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以百日草种子为试材,通过生物统计和分子标记的方法,对航天搭载处理的百日草干种子当代植株生长状况进行了研究。结果表明:航天搭载处理使百日草种子的发芽率有所下降;而航天搭载处理组的百日草当代幼苗黑斑病的感染率有一定升高;在航天搭载处理组的变异植株中发现1株稳定的三叶共生变异株H1-2,变异株的叶片明显小于对照植株的叶片。随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析表明,与对照植株相比H1-2基因组的变异率为13.4%。航天搭载诱导百日草生物学效应的研究为花卉的航天诱变育种提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

百日草义称百日菊、步步登高等,为菊科百日草属一年生草本花卉。原产墨西哥。花朵较大,色彩丰富,花形特别,花期较长,现各地已有栽培。在百日草育种研究和栽培生产实践中新发现最重要的病害之一是百日草霜霉病,现报道如下:  相似文献   

华文 《花卉》2012,(5):25-26
百日草(Zinnia elegans)又名百日菊,是菊科百日草属一年生草本植物。从播种到开花大约需要60~100天时间,故名。百日草可用于花坛、花境、花带布置,也可用不同花色品种混栽成花境。矮生品种可作盆栽,中高品种还可作切花。  相似文献   

张宇 《现代园艺》2014,(15):13-14
对3个百日草自交系用griffing方法 1进行完全双列杂交,分析杂交组合的结实率、花头直径、纵切舌状花轮数等性状的配合力,对亲本进行综合评价。结果表明:花头高度、花梗长、株幅性状主要受基因的非加性效应影响,纵切舌状花轮数性状主要受基因的加性效应影响。株高、分枝数同时受加性与非加性效应的影响;J7在育种上有较高的利用价值。  相似文献   

百日草(Zinnia elegans jacq.)是一、二年生草花主栽品种之一,其地位仅次于万寿菊,同万寿菊、矮牵牛、一串红一起被称为草花中的"四大金刚".它花大艳丽,色彩丰富,广泛应用于街道、路旁绿化及花坛布置.由于它"步步登高"的名字吉祥,矮生品种盆栽,作为年宵花很受欢迎.高株品种还被用来搞切花.  相似文献   

百日草雄性不育两用性及其在育种中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
百日草(Zinnia L.)属一年生草本花卉.花大美丽、色彩丰富,是绿化主栽品种之一.欧洲于18世纪末19世纪初有育种研究.美国从20世纪后开始在世界领先. 但百日草的花型结构特点决定了其杂种优势利用措施必须是应用雄性不育技术.1964年雄性不育技术应用于F1代制种.1968年泛美公司的F1代"Wild cherry"使大花百日草育种水平达到了顶峰.  相似文献   

李惠芬  钱芝龙 《花卉》2008,(12):19-19
百日草又称百日菊、步步高等,菊科百日草属一年生草本花卉。盆栽为主,主要作布置花坛和花境,主要的虫害之一是百日草潜叶蝇。潜叶蝇是属于双翅目的潜叶害虫,主要以幼虫潜食百日草叶片的叶肉留下上下表皮形成中空蛇形或不规则的白色潜道(隧道)。成虫的体型小,也可在叶片上刺孔产卵与取食,使百日草失去或降低商品和观赏价值。也能为害其他菊科花卉。防治方法如下:  相似文献   

以百日草(Zinnia elegans)为试材,缺钾营养液为对照(CK),研究了不同K~+浓度(4、8、12、16mmol·L~(-1))营养液对其苗期生长指标和根系形态参数的影响。结果表明:随着K~+浓度的增加,百日草幼苗的生长指标均呈现先上升后下降的趋势,当K~+浓度为12mmol·L~(-1)时生长量与各生长指标达到最大。各浓度K~+处理的百日草幼苗株高显著高于CK,其中12mmol·L~(-1)的K~+处理最高,比对照增加了80.52%;与CK相比,K~+处理的根长增长,根表面积和根体积增加,均以12mmol·L~(-1)的K~+处理最高。适宜浓度的K~+(12mmol·L~(-1))有利于百日草幼苗的生长,对地下部生长的促进作用大于地上部,K~+浓度过高会抑制幼苗生长。  相似文献   

