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The spatial dynamics of soil water-recharge in a forest stand is the product of a number of interacting processes. This study focuses on the role of tree species and antecedent soil water content upon horizontal and vertical patterns of soil water recharge in heavy clay soils of a mixed European beech–Norway spruce stand and of a pure Norway spruce stand after rewetting periods with different rain quantities and intensities. Volumetric water content (VWC) was measured at 194 locations across 0.5-ha plots in each stand using time-domain reflectometry (TDR) with fixed 30- and 60-cm vertical waveguides. This was repeated 28 times (as close as possible) before and after rewetting periods during the vegetation seasons in 2000 and 2001. In addition, the locations of all trees within the plots were recorded. Geostatistics was used to describe the spatial correlation between VWC measurements and to interpolate soil water recharge in space. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge were then evaluated according to antecedent soil water-content and tree species distribution. Open-field precipitation of 30 mm (maximum intensity 10 mm h–1) on extremely dry initial soil conditions resulted in higher subsoil (30–60 cm soil depth) recharge and erratic recharge patterns. This was presumably due to preferential flow in opening shrinkage cracks of the heavy clay soil. A comparable quantity and intensity of rainfall under moderately dry antecedent soil water conditions resulted in almost exclusively topsoil (0–30 cm soil depth) water recharge and patterns of recharge that were clearly related to tree species distribution. The higher recharge around beech trees can be attributed to the lower interception rates there. Spatial patterns of soil water recharge reflect patterns of antecedent soil water conditions.  相似文献   

Due to the expected increases of number and intensity of summer droughts in Central Europe the identification of drought tolerant ecotypes becomes more important in future forestry. A common garden experiment with seedlings of Fagus sylvatica provenances from the center (Germany) and eastern margin (Poland) of the species’ distribution range was conducted. Responses of morphological, physiological, chemical and growth parameters to three drought treatments were analyzed. Relative growth rates of the marginal provenance were lower as compared to the central provenance. The marginal seedlings showed a tendency to higher total biomasses because of higher seed masses. In both provenances drought decreased biomass production and root/shoot ratio which was lower in the central provenance. A lower specific root area of the marginal provenance indicated a better adaptation to low xylem water potentials. Under moderate drought, lower leaf δ13C signatures may indicate lower stomatal limitation (or a reduced rate of CO2 assimilation) in the marginal provenance. We conclude that marginal beech provenances may exhibit a better drought adaptation.  相似文献   


• Introduction  

Fagacées is a growth model that has been developed for pure Oak or Beech stand management in even-aged high forests and coppice with standards forests. It has been calibrated for the plain forests of northern France.  相似文献   

