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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two transport journeys (3 and 16 h) and four lairage times at the abattoir (3, 6, 12 and 24 h) on some stress indicators in steers to validate the current Chilean legislation of a minimum lairage period of 12 h for cattle arriving at abattoirs.The study was carried out twice, 80 steers in the winter and 80 in the summer of 1999. Forty steers were transported for 3 h and 40 for 16 h. At arrival in the slaughterhouse, the 40 transported steers were randomly divided in four lairage groups. Blood samples were collected before loading at arrival at the slaughterhouse and at slaughter during exsanguination.Mixed models were used to determine the associations between the stress indicators and the independent variables while correcting for the repeated observations on animals. Lairage increased plasma cortisol and PCV values independent of the transport duration. Glucose concentrations in steers transported for 16 h further increased after 3 and 6 h of lairage but decreased after 12 and 24 h of lairage. In steers transported for 3 h, glucose concentrations only increased after 24 h of lairage. After 24 h of lairage, the steers transported for 16 h had increased βHB concentrations compared with those transported for 3 h. Plasma CK activity was increased in steers after transport but was not affected by lairage. The study shows that there is no beneficial effect on the welfare of the animals by a long lairage time at the abattoir.  相似文献   

The effects of transporting Holstein Friesian bulls (n=72; bodyweight 403+/-3.5 kg) for 12h by road were examined. Adrenal, haematological and immune responses, body temperature and performance were recorded. The animals had been previously housed for 96 days at three space allowances (1.2, 2.7 or 4.2m(2) per bull). The bulls were allocated to one of two treatments: T (transport for 12h; n=16 per space allowance) and C (control; n=8 per space allowance). Basal cortisol plasma concentrations and interferon (IFN)-gamma production from cultured lymphocytes did not show any statistically significant difference (P>0.05) following the housing period. Removing bulls from their home pens and walking them to the pre-loading crush facility, loading onto the transporter, and unloading following the 12h road journey, significantly (P<0.001) increased plasma cortisol concentration. The bulls housed at 4.2m(2) had greater (P<0.05) plasma cortisol concentrations than bulls housed at 1.2m(2) at loading, unloading, or on return to the crush holding facility; those housed at 1.2m(2) had greater (P<0.05) plasma cortisol concentrations than bulls housed at 2.7 and 4.2m(2) in their home pens after transport. There was an increased (P<0.05) plasma cortisol response in the T than in the C bulls following adrenocorticotrophic hormone administration. Transport significantly reduced (P<0.05) IFN-gamma production, lymphocyte % and body weight and significantly increased (P<0.05) neutrophils, eosinophils, packed cell volume, red blood cell numbers and haemoglobin. In conclusion, housing bulls for 96 days in a range of space allowances did not affect basal cortisol response or immune function parameters. Whereas transport increased plasma cortisol and reduced the immune response in the short-term, the changes were transient and within normal physiological ranges, suggesting that 12h road transport had no adverse effect on welfare status over the longer term. Furthermore, transport of bulls housed at increased space allowance (4.2m(2)/bull) resulted in a greater plasma cortisol response, albeit still within normal physiological range.  相似文献   

