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Biochar has been shown to be an effective organic soil amendment for the in-situ immobilization of lead (Pb).Little research has been done on the effects of biochar and zeolite interactions on Pb immobilization in contaminated calcareous soils.Therefore,the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different levels of zeolite (2% and 4%,weight:weight) and biochars (3%,weight:weight) prepared from green compost (GB),poultry manure (PB),and municipal waste (MB) on the content of Pb in sp...  相似文献   



The transfer of heavy metals from soil to crops comprises several steps, including soil-to-root and subsequent root-to-shoot tranfer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the different steps of soil-to-crop transfer of Cd, Pb, and Zn.

Materials and methods

This study was carried out with a greenhouse pot experiment using a soil polluted with Cd, Pb, and Zn which was amended with rice straw, pig manure, sheep dung, or peat, with and without lime. Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) was used as the test crop and was grown after a season of rice cultivation.

Results and discussion

The results showed that all the amendments promoted the root-to-shoot transfer of Cd, Pb, and Zn. The soil-to-root transfer factors (TFs) of Pb and Zn tended to increase with increasing available Pb and Zn in the soils, while no clear relationship between the TF of Cd and available soil Cd was observed. The root-to-shoot TF of Cd, Pb, and Zn tended to decrease with increasing available amounts in the soils and were negatively correlated with the concentrations of the metals in the roots (r Cd?=?0.820, r Pb?=?0.789, r Zn?=?0.769).


The soil-to-root transfer of Cd, Pb, and Zn was significantly different from the root-to-shoot transfer. The soil-to-root transfer was mainly influenced by the amount of available metal in soil, whereas the root-to-shoot transfer was mainly controlled by the concentrations of the metals in the root.  相似文献   

The most recent in vitro tests used to determine metal bioaccessiblility are generally time-consuming and expensive.This study aimed at determining potential relationships between the concentrations of metals extracted using single-extraction methods and the concentrations of bioaccessible metals assessed by a harmonised in vitro test,the Unified BARGE Method (UBM).A total number of 27 soil samples were collected from kitchen gardens and lawns with various physicochemical parameters and contamination levels.Significant relationships were obtained between Cd,Pb and Zn extracted in gastric and gastrointestinal phases and using single extractions.The best relationhips were established using acetic and citric acids for Cd,whereas for Pb,citric acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) were identified as the best extractants.These relationships were improved by means of a linear multiple regression with a downward stepwise procedure involving agronomic parameters (soil cation exchange capacity and assimilated P).This method highlighted the fact that the cation exchange capacity and P contents in soils were the two main parameters that controlled the human bioaccessibility of Cd,Pb and Zn in the gastric phase.Besides,the metal concentrations extracted with the acetic and citric acids correlated well with the metal concentrations in the gastric and gastrointestinal phases,suggesting that the bioaccessible metals were mainly in a soluble form,weakly bound to the organic matter and associated with the carbonates and the Fe and Mn oxides/hydroxides in soils.  相似文献   

Red lead (Pb3O4)‐ and ZnO‐containing anticorrosion paints in the past have been extensively applied to high‐voltage steel pylons which has led to heavy metal (HM) soil contaminations in their vicinity. Since pylons are commonly found on agricultural land, there is a potential risk of HM plant uptake. This is promoted by the fact that in contrast to the moderate total Pb contents (several 100 mg kg–1) in three nutrient‐poor and acidic pylon soils the Pb amounts extractable with NH4NO3 were extremely high, reaching almost 20% of total Pb. A 18‐week field pot trial (three harvests in a six‐week interval) using Lolium multiflorum was conducted to study the HM plant uptake and the efficiency of the four soil additives, lime (LI), Novaphos (NP), water‐treatment sludge (WS), and ilmenite residue (IR) in reducing the plant uptake and NH4NO3‐extractability of Pb and Zn in the soils. Lead concentrations in L. multiflorum shoots grown in the untreated soils reached maximum values of 128 mg (kg dry weight)–1. Novaphos was most efficient in decreasing shoot Pb (–90%) followed by LI (–78%) and WS (–73%). For Zn, too, LI (–82%), NP, and WS (both –66%) substantially reduced plant uptake. Ilmenite residue was generally only poorly efficient. The dry‐matter yield in the NP, LI, and WS treatments was significantly increased. While the relationship between Pb‐NH4NO3 and Pb‐plant was high when considering the three harvests separately (R > 0.93) a poor relationship (R = 0.63) exists over all harvests together. This was attributed to different transpiration rates affecting the HM flux into the plants, since the temperature regime changed greatly during the cultivation period. For Zn, no such close relationship between the NH4NO3‐extractable soil fraction and shoot Zn was found, most likely due to antagonistic effects from Mg which greatly varied in the three soils.  相似文献   

