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苗期地温对棉花前期生育进程的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究苗期地温变化对棉花出苗和生长状况的影响,采用田间试验,设置3个不同播期,调查地温与棉花生长变化的关系。结果表明,苗期5 cm地温受气温影响波动要比10 cm和15 cm土层大,且地温相对较高,随播期推后,不同土层温差变化减小;不同播期约4~5天可见苗,受积温影响不大,但随播期推后,进入苗期时间增长;从第一真叶到见蕾一、二播期仅差1天,出叶时间间隔变短,而二、三播期的间隔则变长;不同播期中第三播期棉花株高最高,高出其他播期达20 cm,差异显著,株宽和始节高度差值也达5.5 cm和5.3 cm,且随播期推迟这种差异增大。本试验认为,不论播期怎样变化,只有地温变化趋缓,才利于棉花出苗和稳健生长,构建理想群体结构。  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of growth temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) on seed quality in terms of seed composition, subsequent seedling emergence and early seedling vigour is important under present and future climates. The objective of this study was to determine the combined effects of elevated temperature and CO2 during seed-filling of parent plants on seed composition, subsequent seedling emergence and seedling vigour of red kidney bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ). Plants of cultivar 'Montcalm', were grown at daytime maximum/nighttime minimum sinusoidal temperature regimes of 28/18 and 34/24 °C at ambient CO2 (350 μmol mol−1) and at elevated CO2 (700 μmol mol−1) from emergence to maturity. Seed size and seed composition at maturity and subsequent per cent emergence, early seedling vigour (rate of development) and seedling dry matter production were measured. Elevated CO2 did not influence seed composition, emergence, or seedling vigour of seeds produced either at 28/18 or 34/24 °C. Seed produced at 34/24 °C had smaller seed size, decreased glucose concentration, but significantly increased concentrations of sucrose and raffinose compared to 28/18 °C. Elevated growth temperatures during seed production decreased the subsequent per cent emergence and seedling vigour of the seeds and seedling dry matter production of seed produced either at ambient or elevated CO2.  相似文献   

10 day infestation of two winter wheat cultivars, Regina and Zdar , by grain aphid Macrosiphum avenae (F.) (3 virgines per ear at the anthesis), caused up to 30 per cent loss of seed weight, and accelerated significantly seed germination. The percentage of seed germination was not influenced. First four days after emergence, the sprouts of the seed influenced by aphids were longer than the control, then shorter.
After 8 days, the seedlings from aphid affected seeds had significantly lower dry matter than controls. Cv. Zdar was more sensitive than cv. Regina .  相似文献   

播种深度对高粱出苗和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了明确高粱的适宜播种深度,观察不同高粱品种对不同播种深度的耐深播差异,研究了8 种播种深度对3 个高粱品种出苗和幼苗生长的影响,出苗时记载不同播种深度下高粱的出苗速度和出苗率,出苗结束后,调查其地上部分幼苗生长量、胚轴长度和种子根长度。结果表明:随着覆土厚度的增加幼苗出苗速度明显减慢。在播深3 cm、5 cm和7 cm处理下,各品种从播种至出苗需要5 天,在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm 和13 cm 处理下,需要5~7 天,在播深17 cm 处理下为7~11 天。在播深12 cm、13 cm 和17 cm处理下‘晋中0822’较其他2 个品种从播种至出苗所需时间早2~4 天。不同播深处理下高粱完成出苗所需要时间也不尽相同。在播深3 cm、5 cm和7 cm处理下,各品种完成出苗所需时间为9 天,在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm和13 cm处理下,需要9~13 天,在播深17 cm处理下需13 天。品种‘晋中0822’在播深8 cm、10 cm、12 cm和13 cm处理下9 天完成出苗,较其他2 个品种早。播种深度对3 个高粱品种的出苗率亦有显著影响。随着播种深度的增加,3 个高粱品种的平均出苗率不断降低。3 cm和5 cm为高粱最适播种深度。在播深3 cm、5 cm、7 cm、8c m、10cm和12 cm处理下品种‘晋中0822’出苗率显著高于其他品种。此外,播种深度对幼苗的生长发育也有显著影响。随着播种深度增加,3 个高粱品种的地上部分幼苗生长量和种根长显著降低,而胚轴长度显著增加。在3cm和5 cm播深处理下幼苗生长量、种根长和胚轴长与其他各处理差异显著。在播深7 cm、8 cm、10 cm、12 cm、13 cm和17 cm处理下‘晋中0822’品种各指标与其他品种差异显著。  相似文献   

