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The possible interaction of herbicides Bromoxynil and Afalon S with Azospirillumspp. and growth of maize was investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Neither inoculation nor herbicide application with or without inoculation had significant effect on the major groups of soil microflora (bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi). The highest values of nitrogenase as well as dehydrogenase activity were recorded in treatment received only Azospirillum. Incorporation in soil of either Bromoxynil or Afalon S at the recommended field dose seemed to have no significant effect on the enzymatic activities, while application of these herbicides with Azospirillum had stimulatory effects in some cases. The application of either Bromoxynil or Afalon S significantly increased the dry weight of roots and shoots at 45 days period. The effect of herbicide on plant growth was more pronounced when applied with Azospirillum and the highest stimulatory effect was observed when Afalon S was applied with the N2-fixing microorganism.  相似文献   

Maize seedlings develop nodule-like tumour knots (para-nodules) along primary roots when treated with the auxin 2,4-dichlor-phenoxy-acetic acid (2,4-D). Inoculated NH 4 + -excreting Azospirillum brasilense cells were shown to colonize these tumours, mostly intracellularly, promoting a high level of N2 fixation when microaerophilic conditions were imposed. The nitrogenase activity inside the para-nodules was less sensitive to free O2 than in non-para-nodulating roots. Both light and electron microscopy showed a dense bacterial population inside intact tumour cells, with the major part of the cell infection along a central tumour tissue. The bacteria colonized the cytoplasm with a close attachment to inner cell membranes. In an auxin-free growth medium, young 2,4-D-induced para-nodules grew further to become mature differentiated root organs in which introduced bacteria survived with a stable population. These results provide evidence that gramineous plants are potentially able to create a symbiosis with diazotrophic bacteria in which the NH 4 + -excreting symbiont will colonize para-nodule tissue intracellularly, thus becoming well protected.  相似文献   

Summary Potential denitrifying activity and population dynamics of Azospirillum lipoferum (137C) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum (G2sp) inoculated into a -sterilized soil were studied for a period of 3 weeks. The denitrifying enzyme potential of soil inoculated independently with each bacterial species was strongly stimulated by the presence of a plant (Zea mays L.). Simultaneous inoculation of both bacteria also produced a higher denitrifying enzyme potential than simple inoculation. Even with double inoculation, the presence of a plant did not modify the evolution of the activity. The response of the population dynamics to these treatments followed a different pattern. The population dynamics of A. lipoferum was not affected by the presence of the plant or by the presence of B. japonicum. In contrast, the presence of both a plant and of A. lipoferum seemed to promote the growth of B. japonicum.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of rice (IR42 and IR50) were aseptically dipped into Azospirillum lipoferum strain 34H suspension under dark, and the presence of bacteria on the differentiating regions of rice roots was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The bacterium did not colonize the root tips of IR42, while it colonized this region in the case of IR50, within 24 h after inoculation. In the early stages, most of the bacteria were embedded in the ruptured mucigel below the root cap cells of IR42. Mucigel was hardly detectable in IR50. While the root hair primordia of IR50 were colonized heavily with the bacterium within 24 h, the root hairs of IR42 were colonized 48 and 72 h after inoculation. This phenomenon in relation to plant varietal differences was discussed.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess if Brassinolide (BR) could ameliorate stress caused by waterlogging on maize. Two BR levels (with and without), two maize varieties [Ikom White (IKW) and Obatanpa-98 (Oba-98)] and three growth stages [control (WLo), seedling stage (WL1), and tasseling stage (WL2)] were studied under waterlogging lasting 10 days. Maize growth and development were significantly (p?≤?.05) reduced by waterlogging stress under WL1 than WL2. Waterlogging stress at WL1 adversely affected (p?≤?.05) the protein and relative water contents. The nitrogen (N) content among the plant partitions (leaves, stems, and grains) were reduced (p?≤?.05) at both silking and harvest. The beneficial effect of BR was more pronounced in Oba-98 with higher protein contents, dry matter yield, N-uptake and harvest index than IKW. Oba-98 was also better yielding than IKW. Thus, in a waterlogged soil, treatment of maize plants with BR at WL1 could induce some tolerance.  相似文献   

