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庭园林业是农林复合经营系统的一种高级形式,它在农村发展中具有战略意义。文中介绍了第三世界一些国家的发展情况,着重介绍了我国南方农村某些成功范例。作者还提出当前存在的主要问题和对策。  相似文献   

This special issue features papers contributed by presenters at the 12th North American Agroforestry Conference held June 4–9, 2011 in Athens, Georgia, USA. The conference brought together agroforestry researchers, educators, practitioners, and students to highlight agroforestry research, implementation, policy, education, and entrepreneurial opportunities across North America. Eight papers cover topics ranging from adoption of silvopastoral systems across eco-regions and countries; economics of pine straw production; and timber and alley crop production in the Southeastern U.S.; reduction of sublimation of snow with shelterbelts in Canada, carbon offset incentives for agroforestry practices; consumer and market dynamics for chestnut and elderberry specialty crops; and web-based graduate degree and certificate programs in agroforestry.  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to evaluate soil nutrient concentration at 0–5, 5–10, and 10–20 cm in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in sequence with black oats (Avena strigosa Schreb.) under Leucaena diversifolia alley cropping agroforestry system (AFS) and traditional management system/sole crop (without trees–TS), following a randomized block design. The experiment was carried out at the Brazilian Association of Biodynamic Agriculture, in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. The treatments were: control (C), chemical fertilizer (F), biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping (B), and biomass of L. diversifolia alley cropping + chemical fertilizer (B+F).

After 2 yr, it was observed that pH, organic matter, and nutrient content had a tendency to show higher values in the treatments biomass+fertilizer, biomass, and fertilizer application, in both systems. Higher values in pH, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sum of bases, cation exchange capacity, percentage base saturation, boron, copper, and manganese tended to occur in the agroforestry system.  相似文献   

Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease (MLND) has emerged as a great threat to maize production in East Africa. It is caused by a synergistic infection of maize by sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) and maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV). This study was carried out in Bomet County, Kenya, to determine the potential of various cropping systems to manage vectors of MLND–causing viruses. Plots measuring 7.5 m × 5.25 m were planted with maize (Zea mays L.) intercropped or bordered by elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) and Gadam sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench). Maize monoculture was used as a control treatment; the nine treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated four times for two seasons (December 2014 to April 2015 and April 2015 to September 2015). Data on corn thrips and corn leaf aphid infestation, MLND severity and incidence, MCMV and SCMV viral load, and yield were recorded. The sorghum border was the only companion crop that tested positive for MCMV and none tested positive for SCMV. Maize intercropped with elephant grass had significantly (P?<?0.01) the least incidence of disease. However, this treatment produced significantly lower yields (P?<?0.01). Coriander was the only companion plant most preferred by both corn thrips and corn leaf aphids (P?<?0.001). Maize from all cropping systems tested positive for MCMV (P?<?0.001) while maize grown with coriander tested negative for SCMV (P?<?0.001). Yields from plots surrounded by sorghum and coriander were significantly similar to those from maize monoculture plots. These findings suggest that maize should be intercropped with coriander due to its potential to trap corn leaf aphids and protect maize from SCMV. In addition maize should be grown surrounded by a sorghum border to maximize yield in areas where MLND is prevalent.  相似文献   

In view of the heavy people’s dependence (80 %) on various forms of land-based resources, carbon sequestration should not only be targeted in forests, but also on private land agroforestry. A survey was conducted in 2011 to investigate the gap in contribution of agroforestry carbon to the household economy in the middle hills region of Rasuwa district of Nepal. A total of 120 households were randomly selected and surveyed, of which eight were further examined for detailed tree carbon measurement. It is estimated that a total of 48.60 ton C per hectare has been stocked in agroforestry sites in the middle hills region. Assuming a carbon price of $US12/ton, the total potential income from carbon sequestration per household would amount to NPR 45,490/ha in 20 years of agroforestry if a payment scheme were introduced. The income from carbon sequestration is quite low compared with other agroforestry income. Policy implications are thus oriented towards farmers reaping multiple benefits from the existing international mechanisms by having negotiations based on contribution of all agroforestry components (farm trees, crops and animals) rather than limited to forest carbon stock. To benefit from these multiple functions of farms and forests, the policy framework to address the climate-related affects and risks (e.g., of landslides, burst of Himalayan lakes) should be broad enough to produce potential synergy between the negative effect of climate change and agroforestry income.  相似文献   