As in all parts of the globe, rapid climate change in Australia will have significant negative impacts on biodiversity. It also will interact with pre-existing stressors such as native vegetation clearing, altered natural disturbance regimes and invasive species - all of which already have major negative effects on biota in Australia. Strategies to reduce climate change impacts on Australian biodiversity include a mixture of mitigation and adaptation actions (sensuMillar et al., 2007) such as: (1) significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, (2) ensuring bio-diverse carbon capture, (3) better tackling pre-existing stressors on biodiversity, (4) better preparing for the effects of major natural disturbances, (5) significantly improving off-reserve conservation efforts including fostering appropriate connectivity, and (6) enhancing the existing reserve system by making it more comprehensive, adequate and representative. The first strategy above demands a global response otherwise major mitigation attempts in Australia that are not paralleled elsewhere around the world will have little effect on climate change and, in turn, contribute little to enhanced biodiversity conservation. Strategies 2-6 demand multi-scaled responses, particularly at a regional level, given the major regional differences in direct climate change impacts and their interactions with pre-existing regional stressors. Well developed multi-scaled conservation plans to implement these strategies currently do not exist, nor do appropriate institutional arrangements and capacities. Institutional reforms are urgently needed in Australia to develop the land management, monitoring and regional response capabilities required to conserve biodiversity on a continent already significantly modified.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate the remedial effect of some soil amendments (farmyard manure (FYM), press mud compost (PMC), cereal straw (CS) at 5 t ha?1 and fresh cow dung slurry (FCD) @ 0.5 t ha?1) on dissipation kinetics of imidacloprid and sulfosulfuron under laboratory conditions. Incorporation of CS or FCD was found to be most effective in degrading both the pesticides at faster rates. Dissipation of both the pesticides could be well accounted by two component (1 + 1) first order kinetics. The computed values of parameters revealed that use of organic amendments increased the dissipated fraction of imidacloprid and sulfosulfuron. Incorporation of CS or FCD in soil maintained relatively higher dissipation rate constants for both faster and slower dissipation processes of pesticides in comparison to control. Hence, eco-friendly practices of CS or FCD incorporation as soil amendment in soil can play a vital role in preventing soil and water pollution.  相似文献   

Owing to their potential advantages such as waste reduction,recycling,and economic attributes,fast-growing bioenergy crops have the capacity to e?ectively phytoremediate heavy metal-contaminated soils.However,little is known about the role of microbial and chemical amendments in phytoremediation using bioenergy crops.Here,we studied the contributions of inoculation with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Acaulospora mellea ZZ and three soil amendments,i.e.,hydroxyapatite (HAP),manure,and bi...  相似文献   

Soil quality determination requires the analysis of a number of soil attributes using different approaches. In recent years, one of the most promising approaches has been the determination of enzymatic activities. Generally, only a few enzymes have been analysed and related to other soil properties such as total carbon, nitrogen content or microbial biomass carbon. The aim of this work was to investigate the possible use of the API ZYM strip, a semi‐quantitative miniaturized system that determines 19 enzymatic activities, to study soil quality. To this end, we tested the system in different soil types, including albic Arenosols, mollic Leptosols, rendzic Leptosols, haplic Leptosols and calcaric Regosols. Fresh samples were sieved through a 2‐mm sieve in the field and soil extracts were prepared by mixing 2–20 g (depending on the soil horizon characteristics) from each sample with 2–20 ml of sterile water. Next, 65‐µl aliquots of the supernatant extract were placed into each API ZYM microtube and were incubated at 37°C for 16 hours. Our results show important qualitative and quantitative differences among the different soil types studied, with soil characteristics and biological properties correlating with biochemical information. The results provide useful information not only to determine soil quality, but also to assess changes in the soil environment. As a whole, our results suggest that the use of the API ZYM system could prove most useful in soil environmental studies. Finally, some suggestions are presented, including modifications to the system that could improve its application in this field.  相似文献   

