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Pattern in ecological landscapes is often the result of different processes operating at different scales. Neutral landscape models were introduced in landscape ecology to differentiate patterns that are the result of simple random processes from patterns that arise from more complex ecological processes. Recent studies have used increasingly complex neutral models that incorporate contagion and other constraints on random patterns, as well as using neutral landscapes as input to spatial simulation models. Here, I consider a common mathematical framework based on spectral transforms that represents all neutral landscape models in terms of sets of spectral basis functions. Fractal and multi-fractal models are considered, as well as models with multiple scaling regions and anisotropy. All of the models considered are shown to be variations on a basic theme: a scaling relation between frequency and amplitude of spectral components. Two example landscapes examined showed long-range correlations (distances up to 1000 km) consistent with fractal scaling.  相似文献   

Forest harvest patterns and landscape disturbance processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A physically-based model of the topographic influence on debris flow initiation and a rule-based model for wind damage were used to assess the influence of forest clearcutting patterns (i.e., location, size, shape and distribution of cut units) on the potential for landscape disturbance by these processes in Charley Creek watershed, Washington State, USA. Simulated clearcutting patterns consisted of 7, 9 or 26 ha square or rectangular harvest units distributed in either an aggregated or dispersed pattern under three stream-buffering scenarios. The slope-stability model predicted that potentially unstable ground is concentrated along steep headwater streams and inner-gorge side-slopes. Areas susceptible to wind damage were determined from the combination of slope, aspect, elevation, soil drainage and primary tree species. Among the variables examined here, the location of harvest units constitutes the most important factor influencing the potential for shallow landsliding. In contrast, the location, size, and shape of clear cuts and the interactions among these three factors significantly influenced the potential for wind damage. Minimal correspondence between areas predicted to be potentially unstable and areas susceptible to wind damage implies that harvest patterns designed to mitigate the potential for shallow landsliding may not necessarily reduce the potential for wind damage. Our results demonstrate that: (1) the location of timber harvesting is more important than the geometry of harvest activity in influencing shallow landsliding; (2) forest harvest patterns strongly influence the potential for disturbance processes; and (3) a single cutting pattern will often fail to meet all landscape management goals. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gao  Qiong  Yang  Xiusheng 《Landscape Ecology》1997,12(5):321-330
A linear, semi-theoretical relationship between the coverage change of plant communities due to spatial processes and a partial patchiness index of the community distribution patterns in a grassland landscape was established by partitioning the overall coverage change into a spatial increment caused by species migration and a local increment due to local ecological processes. This relationship implies that patchiness of grassland landscapes can accelerate either recovery or degradation of a community, depending on the environmental conditions depicted by a parameter termed as gradient strength. The established relationship also has potential applications in simulating pattern dynamics of plant community distributions for a grassland landscape using a spatially homogeneous patch-scale model.The derived linear relationship was applied to a one-hectare alkaline grassland observatory in northeast China. Gradient strengths of two major plant community types were determined via linear regression from simulation results for selected subregions of the grassland. The calibrated linear relationship was then applied to the rest of the grassland landscape. Preliminary comparisons with complete spatial simulations and observations indicated that using this linear relationship with a patch-scale model can simulate the coverage changes as accurately as using a comprehensive spatial simulation model.  相似文献   

A meaningful interpretation of landscape metrics is possible only when the limitations of each measure are fully understood, the range of attainable values is known, and the user is aware of potential shifts in the range of values due to characteristics of landscape patches. To examine the behavior of landscape metrics, we generated artificial landscapes that mimicked fragmentation processes while controlling the size and shape of patches in the landscape and the mode of disturbance growth. We developed nine series of increasingly fragmented landscapes and used these to investigate the behavior of edge density, contagion, mean nearest neighbor distance, mean proximity index, perimeter-area fractal dimension, and mass fractal dimension. We found that most of the measures were highly correlated, especially contagion and edge density, which had a near-perfect inverse correspondence. Many of the measures were linearly-associated with increasing disturbance until the proportion of disturbance on the landscape was approximately 0.40, with non-linear associations at higher proportions. None of the measures was able to differentiate between landscape patterns characterized by dispersed versus aggregated patches. The highest attainable value of each measure was altered by either patch size or shape, and in some cases, by both attributes. We summarize our findings by discussing the utility of each metric.  相似文献   

