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The effect of annual additions of composted sewage sludge (CS) and thermally dried sewage sludge (TS) at 80 t ha-1 on soil chemical properties was investigated for three years in a field experiment under semiarid conditions. Humic acids (HAs) isolated by conventional procedures from CS, TS, and unamended (SO) and sludge amended soils were analysed for elemental (C, H, N, S and O) and acidic functional groups (carboxylic and phenolic) and by ultraviolet-visible, Fourier transform infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies. With respect to CS, TS had similar pH and total P and K contents, larger dry matter, total organic C, total N and C/N ratio and smaller ash content and electrical conductivity. Amendment with both CS and TS induced a number of modifications in soil properties, including an increase of pH, electrical conductivity, total organic C, total N, and available P. The CS-HA had greater O, total acidity, carboxyl, and phenolic OH group contents and smaller C and H contents than TS-HA. The CS-HA and TS-HA had larger N and S contents, smaller C, O and acidic functional group contents, and lower aromatic polycondensation and humification degrees than SO-HA. Amended soil-HAs showed C, H, N and S contents larger than SO-HA, suggesting that sludge HAs were partially incorporated into soil HAs. These effects were more evident with increasing number of sludge applications.  相似文献   


The adsorption and mobility of herbicide, metamitron, in 41 soils samples from the province of Salamanca (Spain) was studied. Thirty‐four of the samples assayed were from irrigated soils and seven were from natural, uncultivated soils with organic matter contents above 3%. The correlations between the Freundlich K constants, Kd distribution coefficients, and Rf mobility parameters and the soils parameters were determined. Considering all the soils, the soils with organic matter contents above 2% or the soils with organic matter contents below 2%, significant correlations (p<0.001 to p<0.05) were found between K and Kd and the organic matter content of the soils. There were also a significant correlations (p<0.05) of K and Kd with clay+silt and clay contents of soils with organic matter contents below 2%. The adsorption of the herbicide by isolated soil components confirmed the results obtained with the soils and point to the importance of the exchangeable cation nature of the samples in the adsorption process. Based on Rf values obtained by TLC, the herbicide was found to be moderately mobile in 74% and mobile in 26% of the soils studied. The results of metamitron leaching by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and in undisturbed soil columns indicated the influence of organic matter content and of soil texture on the mobility of this herbicide.  相似文献   

For forest ecosystems, the relationship between root biomass, root growth and soil nitrification is still debated. Following repeated findings of significant differences in soil nitrification beneath comparable stands at the Breuil experimental site, a reciprocal soil exchange experiment combining high (H)‐ and low (L)‐nitrifying stands was conducted to highlight the effect of tree root colonization on the control of nitrification. Soil percent nitrification and fine root biomass were measured in undisturbed and in transplanted soil cores after 16 and 28 months. In undisturbed soils, the fine root biomass varied by tree species and explained only 14% of the variation in percent nitrification. In transplanted soil cores, percent nitrification converged, at different rates, towards values close to those measured in the undisturbed soil at the receptor stands. On the one hand, percent nitrification increased rapidly in soil cores from L transferred to H, while soil core colonization by roots remained low during the study period. Soil cores might have been colonized by active nitrifiers from their new environment, or/and the activity of the nitrifiers originally present was less suppressed by root activity in their new environment. On the other hand, percent nitrification decreased progressively in soil cores from H transferred to L as root colonization increased. This suggests that root colonization reduced nitrifier population and activity. Our findings suggest that the often‐reported influence of forest species on soil nitrification is probably multifactorial but the tree root colonization contributes.  相似文献   

