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A 7-year-old Arabian gelding was presented with a 9-month history of progressive patches of nonpruritic scaling, crusting, alopecia, and leukoderma of the periocular areas and muzzle, becoming generalized over time. Sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed on histopathologic examination. Lesions resolved without treatment, coinciding with regression of a sarcoid on the neck.  相似文献   

Affected cats were three Bengals, one male and two females, whose age at onset of lesions ranged from 13- to 20-weeks old. Nasal planum scaling progressed to thick crusting, consequent exfoliation and exposure of underlying erosions. No signs of pruritus or pain were present but mild respiratory signs were noticed. In all cats, haematology and biochemistry were normal, they were FIV and FeLV negative, PCR for herpesvirus, calicivirus and Chlamydia were negative, and viral isolation for calicivirus and herpesvirus was negative. Wood's lamp examination was negative, as were bacterial and fungal cultures. Cytology showed exfoliating keratinocytes. A skin biopsy taken from one case showed no significant changes. Biopsies from the nasal planum of four dead cats with nondermatological conditions (controls) were collected for comparative studies. Morphometry to record the percentage of the granular layer (GL) and stratum corneum (SC) on the total thickness of the epidermis of the nasal planum was performed. The GL and SC accounted for 10.2 and 21.7% of the epidermal thickness in the affected cat, compared to 18.3 and 20.2%, respectively, in the controls. A significant reduction ( P  < 0.02) of the SC thickness was detected in the affected cat compared to controls. No treatment was instituted as all cats underwent complete (two cats) or nearly complete (one cat) resolution. The reported cases share the same breed, age at onset, type of lesions and a similar outcome. A reduction of the SC thickness in one of the affected cats was recorded. Therefore, an underlying congenital condition is suspected that manifests with high epidermal cell turnover and normal keratinization.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

Four domestic rabbits were presented with a history of nonpruritic scale. Multiple skin biopsies revealed findings compatible with sebaceous adenitis as reported in other species: inflammation directed at the sebaceous gland, and/or an absence of sebaceous glands, a perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate at the level of the absent sebaceous glands, hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis, follicular dystrophy, perifollicular fibrosis, and a mural infiltrative lymphocytic folliculitis. Histological changes not consistent with sebaceous adenitis in other species were interface dermatitis and interface folliculitis with single cell necrosis and basal cell hydropic degeneration.  相似文献   

Ninety-seven pure-bred Akitas were examined clinically and histologically for sebaceous adenitis. The diagnosis was established histologically in 23 Akitas by demonstrating an inflammatory reaction targeted against the sebaceous glands or a reduction in the number of glands. The clinical course of sebaceous adenitis in the Akita was similar to that seen in other breeds. The first skin lesions occurred mainly on the dorsal midline and ears. Compared with the Poodle, the age at first onset of the disease was more variable and the hair loss affected mainly the undercoat. The progression of sebaceous gland destruction varied between dogs and was not seen in all cases. Because bud-like sebaceous gland proliferation could be identified, it seems that regeneration of the sebaceous glands may occur. An autosomal recessive inheritance appears to be possible. Apart from a genetic background, immune-mediated factors possibly influence the onset and course of sebaceous adenitis.  相似文献   



Sebaceous adenitis (SA) is an uncommon, immune mediated skin disease in dogs. The aim was to retrospectively investigate SA in dogs in Sweden with respect to breed, sex and age distribution. A second aim was to retrospectively compare clinical signs in dogs with generalized SA and to estimate the survival after diagnosis in the English springer spaniel, standard poodle and the akita.


In total 34 Swedish veterinarians contributed with 104 clinically and histologically verified SA cases. Breed, gender and age at diagnosis were registered for each case. The degree of clinical signs at time for diagnosis and at follow-up and information about treatments, concurrent diseases and euthanasia were recorded for the springer spaniels, standard poodles and akitas using a standardized questionnaire.


A total of 104 cases of SA were included; most cases were recorded for the springer spaniel (n = 25), standard poodle (n = 21) and the akita (n = 10). These three breeds, together with the lhasa apso and the chow-chow, were the most common when national registry data from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and Swedish Kennel Club were considered. The mean age at diagnosis was 4.8 years. The proportion of males was 61%. When the springer spaniels, standard poodles and the akitas with generalized signs were compared (n = 51), the spaniels showed significantly more severe clinical signs than the poodles at diagnosis regarding alopecia, seborrhoea, pyoderma and the overall severity of clinical signs. At follow-up, the degree of clinical signs for otitis externa and pyoderma differed significantly between the breeds. The estimated median survival time was 42 months.In dogs where data regarding survival was available at the end of the study (n = 44), SA was reported to be the reason for euthanasia in 14 dogs, whereof 7 within 24 months after diagnosis.