 This review summarizes and discusses the current knowledge and the, as yet, unanswered questions on the interactions of Azospirillum spp. in bulk soil (but not in the rhizosphere). It contains sections on the isolation of these bacteria from tropical to temperate soils, and on their short- and long-term persistence in bulk soil. The interactions of these bacteria with soil particles and minerals such as clay, sand and Ca, and the effect of soil pH, soil redox potential, and the cation exchange capacity of the soil on them is demonstrated. Data is presented on the distribution of Azospirillum spp. in soils, on their production of fibrillar material essential for anchoring the cells to soil particles, on the effects of soil irrigation, and of external soil treatments, and on the effect of soil C and C used in bacterial inoculants on the cells. It shows that root exudates possibly govern bacterial motility in the soil. Finally, the effect of pesticide applications, the relationships with other soil microorganisms such as Bdelovibrio spp., Bradyrhizobium spp., and phages, and the potential use of a community-control model of Azospirillum spp. in soil and in the rhizosphere is suggested. Received: 11 November 1998  相似文献   

To identify molecular evidence of the common origin of maize and teosinte, a lectin from teosinte coleoptile (TCL) was purified, through affinity chromatography on a lactosyl-Sepharose column, and some of the physicochemical parameters were compared with those from the maize coleoptile lectin (CCL). TCL is a 92 kDa glycoprotein constituted mainly by aspartic, glutamic, glycine, leucine, and lysine residues; in minor proportion, methionine and cysteine were also found. The glycannic portion of the lectin, which corresponds to 10% w/w, is composed by Gal, Man, and GlcNAc. CCL is an 88.7 kDa glycoprotein that contains 12% sugars by weight; its sugar and amino acid compositions are similar to those of TCL. TCL is formed by two isoforms identified through acidic electrophoresis, whereas CCL is constituted by a single molecular form. The NH(2) termini of both TCL isoforms are blocked, but their amino acid sequences determined from tryptic peptides by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight) indicated that TCL isoforms have no homology with other mono- or dicotyledonous lectins, including CCL. TCL, just as CCL, showed hemagglutinating activity toward animal erythrocytes, including human A, B, and O. Hapten inhibition assays indicated that although TCL shows broader sugar specificity than CCL, it recognizes Gal in O- and N-glycosidically linked glycans. Both lectins are equally well recognized by antibodies against TCL.  相似文献   

The aftermath of surface mining is a wasteland deprived of vegetation, soil structure and biodiversity. The unearthed overburden material is nutrient deprived and can only support the growth of invasive weeds such as Lantana camera which often cause allelopathy. The aim of the study is to prepare biochar from these noxious weeds and use it as an amendment for the mine spoil reclamation. Lantana biochar (LB) was prepared and applied to mine spoil, and Zea mays L. growth on biochar amended mine spoil was monitored for three months. Biochar application in a coal mine spoil using LB is comparatively de novo approach for reclamation practitioners. LB was prepared at varying temperature (250, 350 and 450℃) and residence times (30, 45 and 60 min) and characterized. After characterization, the most recalcitrant biochar at 450℃ for 60 min was chosen for application for the study. A pot trial was conducted to study the effect of LB at 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 g kg−1 dosage on the yield of Zea mays and mine spoil properties. Significant ameliorative effects were observed with increase in organic carbon content (2.9 times), cation exchange capacity (2 times), water holding capacity (0.13 times) and decrease in bulk density (0.5 times) in the mine spoil. The seedling vigour index and germination also increased significantly (p < .05) at 30 g kg−1 biochar treatment compared to control. The study concluded that LB has the potential to remediate coal mine spoils and promote re-vegetation in degraded land.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi represent two main groups of beneficial microorganisms of the rhizosphere. The role of different strains of Azospirillum on AM fungi development was evaluated by measuring the percentage of AM colonisation of the root system in durum wheat and maize plants, grown under both greenhouse and field conditions. The effect of wild-type Azospirillum brasilense strain Sp245 and genetically modified (GM) derivatives overproducing indole-3-acetic acid was assessed at greenhouse level in (1) three different cultivars of durum wheat, in the presence of indigenous AM fungi and (2) maize plants artificially inoculated with Glomus mosseae and Glomus macrocarpum. In addition, the establishment of natural AM fungal symbiosis was evaluated using Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 in maize plants at field level. Despite the stimulatory effect of the different Azospirillum inocula on root growth, no significant differences in AM colonisation were found, independently of the AM fungus involved, either in wheat or in maize plants. Similarly, GM A. brasilense, which strongly stimulates root development, did not affect AM formation. Although these results were obtained in conditions in which the mycorrhization rate was moderate (15–30%), overall considered they indicate that the use of wild-type or GM Azospirillum phytostimulators does not alter mycorrhization.  相似文献   

