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Biospecific interaction analysis (BIA) was performed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and biosensor technologies to detect genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean gene sequences. We first immobilized, on SA sensor chips, single-stranded biotinylated oligonucleotides containing soybean lectin and Roundup Ready gene sequences, and the efficiency of hybridization to oligonucleotide probes differing in length was determined. Second, we immobilized biotinylated PCR products from nontransgenic soybeans (genomes carrying only the lectin gene), as well as from genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean, and we injected the oligonucleotide probes. Furthermore, we used the sensor chips carrying either lectin and Roundup Ready soybean PCR products or 21-mer oligonucleotide as probes, and we injected both nonpurified and purified asymmetric PCR products. The results obtained show that 13 and 15 mer oligonucleotides are suitable probes to detect genetically modified Roundup Ready soybean gene sequences (either target oligonucleotides or PCR products) under standard BIA experimental conditions. By contrast, when 11 mer DNA probes were employed, no efficient hybridization was obtained. All the SPR-based formats were found to be useful for detection of Roundup Ready gene sequences, suggesting that these procedures are useful for the real-time monitoring of hybridization between target single-stranded PCR products, obtained by using as substrates DNA isolated from normal or transgenic soybeans, and oligonucleotide or PCR-generated probes, therefore enabling a one-step, nonradioactive protocol to perform detection.  相似文献   

Two previously developed platforms, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) array, the former allowing for the simultaneous detection of five transgenes and two endogenous controls in food and feed matrices and the latter for the assessment of the identity of amplified PCR products, were combined in order to develop a PNA array device for the screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food. PNA probes were opportunely designed, synthesized, and deposited on commercial slides. The length of the probes as well as the distance of the probes from the surface were evaluated and found to be critical points. The most suitable probes were found to be 15-mer PNAs linked to the slide surface by means of two 2-(2-aminoethoxy)ethoxyacetic acids as spacers. The device was tested on a model system constituted by flour samples containing a mixture of standards at known concentrations of transgenic material, in particular Roundup Ready soybean and Bt11, Bt176, Mon810, and GA21 maize: The DNA was amplified using the specific multiplex PCR method and tested on the PNA array. The method proposed was found to be able to correctly identify every GMO present in the tested samples.  相似文献   

The genetically modified common bean Embrapa 5.1, developed by Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), is the first commercial GM plant produced in Latin America. It presents high resistance to the Bean golden mosaic virus. In this work, primers and probes targeting a taxon-specific reference DNA sequence for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and a construct-specific DNA sequence of Embrapa 5.1 GM common bean were successfully developed. The primers and probes showed high specificity for the target detection. Both methods showed suitable efficiency and performance to be used as an endogenous target for detection of common bean DNA and for construct-specific detection of GM common bean Embrapa 5.1, respectively. Both real-time PCR assays proved to be valuable for future assessment of interlaboratory studies.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a novel multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for simultaneous detection of up to eight events of genetically modified (GM) maize within a single reaction. The eight detection primer pairs designed to be construct specific for eight respective GM events (i.e., Bt11, Event176, GA21, MON810, MON863, NK603, T25, and TC1507) and a primer pair for an endogenous reference gene, ssIIb, were included in the nonaplex(9plex) PCR system, and its amplified products could be distinguished by agarose gel and capillary electrophoreses based on their different lengths. The optimal condition enabled us to reliably amplify two fragments corresponding to a construct specific sequence and a taxon specific ssIIb in each of the eight events of GM maize and all of nine fragments in a simulated GM mixture containing as little as 0.25% (w/w) each of eight events of GM maize. These results indicate that this multiplex PCR method could be an effective qualitative detection method for screening GM maize.  相似文献   

The genetic modification in fruit and vegetables could lead to changes in metabolic pathways and, therefore, to the variation of the molecular pattern, with particular attention to antioxidant compounds not well-described in the literature. The aim of the present study was to compare the quality composition of transgenic wheat ( Triticum durum L.), corn ( Zea mays L.), and tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) to the nontransgenic control with a similar genetic background. In the first experiment, Ofanto wheat cultivar containing the tobacco rab1 gene and nontransgenic Ofanto were used. The second experiment compared two transgenic lines of corn containing Bacillus thuringiensis "Cry toxin" gene (PR33P67 and Pegaso Bt) to their nontransgenic forms. The third experiment was conducted on transgenic tomato ( Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) containing the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolD gene and its nontransgenic control (cv. Tondino). Conventional and genetically modified crops were compared in terms of fatty acids content, unsaponifiable fraction of antioxidants, total phenols, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, total antioxidant activity, and mineral composition. No significant differences were observed for qualitative traits analyzed in wheat and corn samples. In tomato samples, the total antioxidant activity (TAA), measured by FRAP assay, and the naringenin content showed a lower value in genetically modified organism (GMO) samples (0.35 mmol of Fe (2+) 100 g (-1) and 2.82 mg 100 g (-1), respectively), in comparison to its nontransgenic control (0.41 mmol of Fe (2+) 100 g (-1) and 4.17 mg 100 g (-1), respectively). On the basis of the principle of substantial equivalence, as articulated by the World Health Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, these data support the conclusion that GM events are nutritionally similar to conventional varieties of wheat, corn, and tomato on the market today.  相似文献   