The use of invertebrate soil fauna in monitoring pollutant effects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A critical review of biological parameters used to indicate pollutant impact on soil quality was conducted. These parameters mention some soil invertebrates. The value of an indicative organism depends on its life expectancy, life style and specific importance. Nematodes, mites, collembolans, enchytraeids, earthworms, isopods and molluscs are good potential biological indicators. Biological indicators of bioaccumulation and biological indicators of effects (toxicological and ecological) can be distinguished. Bioaccumulation studies are difficult to interpret, as wide variations could be found, depending on taxonomic group, habitat, organ studied, soil type or even pollutant type. Some groups, such as Collembola, require in depth bioaccumulation studies. It is suggested to use a pool of macro-concentrators, including at least some earthworm, isopod and gastropod species. Toxicological indicators have been well studied and their lethal and sublethal pollutant effects are well known. However, studies have focused on only a few species, such as the earthworm Eisenia foetida or the collembolan Folsomia candida. These studies should be extended to other zoological groups, as well as to several species from the same group, to generate a representative test battery. Exposure biomarkers and physiological change studies should be emphasised, as they act as very early warning systems of contamination. Data are currently lacking on how soil biological processes malfunction due to pollution. We need to explore the links between pollutant effects on soil fauna and pollutant effects on soil functioning. Concerning ecological indicators, studies should develop sampling techniques and parameters, which are specific to ecotoxicological goals. Before-after impact control procedures should be carried out, to eliminate the background noise of the study site and only evaluate the influence of pollutants. On the other hand, ecological indices, such as taxonomic diversity or richness, should be used carefully especially concerning chronic pollution. Effects of pollutants on biological cycle studies seem very promising, but need further information on the life history strategies of many species. Furthermore, the pollutant tolerance of rare species should be considered. The different types of biological indicators yield complementary information on pollutant effects. They all need standard procedures. In this context, studies should be extended and diversified, and associate bioaccumulation, toxicological and ecological indicators to provide better information on soil quality.


Une liste critique des paramètres biologiques utilisés dans certains travaux pour indiquer l'impact des polluants sur la qualité des sols a été établie. Ces paramètres font référence à un ou plusieurs invertébrés du sol. Le rôle d'organisme indicateur dépend de leurs caractéristiques biodémographiques, de leur mode de vie, de leur taille spécifique. Les nématodes, acariens, collemboles, enchytréides, vers de terre, isopodes et gastéropodes sont potentiellement des indicateurs biologiques. Indicateurs biologiques de bioaccumulation et indicateurs biologiques d'effets (toxicologiques et écologiques) peuvent être distingués. Les études de bioaccumulation sont difficiles à interpréter, car de fortes variations sont observées. Ces variations dépendent du groupe taxonomique étudié, de l'habitat, de l'organe étudié, du type de sol ou bien encore du type de pollution. Certains groupes, comme les collemboles demandent des études plus poussées à ce sujet. Il est suggéré d'utiliser un pool de macro-concentrateurs, avec au moins des espèces de vers de terres, isopodes et gastéropodes. Concernant les indicateurs toxicologiques d'effets, les études les plus nombreuses concernent les effets létaux et sublétaux. Toutefois ces études concernent peu de groupes taxonomiques (essentiellement le vers Eisenia foetida et le collembole Folsomia candida), et devraient être étendues à d'autres groupes zoologiques, ainsi qu'à différentes espèces du même groupe, afin de créer une batterie de tests représentatifs. Les travaux concernant les biomarqueurs et les changements physiologiques devraient être amplifiés, car ils permettent d'obtenir des systèmes d'alarme très précoces concernant l'impact des contaminants. Un manque persistant de données concerne les conséquences de pollutions sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmcs. Il est en effet important désormais d'explorer les liens entre les effets des polluants sur la faune du sol et les effets réels de ces mêmes polluants sur le fonctionnement des sols. Concernant les indicateurs écologiques, les travaux entrepris devraient développer des méthodes d'échantillonnage et des paramètres spécifiques au domaine écotoxicologique. Ainsi, il est préconisé d'entreprendre des études combinant les approches synchroniques et diachroniques. afin d'éliminer le bruit de fond induit par le site d'étude et évaluer uniquement l'influence du polluant. En outre, les indices écologiques, comme la diversité ou la richesse taxonomique, doivent être utilisés avec précautions, particulièrement lors des études de pollution chronique. Par ailleurs, les études concernant les effets de polluants sur les cycles biologiques semblent prometteuses, mais demandent de meilleures connaissances concernant les stratégies de vies des différentes espèces étudiées. De plus, la tolérance aux pollutions des espèces rares devrait être fortement prise en considération. Les différents types d'indicateurs biologiques fournissent des informations complémentaires. Ils demandent tous une standardisation des protocoles. Dans ce contexte, les études devraient être développées et diversifiées et associer les indicateurs de bioaccumulation avec les indicateurs biologiques d'effets pour améliorer l'information sur la qualité des sols.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2005,28(3):259-269
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi influence interactions among plant species through enhancing nutrient uptake and possibly facilitating nutrient transport among plants. However, the effects of one plant species on coexisting plant species with regard to mycorrhizal colonization are not well understood. We examined root mycorrhizal colonization and phosphorus (P) acquisition of plants in a highly P-limiting soil in Lanxi city, Zhejiang, China from the year 2000 to 2002. Three dominant native plant species with different mycorrhizal properties, Digitaria ciliaris (poorly mycorrhizal species), Ixeris denticulate (moderately mycorrhizal species) and Kummerowia striata (highly mycorrhizal species), were planted in experimental plots. In the monocultures, K. striata was found to have the highest infection and D. ciliaris the lowest mycorrhizal infection, but shoot P-concentration was higher in both I. denticulate and D. ciliaris than that in K. striata. In the mixtures, D. ciliaris and I. denticulate did not significantly affect the mycorrhizal colonization, spore production and shoot P-concentration of K. striata plants, but K. striata and I. denticulate significantly increased root mycorrhizal colonization and shoot P-concentration of D. ciliaris. K. striata enhanced but D. ciliaris reduced mycorrhizal infection and shoot P-concentration of I. denticulate. These results suggested that highly mycorrhizal plant species may positively impact coexisting species with respect to mycorrhizal colonization and P acquisition, but the effects on poorly mycorrhizal species are less predictable.  相似文献   