钙对镉胁迫下玉米生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:59,自引:1,他引:59  
采用溶液培养试验 ,研究不同的钙和镉处理对玉米植株生长、叶绿素含量、硝酸还原酶和ATPase酶活性以及叶片中丙二醛含量、活性氧清除酶系统活性的影响。结果表明 ,根部未供钙或叶面喷施CaCl2时 ,加镉处理玉米根、地上部生物量降低 ,根冠比加大 ;而根部供钙 ,植株生长较好 ,生物量较高 ,根冠比相对较小。营养液中加镉 ,玉米植株中镉浓度显著增加 ,根部镉浓度明显比地上部高 ,根中镉约占 65%~ 78% ,地上部镉占到 22%~35%左右。根部供钙比未供钙处理 ,根中镉含量虽没有显著性差别 ,但地上部镉浓度明显较低。叶片喷施CaCl2 4次比喷施 2次处理 ,地上部镉浓度增加。供钙明显增加了玉米植株中钙浓度。未供钙的玉米叶片叶绿素含量下降 ,但叶绿素a/叶绿素b比基本不变 ;加镉处理 ,玉米叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b及叶绿素总量下降更甚 ,叶绿素a/叶绿素b比升高 ;叶面喷施CaCl2 ,叶绿素含量也较低。前期和后期根部供钙处理 ,叶绿素下降程度有所缓解。而根部一直供钙 ,玉米叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b和叶绿素总量明显提高。镉抑制了玉米植株叶片硝酸还原酶活性、ATPase活性 ;根中ATPase活性以及活性氧清除酶系统超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、愈创木酚过氧化物酶 (Gua POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶 (AsA POD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)受镉的诱导而增加,叶片中丙二醛(MDA)含量升高。与未供应钙加镉处理相比,根部供钙加镉处理的玉米叶片硝酸还原酶活性、ATPase活性显著增加,也明显减轻了镉对根中ATPase活性、叶片中丙二醛含量、活性氧清除酶系统SOD,POD,CAT 活性的诱导效应。间隔供钙,在一定程度上缓解了镉的毒害,但是叶片喷施CaCl2,对减轻镉毒害无明显效果。因此在本试验条件下,根部供钙对缓解玉米镉毒害有重要作用。关键词:钙;镉;玉米;生理特性  相似文献   

Maize crop is grown mostly in tropical/subtropical environments where drought adversely affects its production. A field experiment was conducted on sandy loam soil for four years (1999 – 2002) to study the effect of wheat straw mulch (0 and 6 t ha?1) and planting methods (flat and channel) on maize sown on different dates. Maximum soil temperature without mulch ranged from 32.2 – 44.4°C in channel and 31.6 – 46.4°C in flat planting method. Mulching, however, lowered soil temperature by 0.8 – 7.0°C in channel and 0 – 9.8°C in flat planting. Mulching, on an average, improved leaf area index by 0.42, plant height by 14 cm, grain yield by 0.24 t ha?1 and biomass by 1.57 t ha?1, respectively. Mulching improved grain yield only in flat sowing. Interaction between sowing date and planting method was significant. Seasonal variation in biomass were significantly correlated (p = 0.05) with mean air temperature during 0 – 45 days after planting (DAP) (r = ?0.95), pan evaporation during 0 – 15 DAP (r = 0.79) and negative correlation with rainfall in entire cropping season (r = ?0.89), whereas biomass increase with mulch in different cropping seasons had negative relation (r = ?0.74) with amount of rain during 0 – 15 DAP.  相似文献   

The effects of selenium (Se) cadmium (Cd) interactions on plant growth and metabolism are not fully clear. In the present study, we assessed whether Se could alleviate the toxic effects of Cd on growth and metabolism of maize. Seeds of maize variety FH-985 were sown in pots filled with sand treated with CdCl2 (0, 50 and 100 µM) and Se (0, 2 and 4 mg L?1) through Hoagland’s nutrient solution. Low Se (2 mg L?1) increased germination percentage and rate, while high Se (4 mg L?1) increased fresh and dry biomass under Cd stress. Interestingly, all Se concentrations were effective in alleviating the toxic effects of Cd on photosynthetic pigments, whereas higher Se mitigated the Cd-induced oxidative stress and increased flavonoids both in the shoots and roots while phenolics in the roots. The results demonstrated that root zone Se altered tissue-specific primary metabolism in maize. Furthermore, low Se mitigated the Cd-induced decrease in total proteins in the root. Overall, Se-mediated decrease in the oxidative stress in the shoots while increase of secondary metabolites in the roots helped the plants to grow faster at early growth stage and caused increase in the biomass under different Cd regimes.  相似文献   