土壤环境变化是恢复生态学研究的重要内容之一,加强混农林的立体优化配置,有利于控制水土流失、改善土壤环境质量和提高生态脆弱区的生态和经济效益。文中系统总结混农林业对石漠化地区土壤水分、养分、生物特征的影响,阐明在石漠化极端脆弱生态环境条件下,林木与农作物存在的水肥竞争以及复合农田中树龄较小时对土壤生物活性的抑制作用,进一步从石漠化地区土壤环境角度对混农林业的水分利用策略、乡土树种的选择搭配、有益土壤生物的应用等方面提出建议,以期为喀斯特石漠化地区提高土地生产力、控制水土流失、发展立体生态农业等提供参考。  相似文献   

Field runoff plots, 70 x 10 m each, were established on a tropical Alifisol in southwestern Nigeria to monitor water runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss in water runoff. The non-agroforestry control treatment (A) was established at two levels: plow-till and no-till systems of seedbed preparation. There were two agroforestry systems based on contour hedgerows of (B) Leucaena leucocephala and (C) Gliricidia sepium established at 4-m and 2-m spacings. Field plots were established in 1982 and hydrological measurements were made for uniform maize-cowpea rotation for 12 consecutive growing seasons from 1982 through 1987. Once established hedgerows of Leucaena at 2-m spacing were extremely effective in reducing water runoff and controlling erosion. Runoff, erosion and nutrient losses were generally more from maize grown in the first season than from cowpea grown in the second. Mean seasonal erosion from maize was 4.3, 0.10, 0.57, 0.10, 0.64 and 0.60 t/ha for plow-till, no-till, Leucaena-4m, Leucaena-2m, Gliricidia-2m treatments, respectively. Mean runoff in the first season from treatments listed in the order above was 17.0, 1.3, 4.9, 3.3, 4.3, and 2.4 percent of the rainfall received. There were high losses of Ca and K in water runoff from the plow-till treatment. In contrast to runoff and erosion, losses of bases in water runoff from agroforestry treatments were relatively high, high concentration of bases in runoff was probably due to nutrient recycling by the deep-rooted perennials.  相似文献   

Soil physical properties were measured on field runoff plots established on a tropical Alfisol in Western Nigeria. Evolution of soil physical properties was assessed over a period of 6 years beginning in 1982 (when soil was cleared off its secondary regrowth) till 1987. Changes in soil physical properties were measured for six systems including plow-till, no-till, contour hedgerows of Leucaena leucocephala established 2- and 4-m apart, and contour hedgerows of Gliricidia sepium established 2- and 4-m apart. Soil physical properties were measured once every year during the dry season following the harvest of second season crops.Over the 6-year period, there were no significant differences in relative contents of textural separates of sand, silt and clay for the surface 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers. The gravel concentration of the surface 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers, however, increased significantly due to plowing and mixing of the surface and subsoil layers. Soil bulk density of 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers, respectively, increased in all treatments from initial values of 1.02 and 1.16 g cm–3 in 1982 to 1.43 and 1.65 g cm–3 at the end of cropping cycle in 1986. The maximum increase in soil bulk density was observed for the no-till treatment. Accordingly, there was an increase in penetration resistance of the surface 0–5 cm layer from an average value of 25.3 kPa in 1982 to 210.7 kPa in 1986. The highest penetration resistance (353 kPa) of 5–10 cm layer was recorded for the no-till treatment. In accord with total porosity, the gravimetric soil moisture retention at zero suction was the lowest for the no-till and the highest for a Gliricidia-based system. There were significant improvements in available water capacity (AWC) of the soil by both Leucaena and Gliricidia-based systems. In comparison with the no-till system, increase in AWC by Leucaena- and Gliricidia-based systems, respectively, was 42 and 56 percent by weight for 0–5 cm depth and 12 and 58 percent by weight for 5–10 cm depth. Alterations in pF curves by agroforestry-based systems were attributed to improvements in soil structure and structural porosity.  相似文献   

