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An understanding of the C and N dynamics of crop residues is important for efficient nutrient management. The present experiment was conducted to determine the rate of mass and N loss from alfalfa, faba bean, barley, and rape crop residues in a subarctic agricultural soil. Mass, C, and N losses were measured from residues contained in mesh bags and placed on the soil surface or buried 15 cm below the surface. The mass loss from October, 1988, to May, 1989, was the same for surface and buried alfalfa, barley, and rape residues, averaging 40, 20, and 61%, respectively, while surface and buried faba bean residue sustained 30 and 40% mass loss, respectively. The mass loss of the buried residues continued over the summer but not of those placed on the soil surface, resulting in an average 23% greater mass loss of the buried materials after 1 year. The N loss from October to May was similar from the surface and from the buried placements for the alfalfa, faba bean, and rape residues, averaging 11.3, 10.3 and 38.4 g N kg-1 residue, respectively, while the surface and buried barley lost 2.9 and 4.2 g N kg-1, respectively. The C:N ratio of all of the residues increased during the winter. These data indicate that the rate of decomposition and N mineralization from crop residues in subarctic environments can equal that measured in temperate climates. Furthermore, the concurrent loss of mass and N combined with an increase in the C:N ratio of the residues suggests that physical rather than biological processes were functioning during the winter. Most of the mass and N loss from these residues occurred during the winter, out of phase with crop demand, thereby creating the potential for N loss from the system and inefficient use of crop residue N. 相似文献
L. Wang C. R. Butterly X. L. Yang Y. Wang H. M. S. K. Herath X. Jiang 《Soil Use and Management》2012,28(2):148-156
Information regarding the interaction between liming agents and crop residues on soil acidity amelioration is limited. A laboratory incubation study was undertaken to investigate the combined application of alkaline slag (AS, the major component is CaO) and crop residues with different C/N ratios and ash alkalinity content. Incorporation of amendments was effective in reducing soil exchangeable acidity and Al saturation and increasing exchangeable base cations (P < 0.05), but the effect of AS on soil pH adjustment was reduced when added with a high amount of residue with a low C/N ratio. Initial increases in soil pH were attributed to the release of alkalinity from the combined amendments and the mineralization of organic nitrogen (N). During subsequent incubation, the soil pH decreased because of nitrification. Crop residues with a high C/N ratio increased N immobilization and reduced net nitrification, resulting in a slight pH decrease. Crop residues with a low C/N ratio resulted in a sharp decrease in soil pH when applied with low levels of AS because of stimulated soil nitrification, whereas high AS had no consistent effect on net nitrification. Hence, compared to the control (pH = 4.21), a large increase in soil pH occurred, especially when peanut straw was applied at 10 g/kg (pH = 5.16). It is suggested that crop residues with high C/N ratio and also combined with a liming agent such as AS are preferred to ameliorate soil acidity. The liming effect of AS is likely to be negated if added in combination with residues with high N contents. 相似文献
Gregor Ernst 《Soil biology & biochemistry》2009,41(7):1548-1554
Energy crops are increasingly cultivated in agricultural management systems world-wide. A substitution of food crops (e.g. cereals) by energy crops may generally alter the biological activity and litter decomposition in soil due to their varying structural and chemical composition and subsequently modify soil functioning. A soil microcosm experiment was performed to assess the decomposition and microbial mineralization of different energy crop residues in soil compared to a food crop, with or without earthworms. Residues of the energy crops winter rape (Brassica napus), maize (Zea mays), miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus) and the food crop oat (Avena sativa) were each provided as food source for a mixed earthworm population, each consisting of one individual of Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea caliginosa, and Octolasion tyrtaeum. After 6 weeks, the rate of litter loss from the soil surface, earthworm biomass, microbial biomass-C and -N, microbial activity, and enzyme activities were determined. The results emphasized, that litter loss and microbial parameters were predominantly promoted by earthworms and were additionally influenced by the varying structural and chemical composition of the different litter. Litter decay by earthworms was highest in N-rich maize litter treatment (C-N ratio 34.8) and lowest in the case of miscanthus litter (C-N ratio 134.4). As a consequence, the microbial biomass and basal respiration in soils with maize litter were higher, relative to other litter types. MBC-MBN ratio in soil increased when earthworms were present, indicating N competition between earthworms and microorganisms. Furthermore, enzyme activities responded in different ways on the varying types of litter and earthworm activity. Enzymes involved in the N-cycle decreased and those involved in the C-cycle tended to increase in the presence of earthworms, when litter with high C-N ratio was provided as a food source. Especially in the miscanthus treatments, less N might remain for enzymatic degradation, indicating that N competition between earthworms and microorganisms may vary between different litter types. Especially, an expansion of miscanthus in agricultural management systems might result in a reduced microbial activity and a higher N deficit for microorganisms in soil. 相似文献
A. de Varennes M. O. Torres C. Cunha-Queda M. J. Goss C. Carranca 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2007,44(1):49-58
We investigated conservation and cycling of N under oat–oat and lupine–oat rotations in disturbed and undisturbed soil, when
roots or roots plus aboveground residues were retained. Crop residues were labelled with 15N in Year 1, and differential soil disturbance was imposed after harvest. In Year 2, plant growth, N transfer from residue
into the various sinks of the second crop (plant, soil, and residual residues), and changes in microbial activity and numbers
were determined. Oat biomass was greater after lupine than after oat due to differences in supply of N from these residues.
