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R K Gast  C W Beard 《Avian diseases》1990,34(4):991-993
Tissues from experimentally infected hens were examined for the presence of Salmonella enteritidis (SE). SE was recovered from internal organs of both orally inoculated hens and hens infected by horizontal contact transmission. SE was isolated from 58% of the ceca, 51% of the livers, 47% of the spleens, 17% of the ovaries, and 17% of the oviducts of hens sampled during the first 5 weeks after exposure. SE was recovered at a low frequency from all internal organs sampled for as long as 22 weeks after exposure.  相似文献   

Two strains of 27-wk-old commercial laying chickens (strain A, brown-egg-laying type and strain B, white-egg-laying type) were inoculated either orally (PO) or intravenously (IV) with a field isolate of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4. Chickens were sequentially necropsied at regular intervals throughout the 17-wk observation period. Gross and microscopic lesions were most evident between 1 and 14 days postinoculation (DPI). Gross lesions consisted of enlarged livers with white foci, enlarged and mottled white spleens, fibrinous exudate in the peritoneum, and atretic, misshapen ovarian follicles. Microscopic lesions included multifocal coagulative necrosis of hepatocytes and inflammation, fibrinous exudation in vascular sinuses of the spleen, and fibrinosuppurative inflammation of the peritoneum and ovarian follicles. The proportion of reproductive organ infections (ovary and oviduct) in the IV group, 83% (20/24, P = 0.007; 50% and 33% for strains A and strain B birds, respectively), was higher than that of the PO group, 46% (11/24; 29% and 17% for strains A and B, respectively), for the first 16 days of observation postinoculation. The proportion of fecal shedding for the IV group of birds was significantly (P = 0.009) lower, 29% (7/24; 33% and 25% respectively for strain A and strain B birds, respectively), than the PO group, 67% (16/24; 75% and 58% for strain A and strain B birds, respectively). Three (2.6%) of 234 egg pools were culture-positive for group D Salmonella from strain A chickens (1 of 119 pools from the IV group and 2 of 115 pools from the PO group of birds). Chickens infected with the field strain of S. enteritidis phage type 4 harbored the organism in tissues only for a brief time, most clearing within 8 DPI and nearly all within 16 DPI. Overall the percentage of culture-positive birds did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between birds with and without lesions, but isolation of S. enteritidis tended to be more frequent when lesions were evident. This experiment also demonstrated that brown-egg-laying-type chickens were more susceptible than white-egg-laying-type chickens to S. enteritidis phage type 4 isolated from California based on gross and microscopic lesions and bacteriologic findings.  相似文献   

The production and secretion of Salmonella enteritidis whole cell antigen-specific antibodies in the oviducts and in the serum of laying hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis, was analyzed by ELISA. The dynamics of the antibody levels in the oviducts were identical to that in the serum. Subclasses of antibodies (IgA, IgG, and IgM) in the infected hens were found to increase significantly (p < 0.01) compared to those in the control uninfected hens throughout the experiment. IgG and IgM levels in both oviducts and in sera reached to a peak by 14 days post-inoculation, and remained elevated throughout. The secretion of IgA seemed to be transient since the IgA levels increased to a peak 7 days after both primary and secondary inoculations, and declined rapidly. The elevated levels of antibodies were followed by partial clearance of Salmonella organisms from the oviducts. The present results indicate a significant local immune reaction against the Salmonella infection and suggest an association of the local antibodies with the clearance of Salmonella from the oviducts at least partially.  相似文献   

Experimental infection models are valuable tools for understanding and preventing the deposition of Salmonella enteritidis inside eggs. Oral inoculation is believed to closely simulate naturally occurring S. enteritidis infections of chickens, but oral infection studies have often generated relatively low frequencies of egg contamination. The present study assessed whether repeated in vivo passage of an S. enteritidis strain could affect its ability to cause egg contamination in experimentally infected hens. The incidence of egg contamination was determined in groups of hens inoculated orally with either a phage type 13a S. enteritidis strain or derivatives of this parent strain that were obtained by three successive rounds of passage and reisolation from tissues of infected hens. Passaged S. enteritidis isolates recovered from ovaries and oviducts induced a significantly higher incidence of egg contamination (16.97%) than was attributed to the parent strain (8.27%). However, passaged S. enteritidis isolates recovered from livers and spleens were not associated with a significantly increased frequency of deposition in eggs. By either inducing or selecting for the expression of relevant microbial properties, passage of S. enteritidis through reproductive tissues of chickens may be useful for improving the efficiency at which experimental infection models produce egg contamination.  相似文献   