李协和 《花卉》2012,(5):27-27
叶似鱼尾花像菊的百日草,又名步步高,广州人称鱼尾菊。原产美洲,以墨西哥为分布中心,我国城镇常见栽培。菊科百日草属一年生草本,叶对生,全缘,长椭圆形,尾部渐尖,基部抱茎,茎和叶均披短而粗的硬毛。  相似文献   

百日草(Zinnia elegans Jacg.)别名步步登高、节节高、状元红、五色梅、百日菊、秋罗,为菊科百日草属一年生草本植物。原产低纬度的墨西哥高原地带,现在我国广为栽培。花期特长,从初夏至深秋,鲜艳的花朵不断开,美丽的色彩可以保持到种子成熟,为夏秋季花坛常用花卉。百日草开的第一朵花在顶端,以后侧枝顶端又长出新的花朵,一朵比一朵高,故名为步步登高。  相似文献   

以百日草种子为试材,分别采用浓度为0(CK)、100、200、300、400、500mol/L的青霉素溶液对百日草种子进行浸种处理,种子萌发期间测定种子发芽指标(发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数)和幼苗生长指标(芽长、根长、鲜重、侧根数),旨在研究青霉素对百日草种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:随着浓度的增加,百日草种子发芽指标及幼苗生长指标均先上升后下降。200、300mol/L浓度的青霉素溶液均能显著提高百日草种子的发芽势、发芽率和活力指数;各处理均能使百日草幼苗根长和鲜重显著增加;青霉素浓度为300mol/L时,除发芽指数外,其它各项发芽指标和幼苗生长指标均与对照呈极显著差异。表明一定浓度的青霉素溶液对百日草种子的萌发及幼苗生长有促进作用,以青霉素浓度为300mol/L时效果最佳。  相似文献   

核桃楸枝条浸提液对百日草种子发芽与幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同树龄、枝龄及不同组织的核桃楸枝条浸提液对百日草种子发芽影响的研究,结果表明:核桃楸枝条内含有抑制百日草种子发芽的物质,抑制效果随树龄和枝龄的增加而显著增加,韧皮部显著大于木质部.经浸提液处理的百日草种子发芽期间的α-淀粉酶活性显著低于对照.  相似文献   

离子注入结合航天搭载对莲的诱变效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
离子注入结合航天搭载处理其SP1代在单株现蕾数、有效蓬数及每蓬实粒数等方面变异较大,有利从中筛选出花多、蓬大的单株。离子注入及航天搭载处理后的种子应及时在地面种植观察、选育,使基因突变在后代中充分表现出来,有利于从中选育出符合育种目标的新品种。  相似文献   


Water transport in vascular plants depends on the hydraulic conductance of the xylem system, which is dependent on the anatomical properties, number, diameter, and length of the xylem vessels. The ability to transport water through their stems influences not only the growth of many horticultural crops, but also the post-harvest quality of cut flowers. In this study, we investigated the effects of different average daily temperatures (ADT) and the difference between day-time (DT) and night-time (NT) temperature (DIF) on stem size, the length of xylem vessels within the stem, and the length of individual vessel elements within a vessel, in Zinnia elegans. Two Z. elegans cultivars, ‘Envy’ and ‘Purple Prince’, were grown in climate chambers under all nine combinations of three DT and three NT temperatures (viz. 17ºC, 21ºC, or 25ºC). An increase in ADT was positively correlated with the lengths of the stems, internodes, and xylem vessels in both cultivars. However, the lengths of the xylem vessels were influenced more strongly than the lengths of the stems. Increasing the ADT from 17ºC to 25ºC increased stem lengths by approx. 15%, but more than doubled the lengths of the xylem vessels. The increase in xylem vessel lengths was only partly (< 10%) due to an increase in the lengths of individual vessel members, which implies that temperature (ADT) had a greater influence on the number of fused vessel elements per xylem vessel. A negative DIF (i.e., lower DT than NT temperatures) decreased stem lengths and a positive DIF increased stem lengths. DIF had no effect on xylem vessel length, probably because, other than in stem length, xylem vessel length was positively correlated with NT temperature.  相似文献   