Submission of blood samples to referral laboratories is very common in veterinary practice. Internal reference ranges should take into account published ranges adapted to the methods and apparatus used and to the population under consideration. The aim of this study was to examine the results from 1022 consecutive canine blood tests, analysing the frequency and the main associations of abnormalities, and to compare the results in different age groups. Haemograms and serum biochemistry were compared with internal ranges and between age groups: younger than one year, one to eight years and older than eight years. Young dogs exhibited lower numbers of erythrocytes and lower values for haemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume. They also showed higher numbers of lymphocytes and higher concentrations of phosphorus and 71 per cent showed raised alkaline phosphatase. Neutrophilia, hypergammaglobulinaemia andhypoalbuminaemiaoccurred quite frequently in all dogs, and hypoalbuminaemia and hyperphosphataemia were commonly seen in uraemic patients. The simultaneous evaluation of cytolytic and hepatobiliary enzymes allowed better detection of liver damage, since only a very low percentage of dogs had simultaneous increases in all hepatic enzymes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the viability of 7- and 8-day-old equine embryos cooled and stored for 6 or 24 hours in two different transport systems. Embryos (n = 97) were recovered on day 7 or 8 and assigned to 10 groups (n = 10/group). Embryos within the same age group (D7 or D8) were evaluated immediately after collection (Group-0h) or after storage in an Equitainer at 5°C for 24 hours in 5 ml Emcare Holding Solution (EHS) (Group-E-24h) or 5 ml Ham's F10 (Group-H-24h) or in a refrigerator at 5°C in 500 ml Emcare Flushing Solution (EFS) for 6 hours (Group-B-6h) or 24 hours (Group-B-24h). After collection or storage, embryos were incubated in 1 μg/ml DAPI to determine the percentage of dead cells per embryo (DAPI positive, fluorescent cells). Subsequently, embryos were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and re-stained with DAPI to determine the total number of cells. The percentage of dead cells in group-0h and B-6h was similar and significantly lower than for embryos stored for 24 hours in groups B-24h, E-24h, and H-24h. The percentage of dead cells was similar for embryos stored in an Equitainer (groups E-24h and H-24h) and was significantly higher for embryos stored 24 hours in EFS (Group B-24h). Within each storage system (0h, B-6h, B-24h, E-24h, and H-24h) no significant difference in the percentage of dead cells was observed between 7- and 8-day-old embryos. Storage in 500 ml EFS at 5°C for 6 hours resulted in embryos of better quality than after the traditional 24-hour storage in an Equitainer, suggesting that this simplified system offers a good alternative for short-term storage and transport.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish comprehensive reference values for horses working in developing countries, and to compare them against accepted values for horses in developed countries, supporting diagnosis and clinical decision-making. Horses in developing countries usually perform strenuous work in hot, resource-limited conditions, so their ‘normal’ blood parameters may differ from other horses. Blood was analysed from 203 working horses in Pakistan, meeting defined clinical criteria. Age, sex, body condition and work-type showed small significant effects, but none were clinically relevant. Of the 32 reference intervals, 28 overlapped those of UK horses. However, the entire reference interval for creatine kinase was higher than for UK horses, while those for erythrocytes, albumin and albumin:globulin ratio were lower. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations were also low. Therefore, apparently healthy working horses may have chronic muscle damage from overwork, and may have sub-clinical anaemia. Interventions combating these conditions could improve animal welfare, although it is unclear whether differences between UK and Pakistan reference values reflect chronic abnormalities, or are in fact physiological adaptations enabling horses to cope with the challenging conditions.  相似文献   

川牛膝多糖对鸡血清抗体和血液生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给7日龄仔鸡饲喂400mg/kg的川牛膝多糖,同时设对照组。在14、21和28日龄采颈静脉血,分别检测血清抗体(IgG、IgA、IgM)和血液生化指标(谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、钙、白蛋白)。结果显示:川牛膝多糖400mg/kg剂量组与对照组相比,IgG、IgA和IgM差异均显著(0.01〈P≤0.05),而白蛋白、谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶、碱性磷酸酶、钙的差异均不显著。说明川牛膝多糖可通过提高血清水平来提高机体的免疫能力;同时对机体各项血液生化指标无不良影响,可作为饲料添加剂应用于畜禽业。  相似文献   

对青海省乐都县51头驴的13项血清(浆)生化参数进行测定,结果:总蛋白为74.4±9.7g/L,A/G为O.9±0.2,总脂为2.5±0.6g/L,胆固醇为2.5±0.9mmol/L,K ̄+为4.5±0.5mmol/L,Na ̄+为137±3mmol/L,Ca ̄(2+)为2.3±0.3mmol/L,Mg ̄(2+)为1.6±0.4mmol/L,无机磷为2.0±0.6mmol/L,GPT为8.4±6.4IU/L,GOT为11.6±9.7IU/L,血浆葡萄糖为5.6±0.5mmol/L;上述参数在骟、母驴间无显著差异。  相似文献   

