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In order to explore the responses of soil enzyme activities and microbial community compositions to long-term nitrogen (N) addition in both bulk soil and microaggregate of chestnut soil, we conducted a 7-year urea addition experiment with N treatments at 6 levels (0, 56, 112, 224, 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1) in a temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia in China. Soil properties and the activities of four enzymes involved in carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling were measured in both bulk soil and microaggregate, and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) were measured in bulk soil. The results indicated that: 1) in bulk soil, N addition significantly decreased β-1,4-glucosidase (BG) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activities at the treatment amounts of 224, 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1, and obviously suppressed β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) activity at the treatment amount of 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1. N addition enhanced total PLFAs (totPLFAs) and bacterial PLFAs (bacPLFAs) at the treatment amounts of 392 and 560 kg N ha–1 yr–1, respectively, but fungal PLFAs showed no response to N addition. The activities of BG, NAG and LAP were positively correlated with soil pH, but negatively correlated with the concentration of NH 4+-N; 2) in microaggregate (53–250 μm), the activities of BG, NAG and AP showed no response to increased addition of N, but the significantly decreased LAP activity was observed at the treatment amount of 392 kg N ha–1 yr–1. These results suggested that enzyme activities were more sensitive to N addition than PLFA biomarkers in soil, and LAP activity in microaggregate may be a good indicator for evaluating N cycle response to long-term N addition.  相似文献   

Soil microarthropods are an important component in soil food webs and their responses to climate change could have profound impacts on ecosystem functions. As part of a long-term manipulative experiment, with increased temperature and precipitation in a semiarid temperate steppe in the Mongolian Plateau which started in 2005, this study was conducted to examine effects of climate change on the abundance of soil microarthropods. Experimental warming had slightly negative but insignificant effects on the abundance of mites (−14.6%) and Collembola (−11.7%). Increased precipitation greatly enhanced the abundance of mites and Collembola by 117 and 45.3%, respectively. The response direction and magnitude of mites to warming and increased precipitation varied with suborder, leading to shifts in community structure. The positive relationships of mite abundance with plant cover, plant species richness, and soil microbial biomass nitrogen suggest that the responses of soil microarthropods to climate change are largely regulated by food resource availability. The findings of positive dependence of soil respiration upon mite abundance indicate that the potential contribution of soil fauna to soil CO2 efflux should be considered when assessing carbon cycling of semiarid grassland ecosystems under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Summary The value of sewage sludge for improving the fertility and productivity of a degraded semi-arid grassland soil was tested by quantifying and describing the effects of surface application of sewage sludge on soil chemical properties and the soil microbial community. Three surface application rates (22.5, 45, and 90 Mg sludge ha–1) were tested over the course of two growing seasons. Most nutrient levels, including N, P, and K, increased linearly with increasing sludge application rates. Soil pH, however, declined linearly, from 7.8 to 7.4, with increasing sludge application rates. With the exception of Zn, heavy metals, including Cd, did not increase with the small decrease in pH or with increasing sludge application rates. Soil bacterial, fungal, and ammonium oxidizer populations increased linearly with increasing sludge application rates, and Streptomyces spp. populations remained relatively unchanged. The diversity of fungal groups declined initially with increasing sewage sludge rates but rebounded to near pretreatment levels under the low and intermediate application rates within 1 year. High fungal populations and low fungal diversity were related to the high nutrient contents provided by sludge amendment. Mucor spp. and Penicillium chrysogenum dominated the sludge-amended soils, and their densities in the treated soils in the first growing season were almost directly proportional to the sludge application rates. The improvement in soil fertility of a degraded semi-arid grassland due to sludge application was reflected in populations, diversity, and composition of the soil microbial community.The research reported here was conducted in cooperation with the USDI Bureau of Land Management which furnished funds and field study locations  相似文献   