Agricultural by-products applied as soil amendments have the potential to improve crop production on low organic matter (OM) soils. This two-year study investigated the use of two readily available sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) milling by-products, mill mud, and mill ash, as soil amendments to improve first sugarcane crop (plant cane) and subsequent crop (first ratoon) grown on a sandy Spodosol. Sugarcane was grown in lysimeters receiving mill mud, mill ash, and a 50:50 (v:v) mill mud to mill ash mix. Amendments were applied at low, medium, and high application rates (5, 10, and 15 cm depths, respectively) and then incorporated 30 cm deep. Amendment effects on plant nutrition, soil characteristics, and crop yield were determined. High rate applied mill mud and mill ash had the highest soil OM content for both years and soil OM did not significantly change between crops for all treatments except for high rate mill mud, which increased the second year (ratoon crop). Leaf nutrient levels for nitrogen (N), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu) for all treatments both years were insufficient; nutrient levels for magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and silicon (Si) were within marginal to sufficient range for all treatments both years. All amendments produced significantly higher biomass and sucrose yields for plant cane and first ratoon crops compared to the control. Mill ash treatments produced the greatest increase in sucrose and biomass yields from plant cane to ratoon crops, which corresponded with an increase in potassium (K) in leaf tissue. However, mid and high rates of mix produced the highest sugarcane biomass and sucrose yields for the both the plant cane and ratoon crops.  相似文献   



Recent trends in soil green and sustainable remediation require an increased attention on environmental effects. The physical consequences of remediation practices on soil structure are very rarely investigated.

Material and methods

A laboratory experiment was carried out by adding iron grit to a sand (S), a silt loam (L), and a clay (C) soil subjected to several wetting-drying cycles. The physical effects of the treatment on soil pore system were identified and quantified combining physical measurements on repacked samples with image analysis of pores on resin-impregnated soil blocks and micromorphological analysis on thin sections.

Results and discussion

A negligible reduction of total porosity (P) resulted in S, and a slight increase was observed in the L and C soils. However, an important impact on soil structure was identified in pore size range >10 μm for the L and C soils, with the formation of new pores related to the differential shrink-swell behavior between soil matrix and added iron grains. Different plasticity of these soils also played a role in planar pore formation.


Effects of the addition of iron grit on soil pore system are strongly dependent on soil physical properties. The performed experiment showed that iron-based amendments can improve soil structure in low-plastic shrink-swell soil increasing porosity in the range of transmission pores (50–500 μm). This study showed the high potential of soil micromorphology and pore image analysis in order to evaluate the environmental impact of soil remediation practices.  相似文献   



The present research aimed to assess the influence of two phosphorous (P) amendments on metal speciation in rhizosphere soil and the soil–plant transfer of metals.

Materials and methods

Complementary experiments were performed: field experiments on a contaminated cultivated soil and laboratory experiments on an uncultivated contaminated soil to highlight the mechanisms involved in metal-phosphorous interactions. In laboratory experiment, P amendments were added at 120 mg P/kg of soluble KH2PO4 amendment and 9,000 mg P/kg of solid Ca5(PO4)3OH amendment.

Results and discussion

Field-culture results showed the possible food-chain contamination due to Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn phytoaccumulation by pea and mustard plants from a cultivated agricultural soil. Moreover, P-metal complexes were observed by microscopy in the rhizosphere soil. In laboratory experiments, the application of P amendments significantly increased Pb and Zn level in rhizosphere soil compared to control. Phosphate amendments significantly increased metal-P fraction and decreased “oxides” and “organic matter” fractions of Pb and Zn. Soluble-P amendment was more effective than solid P amendment in changing Pb and Zn speciation. The changes in metal speciation are higher in the rhizosphere soil of pea than tomato. Application of P amendments increased Pb and Zn TF root/soil but decreased TF shoot/root.


The effectiveness of in situ metal immobilization technique varies with the type and quantity of applied P amendment as well as plant and metal type.  相似文献   

The influence of soil amendment with fulvic + humic acid (FH) fractions, obtained from manure or peat, upon the shape, size and numerical density of aggregates in a sandy loam and a clay soil was examined using micromorphological techniques and image analysis. The effect of the FH fraction from manure (FHM) was to produce larger aggregates from the smaller ones, while the FH from peat (FHP) gave rise to a higher numerical density of smaller aggregates. Although the type of structural change was similar in the two soil types, the extent of change per g of FH was greater in the clay soil. Aggregate shape varied with treatment and soil type, but both kinds of organic matter produced vughs and a narrowing of the planes in the two soils which can be considered as signs of structural improvement.  相似文献   