Buried residues of both crops appeared to decompose faster than when left on the soil surface. Lupine residues decomposed
faster than oat residues. Oat biomass was not affected by soil disturbance if grown after lupine but decreased when oat straw
was buried in the soil. More residue N was recovered from soil than from the crop. Most 15N was recovered from disturbed soil, which also had greater dehydrogenase activity and more culturable fungi. At the end of
the oat–oat rotation, 20 and 5 kg N ha−1 were derived from the roots of the first crop in undisturbed or disturbed soil, respectively. Equivalent values for the lupine–oat
rotation were 18 and 44 kg N ha−1. Returning aboveground residues provided an extra 52–80 kg N ha−1 for oat and 61–63 kg N ha−1 for lupine relative to treatments where they were removed. Over a year, lupine contributed 9 to 20 kg N ha−1 more to the agroecosystem than did oat. 相似文献
Abstract. A number of mathematical models to predict soil water evaporation are available in the literature which generally require complex input data. In the present study, a simple parametric model has been developed by coupling existing and newly developed equations to assess soil water evaporation and drainage under field conditions in relation to potential evaporation rate, soil texture, time and depth of tillage and crop residue management. The model has moderate input data requirements and predicts well the effects of tillage and crop residue management practices on soil water loss (evaporation+drainage) with multi-drying and -wetting cycles prevailing under natural conditions. The root mean squares of deviations between observed and predicted cumulative water loss at different periods of study were 0.82, 2.04, 2.31 and 1.74 cm for untreated, residue-mulch, tillage and residue-incorporated treatments, respectively. Simulation analysis on cumulative evaporation and evaporation rate has shown that the evaporation reduction with different combinations of tillage and crop residue followed the order of residue-undercut>residue-mulch>residue-incorporated>tillage. Thus, the magnitude of beneficial effects of crop residues and tillage on soil water evaporation reduction are associated with amount of residues, mode of residue management (mulched or incorporated in the soil) and time and depth of tillage. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(4):399-409
Abstract Urea fertilisers are often applied to soil with cereal residues on the surface. Although the urease properties of soils have been investigated, the urease activities associated with cereal residues have not been thoroughly studied. Two experiments were performed to develop an acceptable urease assay for cereal residues, and to determine the effect of field exposure and concomitant saprophytic colonization on urease levels. Two acceptable assays were found: 1) incubation in the presence of THAM‐H2SO4 buffer (pH 8), toluene, and urea, and 2) incubation only in the presence of urea. In both assays substrate concentration was 0.05 M, incubation temperature was 37°C, incubation length was 2 hours, and urea hydrolysis was determined by ammonium production. Although both assays were highly correlated (r2 = 0.992), the buffer method gave higher values. Subsequent investigations illustrated that urease activity associated with cereal residues is dramatically increased by saprophytic colonization after harvest. Freshly‐harvested winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.), winter rye (Secale cereale, L.), and spring wheat residues had urease activities (by the buffer method) of 4.3, 6.9, and 3.1 μmol urea g‐1 h‐1, respectively. After field exposure of 67–77 days, the urease activities had increased to 69.1, 101.9, and 74.3, respectively. The latter are far higher than literature values for U.S. mineral soils or the dried green leaves of plants. 相似文献
Nitrogen and phosphorus transformations as affected by crop residue management practices and their influence on crop yield 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract. A 15-year field experiment investigated crop residue management practices, with crop residue removal, burning and incorporation as the main treatments and nitrogen levels as subtreatments. The effects of crop residue management practices on rice and wheat yield were measured for 11 years. Surface soil samples were taken to study nitrogen and phosphorus immobilization/adsorption and their release under laboratory conditions. The field experiment indicated that residue burning and residue removal resulted in greater grain yields of rice (5.57 and 5.53 t/ha, respectively) and wheat (4.12 and 4.02 t/ha, respectively) than residue incorporation (4.51 t/ha rice and 3.72 t/ha wheat). Laboratory experiments indicated that by the addition of crop residues nitrogen and phosphorus were converted to unavailable forms through immobilization and adsorption, respectively.
