this study, the clinical signs commonly associated with ehrlichiosis were observed less frequently than in earlier studies, although previously reported laboratory abnormalities were similar. Flow cytometry revealed an inverted CD4:CD8 ratio in 3 of 4 dogs tested. This finding is suggestive of potential immune dysregulation that could predispose infected dogs to additional disease processes. Concurrent diseases were frequently reported and often contributed to death. Response to therapy was variable, with timely, complete recovery reported in only 27% of dogs; a slow, gradual, but complete recovery in 18% of dogs; an incomplete treatment response in 25% of dogs; and a presumed treatment failure in 16% of dogs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of intravenous detomidine on Schirmer tear test (STT) results in clinically normal horses. Eighteen adult horses were randomly divided into two groups of nine horses each. The treatment group was sedated with intravenous detomidine alone (20 μg/kg), and the control group received only intravenous saline (0.2 mL/100 kg). Schirmer tear test was performed just before intravenous administration of detomidine or saline in treatment and control groups, respectively. Schirmer tear tests were repeated 5, 20, 60, and 120 minutes later. Horses enrolled in this study consisted of nine males and nine females. Breeds were Arabian and Hanoverian, ranging from 3 to 6 years in age. In the treatment group, the pretreatment and subsequent posttreatment mean ± standard deviation values were 17.0 ± 6.9 (0 minutes), 11.8 ± 2.9 (5 minutes), 12.1 ± 2.0 (20 minutes), 12.1 ± 3.1 (60 minutes), and 15.0 ± 2.8 (120 minutes) mm wetting/min. In this group of horses, a significant reduction was observed in STT values at 5, 20, and 60 minutes after treatment with detomidine hydrochloride in comparison to the pretreatment values (analysis of variance with post hoc testing; P5 = 0.004, P20 = 0.007, P60 = 0.006). There was no significant difference between baseline values and posttreatment values in the control saline group (P ≥ .08). We conclude that intravenous detomidine causes a significant reduction in STT values in clinically normal horses. In horses, practitioners should measure STT values before intravenous administration of detomidine to accurately assess the results.  相似文献   



Few medications are available for parental administration to animals with seizures. Rectal administration of medications is often used if the animal cannot be administered oral medications.


To determine the pharmacokinetic differences in zonisamide when administered rectally in either of 2 vehicles and PO to dogs.


Eight healthy research dogs.


Randomized cross‐over design. Zonisamide, 10 mg/kg, was administered rectally in polyethylene glycol (PEG‐R), rectally in water (H2O‐R), and as an oral capsule. Plasma zonisamide concentrations were measured until 72 hours after administration. Zonisamide was quantitated by HPLC and plasma concentration versus time curve data was analyzed by using noncompartmental modeling.


Mean maximum plasma zonisamide concentrations (μg/mL) were significantly higher after oral administration (11.56 ± 4.04) compared to H2O‐R (5.00 ± 1.83) (P = .004). Disappearance half‐life (hours) and mean time to maximum concentration (hours) were not significantly different between methods of administration. Mean relative bioavailability of PEG‐R (85 ± 69%) was significantly higher than that of H2O‐R (53 ± 37%) (P = .039). Dogs tolerated all dosing forms with no evidence of adverse effects.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

