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猪地方流行性肺炎,又称为猪支原体性肺炎,俗称猪气喘病,是由猪肺炎支原体所引起的一种慢性接触性呼吸道传染病,临床上主要以咳嗽和气喘为特征性症状,发病率高,死亡率低,病猪生长发育迟缓,饲料转化率低,生猪抵抗力下降,极易并发其他呼吸道疾病。近年来,本病的发生在当地呈上升态势,是养猪生产中极为顽固的呼吸道传染病。一、病原体与流行特点:1、猪地方流行性肺炎的病原体是由猪肺炎支原引起,该病原体是一种无细胞壁的多形性微生物。存在于病猪的呼吸器官内,随咳嗽、喷嚏等分泌物排出体外,污染猪舍、饲具和用具。通过空气、接触、环境污染等…  相似文献   

猪支原体肺炎(MPS)又称猪喘气病,是由猪肺炎支原体引起的一种慢性呼吸道病.猪肺炎支原体属于支原体科支原体属,存在于病猪的呼吸道(咽喉、气管、肺组织)、肺门淋巴结和纵隔淋巴结中,具有多形性.猪肺炎支原体带菌猪是本病主要传染源.健康猪群常因引进病猪而使本病暴发.  相似文献   

猪喘气病(mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine,MPS)又称猪地方流行性肺炎,是猪的慢性呼吸道疾病,其病原为猪肺炎支原体。主要症状为咳嗽和气喘,病变特征是肺的尖叶、心叶、中间叶和膈叶前缘呈“肉样”或“虾肉样”实变。本病一年四季均可发生,  相似文献   

Evaluation of tiamulin for treatment of mycoplasmal pneumonia in swine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During 3 trials, using affected pigs of various ages, tiamulin was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced mycoplasmal pneumonia. Pneumonia was induced in respiratory tract disease-free swine by intratracheal inoculation of a lung homogenate containing Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Eleven days after inoculation, when more than 20% of pigs were coughing, pigs were allotted to 3 or 4 groups (n = 8 pigs each) and were given regimens of no medication or 60 mg, 120 mg, or 180 mg of tiamulin/L of drinking water for 10 days. Twenty-one days after cessation of medication, pigs were euthanatized and then were necropsied. Results obtained from the 3 trials did not indicate significant difference among treatment groups in severity of macroscopic or microscopic lesions induced by M hyopneumoniae or in detection of M hyopneumoniae by use of immunofluorescent technique. Clinical evaluations, daily gain, and feed efficiency did not differ significantly among treatment groups. In this study, tiamulin administration did not have beneficial effects in swine with mycoplasmal pneumonia.  相似文献   

猪呼吸道疾病中以猪气喘病最为常见,也是最难根除治愈的疾病之一,因其特有的致病机理所致,该病给全世界养猪业造成的损失巨大。根除受感染的猪场中的病原是可行的,但实际不容易做到,所以预防该病的临床综合症的发生和减少经济损失是防制猪气喘病最根本之原则。本文主要从中西医的角度来描述治疗猪气喘病的方法和规模化猪场应控制的几个关键点。  相似文献   

中药炎康注射液治疗猪气喘病的试验观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪气喘病又叫猪支原体肺炎,我国的发病率也较高(见表1).患猪长期生长发育不良,饲料转化率低,给养猪业发展带来了严重的经济损失.据有关资料表明,由于支原体的感染,育肥猪每增重1 kg,比健康猪多消耗0.1~0.2 kg饲料.  相似文献   

Two herds of swine, believed to be free from mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine (MPS) based upon negative Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae microtiter complement fixation test (CFT) results, subsequently exhibited clinical signs of MPS.Lungworms (Metastrongylus spp.) were common to both herds. The possibility that lungworms could serve as a reservoir for M. hyopneumoniae was investigated. Lungworm-larvae-infected earthworms, collected from each of the farms, were fed to swine free of lungworms and MPS. This procedure resulted in lungworm infection in the recipient pigs, but failed to produce pneumonic lesions or CFT antibody titers against MPS.  相似文献   

