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Marble spleen disease in pheasants (Phasianus colchicus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A flock of breeding ring-necked pheasants received feed with a high selenium content. Within 4 days of eating the toxic feed, the rate of egg production began to decrease, and bird aggression increased. Approximately 12% of the hens died within a week. Necropsy of the hens revealed colorless fluid around the heart and a friable, but otherwise normal, liver. The rapid onset of the problem and signs noted at necropsy suggested toxicosis. Based on analysis, the feed contained 9.3 ppm of selenium. Selenium toxicity was consistent with the histologic diagnosis of degenerative cardiomyopathy, vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes, and centrilobular hepatic necrosis. After 8 days, the toxic feed was removed and replaced with fresh feed. Egg production, which had dropped to 50%, returned to normal within 10 days of feed replacement. Hatchability of eggs laid from days 8 to 14 after delivery of the toxic feed was 35%. Approximately 10% of the chicks that hatched had deformed beaks and abnormal eyes. Many of the chicks that died in the shell had deformities, bringing the total to more than 50% of all embryos that developed. The selenium content of eggs that had no embryonic development was 2.05 ppm. Hatchability of eggs laid from days 21 to 28 after the toxic feed was delivered was almost 80%, which was slightly lower than normal. The selenium content of these eggs was 0.30 ppm. These results show the rapid onset and correction of selenium toxicity and suggest that specific embryologic defects are diagnostic for selenium toxicity.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND) is regarded throughout the world as one of the most important diseases of poultry, not only due to the serious disease and high flock mortality that may result from some ND virus (NDV) infections, but also through the economic impact that may ensue due to trading restrictions and embargoes placed on areas and countries where outbreaks have occurred. All ages of pheasants are purported to be highly susceptible to infection with NDV, but clinical signs and mortality levels in infected birds vary considerably. This article reviews the available literature relating to infections in pheasants, describing the clinical presentation of the disease and the epidemiological role these hosts may have in the spread of ND.  相似文献   

Einum P  Kiupel M  Bolin C 《Avian diseases》2003,47(3):777-780
A total of 120 ring-necked pheasants from a 3000-bird flock in Zeeland, MI, died over a 3-day period. Clinical signs included sudden death, diarrhea, and limping. At necropsy, hepatomegaly with multifocal cream-colored foci randomly distributed throughout the parenchyma was observed in diseased birds. Additionally, the spleen was enlarged up to three times its normal size and had a marbled appearance. Microscopically, there was multifocal splenic and hepatic necrosis with intralesional rod-shaped bacteria. Pasteurlla multocida serotype 3/4 was isolated from liver and spleen. In this paper, we report an outbreak of acute fowl cholera in ring-necked pheasants.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the influence of sex on the quality of meat from farmed pheasants. Male (roosters, n = 18) and female (hens, n = 18) pheasants were slaughtered at 25 weeks of age. The breast muscles (Pectoralis major) were cut out from chilled carcasses and analyzed to determine the proximate chemical composition, fatty acid profile, and physicochemical and sensory properties of meat. Chemical analyses revealed that the meat of male had higher (p ≤ .05) content of collagen, Na, Cu, and Zn, whereas meat from females had higher (p ≤ .05) concentrations of total nitrogen of water‐soluble compounds, nitrogen of water‐soluble non‐protein compounds, K, and Mn. The meat of male was characterized by greater (p ≤ .05) cooking loss. A sensory evaluation revealed that meat from females had lower (p ≤ .05) taste intensity and aroma desirability. Meat from male and female pheasants revealed differences in the content of minerals as well as low‐molecular‐weight water‐soluble nitrogen compounds, which may affect the flavor of cooked meat. Irrespective of these differences, the analyzed pheasant meat was characterized by high quality, which indicates that it could offer an attractive alternative to other types of meat.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of an outbreak of Newcastle disease in a population of approximately 12,000 free-living pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) on the island of Faen? in Denmark in 1996 is described. The mortality during the epizootic was 56%. The spread of the disease between 7 groups of pheasants could be demonstrated over an observation period of 3 weeks. A total of 70 avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) isolates was made from the flock. The intra cerebral pathogenicity indices of the 4 isolates tested were in the range 1.78-1.88. By means of immunoperoxidase monolayer assay with murine monoclonal antibodies and sequence analysis of an RT-PCR amplified segment of the F0 viral protein it was found, that the virus belonged to the highly virulent C1 antigenic group and that the amino acid sequence at the F0 cleavage site corresponded with the sequences of virulent APMV-1 strains. Based on the epidemiological circumstances it is believed that the virus was transmitted to the pheasants by feral birds.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Carcass cuts, chemical composition, colour, textural parameters, fatty acid and amino acid profiles, macro- and micromineral content and sensory properties of breast and drumstick meat from 10 month old common pheasant produced in an extensive rearing system were analysed.

2. Breast muscle was characterised by a high concentration of protein (254 g/kg), low content of intramuscular fat (1.3 g/kg), considerable amount of Fe-haeme (4.9 mg/kg) low shear force (1.96 kg/cm2) and hardness (4.07 kg/cm2).

3. The main drumstick characteristics were 222 g of protein/kg, 4.0 g of intramuscular fat/g and a significant higher cholesterol concentration compared to that of breast (7.7 vs. 2.9 g/kg).

4. Saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid mean values for both muscle types were approximately 34.5%, 43.3% and 24.2% of total fatty acid methyl esters, respectively, and n-3 content in breast was significantly higher (3.21% vs. 1.65%). Significant differences were found between the three tissues (breast, drumstick and subcutaneous fat).

