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Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was isolated from an aborted placenta and stillborn lamb from a sheep flock having multiple abortions. Given intravenously, it caused elevated body temperatures and purulent placentitis in eight of nine ewes. Two ewes died following infection at 2.5 months of gestation. Two ewes infected at 3.5 months gestation aborted; three infected at four months gave birth to weak, premature, or moribund lambs. One ewe infected at 4.5 months gave birth to a healthy lamb. One lamb which died minutes after birth had focal necrotizing hepatitis, a lesion observed in a stillborn lamb during the original disease outbreak. Y. pseudotuberculosis was reisolated from endometrial, placental, and fetal lesions of experimentally infected animals.  相似文献   

Homogenised tissues or tissue culture supernatant fluid containing a noncytopathic pestivirus obtained from a lamb with a neurologic form of border disease, were inoculated into ewes at different stages of pregnancy. Foetal death occurred in 9 ewes of those inoculated between 19 and 47 days of pregnancy while 3 ewes did not lamb. Eight of the foetuses were aborted between 77 and 132 days of pregnancy; of these 6 were autolysed or mummified and one had arthrogryposis. The one full-term dead lamb had a hairy birth coat and lissencephalic micrencephaly. Foetal death occurred in only 7 of 14 ewes inoculated between 57 and 72 days of pregnancy. Four of these ewes aborted between 77 and 108 days of pregnancy and 3 gave birth to full-term, dead, hairy lambs. The remaining 7 ewes gave birth to live hairy lambs with severe inco-ordination. All lambs carried to term and aborted foetuses or lambs that could be examined had a range of intracranial malformations including focal leucomalacia, micrencephaly, hydranencephaly, porencephaly, lissencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia. Some lambs also had skeletal abnormalities including arthrogryposis, scoliosis and brachygnathia inferior. The pestivirus isolate used in these trials produced more severe effects on the ovine foetus than previously observed in similar inoculation trials using pestivirus isolates from border disease lambs without nervous signs.  相似文献   

The transmission of mucosal disease virus (MDV) from infected ewes and their lambs to susceptible sheep was investigated. MDV was recovered from the amniotic fluid of an infected pregnant ewe and from the blood, nasal swabs and urine of hairy lambs. MDV infection was transmitted either at lambing, from infective foetal fluids or lambs, or later as a result of contact with a surviving with a hairy lamb and either aborted or gave birth to an infected hairy lamb. Adult sheep and 12-months-old sheep were less readily infected than were newborn lambs. Pregnant ewes were infected by contact with a hairy lamb and either aborted or gave birth to an infected hairy lamb. A method to minimise spread of the infection in the field is suggested.  相似文献   

A condition resembling border disease has been transmitted by the inoculation of pregnant ewes with material from affected lambs. Forty-nine merino ewes, mated to merino rams 7 to 87 days previously, were inoculated with an homogenate of brain, spinal cord and spleen from affected lambs. Mummified foetuses, abortions and stillbirths were observed, and lambs with hairy birth coats were born to ewes inoculated between days 12 to 70 of gestation. A mucosal disease virus (MDV), present in the original material, was recovered from the aborted foetuses and lambs. Attempts to induce passive protection using bovine anti-serum to the C24V strain of MDV were not successful. The condition was also transmitted by inoculation of pregnant ewes with a cell culture supernatant prepared from tissue cultures that had been inoculated with an organ homogenate pool. MDV was present in the supernatant and was recovered from aborted foetuses and lambs. It is suggested that a condition in sheep in Australia resembling border disease is due to the infection of the pregnant ewe by a mucosal disease virus.  相似文献   

A strain of Yersinia enterocolitica of O serogroup 6,30 isolated from the liver of an aborted ovine fetus was inoculated intravenously into a group of pregnant ewes at about 90 days gestation and produced placentitis with abortion or delivery of infected lambs about 50 days later. Y. enterocolitica of the same serogroup was recovered from the necrotic placental cotyledons and most other fetal tissues and could be isolated from vaginal discharges of the ewes for a least 2 weeks after abortion. Histological changes were consistent with an acute bacterial necrotizing placentitis and systemic infection of the fetus. Subsequent pregnancies in the ewes proceeded to term without evidence of infection.  相似文献   