Temporal dynamics of microbial biomass and respiration of soil and their responses to topography, burning, N fertilization, and their interactions were determined in a temperate steppe in northern China. Soil microbial indices showed strong temporal variability over the growing season. Soil microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) were 14.8 and 11.5% greater in the lower than upper slope, respectively. However, the percentage of organic C present as MBC and the percentage of total N present as MBN were 16.9 and 26.2% higher in the upper than lower slope, respectively. Neither microbial respiration (MR) nor metabolic quotient (qCO2) was affected by topography. Both MBC and MBN were increased by burning, on average, by 29.8 and 14.2% over the growing season, and MR and qCO2 tended to reduce depending on the sampling date, especially in August. Burning stimulated the percentage of organic C present as MBC and the percentage of total N present as MBN in the upper slope, but did not change these two parameters in the lower slope. No effects of N fertilization on soil microbial indices were observed in the first growing season after the treatment. Further research is needed to study the long-term relationships between changes in soil microbial diversity and activity and plant community in response to burning and N fertilization.  相似文献   

Fertilization produces many nutrient patches that have been confirmed to affect root growth. However, it is not clear how nutrient transformation and microbial community composition are affected in an inorganic nutrient patch. In this experiment, a nitrogen enrichment patch was formed by the diffusion of a urea fertilizer layer in a specially-designed container. Responses of nitrogen transformation and microbial community composition to the nitrogen enrichment patch were investigated at different incubation times. Results showed that nitrogen status and microbial community composition were slightly affected in the control patch (CK patch). In the nitrogen enrichment patch, however, soil pH was significantly increased in most soil layers close to the urea fertilizer layer; NO2?–N was the predominant form of mineral N, and its transformation to NO3?–N was delayed. Microbial community composition shifted significantly, especially before day 28 of incubation. Principal components analysis (PCA) of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) patterns showed that the microbial community presented different sensitivity to high nitrogen concentration. Fungi (18:2ω6,9) showed the least sensitivity to high concentrations of NO2?–N and NO3?–N. Gram-positive bacteria showed the most sensitivity to NO2?–N. Gram-negative bacteria (cy17:0, cy19:0, 18:1ω9, and 18:1ω7) and actinomycetes (10Me17:0 and 10Me18:0) presented similar responses to NO2?–N and NO3?–N. Results of this study indicate that changes in nitrogen transformation and microbial community composition are likely to occur in nitrogen enrichment patches, but the extent of those changes depend on the microbial species and the distance of soil layers from the urea layer.  相似文献   

Fertilization produces many nutrient patches that have been confirmed to affect root growth. However, it is not clear how nutrient transformation and microbial community composition are affected in an inorganic nutrient patch. In this experiment, a nitrogen enrichment patch was formed by the diffusion of a urea fertilizer layer in a specially-designed container. Responses of nitrogen transformation and microbial community composition to the nitrogen enrichment patch were investigated at different incubation times. Results showed that nitrogen status and microbial community composition were slightly affected in the control patch (CK patch). In the nitrogen enrichment patch, however, soil pH was significantly increased in most soil layers close to the urea fertilizer layer; NO2-N was the predominant form of mineral N, and its transformation to NO3-N was delayed. Microbial community composition shifted significantly, especially before day 28 of incubation. Principal components analysis (PCA) of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) patterns showed that the microbial community presented different sensitivity to high nitrogen concentration. Fungi (18:2ω6,9) showed the least sensitivity to high concentrations of NO2-N and NO3-N. Gram-positive bacteria showed the most sensitivity to NO2-N. Gram-negative bacteria (cy17:0, cy19:0, 18:1ω9, and 18:1ω7) and actinomycetes (10Me17:0 and 10Me18:0) presented similar responses to NO2-N and NO3-N. Results of this study indicate that changes in nitrogen transformation and microbial community composition are likely to occur in nitrogen enrichment patches, but the extent of those changes depend on the microbial species and the distance of soil layers from the urea layer.  相似文献   