Seven Canadian layer flocks with Salmonella enteritidis in their environment were investigated to determine the numbers of hens infected with S. enteritidis, the localization of S. enteritidis in organs of infected hens and the numbers of S. enteritidis-infected eggs produced by two affected flocks. By a microagglutination test (MAT) using S. pullorum antigens, these flocks had more seropositive hens (mean 51.9 +/- 16.9%) than two Salmonella-free flocks (mean 13.0 +/- 4.2%). Culture of tissues of 580 hens (433 seropositive) from the seven flocks detected 26 (4.5%) S. enteritidis-infected hens from two flocks. In one flock, 2/150 hens were infected with S. enteritidis phage type (PT) 8, which was confined to the ceca, and no Salmonella spp. were isolated from 2520 eggs (one day's lay). In the second flock, where 24/150 hens were infected with S. enteritidis PT13, extraintestinal infection was found in nine hens and involved the ovaries and/or oviduct in two hens. Salmonella enteritidis PT13 was isolated from one sample of egg contents and from one sample of cracked shells from among 14,040 eggs (one day's lay) from this flock. The overall prevalence of S. enteritidis-contaminated eggs from the two flocks with infected hens was less than 0.06%. Other Salmonella spp. isolated were S. heidelberg from 58 hens (10%), and S. hadar, S. mbandaka and S. typhimurium from one hen (0.2%) each. The MAT with antigens of S. pullorum had a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 24% for detecting S. enteritidis-infected hens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

R K Gast  C W Beard 《Avian diseases》1990,34(3):721-728
The antibody response of laying hens to experimental Salmonella enteritidis infection was evaluated in microagglutination, tube agglutination, and rapid whole-blood plate agglutination assays. Hens of three different ages were infected by either oral inoculation or horizontal contact transmission. Blood was collected at weekly intervals, and the presence of specific antibodies was assessed by reaction with antigens prepared from strains of S. enteritidis and S. pullorum. The sensitivity of detection of infected hens did not vary significantly between the assays, as all three tests effectively identified most exposed hens as seropositive. Within each test, however, variation was observed in the detection sensitivity when different antigens were used. The microagglutination titers of serum samples were determined by serial dilution. Antibody titers peaked at 1 to 2 weeks postinoculation and declined steadily, although most birds were still identified as seropositive at 10 weeks postinoculation. The mean microtest titers obtained with S. enteritidis antigens were higher than with an S. pullorum antigen, indicating greater test sensitivity. However, use of the S. pullorum antigen resulted in fewer false positives when sera from uninfected control hens were tested. The titers of contact-exposed hens peaked later and at lower values than did those of inoculated hens, but these two groups of hens had similar antibody titers after the third week postinoculation.  相似文献   

R K Gast  C W Beard 《Avian diseases》1990,34(2):438-446
Laying hens of three different ages were experimentally infected with a strain of Salmonella enteritidis by either oral inoculation or contact transmission. Total egg production was depressed in exposed hens of all three age groups. Persistent intestinal shedding was observed in a small number of hens. Eggs with contents contaminated by S. enteritidis were produced by exposed hens at a high frequency, but only during a fairly short period of time that extended through approximately 1 week postinoculation for older hens and through 2 weeks for younger hens. S. enteritidis was recovered from whole yolks and albumen of these eggs at similar frequencies, but not from the content of yolks. Eggs with contaminated shells were also produced, but at a lower frequency. Contaminated eggs were produced by orally inoculated and contact-exposed hens at similar frequencies. S. enteritidis was not isolated from the contents of eggs laid by hens infected with other S. enteritidis strains.  相似文献   

The direct administration of either 103 or 108 cells of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 on to the conjunctiva of laying hens resulted in systemic infection. The bacterium was isolated from a variety of tissues, including the ovary and oviduct, and it was excreted in faeces for at least 27 days after infection.  相似文献   

Airborne infection of laying hens with Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hens were exposed to small-particle aerosols containing different concentrations of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4. They developed a systemic infection and some birds were still excreting the organism in the faeces when killed 28 days after infection. S enteritidis was present for a similar period in a wide range of alimentary tract issues and in the ovary and oviduct.  相似文献   