Six hundred sixteen ewes of six strains were inoculated twice with ovalbumin in Freunds' incomplete adjuvant. To quantify the humoral immune response to the foreign antigen, blood samples were collected from all ewes 1 wk post-second injection. Blood samples were also collected between 4 and 40 h of age from their 709 lambs, to examine genetic differences in ability of lambs to acquire maternal anti-ovalbumin antibodies. Titers of anti-ovalbumin antibodies were determined using kinetic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques. Strain did not affect ewe immune response, but sire within strain was highly significant. In pregnant ewes, anti-ovalbumin antibody titers in 12- and 30-mo-old ewes were higher than those in 21-mo-old ewes. Number of lambs in utero did not significantly affect ewe immune response. Heritabilities of anti-ovalbumin titer from a paternal half-sib analysis were .27 +/- .17 for all ewes and .57 +/- .25 for only the pregnant ewes. The effect of strain of lamb on lamb anti-ovalbumin titer approached significance, and sire within strain was highly significant. Lamb anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration increased as time from birth to blood sampling increased to 18 h but declined thereafter. The size of the litter in which a lamb was born had a highly significant effect on the lamb's acquired immunity, with titer decreasing as litter size increased. The heritability estimate for lamb anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration from a paternal half-sib analysis was .38 +/- .11; it was .28 +/- .15 from the sire variance component of a full-sib analysis. When lamb titer was considered a maternal trait (lambs nested within their maternal grandsires within strains), the maternal grandsire variance component was negative. The average anti-ovalbumin antibody concentration of lambs that died between blood sample collection and 120 d of age was less than the average antibody concentration of lambs that survived (P less than .01).  相似文献   

Eleven maiden Merino ewes, free of antibody to bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV-20) in agar gel immunodiffusion and serum neutralisation tests, were mated once with a ram. Ten ewes were inoculated with BTV-20 35 to 42 days after service, and one ewe was left as an uninoculated control. One of the inoculated ewes and the control ewe remained uninfected throughout the experiment. Eight of the remaining 9 ewes showed clinical signs ranging from mild to moderate, and the other showed no clinical signs of infection. BTV-20 viraemia was detected in ewes between days 3 and 11 post inoculation, and the serum antibody response was followed. The control ewe and 5 of the 9 infected ewes were pregnant when examined 90 to 97 days after service. Each of these animals produced a normal lamb. There was no evidence of abortion in the remaining 5 ewes, and no transplacental transfer of virus was detected in the lambs of the 5 infected ewes. At necropsy, 46 days after the birth of the last lamb, no gross or microscopic lesions were observed in either the ewes or lambs.  相似文献   

The pregnancies of 13 ewes which were inoculated intrauterine with one of two strains of ovine ureaplasmas resulted in 9 normal and 3 abnormal births, and one ewe was found to be no longer pregnant on postmortem examination. Vaginal ureaplasma infection was detected in the majority of ewes only after lambing. Of the 12 ewes examined at postmortem, ureaplasmas were isolated from the uterus of 5 out of the 6 necropsied up to 21 days post-partum. The vulvar/preputial areas of the majority of lambs that survived were infected with ureaplasmas for the duration of the experiment, but infections of the nasal cavity and eye areas, detected at birth in 4 lambs, were resolved within 8 days post-partum.The only pathological effects detected that could possibly be attributed to ureaplasma infection were a placentitis in an ewe that aborted, and the resorption of the foetus in another.  相似文献   