The study was conducted under irrigated field conditions to examine the effect of maize plants on denitrification. Both planted and unplanted field plots received 150kgNha–1 as urea. In a third treatment, which was also planted and received urea at 150kgNha–1, the soil nitrate N content was brought up to equal to that in the unplanted plots by applying additional doses of N as calcium nitrate. Soil cores were collected 24 and 72h after irrigation and the denitrification rate was measured by the acetylene inhibition method. Nitrate-N content, aerobically mineralizable C, microbial biomass carrying capacity and denitrification potential were also studied on field-moist soil. Maize plants grown under field conditions always had the potential to increase denitrification in conditions of both high and low water-filled porosity. When nitrate-N content of the planted soil decreased due to plant uptake, denitrification was reduced in the planted soils. However, when nitrate-N uptake by plants was compensated through additional doses of nitrate fertilizer, denitrification was always higher in planted than unplanted soil. The stimulatory effect of plants on denitrification was observed at both high and low soil nitrate-N concentrations, though it was more pronounced at high nitrate-N levels. The effect of plants on denitrification and related parameters was confined to the root zone. Received: 15 April 1996  相似文献   

Summary A nitrate-respiring strain, a denitrifying strain, and a non-nitrogen-fixing strain of Azospirillum brasilense were compared for their effect on the growth of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays) under temperate conditions in nitrogen-limited pot cultures. Increases in yield of Z. mays shoots occurred with all three strains when inoculation coincided with the addition of low levels of combined nitrogen. The inoculation of A. brasilense did not show any effect on the yield of P. americanum and T. aestivum. Increased numbers of A. brasilense became associated with Z. mays roots following the addition of low levels of combined nitrogen. Low and very variable rates of acetylene reduction activity were observed from excised roots of inoculated Z. mays plants without preincubation. Results indicate that inoculation of cereals with A. brasilense under temperate conditions has only a limited effect on plant growth.  相似文献   

Interactions between the N2-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae were studied in relation to their effects on the growth and nutrition of Zea mays (C4) and Lolium perenne (C3) plants. Although roots from plants inoculated with Azospirillum exhibited C2H2 reduction activity no significant effect of inoculation on N concentration in the plant shoots was found. With non-mycorrhizal plants, inoculation with Azospirillum resulted in increased dry matter production at the first harvest compared to the effect achieved by supplying N as fertilizer, but this trend was reversed at the last harvest. However, with mycorrhizal maize plants, Azospirillum, which stimulated the development of VA mycorrhiza, was still effective in improving plant growth and nutrient uptake at the last harvest. Azospirillum and N behaved similarly in enhancing the growth and nutrition of mycorrhizal maize. The dual inoculation of maize by Azospirillum and Glomus produced plants of a similar size, N content, and a higher P content, than those supplied with N and P.  相似文献   

Bacteria are common inhabitants of the rhizosphere or as endophytes in internal plant tissues. Among many bacterial genera, Burkholderia is a genus rich in nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing strains that have been isolated from various plant systems. The function of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in agriculture has been well documented, including enhancements in growth, yield and disease-resistance of crops. However, their response when introduced into a plant system in vitro is poorly studied. Inoculation of Burkholderia sp. CC-Al74, a phosphate-solubilizing soil isolate, on maize seeds resulted in the persistent endophytic establishment as determined by PCR detection method using Burkholderia-specific 16S rRNA gene primers. Burkholderia sp. CC-Al74-inoculated maize showed significant increases in plant height, plant biomass and root length, of about 45%, 48% and 86%, respectively, as compared to non-inoculated controls. After endophytic establishment, inoculated maize seedlings showed 2.4-fold increase in P-utilization rate in planta as well as an increased rhizosphere phosphatase activity as compared to the non-inoculated control. Nutrient analysis of inoculated maize showed 150% and 90% higher contents of P and N as compared to the non-inoculated control, respectively. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis showed that Burkholderia sp. CC-Al74 had a unique Sequence-Type, ST-730, which was novel when compared with existing STs in the MLST database. The phylogeny produced by recA sequence and MLST data revealed that Burkholderia sp. CC-Al74 is a novel member of Burkholderia cepacia complex. In summary, we provide direct evidence, which shows that the soil isolate Burkholderia sp. CC-Al74 could improve P-utilization rate as well as total P and N contents post-endophytic colonization in maize in vitro.  相似文献   