We examined effects of wetting and then progressive drying on nitrogen (N) mineralization rates and microbial community composition, biomass and activity of soils from spinifex (Triodia R. Br.) grasslands of the semi-arid Pilbara region of northern Australia. We compared soils under and between spinifex hummocks and also examined impacts of fire history on soils over a 28 d laboratory incubation. Soil water potentials were initially adjusted to −100 kPa and monitored as soils dried. We estimated N mineralization by measuring changes in amounts of nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonium (NH4+-N) over time and with change in soil water potential. Microbial activity was assessed by amounts of CO2 respired. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses were used to characterize shifts in microbial community composition during soil drying. Net N mineralized under hummocks was twice that of open spaces between hummocks and mineralization rates followed first-order kinetics. An initial N mineralization flush following re-wetting accounted for more than 90% of the total amount of N mineralized during the incubation. Initial microbial biomass under hummocks was twice that of open areas between hummocks, but after 28 d microbial biomass was<2 μ g−1 ninhydrin N regardless of position. Respiration of CO2 from soils under hummocks was more than double that of soils from between hummocks. N mineralization, microbial biomass and microbial activity were negligible once soils had dried to −1000 kPa. Microbial community composition was also significantly different between 0 and 28 d of the incubation but was not influenced by burning treatment or position. Regression analysis showed that soil water potential, microbial biomass N, NO3-N, % C and δ15N all explained significant proportions of the variance in microbial community composition when modelled individually. However, sequential multiple regression analysis determined only microbial biomass was significant in explaining variance of microbial community compositions. Nitrogen mineralization rates and microbial biomass did not differ between burned and unburned sites suggesting that any effects of fire are mostly short-lived. We conclude that the highly labile nature of much of soil organic N in these semi-arid grasslands provides a ready substrate for N mineralization. However, process rates are likely to be primarily limited by the amount of substrate available as well as water availability and less so by substrate quality or microbial community composition.  相似文献   

Dong  Junfu  Wang  Shuping  Niu  Haishan  Cui  Xiaoyong  Li  Linfeng  Pang  Zhe  Zhou  Shutong  Wang  Kui 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):2236-2247
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) additions are the widely used restoration management for degraded grasslands. However, soil microbial community responses to N and P...  相似文献   

Using a scheme of agricultural fields with progressively less intensive management (deintensification), different management practices in six agroecosystems located near Goldsboro, NC, USA were tested in a large-scale experiment, including two cash-grain cropping systems employing either tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT), an organic farming system (OR), an integrated cropping system with animals (IN), a successional field (SU), and a plantation woodlot (WO). Microbial phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles and substrate utilization patterns (BIOLOG ECO plates) were measured to examine the effects of deintensification on the structure and diversity of soil microbial communities. Principle component analyses of PLFA and BIOLOG data showed that the microbial community structure diverged among the soils of the six systems.Lower microbial diversity was found in lowly managed ecosystem than that in intensive and moderately managed agroecosystems, and both fungal contribution to the total identified PLFAs and the ratio of microbial biomass C/N increased along with agricultural deintensification. Significantly higher ratios of C/N (P 〈 0.05) were found in the WO and SU systems, and for fungal/bacterial PLFAs in the WO system (P 〈 0.05). There were also significant decreases (P 〈 0.05) along with agricultural deintensification for contributions of total bacterial and gram positive (G+) bacterial PLFAs.Agricultural deintensification could facilitate the development of microbial communities that favor soil fungi over bacteria.  相似文献   

As the first and rate-limiting step of nitrification, ammonia oxidation can be realized either by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) or archaea (AOA). However, the key factors driving the abundance, community structure and activity of ammonia oxidizers are still unclear, and the relative importance of AOA and AOB in ammonia oxidation is unresolved. In the present study, we examined the effects of long-term (6 years) nitrogen (N) addition and simulated precipitation increment on the abundance and community composition of AOA and AOB based on a field trial in a typical temperate steppe of northern China. We used combined approaches of quantitative PCR, terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and clone library analyses of amoA genes. The study objective was to determine (1) AOA and AOB diversity and activity in response to N addition and increased precipitation and (2) the relative contributions of AOA and AOB to soil ammonia oxidation in the typical temperate steppe. The results showed that the potential nitrification rate (PNR) increased with N addition, but decreased with increased precipitation. Both N addition and increased precipitation significantly increased AOB but not AOA abundance, and a significant correlation was only observed between PNR and AOB amoA gene copies. The T-RFLP analysis showed that both N and precipitation were key factors in shaping the composition of AOB, while AOA were only marginally influenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that all AOA clones fell within the soil and sediment lineage while all AOB clones fell within the Nitrosospira. The study suggested that AOA and AOB had distinct physiological characteristics and ecological niches. AOB were shown to be more sensitive to N and precipitation than AOA, and the ammonia oxidation process was therefore supposed to be mainly driven by AOB in this temperate steppe.  相似文献   