猪气喘病防制的药物与疫苗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
猪气喘病(猪支原体肺炎MPS,猪地方性肺炎EPS)是猪的一种直接接触、慢性呼吸道传染病,过去曾称病毒性肺炎或PPLO,现在世界上许多地区称为EPS。发病率高,本病在世界范围内广泛流行,一旦传入猪场,很难根除,成为猪场的老大难病。在高度集约化和机械化养猪环境中尤为多见,单位面积养猪头数增加,使此病更易于蔓延和传播,是造成养猪业经济损失很重要的疾病之一。本病主要病原为猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp),主要通过鼻腔接触和空气传播,在猪群密集、通风不良的条件下有利于本病的传播。主要症状为咳嗽和气喘,新疫区或流行初期…  相似文献   

为观察4种治疗方法治疗猪喘气病的疗效并进行对比,选出较好的治疗方案,以提高猪喘气病的治愈率,本试验选某猪场确诊为猪喘气病的病猪60头,将患猪随机分4组,分别采用麻杏石甘汤加味配合西药穴位注射、单用麻杏石甘汤加味、单用西药及针灸的治疗方法。结果显示,麻杏石甘汤加味配合西药穴位注射组的治愈率为93.33%;麻杏石甘汤加味组治愈率为73.33%;西药组治愈率为80.00%;针灸组治愈率为46.67%。试验证明,采用麻杏石甘汤加味配合西药穴位注射治疗猪喘气病的疗效高于其他3种方法,为临床治疗该病提供了确实可行的治疗方法。  相似文献   

The complement-fixation test (CFT), a latex-agglutination test (LAT), and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolation procedures were compared with gross and microscopic lung evaluations for the routine diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia (MP) of swine. The difficulty and variability of M hyopneumoniae isolation rendered this technique unacceptable. In market-weight swine, the finding of typical gross lesions was correlated with CFT results (P less than 0.005). The MP status of a herd could not be determined by use of these techniques in 4- to 9-week-old pigs. No technique could be used alone to establish a diagnosis. Gross and microscopic examination of all slaughter specimens, CFT, and clinical evaluation of the herd, used in combination, were the most useful means of determining the MP status of the herd.  相似文献   

1999年 1 1月以来 ,北京郊区某规模化养猪场发生以咳嗽、气喘、体温升高、消瘦为主要症状的疾病。该病的发病率、死亡率均较高 ,经病理剖检、细菌学及血清学检验诊断为支原体和巴氏杆菌混合感染 ,临床采取组织灭活苗紧急接种 ,结合泰乐菌素、支原净等药物治疗使病情得到了有效的控制。1 发病情况 发病猪群在 35~ 60日龄之间 ,病猪气喘、咳嗽、呼吸困难 ,呈腹式呼吸 ,口鼻流出泡沫样液体 ,尤以清晨和夜间症状严重 ,病猪耳根、腹侧和四肢内侧的皮肤出现红斑 ,可视粘膜发绀 ,病初食欲正常 ,随着病情的发展食欲减退至废绝 ,某些育肥猪往往不…  相似文献   

Ten swine from each of five herds believed to be affected with mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine and ten swine from each of five herds believed to be mycoplasmal pneumonia-free were selected for postmortem study. Lungs from the 100 swine were examined; grossly and microscopically for lesions typical of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine and culturally and by an indirect immunofluorescent procedure for the presence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Nineteen of the lungs had both gross and microscopic lesions typical of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine and 13 (68%) of these were infected, i.e. were culturally and/or indirect immunofluorescent positive. Absence of gross lesions did not prove freedom from mycoplasmal pneumonia, 14 of 73 (19%) grossly normal lungs were found to be infected with M. hyopneumoniae. Comparison of the indirect immunofluorescent and cultural examination, as methods of diagnosing mycoplasma pneumonia, revealed that neither procedure alone was reliable in the case of negative results. Ten lungs were indirect immunofluorescent negative and culturally positive and seven were culturally negative and indirect immunofluorescent positive (11 lungs were positive by both procedures). It was concluded that a definitive diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine requires that M. hyopneumoniae be visualized in indirect immunofluorescent stained lung sections or that it be recovered culturally.  相似文献   