Herbicide-tolerant crops have been widely and rapidly adopted by farmers in several countries due to enhanced weed control, lower labor and production costs, increased environmental benefits, and gains in profitability. Soon to be introduced transgenic soybean and cotton varieties tolerant to treatments with the herbicide dicamba offer prospects for excellent broadleaf weed control in these broadleaf crops. Because monocots such as maize (Zea mays) can be treated with dicamba only during a limited window of crop development and because crop injury is sometimes observed when conditions are unfavorable, transgenic maize plants have been produced and tested for higher levels of tolerance to treatment with dicamba. Maize plants expressing the gene encoding dicamba monooxygenase (DMO) linked with an upstream chloroplast transit peptide (CTP) display greatly enhanced tolerance to dicamba applied either pre-emergence or postemergence. Comparisons of DMO coupled to CTPs derived from the Rubisco small subunit from either Arabidopsis thaliana or Z. mays showed that both allowed production of transgenic maize plants tolerant to treatment with levels of dicamba (i.e., 27 kg/ha) greatly exceeding the highest recommended rate of 0.56 kg/ha.  相似文献   


Poultry litter (PL) is a cheap alternative to conventional fertilizers. The use of PL in this way also reduces the environmental problems normally associated with its disposal. The residual effect of PL may reduce the amount of fertilizer (especially N fertilizer) required by subsequent crops. This study examines the residual effects of PL (with and without additional mineral fertilizer) on the properties of a volcanic ash soil and on silage maize (Zea mays) yields in central Chile. Poultry litter and mineral fertilizer were applied in 2002–2003 and their residual effects were determined in 2004–2006. The dry matter (DM) yield, nutrient balance and apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency (ANRE) of the silage maize were determined for each season, and the soil properties were analyzed at three depths (0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm) at the end of the third season. Crop yield showed a positive response to all fertilizer treatments. The residual effect, the nutrient balance, N uptake and ANRE also improved with fertilizer treatment, especially with the PL treatments. The average DM yield for the PL treatments was higher than that observed using mineral fertilizer by 2.8 and 1.2 Mg ha?1 in the third and fourth years, respectively. The ANRE was generally higher in the PL treatments, although it decreased over time (12.4 and 1.7% for the last 2 years, respectively). The mean ANREs for the mineral fertilizer treatment were 4.1 and 1.6% for the same years. The results suggest that the PL treatments had an important positive residual effect in terms of N supply. This should be taken into account when planning the next crop. After two annual applications of PL, slight increases were observed in soil NO3-N at a depth of 0–20 cm, and extractable P at depths of 20–40 cm and 40–60 cm. No other soil variables were significantly affected by any of the treatments. An additional source of K was found to be necessary to maintain an adequate soil K level.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to compare the uptake and dry matter production potential of NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup- and to study the effect of Baythroid, a contact poison for several insect pests of agricultural crops, on growth and N uptake of maize (Zea mays L.). Nitrogen was applied as (15NH4)2SO4, K15NO3, or 15NH4NO3 and in one treatment Baythroid was combined with 15NH4NO3. Source of N had, in general, a nonsignificant effect on dry matter and N yield, but uptake of NO inf3 sup- was significantly higher than that of NH inf4 sup+ when both N sources were applied together. Substantial loss of N occurred from both the sources, with NH inf4 sup+ showing greater losses. Baythroid was found to have a significant positive effect on dry matter yield of both root and shoot; N yield also increased significantly. Uptake of N from both the applied and native sources increased significantly in the presence of Baythroid and a substantial added nitrogen interaction (ANI) was determined. The positive effect of Baythroid was attributed to: (1) a prolonged availability of NH inf4 sup+ due to inhibition of nitrification, (2) an increased availability of native soil N through enhanced mineralization, and (3) an enhanced root proliferation.  相似文献   

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