Several findings indicate an impact of ozone on stem diameter growth leaving the question unanswered, if and how the intra-annual growth pattern is changed. In this study the hypotheses are tested, that (1) ozone will alter the absolute growth and (2) alter and shift the period of growth activity within a year. Our data originates from the free air ozone fumigation experiment ‘Kranzberger Forst’ in a mixed stand of Norway spruce and common beech near Freising/Germany. Annual and intra-annual growth reactions of a sample of five adult beech and five spruce trees, exposed to double ambient ozone were examined and compared to the same number of untreated reference trees. Diameter increments were measured with plastic diameter girth bands and high-resolution, automatically logging micro-dendrometers, mounted at breast height (1.3 m). We used the increment data from the growth periods 2000 to 2005. The high-resolution micro-dendrometer data were examined by fitting a Weibull function to the standardized annual growth profiles to obtain curve parameters for statistical tests. We estimated the parameters ‘T’ which represents the point of time, when 63% of the annual diameter increment is performed and the parameter ‘m’, the Weibull module, which was used as an indicator for the span of time needed to complete the annual growth. The statistical significance of these curve parameters, together with the absolute diameter increment, was tested by use of mixed regression models. The analysis of the growth curve parameters revealed a significantly altered intra-annual growth pattern of both species induced by ozone. Spruce under ozone showed reduced absolute annual diameter increment and a preponed growth activity compared to untreated trees. Beech’s absolute diameter increment was not affected under ozone, but its growth activity was delayed. For both species, ozone fumigation did not alter the individual length of the annual growing season. These results are discussed with respect to drought, tree ring anatomy and tree allometry. The study shows that ozone is able to change growth behaviour of trees even if increment losses are not obvious. This article belongs to the special issue "Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands".  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids of Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake × E. tereticornis Smith were used for quantitative genetic analysis of cold hardiness (CH) and growth traits height (H), diameter at breast height (D) and volume (V) at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 4 years of age. The effect of E. tereticornis male variance was significant (P < 0.05) for CH as well as 2.5- and 4-year-old growth except for H 4, and E. urophylla female × E. tereticornis male interaction was significant for 0.5- and 1.5-year-old growth and CH except for CH 0.5, whereas E. urophylla female effect was not significant for the majority of traits analyzed. Both additive and dominance gene action were present in the genetics of all the traits measured at most ages, indicating that those traits may be improved by hybrid breeding. The σ D 2/σ A 2 ratios tended to decline after 1.5 years of age in CH and growth traits, implying that breeding value predictions derived from older performance might be more reliable. Estimates of narrow-sense heritability (h 2 ) for CH and growth ranged from 0.03 ± 0.05 to 0.28 ± 0.13, depending on trait and age. Additive genetic correlations between CH and V were 0.28 ± 0.48 and 0.69 ± 0.30 at ages 1.5 and 2.5, respectively, suggesting that selection for growth would cause a favorable increase in cold hardiness in E. urophylla × E. tereticornis hybrids.  相似文献   

–  • Mixed forests feature competitive interactions of the contributing species which influence their response to environmental change.  相似文献   

Five tannin-related compounds – gallic acid, flavogallonic acid dilactone, valoneic acid dilactone, gallagyldilactone, ellagic acid – were isolated from the heartwood of Shorea laeviforia, and the inhibitory activity of each against rat liver 5-reductase was evaluated. Valoneic acid dilactone and gallagyldilactone exhibited positive inhibitory activity, but gallic acid and ellagic acid did not. Flavogallonic acid dilactone stimulated 5-reductase activity, even though this compound is structurally similar to valoneic acid dilactone. The kinetic study of valoneic acid dilactone and gallagyldilactone indicated that the inhibitory behavior of 5-reductase were not competitive against the substrate (testosterone) and were partially competitive against the cofactor (NADPH). Additionally, double inhibition analysis of valoneic acid dilactone and NADP+ showed synergetic inhibition. These results suggested that neither valoneic acid dilactone nor gallagyldilactone can affect the binding of testosterone but that either compound could interact with an enzyme–NADP+ complex to inhibit 5-reductase.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used in genetic fingerprinting of 22 elite Chinese Populus deltoides and Populus × canadensis accessions. The results indicated that each of the nine AFLP primer pairs selected generated fingerprint profiles that were unique to each of the accessions. Therefore, each accession was definitively identified by any of the nine primer pairs. Furthermore, the inter-accession genetic relationships inferred based on 461 polymorphic fragments from the nine AFLP primer pairs were largely consistent with phylogenetic relationships based on morphologic traits. Bootstrap analysis showed that three AFLP primer pairs were required to obtain genetic similarity values with a maximum CV of 10% while 10 AFLP primer pairs could give a maximum CV of 5%. Thus, AFLP can readily be applied for a rapid and accurate evaluation of the degree of similarity between poplar cultivars. In this study, the number of AFLP fragments used was sufficient to establish a reliable estimate of genetic similarity among accessions, with a maximum CV of 5.12%. Therefore, the information on the genetic relationships among the poplar accessions generated in this study in connection with knowledge on agronomic traits may have an impact on poplar breeding and planting in China.  相似文献   