灌施木醋液对土壤性质和植物生长的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究以木醋液为研究材料,采用培养试验的方法,研究了灌施不同稀释倍数的木醋液对土性状(pH、 电导率、 土壤结构、 有机碳)和辣椒生长的影响。结果表明,灌施木醋液后土壤pH随灌施量的增大而降低,EC 值随灌施量增大而升高;灌施木醋液(稀释倍数小于5 倍)能够显著提高土壤有机碳的含量,可增加2 mm、 0.25~2 mm 级别土壤团聚体的数量,有利于大团聚体的形成。生物试验表明,稀释 5 倍以下的木醋液对辣椒产生毒害作用,稀释50倍以上的木醋液可以促进辣椒生长,并增加其产量。综合考虑,建议在农田休闲季节灌施木醋液的稀释倍数为35倍左右,在作物生长季节灌施木醋液的稀释倍数为50~250倍。  相似文献   

Summer solarization of six wet field soils of four different textures raised soil temperatures by 10–12°C at 15cm depth. Soil solarization increased concentrations of NO?3N and NH+4N up to six times those in nontreated soils. Concentrations of P, Ca2+, Mg2+ and electrical conductivity (EC) increased in some of the solarized soils. Solarization did not consistently affect available K+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Cl? concentrations, soil pH or total organic matter. Concentrations of mineral nutrients in wet soil covered by transparent polyethylene film, but insulated against solar heating, were the same as those in nontreated soil. Increases in NO?3N plus NH+4N were no longer detected in fallowed soils 9 months after solarization. No significant correlation between mineral-nutrient concentration in plant tissue and plant growth was found. Fresh and dry weights of radish, pepper and Chinese cabbage plants usually were greater when grown in solarized soils than in nontreated soils. Fertilization of solarized soils sometimes resulted in greater plant growth responses than observed in solarized but nonfertilized soils.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s a network of underground pipes, up to 1200 mm diameter, has been installed in the UK to transmit crude oil to refineries and gas from onshore terminals for distribution. Chosen routes are subject to significant constraints. Current techniques for pipe installation involve topsoil removal and storage. Trench depth is set to allow a cover of 1200 mm overburden after pipes have been installed. The heavy machinery involved results in severe compaction of exposed subsoil. Subsoil is loosened comprehensively and topsoil replaced. Existing field drains are reconnected, and, if necessary, new drains with gravel backfill installed. Pipe installation usually takes place between April and October. Preventative measures to limit compaction during installation are not a practical option. If subsequent arable crops or grass are poorer or drainage more defective than before disturbance, the loss is assessed and compensation paid. To determine the cause of the loss >60, investigations have been made throughout the UK. Soil physical properties were assessed in an open trench using visual and tactile methods. Consistently, severe compaction in the subsoil was identified as the cause of poor crop growth or drainage; it was not observed in the topsoil. Specific recommendations for remedial action were made based on location, depth and severity of the compaction. These included the installation of additional land drains, increasing the amount of gravel above the drains, or further subsoil loosening orientated to cross gravel backfill. After appropriate remedial action, net compensation for crop losses was frequently small or negligible.  相似文献   