Crop residue management practices were discontinued after 13 years and wheat and maize crops were grown in sequence. There were significantly greater yields of wheat (3.57 t/ha in 1992–93 and 3.6 t/ha in 1993–94) and of maize (2.1 t/ha in 1993) in plots where the residues had previously been incorporated than where the residues were previously either removed or burned. This is attributed to release of nitrogen and phosphorus from the incorporated residues. 相似文献
Crop residue management practices were discontinued after 13 years and wheat and maize crops were grown in sequence. There were significantly greater yields of wheat (3.57 t/ha in 1992–93 and 3.6 t/ha in 1993–94) and of maize (2.1 t/ha in 1993) in plots where the residues had previously been incorporated than where the residues were previously either removed or burned. This is attributed to release of nitrogen and phosphorus from the incorporated residues. 相似文献
A pot experiment was performed in order to obtain informations on the decomposition pattern of beech litter cutin under laboratory conditions. Results show that cutin is little resistant to biodegradation at 20°C and 70% WHC. An increasing ratio of the cutin- and suberin-derived monomeric compounds (THOA + EHOA)/DHHA is indicative of the input of root litter material into the organic matter pool of forest soils. 相似文献
E. F. Caires P. R. S. Pereira Filho R. Zardo Filho & I. C. Feldhaus 《Soil Use and Management》2008,24(3):302-309
A 3-year field trial examined in a long-term no-till system the effects of surface-applied lime and cover black oat ( Avena strigosa Schreb) residues on soil chemical attributes, root growth and grain yield of corn ( Zea mays L.) and soybean ( Glycine max L. Merrill) on a loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox in Paraná State, Brazil. The treatments consisted of dolomitic lime broadcast on the soil surface at 0 or 12 t/ha, with and without cover of black oat residues. Corn and soybeans were grown without rainfall limitation. Applying lime on the surface improved soil acidity and decreased aluminium (Al) toxicity to a 10-cm depth 1 year after application. Surface liming increased pH and the content of exchangeable Ca2+ to a 20-cm depth, and decreased Al toxicity to a 40- to 60-cm depth, 3 years after application, indicating that the surface-applied lime moved deeper. Cover black oat residues did not favour the mobility of surface-applied lime to alleviate subsoil acidity and an increase in the Al3+ saturation level at the soil surface was found in unlimed plots with black oat residues. Root growth and grain yields of corn and soybean were not influenced by surface liming with or without cover black oat residue. Despite the soil acidity level, root length of corn and soybean ranged from 55 to 60% at 0- to 10-cm depth. The results suggest that Al toxicity is low in no-till systems during cropping seasons with adequate and well-distributed rainfall, but this effect is not related to the presence of cover oat residues. 相似文献
B. Chaves S. De Neve L. M. Piulats P. Boeckx O. Van Cleemput & G. Hofman 《Soil Use and Management》2007,23(2):212-219
The potential to manipulate the N release from vegetable crop residues (cauliflower, leek) by using organic wastes was tested under field conditions on three soil textures during 2 years (silt loam, sandy loam and loamy sand). During the first year, incorporation of green waste compost and sawdust did not significantly increase microbial biomass N and did not lead to a significant N immobilization of crop residue‐N. During the second year, straw did increase microbial biomass N and showed a good N immobilization potential in all textures. The largest increase in microbial biomass N and the greatest N immobilization occurred in the loamy sand soil. The texture effect was probably because of better incorporation of the crop residues and immobilizer wastes in the loamy sand soil compared with the other textures. During spring, there was no consistent remineralization of immobilized N after the addition of malting sludge or vinasses in either year. This could be a result of the limited amount of N immobilized and available for remineralization in the first year or an unsuitable composition of the remineralizer wastes. 相似文献
Patricia M. Fraser Michael H. Beare Ruth C. Butler Tina Harrison-Kirk Jacqueline E. Piercy 《Pedobiologia》2003,47(5-6):870-876
B. Venkateswarlu Ch. Srinivasarao G. Ramesh S. Venkateswarlu & J. C. Katyal 《Soil Use and Management》2007,23(1):100-107
Low organic matter, poor fertility and erosion are common features of rain‐fed Alfisols in southern India. Build‐up of organic matter is crucial to maintain sustainable production on these soils. The possibility of on‐farm generation of legume biomass [horsegram; Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.] by using off‐season rainfall was examined in two field experiments involving sorghum and sunflower from 1994 to 2003. The effects of this incorporation were assessed on crop yields and soil properties for 10 years together with fertilizer application. Horsegram biomass ranging from 3.03–4.28 t ha?1 year?1 (fresh weight) was produced and incorporated in situ under different levels of fertilizer application. Annual incorporation improved the soil properties and fertility status of the soil, which resulted in improved yields of