To investigate whether drought tolerance of individual trees can be increased through the provision of more growing space, trees from a thinning experiment were analysed for reductions in radial growth during drought years and their subsequent recovery. Tree-ring widths were quantified on increment cores as well as stem discs of 32 trees from stands of a thinning trial established in 1974 in 27-year-old spruce stands in the Alpine Foreland of Southwest Germany. Three different thinning regimes of the trial were selected for this study: unthinned control (8 trees), moderate (13 trees) and heavy thinning (11 trees) intensities. All trees sampled were of a co-dominant to dominant canopy status. The standardisation of growth data was carried out using the software program ARSTAN (University of Arizona). For the year 1976—a widespread and severe drought year in Germany—we found year ring widths were not reduced compared to those of the pre-drought years for all treatments. However, we observed the formation of false year rings and resin ducts for this year in all trees investigated. The drought events in 1992 and 2003 led to severe growth depressions in the year of the drought event in all trees, regardless of previous thinning regimes. However, the resilience—the recovery of basal area growth in subsequent years—was significantly more rapid in trees from heavily thinned stands, even if the drought event occurred more than 10 years after the last thinning intervention. This indicates a shorter stress period for trees with more growing space, which may reduce the susceptibility to secondary pathogens or pest species such as bark beetles.  相似文献   

Soil microbes may be critical players in determining the allelopathic potential of some plants. Low levels of plant community biodiversity in Eucalyptus plantations have been attributed to the allelopathic potential of these tree species. The role of soil microbes in the allelopathic effect of leaf leachates of the hybrid tree Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla, was tested in Petri dish assays with Brassica chinensis as a receiver plant. Soils were collected from either a local garden (soil A) or a Eucalyptus plantation (soil B) and half of each soil was sterilized to remove microbes. These soils were then treated with E. grandis × E. urophylla leachates for 0–72 h. Seed germination of B. chinensis was significantly inhibited in soils treated with leaf leachates relative to untreated soils. The inhibitory effect of the leaf leachates was more pronounced in sterilized soils. Total phenolic content was obvious lower in nonsterile leachate-treated soils than in sterile soils. Biomass of B. chinensis was negatively correlated with the total phenolic content in soils. Our findings suggest that soil microbes can alleviate the allelopathic potential of Eucalyptus and thereby its negative impact on plant growth.  相似文献   

 The optimum conditions for β-thujaplicin production in a Cupressus lusitanica cell suspension culture were investigated. The conditions required for β-thujaplicin production were clearly different from the conditions for cell growth. The initial phosphate concentration and pH did not affect β-thujaplicin production. A total nitrogen source concentration higher than 3.2 mM suppressed production due to the presence of the ammonium ion. β-Thujaplicin production was observed at 95 mg/l without adding the ammonium ion to the medium. Strict control of major inorganic nutrients was not necessary to produce β-thujaplicin. This finding seems to be favorable for future automated production of β-thujaplicin in commercial cell culture plants.  相似文献   

Defence proteins are a kind of chemical defence compounds. They play a key role in plant restraining biotic and abiotic harm. To illuminate activities of some defense proteins associated with age or plant family of larch, the larch needles were collected from two different families of Korean larch, Larix olgensis and a hybrid larch, L. kaempferi × L. gmelinii, respectively, and then the activities of defence proteins in those were tested using a UV spectrophotometry. The results showed that the activities of protective enzymes at the16-/17- and 19-year-age groups were higher than those at the other age groups in the both larch species. While the activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) at the 16-/17-year-age group and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and protease inhibitors at the 19-year-age group were the highest among all age groups. Then, compared with L. olgensis, the hybrid larch had significant effects on the activities of protective enzymes. The effects of plant family on the activities of PAL and chymotrypsin inhibitor were significantly different, and then those on the activities of PPO were not significantly different. The effects of the two families in L. olgensis on the activities of trypsin inhibitor (TI) were significantly different, while those in the hybrid larch on the activities of TI were contrary. To conclusions showed that the different age and plant family significantly affected the activities of defence proteins in the needles of two larch species, and then enhanced the larch resistance to pests. These could play a key function in forestry tree genetic improvement and management in future.  相似文献   


Key message

Trees with otherwise equal dimensions have different leaf areas if they are located in different stand types. While leaf area of European larch is affected by mixture proportion, leaf area of Norway spruce is affected by stand density.


