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The ringed seal [Pusa (Phoca) hispida], as well as other seals, exhibits unique anatomical properties when compared to its terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous marine adaptation is the aortic bulb. This large dilatation of the ascending aorta is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The peculiarities of the venous system are: three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous plexus. Generally, three common pulmonary veins (right, left and caudal) empty into the left atrium. The pericardial venous plexus lies deep to the mediastinal pericardial pleura (pleura pericardica) on the auricular (ventral) surface of the heart. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated (the hepatic sinus), and near the cranial extremity of the kidneys, it becomes biphid. The azygos vein is formed from the union of the right and left azygos veins at the level of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Cardiovascular physiological studies show some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving. This investigation documents the large blood vessels associated with the heart and related structures in the ringed seal.  相似文献   

The gross anatomical structure of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) gastrointestinal tract is poorly described and often veterinary anatomical terminology is not used. Although the basic abdominal visceral pattern corresponded to domestic carnivores, significant differences were noted. The stomach was an elongated sharply bent tube (u‐shaped) with the pylorus and fundus juxtaposed. The elongated jejunum measured up to 15.6 times body length and had 37 jejunal arteries from the cranial mesenteric artery. The pancreas was asymmetrical with a small right lobe and a large left lobe. The unusually short greater omentum negated formation of deep and superficial leaves. The most remarkable difference was the separation of the liver parenchyma into three physically separate masses, held together by hepatic ducts, veins and arteries. The topography and position of the liver was dependent on the amount of blood in the hepatic sinus (distended hepatic veins and hepatic portion of vena cava). Thus, as the hepatic sinus filled, the lateral liver masses separate from the central mass by moving caudolaterally. This was facilitated by modified coronary and triangular ligaments which did not attach directly to the liver, but instead to the hepatic sinus. These anatomical adaptations are apparently advantageous to ringed seal's survival in a deep marine environment.  相似文献   

The ringed seal (Phoca hispida), as well as other seals, exhibit some unique anatomical properties when compared to their terrestrial counterparts. In the ringed seal, the most conspicuous adaptation is the aortic bulb, a large dilatation of the ascending aorta, which is comparable to that found in other seal species and marine mammals. Coronary arteries are similar to those of terrestrial mammals. The branches of the ascending aorta (brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) are similar to those of higher primates and man. The pulmonary trunk originates from the right ventricle near the ventral midline of the thorax. The peculiarities of the venous system are three pulmonary veins, a pericardial venous plexus, a caval sphincter, a hepatic sinus with paired caudal vena cavae and a large extradural venous system. Generally, three pulmonary veins (right, left, middle) empty into the left atrium. The right and left pulmonary veins drain the cranial and middle lung lobes of their respective lung, while the middle pulmonary vein drains both caudal lung lobes and the accessory lobe. The pericardial venous plexus lies on the pericardial pleura on the auricular (ventral) surface the heart. The azygous vein is formed from the union of right and left azygous veins near the 5th thoracic vertebra. The caval sphincter surrounds the caudal vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm. Caudal to the diaphragm, the vena cava is dilated excessively (the hepatic sinus) and near the kidneys it is biphid. Cardiovascular physiological studies have shown some of these anatomical variations, especially of the venous system and the ascending aorta, to be modifications for diving.  相似文献   

The morphologic and morphometric features of the lower respiratory system in mole rats were examined. It was seen that the low respiratory system of this species leading a special life under highly hypoxic/hypercapnic conditions underground is structurally similar to other mammals living on land in terms of the parts examined; trachea was formed by 29.5 ± 4 oval‐formed cartilaginous tracheals arranged backwards and became gradually more stenotic diameter from cranial to the caudal of the neck. The trachea was separated in two principal bronchus at the fourth thoracal intercostal spatium level. The angle between the two main principal bronchi was 60.5 ± 2.35°. The lung constituted 1.29 ± 0.03% of the body weight and the right lung was heavier than the left lung. Fissura inter‐lobaris was deep and separated the lung lobes wholly, and the right lung was separated in four lobes, whereas the left lung was not separated into the lobes. Also, the medial lobe of the left lung was the lightest lobe.  相似文献   