A preliminary study revealed significantly lower serum iron concentrations in lambs that developed abomasal bloat about one week later, than in lambs that did not develop bloat. In a subsequent trial, with 754 naturally reared twin lambs from five flocks, iron dextran injections were found to have a preventive effect on the development of abomasal bloat. Clinical signs of abomasal bloat were observed in the placebo-treated lamb of 16 couples and in the iron-treated lamb of six couples (P<0.05). In three further couples, both lambs developed bloat. The iron-treated group had significantly (P<0.001) better average weight gains, both from birth to summer, and from birth to autumn of approximately 0.5 and 1 kg, respectively. There was a reduction in red blood cell values and iron saturation in the placebo group 14 days after treatment but not in the iron-treated lambs. In one of the flocks, there was a decrease in the cumulative incidence of abomasal bloat from 37 per cent to 3 per cent during the period of four years after measures such as later lambing, earlier turnout and iron injections were introduced.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni was inoculated intravenously into pregnant ewes on gestation days 114 and 123 to reproduce ovine abortion. All ewes aborted 7-12 days post-inoculation. High numbers of C. jejuni were isolated from ewe tissues (caruncle, bile, cecal feces), fetal tissues, and placenta. C. jejuni colonies were identified in caruncles and placenta by light microscopy and immunoperoxidase techniques. Histologically, inoculated ewes had a severe purulent endometritis with vasculitis. Placentas from inoculated ewes and field cases showed necrosis and purulent inflammation; however, placentas from inoculated ewes had large numbers of bacterial colonies compared to few bacteria found in field cases. Histologically, only one fetus from the inoculated ewes showed lesions (purulent bronchopneumonia), whereas all fetuses from field cases had a distinct bronchopneumonia, and one fetus showed multifocal hepatic necrosis. These results suggest that C. jejuni (serotypes Penner 1 and Lior 2) is an important abortifacient organism for sheep.  相似文献   

能量对妊娠后期母羊健康及其羔羊的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆  刁其玉 《中国畜牧兽医》2017,44(5):1369-1374
妊娠后期是胎儿生长发育的关键时期,胎儿体重增长的80%在此阶段完成,因此该阶段母羊的能量需要量大于其他生理阶段。高产多胎是肉用种母羊的重要培育目标,当母羊处于营养水平较低的草场或舍饲条件下,怀双羔或多羔母羊的日粮能量水平不能满足其营养需要时,母羊会动用体内的糖原、体蛋白和体脂以弥补能量不足,致使母羊的代谢紊乱,肝机能受损,产生羊妊娠毒血症,影响母羊的健康和胚胎的健康生长,产出弱羔、病羔,并可能影响产后羔羊的健康生长。因此,研究妊娠后期能量水平对母羊健康、胚胎发育、羔羊生长及肉羊养殖业的发展都有重要的指导意义。作者对不同能量水平对妊娠母羊的健康、繁殖性能、泌乳性能、胚胎与羔羊生长的影响展开讨论,阐明妊娠后期能量的作用。当母羊妊娠后期能量受到限制时,母羊的体重降低,乳腺发育受阻,泌乳能力下降,受胎率下降;同时胚胎的生长速度降低,影响胚胎与产后羔羊组织器官发育和正常生长。  相似文献   

The late pregnancy is a critical period of fetal growth and development. As approximately 80% of fetal body weight is obtained during late gestation, so that the amount of energy needed for the ewes at this period is much greater than the other periods. Now ewes with multiple fetuses are mutton sheep breeding cultivation objectives, however,under the grazing or confined feeding conditions where nutrient requirement can't satisfy the nutrient requirement of sheep, especially for pregnant ewes with twins or more lambs.The body glycogen and protein as well as body fat will be mobilized for energy needed for the fetal growth and reproduction, which would lead to bad influence on ewes (metabolic disorders, liver function damage, pregnancy toxemia, embryonic development and health) and also on lamb (weak lamb, dead lamb and health). Therefore, investigating the effects of dietary energy levels during late gestation on the ewe's health and growth performance of lambs are essential for the sustainability of livestock production systems. This review summarized the effect of different energy levels on the ewes' health, reproductive performance of the ewes, lactation performance, embryo development and the growth of lambs, then expounded the roles of energy in later gestation. When the dietary energy of ewes in late gestation are restricted, the weight, breast development, lactation capacity, pregnancy rate will all be decreased, and the growth rate and organ development of embryos and lamb will also be restricted.  相似文献   

Fetuses of 20 pregnant ewes at 4 gestational periods (45, 55, 85, and 100 days) were inoculated with ovine progressive pneumonia virus. Fourteen of 16 fetuses exposed to virus before gestational day 80 were either resorbed or expelled, whereas 10 of 15 fetuses exposed to virus after day 80 were normal at birth. Three of the 9 expelled fetuses and 1 of 2 newborn lambs had accumulations of lymphoid cells in the lungs. Virus was readily isolated from the tissues of expelled fetuses and newborn lambs. Lambs did not have precipitating antibody to the virus at birth, but 3 to 5 lambs had specific antiviral antibody at 18 months of age.  相似文献   

妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy,ICP)是孕妇在妊娠晚期出现的以瘙痒和黄疸为特征的肝病,是一种高危产科疾病,严重影响胎儿的健康.为了更好地研究ICP的发病机制,本试验以妊娠母羊为动物模型,分别通过大剂量(2 mg/kg)和小剂量(1.1 mg/kg)的胆酸盐静脉灌注怀孕后期的母羊,同时进行胎儿血管造瘘手术,目的是研究ICP的发病模型和胆酸对胎儿和新生儿的影响机制.结果显示,给妊娠母羊大剂量多次静脉灌注胆酸盐,引起母体难产,导致胎儿宫内窘迫和死亡;小剂量灌注,导致胎儿的低出生重,但胎儿在出生后15 d时,羔羊的体质量与正常的羔羊没有差异,体现了追赶生长的特性.结果表明以妊娠母羊为动物模型,通过静脉灌注胆酸盐可以作为研究妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症的疾病模型,为进一步探索ICP发病时胆酸对胎儿的影响机制提供实验依据.  相似文献   

Forty-two ewes had an intravenous catheter sewn in place in a prepared area over the jugular vein and beginning at 60 days of gestation received an infusion 3 times daily. The infusion consisted of sterile saline or sterile saline containing arginine. Twenty-six ewes in both control and treatment groups aborted between 81 days of gestation and term. Fetuses from 16 ewes that aborted were examined. Most were autolyzed or had early mummification. Macroscopic placentitis and noncollapsing lungs were noted. Large numbers of coagulase-positive Staphylococcus were isolated from fetal abomasal content, lungs, brains, or placentas. Histologically, suppurative placentitis with necrosis and pulmonary aspiration of meconium and amniotic debris often with suppurative bronchopneumonia were observed in abortuses. Four ewes euthanized and examined after abortion had suppurative endometritis. Three ewes had severe, chronic, jugular thrombophlebitis from which coagulase-positive Staphylococcus was isolated. The fourth ewe had mild phlebitis, and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from both the catheter and the blood. Catheter-associated staphylococcal abortion was diagnosed.  相似文献   

Non-cytopathogenic pestivirus obtained from lambs with border disease, with or without nervous signs, was inoculated into pregnant ewes at 57 to 65 days of gestation. Live lambs born to inoculated ewes were clinically identical to the lambs from which virus was obtained, ie, either a hairy birth coat with central nervous system disturbance or a hairy birth coat without central nervous system disturbance.  相似文献   