The result of this study implicates that the English springer spaniel is a breed predisposed to SA and that it has more severe clinical signs than the standard poodle. A large proportion of the dogs (spaniel, poodle and akita) investigated regarding survival were reported to have been euthanized to great extent due to the disease.  相似文献   

Sebaceous adenitis is a suspected immune-mediated disease that targets and destroys sebaceous glands. This retrospective study evaluated the clinical presentation and incidence of sebaceous adenitis in Havanese dogs. Sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed in 35% (12 of 34) of Havanese dogs presented over a 5-year period. Onset of clinical signs occurred during young adulthood. Follicular casts were present in 92% (11 of 12) of affected dogs. Other common clinical signs included alopecia and hypotrichosis. The trunk, head and ears were commonly affected, with 67% (8 of 12) of cases having pinnal and/or external ear canal involvement. Secondary pyoderma was seen in 42% (5 of 12) of dogs. Histopathology revealed absent sebaceous glands in 83% (10 of 12) and a lymphoplasmacytic periadnexal infiltrate in 92% (11 of 12) of samples. Treatment included multiple modalities. Cyclosporin was prescribed in 83% (10 of 12) of cases. Other systemic therapies included vitamin A and fatty acid supplementation. Topical therapies included antiseborrhoeic shampoos and sprays, and oil soaks. Follow-up ranging from 2 months to 3 years was obtained in 67% (8 of 12) of dogs. Improvement ranged from minimal to marked, with better clinical response associated with longer duration of treatment. Owners with follow-up of more than 1 year commonly reported occasional flares of the clinical signs. This study found that sebaceous adenitis was a common diagnosis in Havanese dogs, that the ears were commonly affected and that a lymphoplasmacytic periadnexal infiltrate associated with absent sebaceous glands was frequently seen on dermatohistopathological examination.  相似文献   

Sebaceous adenitis (SA) may be idiopathic (ISA) or associated with other disorders. The purpose of the present study was to compare the cutaneous histopathology of SA in cases in which Leishmania organisms were detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) with that of cases diagnosed as ISA. Skin sections of 29 patients were evaluated histologically and divided into two groups, one characterized by several epidermal and subepidermal lesions, a granulomatous to pyogranulomatous nodular to diffuse dermatitis involving the sebaceous glands and a positive IHC for Leishmania spp. The other group was characterized by orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis with different degrees of pyogranulomatous to granulomatous SA, lack of nodular dermatitis and a negative IHC for Leishmania spp. Hidradenitis was present in both groups. From these results it can be concluded that SA in canine Leishmaniosis (CL) is usually present together with a nodular to diffuse dermal infiltrate and epidermal and subepidermal lesions, and that SA in the absence of dermal inflammation is probably not associated with or suggestive of CL, even in regions where the disease is endemic.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal adenitis in ranch mink in Ontario   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Staphylococcus intermedius was identified as the cause of an outbreak of acute adenitis of the cervical apocrine glands of neonatal mink, and the cause of vaginitis and mastitis in adults. The disease occurred with greater frequency in mutation mink with Chediak-Higashi syndrome than in pastel and dark color phases.  相似文献   

Granulomatous sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed in a 2 year old spayed Miniature Pinscher. Initial treatment with isotretinoin for 3 weeks resulted in little response and decreased tear production. Immunosuppressive doses of prednisone for 3 weeks resulted in mild response of the dermatitis; however, the dog developed transient diabetes mellitus secondary to this treatment. Cyclosporine (5 mg/kg of body weight, po, q 12 h) resulted in good clinical response for 12 months, but histologically, the sebaceous glands remained absent. Although cyclosporine has immunosuppressive properties, this drug also has inhibitory effects of keratinocyte proliferation. These mechanisms may explain the beneficial response of cyclosporine in the treatment of granulomatous sebaceous adenitis in this dog.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium in tuberculous adenitis of swine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Medical records of dogs with sebaceous adenitis diagnosed by histopathology over an 18-year period were reviewed. From a total of 40 cases, 24 were treated with oral vitamin A. Dogs ranged from 9 months to 12 years of age at the time of disease onset. Purebred as well as mixed-breed dogs were affected. Akitas represented approximately one-third of the affected population. No sex predilections were observed. Vitamin A was administered for a minimum of 1 month. Doses varied from 380 to 2667 IU/kg/day, with a mean of 1037 IU/kg/day. Two dogs received oral vitamin A exclusively. Concurrent treatments included systemic antibiotics, systemic antifungal medications, fatty acid supplementation and various topical treatments. Of 24 dogs treated with vitamin A, three were lost to follow-up. Twelve owners were satisfied with the overall appearance of their dogs, reporting ≥25% improvement in clinical signs, including level of pruritus, amount of scale, alopecia and overall coat quality, compared with pretreatment appearance. Three owners observed adequate initial improvement, with regression to pretreatment state within 6 months of starting treatment. Two owners reported 25-50% improvement in clinical signs while on oral vitamin A supplementation; however, changes were attributed to concurrent topical treatment. Six owners reported no improvement and discontinued oral administration of vitamin A within 7 months. No correlations could be made between vitamin A dosage and response to treatment; prognoses could not be made based on clinical and histopathological findings.  相似文献   