The event-specific real-time detection and quantification of Roundup Ready soybean (RRS) using an ABI PRISM 7700 sequence detection system with light upon extension (LUX) primer was developed in this study. The event-specific primers were designed, targeting the junction of the RRS 5' integration site and the endogenous gene lectin1. Then, a standard reference plasmid was constructed that carried both of the targeted sequences for quantitative analysis. The detection limit of the LUX real-time PCR system was 0.05 ng of 100% RRS genomic DNA, which was equal to 20.5 copies. The range of quantification was from 0.1 to 100%. The sensitivity and range of quantification successfully met the requirement of the labeling rules in the European Union and Taiwan.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods have been developed for the detection of genetically modified (GM) potatoes. The combination of specific primers for amplification of the promoter region of Cry3A gene, potato leafroll virus replicase gene, and potato virus Y coat protein gene allows to identify each line of NewLeaf, NewLeaf Y, and NewLeaf Plus GM potatoes. Multiplex PCR method was also established for the simple and rapid detection of the three lines of GM potato in a mixture sample. For further quantitative detection, the realtime PCR method has been developed. This method features the use of a standard plasmid as a reference molecule. Standard plasmid contains both a specific region of the transgene Cry3A and an endogenous UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase gene of the potato. The test samples containing 0.5, 1, 3, and 5% GM potatoes were quantified by this method. At the 3.0% level of each line of GM potato, the relative standard deviations ranged from 6.0 to 19.6%. This result shows that the above PCR methods are applicable to detect GM potatoes quantitatively as well as qualitatively.  相似文献   

In many countries, the labeling of grains and feed- and foodstuffs is mandatory if the genetically modified organism (GMO) content exceeds a certain level of approved GM varieties. The GMO content in a maize sample containing the combined-trait (stacked) GM maize as determined by the currently available methodology is likely to be overestimated. However, there has been little information in the literature on the mixing level and varieties of stacked GM maize in real sample grains. For the first time, the GMO content of non-identity-preserved (non-IP) maize samples imported from the United States has been successfully determined by using a previously developed individual kernel detection system coupled to a multiplex qualitative PCR method followed by multichannel capillary gel electrophoresis system analysis. To clarify the GMO content in the maize samples imported from the United States, determine how many stacked GM traits are contained therein, and which GM trait varieties frequently appeared in 2005, the GMO content (percent) on a kernel basis and the varieties of the GM kernels in the non-IP maize samples imported from the United States were investigated using the individual kernel analysis system. The average (+/-standard deviation) of the GMO contents on a kernel basis in five non-IP sample lots was determined to be 51.0+/-21.6%, the percentage of a single GM trait grains was 39%, and the percentage of the stacked GM trait grains was 12%. The MON810 grains and NK603 grains were the most frequent varieties in the single GM traits. The most frequent stacked GM traits were the MON810xNK603 grains. In addition, the present study would provide the answer and impact for the quantification of GM maize content in the GM maize kernels on labeling regulation.  相似文献   

An innovative covalent microsphere immunoassay, based on the usage of fluorescent beads coupled to a specific antibody, was developed for the quantification of the endotoxin Cry1Ab present in MON810 and Bt11 genetically modified (GM) maize lines. In particular, a specific protocol was developed to assess the presence of Cry1Ab in a very broad range of GM maize concentrations, from 0.1 to 100% [weight of genetically modified organism (GMO)/weight]. Test linearity was achieved in the range of values from 0.1 to 3%, whereas fluorescence signal increased following a nonlinear model, reaching a plateau at 25%. The limits of detection and quantification were equal to 0.018 and 0.054%, respectively. The present study describes the first application of quantitative high-throughput immunoassays in GMO analysis.  相似文献   

The presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and feed products is subject to regulation in the European Union (EU) and elsewhere. As part of the EU authorization procedure for GMOs intended for food and feed use, reference materials must be produced for the quality control of measurements to quantify the GMOs. Certified reference materials (CRMs) are available for a range of herbicide- and insect-resistant genetically modified crops such as corn, soybean, and cotton. Here the development of the first CRM for a GMO that differs from its non-GMO counterpart in a major compositional constituent, that is, starch, is described. It is shown that the modification of the starch composition of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers, together with other characteristics of the delivered materials, have important consequences for the certification strategy. Moreover, the processing and characterization of the EH92-527-1 potato material required both new and modified procedures, different from those used routinely for CRMs produced from genetically modified seeds.  相似文献   

