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The community composition and structure of helminths of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) from two widely separated Spanish localities, El Saler (n = 42) and the San Pedro pothole (n = 34), were determined and compared. Five species of trematodes, Plagiorchis (Plagiorchis) sp., Lecithodendrium (Lecithodendrium) linstowi Dollfus, 1931, Prosthodendrium (Prosthodendrium) sp., Pycnoporus heteroporus (Dujardin, 1845) and Parabascus semisquamosus (Braun, 1900), and one species of cestode, Hymenolepis pipistrelli López-Neyra, 1941, were found. The two bat populations harboured the same helminth species and showed the same trematode dominance, but the most important differences between the two helminth community structures were attributable to L. (L.) linstowi and H. pipistrelli. The mean species richness in the two localities was not significantly different. The mean number of helminth species per infected bat, mean infracommunity abundance and mean infracommunity diversity showed significant differences between both localities. The number of helminths per bat in both populations displayed an aggregated distribution. Results indicate that the different characteristics of the P. pipistrellus foraging area in both localities are important in determining the composition and structure of helminth communities in this bat species. This is the first study of a Palaearctic bat helminth community.  相似文献   

近5 a来,卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区狼捕食家畜事件频繁发生,给当地社区牧民造成经济损失并带来心理恐慌,狼与牧民冲突日益尖锐。2012年7-8月,采用入户面对面访谈的方法,调查了卡拉麦里山保护区内狼的危害状况以及当地社区牧民与狼之间的冲突。结果表明:① 6个乡的牧民普遍认为在冬牧点或河谷定居点周围有狼,但是其数量有明显的差异;② 在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区狼捕食家畜的顺序是:绵羊、牛、骆驼、山羊和马,狼对绵羊明显存在捕食偏好。每户被狼捕杀家畜的数量与家庭家畜拥有量呈极显著正相关;③ 狼袭击家畜的时间存在极显著的差异,以夜晚最为频繁,并且多发生在牧民的冬牧场,即在冬季捕食率较高;④ 狼一般远离道路和人类活动频繁的矿点、旅游点,而在靠近冬牧点和水源点的地方捕食家畜;⑤ 60.5%的牧民认为狼对草原生态系统是有害的。  相似文献   

采用痕迹样方和对照样方分析卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区狼(Canis lupus)的生境选择及其季相变化。结果表明:春季,狼选择海拔900~1 000 m的山坡和山顶,距离水源2~4 km,道路0.5~1 km,居民点2~4 km及隐蔽级高(0.9~1)的区域;夏季,选择山坡和山沟、海拔900~1 000 m、与水源距离≤2 km、距离道路1.5~3 km、与居民点的距离4~6 km;以及隐蔽级高(0.9~1)的地域;冬季,选择山坡和沙丘、海拔≤800 m、与水源距离≤2 km、与道路的距离1.5~3 km、与居民点的距离2~4 km、隐蔽级在0.5~0.9的区域。主成分分析表明,春季狼生境选择主要受人为干扰的影响,夏季主要受水源因子干扰的影响,冬季主要受食物干扰的影响。  相似文献   

通过红外相机陷阱技术,对新疆卡拉麦里有蹄类自然保护区乔木希拜区域野放普氏野马天敌狼的活动节律进行了研究。结果发现,不同月份狼的日活动差异指数α和昼行性指数β均存在极显著差异(α指数:t=8.009,df=7,P<0.01;β指数:t=13.526,df=7,P<0.01),且β=0.45<13/24,表明在研究区狼为夜行性动物。2011年、2012年和2013年季节活动峰型存在显著差异(2011年: χ2=13.087,df=2,P=0.041 1;2012年: χ2=12.452,df=2,P=0.023 4;2013年: χ2=18.998,df=2,P=0.032 6),因此,不同年份不同季节狼的活动节律存在差异。  相似文献   