研究长期不同施肥条件下褐潮土微生物量碳(SMBC)、微生物量氮(SMBN)和土壤酶活性随季节的变化特征。结果表明,长期施肥条件下土壤SMBC、SMBN含量及土壤酶活性均表现出一定的季节变化。SMBC、SMBN含量在各施肥处理中的顺序为:化肥与猪厩肥配施处理(NPKM)化肥配施玉米秸秆处理(NPKS)单施化肥处理(NPK)不施肥处理(CK),各处理之间差异显著(P0.05);施肥还显著提高了土壤脲酶、转化酶、碱性磷酸酶活性,有机无机配施的高于单施化肥的。除过氧化氢酶活性随季节变化显著下降外,SMBC、SMBN、酶活性的值一般在夏季(6月到8月)较高。通过双因素单变量方差分析表明,不同施肥制度与季节变化对SMBC、SMBN与酶活性的影响分别达极显著水平(P0.01),不同施肥制度的SMBC、SMBN与酶活性的季节波动有极显著不同(P0.01)。  相似文献   

The effect of organic and inorganic fertiliser amendments is often studied shortly after addition of a single dose to the soil but less is known about the long-term effects of amendments. We conducted a study to determine the effects of long-term addition of organic and inorganic fertiliser amendments at low rates on soil chemical and biological properties. Surface soil samples were taken from an experimental field site near Cologne, Germany in summer 2000. At this site, five different treatments were established in 1969: mineral fertiliser (NPK), crop residues removed (mineral only); mineral fertiliser with crop residues; manure 5.2 t ha−1 yr−1; sewage sludge 7.6 t ha−1 yr−1 or straw 4.0 t ha−1 yr−1 with 10 kg N as CaCN2 t straw−1. The organic amendments increased the Corg content of the soil but had no significant effect on the dissolved organic C (DOC) content. The C/N ratio was highest in the straw treatment and lowest in the mineral only treatment. Of the enzymes studied, only protease activity was affected by the different amendments. It was highest after sewage amendment and lowest in the mineral only treatment. The ratios of Gram+ to Gram− bacteria and of bacteria to fungi, as determined by signature phospholipid fatty acids, were higher in the organic treatments than in the inorganic treatments. The community structure of bacteria and eukaryotic microorganisms was assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and redundancy discriminate analyses of the DGGE banding patterns. While the bacterial community structure was affected by the treatments this was not the case for the eukaryotes. Bacterial and eukaryotic community structures were significantly affected by Corg content and C/N ratio.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on the temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration in tundra and alpine meadows. However, the response of microbial respiration to thermal stress in alpine steppe soils, which have less organic matter and greater aeration, has received less attention. We investigated spatial and temporal variations in microbial respiration using an incubation experiment under different temperature (0, 15 and 30°C) and different percentages of water‐holding capacity (WHC) (50 and 100%) conditions in the alpine steppe, and using a subsequent cooling experiment determined the ‘thermal stress' of soil microorganisms in response to increased temperature in the alpine steppe ecosystem. Microbial respiration rates decreased with increasing temperature at both 50 and 100% WHC for three sampling locations. Thermal stress of soil microorganisms under increased temperatures was found in the alpine steppe because subsequent cooling led to an increase in microbial respiration rates. Soil moisture did not affect microbial respiration, but the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of microbial respiration varied with the interactive effect between soil moisture and sampling location. Our findings suggest that the response of microbial respiration to high temperature may not be always positive as bacteria may experience thermal stress in the alpine steppe. Therefore, it is necessary to include thermal stress responses in alpine steppe models, as they may represent an important negative feedback effect on microbial respiration.  相似文献   

