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Bone marrow hypoplasia in eight dogs with Sertoli cell tumor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight male dogs with Sertoli cell tumor had pancytopenia and bone marrow hypoplasia attributed to endogenous estrogen myelotoxicosis. Clinical signs were hemorrhage caused by thrombocytopenia, anemia caused by blood loss or diminished erythrocyte production, and infection and fever associated with granulocytopenia. Other signs attributed to hyperestrogenism were feminization and prostatic disease. Two dogs recovered after castration and supportive treatment, but 5 other similarly treated dogs died of hematopoietic failure. One dog was euthanatized.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old male ferret presented with an enlarged canalicular testis in the left inguinal region. Microscopically, the enlarged testis consisted of a diffuse intimately admixed proliferation of c-kit-positive germ cell-like and Wilms tumor-1 protein-positive Sertoli cell-like components, but no Call-Exner body was detected. In addition, the compact proliferation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-intense positive interstitial cells was identified in a separate peripheral area of the mass. Based on histopathological and immunohistochemical findings, the tumor was diagnosed as a mixed germ cell-sex cord-stromal tumor with a concurrent interstitial cell tumor.  相似文献   

Two large prostatic cysts were found in a dog that had a Sertoli cell tumor in an abdominal testis and other signs of hyperestrogenism, including feminization, dermatologic alterations, and slight anemia. After marsupialization of the cysts and removal of the testes, the clinical signs resolved. Evidence of metastasis was not observed after one year. Although tumor-induced hyperestrogenism has been postulated as a cause of prostatic cysts in the dog, clinical reports of such cases are few.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 128 feline bone marrow reports identified 13 cases of aplastic anemia. Clinical diagnoses included chronic renal failure (n=5), feline leukemia virus infection (n=2), hyperthyroidism treated with methimazole (n=1) and idiopathic aplastic anemia (n=5). In some cats, starvation may play a role in the development of marrow aplasia. Some cats with aplastic anemia can have prolonged survival without resolution of the pancytopenia.  相似文献   

Disseminated tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium avium in a cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 5-year-old neutered male Siamese cat was examined by a veterinarian because of a recent decrease in appetite and a large lymph node in the left mandibular area. Clinical findings included fever, icterus, leukopenia, and progressive anemia. Despite various treatments, the cat died approximately 3 weeks after initial examination. The main necropsy findings included necrotizing and granulomatous lymphadenitis of the left mandibular lymph node, multifocal necrotizing hepatitis, and interstitial pneumonia. Acid-fast bacilli were detected in lesions of the mandibular lymph node, liver, lung, spleen, and bone marrow. Mycobacterium avium was isolated from the liver. Avian tuberculosis in cats has been reported rarely.  相似文献   

A Sertoli cell tumour occurred in a cryptorchid testis of a 1-year-old cat with no signs of feminization. The tumour showed intratubular growth without interstitial infiltration and the neoplastic cells appeared polymorphous and vacuolated. Mitotic figures were rare. The diagnosis was based on histopathological, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features of the tumour cells.  相似文献   

Testicular tumors are rarely reported in cats. We describe a case of interstitial cell tumor and Sertoli cell tumor in a cat that developed aggressive behavior and inappropriate urination 7 years after it was obtained from a shelter as an allegedly castrated 2 year old. At physical examination, the urine odor and the presence of penile papillae implied testosterone production. Testes were not palpable, but the left testis was found in the scrotum by surgical exploration and was mostly replaced by the 2 tumors. The interstitial cell tumor, but not the Sertoli cell tumor, was immunohistochemically positive for Melan-A, consistent with steroid production. Behavior improved after excision of the testis and penile papillae began to regress, but the cat was euthanatized 3 1/2 months after castration at the owner's request. Neither tumor had metastasized. The right testis was never found and was presumed to have been removed during the reported castration procedure.  相似文献   

A nine-week-old Clydesdale foal was presented with severe anemia, panleucopenia and thrombocytopenia. Bone marrow biopsy revealed marrow fat and bone spicules but was almost acellular, indicating the existence of aplastic anemia. Histological examination of marrow obtained at post mortem examination revealed only occasional nests of mononuclear cells. Marked biliary hyperplasia was present in the liver. The etiology was uncertain but a toxic insult resulting in aplastic anemia and hepatic disease may have occurred in utero or in the neonatal period. This appears to be the first report of aplastic anemia in a foal.  相似文献   

A case of idiopathic aplastic anemia in a dog was characterized by pancytopenia and bone marrow aplasia. Erythroid colony-forming units (CFU-E) were not detected in bone marrow culture. Addition of the dog's serum to CFU-E culture from control dogs failed to suppress colony formation, suggesting that humorally-mediated suppression at the CFU-E level was not a cause of the aplastic anemia.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old cat with a retained testis was presented with a chronic history of dysuria and bladder atony. Medical therapy failed to alleviate the clinical signs. Contrast radiography demonstrated a diffusely narrowed urethra. During a celiotomy and prepubic urethrostomy, a retained testis, stenosed urethra, and irregularly enlarged prostate were observed. Histopathologic diagnosis was retained testis with a well-differentiated interstitial cell tumor, a poorly differentiated interstitial cell tumor, and marked squamous metaplasia of the prostatic epithelium with suppurative prostatitis. Neoplastic interstitial cells were immunoreactive for Melan A, consistent with reports of Melan A expression in steroid hormone-producing tissue. This is the first report of prostatic squamous metaplasia associated with testicular neoplasia in a felid.  相似文献   

