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ABSTRACT Existing studies of convergence across jurisdictions of a nation have focused on developed economies. A key assumption underlying regional convergence is geographical factor mobility, and in a developed economy, mobility is facilitated by low transportation costs. By the same token, convergence in a less-developed economy may be impeded by the absence of a well-developed transportation infrastructure. We examine the rate and industrial composition of economic convergence in a neighboring less-developed country (LDC), Mexico, to examine how it might have differed from the U.S. experience. We find evidence of stronger convergence in Gross State Product per capita in Mexico relative to existing estimates of U.S. convergence. Further, while manufacturing activity has been found to be a primary source of convergence in the U.S., we find weaker evidence of convergence of manufacturing activity in Mexico. On the other hand, industries such as hotels and transportation were found to be significantly influential in regional convergence in the Mexican economy.  相似文献   

种子是农业最基本的生产资料,是为农业区域发展服务的.我国幅员辽阔,农业生态环境具有区域性,应根据各地农业发展的实际情况,科学制订种子产业区域发展规划,努力促进种子市场和相应的农产品市场协调发展,促进种子产业与区域农业生产和农业经济协调发展.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Proponents of petroleum industry subsidies often assert that such policies will have positive economic implications for rural communities. This paper examines the economic impacts of such a policy in Utah. Specifically, this paper quantifies the direct and indirect economic and fiscal impacts of a tax credit granted for oil and gas well workovers in Utah's Uintah Basin. The analysis is made possible by an input-output model constructed specifically for Utah's oil producing economy. The tax credit policy was found to generate a net fiscal loss for the state. However, it does generate employment in the Uintah Basin. The total per job cost to the state of generating an average of one job per year for 5 years through the tax credit policy is $24,056 (1991 dollars). However, if the public expenditure impacts are taken into account, then the cost per job could be as high as $48,423 (1991 dollars). Whether there are other ways to generate the same employment gains at a lower cost was lost in the political debate surrounding this petroleum industry tax credit.  相似文献   

随着<中华人民共和国种子法>(以下简称<种子法>)的颁布实施,我国种业市场已进入一个多元化的发展格局,特别是加入WTO后,中国种业势必参与全球种子贸易竞争.作为一个人世不久的发展中国家,政府、企业、市场已面临着与世界接轨的严峻挑战.从国外开展行业协会的实践表明,行业协会作为中介组织的一个重要组成部分,对帮助企业提高生存发展能力、维护行业整体利益和拓展国外市场等方面能够起着明显的作用.为此,笔者就如何发挥行业协会作用谈谈认识和建议.  相似文献   

Through an analysis on specialization and synthesis development of Chongqing's three-D industrial structure and 13 major sectors, dominant specialization sectors and their status and functions, the relationships among dominant specialization sectors and non - specialization ones are given in this paper. This would be helpful for Chongqing to establish rational industrial policies, to upgrade its industrial structure level.  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国种子法>(以下简称<种子法>)已实施,西部大开发的钟声已经敲响,加入WTO日益临近.种业作为农业的一个重要支柱产业,将面临前所未有的挑战和机遇.长期以来,我国疆域辽阔的西部,社会、经济、文化等欠发达,而处于落后的境地,农业是如此,种业更是如此.  相似文献   

为了探索AFLP分子标记在构建国家区试棉花品种指纹图谱上的优势,以2009年和2010年参加国家黄河流域棉花区试的B组常规棉、C组杂交棉共31份品种为材料,运用筛选确定的2对AFLP核心引物对这些品种进行分子标记分析,共获得44个多态性片段,其中多态性位点占总扩增位点的28.39%,利用44个多态性片段初步构建了这些品种的AFLP指纹图谱。聚类结果显示,在相似系数为0.92时,31份区试品种完全区分开;常规棉之间、杂交棉之间大多不同程度的优先聚集在一起。  相似文献   

我国种植业发展成就分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢路生 《种业导刊》2011,(2):17-17,19
种植业是农业的基础,关系到国家粮食安全与国民经济社会的发展.从综合生产能力明显增强、产品质量显著改善、科技含量快速提高等方面分析了我国种植业发展的成就.  相似文献   

基于新型城镇化与房地产业耦合发展为视角,建立了宁夏清水河产业带新型城镇化与房地产业发展耦合度评价指标体系,借助耦合协调度模型与耦合发展度模型,对该区10个县(区)单元的新型城镇化与房地产业发展的耦合关系进行空间分析。结果表明:① 研究区新型城镇化与房地产业整体协调度处于磨合阶段,系统之间相互作用与影响力显著,但并没有达到协调水平,协调度最高的是同心县,最低的是红寺堡区;② 新型城镇化与房地产业整体发展度处于中等水平,且空间格局差异较大,耦合发展度最高的是沙坡头区,最低的是红寺堡区;③ 依据耦合协调度与发展度的组合可将研究区新型城镇化与房地产业发展耦合关系分为4大类型:高发展协调区、高发展磨合区、中发展拮抗区、低发展拮抗区。建议在未来新型城镇化建设过程中政府应因城因地的采取差别化的房地产宏观调控政策,促进房地产业发展与新型城镇化建设的协调关系。  相似文献   

To supply an even more amplitude background for the analysis on the quality of the structure of Chongqing, this paper analyzed the altitudes of employment structure and production value structure among three industry structures in Chongqing, then an static and dynamic comparison with other countries of DIFFERENT levels on the basis of grasping Chongqing's status in Western Area. An structural explanation of ChongQing's economy development stage aiming at giving an even more amplitude background to analyze the essence of its industrial structure.  相似文献   