The Agroforestry Tree Seeds Association of Lantapan (ATSAL) in Bukidnon province of Mindanao, Philippines, was organized in 1998, facilitated by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Farmers were trained on germplasm collection, processing and marketing of agroforestry tree seeds and seedlings. ATSAL has been marketing various tree seeds and seedlings with apparent success, and has provided training on seed collection and nursery management to farmers, government technicians, and workers from non-government organizations. This paper reports initial results of a continuing study to assess the effectiveness of ATSAL’s marketing strategy, including group dynamics, and the issues and challenges the group faces. It was found that during the first 2 years, ATSAL’s market share of highly demanded timber tree species grew rapidly, thus helping to disseminate widely these important species among farmers. ICRAF’s technical back-up was an advantage, increasing the Association’s market credibility. Subsequently, ATSAL extended its market to the central Philippines, but failed to meet the demand for seeds due to organizational limitations. Market competition exists, where a non-member was able to take a larger market share than was the group. Nonetheless, ATSAL has established its name as a viable community-based seed and seedling producer, maintaining a stronghold in local and regional markets. Collective action is important for smallholders to gain market access, but is unlikely to sustain sales. Facilitating smallholder collective action is essentially an arduous task, requiring the supporting agency to hold a firm grasp of market realities, to invest in the maintenance of collective action, to provide continuous technical back-up, and to ascertain the conditions that make collective action succeed.  相似文献   

The Khasia ethnic community of Bangladesh has been a population of forest villagers in the north-eastern hill forests of Bangladesh since the early 1950s, practicing a betel leaf-based agroforestry system on land granted by the Forest Department. Taking a sample forest village of the Sylhet forest division as a case study, this article examines the sustainability attributes of betel leaf production in the agroforestry system. The presence of several positive attributes of sustainability including the composition of agroforestry, disease control, soil fertility management, profitability, socio-cultural acceptability and institutional support indicate that betel leaf production within the agroforestry system is stable under the prevailing traditional management system. Income from the sale of betel leaf is the principal livelihood means and villager’s reciprocal contributions help to conserve forest resources. However, problems with land ownership and regular agreement renewal need to be resolved for the sake of their livelihoods and forest conservation.
Tapan Kumar NathEmail:

本文通过对城郊农林复合生态系统含义、原理、管理技术等方面的论述 ,提出建设农、林、牧、副协调发展 ,集高新技术、现代农林业技术、管理技术于一体的多功能城郊农林复合生态系统 ,成为城市森林生态工程的重要组成部分  相似文献   

The paper describes the changes in agricultural structure and land use in northeastern Germany that were triggered by reunification. It projects possible effects of the recent EU-agricultural policy reform with the help of a simulation model. It is concluded that a considerable part of land (especially permanent grassland) might not have a productive use in the mediumrun. Agroforestry systems relevant for Central Europe are discussed and problems identified. Agroforestry systems are evaluated as one land-use option among others (afforestation, natural succession, new agricultural systems) and their possible impact is assessed.  相似文献   

The cultivation of different plants around homesteads for subsistence and cash income has been a long tradition in Bangladesh. This study explores stand structure, composition, and biodiversity within the homestead agroforests of the drought-prone, northwestern region of Bangladesh. In 96 randomly selected homesteads within 3 study villages, we identified 56 tree species. Among those, Mangifera indica (mango) was the most popular fruit bearing species. Four non-parametric diversity indices were derived to provide a characterization of biodiversity. The Sørenson similarity index was also used to compare the similarity of species among different landholding size classes. The overall Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index and Pielou's evenness index values were 1.82 and 0.45, respectively. This study confirms that the farmers had strong preference for fruit species over timber yielding ones, and because of better growth performance natives were preferred over exotics.  相似文献   

Puri  S.  Nair  P.K.R. 《Agroforestry Systems》2004,61(1-3):437-452
Agroforestry Systems - India has been in the forefront of agroforestry research ever since organized research in agroforestry started worldwide about 25 years ago. Considering the country's...  相似文献   