Seeds of Paceño and Cuarenteño cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) were tested for salt and drought tolerance at germination, seedling emergence and early seedling growth in NaCl and PEG‐8000 solutions of different osmotic potentials (0, ?0.2, ?0.4, ?0.6, and ?0.8 MPa). Daily and final germination and emergence percentage, as well as germination and seedling emergence rate, and seedling growth were recorded under controlled conditions. Results showed that germination and emergence rate were delayed by both solutions in both cultivars, with differences between cultivars among growth stages, given that cultivar Cuarenteño, showed a higher germination rate than Paceño in NaCl, but Paceño was less affected by NaCl and PEG solutions at the emergence stage. Sodium chloride had a lesser effect on both cultivars in terms of germination rate, emergence rate and the final germination and emergence percentage than did PEG‐8000. This conclusively proves that the adverse effect of PEG‐8000 on germination, emergence and early seedling growth was due to the osmotic effect rather than the specific ion. Seedling growth was reduced by both stresses, but NaCl usually caused less damage than PEG to cowpea seedlings, suggesting that NaCl and PEG acted through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

成都平原水稻直播方式对出苗状况及产量形成的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究水稻不同直播方式在成都平原的适应性,确定最佳的直播方式,以杂交稻‘川优6203’和常规稻‘金农丝苗’为材料开展了田间试验,研究了成都平原生态条件下翻耕旱直播、免耕旱直播及翻耕水直播3种直播方式对直播稻出苗状况、生长发育、水分利用及产量形成的影响。结果表明:不同类型品种直播方式间产量的差异主要取决于有效穗数的多寡。翻耕旱直播处理前期出苗状况好、有效穗多,产量潜力最高;翻耕水直播处理前期出苗状况和产量虽不及翻耕旱直播处理,但有利于减少杂草和落田谷发生,播种后所需灌水量也最少;免耕旱直播处理存在着杂草和落田谷滋生严重、出苗差及播种后田间耗水量大等问题,产量最低。这表明翻耕条件下旱直播和水直播在成都平原各有优点,但从生产实用的角度考虑水直播更为适合。  相似文献   

地温与玉米品种出苗关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用5个春玉米品种自然条件下分期播种出苗情况以及地温气象资料,对地温与玉米出苗的关系进行了研究和分析。结果表明:出苗率随着播种后的时间推移呈逻辑斯蒂曲线,土温与出苗时间呈指数曲线变化,土壤平均温度与地积温呈二次曲线T=816.61-57.26t+1.17t2,根据方程得出了玉米出苗最适宜温度是24.37℃。并利用积温模型得出5个品种的发育起点温度是5.12~8.40℃,不同品种其发育起点温度不同。  相似文献   

The effect of priming sorghum and pearl millet seeds with fertilizers was investigated. Two experiments were conducted on M35–1 (sorghum) and ICMH 356 (pearl millet), and ICSV 745 (sorghum) and Barmer (pearl millet) seeds, respectively. Treatments included nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium-based treatments which showed that 7.5 g l−1 of urea substantially enhanced the final germination percentage of seeds. The second experiment included 10 priming treatments with 7.5 g l−1 urea mixed with other fertilizers. Results indicated that soaking seeds for 3 days in urea + one of several fertilizers including N, P or K-based nutrient compositions or micro elements significantly increased germination percentage and speed but did not affect seedling growth at 15 or 60 days after sowing. It is concluded that seed priming treatments with fertilizers may serve as an appropriate treatment for advancing germination of the species studied.  相似文献   