Leaf area is a key parameter for evaluating growth efficiency of trees, and therefore needs to be measured as consistently and accurately as possible. This is even more important when comparing monospecific and mixed stands.


The aim of the study is to find combinations of parameters and allometric relationships that can be used to estimate accurately the leaf area of individual trees.


Allometries of the measured leaf area of 194 trees in 12 stands were analysed in order to find variables affecting leaf area. Existing functions from the literature were validated. Finally, models were fitted to find the most appropriate method for estimating leaf area of mixed and monospecific stands of Norway spruce and European larch.


Allometric relationships of leaf area to other measurable characteristics of trees vary in different stand types. Besides individual tree dimensions such as diameter and crown surface area, leaf area of Norway spruce is related to stand density, whereas the leaf area of European larch is dependent on the admixture of Norway spruce in the stand.


In contrast to models for estimating individual tree leaf area of Norway spruce, models for leaf area of European larch have to consider mixture proportions in order to correctly interpret the growth efficiency of mixed stands.

The role of plant eIF5A proteins in multiple biological processes, such as protein synthesis regulation, translation elongation, mRNA turnover, programmed cell death and stress tolerance is well known. Toward using these powerful proteins to increase stress tolerance in agricultural plants, in the present study, we cloned and characterized PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 from young poplar (P. simonii × P. nigra) leaves. The deduced amino acid sequences of PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 were 98 % similar to each other, and they are orthologs of eIF5A1 in Arabidopsis. In a subcellular localization analysis, PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 proteins were localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm. qRT-PCR analysis showed that PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 were transcribed in poplar flowers, stem, leaves, and roots. In addition, they were also induced by abiotic stresses. Transgenic yeast expressing PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 had increased salt, heavy metal, osmotic, oxidative tolerance. Our results suggest that PsneIF5A2 and PsneIF5A4 are excellent candidates for genetic engineering to improve salt and heavy metal tolerance in agricultural plants.  相似文献   

Ethanol was produced from the hydrolysate collected as the water-soluble (WS) portion after hot-compressed water (HCW) treatment of Japanese beech. The process involved saccharification with β-xylosidase followed by isomerization with xylose isomerase and fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Several process schemes were compared to investigate the effect of process integration of saccharification, isomerization, and fermentation. Higher ethanol yields were obtained for the processes that integrated isomerization and fermentation or saccharification and isomerization. Integration of isomerization and fermentation was effective in converting xylose into ethanol. Similarly, integration of saccharification and isomerization was effective in converting xylooligosaccharides into xylulose. It is presumed that the saccharification reaction toward xylose and the isomerization reaction toward xylulose were linked and therefore each reaction was enhanced.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation systems require protocols that allow regenerating transgenic plants from transformed tissues. This study aimed to establish a protocol for indirect organogenesis in leaf explants of a Eucalyptus grandis  ×  E. urophylla AEC 224 clone. During callogenesis stage, several concentrations of NAA and then NAA or 2,4-D combined with TDZ were tested in JADS culture medium for 30 days, followed by subculture of the explants in the regeneration medium, containing 5.0 µM BA and 0.5 µM NAA for another 30 days. In these media, the explant oxidation rate was high (95 %). Thus, in order to reduce oxidation, different culture media were compared: WPM, MS, JADS and modified QL, followed by explant transfer onto regeneration medium. The highest percentage of regeneration and the lowest oxidation rate were achieved on WPM medium. Then, NAA and 2,4-D were tested in combination with TDZ and also TDZ and BA combined with NAA in WPM medium. The most efficient culture media in terms of shoot regeneration were WPM supplemented with 0.25 µM TDZ and 0.1 µM NAA during 30 days for callus induction and then with 5.0 µM BA and 0.5 µM NAA for another 30 days. This protocol yielded a regeneration rate of 43 %, with a low oxidation of tissues. A rooting experiment was conducted using half strength MS medium and comparing three concentrations of IBA (2.46, 4.90 and 7.35 µM). The highest rooting percentage (35 %) was obtained on medium containing 2.46 µM IBA. Once the shoots were rooted, acclimatization in a greenhouse was not challenging and plant survival reached 100 %.  相似文献   