Most agroforestry-adoption studies are based on surveys of "non-adopters." An understanding of the circumstances that have led to a change of attitude of the adopters will be valuable in our efforts to enhance adoption rates. This study was undertaken to provide such knowledge based on a large agroforestry extension project involving 200,000 farm families and covering 25% of all rural households in Haiti. A questionnaire-based survey of the project participants was conducted covering 1,540 households and 2,295 fields in four regions of Haiti. Information was recorded about each farm and family member through interviews with farmers and visits to their farms. The results confirmed that farmers make decisions about tree culture based on household- and field characteristics. Different farmers consider trees differently depending upon how they fit into their farm-family strategy. In general, farmers installed tree hedgerows on fields of less secure tenure, of lesser fertility, and steeper slope, while on closer, more fertile fields of greater tenure security, tree seedlings and fruit trees were more common and there was a greater density of mature trees (>10 cm DBH). More money was realized from sale of tree products on actively cropped fields in more secure tenure and having more fertile soil. Older farmers managed a greater density of trees, especially when the land was in secure tenure status. This broad-based study shows that agroforestry implementation strategies in poor countries such as Haiti should be based on a thorough knowledge of how farmers use household and field characteristics to make adoption decisions. It also suggests that agroforestry-adoption studies should account for the dynamic changes occurring during extended time periods.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on a tropical Alfisol at Ibadan, Nigeria, to evaluate the effects on soil moisture and crop yields of three agroforestry systems. Effects of agroforestry treatments involving two perennial shrubs (Leucaena leucocephala and Gliricidia sepium), each at 2-m and 4-m row spacings, were compared with no-till and plow-till systems of seedbed preparation. Measurements were made for soil properties, runoff and erosion, nutrient losses in runoff, and crop growth and yield for a uniform maize (Zea mays) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) rotation. All of the six plots, each measuring 70 × 10m, were established on a natural slope of about 7%. Alterations in soil properties and effects on crop growth were evaluated for six consecutive years from 1982 through 1987.Seed germination and seedling establishment of Leucaena hedgerows were satisfactory while establishment of Gliricidia from stem cuttings was unsatisfactory. Maize germination and crop stand were normal while that of cowpea were suppressed by both Leucaena and Gliricidia. Maize growth and yield were suppressed only in the vicinity of hedgerows. Maize grain yield in agroforestry systems averaged about 10 percent lower than that of the control. In contrast with maize, agroforestry systems drastically suppressed cowpea grain yield. The average cowpea yield in agroforestry systems was 30 to 50% of the control. Regardless of the mangement system, grain yields declined over time at the rate of 340 and 96 kg ha–1yr–1 for maize and cowpea, respectively.Hedgerows of Leucaena and Gliricidia acted as windbreaks. Consequently, soil moisture content in the top 0–5 cm layer in agroforestry systems was generally higher than that in the control during both wet and dry seasons.  相似文献   

Community forests of developing countries are eligible to participate in the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) scheme. For this, estimation of carbon stock and the sequestration is essential. The carbon stock in the living biomass of nine community managed Shorea robusta forests of the mid hill regions of central Nepal (managed for 4–29 yr) were estimated. The carbon stock of trees and shrubs was estimated using an allometric equation while the biomass of herbaceous vegetation was estimated by the harvest method. The carbon stock in the living biomass of the studied forests ranged from 70–183 Mg ha?1(mean: 120 Mg ha?1) and it increased with increasing soil organic carbon. However, the carbon stock did not vary significantly with species richness and litter cover. The biomass and carbon stock in the forests managed for >20 yr were significantly higher than in the forests managed for < 20 yr. The carbon stock increased with the management duration (p < .05) with sequestration rate of 2.6 Mg C ha?1 yr?1. The local management has had positive effects on the carbon stock of the forests and thus the community forests have been acting as a sink of the atmospheric CO2. Therefore, the community managed forests of Nepal are eligible to participate in the REDD+ scheme.  相似文献   

文章以渭北地区核桃单作、核桃——小麦复合、小麦单作下土壤含水率及温度为研究对象,探讨其昼夜变化规律,以更好的分配土壤水分资源,为合理的设计、管理、调控适合研究区的农林复合系统提供理论依据。结果表明:在核桃单作系统中,土壤10cm深度处的土壤含水率与土壤温度的变化趋势基本一致,20cm深度处的土壤含水率与土壤温度的变化趋势大致相反。在核桃——小麦复合系统中,土壤10cm深度处的土壤含水率与土壤温度的变化趋势基本一致,20cm深度处的土壤含水率的昼夜变化极不明显,但大致可见土壤含水率与土壤温度变化基本一致。在小麦单作系统中,土壤10cm深度处的土壤含水率与土壤温度的变化趋势基本一致,20cm深度处的土壤含水率的昼夜变化极不明显。在这3种复合系统中,20cm深度处土壤温度变化相对10cm深度处土壤温度变化有滞后性。  相似文献   

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