M. Werner  C. Gallo   《Livestock Science》2008,115(1):94-98
The aim of the present study was to determine, in horses destined to slaughter, the effects of transport, lairage and stunning on some blood constituents related to stress. Twenty one horses culled from a race track due to poor athletic performance, transported weekly to a nearby slaughterhouse were used. Each horse was canulated through venipuncture of the right jugular vein with a central venous catheter which remained permanently until after the exsanguination. Through the catheter, blood samples were taken at 6 sampling times: one hour before loading of the horses, immediately after loading, at the end of the journey, immediately after unloading, after lairage, in the stunning box before stunning and during exsanguination. Blood samples were analyzed for the following variables: plasma lactate concentration, plasma creatine phosphokinase activity (CK), plasma glucose concentration, plasma cortisol concentration and packed cell volume (PCV). Time in the stunning box, number of stunning attempts, presence of return to consciousness signs and time between stunning and sticking were also recorded. The results for pre-mortem variables were: mean time in the stunning box 9 min 48 sec, 85.7% of the horses fell at the first stunning attempt, 57.2% of the horses showed signs of returning to consciousness after stunning and the most frequent interval between stunning and sticking was 1.01 to 2 min. Mean values for the blood variables showed a significant rise (P < 0.05) in the concentrations of lactate, glucose and cortisol, as well as CK activity and PCV during transport. The highest values for these blood constituents were seen before stunning and during exsanguination, except for cortisol concentration, which showed the highest values during the transport process.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary live yeast (LY) supplementation during late gestation and lactation on reproductive performance, colostrum and milk composition, blood biochemical and immunological parameters of sows. A total of 40 multiparous sows were randomly fed either the control (CON) diet or the CON diet supplemented with LY at 1 g/kg from d 90 of gestation to weaning. Results showed that the number of stillborn piglets and low BW piglets were significantly decreased in the LY-supplemented sows compared with sows in the CON group (P < 0.05). Moreover, the concentrations of protein, lactose and solids-not-fat were increased in the colostrum of LY-supplemented sows (P < 0.05). Interestingly, the plasma activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GGT) at d 1 of lactation and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) at weaning day were decreased by feeding LY diet (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, sows fed LY diet had higher plasma concentration of immunoglobulin G compared with sows fed CON diet at d 1 of lactation (P < 0.05). In conclusion, LY supplementation in maternal diets decreased the number of stillborn piglets and low BW piglets, improved colostrum quality and health status of sows.  相似文献   

(1) To evaluate the cognitive ability of male and female Vanaraja birds, three hundred and sixty 1-d-old sexed chickens were reared under similar conditions in three treatment groups with 4 replicates in each group: 120 females in Treatment 1, 120 males in Treatment 2 and both males and females (60 + 60) as a mixed group in Treatment 3.

(2) To assess learning ability, the birds were trained in T- and Y-mazes and tested at 3-week intervals in 4 test schedules (21, 42, 63 and 84 d). The birds were put into tonic immobility (TI) in each test schedule.

(3) In each maze test, the latency to find the feed was regarded as a successful completion of the task. In the TI-test, the time taken to stabilise on a plane surface after swinging in the hanging cradle for 20–25 s was recorded.

(4) The results indicated that male birds appeared to be cognitively superior to females in terms of learning and cognitive evolution in all the mazes, but by d 84, the females performed as well as the males. With increasing age, spatial memory gathering and processing improved. In the TI-test, the effect of sex or grouping system had no significant effect on the performance of birds at the various ages.  相似文献   