The vehicle in which zonisamide is dissolved influences rectal bioavailability, with PEG preferred to H2O‐R. Because of the prolonged time to maximum concentration, rectal administration of zonisamide should not be used to treat status epilepticus in dogs. A dose higher than what was used in this study might be necessary, if currently recommended minimum therapeutic concentrations (10 μg/mL) are to be achieved with a single‐dose administration.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sixty upper gastrointestinal radiographic examinations were done on five littennate mongrel dogs to compare a commercial micropulverized barium sulfate suspension and a hand-mixed U.S.P. barium sulfate suspension. Two different fasting times and three different dosage rates were used. Small bowel transit times were influenced significantly (p>0. 05) by the type of contrast agent employed, but not by the volume of medium or by the duration of fasting. Mucosal pattern, loop visibility, and continuity of contrast material were superior when the commercial preparation was used. Recommended dosages were 8–12 cc/kg for small and medium-sized dogs and 5–7 cc/kg for large dogs, using the commercial agent, or an equivalent concentration of U.S.P. barium sulfate suspension. Résumé—Soixante examens radiographiques du tractus gastro-intestinal supérieur ont été effectués sur 5 portées de chiens métis dans le but de comparer une suspension commerciale de sulfate de barium à l'état micropulvérist et une suspension de sulfate de barium U.S.P. (pharmcacopée des Etats Unis) mélangée à la main. On a utilisé deux temps de jeûne différents et illisible gammes de dosage. Les temps de transit courts étaient influencés de facon significative (p.o, 5) par le type d'agent contrastant utilisé mais non par le volume de milieu ou par la durée de jeûne. L'image de la mu-queuse, la visibilité des anses intestinales, la continuité du moyen de contraste étaient meilleures aprés utilisation de la préparation commerciale. Les doses recommandées sont 8–12 cc/kg par les animaux de petite et moyenne taille et de 5–7 cc/kg pour les gros chiens, aussi bien avec la préparation commerciale qu'avec une concentration équivalente de suspension de sulfate de bariun U.S.P. Zusammenfassung— Sechzig Röntgenuntersuchungen des oberen Gastrointestinaltrakts wurden an fünf Bastardhunden des gleichen Wurfs durchgeführt, um eine mikropulverisierte Barium-sulfatsuspension des Handels mit einer handpräparierten USP-Bariumsulfatsuspension zu vergleichen Zwei verschiedene Fastenzeiten und drei verschiedene Dosierungen wurden angewendet. Die Durchgangszeiten durch den Dünndarm wirden wesentlich (p<0,05) vom Typ des verwendten Kontrastmittels, aber nicht vom Volumen des Mediums oder der Dauer des Fastens beeinflusst. Das Schleimhautrelief, die Erkennbarkeit der Darmschlingen und die Kontinuierlichkeit des Kontrastmittels waren bei Venvendung des Handelspräparats hervorragend. Die empfohlenen Dosen sind 8–12 ml/kg für kleine und mittelgrosse Hunde und 5–7 ml/kg fur grosse Hunde bei Venvendung des Handelspräparats oder einer äquivalenten Konzentration der USP-Bariumsulfatsuspension.  相似文献   

Background: Alterations in circulating amino acids have been documented in animal models and in critically ill people but have not been evaluated in dogs with spontaneously occurring disease.
Hypothesis/Objectives: To compare amino acid concentrations in critically ill dogs and healthy controls and to investigate potential relationships among amino acids, markers of inflammation, illness severity, and clinical outcome.
Animals: Forty-eight critically ill dogs and 24 healthy control dogs.
Methods: Plasma was analyzed for amino acids and C-reactive protein (CRP) was measured in serum. The Fischer ratio (the molar ratio of branched chain amino acids [BCAA] to aromatic amino acids [AAA]) and survival prediction index (SPI2) were calculated.
Results: Median CRP concentrations were significantly higher in the critically ill dogs compared with controls ( P < .001). Critically ill dogs had significantly lower concentrations of alanine ( P = .001), arginine ( P < .001), citrulline ( P < .001), glycine ( P < .001), methionine ( P < .001), proline ( P < .001), and serine ( P = .001) but significantly higher concentrations of lysine ( P = .02) and phenylalanine ( P < .001; Table 1 ). This pattern resulted in a significantly lower Fischer ratio ( P = .001) in the critically ill group. Median SPI2 score was significantly higher in dogs that survived ( P = .03). Concentrations of arginine ( P = .02), isoleucine ( P = .01), leucine ( P = .04), serine ( P = .04), valine ( P = .04), total BCAA ( P = .03), and the Fischer ratio ( P = .03) were significantly higher in survivors compared with nonsurvivors.  