Anatomical properties of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) heart and associated blood vessels reveal adaptations related to requirements for diving. Seven adult ringed seals were embalmed and dissected to document the gross anatomical features of the heart. Computed tomography images of the thoracic cavity were taken on one seal prior to dissection. The shape and position of the heart is different from the typical carnivore heart. The most notable difference is its dorsoventral flattened appearance with its right and left sides positioned, respectively, within the thoracic cavity. The long axis of the heart is positioned horizontally, parallel to the sternum. The right ventricle is spacious with thin walls which extend caudally to the apex of the heart such that the apex is comprised of both right and left ventricles. The cusps of the left atrioventricular valve of the ringed seal heart resemble an uninterrupted, circular curtain making it challenging to distinguish the divisions into parietal and septal cusps.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Diseases and abnormal physiologic conditions can alter the concentrations of enzymes, metabolites, minerals, and hormones in the blood of animals. The ringed seal (Pusa hispida) has been selected as a key species for environmental monitoring, but information on disease and health parameters for this species is scarce. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study reported here was to obtain serum chemistry reference intervals for free-ranging ringed seals in Svalbard, and then to evaluate serum chemistry values in relation to age, body condition, and sex. METHODS: Blood samples were collected after death from ringed seals in Wijdefjorden and Billefjorden, Svalbard (2002-2003; n = 75). Serum was analyzed for 24 selected serum chemistry parameters (enzymes, protein, metabolites, minerals, and cortisol). RESULTS: Compared with younger or older animals, seals between 7 and 16 years of age had larger variations in the activities of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatine kinase (CK). Animals classified as having low body condition status had more variation in the serum activity of these enzymes, compared with that in animals with higher condition scores. Serum cortisol concentration was higher in young animals (1-5 years) than in older animals. Serum CK activity was higher in males than in females. CONCLUSION: The data reported here may be useful in monitoring the health of ringed seals and for tracking the impact of environmental changes in the Arctic.  相似文献   

The microscopic anatomy of the ringed seal lung exhibits unique features and many features similar to those described in other seal species. Unique features include: Trachealis muscle predominately oriented longitudinally; Large veins within the tracheal wall supported by elastic fibers; Goblet cells and pseudostratified epithelium lining the duct system of bronchial glands of the segmental bronchi; Lamina propria of the segmental bronchus heavily invested with elastic fibers clustered into dense longitudinal bundles; and Capillaries and venules covered with squamous epithelium protruding into bronchiolar lumina. Common features include: Cartilage support of the bronchial tree extending distally into respiratory bronchioles; Smooth muscle enhancements in the distal airways producing sphincter like formations; and Lungs extensively supported with interstitial tissue, which divide lungs into lobules.  相似文献   

黄渤海斑海豹种群现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丕烈  韩家波  马志强 《野生动物》2008,29(1):29-31,39
2003~2007年,对斑海豹在渤海的繁殖区和辽东湾北部双台子河口、大连旅顺虎平岛及渤海海峡的庙岛群岛3个栖息地,分别进行了斑海豹种群数量调查,并对黄海北部韩国白翎岛斑海豹度夏栖息地进行了现场考察.调查结果表明:渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量处于动态变化之中,空间分布格局虽未发生明显变化,但斑海豹种群数量有下降趋势.白翎岛栖息地斑海豹数量波动与渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量密切相关.由于生态环境不断恶化,尤其近年偷猎现象增多,严重威胁着本种群的生存.为此,亟待加强对斑海豹资源的保护.  相似文献   

虎斑颈槽蛇消化、呼吸和生殖系统的解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophistigrina)是分布比较广泛的爬行动物。本文主要对其消化、呼吸、生殖系统的形态结构特征进行了较详细报道。  相似文献   

Investigations for Brucella-infections were conducted in 29 hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) caught between Svalbard and Greenland (North Atlantic Ocean; Greenland Sea) autumn 2002, and from 20 ringed seals (Phoca hispida) caught in Billefjord, Svalbard, spring 2003. All animals were apparently healthy and were caught in their natural habitat. Bacteriology on tissue samples from ringed seals was negative, whereas Brucella sp. were recovered in tissues from 11 of the 29 hooded seals (38%), with the highest tissue prevalence in spleen (9/29) and lung lymph nodes (9/24). Anti-Brucella antibodies were detected in sera from 9 hooded seals (31%) (EDTA-modified Slow Agglutination test of Wright, Rose Bengal test, Complement Fixation Test, and Protein-A ELISA). The bacterial isolates all belonged to the genus Brucella according to classical biotyping and PCR analysis based on Insertion Sequence IS711, and were shown to be typical marine mammal strains, based on the occurrence of an IS711 element downstream of the bp26 gene. Their dependency on CO2 for growth, and the presence of one copy each of the omp2a and omp2b gene finally classified them as Brucella pinnipediae. Furthermore, all the hooded seal isolates showed an A+ M+ agglutination profile, which is different from the profile of reference seal strain 2/94 (harbour seal, Phoca vitulina). Thus, these results indicate that B. pinnipediae may contain different biovars. The present results suggest that infection with B. pinnipediae is enzootic in this population. Since the hooded seal is commercially hunted and consumed in Norway, the pathological impact of such infections and their zoonotic potential should be further addressed.  相似文献   

The vascular anatomy of the ethmoidal area in six normal horses and two normal ponies was studied using vascularcorrosion casts. The major arterial supply to the ethmoidal area sterns from an intracranial source. The internal and external ethmoidal arteries anastomose on the rostral intracranial surface of the cribriform plate to form the arterial ethmoidal rete which arborizes and passes through the perforations of the cribriform plate to supply the ethmoid labyrinth. A minor arterial supply to the ventral portion of the ethmoid labyrinth sterns from a small caudal nasal branch of the sphenopalatine artery. Multiple parallel venules drain the ethmoid labyrinth rostrally to its apex then join the venous drainage from the surrounding sinuses.  相似文献   