The response of soil to loading is discussed in terms of the concepts of stable and unstable behaviour and of dry and wet compaction. Relationships between compaction and deformation and strength-determining factors (such as bulk density, water content and interparticle bonds) and soil qualities (such as moisture retention, hydraulic conductivity, penetration resistance and erodibility) are examined. Methods for measuring compactability and deformability, and ways of presenting results, are discussed. Moisture-pressure-volume diagrams, supplemented with information on physical soil properties, will be important in optimizing soil physical condition.  相似文献   

Summary Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi affect diverse aspects of plant form and function. Since mycorrhiza-mediated changes in host-plant responses to root colonization by different VAM fungi vary widely, it is important to assess each endophyte for each specific effect it can elicit from its host as part of the screening process for effectiveness. Three species of VAM fungi and a mixture of species were compared with non-VAM controls for their effects on soil organic matter contents and on nutrition and morphology in two varieties (native and hybrid) of corn (Zea mays L.) and one of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in P-sufficient and N-deficient soil in pot cultures. Differences in soil organic matter due to the fungal applications were highly significant with all host plants. Native corn responded more to VAM colonization than the hybrid did; differences in treatments were significant in leaf area, plant biomass, and root: shoot ratio in the former, but not in the latter. Responses in the sunflower were similar to those in the native corn. Significant VAM treatment-related differences in shoot N and P contents were not reflected in shoot biomass, which was invariant. Correlations between plant or soil parameters and the intensity of VAM colonization were found only in soil organic matter with the native corn, in specific leaf area in the hybrid corn, and in plant biomass in the sunflower. The presence of the different endophytes and not the intensity of colonization apparently elicited different host responses.  相似文献   

An experiment has been carried out to evaluate the influence of different soil conditioners on the physical and chemical properties of the soil and to compare the relative effectiveness of these conditioners in protecting the soil surface against water erosion with organic surface mulching.The results indicated that the physical conditions were highly affected by the different treatments, whereas practically no changes in the chemical status of the soil could be observed.After 2 years, total porosity and infiltration rate were highest in the organic mulch treatment.Surface treatment with organic material and chemical conditioning with bitumen and polyacrylamide had a positive influence on soil aggregation and therefore on water erosion control.Very high soil temperatures as compared to the other treatments were recorded for the soil with bitumen treatment when the solar radiation was high.Mulching and treating the soil surface with bitumen result in higher yields of cowpea and maize.  相似文献   

Tillage refers to the manipulation of soil by an implement powered by humans, animals or machines. Tillage operation generally create two zones: (1) a zone where soil has been fractured and then turned over leading to rough surface conditions; and (2) a zone where soil has been compacted by the weight of the machinery. Thus, modeling tillage effects on soil physical properties involves two separate approaches depending upon the zone under consideration.

Modeling tillage systems offers an opportunity to: (1) synthesize the extensive experimental data in the literature; (2) develop tools for site specific management recommendations; and (3) identify areas of research where additional information is needed. Modeling tillage systems involves modeling the soil physical, chemical and biological properties and processes and then linking them with crop growth models to simulate crop yields or environmental impacts. This paper reviews models for predicting tillage effects on state soil physical properties. Specifically, we reviewed models which predict bulk density, surface microrelief, aerodynamic roughness length, water retention characteristics, hydraulic conductivity function, thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity and gas diffusion coefficient. Since most of the existing models for predicting soil physical properties are developed for untilled soils, the paper outlines procedures to adapt these models to fractured and compacted zones in tilled soils. The paper also identifies specific assumptions that need both laboratory and field testing.  相似文献   