Research performed on microlandscapes embodies the essence of landscape ecology by focusing on the ecological consequences of the mosaic structure of different landscape elements. As an illustration, observations and simulations were used to test whether the fractal structure of grassland microlandscapes affected the movement patterns of tenebrionid beeetles in natural environments. The significant tendency of beetles to avoid 1 m2 cells with fractal dimensions of 1.85 to 1.89 (indicating the area-filling tendency of bare ground) demonstrated the role of landscape structure as a modifier of beetle movements or diffusion in heterogeneous landscapes. Experiments in microlandscapes may accelerate the development of quantitative conceptual frameworks applicable to landscapes at all scales.  相似文献   

Liu  Amy J.  Cameron  Guy N. 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(7):581-595
High productivity and accessibility have made coastal wetlands attractive sites for human settlements. This study analyzed the patterns of wetland landscapes in Galveston Bay, Texas, USA. The first objective of the study was to describe the relationships between the fractal dimension of wetland boundaries and those factors which affect the wetland landscapes (e.g., land use, type of vegetation, size, location, and level of human disturbance). The second objective was to construct a historical database to contrast wetland areas which had experienced different levels of disturbance between 1956 and 1989. The fractal dimension, a measure of how much of the geographical space is filled by boundaries, was measured by the perimeter-area method. The fractal dimension of wetlands was significantly affected by land use, type of vegetation, size, and level of anthropogenic disturbance. In addition, increasing the size of buffers around roads did not significantly affect the fractal dimension of wetlands. Landscape indices, such as fractal dimension, dominance, and diversity, were used to characterize spatial heterogeneity in the historical database. Lake Stephenson, an area of low anthropogenic disturbance, experienced no changes in wetland composition and abundance over time. Anahuac, an area of medium disturbance, experienced changes in both wetland composition and abundance. Texas City, an area of high disturbance, experienced a change in wetland composition. These differences can be associated with the type and level of disturbance present; however, more evidence is needed to determine whether certain landscape patterns have stable, intrinsic properties which allow persistence in the face of disturbance. These results will be informative to resource managers determining how wetlands can be managed as natural resources and nature reserves.  相似文献   

Changes in landscape patterns in Georgia,USA   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
The objectives of this study were to determine how landscape patterns in Georgia, USA have changed through time and whether the spatial patterns varied by physiographic region. Historical aerial photography was used to analyze spatial patterns of land use from the 1930's to the 1980's. Land use patterns were quantified by: (1) mean number and size of patches; (2) fractal dimension of patches; (3) amount of edge between land uses; and (4) indices of diversity, dominance, and contagion. Forest cover increased in aerial extent and in mean patch size. The mean size of agricultural patches increased in the coastal plain and decreased in the mountains and piedmont. Edges between land uses decreased through time, indicating less dissection of the landscape. Fractal dimensions also decreased, indicating simpler patch shapes. Indices of diversity and dominance differed through time but not among regions; the contagion index differed among regions but not through time. A geographic trend of decreasing diversity and increasing dominance and contagion was observed from the mountains to the lower coastal plain. Landscape patterns exhibited the greatest changes in the piedmont region. Overall, the Georgia landscape has become less fragmented and more connected during the past 50 years. Changing patterns in the landscape may have implications for many ecological processes and resources.  相似文献   