2012年6—11月,在新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区(卡山保护区)采用痕迹截线等方法,共收集狼粪便278份,采用粪便分析法研究了狼的夏秋季食性。结果表明:夏季和秋季,该区域的主要有蹄类蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚在狼食谱中的相对频率仅为1.94%和3.10%,而野放普氏野马相对频率达到了1.42%。2010年春季的严重雪灾,导致野生有蹄类种群数量锐减,这是狼捕食较少蒙古野驴和鹅喉羚的主要原因,同时也说明狼已经对普氏野马在卡山保护区的野化进程中起到了一定的作用。狼的主要食物为植物、沙鼠和昆虫,其相对频率分别为30.19%,19.35%和13.55%,且夏秋季的食物组成差异不显著(Pearsonχ2检验,P=0.192,>0.05;似然比χ2检验,P=0.131,>0.05),狼的食物生态位宽度比较窄(Bsta=0.28)。狼的食性研究有助于明晰狼与有蹄类,特别是放归普氏野马之间的关系,为普氏野马野放保护管理和监测提供了基础数据,为保护区内狼的数量调控提供本底资料。  相似文献   

Weed flora in the Middle Valley of the Guadalquivir, Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A floristic study of the weeds in irrigated crops in the Guadalquivir River Valley (southern Spain) revealed a total of 284 species in the 267 fields surveyed, of which about 100 can be considered highly harmful. The families with the highest numbers of species were Compositae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Cruciferae and Umbelliferae. Although 77·8% of the species were therophytes, geophytes were important in spring-sown crops. Most species were of Mediterranean origin, especially in autumn-sown crops; Cosmopolitan and Neotropical species were more important in the spring-sown crops. At the early and late crop growth stages 7% and 10%, respectively, of the fields had severe or very severe infestations. The relationships between the main weed species and crops were studied by cluster analysis, using the corrected frequency of each species in each crop as the reference parameter. This allowed classification of the species into subgroups and hierarchical groups according to their agro-ecological preferences. A close relationship was found between a given crop, its cycle and the usual soil management practices and the phenology of certain species, reflecting the influence of these factors in restricting the germination period. The analysis differentiated the typically winter, summer and intermediate weed floras.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), the causal agent of Pierce's disease (PD), has long been considered a major threat to prosperous European viticulture. In May of 2017, PD was officially detected on a grapevine in Mallorca. To better understand the epidemiology of the first established outbreak of PD in Europe, the disease incidence and severity were assessed, vector transmission experiments were performed, and cultivar responses to Xf infections both in the field and in inoculation experiments were monitored. The genetic structure of Xf local populations was also investigated by multilocus sequence typing analysis, and their whole genome sequences and phylogenetic positions compared with respect to PD strains worldwide. Disease incidence was moderately low (0.07) and highly variable, ranging from 0.0 to 0.99. Its economic impact on wine production was considered low. Vineyards managed under conventional viticulture were significantly less infected than organic farming. Under greenhouse conditions, the insect Philaenus spumarius efficiently transmitted the pathogen from infected to healthy grapevines. In the inoculation experiments, Xf infected, to some degree, 29 of the 30 cultivar × rootstock combinations (n = 239). Cultivars Viura, Gorgollasa and Sauvignon Blanc were the most susceptible ones. All Xf isolates from grapevines belonged to sequence type ST1; they phylogenetically clustered within the Californian ST1 clade, with which they shared a 99.94% identity and the same plasmid. In addition, ST1 caused almond leaf scorch disease, where notably its incidence (0.78) and severity was much higher than PD. The likely reasons for these wide differences are discussed in the context of a 20-year Xf introduction scenario.  相似文献   

The main viticultural production areas in Spain were surveyed in 1994, 1995 and 1996 for the occurrence and incidence of Grapevine Yellows diseases associated to phytoplasmas. Samples from 300 plants showing symptoms of phytoplasma infection were collected from grapevine fields in the Spanish regions of Aragón, Catalonia and Navarra and analysed by PCR with specific primers for a non-ribosomal DNA of stolbur/Bois Noir (BN) and of Flavescence dorée (FD) phytoplasma. Nested PCR with universal primers P1/P7 and fU5/rU3 was also used. In the survey conducted in 1994 and 1995 only BN/stolbur phytoplasma was detected. The incidence of symptomatic plants was low in five plots of Catalonia from 3% to 18% in 1994 and 1995, respectively, and high in two plots of Navarra, from 60% to 80%. In the survey conducted in 1996 the incidence of symptomatic plants in Catalonia increased (6–80%) due to the presence of FD in five plots in the Northeastern Catalonia. An epidemiological study was carried out in two BN-affected plots of two regions from 1994 to 1997, with the evaluation of potential vectors and of host plants. The stolbur phytoplasma was found in individuals from different insect species belonging to the families Cicadellidae and Delphacidae. Some wild plants naturally infected with stolbur phytoplasma around the infected grapevines were: Convolvulus arvensis, Lavandula officinalis, Polygonum convolvulus, Solanum nigrum, and Thymus officinalis. The incidence of the disease in one BN-infected grapevine plot increased from 3.4% in 1994 to 18.40% in 1997.  相似文献   