Many studies have examined how human-induced atmospheric changes will influence ecosystems. The long-term consequences of human induced climate changes on terrestrial ecosystems may be determined to a large extend by how the belowground compartment will respond to these changes. In a free-air ozone enrichment experiment running for 5 years, we reciprocally transplanted soil cores from ambient and elevated ozone rings to test whether exposure to elevated ozone results in persistent changes in the soil biota when the plant and soil are no longer exposed to elevated ozone, and how these legacy effects of elevated ozone influenced plant growth as compared to current effects of elevated ozone. After one growing season, the current ozone treatment enhanced plant growth, but in soil with a historical legacy of elevated ozone the plant biomass in that soil was reduced compared to the cores originated from ambient rings. Current exposure to ozone increased the phospholipid fatty acids of actinomycetes and protozoa, however, it decreased dissolved organic carbon, bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes. Interestingly, numbers of bacterivorous and fungivorous nematodes were enhanced when soils with a legacy of elevated ozone were placed under elevated ozone conditions. We conclude that exposure to elevated [O3] results in a legacy effect in soil. This legacy effect most likely influenced plant growth and soil characteristics via responses of bacteria and fungi, and nematodes that feed upon these microbes. These soil legacies induced by changes in soil biotic community after long-term exposure of elevated ozone can alter the responses of ecosystems to current climatic changes.  相似文献   

Abstract. The interaction of caesium isotopes with soil has been widely investigated and the influence of important soil properties studied. From the results of such work and a detailed knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of soils it is possible to classify Cumbrian soil according to its ability to immobilize caesium. The 'immobilization capacity' is a reflection principally of the clay mineral content and type, organic content, pH, ammonium content and potassium status. Although it is not quantifiable, the immobilization capacity permits ranking of the soils and indicates which areas may give rise to persistent caesium problems. Combination of the soil sensitivity classification with deposition data for Cumbria indicates that the mountainous region in the south-west of the county is the most vulnerable. This conclusion is supported by field evidence, since the area identified coincides closely with that where sheep movement and slaughter are restricted and where caesium remains persistently available to the plant-animal chain.  相似文献   

Tillage effects on near-surface soil hydraulic properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The processes for the formation of porosity are thought to differ between tilled and non-tilled cropping systems. The pores are created primarily by the tillage tool in the tilled systems and by biological processes in non-tilled systems. Because of the different methods of pore formation, the pore size distribution, pore continuity and hydraulic conductivity functions would be expected to differ among tillage systems. The objective of this study was to determine effects of three tillage systems — mold-board plow (MP), chisel plow (CP), and no-till (NT) — on hydraulic properties of soils from eight long-term tillage and rotation experiments. Tillage effects on saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, pore size distribution, and moisture retention characteristics were more apparent for soils with a continuous corn (CC) rotation than for either a corn-soybean (CS) rotation or a corn-oats-alfalfa (COA) rotation. Pore size distributions were similar among tillage systems for each soil except for three soils with a CC rotation. The MP system increased volume of pores >150 μm radius by 23% to 91% compared with the NT system on two of the soils, but the NT system increased the volume of the same radius pore by 50% on one other soil. The NT system had 30 to 180% greater saturated hydraulic conductivity than either the CP or MP systems. The NT system with a CC rotation showed a greater slope of the log unsaturated hydraulic conductivity; log volumetric water content relationship on two of the soils indicating greater water movement through a few relatively large pores for this system than for either the CP or MP systems.  相似文献   