Scaling patterns of biomass and soil properties: an empirical analysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We argue that studies at multiple scales must necessarilychange the extent of measurements, not just the spacing, in order toeffectivelycapture information regarding processes at multiple scales. We have implementeda multi-scale sampling scheme using transects of 10 cm, 1m, 10 m, 100 m, and 1 km ateach of four sites along an elevational gradient from dry foothills forest toalpine tundra in the Front Range of Colorado; these four sites form anadditional transect of 22 km. Along each of these transects wetookten equally spaced soil cores and measured variables important in determiningboth microbial and plant community structure: soil water content, organicmattercontent, pH, and total soil biomass. With this sampling scheme we are able totreat scale as an independent variable in our analyses, and our data show thatboth particular sites and particular variables can determine whether estimatesof mean values are scale-dependent or not. A geostatistical analysis using allof our data shows common relationships between scales across ecologicallydiverse sites; biomass shows the most complex pattern of distribution acrossscales, as measured by fractal dimension. Our analyses also reveal theinadequacy of several standard geostatistical models when applied to data frommultiple scales of measurement – we recommend the use of the boundedpowerlaw model in such cases. We hypothesize that because biological communitiesmustrespond simultaneously to multiple variables with differing patterns of spatialvariation, the spatial variation of biological communities will be at least ascomplex as the most complex environmental variable at any given site.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wildfires and landscape patterns in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
The relations between disturbance regime and landscape patterns have been developed from a theoretical perspective, but few studies have tested these relations when forces promoting opposing heterogeneity patterns are simultaneously operating on a landscape. This work provides quantitative evidence of these relations in areas dominated by human activity, showing that landscape heterogeneity decreases disturbance spread. In turn, disturbance introduces a source of landscape heterogeneity, but it is not enough to counterbalance the homogeneity trend due to agricultural abandonment. Land cover changes and wildfire occurrence (fires larger than 0.3 km2) have been monitored in the Tivissa municipality (208.4 km2) (Catalonia, NE Spain) from 1956 to 1993. Land cover maps were obtained from 1956, 1978 and 1993 and they were overlaid with fire occurrence maps obtained for the 1975–1995 period from 60 m resolution remote sensing images, which allow the identification of burned areas by sudden drops in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Changes in landscape patterns in relation to fire regime have been analyzed considering several parameters: patch density, mean patch size, mean distance to the nearest neighbour of the same category, edge density, and the Shannon diversity index. In the 1956–1993 period there is a trend to increasing landscape homogenization due to the expansion of shrub­lands linked to a decrease in forest surface, and to the abandonment of agricultural lands. This trend, however, is not constant along all the period. Fires are more likely to occur in woody, homogenous areas, increasing landscape heterogeneity, as observed in the 1978–1993 period. This increase in heterogeneity does not counterbalance the general trend to landscape homogenization as a consequence of agricultural abandonment and the coalescence of natural vegetation patches.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The presettlement tree cover (1831–33) of 3 townships in a southern Wisconsin landscape was analyzed using original survey records. Four forest types were identified: closed forest, open forest, savanna, and prairie. Comparisons of vegetation types and landscape pattern were made between the east and west sides of the Pecatonica River, which bisects the landscape and could have acted as a natural fire barrier. West of the river, presettlement tree species richness and diversity were lower and trees were smaller in diameter and less dense than to the east. The major vegetation types to the west were prairie (42% of landscape) and savanna (40%), both fire-susceptible types. Prairie was more common on gentle slopes than on other landforms. To the east, the landscape was 70% forested (closed plus open forest). Here, prairie was more frequent on steep dry sites. These vegetation differences, including the contrasting landscape placement of prairie, are attributed to distinct site characteristics and to disturbance (fire) regimes, with the west likely having more frequent fires. In terms of the four vegetation types, the east landscape was more homogeneous, being dominated by closed forest (50%). West of the Pecatonica River, the landscape was more heterogeneous because of the high proportion of both prairie and savanna; however, in terms of flammability of vegetation, the west was essentially homogeneous (82% prairie plus savanna).  相似文献   

We compared the performance of individuals and whole populations of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, within and between experimentally created habitat fragments of three sizes (1.0, 0.25, and 0.0625 ha) and between a 20-ha fragmented and a 20-ha continuous habitat landscape. We recorded 10,020 captures of 3946 individuals over 17 censuses between June 1993 and October 1994. Five demographic parameters showed significantly different population responses between the two landscapes but no difference in tests comparing fragment size: i.e., mean and peak population densities (the latter, in each of the two growing seasons) averaged 149 to 172% higher, population growth rate averaged 219% higher, and adult recruitment 170% higher in fragmented than in the continuous control landscape. Observations at the individual level (body sizes, rates of reproduction, residence times) suggested that these landscape differences involved enhanced performance of adult females associated with edge habitats rather than differential immigration or emigration. If this turns out to be a common response to fragmentation, the detection of such responses will be greater when comparing fragmented and unfragmented landscapes with qualitatively different structure than for fragments of varied size with differing proportions of edge. That responses to habitat fragmentation may be more evident at the very small (individual) and very large (landscape) scales, but may be obscured at the intermediate spatial scale of fragments, is a proposition that clearly requires more attention.  相似文献   