中西药复方治疗猪霉形体性肺炎试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
应用环丙沙星(100mg/kg、50mg/kg)、环丙沙星 麻黄等中药(环丙沙星50mg 1.5%中药、环丙沙星25mg/kg 1.5%中药)和纯中药制剂(1.5%),以混饲的方式,对人工感染F64株猪霉形体性肺炎进行了疗效观察,结果环丙沙星50mg/kg 1.5%中药组效果最好;环丙沙星100mg/kg组效果次之;环丙沙星25mg/kg 1.5%中药组与丙环沙星50mg/kg组效果相当,1.5%中药组无效。表明环丙沙星50mg/kg 1.5%中药对F64株猪霉形体性肺为最佳组合,既可降低环丙沙星在畜产品中残留,亦可减少病原体耐药性的产生,充分显示了中西药结合防治畜禽传染性疾病的优势。  相似文献   

复方氟苯尼考注射液对人工诱发猪气喘病的疗效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氟苯尼考(Florfenicol)是动物专用的氯霉素类新型广谱抗生素,它以甲砜基取代氯霉素分子结构中的硝基.消除了不可逆性致再生障碍性贫血的毒副作用;以氟基取代甲碱霉素分子结构中α-甲基位上的羟基(细菌产生耐药性的主要结合位点),不仅抗菌活性增强.而且对大部分耐氧霉素和甲砜霉素的菌株仍有活性。目前.国内外对该药单独使用的研究较多,但该药与多西环素联合对猪气喘病的治疗效果报道很少。  相似文献   

Sera from swine experimentally or naturally infected with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (the etiological agent of mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine, MPS) were tested by the indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA), the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the complement fixation (CF) test. The IHA detected antibody at comparable times and levels to the other 2 serological tests following experimentally-induced infection. In the late antibody response (greater than or equal to 86 days post-infection), the ELISA titres were higher than either the IHA or the CF test. The IHA appeared least satisfactory when it was used to test sera from commercial swine herds. When 1000 sera were tested, the IHA was positive for only 30 (22%) of 135 sera which were positive by the ELISA and the CF test. The IHA titres were low; 20 of the 30 sera had a titre of only 10. The end-points for the IHA were difficult to read for sera of this low titre. The relationship between positive IHA results for the herd sera obtained at necropsy, and the occurrence of gross or microscopic lesions typical of MPS was poor (41 and 50% agreement, respectively). An agreement of 39% was noted between positive IHA results and the localization of mycoplasmal antigens by an indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test. However, IHA results correlated significantly (P less than 0.05) with gross and microscopic lesions, but not with the IIF test. No significant correlation was noted between the IHA (or the other 2 serologic tests) and the cultural isolation of M. hyopneumoniae or M. flocculare. On the basis of these results, the IHA appears to have limited promise as a practical test for the diagnosis of MPS in commercial swine herds because of the low titres observed, poor correlation of the IHA and other indicators of MPS, the necessarily subjective determination of end-points, and other inherent technical limitations of the test.  相似文献   

绵羊支原体肺炎的诊治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 发病情况  2 0 0 1年 1月 ,靖江市郊区一养羊户从浙江省某地调进湖羊 1 0 6只 (其中母羊 1 0 1只 ,多为怀孕绵羊 ) ,入场后第 5天发现一只公羊流浆液性鼻涕 ,咳嗽 ,体温升高 ,食欲减退 ,经常反复。到第 2 0天 ,部分母羊体温升高、不食 ,后经紧急治疗 ,疫病得到有效控制 ,共  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate immunological changes in peripheral blood leukocytes in pigs that were genetically selected for their improved resistance to mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine (MPS), using MPS vaccine as an antigen. Twelve castrated MPS‐selected Landrace pigs were compared with the same number of pigs from a nonselected line by using a time‐course analysis at the hematological level. After the second sensitization with MPS vaccine, the percentages of B cells, CD4+ T cells, and natural killer (NK) cells in total leukocytes were lower in the selected line than in the nonselected line, whereas the percentage of granulocytes in total leukocytes increased in the MPS‐selected line. We also assessed the proliferative ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stimulated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, lipopolysaccharide or concanavalin A, and found that although the proliferative ability of the PBMC was not different between the two lines at a steady state, the nonselected line showed a significantly higher proliferative ability after sensitization with MPS vaccine than the selected line regardless of antigens used. These results thus indicate that the selection of pigs on the basis of MPS resistance changes their immunophenotype, and would give us beneficial information for the prevention of MPS infection.  相似文献   

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