test crops. With biomass incorporation, mean organic carbon content improved by 24% over fallow. Microbial biomass carbon improved by 28% at site I. Long‐term biomass incorporation and fertilizer application resulted in the build‐up of soil nutrients compared with the fallow plots. Application of N and P alone resulted in a negative balance of soil K. A time‐scale analysis of yields showed that incorporation together with fertilizer application maintained a stable yield trend over a 10‐year period in sorghum, whereas fertilizer application alone showed a declining trend. At the end of 10 years of incorporation, the increase in grain yield because of incorporation was 28 and 18%, respectively, in sorghum and sunflower over fallow when no fertilizers were applied to rainy season crops. The incorporation effect was even larger in plots receiving fertilizer. The growing and incorporation of a post‐rainy season legume crop is a low‐cost simple practice that even small and marginal farmers can adopt in semi‐arid regions of the country. Widespread adoption of this practice, at least in alternate years, can restore the productivity of degraded soils and improve crop yields. 相似文献
In field studies, various workers have observed a stimulation of organic matter breakdown by visible light and UV radiation. We aimed to confirm the involvement of UV radiation under controlled laboratory conditions and quantify the magnitude of any stimulation. Grass and pine foliage samples were oven-dried and continuously exposed to UV radiation at room temperature for up to 60 days. A range of UV flux densities was established using shading to different levels. After UV exposure under air-dry conditions, samples were rewetted and incubated in the dark with microbial inoculums to investigate whether UV exposure had rendered samples more susceptible to subsequent microbial decomposition.However, we found no weight loss associated with different UV flux densities. The same finding held true for grass and pine litter samples. Similarly, microbial decomposition of either grass or pine litter was not enhanced by prior UV exposure. These findings suggest that UV-induced photooxidation of dry materials cannot be responsible for the observed apparent enhancement of weight loss of litter samples under UV exposure in the field. 相似文献
Summary Phosphomonoesterase (both acid and alkaline) and phosphodiesterase activity was either activated or inhibited in a soil treated with different crop residues. Phosphotriesterase activity remained unaffected. The kinetic parameters (V
max and K
m) of treated soil samples were modified in the same way: Increases or decreases in the V
max values corresponded to increases or decreases in the K
m values. The V
max values, rather than the K
m values, were found to have a predominant effect on phosphatase activity, thus indicating a fundamental role for the enzyme concentration. A positive and generally significant correlation was found between the activity of each phosphatase, which suggests an unspecific source of these enzymes. The values of the determination coefficients (R
2 × 100) show that a low percentage of the variability may be ascribed to interactions among phosphatase activities. 相似文献
Conservation crop residue management increases soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, nutrient cycling and availability and improves soil quality. This study was conducted to evaluate the amount of residue biomass, residue carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio, residue carbon (C) and nitrogen (N), and residue N fertilizer deficit (supplemental N fertilizer requirement) from crop residue decomposition in long-term no-till production. Aboveground aged and fresh residues were collected in spring 2011 and fall 2012, respectively. Results showed slightly greater residue dry matter weight in aged residue than fresh residue. C:N ratios were wider in fresh residue than the aged residue. Both aged and fresh residue also showed wider C:N ratio in the corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation (66.6 and 64.4, respectively) and narrower C:N ratio in the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-alfalfa-corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) (45.6 and 35.7, respectively). Individual fresh crop residues showed narrower C:N ratios for legume and cover crops than non-legume crops. Analysis of potential supplemental N fertilizer requirements showed greater potential N requirement for the fresh residue than the aged residue. 相似文献
Shammas K. O'Connell A. M. Grove T. S. McMurtrie R. Damon P. Rance S. J. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2003,38(4):228-235