The effects of canine parvovirus (CPV) infection in dogs with hemolytic anemia was compared with the clinical effects of human parvovirus-induced aplastic anemia in human beings with chronic regenerative anemias. Phenylhydrazine was used to induce a transient, severe, hemolytic anemia in dogs to evaluate the effects of CPV infection on rapidly dividing bone marrow precursors. Erythrocyte colony-forming unit bone marrow cultures and cytologic examination of bone marrow were used to determine the effects of CPV infection on erythroid bone marrow precursors. The induced hemolytic anemia regenerated rapidly and although the bone marrow was infected, it was determined that CPV infection did not induce a detectable decrease in erythroid progenitors in dogs with severe hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aplastic pancytopenia is defined by the presence of pancytopenia in blood and a hypocellular bone marrow with the hematopoietic space replaced by adipose tissue. Several causes of acquired aplastic pancytopenia are known; however, in some cases, an underlying cause is never determined. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this retrospective study was to identify the incidence, potential causes, and outcome of aplastic pancytopenia in dogs. METHODS: Bone marrow cytologic and core biopsy reports were reviewed to identify dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia between July 1, 1996 and June 30, 2003. Four-hundred eighty-six bone marrow reports that included aspirate and core biopsy evaluations were reviewed. Signalment, treatment given, previous and current disease conditions, clinical signs of disease, clinical laboratory data, therapy, response to therapy, and survival time were recorded. RESULTS: Nine dogs (1.85% of bone marrow samples reviewed) met the criteria for inclusion. Two dogs (22%) had associated diseases that included monocytic ehrlichiosis and Sertoli cell tumor. In 7 dogs (78%), the cause of aplastic pancytopenia could not be definitively determined, although an idiosyncratic drug reaction to griseofulvin was suspected in 1 of the dogs. The median age of dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia was 3.2 years, and apparent breed or sex predilection was not identified. Median HCT, total WBC count, and platelet count on the day of presentation were 21.8%, 1.0 x 10(3)/microL, and 2.0 x 10(3)/microL, respectively. Six of 9 dogs diagnosed with aplastic pancytopenia died or were euthanized within 21 days. Two dogs had complete hematologic recovery. One dog was living 3 years after diagnosis, but hematologic recovery was never documented. CONCLUSIONS: Aplastic pancytopenia is diagnosed infrequently and idiopathic aplastic pancytopenia may account for up to 67% or more of canine cases. Although the prognosis is guarded, some dogs with aplastic pancytopenia recover.  相似文献   

Drug-associated aplastic anemia in dogs: eight cases (1984-1988)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Records of 8 dogs with drug-associated aplastic anemia were reviewed. Drugs suspected as being causative included estradiol cyclopentylpropionate (3 dogs), phenylbutazone (2 dogs), meclofenamic acid (1 dog), trimethoprim-sulfadiazine and fenbendazole (1 dog), and quinidine (1 dog). Five of the dogs died or were euthanatized. One dog with estrogen-associated aplasia recovered after prolonged treatment. The dogs with trimethoprim-sulfadiazine and quinidine-associated marrow aplasia recovered promptly after treatment was discontinued.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old male Miniature Schnauzer was presented with unilateral cryptorchidism and signs of feminization. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed an enlarged right testis and a large, fluid‐filled cavity that appeared to arise from the prostate. Computed tomography revealed the cavity to be consistent with an enlarged uterine body, arising from the prostate, and showed two structures resembling uterine horns that terminated close to the adjacent testes. The dog had a normal male karyotype, 78 XY. Gonadohysterectomy was performed and both the surgical and the histological findings confirmed the presence of a uterus in this male animal, resulting in a diagnosis of persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS). The enlarged intra‐abdominal testis contained a Sertoli cell tumour. Computed tomography proved to be an excellent diagnostic tool for PMDS.  相似文献   

To better define the incidence and causes of canine pancytopenia, we retrospectively evaluated the results of complete blood counts submitted to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Teaching Hospital during a 1-year period. Pancytopenia was defined as packed cell volume < 36%, total leukocyte count < 6,000/microliter or total segmented neutrophil count < 3,000/microliter, and platelet count < 200,000/microliter. Of 4,560 complete blood counts, 110 (2.4%) samples from 51 dogs met the criteria for pancytopenia. Eleven different disease processes were identified. These included chemotherapy-associated pancytopenia (n=22), parvovirus infection (n=5), malignant histiocytosis (n=5), idiopathic aplastic anemia (n=3), sepsis (n=3), myelodysplastic syndrome (n=3), immune-mediated hematologic disease (n=3), lymphoblastic leukemia (n=2), ehrlichiosis (n=2), estrogen toxicity (n=2), and multiple myeloma (n=1). Malignant histiocytosis and idiopathic aplastic anemia occurred more frequently than was expected. Doxoruicin was the chemotherapeutic agent associated with pancytopenia. Hematologic recovery and patient survival time varied with the cause of pancytopenia; therefore, a specific diagnosis was essential for establishing prognosis. Differentiation among causes of pancytopenia requires a systemic approach that includes elimination of infectious and drug-induced causes, and examination of bone marrow aspiration and core biopsy specimens.  相似文献   