选用 3 0 0只 AA肉仔鸡 ,随机分为 5组。在基础日粮的基础上 ,分别添加 0 %、0 .2 %、0 .3 %、0 .4%、1 .2 %的有机微量元素。 7周后每组随机抽取 1 0只鸡 ,心脏采血 ,测定血清总蛋白、总氨基酸、血糖、α-淀粉酶、谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶的活性 ,并测定总增重、平均日增重、耗料量和料肉比。结果表明 ,添加 0 .3 %有机微量元素的肉仔鸡 ,其血清总蛋白、总氨基酸、血糖水平和α-淀粉酶、谷胱苷肽过氧化物酶的活性均显著高于对照组 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,其总增重也显著高于对照组( P<0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   

Electroejaculation (EE) is a technique widely used to collect semen in ruminants, which produces a stress response with negative effects on animal welfare. The aim of this paper was to characterize the stress response during conventional EE in rams that have been frequently electroejaculated. Blood samples were collected since 20 min before and until 120 min after electroejaculating 10 rams. Electroejaculation affected hormone concentration, as cortisol increased, and testosterone decreased after EE. Heart and respiratory rate increased 10 min after EE. Several blood parameters, such as glycaemia, an increase in total protein and creatine kinase concentrations and a decrease in haematocrit, haemoglobin, red blood cell and alkaline phosphatase concentrations. The rams vocalized 13.8 ± 2.4 times, and the largest length of vocalizations during EE was associated with the numbers of pulses in which the rams ejaculated. In this paper, we provide a complete characterization of the stress response to EE in rams. We showed that although rams have been frequently electroejaculated, an important stress response including changes in respiratory rate, testosterone concentrations, haematological and biochemical parameters were observed, besides the changes in cortisol concentrations and heart rate, suggesting that rams were not habituated to EE. In addition, we described the main parameters of vocalizations and its relation with the moment of EE. The information displayed on the frequent use of EE in the rams should be considered in relation to the welfare implications.  相似文献   

动物福利法的基本出发点是让动物在康乐的状态下生存,即减少其所受的不必要的痛苦,并且针对不同动物采取不同的福利标准,让人与动物和谐相处,从而推动社会的文明进步。本文对动物福利法的历史起源、现状及意义进行了叙述,并对动物福利法的立法宗旨、福利标准、结构框架及对中国法制进程的影响等诸方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

饲喂IgG对仔猪血液生化指标和生产性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验分两批选用 12 0 ,6 0头大白仔猪 ,出生 2 4h之内饲喂不同剂量的免疫球蛋白制剂 0 ,4 80 ,96 0mg ,均吮食初乳。于仔猪 5 ,10 ,15日龄前腔静脉采血 ,测定血清总蛋白、血清IgG、血清碱性磷酸酶和血红蛋白含量 ,并测定仔猪断奶时增重 ,哺乳前、后期平均日增重。结果表明 :饲喂不同水平的IgG ,仔猪 5 ,10日龄血清总蛋白、血清碱性磷酸酶活性和血红蛋白含量均显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。饲喂高水平IgG(96 0mg)的仔猪 ,5日龄血清IgG水平显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。哺乳前期 (0~ 15日龄 )各处理组仔猪平均日增重显著高对照组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,断奶时增重也显著高于对照组 (P <0 0 5 )。  相似文献   

Reference values for haematological and blood biochemical variables may vary per breed and are influenced by age and, to a certain extent, by rearing conditions. To investigate the influence of age and rearing conditions, these variables were measured in Dutch Warmblood foals from birth to 5 months of age. The foals were divided into three groups with different exercise regimens: 14 foals got boxrest with no exercise; 14 foals were kept in comparable boxes, but received daily exercise; and 15 foals were maintained on pasture with free exercise. Blood samples were collected each month and 36 haematological and biochemical variables were measured. The influence of age and rearing conditions was statistically evaluated. Significant age effects were found for all variables with the exception of band-shaped leucocytes, eosinophilic leucocytes, basophilic leucocytes, monocytes, platelets, pCO2, and sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, creatinine and creatine phosphokinase levels. Rearing conditions appeared to influence the haemoglobin, packed cell volume, pH, base excess, bicarbonate, chloride, urea, and alkaline phosphatase values. Most age-related differences can be explained by growth and differentiation-related processes that are specific for young animals. Differences due to the different rearing conditions can partly be explained by the higher metabolism and greater maturation of tissues in foals maintained on pasture with free exercise. Some other differences were minor and were probably of no clinical relevance. The conclusion is that haematological and blood biochemical variables in the Dutch Warmblood foal mainly depend on age, thus warranting the use of specific age-related reference values for foals of this breed.  相似文献   

