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When farmers migrate yearly to a village to carry out intense farming during the rainy season, and thereafter return to a more permanent place of abode this is referred to as seasonal migration. The impact of such migration on land‐use/land‐cover change in an area within the Volta Basin of Ghana was examined using satellite image analysis and socioeconomic surveys. The most drastic land‐cover change involved the conversion of woodland to agricultural land, while there was also a general transition to less vegetation cover. Socioeconomic surveys revealed that most of the migration occurred during the post‐structural adjustment period in Ghana with declining soil fertility accounting for the highest per cent of causes of migration. Multiple regression results highlighted the role of population size and distribution, marketing of agricultural produce and technological evolution of the household in determining agricultural land‐use change. Policy initiatives that could lead to environment conservation are suggested. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Integration of large‐area, economically driven macro‐models and small‐area, biophysically based models in the Canadian agricultural sector was described recently in the development of a land‐use allocation model (LUAM). We have since developed and integrated an improved methodology for allocating crop area changes generated for large areas by the Canadian Regional Agricultural Model (CRAM) to much smaller Soil Landscapes of Canada (SLC) polygons. Validation of outputs showed considerable improvement. The new coefficients of determination (R2) between simulated and actual data, with previous values in brackets, were 0.69 for fodder corn (0.54), 0.88 for wheat (0.62), 0.77 for hay (0.26), 0.54 for alfalfa (not previously reported), 0.88 for soya bean (0.26) and 0.86 for grain corn (0.22). The best result was obtained for soya bean, with a normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) of 0.31%, and the poorest for alfalfa, with NRMSE = 17.34%.  相似文献   

In this study, we used image‐processing techniques to examine the spatial pattern of land‐use and land‐cover (LULC) change that occurred in the coffee growing area in the Western Ghats of India during the international coffee crisis in the 1990s. The study also ascertains the driving forces of these changes using qualitative research methods that include archival studies and interviews of knowledgeable individuals. We analyzed Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) for 1991 and Landsat ETM+ for 2002 to quantify LULC. Historical land‐use changes in different land ownership regimes were also analyzed. Global coffee market fluctuations were found to be the major cause of landscape change in the study region. When the global coffee prices increased, more forested areas were cleared for coffee cultivation. Failure of global coffee market forced farmers to convert land from subsistence farming (rice) to short‐period commercial crops like ginger. This also resulted in land degradation in rice paddies. For the farmers in the Western Ghats, LULC decisions are one of the methods used to cope with the vulnerability created due to the international coffee crisis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyses land‐use/land‐cover (LULC) changes in Adana city, Turkey, using satellite data of 1984 and 2000. Study of the expansion of the city over adjacent agricultural fields and semi‐natural areas was the major focus. The satellite images were classified using supervised classification prior to comparison of LULC on two different dates. The change map was produced by pixel‐to‐pixel comparison of the classified images. Urban and built‐up area increased by a factor of 2ċ07 during the 16 years; about 30 per cent on agricultural land and 70 per cent on previously semi‐natural land. Permanent immigration and urban development strategies were the main driving forces. Some policy perspectives are also given. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maps of land‐use classes and soil series were analysed to identify areas having specific priorities with respect to agricultural land‐use analysis. Remote sensing data supported by field investigations was used to generate land‐use and soil maps. Present relationships between soils and associated land cover/use are analysed and patterns in these relationships are identified using GIS techniques. Relationships observed on the basis of a priori knowledge of the area and the available statistics are compared and these relationships in the field and through interviews with farmers are correlated. This allows three land‐use analysis objectives to be formulated: crop management improvement; crop selection; and conservation. The results can be used to focus the efforts of planning and extension services in the area. The method was tested using a participatory rural appraisal in eighteen villages in which the areas for the three land‐use analysis objectives were identified. The findings are that the areas identified for crop management improvement require knowledge about management practices for a specific crop to optimize yield and water use. Most areas identified for crop selection are occupied by smallholder subsistence farmers with insufficient water for irrigation, and a lack of contact with the extension service. In these areas, identifying suitable crops to minimize risk and allow subsistence for the resource‐poor farmers may be the priority. In areas identified for conservation the question to be addressed is whether to grow a crop at all, or to encourage alternative activities. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the consequences of feasible land‐use change in Great Britain on GHG emissions mainly through the gain or loss of soil organic carbon. We use estimates of per‐area changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, coupled with Great Britain (GB) county‐level scenarios of land‐use change based on historical land‐use patterns or feasible futures to estimate the impact of potential land‐use change between agricultural land‐uses. We consider transitions between cropland, temporary grassland (<5 yr under grass), permanent grass (>5 yr under grass) and forest. We show that reversion to historical land‐use patterns as present in 1930 could result in GHG emission reductions of up to ca. 11 Mt CO2‐eq./yr (relative to a 2004 baseline), because of an increased permanent grassland area. By contrast, cultivation of 20% of the current (2004) permanent grassland area for crop production could result in GHG emission increases of up to ca. 14 Mt CO2‐eq./yr. We conclude that whilst change between agricultural land‐uses (transitions between permanent and temporary grassland and cropland) in GB is likely to be a limited option for GHG mitigation, external factors such as agricultural product commodity markets could influence future land‐use. Such agricultural land‐use change in GB could have significant impacts on Land‐use, Land‐Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions, with relatively small changes in land‐use (e.g. 5% plough out of grassland to cropland, or reversion of cropland to the grassland cover in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones of 1998) having an impact on GHG emissions of a similar order of magnitude as the current United Kingdom LULUCF sink. In terms of total UK GHG emissions, however, even the most extreme feasible land‐use change scenarios account for ca. 2% of current national GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Vegetation restoration efforts (planting trees and grass) have been effective in controlling soil erosion on the Loess Plateau (NW China). Shifts in land cover result in modifications of soil properties. Yet, whether the hydraulic properties have also been improved by vegetation restoration is still not clear. The objective of this paper was to understand how vegetation restoration alters soil structure and related soil hydraulic properties such as permeability and soil water storage capacity. Three adjacent sites with similar soil texture, soil type, and topography, but different land cover (black locust forest, grassland, and cropland) were selected in a typical small catchment in the middle reaches of the Yellow River (Loess Plateau). Seasonal variation of soil hydraulic properties in topsoil and subsoil were examined. Our study revealed that land‐use type had a significant impact on field‐saturated, near‐saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil water characteristics. Specifically, conversion from cropland to grass or forests promotes infiltration capacity as a result of increased saturated hydraulic conductivity, air capacity, and macroporosity. Moreover, conversion from cropland to forest tends to promote the creation of mesopores, which increase soil water‐storage capacity. Tillage of cropland created temporarily well‐structured topsoil but compacted subsoil as indicated by low subsoil saturated hydraulic conductivity, air capacity, and plant‐available water capacity. No impact of land cover conversion on unsaturated hydraulic conductivities at suction > 300 cm was found indicating that changes in land cover do not affect functional meso‐ and microporosity. Our work demonstrates that changes in soil hydraulic properties resulting from soil conservation efforts need to be considered when soil conservation measures shall be implemented in water‐limited regions. For ensuring the sustainability of such measures, the impact of soil conversion on water resources and hydrological processes needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to systematically quantify differences in soil carbon and key related soil properties along a replicated land‐use intensity gradient on three soil landscapes in northwest New South Wales, Australia. Our results demonstrate consistent land‐use effects across all soil types where C, N and C:N ratio were in the order woodland > unimproved pasture = improved pasture > cultivation while bulk density broadly showed the reverse pattern. These land‐use effects were largely restricted to the near surface soil layers. Improved pasture was associated with a significant soil acidification, indicating that strategies to increase soil carbon through pasture improvement in these environments might also have associated soil degradation issues. Total soil carbon stocks were significantly larger in woodland soils, across all soil types, compared with the other land‐uses studied. Non‐wooded systems, however, had statistically similar