The Illinois Geographic Information System was used to compare the soil and landscape attributes of the State with its historic vegetation, current land use, and patterns of land-use change over the past 160 years. Patch structural characteristics among land types in four geographic zones were also compared. The assessment of patch characteristics revealed a highly modified State with most land patches controlled by human influences and relatively few by topographic and hydrologic features. Correlation and regression analyses determined the relationships of land type and abundance within each of 50 general soil associations to properties of the soil associations - typically slope, texture, organic matter, productivity index, and available waterholding capacity. The distribution of the historic vegetation of the State and its current deciduous forests and nonforested wetlands related moderately (r2 0.44) to various landscape attributes. Urban and other highly modified land types were less closely related.  相似文献   

Nagashima  Keiko  Sands  Roger  Whyte  A.G.D.  Bilek  E.M.  Nakagoshi  Nobukazu 《Landscape Ecology》2001,16(8):719-729
The expansion of plantation forestry in New Zealandduring the last century has altered the landscape and will continue to do so in the future. The implementation of recent resource management policy, the 1991 Resource Management Act (RMA), will also influence the impact of future plantation expansion on the landscape. It is necessary to analyze current land-use patterns in order to predict effects on future landscapes. This study analyzed the current land-use patterns of the Nelson region by examining the relationship between land-use and site conditions and by characterizing the distribution pattern of land-use depending on distance from the city. The distribution pattern was considered from an economic perspective, based on the Barlowe’s model of land use distribution. The relationship between the current land-use pattern and previous land management policy was also examined using the Land Use Capability. Consequently, in addition to the physical attributes of the land, the influence of land-use management policy was obvious. Thus the RMA will undoubtedly influence land-use changes in the future. It is therefore necessary to understand the factors determining changes in land-use patterns in conjunction with the district plan of the RMA to predict future changes in land-use.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We used Landsat imagery and GIS to quantify the rates and patterns of landscape change between 1972 and 1992 for a 734,126 ha forested study area in the central Sikhote-alin Mountains of the Russian Far East. The study area includes a portion of the Sikhote-alinskiy Biosphere Reserve which is a part of the United Nations international Man and the Biosphere (MAB) reserve network. Wildfire is a major disturbance agent throughout the area and timber harvesting outside the reserve is also important. Maximum likelihood classification of the satellite imagery identified four broad cover types (hardwood, conifer, mixed and non-forest) in 1992 and changes among them between 1972 and 1992. We used multi-temporal principal components analysis to describe the magnitude and direction of landscape change for six watersheds that represent a range of ecological histories and disturbance regimes. Overall, forest cover declined from 90.4% in 1972 to 77.2% in 1992. The disturbance rate was more than twice as high in conifer than in hardwood forests. The rate of disturbance outside the reserve was three times that inside. While the rates of disturbance are not markedly higher than those recorded from other temperate forests, there has recently been a large alteration in the disturbance regime which will lead to a general transformation of forest composition and structure in the study area if the trend continues.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is expected to disrupt dispersal, and thus we explored how patch metrics of landscape structure, such as percolation thresholds used to define landscape connectivity, corresponded with dispersal success on neutral landscapes. We simulated dispersal as either a purely random process (random direction and random step lengths) or as an area-limited random walk (random direction, but movement limited to an adjacent cell at each dispersal step) and quantified dispersal success for 1000 individuals on random and fractal landscape maps across a range of habitat abundance and fragmentation. Dispersal success increased with the number of cells a disperser could search (m), but poor dispersers (m<5) searching via area-limited dispersal on fractal landscapes were more successful at locating suitable habitat than random dispersers on either random or fractal landscapes. Dispersal success was enhanced on fractal landscapes relative to random ones because of the greater spatial contagion of habitat. Dispersal success decreased proportionate to habitat loss for poor dispersers (m=1) on random landscapes, but exhibited an abrupt threshold at low levels of habitat abundance (p<0.1) for area-limited dispersers (m<10) on fractal landscapes. Conventional metrics of patch structure, including percolation, did not exhibit threshold behavior in the region of the dispersal threshold. A lacunarity analysis of the gap structure of landscape patterns, however, revealed a strong threshold in the variability of gap sizes at low levels of habitat abundance (p<0.1) in fractal landscapes, the same region in which abrupt declines in dispersal success were observed. The interpatch distances or gaps across which dispersers must move in search of suitable habitat should influence dispersal success, and our results suggest that there is a critical gap-size structure to fractal landscapes that interferes with the ability of dispersers to locate suitable habitat when habitat is rare. We suggest that the gap structure of landscapes is a more important determinant of dispersal than patch structure, although both are ultimately required to predict the ecological consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Ribe  Robert  Morganti  Roberto  Hulse  David  Shull  Robert 《Landscape Ecology》1998,13(1):1-13
Investigations using available data sought to guide short-term management decisions regarding the needs of northern spotted owl in the high Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Landscape attributes and pattern indices were measured and tested for identification of areas likely to contain northern spotted owl nests. Predictive models indicating planning standards were developed. Most landscape ecological indices were not useful. Results indicate the owl favors landscapes dominated by patches that meet definitions of late seral forest nesting habitat. The owl optimally nests in such patches at least 570 hectares in size. Landscapes with some edges, particularly around nesting habitat patches evidently do not adversely affect the owl, perhaps because they provide prey. Landscapes with extensive edges, particularly between openings and forests not suitable for nesting, are not as likely to be selected. The results are largely consistent with the owl's recovery plans, provide guidance for management, and require refinement through additional research, particularly to better determine home range sizes.  相似文献   