Recent development of digital soil mapping (DSM) allowed improving significantly the quality of soil maps. We tried to make a set of empirical models for the territory of Karelia, a republic at the North-East of the European territory of Russian Federation. This territory was selected for the pilot study for DSM for two reasons. First, the soils of the region are mainly monogenetic; thus, the effect of paleogeographic environment on recent soils is reduced. Second, the territory was poorly mapped because of low agricultural development: only 1.8% of the total area of the republic is used for agriculture and has large-scale soil maps. The rest of the territory has only small-scale soil maps, compiled basing on the general geographic concepts rather than on field surveys. Thus, the only solution for soil inventory was the predictive digital mapping. The absence of large-scaled soil maps did not allow data mining from previous soil surveys, and only empirical models could be applied. For regionalization purposes, we accepted the division into Northern and Southern Karelia, proposed in the general scheme of soil regionalization of Russia; boundaries between the regions were somewhat modified. Within each region, we specified from 15 (Northern Karelia) to 32 (Southern Karelia) individual soilscapes and proposed soil-topographic and soil-lithological relationships for every soilscape. Further field verification is needed to adjust the models.  相似文献   



Soil metal pollution is a widespread problem around the world and remediation of these soils is difficult. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of two different strategies on the chemical fractions of metals in a soil of a depleted copper mine: (1) amending with a mixture of a technosol made of wastes and biochar and (2) amending combined with planting vegetation (Brassica juncea).

Materials and methods

A 3-month greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of organic amendments and vegetation on the metal fractionation of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in a mine soil of the depleted copper mine at Touro (Spain). We compared the influence of organic amendments alone (technosol?+?biochar) and combined with mustard plants (Brassica juncea L.).

Results and discussion

The results showed that amending with a technosol made of wastes promoted plant growth (from 0.7 to 2.9 g of biomass produced) and reduced the CaCl2-extractable metal concentration in soil, reduced the mobility factor of Cu from 18.3 to 1.6, Ni from 47.5 to 2.3 and Pb from 17.9 to 2.1, and also reduced the concentration of metals in the mobile soil fractions. It was not possible to grow up Brassica juncea plants in the untreated settling pond soil due to the extremely degraded conditions of that soil. However, the application of the used technosol increased the Pb and Zn pseudototal concentrations in the amended soils.


We conclude that the combination of amending with wastes and planting B. juncea provides little additional benefit for remediating a metal-polluted soil compared with incorporation of wastes alone.


The environmental benefits of biochar application, ranging from improvements in crop yield to global change mitigation, have been extensively studied in the last decade. However, such benefits have not been profusely demonstrated under a Mediterranean climate and still less in combination with high pH soils. In our study, the short to medium effects of biochar application on a soil-plant system under Mediterranean conditions in an alkaline soil were assessed.

Material and methods

Barley plants were grown in field mesocosms during three agronomical years at three biochar addition rates (0, 5, and 30 t ha?1). Related to soil, different physicochemical parameters were analyzed as well as microbial respiration, biomass, and functional diversity. In the plant domain, in vivo ecophysiology variables such as leaf transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis rate were determined while photosynthetic pigment content and soluble protein concentrations were measured in the laboratory. Additionally, crop yield and nutrient composition were also analyzed. The soil-plant connection was investigated by the N content ratio in both fractions establishing the nitrogen efficiency in the system.

Results and discussion

The highest rate of biochar amendment enhanced soil moisture and electrical conductivity combined with an increase of SO42?, Cl?, Mg2+, and K+, and decrease of NO3? and HPO4?. Notable variations regarding nutrition and moisture were induced in this Mediterranean alkaline soil after biochar addition although pH remained stable. Contrastingly, there were no major effects on microbial activity, but a lower abundance of the nosZ functional gene was found. Similarly, plant parameters were unaffected regarding chemical composition and ecophysiology although biochar induced a higher efficiency in the plant nitrogen uptake without increasing crop yield.


Biochar addition at the highest rate (30 t ha?1) reduced soil-soluble nitrate although N uptake by the plant remained invariable, in turn coupled to no effects on crop productivity. Our study showed that, in a Mediterranean agroecosystem, a wood biochar produced by gasification was unable to increase crop yield, but enhanced soil water retention, decreased the need for N fertilization, and decreased soil-soluble nitrate concentrations, something that could help to mitigate the excessive nitrate levels associated with over-fertilization.