The effects of soil disturbance and residue retention on the functionality of the symbiosis between medic (Medicago truncatula L.) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were assessed in a two-stage experiment simulating a crop rotation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) followed by medic. Plants were inoculated or not with the AMF, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita, separately or together. The contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) pathway for P uptake was determined using 32P-labeled soil in a small hyphal compartment accessible only to hyphae of AMF. In general AM colonization was not affected by soil disturbance or residue application and disturbance did not affect hyphal length densities (HLDs) in soil. At 4 weeks disturbance had a negative effect on growth and phosphorus (P) uptake of plants inoculated with G. margarita, but not G. intraradices. By 7 weeks disturbance reduced growth of plants inoculated with G. margarita or AMF mix and total P uptake in all inoculated plants. With the exception of plants inoculated with G. margarita in disturbed soil at 4 weeks, the AM pathway made a significant contribution to P uptake in all AM plants at both harvests. Inoculation with both AMF together eliminated the negative effects of disturbance on AM P uptake and growth, showing that a fungus insensitive to disturbance can compensate for loss of contribution of a sensitive one. Application of residue increased growth and total P uptake of plants but decreased 32P in plants inoculated with the AMF mix in disturbed soil, compared with plants receiving no residue. The AMF responded differently to disturbance and G. intraradices, which was insensitive to disturbance, compensated for lack of contribution by the sensitive G. margarita when they were inoculated together. Colonization of roots and HLDs in soil were not good predictors of the outcomes of AM symbioses on plant growth, P uptake or P delivery via the AM pathway.  相似文献   

Information regarding the evaluation of tillage effects on soil properties and rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars of Iranian fields is not available. Therefore, this research was conducted in Sanandaj (west of Iran) using a randomized complete block design in a split-plot arrangement. Three types of tillage including conventional tillage (moldboard plow to soil depth of 30 cm plus disk harrow twice), minimum tillage (chisel plow to soil depth of 15 cm plus disk harrow once) and no-tillage are assigned to the main plots. Wheat cultivars (Sardari and Azar2) were randomly distributed within the subplots in each tillage system. Results showed that the greatest bulk density and cone index were found in the minimum tillage and no tillage systems. The highest rate of grain yield was obtained in the minimum tillage system. The grain yield of Sardari cultivar (1624.1 kg ha?1) was significantly greater than that of Azar2 (1572 kg ha?1). Minimum tillage improved soil physical properties and wheat growth compared with the other tillage systems. No tillage increased microbial biomass carbon and bacteria number in soil compared with the other tillage systems. We conclude that using minimum tillage for Sardari cultivar will be more effective compared with other treatments.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires has led to growing attention to the effects of fire disturbance on soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling. While many studies have examined fire impacts on plant communities, and a growing body of research is detailing the effects of fire on soil microbial communities, little attention has been paid to the interaction between plant recolonization and shifts in soil properties and microbial community structure and function. In this study, we examined the effect of a common post-fire colonizer plant species, Corydalis aurea, on soil chemistry, microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity and bacterial community structure one year after a major forest wildfire in Colorado, USA, in severely burned and lightly burned soils. Consistent with past research, we find significant differences in soil edaphic and biotic properties between severe and light burn soils. Further, our work suggests an important interaction between fire severity and plant effects by demonstrating that the recolonization of soils by C. aurea plants only has a significant effect on soil bacterial communities and biogeochemistry in severely burned soils, resulting in increases in percent nitrogen, extractable organic carbon, microbial biomass, β-glucosidase enzyme activity and shifts in bacterial community diversity. This work propounds the important role of plant colonization in succession by demonstrating a clear connection between plant colonization and bacterial community structure as well as the cycling of carbon in a post-fire landscape. This study conveys how the strength of plant–microbe interactions in secondary succession may shift based on an abiotic context, where plant effects are accentuated in harsher abiotic conditions of severe burn soils, with implications for bacterial community structure and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Association between lowland grassland plant communities and soil properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil properties should be taken into account when managing and restoring semi-natural grasslands. Topsoils sampled at 462 sites in temperate lowland grasslands in England, UK, were analysed for pH, extractable phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), total nitrogen (N), organic matter (OM), and estimated available water capacity. Soil-plant community relationships were determined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Mesotrophic semi-improved grasslands had soil nutrient levels closer to semi-natural communities than to agriculturally improved grasslands, and will be suitable targets for restoration. Unimproved mesotrophic sub-communities were distributed along a pH gradient and will be sensitive to soil pH changes. Wet grasslands were differentiated at the community level; the most species-rich had low extractable P and K levels and will require high levels of soil wetness. Calcareous grasslands were less well differentiated from one another but had lowest ecological amplitudes. Soil summary data for communities are presented to assist site managers and policy makers.  相似文献   

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