Vibrissae (whiskers) play a key role in underwater orientation in foraging phocids through vibrotactile sensation processing. Our aim was to evaluate the structure of northern elephant seal (NES) vibrissae by means of light (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), in order to elucidate their function. Vibrissal follicles were processed using standardized laboratory methods and LM/TEM techniques. Individual follicular axonal numbers were counted and axonal diameter measured and averaged. NES have mystacial, rhinal, supraorbital and labial vibrissae. The vibrissal follicles are histologically subdivided into a ring, upper and lower cavernous sinuses (LCS). Each vibrissa is innervated by the deep vibrissal nerve. The average number of axons per large mystacial vibrissa is 1804 (±123), rhinal 985 (±241), supraorbital 1,064 (±204) and 374 (±65) in labial vibrissa. The entire vibrissal system carries an estimated 148 573 axons, and mystacial vibrissae alone have 125 323 axons. Axonal conduction velocity for each vibrissal type is 55.26 m/s for labial, 56.58 m/s for rhinal and 35.88 m/s for mystacial vibrissae. TEM and LM revealed a plethora of mechanoreceptors within the vibrissal follicles: Merkel cell‐neurite complexes, lanceolate and pilo‐Ruffini end organs. A vast number of sensory axons projecting from the entire vibrissal system indicate that the vibrissal sensory area takes up a large proportion of phocids’ somatosensory cortex. In conclusion, NES has highly sensitive and finely tuned vibrotactile vibrissal sense organs.  相似文献   

The stomach of the Hippopotamidae is four-chambered. The first three compartments situated near the cardia, the visceral and the parietal (including the vestibulum) blindsac together with the connecting chamber, are forestomachs with non-glandular epithelium. The fourth compartment has a glandular lining. The compartments of the stomach make it possible to store the food and enable symbionts to live within the organ. Very likely the complicated system of folds within the forestomachs permits the separation of gastric liquid and the fine food particles from the coarse particles that remain in the forestomachs for a longer time to be decomposed by microbial activity. Since it can be assumed that the absorption of products of microbial activity and the increase of the forestomachs' internal surfaces corellate with each other, the factor of increase in surface area has been measured in these gastric compartments. Digestion in the hippo stomach could be ruminant-like. Most functional phenomena in the stomach of the Hippopotamidae, however, are not yet clarified.  相似文献   

A Light, scanning and transmission electron microscopic study of the coyote respiratory system was carried out, utilizing ten coyotes of both sexes. The animals ranges in age from 8 to 24 months and were in good health. Comparison of the respiratory tissues of the coyote with other Canid species are made.  相似文献   

Anaplasma (A.) phagocytophilum is a tick-transmitted obligate intracellular bacterium and has been identified in a wide range of mammalian species, causing febrile disease in some. Few reports show that it can also cause granulocytic anaplasmosis in cats. As data on the occurrence of A. phagocytophilum in cats from Germany is limited, a total of 326 serum and 306 EDTA-blood samples from cats from Germany were screened by direct (Giemsa-stained blood/buffy coat smears, real-time PCR) and indirect (IFAT) methods. Of 274 Giemsa-stained blood smears which could be evaluated none was positive for morulae, but one blood sample (< or =0.1%; 1/306) was positive for A. < or = phagocytophilum-DNA in PCR. Antibodies (cutoff > or = 1:64) were detected in 53 out of 326 samples (16.2%). Altogether, the results show a high seroprevalence rate of anti-A. phagocytophilum antibodies in cats in Germany while the low detection rate of this bacterial agent by direct methods is similar to those of other studies on A. phagocytophilum infections in cats.  相似文献   

The muscles of mastication and their related skull characters in the Caspian seal (Phoca caspica) were anatomically examined and compared with those of the Baikal (Phoca sibirica) and ringed (Phoca hispida) seals. A well-developed masseter muscle was observed in the Caspian seal, whereas the temporal muscle consisted of thin bundles. The skull of the Caspian seal possessed the same thin frontal bone and the dorso-ventrally developed zygomatic arch found in the Baikal seal that are required to install the enlarged eyeball into the orbit. The temporal bone was not robust, and the digastric muscle was well-developed in the ventral space of the auditory bulla. The present results suggest that the skull form of the Caspian seal has changed morphologically from its ringed seal-like ancestors, and suggest that the evolutionary strategy of the muscles of mastication in the Caspian seal is principally consistent with that of the Baikal seal.  相似文献   

Veterinary surgeons may be presented with seal pups that require rearing and rehabilitation. This paper describes the feeding, weight gains and clinical care of 22 harbour or common seal pups (Phoca vitulina) that were reared and rehabilitated at the RSPCA Seal Assessment Unit in Norfolk during 1989. Eighteen of the seals survived and were released but four died. On arrival the pups' mean (+/- sd) bodyweight was 9.2 +/- 2.1 kg; those which survived stayed an average of 14.2 +/- 2.3 weeks before they were released at an average weight of 35.5 +/- 3.5 kg.  相似文献   

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