  Table 1.   Comparison between critically ill and healthy control dogs and among different subgroups of diseases within the critically ill group.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of esophageal hiatal hernia in four dogs and one cat included regurgitation, vomiting, hematemesis, hypersalivation, dysphagia, and dyspnea. Thoracic radiographs, esophagram, and fluoroscopy were used to demonstrate cranial displacement of the esophagogastric junction and part of the stomach through the esophageal hiatus. Other findings included megaesophagus, esophageal hypomotility, gastroesophageal reflux, and pneumonia. Medical therapy failed to resolve the clinical signs. Reduction in size of the esophageal hiatus, fixation of the esophagus to the diaphragmatic crus (esophagopexy), and a left fundic gastropexy were performed. Surgical results were considered good to excellent.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five normal greyhounds were evaluated for hypersensitivity to various grasses, weeds, trees and fungi with both an intradermal allergy test and a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All dogs were hyposensitized for 6 months with the same mixture of 14 allergens, according to the treatment schedule recommended by the commercial laboratory that provided the ELISA allergy test. Following hyposensitization with irrelevant antigens at a concentration of 1:200 w/v, dogs were reevaluated for hypersensitivity with the intradermal allergy test. No significant increase in intradermal reactions was found after 6 months of hyposensitization, and all dogs remained asymptomatic during the study period. Hyposensitization of normal greyhounds with irrelevant aqueous antigens, administered according to one treatment schedule recommended following ELISA allergy testing, did not appear to cause false positive reactions on subsequent intradermal allergy tests or to induce clinical hypersensitivity. Further studies are required to determine if hypersensitivity to irrelevant antigens is induced in atopic dogs following hyposensitization with nonaqueous extracts or higher concentrations of aqueous antigens. Résumé— Cinq Greyhound sains ont été utilisés pour étudier l'hypersensibilitéà des pollens, des moisissures des arbres et des herbacées en utilisant des intradermoréactions et des tests ELISA du commerce. Tous les animaux ont été désensibilisés pendant 6 mois avec le même mélange de 14 allergènes, en suivant le protocole recommandé par le laboratoire qui commercialise le test ELISA. Après hyposensibilisation à ces antigènes à une concentration de 1/200 p/v, les chiens ont été réévalués par des intradermoréactions. Aucune différence signifaicative avant et après traitement n'a été notée et tous les chiens sont restés asymptomatiques durant la période de l'essai. L'hyposensibilisation chez des Greyhounds sains avec des antigènes auxquels ils ne sont pas sensibles, en suivant le protocole recommandé par la laboratoire producteur, ne semble pas entrainer de fausses réactions intradermiques positives ni une hypersensibilité clinique. D'autres études sont nécessaires pour savour si cette sensibilisation peut être induite chez des animaux atopiques, avec des extraits non aqueux et à de plus fortes concentrations. Zusammenfassung— Fünf gesunde Greyhounds wurden uaf allergische Reaktionen gegenüber verschiedenen Gräsern, Unkräutern, Bäumen und Pilzen sowohl mit einem Intradermaltest als auch mit einem kommerziellen ELISA-Test getestet. Alle Hunde wurden über 6 Monate mit derselben Mischung aus 14 Allergenen “desensibilisiert”. Hierzu wurde ein Therapieschema verwendet, das von dem Labor, das den ELISA-Test durchgeführt hatte, empfohlen worden war. Nach der “Desensibilisierung” mit nicht relevanten Allergenen in einer Konzentration von 1:200 w/v wurden die Hunde erneut mit einem Intradermaltest getestet. Nach der “Desensibilisierung”über sechs Monate gab es keinen signifikanten Anstieg bei den intradermalen Reaktionen. Alle Hunde blieben währen der Untersuchungszeit symptomfrie. “Desensibilisierung” von gesunden Greyhounds mit nicht relevanten wäßrigen Antigenen, die nach dem empfohlenen Therapieschema nach einem ELISA-Allergietest angewendet worden waren, schienen keine falsch-positiven Reaktionen im nachfolgenden Intradermaltest hervorzurufen und keine klinische Allergie auszulösen. Weitere Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, urn zu klären, ob eine Allergie gegenüber nicht relevanten Antigenen bei atopischen Hunden nach Desensibilisierung mit wäßrigen Extrakten order mit höheren Konzentrationen von wäßrigen Allergenen induziert werden kann. Resumen Cinco perros galgos de apariencia clínica normal, se evaluaron con tests de alergia a varias hierbas, árboles y hongos, por medio de inyecciones intradérmicas y también con ensayos comerciales de enzima de inmunoabsorbencia ligada (ELISA). A todos los perros se les admistró tratamiento de hiposensitización por un curso de 6 meses con una mezcla de 14 alergenos, según el protocolo recomendado por el laboratorio comercial proveedores del test ELISA. Después del tratamiento inmunosupresivo con una concentración de antígenos irrelevantes de 1:200 w/v, los animales se volvieron a evaluar por medio del test de inyecciones intradérmicas. Después de 6 meses de terapia inmunosupresiva no se observaron cambios significativos en las reacciones cutáneas, y todos los animales permanecieron asintomaticos durante el periodo de estudio. El tratamiento inmunosupresivo de perros galgos con antígenos en solución acuosa administrados de acuerdo con el protocolo recomendado después del test ELISA, no produjo reacciones falsas positivas en tests intradérmicos posteriores, o reacciones de hipersensitividad alguna. Para determinar si la posibilidad de hipersensitividad con antígenos irrelevantes es inducida en perros que padecen atopia después del tratamiento inmunosupresivo con extractos antigénicos de tipo no acuoso, o mayores concentraciones de antígenos acuosos, más investigaciones son necesarias.  相似文献   