Soil drying and wetting impose significant influences on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics and microbial communities. However, effects of drying-wetting cycles, while common in vegetable soils, especially under greenhouse conditions, have not been well studied. In this study, two greenhouse vegetable soils, which were collected from Xinji (XJ) and Hangzhou (HZ), China, were maintained at 30% and 75% water-holding capacity (WHC), or five cycles of 75% WHC followed by a 7-day dry-down to 30% WHC (DW). Soil inorganic N content increased during incubation. Net N mineralization (Nmin), microbial activity, and microbial biomass were significantly higher in the DW treatment than in the 30% and 75% WHC treatments. The higher water content (75% WHC) treatment had higher Nmin, microbial activity, and microbial biomass than the lower water content treatment (30% WHC). Multivariate analyses of community-level physiological profile (CLPP) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) data indicated that soil moisture regime had a significant effect on soil microbial community substrate utilization pattern and microbial community composition. The significant positive correlation between Nmin and microbial substrate utilization or PLFAs suggested that soil N mineralization had a close relationship with microbial community.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms secrete enzymes used to metabolize carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) from the organic materials typically found in soil. Because of the connection with the active microbial biomass, soil enzyme activities can be used to investigate microbial nutrient cycling including the microbial response to environmental changes, transformation rates and to address the location of the most active biomass. In a 9-year field study on global change scenarios related to increasing N inputs (ambient to 15 g N m−2 yr−1) and precipitation (ambient to 180 mm yr−1), we tested the activities of soil β-glucosidase (BG), N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (NAG) and acid phosphomonoesterase (PME) for three soil aggregate classes: large macroaggregates (>2000 μm), small macroaggregates (250–2000 μm) and microaggregates (<250 μm). Results showed higher BG and PME activities in micro-vs. small macroaggregates whereas the highest NAG activity was found in the large macroaggregates. This distribution of enzyme activity suggests a higher contribution of fast-growing microorganisms in the micro-compared with the macroaggregates size fractions. The responses of BG and PME were different from NAG activity under N addition, as BG and PME decreased as much as 47.1% and 36.3%, respectively, while the NAG increased by as much as 80.8%, which could imply better adaption of fungi than bacteria to lower soil pH conditions developed under increased N. Significant increases in BG and PME activities by as much as 103.4 and 75.4%, respectively, were found under water addition. Lower ratio of BG:NAG and higher NAG:PME underlined enhanced microbial N limitation relative to both C and P, suggesting the repression of microbial activity and the accompanied decline in their ability to compete for N with plants and/or the accelerated proliferation of soil fungi under elevated N inputs. We conclude that changes in microbial activities under increased N input and greater water availability in arid- and semi-arid grassland ecosystems where NPP is co-limited by N and water may result in substantial redistribution of microbial activity in different-sized soil particles. This shift will influence the stability of SOM in the soil aggregates and the nutrient limitation of soil biota.  相似文献   

秸秆与氮肥不同配比对红壤微生物量碳氮的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
【目的】 秸秆碳氮比是影响其养分释放和还田利用的主要因素之一。秸秆还田条件下,如何合理施用氮肥是秸秆利用的关键问题。研究玉米秸秆还田配施不同量氮肥后土壤微生物特性的变化,对于指导秸秆还田和培肥土壤有重要意义。 【方法】 在中国农业科学院衡阳红壤实验站旱地试验田进行尼龙袋大田填埋试验,供试土壤为红壤。尼龙袋装土200 g (以风干土计),共设置6个处理:CK、低量尿素0.157 g (N1)、高量尿素0.939 g (N2)、玉米秸秆9 g (S)、玉米秸秆 + 低量尿素 (SN1)、玉米秸秆 + 高量尿素 (SN2)。S、SN1和SN2处理中混合物的碳氮比分别为53∶1、37∶1、15∶1。填埋后分别于7、14、21、28、49和150 d取样,分析不同碳氮比秸秆还田后土壤有机碳 (SOC)、微生物生物量碳和氮 (SMBC和SMBN)、微生物熵 (SMBC/SOC) 及微生物量碳氮比 (SMBC/SMBN) 等随时间的变化及处理间差异。 【结果】 SMBC和SMBN均随时间先增加后降低,分别在21 d和14 d达到最大值。还田150 d时与CK相比,秸秆还田各处理SMBC增加了4~5倍,SMBN增加了6~8倍。S、SN1和SN2处理的SMBC 6次取样的平均值分别为1425、1379和1462 mg/kg,约为其他处理的10倍;SMBN分别为172、181和193 mg/kg,约为其他处理的8倍;微生物熵分别为3.57、3.41和3.57,约为其他处理的2.8倍,S、SN1和SN2处理间差异不显著。N1、N2的SMBC/SMBN显著低于S处理。在28 d前,S、SN1和SN2处理间SMBC/SMBN值差异不显著,28 d后S处理显著高于SN1和SN2;150 d时S处理SMBC/SMBN值约为10,SN1和SN2处理约为6。 【结论】 玉米秸秆还田显著提高了SMBC、SMBN和微生物熵。秸秆还田和氮肥施用均会降低SMBC/SMBN值,且氮肥用量越大比值越低。当秸秆还田时,将碳氮比调整到37∶1不能满足微生物对氮的需求,因此在南方红壤秸秆还田时要补充氮素。   相似文献   