Throughout pregnancy, 30 primiparous Finn cross ewes were given a low Zn (less than or equal to 1 ppm) semi-purified diet. A 100-g hay supplement was fed three to seven times/week. Supplemental Zn (20 ppm) was provided in the drinking water of 14 ewes. At parturition, lambs were removed from ewes before suckling. Viable lambs not taken for tissue analysis were given 200 ml cow colostrum and raised on an artificial feeder. Throughout gestation, unsupplemented (-Zn) ewes gained less weight and had lower plasma Zn levels than Zn-supplemented (+Zn) ewes. One -Zn ewe was not pregnant, three aborted, one resorbed, one delivered mummified twins at term and two delivered malformed lambs. Average weight of lambs born to -Zn ewes d 136 or later (excluding mummified twins and one weighing less than 20% as much as its twin) was 1.8 +/- .6 (SE) kg. Only three lambs born to -Zn ewes were vigorous enough to put on the artificial feeder; none survived. One +Zn ewe was not pregnant. Of 23 lambs born to the remaining +Zn ewes, five were used for tissue analysis, two lambs of triplets were born dead, twins born d 138 died at birth. One twin died 6 d after birth. The 14 remaining lambs were weaned in good health. Average birth weight of +Zn lambs was 3.3 +/- 1.0 kg. Increased salivation was seen in -Zn ewes after 6 wk of low Zn intake.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reproduction effects of bovine viral diarrhea virus type-2 (BVDV-2) infection were investigated in ewes inoculated with a non-cytopathic BVDV-2 isolate at three stages of gestation. Virus inoculation was followed by a transient viremia, accompanied by a transient and mild hyperthermia and nasal discharge in a few animals. Some ewes were sacrificed at different time-points after virus inoculation to study the kinetics of fetal infection. Infectivity and viral antigens were detected in placentomes from day 7 to 36 post-inoculation (pi) and in fetal fluids and tissues between days 10 and 28 pi. Cardiac petechial hemorrhages and hemoperitoneum accompanied by a severe fibrinous ulcerative placentitis were observed in fetuses examined at days 21, 28 and 36 pi. Inoculation of ewes at days 55-60 of gestation resulted in a prolonged virus replication in placentomes and fetal tissues; ewes that were allowed to proceed with pregnancy had 77% of abortions or fetal and perinatal deaths. Seven stillbirths, unviable and viable lambs born to these ewes were virus-positive at birth. Infectious virus was repeatedly isolated from leukocytes of two lambs up to 2 and 6 months of age, indicating they were persistently infected. Ewes inoculated at days 65-70 of gestation had 66.6% of fetal and perinatal losses. Three viable lambs born to these ewes were healthy, BVDV antibody-positive and virus-negative. A transient viral replication in placentomes and in a few fetal tissues, followed by the rise of fetal neutralizing antibodies and virus clearance was the result of inoculating ewes at days 120-125 of gestation. Lambs born to these ewes were healthy, antibody-positive and virus-negative. These results demonstrate that the biology of BVDV-2 infection in pregnant sheep is essentially similar to that of BVDV-1 in pregnant cattle and sheep. These features make this species an attractive animal model for studying the pathogenesis of congenital BVDV-2 infection.  相似文献   

Enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE) caused by Chlamydophila abortus is an important disease resulting in significant lamb loss in most sheep producing countries. Ewes are considered to be naturally infected with C. abortus via the oral–nasal route and may become persistent carriers, shedding during subsequent oestrous cycles and at lambing. The aim of this study was to monitor the clinical outcomes, pathological changes and shedding of C. abortus in 18 periparturient orally infected sheep for two breeding seasons. In the first season, C. abortus was detected by real-time PCR (rt-PCR) in 13/18 conjunctival swabs at oestrus. Three out of the 15 pregnant ewes gave birth to 1 live and 1 dead lamb, and 2 of them aborted. Following parturition/abortion, C. abortus was detected in 12/15 vaginal swabs and in all the collected foetal membranes. However, only those membranes containing high copy numbers of the bacterium displayed the EAE typical lesions. In the second season, none of the 13 pregnant ewes aborted, and 5 of them gave birth to dead or weak lambs. C. abortus was not detected in conjunctival or vaginal swabs at oestrus or parturition. The bacterium was detected at low levels in 36% of the foetal membranes, but with no evidence of histopathological lesions. These results indicate that C. abortus can be detected in a large proportion of animals during the first pregnancy after oral infection. However, this proportion is reduced at the subsequent breeding season, confirming the occurrence of a chronic low level persistent infection in post-abortion/lambing ewes.  相似文献   

A condition in Australian sheep resembling border disease was transmitted by the inoculation of pregnant ewes with material from affected lambs. This material contained mucosal disease virus (MDV). Twenty-two lambs comprising 6 from uninoculated control ewes, together with 11 with hairy coats and 5 with normal coats from inoculated ewes, were observed from 7 to 182 days after birth. Nine of the lambs from inoculated ewes died during the experiment from a variety of causes. Glial cell abnormalities were observed in control and affected lambs, but only 4 of the 11 hairy lambs were judged to have abnormal glial cells. There were no consistent histopathological findings indicative of MDV infection. MDV was recovered from tissues of all 11 hairy lambs, but not from any of the lambs with normal coats. The hairy lambs appeared to be immunologically tolerant to the virus. Susceptible sheep in contact with the hairy lambs were infected with MDV. It is suggested that a condition in Australian lambs characterised by hairiness of the birth coat and poor viability is due to foetal infection with a mucosal disease virus.  相似文献   

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