应用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定犬血浆中伊曲康唑的浓度。选用6条健康犬,以4mg/kg体重背部皮下注射给药,采用HPLC测定犬血浆中伊曲康唑浓度(ITZ),应用3p97软件处理数据,计算药代动力学参数。结果表明血浆ITZ线性范围为10~1000ng/mL,伊曲康唑血浆添加浓度10、100、500ng/mL的平均回收率分别为86.9%、88.4%、89.2%,RSD分别为2.8%,1.2%,0.2%。说明HPLC法简便,准确可靠,适用于伊曲康唑在犬体药动学中血药浓度测定。  相似文献   

利用2000-2010年间生长季(4-10月)MODIS NDVI数据和同期气象观测数据,分析锡林郭勒草原植被覆盖度年际和季节变化趋势及其对气温和降水的响应特征.研究表明:生长季平均NDVI总体上呈增加趋势,其变化趋势主要受降水量的控制,年总降水量与NDVI的相关系数达到0.89.从不同季节植被NDVI的变化趋势看,春季NDVI呈上升趋势,夏季和秋季呈下降趋势.与气候因子的相关分析表明,春季和夏季植被覆盖变化趋势主要受降水的控制,而秋季温度的变化对植被生长的促进作用也较明显.在空间分布趋势上,阿巴嘎旗、锡林浩特市、太仆寺旗和多伦县植被覆盖总体上增加趋势较明显,而东乌珠穆沁旗东部、西乌珠穆沁旗的下降趋势最为明显,其气候影响因地区和季节而异.不同草原类型的植被具有不同的变化趋势和受温度和降水量的影响各不相同.  相似文献   