稻秸还田与播种方式影响小麦出苗及产量的大田试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究水稻秸秆还田与播种方式对小麦出苗及籽粒产量的影响,通过田间大区试验,分析了稻秸机械全量还田与不同播种方式对小麦出苗率、出苗均匀性及产量性状的影响。结果显示,稻秸不还田条件下,机械条播的出苗率显著低于机械匀播和人工撒播,机械条播、机械匀播和人工撒播的出苗率分别为51.84%、90.89%和88.87%;人工撒播的出苗均匀性差于机械条播和机械匀播,3 种播种方式的出苗变异系数分别为0.49、0.26 和0.23。稻秸机械全量还田条件下,不同播种方式处理的出苗率和出苗均匀性都有所降低,其中机械条播的下降幅度较大,出苗率降低了36.54%。小麦出苗率和出苗均匀性通过影响穗数、穗粒数、千粒重而影响籽粒产量,无论稻秸是否还田,机械匀播的产量均高于其余两种播种方式,稻秸不还田和全量还田条件下的产量分别为6091.34 kg/hm2和6476.20 kg/hm2。因此,在稻秸还田小麦生产中,推荐采用机械匀播的播种方式,不仅能提高小麦的田间出苗率,而且能保持较好的出苗均匀性,有利于获得较高的籽粒产量。  相似文献   

不同生育期温度逆境处理对早稻产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究温度逆境对水稻的响应,采用盆栽种植的方法,在早稻分蘖期、孕穗期、灌浆期,利用人工智能气候室,通过不同时期的温度逆境处理,分析其对早稻产量及构成。结果表明:生物量表现为低温中温高温,灌浆期孕穗期分蘖期处理;分蘖期和孕穗期的温度变化对有效穗影响较大,灌浆期的温度变化对有效穗基本无影响;孕穗期进行温度处理对结实的影响最明显,且高温会显著降低结实率;孕穗期高温处理显著降低千粒重,其余各时期温度处理的千粒重差异不显著;单株产量表现为低温中温高温,灌浆期处理分蘖期处理孕穗期处理,孕穗期高温处理的产量最低,较同时期低温处理减少26.80%~42.46%,较同时期中温处理减少21.16%~36.22%。试验表明,高温对早稻产量及产量构成影响最大,3个时期中,孕穗期是早稻产量及产量构成的最敏感时期。  相似文献   

为满足近年来直播稻种植的气象服务需求,开展直播早稻适宜播种温度研究。以南昌地区的常规种植早稻‘湘早籼45’为研究对象,设置3月26日、3月29日、4月2日、4月5日以及4月10日共5个播期,研究分析不同播期下直播早稻的出苗率、农艺性状以及产量的特征。结果表明,成苗率与出苗期间平均气温和平均最低气温呈显著正相关关系;适时早播有利于提高直播早稻有效穗数、每穗粒数和结实率;气温对苗高和叶龄变化有明显影响。连续3~5日平均温度达18℃,日最低气温在15℃以上时,有利早稻直播。  相似文献   

为了给谷子简化栽培提供一些理论依据,探明谷子出苗是否需要“群体顶土”协助,特做了本项研究。连续2 年在条播、穴播、不同播深、不同播量等情况下,对谷子出苗率进行调查,并统计分析其差异性。试验结果表明:只要在相同的种植条件下,谷子的出苗率与播量没有关系。通常在整地质量较好、土壤墒情较好的情况下,每公顷播量4 kg 左右就能达到生产用苗数,基本可以做到少间苗或不间苗。谷子出苗不需要“群体顶土”协助。  相似文献   