carbon stocks and this pattern persisted whether or not carbon quantity was corrected for equivalent mass. Our results suggest that conversion from cultivation to pasture in this environment would yield between 0.06 and 0.15 t C/ha/yr which is at the lower end of predicted ranges in Australia and well below values measured in other cooler, wetter environments. We estimate that a 10% conversion rate (cultivation to pasture) across NSW would yield around 0.36 Mt CO2‐e/yr which would contribute little to emission reductions in NSW. We conclude that carbon accumulation in agricultural soils in this environment might be more modest than current predictions suggest and that systematically collected, regionally specific data are required for the vegetation communities and full range of land‐uses before accurate and reliable predictions of soil carbon change can be made across these extensive landscapes.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of land‐use/land‐cover and geomorphometric parameters is important for evaluating watershed conditions, yet these are surprisingly difficult quantities to measure accurately over large areas. Watershed analysis based on the geographic information system (GIS) was carried out in two watersheds in the western development region of Nepal. Land‐use maps were prepared after interpretation of 1978 and 1996 aerial photographs. Digital data for deriving geomorphometric parameters were prepared from topographical maps of scale 1: 25 000. The dynamics of land‐use and land‐cover change within the Mardi and Fewa watersheds were investigated by performing spatial analysis of digital land‐use maps in ArcView 3.1 desktop environment. There was a net increase in forest cover of 2ċ4 per cent and 1ċ1 per cent in the Mardi and Fewa watersheds respectively, with a corresponding decrease in shrub and rainfed agriculture. Land use was found to be highly dynamic with significant internal trading among the land‐use classes. A significant area under agriculture in 1978 was found abandoned in 1996 in both watersheds most likely due to increased out migration of the labour force. Geomorphometric parameters such as hypsometric curves, hypsometric integrals (HI), drainage density and length of overland flow were analysed to explain the watershed conditions. The results of geomorphometric analysis revealed that the watersheds have been subjected in the past to high erosion and are still susceptible to lateral surface erosion hence soil degradation. Some suggestion for management can be derived from this study. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated the contents of organic carbon (Corg) of Ap horizons from 11 North German study areas along a Southeast to Northwest precipitation gradient with respect to their general levels and as related to C : N ratio, soil texture (clay content), bulk soil density, climate, and historical land‐use since 1780. The focus was on sandy soils, with the largest group of samples originating from 308 km2 of the Fuhrberg catchment north of Hannover/Lower Saxony. Data from loess areas were used for comparisons. Major aims were (1) to quantify current Corg stocks, (2) to provide data on site‐specific, steady‐state Corg levels in old arable soils, and (3) to identify the main controls of Corg levels in the studied sands. The mean Corg content in sandy, well‐drained, old Ap horizons (uplands, > 200 years under cultivation, near steady‐state) increased with precipitation from < 8 g kg—1 in the dry eastern parts of the study area (530 mm year—1, 8.3°C) to 25 g kg—1 in the moist Northwest (825 mm year—1, 8.4°C). The Corg levels in lowlands which have been drained for more than 40 years were approximately 3 g kg—1 higher than those of uplands under a similar climate. The factor clay content had no predictive value because low contents were associated with high Corg levels. Large proportions of refractory organic matter in sands resulting from specific features of historical land‐use and soil development (calluna heathland, heath plaggen fertilization, podzolization) appeared to be the most probable reason for such high Corg levels. However, the high Corg levels of these old arable sites were still exceeded by those of younger arable areas formerly under continuos grassland. A chrono‐sequence suggested that a period of about 100 years is necessary until a new steady‐state Corg level is established after conversion of grassland into arable land. Elevated Corg levels in current Ap horizons were also found for former woodland and heathland soils. The main conclusion is that sands can contain a lot of stable organic matter, sometimes more than finer textured soils.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in land‐cover on soil quality parameters in an area in northern Ghana were studied. Land‐cover changes were derived from maps of the study area for 1984, 1992 and 1999. There were no significant differences between properties of soils under natural vegetation and soils put under cultivation from 1992, but permanently cultivated soils (1984–1999) showed significantly lower physical and chemical soil properties. Soils recently opened up since 1992 for cultivation in the last seven years (i.e. 1992–1999) were found to manifest significantly higher contents of organic C, N, Ca, Mg and ECEC than those under permanent cultivation, suggesting that continuous cropping is responsible for deterioration in soil quality. Minimum organic C contents necessary to meet critical levels of selected soil quality parameters were estimated. The organic C content of recently cultivated soils would need to be increased by about 7 t ha to replenish soil nutrient capital. This calls for a strategy to synchronize organic matter management with inorganic fertilizer application. Further research is also needed to develop farming systems that conserve organic matter and also improve the quality of organic matter in the study area. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land‐use patterns affect the quantity and quality of soil nutrients as well as microbial biomass and respiration in soil. However, few studies have been done to assess the influence of land‐use on soil and microbial characteristics of the alpine region on the northeastern Tibetan plateau. In order to understand the effect of land‐use management, we examined the chemical properties and microbial biomass of soils under three land‐use types including natural grassland, crop‐field (50 + y of biennial cropping and fallow) and abandoned old‐field (10 y) in the area. The results showed that the losses of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) were about 45 and 43 per cent, respectively, due to cultivation for more than 50 y comparing with natural grassland. Because of the abandonment of cultivation for about a decade, SOC and TN were increased by 27 and 23 per cent, respectively, in comparison with the crop field. Microbial carbon (ranging from 357·5 to 761·6 mg kg−1 soil) in the old‐field was intermediate between the crop field and grassland. Microbial nitrogen (ranging from 29·9 to 106·7 mg kg−1 soil) and respiration (ranging from 60·4 to 96·4 mg CO2‐C g−1 Cmic d−1) were not significantly lower in the old‐field than those in the grassland. Thus it could be concluded that cultivation decreased the organic matter and microbial biomass in soils, while the adoption of abandonment has achieved some targets of grassland restoration in the alpine region of Gansu Province on the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis has been undertaken of the land‐use evolution in the island of Lesvos for the last 5000 years, based on historical and archaeological documents and recent soil and vegetation survey data. A series of maps were compiled using historical documents for the period from 3300 bc to 1886 bc and vegetation field survey data for the period from 1886–1996. A soil survey (scale 1:50 000) was conducted in 1996 in order to relate the land‐use changes to the present physical environment. Cultivation of the land started around 3300 bc and intensified during the 18th century bc . During the Roman period forests were already significantly reduced to satisfy the increasing demands for agricultural products, timber and heating. In the Byzantine period (4th–15th century), vineyards and pastures expanded, mainly by clearing the forests. Olive plantations increased during the 13th century, motivated by the allocation of subsidies. During the first centuries of the Ottoman period, there was a further expansion of olive groves and pastures by reducing forests, while vineyards declined. Great changes occurred in the last century in the geographical distribution and the total area occupied by the various types of land use. Olive groves significantly expanded and were redistributed covering more fertile and productive land on hilly areas by clearing mainly pine forests. Oak forests increased on previous pasture areas. Today, pasture is the main type of land use in hilly areas. These previously forested areas have been cleared without any accompanying measures against soil erosion. This highly degraded land with shallow and severely eroded soils is not able to sustain any profitable agricultural use or natural forest. However, areas cultivated with olives remained sustainable for more than seven centuries without being significantly degraded. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The organic carbon pool in agricultural land‐uses is capable of enhancing agricultural sustainability and serving as a potential sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide. A study was carried out to estimate and map carbon stock of different agricultural land‐uses in a sub‐watershed of Thailand and to assess the land‐use sustainability with respect to carbon management. A quadrat sampling methodology was adopted to estimate the biomass and its carbon content of 11 different land‐uses in the study area. Existing soil data were used to calculate the soil carbon. GIS was used for integrating biomass carbon, soil carbon and carbon stock mapping. Roth carbon model was used to project the soil carbon of present land‐uses in the coming 10 years and based on which the sustainability of land‐uses was predicted. The total carbon stock of agricultural land‐uses was estimated to be 20·5 Tg, of which 41·49 per cent was biomass carbon and 58·51 per cent was soil carbon. Among the land‐uses, para rubber had the highest average biomass C (136·34 Mg C ha−1) while paddy had the lowest (7·08 Mg C ha−1). About four‐fifths of agricultural land‐uses in the watershed are sustainable in maintaining the desired level of soil carbon in coming 10 years while one‐fifths are unstable. Such information on carbon stock could be valuable to develop viable land‐use options for agricultural sustainability and carbon sequestration. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Gilgel Gibe catchment in Ethiopia, local farmers intensify land use on Planosols by adjusting a traditional soil burning practice known as guie. The burning practice used to be applied in a cycle of shifting cultivation. However, more recently, farmers burn small plots to make fertile seedbeds for Eucalyptus seedlings in the first year before these trees are transplanted to larger plots. The purpose of this research was to assess the physico‐chemical properties of Planosols that have been subjected to burning over the last 10 yrs and evaluate the contribution of guie to land‐use intensification of these soils. Transect studies and interviews of local farmers, followed by chemical, physical and micromorphological analyses of samples from selected plots were used to compare the soil properties of recently (0–2 yrs) and formerly (3–10 yrs) burnt Planosols with those of unburnt Planosols. The analytical results show that the burning practice improved nutrient availability in the first 2 yrs after guie. Increased amounts of exchangeable aluminium (Al) were reported in the long term. Charge fingerprints illustrate that the nutrient‐buffering capacity of the soil was high shortly after the practice but subsequently decreased with time. Given the population pressure on the formerly extensively used Planosols, it is argued that the current application of guie on small, localized plots for raising Eucalyptus seedlings is well adapted to the local socio‐economic context and promotes land‐use intensification on the Planosols. The increased exchangeable Al content of former Eucalyptus seedbeds merits further in‐depth research into the biophysical sustainability of the burning practice.  相似文献   

Abandonment of mountain grassland often changes vegetation composition and litter quantity and quality, but related effects on labile soil organic matter (SOM) are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of grassland management and abandonment on soil carbon distribution in light (< 1.6 g cm–3) particulate organic matter (POM) and aggregation along a gradient of management intensity including hay meadows, pastures, and abandoned grasslands. The reduction of management intensity is an interregional phenomenon throughout the European Alps. We therefore selected sites from two typical climate regions, namely at Stubai Valley, Austria (MAT: 3°C, MAP: 1097 mm) and Matsch Valley, Italy (MAT: 6.6°C, MAP: 527 mm), to evaluate effects of land‐use change in relation to climate. Free water‐floatable and free POM (wPOM, fPOM), and an occluded POM fraction (oPOM), were isolated from three water‐stable aggregate size classes (2–6.3 mm, 0.25–2 mm, < 0.25 mm) using density fractionation. Aggregate mean weight diameter slightly decreased with decreasing management intensity. In contrast to absolute POM‐C, fPOM‐C increased in aggregates at both sites with abandonment. Because the oPOM‐C was less affected by abandonment, the ratio of oPOM‐C : fPOM‐C shifted from > 1 to < 1 from meadow to abandoned grassland in aggregates at both sites and thus independent of climate. This suggests that in differently managed mountain grasslands free and occluded POM are functionally different SOM fractions. In bulk soil, the oPOM‐C : fPOM‐C ratio is better suited as an indicator for the response of SOM to management reduction in subalpine grasslands than the total soil C, absolute or relative POM‐C content.  相似文献   

Land degradation is considered to be a major environmental problem by scientific and political institutions in Iceland. In past years, land degradation problems related to sheep and horse grazing have gradually come to the fore in public discussion of environmental questions. However, land degradation is often evaluated in different ways by different groups of people. This has led to a lack of consensus regarding rates and severity of land degradation. Therefore, it is important to study differences in environmental perception, and how these differences can be dealt with in the context of sustainable management. This paper aims to highlight farmers' perception of land degradation in Iceland, as perceptions of the environment determine the basis for human activities related to the land. A total of 100 farmers in NE Iceland were questioned and interviewed for their opinions on land degradation, its history, causes and severity. The results indicate that farmers consider land degradation to be a slow process, and not a catastrophic phenomenon. The understanding of the general ecological processes by the users affects their practices and concern for their environment. This feeds back on the land‐use system and ultimately causes changes in land‐cover. Therefore, if we are to increase our understanding of the processes that lead to land‐cover changes we have to integrate the perceptions of land users and technical experts. In this way we may improve conservation practices and land‐resource management policies. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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