Sebaceous carcinoma of the submandibular salivary gland is described in a cat, tumour cells were characterized histologically by moderate amounts of pale eosinophilic or vacuolated cytoplasm. Tumour cells were stained with antibody to cytokeratins (CKs 5. 6, 8, 17 and 19) and with lectins Con A and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA); this occurs in many other types of salivary gland tumour and is a feature of normal salivary gland acinar cells.  相似文献   

A 15-month-old, ovariohysterectomized female Lionhead rabbit was presented with generalized chronic exfoliative dermatitis and patchy alopecia. General physical examination revealed no abnormalities apart from a body condition score of 4 of 9. Ectoparasitic infestation, dermatophytosis, Malassezia dermatitis, epitheliotropic lymphoma, thymoma-associated exfoliative dermatitis, and autoimmune hepatitis-associated exfoliative dermatitis were excluded on the basis of skin scrapings, fungal culture, cutaneous histopathology, thoracic radiography, and the results of hematologic and biochemical analyses. Histopathology of the skin showed orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, absence of sebaceous glands and mural lymphocytic folliculitis, consistent with sebaceous adenitis. The extent and severity of the skin lesions were scored by the Rabbit Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index adapted from the recently published Canine Atopic Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index–03. Once-daily oral treatment with 5 mg/kg of ciclosporin A dissolved in an equal amount of a medium-chain triglyceride solution (Miglyol 812; Bufa, Uitgeest, The Netherlands) was initiated, but the response to this was poor. Therefore, while maintaining the oral treatment, topical treatment with phytosphingosine products was given. The rabbit's coat was clipped and a phytosphingosine 0.2% microemulsion spray (daily), a phytosphingosine 0.1% shampoo (weekly), and a phytosphingosine 1% spot-on treatment (weekly) were applied. Nine months later, there had been significant hair regrowth on previously hairless areas and the Rabbit Dermatitis Extent and Severity Index confirmed the marked improvement with a 91% reduction in the original score. Serum ciclosporin concentrations were undetectable throughout the treatment period.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old rabbit was presented with a chronic exfoliative dermatitis and patchy alopecia. General physical examination revealed no abnormalities. Skin scrapings and fungal culture were negative. A blood sample was obtained for a complete blood cell count and biochemical profile, and yielded results that were within normal limits. Radiographic examination of the thorax excluded the presence of a thymoma. Histopathology of the skin showed orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, absence of sebaceous glands and mural lymphocytic folliculitis, consistent with sebaceous adenitis. Oral treatment was started with ciclosporin dissolved in a medium-chain triglyceride solution (Miglyol 812), combined with essential fatty acids and topical propylene glycol sprays. Within 2 months of treatment, complete regression of skin lesions and regrowth of hair was observed. Serum chemistry values including kidney and liver function tests remained within reference range during the course of treatment. Histopathological examination of control biopsies of the skin showed presence of normal sebaceous glands and active hair follicles. Treatment was changed to a different pharmaceutical formulation of ciclosporin without Miglyol and deterioration of clinical signs was noticed. Using pure Miglyol 812, however, resulted in a gradual improvement of 60%. A nearly complete response was again observed after re-administration of the combination ciclosporin/Miglyol. It is hypothesized that sebaceous adenitis in the rabbit is most likely due to an autoimmune reaction directed at the sebaceous glands and a defect in lipid metabolism. The outcome indicates that a combination of ciclosporin and Miglyol 812 is a promising new treatment for sebaceous adenitis in rabbits.  相似文献   

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