为研究运输应激对北京鸭血液激素、生化指标和肉品质的影响,试验将288只雌雄各半的42日龄北京鸭随机分为4个处理:0.5 h×2只,笼、0.5 h×4只/笼、2 h×2只/笼和2 h×4只/笼,每个处理24笼。运输后进行取样。结果2 h运输时间降低肉鸭血清皮质酮(CORT,P0.05)浓度和腿肌pH值24 h(P0.05),升高滴水损失(WDL,P0.05);运输时间和运输密度对肉鸭血清天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST,P0.05)、肌酸激酶(CK,P=0.088)有交互作用,运输0.5 h后,2只/笼组肉鸭血清AST、CK浓度高于4只/笼,运输2 h后,4只/笼组肉鸭血清AST、CK浓度高于2只,笼。表明与运输0.5 h组相比,运输2 h组的肉品质较差,肉鸭的运输时间应小于2 h。运输0.5 h可以提高运输密度,运输2 h需要降低运输密度。  相似文献   

《Veterinary microbiology》2015,175(2-4):325-331
Even with advancements in pre- and post-harvest food safety, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) still present challenges to human health. Since cattle are the primary reservoir for STEC, lowering the prevalence of this pathogen in farm animals may reduce STEC outbreaks in humans. However, because many of the factors that modulate the colonization and persistence of STEC in cattle remain unknown, reducing STEC in this host is challenging. In this study, we evaluated a cohort of beef cattle one to eleven years of age to determine the effect of animal age on the prevalence of STEC. During the first year of sample collection, heifers had significantly lower STEC prevalence than cows (37.5% vs. 70%). In the second year of sample collection, STEC prevalence peaked in cows that were two years of age and tended to decrease as animals became older. In addition, by studying a subset of the animals in both years, we observed an increase in STEC prevalence from 40.6% to 53.1% in heifers, whereas cows had a net decrease in STEC prevalence from 71.4% to 61.9%. The results from this study indicate that animal age is a significant factor that influences the prevalence of STEC in cattle. These findings have implications for the development of on-farm mitigation strategies by targeting animals with the highest risk of shedding; it could be possible to reduce pathogen transmission among cattle and prevent zoonotic or foodborne transmission to humans.  相似文献   

中药饲料添加剂对肉牛生产性能和血液指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
选用20头杂交架子牛, 随机分2组, 研究日粮中添加中药饲料添加剂对肉牛生产性能和血液指标的影响。结果表明, 肉牛日粮中添加中药饲料添加剂, 可显著提高日增重、血液中淋巴细胞数量、血糖和血钙含量, 非蛋白氮含量显著下降; 血液中白细胞、分叶细胞、采食量、饲料转化率、各养分消化率均有上升趋势, 但组间无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同温度热应激对肉鸡血液生化指标及肉品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同温度热应激对肉鸡感官性状及血液生化指标的影响。将80只30日龄的AA肉鸡随机分为4组,每组20羽。对照组环境温度为(25±1)℃,其他3组受试鸡的环境温度迅速上升至(33±1)℃、(37±1)℃、(41±1)℃,并分别持续4h的热应激处理。宰杀后测定鸡胸肉的pH、滴水损失、肉色和剪切力,利用临床血液病理学的方法,检测宰前不同强度热应激对肉鸡血液生化指标的影响。结果显示,宰前热应激明显降低宰后肉鸡胸肉的pH30min、pH24h和a*值,明显提高宰后肉鸡滴水损失、L*值和剪切力值;随热应激温度升高,血清中肌酸激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和丙二醛(MDA)活性逐渐升高,碱性磷酸酶(AKP)活性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

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