Egg contamination by Salmonella Enteritidis has remained a significant public health problem for nearly two decades, and Salmonella Heidelberg has also been recently implicated in egg-transmitted human illness. Colonization of the intestinal tract is a necessary precursor to the invasion of reproductive organs and subsequent deposition inside eggs laid by infected hens, but the relationship between the persistence of Salmonella in the intestinal tract and the likelihood of egg contamination has been uncertain. In this study, groups of laying hens were inoculated with large oral doses of strains of Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Heidelberg, including variants of the original parent strains that had been reisolated from eggs laid by infected hens in a prior study. The shedding of Salmonella in voided feces was monitored for 6 wk postinoculation, and all eggs laid by infected hens between 5 and 22 days postinoculation were cultured for Salmonella in their contents. The mean duration of fecal shedding was significantly longer for the previously passaged Salmonella strains (26.7 days) than for the original parent strains (17.5 days), and the passaged strains caused a significantly higher frequency of egg contamination (6.4%) than did the parent strains (3.3%). However, the duration of fecal shedding and the frequency of egg contamination were not correlated for any of the Salmonella Enteritidis or Salmonella Heidelberg strains.  相似文献   

Detection of infected poultry flocks is essential for controlling eggborne transmission of Salmonella enteritidis to humans. The present study evaluated the detection of antibodies in the sera of experimentally infected chickens by a fluorescence polarization assay with a tracer prepared from the O-polysaccharide of S. enteritidis and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with an S. enteritidis flagellin antigen. In two trials, groups of specific-pathogen-free laying hens were infected orally with either 10(6) or 10(8) colony-forming units (CFU) of S. enteritidis (phage type 13a) or with 10(8) CFU of Salmonella typhimurium. Serum samples were collected before inoculation and at five subsequent weekly intervals. Both assays successfully detected the majority of hens infected with S. enteritidis at either dose level, but they also identified a substantial number of hens infected with S. typhimurium as seropositive. The fluorescence polarization test detected S. enteritidis infection significantly more often and cross-reacted with sera from hens infected with S. typhimurium significantly less often than the ELISA. The fluorescence polarization assay also offered advantages in terms of speed and methodologic simplicity.  相似文献   

Gast RK  Holt PS 《Avian diseases》2000,44(3):706-710
Because egg yolk and albumen differ substantially in their abilities to support bacterial growth, the initial level and location of Salmonella enteritidis deposition are critical for determining whether proposed standards for refrigerating eggs are likely to protect public health by preventing extensive microbial multiplication. In the present study, three groups of laying hens were infected with oral doses of approximately 10(9) cells of different S. enteritidis strains (two were phage type 4 and one was phage type 13a) in two replicate trials. For all three S. enteritidis strains, the incidence of yolk contamination (approximately 2.5% overall) was significantly greater than the incidence of albumen contamination (approximately 0.5% overall). The phage type 13a strain was less often isolated from fecal samples at 2 wk post-inoculation than were the phage type 4 strains, but no significant differences between strains were observed in the incidence of egg contamination. Most freshly laid contaminated eggs contained fewer than 1 S. enteritidis cell/ml of egg yolk or albumen, and no sample contained more than 67 S. enteritidis cells/ml.  相似文献   

Effects of administering killed Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis (SE) vaccines to laying hens prior to induced molting on egg production and on shedding of SE were investigated. Forty hens were vaccinated with one of two SE vaccines available commercially in the United States and Japan. Twenty-five days after vaccination, feed was withdrawn for 2 wk from 20 vaccinated plus 10 unvaccinated hens to induce molt. Four days after molt induction, all hens were challenged with a dose of 2.4 X 10(9) of SE. For the 25 days following administration of the SE bacterins, egg production in vaccinated hens showed approximately a 15% decrease. After molt induction, egg production in molted hens ceased and then returned to normal levels 8 or 9 wk postvaccination. Through the 3-mo experimental period, the decreases in numbers of eggs laid in the unvaccinated/molted group and two vaccinated/molted groups were 225 (26.2%), 245 (28.4%), and 274 (31.9%), respectively, compared with 860 in the unvaccinated/unmolted group. There was no significant difference in egg lay at the P < 0.05 level among the former three groups. Hens in the vaccinated/molted groups shed about two logs less SE than hens in the unvaccinated/molted group 3 14 days postchallenge (P < 0.05 or 0.01). These results indicate that vaccination prior to induced molting might be effective in preventing the exacerbation of SE problems within flocks in which the potential for SE contamination may exist.  相似文献   