Amounts of nutrients in harvest residues and their contribution to nutrient cycling were quantified following logging of a Eucalyptus globulus plantation in south-western Australia. An estimated 64 t ha–1 of leaf, bark and branch material less than 3 cm in diameter was deposited on the forest floor during harvesting. Leaves contributed about one-third of the residue dry weight but accounted for almost three-quarters of residue-N stores (299 of 428 kg N ha–1) and 36% to 52% of P, K, Ca, and Mg stores. Stores of nutrients in slash were significant in comparison to amounts in surface soil (0–20 cm). Residue-N amounted to 11% of total surface soil N and cations stored in residues were equivalent to 23–114% of surface soil exchangeable cations. Decomposition of the leaf fraction of slash was rapid with more than 90% of dry weight released during the 105-week study. Bark and branch fractions of diameters 0.5, 1 and 2 cm lost 39%, 37%, 32% and 29% of dry weight, respectively, during the same period. Single and double exponential decay models fitted to the data indicated half lives ranging from 20 weeks for leaves and from 3 to 4 years for bark and the branch fractions. During decomposition, K was leached rapidly from all residue fractions, Mg and P were released at similar rates to dry weight, and Ca and N were released more slowly than dry weight. In the 105-week study period, 250 kg ha–1 of N, 20 kg ha–1 of P, 213 kg ha–1 of Ca, 298 kg ha–1 of K, and 63 kg ha–1 of Mg were returned to the soil from decomposing harvest slash. The leaf fraction was the major contributor to nutrient cycling, accounting for almost all of the N and Ca release and from half to three-quarters of the K, Mg and P released. Amounts of nutrients released from residues in the year following logging greatly exceeded quantities likely to be taken up by the newly established tree crop. 相似文献
Large‐scale inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is generally impractical in most regions and we have little understanding of the factors that determine inoculation success. Nevertheless, the ability to take full advantage of indigenous AMF for sustainable production needs to be developed within cropping systems. We used part of a long‐term field experiment to understand the influence of tillage and the preceding crop on AMF colonization over the growing season. Arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization rate was more affected by treatment (tillage or the combination of crop and preceding crop) than by the total number of AMF spores in the soil. Conventional tillage (CT) had a statistically significant negative effect (P ≤ 0.05) on spore numbers isolated from the soil, but only in the first year of study. However, the AMF colonization rate was significantly reduced by CT, and the roots of wheat, Triticum aestivum, L, cv. Coa after sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., were less well colonized than were those of triticale, X Triticosecale Wittmack, cv. Alter after wheat, but the affect of tillage was more pronounced than was the effect of crop combination. Under no‐till there was a significant increase in AMF colonization rate throughout the sampling period in both wheat and triticale, indicating that the extraradical mycelium previously produced acted as a source of inoculum. In general, triticale showed greater AMF colonization than wheat, despite the preceding crop being less mycotrophic. Under these experimental conditions, typical of Mediterranean agricultural systems, AMF colonization responded more strongly to tillage practices than to the combination of crop and preceding crop. 相似文献
Abstract. The production of CO2 in the field and the contribution of carbon from crops to the soil were evaluated for the double crop wheat-soyabean rotation on a typical soil of the Rolling Pampa to assess the effects of two tillage systems, mouldboard ploughing and shallow discing, on the soil carbon balance. Microbial biomass and respiration under controlled conditions were also determined.
No differences in soil microbial biomass contents were detected between tillage systems after two years, but the biological activity of incubated soils and the mineralized fraction of organic carbon were greater ( P = 0.05) at the 0–5 cm depth in disc tillage. This suggested an increase in the labile fraction of organic matter in that layer, though the total carbon content of the soil did not vary significantly.
Soil moisture was not a limiting factor at any time of the year and production of CO2 in the field was regulated by temperature ( r > 0.89, P = 0.01). There were no differences between tillage systems in the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere, which was estimated at 11.6 t C/ha/yr. The contribution in dry matter from the crops ranged from 15.3 to 17.0 t/ha/yr, and the carbon input was approximately 7.0 t/ha/yr. Consequently, the soil lost carbon with the wheat—soyabean rotation but tillage systems did not affect carbon inputs and losses from the agrosystem. 相似文献
No differences in soil microbial biomass contents were detected between tillage systems after two years, but the biological activity of incubated soils and the mineralized fraction of organic carbon were greater ( P = 0.05) at the 0–5 cm depth in disc tillage. This suggested an increase in the labile fraction of organic matter in that layer, though the total carbon content of the soil did not vary significantly.
Soil moisture was not a limiting factor at any time of the year and production of CO
In the present work, we compare the effect of mature crop residues mixed into a ferralitic soil or placed as a single layer
on soil surface on the mineralisation of C and N over 55 days. As residues, we used dry stems of rice, soybean, sorghum, brachiaria
and wheat. There were no significant effects of residue placement on C mineralisation kinetics. Decomposition of the residues
on the soil surface slightly increased net N mineralisation for residues having the smallest C/N ratio. 相似文献