We present an application of a statistical approach, quantile regression (QR), which identifies trends in soil processes otherwise masked by spatial and temporal variability. QR identifies limits on processes and changes in the variance of a response along an environmental gradient. We quantified in situ soil respiration, pH, and heavy metal concentrations across a mine waste contamination gradient that spanned greater than an order of magnitude of metal concentrations. Respiration values were monitored at study sites over 2 years. We used QR to show that soil respiration was limited with respect to both heavy metals and pH, and that both increased metals and increased acidity constrained variation in soil respiration values. Maximum respiration values declined by 48% over the Metals Contamination Index (MCI) range and by 72% over the pH range. The use of QR avoided the necessity of discriminating between multiple sources of variation in a spatially and temporally variable system. It is often unrealistic or too time consuming and expensive to attempt to measure all of the relevant predictor variables in the field. The simpler approach offered by QR is to explore factors that limit a process, recognizing that not all of the factors contributing to a soil function will be measured. An application of this approach to the evaluation of a mine waste remediation procedure is discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is a non-renewable resource highlighting the significance of developing and using alternative P sources for a sustainable agriculture. The work aims to compare the effects of different organic amendments (OA) and a mineral P fertiliser as reference on P use efficiency by the crop, and on P losses to runoff waters and eroded sediments. A two-year field trial was conducted in a Dystric Regosol with Lolium sp. Treatments were: cattle manure compost (CM), solid fraction of swine (SS) and duck (DS) slurries and triple superphosphate (TSP), each applied at 50 kg P ha?1 year?1. Olsen P (mg P kg?1) increased from ≈ 19 at the beginning to ≈ 30 (TSP, CM), 45 (SS) and 62 (DS) after the experiment. Most of applied P remained in soil, between 92% (SS) and 96% (TSP), plant uptake ranged from 5% (CM) to 3.5% (TSP) and total P loss in runoff and sediments ranged between 0.2% (CM) and 4% (SS). OA increased P-use efficiency by the ryegrass crop compared with mineral P fertilizer. Composted cattle manure showed the best agronomic and environmental behaviour, simultaneously increasing P-use efficiency and decreasing P losses by runoff and erosion.  相似文献   

Soil cultivation changes and usage of agricultural wastes can have profound impacts on greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from soil. In this study, the effects of soil cultivation and organic amendment on GHG emission were investigated using aerobic incubation. Surface soil (0–20 cm) from (1) rice–legume consecutive rotation (Rice) and (2) recently (<3 years) converted from rice field to plastic-covered intensive vegetable and flower production (VegC) were collected in Kunming, P.R. China. Rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb.) residues and cattle manure were applied at 5% by weight. Results indicated that N2O and CO2 fluxes were significantly influenced by soil cultivation, organic amendment, incubation time and their interaction (p <0.05). Applying cattle manure increased, while rose residue decreased, cumulative N2O emissions from soil (84 days). Rose residue application significantly increased cumulative CO2 emissions with peak values of 6371 (Rice) and 7481 mg kg?1 (VegC), followed by cattle manure addition figure of 2265 (VegC) and 3581 mg kg?1 (Rice). Both were significantly higher (p <0.05) than the un-amended Control at 709 (VegC) and 904 mg kg?1 (Rice). Our study demonstrates that a low C/N ratio in cattle manure is better than a high C/N ratio in rose residue in regard to reducing the global warming potential of agricultural soil.  相似文献   

The fate of airborne metal pollutants in soils is still relatively unknown. We studied the incorporation of such airborne metal pollution in two soils under long-term permanent pasture (PP) and conventional arable land (CA). Both soils were located at an almost equal distance from a former zinc smelter complex and developed under comparable pedogenetic conditions. Profiles of total concentrations of Zn, chosen as a mobile, and Pb as a little- or non-mobile element, were examined and compared with macro- and micromorphological soil characteristics (soil colour, biological activity). The two soils showed different profiles of total Zn and Pb concentrations, with a marked decrease of concentrations of both elements under the plough layer in CA, whereas the decrease was more progressive in PP. However, the stocks of Zn and Pb for the 1-m soil profiles of CA and PP were comparable. Correlation of Zn and Pb concentration at different depths with total Fe contents and comparison with estimated data for the local geochemical background (LGCB), suggests transport of Zn from the surface to depth in CA and PP, and Pb movement in PP. In CA, 53% of Zn and 92.5% of Pb stocks derived from airborne metal pollution were located at depths < 26 cm. In PP, only 40% of Zn and 82% of Pb, derived from airborne pollution, were found in the A11 and A12 horizons (< 26 cm), the remaining 18% of the Pb stock being incorporated until 50 cm depth; one-third of total Zn stock ascribed to airborne pollution was found at depths > 50 cm. Studies of the composition of gravitational water collected in soils from the same study area suggest two mechanisms for metal movement. First, mobile metal ions (Zn2+) move in the soil solution and are intercepted by iron-clay complexes in deeper soil horizons. Second, observed only in PP, simultaneous movement of Zn and Pb is ascribed to bioturbation by earthworms.  相似文献   

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