Gast RK  Guraya R  Guard J  Holt PS 《Avian diseases》2011,55(2):243-247
Contamination of eggs by Salmonella Enteritidis has been a prominent cause of human illness for several decades and is the focus of a recently implemented national regulatory plan for egg-producing flocks in the United States. Salmonella Heidelberg has also been identified as an egg-transmitted pathogen. The deposition of Salmonella strains inside eggs is a consequence of reproductive tract colonization in infected laying hens, but prior research has not determined the relationship between the numbers of Salmonella that colonize reproductive organs and the associated frequency of egg contamination. In the present study, groups of laying hens in two trials were experimentally infected with large oral doses of strains of Salmonella Enteritidis (phage type 13a), Salmonella Heidelberg, or Salmonella Hadar. Reproductive tissues of selected hens were cultured to detect and enumerate Salmonella at 5 days postinoculation, and the interior contents of eggs laid between 6 and 25 days postinoculation were tested for contamination. Significantly more internally contaminated eggs were laid by hens infected with Salmonella Enteritidis (3.58%) than with strains of either Salmonella Heidelberg (0.47%) or Salmonella Hadar (0%). However, no significant differences were observed between Salmonella strains in either isolation frequency or the number of colony-forming units (CFU) isolated from ovaries or oviducts. Salmonella isolation frequencies ranged from 20.8% to 41.7% for ovaries and from 8.3% to 33.3% for oviducts. Mean Salmonella colonization levels ranged from 0.10 to 0.51 log CFU/g for ovaries and from 0.25 to 0.46 log CFU/g for oviducts. Although parallel rank-orders were observed for Salmonella enumeration (in both ovaries and oviducts) and egg contamination frequency, a statistically significant relationship could not be established between these two parameters of infection.  相似文献   

As part of a USDA/APHIS study on the prevalence of Salmonella enteritidis in spent laying hens, 3700 pooled cecal samples were cultured for Salmonella. Samples were received from a single processing plant and represented 81 commercial egg-type layer flocks from nine southern states. Salmonella were isolated from 2418 of the 3700 (65.4%) cecal pools, but only six isolates were serotype enteritidis. S. enteritidis was isolated from three flocks from two states but was detected in only six of 140 samples from those flocks. Various Salmonella isolation media and procedures were compared. Xylose-lysine-tergitol-4 plates detected 64% of the total Salmonella-positive cecal samples. Brilliant green agar with novobiocin detected 72% of the total Salmonella-positive samples. When used in combination, 82% of the positive samples were detected with these two plates. The remaining 425 Salmonella-positive samples were detected after delayed secondary enrichment.  相似文献   

Long-term feed withdrawal has been shown to increase ileocecal intestinal colonization and fecal shedding of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in challenged hens. Less information is available regarding effects of fasting on crop colonization. Two trials were conducted to compare effects of 14-day feed withdrawal vs. full feed on crop colonization in hens challenged with Salmonella Enteritidis. The levels of Salmonella Enteritidis in the crops of fasted hens were significantly higher than in nonfasted hens on days 3 and 10 and days 3, 9, and 16 postinfection (PI) in trials 1 and 2, respectively. Fecal shedding of Salmonella Enteritidis was significantly increased in the fasted hens on day 10 PI in trial 1. Analysis of crop IgA anti-Salmonella Enteritidis lipopolysaccharide levels in crop lavage samples of hens in trial 1 revealed a humoral response PI in both treatment groups with no significant differences, although peak response for fasted hens occurred 1 wk later. Histologic evaluation of hematoxylin and eosin-stained crop sections from trial 1 birds revealed mild to moderate heterophilic infiltration within the crop lamina propria (LP) or LP and epithelium of nonfasted infected hens at 24 and 96 hr PI. In comparison, heterophils in crops of fasted hens infected at this time point were sparse, indicating a possible diminished heterophil response in the fasted birds. Multifocal areas of tissue inflammation, as indicated by marked heterophil infiltration, with necrosis and sloughing of epithelium, were observed in crops from fasted hens at day 11 PI (14th day of feed withdrawal) but not in the fed groups. This severe heterophilic inflammation was observed in both challenged and nonchallenged fasted hens, suggesting that some factor other than Salmonella Enteritidis was responsible. These results indicate that feed withdrawal can have a dramatic effect on the integrity of the crop and its ultimate response to infection.  相似文献   