Leaf functional traits are adaptations that enable plants to live under different environmental conditions. This study aims to evaluate the differences in leaf functional traits between red and green leaves of two evergreen shrubs Photinia × fraseri and Osmanthus fragrans. Specific areas of red leaves are higher than that of green leaves in both species. Thus, the material investment per unit area and per lamina of red leaves is significantly lower than that of green leaves, implying an utmost effort of red leaves to increase light capture and use efficiency because of their low leaf-chlorophyll concentration. The higher petiole length of green leaves compared with that of red leaves indicates that adult green leaves may have large fractional biomass allocation to support the lamina structures in capturing light with maximum efficiency and obtaining a high growth rate. The high range of the phenotypic plasticity of leaf size, leaf thickness, single-leaf wet and dry weights, and leaf moisture of green leaves may be beneficial in achieving efficient control of water loss and nutrient deprivation. The high range of phenotypic plasticity of leaf chlorophyll concentration of red leaves may be advantageous in increasing resource (especially light) capture and use efficiency because this leaf type is juvenile in the growth stage and has low leaf-chlorophyll concentration.  相似文献   

Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea buckthorn) and Caragana intermedia (Intermediate peashrub), which are nitrogen-fixing and perennial temperate shrubs, are extensively used in the agroforestry systems in the loess areas of China. In this study, artificially controlled water gradient experiments were carried out with both shrubs, based on four levels of water supply (normal precipitation, slight drought, drought, and extreme drought). The results showed significant impacts of drought on net photosynthesis rate, biomass accumulation, and biomass allocation in both species. Water use efficiency (WUE) varied with different species, scales, and water stress intensities. WUE at the leaf scale (WUEi) was highest under moderate water stress, while the WUE at the community scale (WUEb) decreased with increasing water stress. We observed alteration in the diel and seasonal transpiration of both species in response to water stress. The night-time transpiration accounted for a small but significant proportion of the water balance, and its importance tended to increase with increasing drought. Both species experienced water deficits under all treatments. Soil moisture of H. rhamnoides declined more severely than that of C. intermedia. The ratio of transpiration to evapotranspiration (T/ET) ranged from 50 to 80% for both species in the growing season. The T/ET and WUEi of H. rhamnoides were comparatively smaller under severe water stress but increased under moist conditions. Our data suggest that H. rhamnoides uses water resources more efficiently under favorable water conditions, and C. intermedia shows competitive advantages under drought conditions. Moreover, possible strategies to maintain water balance in the water-limited agroforestry systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of Thidiazuron (TDZ), basal media and light quality on adventitious shoot regeneration from in vitro cultured stem of Populus albaxP berolinensis were determined to establish a high efficiency shoot regeneration system from stem explants of P. alba~P berolinensis. Stems ofPopulus alba~P berolinensis were collected from cultured shoots in vitro derived from dormancy buds of 3-year-old seedlings. The stem explants were cultured on MS medium containing 0.02-mg·L-1NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid), and 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mg·L-1 concentrations of TDZ to determine the effect of TDZ on shoot regeneration. Three basal media, i.e. MS, woody plant medium (WPM) and B5, were used to test their influences of different media on adventitious shoot regeneration. Green, red, blue and yellow plastic films in comparison with florescent light as control were used to observe their effects on shoot regeneration. The results showed that differ- ent concentrations of TDZ had an evident influence on shoot regeneration. Lower concentration of TDZ (0.1 mg·L-1) resulted in more ad- ventitious shoot regeneration and higher concentration of TDZ (〉0.1 mg·L-1) inhibited shoot regeneration. Among different media, MS medium exhibited a high efficiency for shoot regeneration, followed by WPM medium, while B5 medium inhibited shoot regeneration. Normal light and yellow light exhibited better effects on shoot regeneration, compared with other light.  相似文献   

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