正水稻生育期长,害虫多样。为提高水稻害虫综合防治效果,需协调化学防治和生物防治,选择对害虫高效而对天敌无害的高选择性农药,提高协同控害作用。国内开展了许多不同化学农药对稻田捕食性天敌(瓢虫、捕食蝽)和寄生性天敌(寄生蜂)的风险评价,但化学农药对稻田捕食性天敌蜘蛛的风险  相似文献   

辽宁地区保护地辣椒发生褐斑病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
辣椒褐斑病是1种由尾孢菌引起的真菌病害[1].20世纪末该病对印度、日本、韩国温室辣椒生产造成极大损失[2,3].辣椒褐斑病在我国南方常有发病,但不是生产中的主要病害.该病过去在我国北方地区发生较少,但近些年在辽宁地区保护地辣椒栽培中也开始发生.笔者于2005年5月在辽宁省葫芦岛兴城市(高家岭镇)、2007年5月在鞍山海城市保护地中均发现辣椒褐斑病的发生,且发病较普遍.  相似文献   

以内蒙古达茂旗为例,通过实地调查和总结统计数据以及半开放式的问卷调查和访谈,了解环境治理政策实施前后农牧户生产生活方式和经济状况的变化,以及他们的响应情况.调查表明,南部农区实行禁牧政策,使环境有了较大的改善,但也造成了短期内农户收入下降.北部牧区的禁牧以及移民搬迁政策,对牧民近期内的生产生活产生重大影响.并根据调查情况,提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

Helminthological examination of two rare, endemic species of plethodontid salamanders, the Texas blind salamander (Typhlomolge rathbuni Stejneger) and the San Marcos dwarf salamander (Eurycea nana Bishop), from the subterranean waters and springs in San Marcos, Hays County, central Texas, USA revealed the presence of three new, previously undescribed species of intestinal helminths: Brachycoelium longleyi sp. n. (Trematoda) from T. rathbuni (type host) and E. nana, Dendronucleata americana sp. n. (Acanthocephala) from T. rathbuni, and Amphibiocapillaria texensis sp. n. (Nematoda) from T. rathbuni; nematode larvae probably belonging to the last named species were recorded from E. nana. Brachycoelium longleyi can be distinguished from all congeners primarily by its conspicuously small eggs among other features, whereas A. texensis differs from its closest congeneric species A. tritonispiunctati mainly in the structure of mature eggs and a markedly shorter spicule. Dendronucleata americana is the first species of the family Dendronucleatidae from the New World, differing from its Asian congeners mainly in the number and arrangement of proboscis hooks, number of giant hypodermic nuclei and in the position of testes.  相似文献   

CHEN Juan 《干旱区科学》2022,14(9):1038-1054
Water is a limiting factor in the restoration and construction of desert steppe. Exploring plant water sources is necessary to understand soil-plant interactions and species coexistence; however, water sources of major plant communities within the desert steppe of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China remain poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the water uptake of plants in four typical communities: Agropyron mongolicum Keng.; Sophora alopecuroids Linn.; Stipa breviflora Griseb., and Achnatherum splendens (Trin.) Nevski communities. Stable isotopes δD and δ18O in the xylem of plant and soil water at different soil depths were analyzed. An IsoSource model was used to determine the soil depths from which plants obtained water. Results showed that A. mongolicum community obtained water predominantly from 0-20 and 40-80 cm depth, S. alopecuroids community from 0-20 cm depth, S. breviflora community from 0-40 cm depth, and A. splendens community from 0-20 and 80-140 cm depths. S. alopecuroides had a wider range of soil depths for water extraction, i.e., utilizing different water sources depending on habitat, and the plasticity of its water uptake pattern determined its role in different communities. Water source of plants relayed heavily on the distribution of their roots. Competition for soil water exists between different plant life forms in the sierozem habitat (A. mongolicum, S. alopecuroids, and S. breviflora communities), and in the sandy soil habitat (A. splendens community). The use of soil water by A. splendens community is more spatially differentiated, and shrubs and herbs can coexist stably. Under the pattern of extended drought period in the future, sierozem habitat may be more favorable for the formation of a dominant monoculture community type of perennial fibrous plants. In aeolian sandy soil habitat, A. splendens had a strong competitive advantage, and the growth of shallow-rooted plants was easily suppressed.  相似文献   