Salmonella in Belgian laying hens: an identification of risk factors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the 1980s, the prevalence of Salmonella in Belgian poultry layers and broilers has greatly fluctuated with a rise observed in 2003 and a significant decrease in 2005. In order to alleviate the risk at egg consumer level, it is crucial to understand the factors which influence the contamination and the spread of Salmonella in laying hens. To study such determinants we explored the Belgian data from the 2005 baseline study on the prevalence of Salmonella in laying flocks of Gallus gallus in the European Union. The response variables corresponded to presence or absence of Salmonella from dust and faecal samples taken from the environment of a Belgian layer flock. The explanatory variables included: region of Belgium, sampling time (month the flock was sampled), production type (cage or barn and free range), Salmonella vaccination status, flock age and flock size. Analyses of these data were performed using a bivariate logistic regression model assuming independence between the two responses and bivariate generalized estimating equations model, which incorporates the correlation between the two responses on the same flock. The main risk factor that was identified was rearing flocks in cages compared to barns and free-range systems. The results also showed a significant higher risk for Salmonella for a 1 week increase in flocks’ age as well as with a unit increase in the size of the flock.  相似文献   

Experimental infection models are useful tools for understanding how Salmonella enteritidis is deposited in eggs and for testing potential strategies to control eggborne transmission of disease to humans. Oral inoculation of laying hens is presumed to provide the closest simulation of naturally occurring infections, but alternatives such as intravenous or aerosol inoculation have sometimes been recommended as options to induce higher incidences of egg contamination. The present study compared the frequency, level, and location of S. enteritidis deposition in egg contents after experimental inoculation by three different routes. In two replicate trials, specific-pathogen-free laying hens were infected with an S. enteritidis culture mixture prepared to optimize invasive behavior. Groups of hens received either an oral dose of 10(9) S. enteritidis, an aerosol dose of 10(9) S. enteritidis, or an intravenous dose of 10(5)-10(7) S. enteritidis. Oral inoculation led to the highest incidence of fecal shedding of S. enteritidis, whereas intravenous inoculation produced the highest specific antibody titers. Eggs laid during the first 21 days postinoculation were cultured to detect and enumerate S. enteritidis in the yolk and albumen. No significant differences were observed among the three inoculation routes in the frequencies of isolation of S. enteritidis from either yolk or albumen. For all three routes of administration, S. enteritidis was recovered more often from yolk (at frequencies ranging from 4% to 7%) than from albumen (0 to 2%). Over 73% of contaminated eggs harbored fewer than 1 colony-forming unit (CFU) of S. enteritidis per milliliter, and only 3% of such eggs contained more than 100 CFUs/ml. Significantly higher levels of S. enteritidis contaminants were associated with intravenous inoculation than with the other routes. No advantage of using aerosol or intravenous administration of S. enteritidis as an alternative to oral inoculation for inducing the production of contaminated eggs was evident in this study.  相似文献   

Internal contamination of eggs laid by hens infected with Salmonella enteritidis has been a prominent international public health issue since the mid-1980s. Considerable resources have been committed to detecting and controlling S. enteritidis infections in commercial laying flocks. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also reported a significant association between eggs or egg-containing foods and S. heidelberg infections in humans. The present study sought to determine whether several S. heidelberg isolates obtained from egg-associated human disease outbreaks were able to colonize reproductive tissues and be deposited inside eggs laid by experimentally infected hens in a manner similar to the previously documented behavior of S. enteritidis. In two trials, groups of laying hens were orally inoculated with large doses of four S. heidelberg strains and an S. enteritidis strain that consistently caused egg contamination in previous studies. All five Salmonella strains (of both serotypes) colonized the intestinal tracts and invaded the livers, spleens, ovaries, and oviducts of inoculated hens, with no significant differences observed between the strains for any of these parameters. All four S. heidelberg strains were recovered from the interior liquid contents of eggs laid by infected hens, although at lower frequencies (between 1.1% and 4.5%) than the S. enteritidis strain (7.0%).  相似文献   

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