In 2005 it was reported that the genetically modified (GM) maize strain or "event" called Bt10 had been distributed inadvertently in the United States over the previous 4 years. In order to ensure that grain for food and feed production did not contain trace amounts of Bt10 maize and complied with the applicable regulation, highly sensitive and specific detection of Bt10 maize was required. Accordingly, we developed a novel qualitative PCR system for specific detection of Bt10 maize. Moreover, we amply evaluated the performance characteristics of two PCR systems, our own and the one provided by the developer of Bt10, Syngenta Co. Ltd. It was confirmed that both of the qualitative PCR systems can specifically detect Bt10 maize, and the results of a single-laboratory examination suggested that the limit of detection was approximately less than 0.05% for both methods. To evaluate the reproducibility of the methods, we organized an interlaboratory study with the participation of 6 laboratories and analysis of 240 blind test samples. In this paper, we report, for the first time, the statistical analysis of the qualitative PCR data obtained from the interlaboratory study. The results of this analysis also revealed that there was no significant difference in the sensitivity between the two aforementioned methods and that the limit of detection of both the methods was less than 0.05%. Thus, we conclude that both of the methods are equally suitable for correct identification and sensitive detection of the unapproved GM maize Bt10 event in test samples.  相似文献   

Vegetative insecticidal protein (Vip) is being employed for transgenic expression in selected crops such as cotton, brinjal, and corn. For regulatory compliance, there is a need for a sensitive and reliable detection method, which can distinguish between approved and nonapproved genetically modified (GM) events and quantify GM contents as well. A quantitative immunopolymerase chain reaction (IPCR) method has been developed for the detection and quantification of Vip protein in GM crops. The developed assay displayed a detection limit of 1 ng/mL (1 ppb) and linear quantification range between 10 and 1000 ng/mL of Vip-S protein. The sensitivity of the assay was found to be 10 times higher than an analogous enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Vip-S protein. The results suggest that IPCR has the potential to become a standard method to quantify GM proteins.  相似文献   

With the development of genetically modified organism (GMO) detection techniques, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique has been the mainstay for GMO detection, and real-time PCR is the most effective and important method for GMO quantification. An event-specific detection strategy based on the unique and specific integration junction sequences between the host plant genome DNA and the integrated gene is being developed for its high specificity. This study establishes the event-specific detection methods for TC1507 and CBH351 maizes. In addition, the event-specific TaqMan real-time PCR detection methods for another seven GM maize events (Bt11, Bt176, GA21, MON810, MON863, NK603, and T25) were systematically optimized and developed. In these PCR assays, the fluorescent quencher, TAMRA, was dyed on the T-base of the probe at the internal position to improve the intensity of the fluorescent signal. To overcome the difficulties in obtaining the certified reference materials of these GM maizes, one novel standard reference molecule containing all nine specific integration junction sequences of these GM maizes and the maize endogenous reference gene, zSSIIb, was constructed and used for quantitative analysis. The limits of detection of these methods were 20 copies for these different GM maizes, the limits of quantitation were about 20 copies, and the dynamic ranges for quantification were from 0.05 to 100% in 100 ng of DNA template. Furthermore, nine groups of the mixed maize samples of these nine GM maize events were quantitatively analyzed to evaluate the accuracy and precision. The accuracy expressed as bias varied from 0.67 to 28.00% for the nine tested groups of GM maize samples, and the precision expressed as relative standard deviations was from 0.83 to 26.20%. All of these indicated that the established event-specific real-time PCR detection systems and the reference molecule in this study are suitable for the identification and quantification of these GM maizes.  相似文献   

转基因植物的生态安全性风险   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
转基因植物的应用在对农业生产带来重大变革的同时,其安全性风险备受关注。本文重点论述了转基因植物的生态安全性风险,即转基因植物的使用带来的直接或间接的生态影响,包括:目标害虫对转基因植物的抗性,转基因植物对非目标害虫的毒性及其对寄主嗜好性、有益生物及天敌的安全性、生物多样性及生态系统结构的影响;基因漂移及杂草化问题及应用转基因作物后植保费用的变更等。针对这些关键问题,定量风险评估和制定风险预防与治理策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Two polyclonal antibodies (Pab) were developed for the detection of Tribolium castaneum, which is a stored product pest of medical and economical importance. Selected Pab anti- T. castaneumK51 showed low cross-reactivity to other stored product arthropods but revealed high reactivity to T. destructor, T. confusum, and partly to Tenebrio molitor. PTA-ELISA was used to detect adults, larva, and feces of T. castaneum in artificially contaminated grain samples. Calibration methods were applied to determine detection limits for each type of contaminants. Anti- T.castaneumK51 enabled detection of T. castaneum in grain samples; detection limits reached 60 and 640 individuals/kg of grain for larvae and adults, respectively, and 4 mg of feces/kg of grain. After recalculation, the detection limit for feces enables detection of 30 larvae after 5 days of feeding in optimal conditions. The main advantage of the developed assay is traceability of T. castaneum contamination, especially when the adults and larvae are removed from contaminated material, based on the detection of feces that persist in the grain.  相似文献   