NSAIDs are a major cause for concern for their propensity to cause joint deterioration in canine, as in human, patients receiving these drugs for treatment of pain in osteoarthritis and other acute and chronic painful conditions. To determine the potential effects of the new NSAID meloxicam on cartilage integrity, the effects of this drug on proteoglycan biosynthesis in vitro and ex vivo were compared with those of indomethacin, a known inhibitor of sulphated proteoglycans that accelerates joint injury in human osteoarthritis.In vitro cartilage proteoglycan synthesis from a radiosulphate precursor was unaffected by 0.5–10.0 mol/L meloxicam but was significantly inhibited by 50 mol/L indomethacin after 6 or 24 h incubation of femoral or tibial cartilage explants in organ culture. This is in accord with previous observations in human or porcine articular cartilage under the same culture conditions.Studies were performed in vivo to establish the effects of the NSAIDs on joint integrity. This involved determining cartilage proteoglycan synthesis ex vivo, leukocyte, fluid and protein accumulation, as well as pain relief. Thus, meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg i.v.×3 doses) or indomethacin (0.5 mg/kg i.v.×3 doses) was given for 26 h and the effects were compared with a control (1.0 ml saline i.v.×3 doses) in dogs in which acute inflammation had been induced by intra-articular (i.a.) injection of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals into the right stifle joint, an equivalent volume of saline being injected into the left stifle joint as a control. No effects were observed of the treatment with the NSAIDs on ex vivo sulphated proteoglycan synthesis. The lack of the expected inhibitory effects of indomethacin may be related to the relatively low plasma concentrations of this drug obtained during the 26 h period of treatment.The pain response, which was elicited up to 6 h following i.a. injection of CPPD crystals, was totally prevented by the treatment with meloxicam and to a lesser extent with indomethacin. There were no effects from the drug treatment on synovial inflammatory reactions (fluid and cell accumulation), although the protein concentration of the exudate was reduced by meloxicam. This indicates that, at the doses given, it was possible to discriminate the analgesic action from the anti-inflammatory action of the two NSAIDs, this being achieved at relatively low plasma concentrations of these drugs.In conclusion, while relatively high therapeutic concentrations of indomethacin inhibit cartilage proteoglycan synthesis, this is not an effect seen even at high concentrations of meloxicam. Furthermore, the lack of effects on proteoglycan synthesis was evident when these two drugs were given in vivo to dogs. However, the signs of pain, but not the inflammation in the joint, were relieved by low plasma concentrations of the drugs. Meloxicam may thus be safely employed for acute analgesia without the potential risks of joint cartilage damage that occurs with indomethacin given at anti-inflammatory doses for long periods of time.  相似文献   

附红细胞体感染犬主要血液生理生化指标   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了给附红细胞体的致病性研究提供科学参数 ,对 180只附红细胞体中度 -重度自然感染犬 (德国牧羊犬 80只 ,拉布拉多犬 6 0只 ,史宾格犬 4 0只 )的生理生化指标进行了测定。结果表明 ,与正常指标比较 ,感染犬体温升高 ,脉搏、呼吸加快 ,红细胞、红细胞压积、血红蛋白、淋巴细胞均低于正常 ,血清总胆红素、血清总蛋白、白蛋白、白球比值、乳酸脱氢酶、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶及尿酸降低 ,血清碱性磷酸酶、总胆汁酸、血糖、肌酸激酶升高 ,谷草转氨酶、血钾、血钠、血钙略升高  相似文献   

将转化节瘤拟杆菌(D.nodosus)纤毛蛋白(Pili)和绵羊白细胞介素2(oviIL2)融合基因表达质粒的工程菌BL-21,在含酸苄青霉素营养肉汤培养基中表达,离心获得菌体沉淀物,裂解后配制成Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗。用加佐剂和不加佐剂的Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗分别接种2只健康家兔,21天后接种第2次;定期采血,用对流免疫电泳检测试验兔的体液免疫反应。结果发现,加佐剂和不加佐剂的Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗免疫兔7天即可产生相应抗体,抗体在免疫血清中可维持6个月以上。进一步试验将不加佐剂的Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗接种3只健康绵羊,同样21天后接种第2次,定期采血,用对流免疫电泳检测试验绵羊的体液免疫反应。同时用Pili基因工程疫苗接种2只绵羊作对照。结果3只绵羊接种Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗后,分别于7天和14天产生相应的抗体,而接种Pili基因工程疫苗的绵羊于28天产生相应的抗体;被免疫绵羊血清中的抗体可维持6个月以上。用Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗接种兔和绵羊的免疫试验表明,Pili-oviIL2融合基因工程疫苗具有较好的体液免疫应答反应,重组OviIL2在融合基因工程疫苗中具有良好的佐剂作用。  相似文献   

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