塔里木河下游断流河道输水的生态响应与生态修复   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
结合2000年以来对塔里木河下游生态输水、生态监测等相关实测资料的分析,讨论塔里木河下游生态受损和实施输水工程后的地下水位变化与生态恢复过程.研究表明:塔里木河下游植物群落物种组成、类型以及物种多样性变化与地下水位埋深有着密切的联系.自塔里木河下游上段英苏至下游段考干,随着地下水位埋深变化,生态受损程度不尽一致,群落类型由上而下趋于简单、物种数也在减少.实施生态输水过程中,塔里木河下游浅层地下水位普遍抬升,主要物种的覆盖度增加,物种数增多,优势度也发生了变化.塔里木河下游的生态受损与恢复与水文过程密切相关,加强流域水资源管理对确保流域生态系统的完整性有着重要意义.  相似文献   

Agonoscena pistaciae is a serious pest of pistachio in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. In this paper the presence of the species in Spain and Western Europe is confirmed. It is widespread in the regions of Castilla–La Mancha and Extremadura in Central Spain, where it develops mostly on Pistacia terebinthus, in contrast to the Middle East, where its preferred host is Pistacia vera. In the literature and internet sources, A. pistaciae is often confused with other, morphologically similar species, namely A. succincta and A. targionii. Morphological characters are listed and illustrated for the identification of the species found in the West Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Rhizopycnis vagum is a recently described coelomycetous fungus that contributes to vine decline of muskmelons in Honduras, Guatemala, Texas and California. This fungus has been associated with roots of muskmelon plants affected by vine decline in most Spanish muskmelon production areas. Isolates were collected from 1996 to 2000 and identified from their cultural and morphological characteristics and by sequencing the ITS region of the ribosomal coding nuclear DNA (rDNA) and phylogenetic analysis. A few isolates from muskmelon with growth characteristics similar to R. vagum were identified as Phoma terrestris . Watermelon, Cucurbita hybrids used as rootstocks for watermelon production, Amaranthus sp. and grapevine were also hosts for R. vagum . Based on disease reaction in muskmelon roots, the pathogenicity of 10 isolates of R. vagum from different hosts and geographical origins was verified. The fungus caused root discoloration, corky lesions, and eventually the presence of pink coloration on the roots. Rhizopycnis vagum appears to be a minor pathogen that contributes to muskmelon vine decline complex in Spain through infection of roots.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of sharka disease in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PPV was first detected in Spain in 1984 in Japanese plum ( Prunus salicina Lindl) cv. Red Beaut and spread very quickly to other Japanese and European plums and apricot cultivars but left peach cultivars unaffected. In the years following the detection of PPV, the predominant aphid species visiting Prunus orchards in Mediterranean areas were Aphis gossypii followed by Aphis spiraecola , the latter being the main aphid species found at present. Both species are considered to be the main vectors of PPV in Spanish early Prunus growing areas. Spatial analysis of the spread of PPV-D in Japanese plum and apricot trees confirmed the lack of significant association between immediately adjacent trees. The observed spatial pattern of sharka suggests a lack of movement of PPV-viruliferous aphid vectors to immediately adjacent trees and indicates their preferential movement to trees several tree spaces away. PPV-D is the only type currently present in Spain, with the exception of a PPV-M outbreak that was detected in and successfully eradicated from Aragón in 2002. The short-distance spread of PPV-M infection occurred as far as 12 m along the rows of peach trees. However, PPV-D has not been observed to spread through peach cultivars, despite being grown in the vicinity of heavily infected plots of apricot or Japanese plum trees.  相似文献   

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