A novel type of quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC-PCR) system for the detection and quantification of the Roundup Ready soybean (RRS) was developed. This system was designed based on the advantage of a fully validated real-time PCR method used for the quantification of RRS in Japan. A plasmid was constructed as a competitor plasmid for the detection and quantification of genetically modified soy, RRS. The plasmid contained the construct-specific sequence of RRS and the taxon-specific sequence of lectin1 (Le1), and both had 21 bp oligonucleotide insertion in the sequences. The plasmid DNA was used as a reference molecule instead of ground seeds, which enabled us to precisely and stably adjust the copy number of targets. The present study demonstrated that the novel plasmid-based QC-PCR method could be a simple and feasible alternative to the real-time PCR method used for the quantification of genetically modified organism contents.  相似文献   

With the increasing development of genetically modified organism (GMO) detection techniques, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique has been the mainstay for GMO detection. An oligonucleotide microarray is a glass chip to the surface of which an array of oligonucleotides was fixed as spots, each containing numerous copies of a sequence-specific probe that is complementary to a gene of interest. So it is used to detect ten or more targets synchronously. In this research, an event-specific detection strategy based on the unique and specific integration junction sequences between the host plant genome DNA and the integrated gene is being developed for its high specificity using multiplex-PCR together with oligonucleotide microarray. A commercial GM soybean (GTS 40-3-2) and six GM maize events (MON810, MON863, Bt176, Bt11, GA21, and T25) were detected by this method. The results indicate that it is a suitable method for the identification of these GM soybean and maizes.  相似文献   

Analytical methods for the qualitative and quantitative detection of genetically modified (GM) products may serve multiple purposes. Legal requirements differ among jurisdictions, ranging from no requirements to mandatory use of event-specific quantitation and implementation of production chain traceability. Although efforts have been taken to harmonize the analytical methodology at national, regional, and international levels, no normative international standards have yet been established. Lack of coherence between analytical methodologies and their applicabilities, on the one hand, and legislation, on the other hand, is a major problem. Here, key points where coherence is lacking are discussed. These include the definition of units of measurements, expression of GM material quantities, terminology, and inconsistent legal status of products derived from related but slightly different transformation routes. Finally, recommendations to improve the coherence are brought forward, including guidance to stakeholders for prediction of product-specific GM material quantities from gene ratios in the originating seed.  相似文献   

The coexistence of genetically modified (GM) and non-GM crops is an important economic and political issue in the European Union. We examined the GM content in non-GM maize crops in Spain in 2005. Both the standing crop and the harvest were tested, and the %GM DNA was quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction. We compared the level of GM as a function of distance from known GM source fields in a 1.2 km2 landscape. The distribution of GM was compared to predictions from previous studies, and good agreement was found. Control and monitoring of adventitious GM presence in non-GM crops can only be achieved by fit-for-purpose sampling and testing schemes. We used a GM dispersal function to simulate non-GM crops in the studied zone and tested the accuracy of five different sampling schemes. Random sampling was found to be the most accurate and least susceptible to bias by GM spatial structure or gradients. Simulations showed that to achieve greater than 95% confidence in a GM labeling decision of a harvest (when treated as a single marketed lot), 34 samples would be needed when the harvest was outside 50% of the GM threshold value. The number of samples required increased rapidly as the harvest approached the GM threshold, implying that accurate labeling when the harvest is within +/-17% of the threshold may not be possible with high confidence.  相似文献   

To meet the labeling and traceability requirement of genetically modified (GM) maize and their products for trade and regulation, it is essential to develop a specific detection method for monitoring the presence of GM content. In this work, six GM maize lines, including GA21, Bt11, NK603, Bt176, Mir604, and Mon810, were simultaneously detected by universal primer-multiplex-polymerase chain reaction (UP-M-PCR), and the amplicons for the six event-specific genes as well as the endogenous Ivr gene were successfully separated by the method of capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fluorescence (CE-LIF). The UP-M-PCR method overcame the disadvantages in conventional M-PCR, such as complex manipulation, lower sensitivity, amplification disparity resulting from different primers, etc., and in combination with CE-LIF, it obtained a high sensitivity of 0.1 ng for both single and mixed DNA samples. The established method can be widely used for the qualitative identification of the GM maize lines.  相似文献   

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