Nineteen parental lines including five male sterile A-lines (AH002A, AH003A, AH209A, S5001A, J16A) and fourteen restorers (A1-GH, A3, S5, J6, J7N, J7J, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14, J17) were crossed using the North Carolina II statistical method. Studies of combining ability and heritability were conducted on selected parents along with their seventy F1 hybrids for main ornamental traits. Plant height, crown size and length of node had obvious additive genetic effects, high (>0.50) broad sense heritability and high narrow sense heritability (length of node was medium). Pedicel length showed approximately equivalent maternal and paternal additive genetic effects, high broad sense heritability and medium (0.30–0.50) narrow sense heritability. Number of whorls of ray florets across capitulum and number of branches were able to take advantage of heterosis. The relationship between general combining ability and specific combining ability in Zinnia elegans depended on materials and traits. Male sterile two-type line was pivotal in the hybridization breeding of Z. elegans. S5001A, AH002A and A1-GH, A3, J14 which performed high negative GCA effects in PH, PL, LN and type I in PH, PL, NW, LN were ideal female and male parents of potted flowering plants; AH209A, J16A and S5, J10, J17 which displayed positive GCA effects and almost type I in PH, PL, LN were ideal female and male parents of cut flowers, respectively. For potted flowering plants, AH002A × J17, AH209A × A1-GH and S5001A × J6 with high negative SCA effects in PH, PL and LN were the most promising combinations, AH002A × S5, AH003A × A3 and J16A × J6 were the subprime combinations; for cut flowers, AH209A × S5, AH209A × J17 and J16A × J17 with high positive SCA effects in PH, PL and LN were the primary combinations, AH209A × J9 and S5001A × J10 were the secondary combinations.  相似文献   

电子束对柑桔芽诱变效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1983~1993年,应用电子束对路比血橙、新会橙、柑等品种的芽条进行辐照处理,吸收剂量为3000~7000rad,结果从MV_1中选出22个达到无核水平的单株。据花粉育性鉴定,这些无核单株的花粉高度败育。据本试验结果,电子束可用于柑桔诱变育种,对柑桔芽的半致死剂量(LD_(50))甜橙类品种为5000rad左右,宽皮钳桔类品种为3000rad左右。  相似文献   

醉蝶花离体培养植株再生研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 诱导醉蝶花下胚轴和子叶形成愈伤组织, 以MS + 6-BA 0.5 mg/L + NAA 0.5 mg/L + KT 0.5 mg/L培养基中子叶的出愈率最高, 达到100 % , 下胚轴出愈率最高只有93 %。MS + 6-BA 2 mg/L + NAA 0.05 mg/L最适合于芽的诱导, 诱导率达到100 %。再生苗在MS + NAA 0.1 mg/L 培养基中生根完成植株再生。带单个侧芽的茎作为外植体接种在MS + 6-BA 1 mg/L + NAA 0.05 mg/L 培养基中, 一个月以后形成无数丛生芽。  相似文献   

Postharvest decorative life of Zinnia elegans flowers was prolonged by holding-solutions containing 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate (8-HQC) and sucrose. Flowers lasted longest in a solution of 200 mg l?1 8-HQC and 1% sucrose. Flowers held in 2 or 3% sucrose and 200 mg l?1 8-HQC developed necrotic lesions on ray florets and foliage. The decorative life of flowers held in 0.25 or 0.5% sucrose and 200 mg l?1 8-HQC was extended beyond those in de-ionized water, but this extension was less than, or equal to, the postharvest life of those in 1% sucrose and 8-HQC (200 mg l?1), depending on the cultivar. Postharvest life of flowers produced in May — June under natural photoperiod was significantly longer than that of flowers produced during February to April under a 14-h day provided by incandescent light.  相似文献   

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