陈冠铭  曹兵  刘扬 《种子》2017,(1):68-72
南繁已上升为国家战略.海南省作为南繁的属地,不仅要兼顾国家利益和其他南繁省、市、区的利益,还要谋划本省的经济结构优化调整.经过熟悉南繁产业现状和识别南繁产业发展趋势,提出了南繁产业化原则和设计了南繁产业发展的战略路径,重点建设国家种业体制改革试验区,培育全国性公共科研育种平台、国际性种业贸易平台,最终将南繁基地打造成面向国际的“中国种业科技城”.  相似文献   

基于产业链视角的中国蓖麻产业发展的分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对中国蓖麻生产、产品加工和产品销售的产业链进行分析,研究认为现有蓖麻产业链在产业环境、原料供应、产品加工和销售方面存在四大瓶颈,提出创造良好的产业环境、扩建原料供应基地、扩大产品开发利用、刺激市场供求等促进蓖麻产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

我国人口基数大,人口增长、粮食需求总量增加趋势和人均耕地等资源缺乏状况一时不可逆转。保障我国粮食安全的根本出路在于提高土地利用效率,必须以主攻单产为核心,同时注重质量的提高。应加强种子产业在国家粮食安全中的战略地位,实现种子生产专业化、经营集团化、管理规范化、育繁销一体化、大田用种商品化,充分发挥良种的主导作用,推动新品种更好地发挥其社会效益,促进粮食生产稳定发展和农民持续增收。  相似文献   

茶产业发展的经济学浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文结合贵州山区茶产业发展的实际,从茶资源的利用着手,就茶叶消费、生产成本效益、投资风险三个方面进行定量和定性的经济理论分析,初步提出“茶业经济”的概念,倡导科学规划、发挥优势、理性发展、规避风险。希望时贵州拟发展500万亩高品质绿茶基地的建设有所推动  相似文献   

靖飞  杨梅梅 《种子》2012,31(6):69-73
建立适应种业市场机制的现代种业科技创新体系成为中国种业健康发展的核心问题。对2003年以来通过国家审定的水稻品种的分析结果表明:中国水稻种业科技创新能力经历改革的刺激之后,整体发展速度放缓。从种业创新体系来看,在育种方法上国有单位是采用常规育种的主导力量,进而成为北方稻区和华东一季稻区的创新主体,私营机构主要集中在南方稻区,国有单位的整体实力较强,种子企业主体地位欠缺,种业科技协作创新开展程度较低。从加快推进我国现代农作物发展角度考虑,我国水稻种业科技创新体系的建设重点应放在强化常规育种的公益性地位,强化育种基础理论建设和发展,强化企业育种创新能力的持续发展,强化育种科技创新的集团协作机制。  相似文献   

解放初期奶业发展的政策措施概述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着中国奶业生产和消费的快速发展,对奶业发展史的研究越来越受到学术界的重视。本研究利用各地档案馆保存的奶业档案资料,深入分析了解放初期中国推行的奶业政策措施对奶业发展的促进作用。指出了当时推行的干部薪酬供给制对奶牛养殖业的推动,揭示了中国的奶业合作化和奶业公私合营的社会主义改造以及计划经济制度下国营奶业的真实历程,为研究中国现代奶业史的演变提供珍贵的历史资料和参考借鉴。  相似文献   

紫蓬山国家森林公园生态旅游业的SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任平 《中国农学通报》2006,22(9):400-400
文章采用SWOT分析法较为详细地分析了紫蓬山国家森林公园发展生态旅游业的优势、弱势、机遇和威胁,包括区位优势、动植物资源优势、气候优势和开发潜力等优势,生态旅游的兴起、生态工程的实施,旅游专业人才缺乏、管理和服务滞后等因素;并以此为基础,进一步提出了相应的发展建议,主要有开发与保护并重、适当开发森林生态旅游资源、开发生态旅游产品、加强宣传营销工作、积极进行人才的培训与引进、努力提高管理水平和服务水平以及完善景区的旅游基础设施建设等。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an important tool to promote a variety of public goals and policies. In the past years much attention has been given to the expected social benefits from deploying ICTs in different urban fields (transportation, education, public participation in planning, etc.) and to its potential to mitigate various current or emerging urban problems. The growing importance of ICTs in daily life, business activities, and governance prompts the need to consider ICTs more explicitly in urban policies. Alongside the expectation that the private sector will play a major role in the ICT field, the expected benefits from ICTs also encourage urban authorities to formulate proper public ICT policies. Against this background, various intriguing research questions arise. What are the urban policy‐makers’ expectations about ICTs? And how do they assess the future implications of ICTs for their city? A thorough analysis of these questions will provide a better understanding of the extent to which urban authorities are willing to invest in and to adopt a dedicated ICT policy. This study is focusing on the way urban decision‐makers perceive the opportunities of ICT policy. After a sketch of recent development and policy issues, a conceptual model is developed to map out the driving forces of urban ICT policies in cities in Europe. Next, by highlighting the importance of understanding the decision‐maker's “black box,” three crucial variables are identified within this box. In the remaining part of the paper these three variables will be operationalized by using a large survey comprising more than 200 European cities. By means of statistical multivariate methods (i.e., factor and cluster analysis), the decision‐makers were able to be characterized according to the way they perceive their city (the concept of “imaginable city”), their opinion about ICT, and the way they assess the relevance of ICT policies to their city. Next, a solid explanatory framework will be offered by using a log‐linear logit analysis to test the relationships between these three aspects.  相似文献   

选取1985年—2005年的统计数据,分析农产品加工业总产值与就业人数的协整关系。农产品加工业的发展对就业有正向的促进作用,但我国的农产品加工业规模还比较小,发展空间还很大。  相似文献   

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