Selinger-Looten  R.  Grevilliot  F.  Muller  S. 《Landscape Ecology》1999,14(2):213-229
Flood frequency and agricultural pressure can effect pattern and diversity in the plant communities and the landscape of flood plain meadows. The flood plains of north-east France are valuable semi- natural ecosystems with a high diversity of plants. This study was carried out in two valleys with plant communities showing the same zonation along a moisture gradient. About 350 measurements in each valley were carried out on 50 m2 sampling sites. Two study areas were intensively measured within each of the two valleys (1300 ha in total). Hydrological, geological and human factors have determined the unique landscape pattern of each valley. Using vegetation maps (1/5000) of the two valleys, landscape structure in terms of the size, number and form of patches were compared and the characteristics of the disturbance regimes (natural and human disturbance) creating each landscape are analysed. Variations of landscape indices are discussed in relation to the increase in agricultural pressure. Using quantitative parameters of landscape ecology to analyse vegetation mosaics provides an assessment of agricultural pressure and natural constraints on the flood plain scale. Agricultural intensification led to a decrease of meadow complexity whose natural rough shapes are made straight. Moreover flooded meadows lost thus natural connectivity with ditches and river which determined biodiversity and ecological processes of flood plains.  相似文献   

In order to document the extent of landscape fragmentation for a section of the New Jersey Pine Barrens region, we have used satellite image and spatial analysis to monitor landscape change between 1972 and 1988. Land-cover patterns were quantified by mean, number, and size of patches; and amount of edges between land cover types. During the intervening sixteen year period, fractal dimension, diversity, and contagion generally decreased while dominance, disturbance and edges increased, indicating a trend to a more dissected and disturbed landscape. There was an increase in the number of forest patches and a significant decrease in the average size of forest patches. In contrast, the mean patch size for the non-forest category has increased as a result of a coalescence of patches. The landscape fragmentation is shown by a downward shift in the distribution of forest patches by size class. These changes in landscape pattern have implications for many ecological processes and resources. Management practices need to consider landscape fragmentation in the Pinelands National Reserve in order to preserve the essential character of the Pine Barrens landscape.  相似文献   

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