Identifying corn ( Zea mays L.) genotypes with faster rates of seedling emergence and leaf appearance is important in developing a corn crop with earlier canopy closure and better seasonal light interception. A greenhouse experiment was conducted twice to investigate whether corn genotypes known to vary in canopy architecture and yield potential differed in rates of seedling emergence and leaf appearance. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design utilizing seven genotypes: five of the newly developed Leafy reduced-stature (LRS) types (LRS1, LRS2, LRS3, LRS4 and LRS5), one conventional type [Pioneer 3979 (P3979)], and one late-maturing big-leaf (LMBL) type. Five seeds were planted in each pot and seedling emergence was recorded every day until all seeds emerged. Leaf appearance was recorded from seedling emergence until the plants reached anthesis. There was variability among the genotypes for both seedling emergence and leaf appearance rate. Mean seedling emergence values of greater than 90 % were achieved by four of the five LRS genotypes, and the LRS types generally emerged more rapidly than the others. Leaf appearance rate showed linear increases over time; however, LRS genotypes (in particular LRS3, LRS4 and LRS5) had more rapid leaf appearance rates than the others. The LMBL hybrid ranked last for both seedling emergence (<80 %) and leaf appearance rate. Rapid seedling emergence and leaf appearance by early-maturing genotypes (LRS and P3979, especially LRS) may help these types of genotypes achieve earlier canopy closure and better use of the light available during the growing season, which is critical in a short growing season environment.  相似文献   

研究了不同盐分(0、50、100、150、200 mmol/L)、温度(18、30、42℃)及其二者互作对甜瓜种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明,在相同温度下,随着盐浓度的增加,种子发芽率和幼苗生长量(侧根数、茎粗和根长)均有下降的趋势.30℃下,NaCl溶液对种子萌发抑制最小,浓度达到200 mmol/L时,仍有58%的种子萌发,18℃下,对种子萌发抑制作用最大,NaCl溶液浓度为150 mmol/L时,种子萌发被完全抑制;在同一NaCl溶液浓度下,甜瓜幼苗生长量表现为30C>42℃>18℃.盐分、温度及其二者互作对甜瓜种子萌发和幼苗生长均有一定的影响.低温比高温与盐分胁迫互作对甜瓜种子萌发和幼苗生长影响明显,甜瓜种子萌发及幼苗生长对盐分的响应依赖于温度的变化,抑制作用表现为:18℃>42℃> 30℃.  相似文献   

温度对油葵种子发芽和出苗的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王冀川  徐雅丽  段黄金 《种子》2002,(3):33-34,36
在水、气等适宜的条件下,G101和新葵杂4号的发芽最低临界温度分别为3.2℃和3.7℃,出苗最低临界温度分别为4℃和5℃,两品种发芽的适宜温度为20-30℃,出苗适宜温度为25-30℃。当≥发芽临界温度的有效积温达46-51℃时,种子发芽;≥出苗临界温度的有效积温达108-113℃时,种子出苗。  相似文献   

Effect of Sodium Chloride Salinity on Seedling Emergence in Chickpea   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Although laboratory (Petri dish) germination as an estimate of seed viability is a standard practice, it may not give an accurate prediction of seedling emergence in the field, especially when saline irrigation water is used. Experiments were conducted to investigate seedling emergence in two chickpea cultivars (ILC 482 and Barka local) in response to varied salinity levels and sowing depths. Seeds were sown in potted soil at a depth of 2, 4 or 6 cm. The salinity treatments were 4.6, 8.4 and 12.2 dS m–1. Tap water (0.8 dS m–1) served as the control. Depth of sowing had a significant effect on seedling emergence. Seeds sown 6 cm deep showed the lowest seedling emergence. Similarly, salinity had an adverse effect on seedling emergence. The lowest seedling emergence percentages were obtained at the highest salinity treatment (12.2 dS m–1). The interaction between salinity treatment and seeding depth was significant. Hypocotyl injury was implicated as a possible cause of poor seedling emergence in chickpea under saline water irrigation and was less severe when pre-germinated seeds were used. ILC 482 appeared to be more tolerant to salinity than Barka local, suggesting that breeding programmes involving regional exchange of germplasm may be helpful.  相似文献   