Exogenous estrogens used for therapeutic purposes or endogenous estrogen sources such as functional Sertoli cell or ovarian granulosa cell tumors may cause bone marrow toxicity in dogs. The condition is characterized by hematologic abnormalities including thrombocytopenia, anemia, and leukocytosis or leukopenia. Despite intensive therapy with blood or platelet-rich transfusions, broad-spectrum antibiotics, steroids, and bone marrow stimulants, prognosis is unfavorable. Due to the the risk of stimulating the development of uterine diseases and the potential for inducing aplastic anemia, estrogen use in dogs is best avoided where possible. This paper describes the causes of estrogen-induced myelotoxicity, the clinical presentation of the patients, the diagnosis, and the treatment options in the dog.  相似文献   

Six primary interstitial cell tumors of the epididymis were identified from 46,752 male B6C3F1 mice used in chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies. Five of the tumors occurred at the end of 2-year studies; none were attributed to treatment. None of the mice with epididymal tumors had a primary testicular tumor. Histologically, tumors were characterized by a nodular or diffuse proliferation of tumor cells in the epididymal interstitium. Most cells were polygonal with highly vacuolated cytoplasm (vacuolated cells) or eosinophilic cytoplasm (eosinophilic cells). Smaller hyperchromatic cells with scant basophilic cytoplasm (basophilic cells) and cells with yellow-brown pigment characteristic of lipofuscin (pigmented cells) were less common. In each tumor two or more cell types were present. Extension of these tumors through the capsule, invasion of the testis, or metastasis did not occur. By electron microscopy both eosinophilic and vacuolated cell types had a large round or oval nucleus with sparse heterochromatin, abundant mitochondria with tubulovesicular cristae, and frequent desmosome structures between cell membranes. Vacuolated cells contained numerous lipid droplets. Morphological features of the epididymal tumors are similar to those of the testicular interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor in mice and rats.  相似文献   

Chicken anemia agent.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chicken anemia agent (CAA) is a small, spherical, non-enveloped virus containing a circular single-stranded DNA genome. CAA remains unclassified and probably should be classified in a new virus family. The chicken is the only recognized natural host for CAA. CAA was initially isolated in Japan and the associated disease chicken infectious anemia described in 1979. The virus has a world-wide distribution and is common in intensive poultry raising areas. Chicken infectious anemia is not a new disease but a newly recognized disease. CAA is now thought to play a key role in several multiple etiology disease syndromes; hemorrhagic syndrome; aplastic anemia, gangrenous dermatitis, hemorrhagic anemia syndrome, hemorrhagic aplastic anemia syndrome, anemia dermatitis and blue wing disease. The pathogenesis of chicken infectious anemia is described. Vertical transmission appears to be more important than horizontal spread. A yellow fatty bone marrow is the most characteristic lesion and thymic atrophy is the most consistent finding in CAA infection. Thymic and bone marrow intranuclear inclusion bodies occur with infection but are of limited value diagnostically and are very transient and rarely seen. Five different disease-producing scenarios that lead to clinical CAA infection in young chickens are presented.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old intact male alpaca (Lama pacos) was examined because of marked enlargement of the left scrotum. Ultrasound examination revealed a thin-walled anechoic structure in the area of the left testis. Aspirated fluid contained spermatozoa, many of which had abnormal morphology. Castration was performed and the left testis was markedly enlarged with a clear fluid-filled cyst. The cyst was lined by a single layer of squamous to cuboidal epithelial cells consistent with those originating from rete testis. The right testis was of a comparable size and shape to that of normal alpaca testis, but the rete testis was mildly to moderately dilated. Additional findings included chronic inflammation of the right testis and epididymis and epididymal fibrosis with ductal hyperplasia on the left. The diagnosis was bilateral cystic rete testis, most likely secondary to chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

实验对生殖季节与非生殖季节的大雁生殖系统进行了组织学研究。大雁雌性生殖系统左侧发育,右侧退化。生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、交际器组成。输卵管包括漏斗部、蛋白分泌部、峡部、子宫与阴道五个部分。卵巢表面无浆膜覆盖,覆以单层生殖上皮,由浅部的皮质和深部髓质组成,皮质内含各级卵泡。雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、睾丸旁导管系统和交接器组成。精巢的基本结构单位为曲精细管,外层包被着浆膜,其下是白膜,白膜结缔组织伸入精巢实质部,呈网状分布,繁殖季节的睾丸实质内充满曲细精管。  相似文献   

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