为了研究复合微生物菌剂和氨基酸水溶肥组合施用后香蕉土壤性质及微生物群落结构变化,在海南省东方市开展香蕉大田试验,以组合施用复合微生物菌剂与氨基酸水溶肥为处理组,在香蕉的苗期、中期、孕蕾期各处理一次,以滴灌清水为对照组,全部处理结束30 d后进行土壤取样,测定土壤理化性状,并提取土壤DNA进行土壤微生物高通量测序,对比研究土壤性质及菌群的变化情况。结果如下:(1)处理组有效地改善了土壤养分,土壤有效磷和速效钾含量极显著上升(P0.01);碱解氮显著增加(P0.05);根结线虫数量显著下降(P0.05)。(2)细菌测序结果表明,在目水平上,对照组土壤中细菌相对丰度≥2%的优势菌目在处理组土壤中都呈下降趋势;在属水平上,物种丰度≥1%的菌属中,处理组土壤的Rhodanobacter(罗丹杆菌属)、Sphingomonas(鞘氨醇单胞菌属)、Dyella(分类未定)的物种丰度都明显升高,其中Sphingomonas呈显著性升高。(3)真菌测序结果显示,处理组土壤中Colletotrichum(炭疽菌属)的丰度明显下降,但Penicillium(青霉菌属)的丰度有所升高。综上,采用复合微生物菌剂和氨基酸水溶肥组合处理,对土壤理化性状和微生物具有明显的改良和改善作用,有利于减少香蕉的病害发生。  相似文献   

氮肥能够影响土壤氨氧化细菌(AOB)和氨氧化古菌(AOA)的丰度和种群结构.利用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR)和变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)技术研究不同氮肥施用年限(4年,4Y;17年,17Y;32年,32Y;0年,0Y)桑园土壤氨氧化微生物丰度及种群结构变化.结果发现,长期施用氮肥导致桑园土壤酸化,与4Y...  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments using the tracer technique showed that about 20 per cent of the fertilizer nitrogen added as basal to the Maahas clay soil wa11 immobilized in submerged soils to which no organic material was added. The addition of organic matter to the soil increases the amount of nitrogen immobilized and the magnitude depends on the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the materials added. More fertilizer nitrogen waa immobilized in the soils under upland and alternate wet-and-dry conditions than under submerged soil conditions.

The uptake of fertilizer nitrogen by rice plants growing under submerged soil conditions ceased at the vegetative stage of growth because only a small amou11t of available nitrogen remains in the soil at this time, but the rice plant continued to absorb gradually untagged nitrogen from the soil throughout the reproductive etages of growth.

Losses of fertilizer nitrogen were great under the alternate wet-and-dry conditions (submerged-upland). The loss of nitrogen from the soli-plant system was reduced by the addition of dee straw, which also reduced the uptake of fertilizer nitrogen but not the total dry matter production under the experimental conditions. Fertilizer nitrogen immobilized during the first crop remained mostly in the soil throughout the full period of the second crop.

The total nitrogen uptake by rice plants was not affected by the soil moisture tension under the upland conaltlons used in the study but the movement of nitrogen from the leaves to the panicles during the reproductive etage seemed to decrease as the soil moisture tension increased.  相似文献   

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