Investigations were done on six maize inbred lines of different origin and their diallel set of crosses. Seedlings grown at 14°, 22°, 30° and 38°C until three leaves stage were studied for morphological, anatomical and photosynthetic traits of leaves. These traits were screened for correlation with shoot dry weight at the six leaves stage under field conditions i) in 1981 and 1982 in North Germany, cool climate (CS); ii) 1981 in Thailand (WS). Some few seedling traits correlated well enough, dependent on temperature and location. CS shoot weights were closely correlated with dry weight of third leaves (14°) or NADP malate dehydrogenase activity (30°) (r = 0.66—0.85), whereas WS shoot weight correlated best with the depth of stomata below the epidermal surface (30°C) (r = -0.77). This shows that it is possible to predict early growth performance in the field within a group of genotypes adapted to different latitudes.  相似文献   

甜玉米种子活力低下原因及提高其田间出苗率研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
樊龙江  颜启传 《作物学报》1998,24(1):103-109
试验以sh2胚乳突变体为试材,以普通杂交玉米为对照,测定了两者的某些结构,生理指标,设计了催芽、包衣和有机溶剂渗入3种方法进行了种子处理,并分早播、适播、迟播3期进行田间播种,考察种了处理方法对提高甜玉米种子田间出苗率、成苗率等的影响。试验结果表明,甜玉米种子活力低下的原因主要是因遗传造成的胚乳淀粉积累不足,同时试验表明,甜玉米种子的某些生理指标和的的功能与普通杂交玉差异不大,种子处理方法对提高早  相似文献   

播种期温度变化对玉米出苗速率的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为了应对气候变化,掌握玉米播种出苗期的温度特性,科学调整玉米播种期提供依据,采用分期播种方法,研究温度变化对玉米出苗速率的影响。结果表明,随着春季气温的升高,玉米出苗速率加快。玉米出苗速率与4月中旬—6月上旬平均气温存在对数函数关系,与≥12.0℃有效积温存在线性函数关系,出苗天数与活动积温存在指数函数关系。稳定通过12.0℃为玉米播种初始温度,14.0~18.0℃为较适宜温度,18.0℃以上为播种适宜温度。耕层温度与气温对出苗速率的影响相同。播种期初始温度应从稳定10.0℃调整至稳定12.0℃为宜。  相似文献   

探索盐碱土中添加最佳玉米秸秆量,以‘农华101’玉米种子、收获期玉米秸秆和通辽地区典型的盐碱土为材料,用盐碱土:蒸馏水(1:5)的土壤浸出液制备0、30、40、50、60 g/L秸秆粉培养液,作为5个处理,水培玉米种子;培养期间测定培养液pH、电导率、微生物数量及玉米幼苗根系内生菌数量,统计种子发芽率,4叶期测定幼苗农艺性状及其叶片和根系生理特性指标。结果表明:盐碱土添加玉米秸秆降低pH,降低玉米种子发芽率,但极显著增加幼苗根长、根数和株高;其中40 g/L处理对根长、根数的增加幅度最大,0 g/L处理2叶期死亡。添加秸秆极显著增加盐碱土细菌数量,除了30 g/L处理,其余处理极显著增加真菌和放线菌数量。根内生真菌和放线菌各处理无显著差异,30 g/L与40 g/L根内生细菌数显著大于50 g/L与60 g/L处理。40 g/L处理叶片POD活性极显著大于50、60 g/L处理,分别是它们的2.22倍和3.15倍;叶片MDA含量排序为60 g/L>50 g/L>30 g/L>40 g/L,处理间差异极显著;叶片SOD活性和根系活力为40 g/L>50 g/L>60 g/L>30 g/L,处理间差异极显著;根系MDA含量排序为60 g/L>30 g/L>50 g/L>40 g/L,处理间差异极显著;各处理根系POD活性规律与根系活力一致。盐碱土添加玉米秸秆可增加玉米幼苗抗盐碱胁迫能力,其中40 g/L处理最为显著。  相似文献   

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