5. Large differences in the amino acid profile between breast and drumstick were detected, especially in the non-essential fraction. The main essential amino acids were lysine and leucine, whereas aspartic and glutamic acids were the most important non-essential amino acids.

6. There were significant differences between muscle types in the mineral content with regard to iron, magnesium, sodium and zinc. Pheasant meat is a good nutritional source of iron as 100 g of drumstick may provide 23.6% of the recommended daily amount.  相似文献   

1. The effects of sight barriers in the pens of breeding ring-necked pheasants were investigated on a commercial game farm over a 10-week laying season. 2. Reproductive performance was recorded as egg production, numbers of eggs rejected for hatching together with measures of fertility, embryonic mortality and hatchability for 11 pens with barriers and 11 pens that were left open and acted as controls. 3. Egg production per pen and the numbers of rejected eggs were not significantly affected by the presence of the barriers. 4. Fertility was significantly higher and persisted for longer in the barrier pens, particularly towards the end of the laying season. 5. Embryonic mortality was unaffected by the presence of the barriers but hatchability was significantly lower in the open pens, which was associated with lower levels of fertility. 6. Establishing sight barriers in breeder pens for commercial pheasants would appear not only to offer improved welfare but also significant commercial advantages.  相似文献   

1. The study investigated the effects of providing sight barriers in breeding pens on pheasant mortality, feather damage and behaviour. 2. Data were collected from 11 conventional pens (control) and 11 pens with additional sight barriers (barrier) over the course of a ten week breeding season. Each pen contained 8 males and 56 females at the beginning of the season. 3. There was a higher rate of mortality in males (6 x 25%) than females (2 x 11%) that was unaffected by treatment. 4. Feather damage increased over the breeding season and both male and female pheasants showed better feather condition in the pens with barriers at the end of the season. 5. The pheasants spent most of their time walking or standing. Providing barriers increased perching, but reduced preening. 6. The provision of sight barriers had no effect on the incidence of courtship and mating, but did reduce aggressive interactions such as pecking and chasing. 7. The study provides baseline data on the behaviour of breeding pheasants under these husbandry conditions, and suggests that barriers may improve pheasant welfare by reducing potentially harmful aggressive interactions, without affecting activity patterns or reproductive behaviour.  相似文献   

Salmonella pullorum in the common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1996, pullorum disease due to Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar pullorum (Salmonella pullorum) was diagnosed in pheasants on a gamebird rearing enterprise in south-west Scotland. The gross pathology and bacteriological findings are described, as are the results of screening for S pullorum on the site in 1997. The causal organism was readily isolated from the lung, liver, yolk sac and heart blood on direct culture, but less readily from the digestive tract or by the use of selective media. The bacteria recovered from the pheasants were identified as S pullorum phage type 7, a phage type previously associated with pheasants rather than domestic fowl, and the organisms were most probably introduced to the site by the movement of carrier pheasants.  相似文献   

Four isolates of Eimeria tenella obtained from the field were partially resistant to monensin. This resistance was not lost after 10 passages in unmedicated chickens, indicating that it was stable. One of the four isolates was examined and found to be resistant also to narasin, salinomycin and lasalocid.  相似文献   

雉鸡的亚种众多,在其表型与遗传上具有地理变异。雉鸡的一些亚种适应于不同的地理条件(例如:寒带、热带、干旱区、高原)形成了独特的群体形态特征,尤其体现在雄性个体的羽色图案上。羽色图案的复杂性给雉鸡亚种的人工鉴定带来了挑战,为此,本研究探索应用图像识别技术对雉鸡亚种进行识别。对3种识别算法:K近邻分类算法,概率神经网路和符号分类器进行了比较。通过序列前向选择法、序列后向选择法、序列浮动前向选择法和序列浮动后向选择法等算法对差异纹理特征进行提取和比较。本研究对25个雉鸡亚种的高质量博物馆标本的图片进行分析验证。结果表明,目前的图像识别技术只能识别羽色图案差异较大的5个类群,其中概率神经网路具有最高的雉鸡亚种识别鉴定效率。  相似文献   

Between October 1999 and January 2000 all together 151 male pheasants were examined for endoparasites. 33 one-year-old birds came from two pheasantries, the remaining 118 birds, aged between one and five years, were wildlife animals. The infestation extensy of all pheasants with endoparasites were 96.7%. A mostly low infestation with coccidia of the three species Eimeria (E.) phasiani, E. duodenalis and E. tetartooimia were detected in 41% of all birds. E. tetartooimia was found in Germany for the first time. In 67.5% of the pheasants the five different species of capillaria (Capillaria (C.) annulata, C. bursata, C. contorta, C. perforans, C. phasianina) and in 84.1% the nematode Heterakis gallinarum were present. Pheasants in the capture group showed higher infestation intensy and extensy. In 51.5% of the pheasants of the capture group Syngamus trachea was present. In one pheasant an acanthocephalus (Plagiorhynchus cylindraceus) was detected for the first time in Germany and in two pheasants a trematode of the genus Echinostoma was present.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of an outbreak of Newcastle disease in a population of approximately 12 000 free-living pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) on the island of Faenø in Denmark in 1996 is described. The mortality during the epizootic was 56 %. The spread of the disease between 7 groups of pheasants could be demonstrated over an observation period of 3 weeks. A total of 70 avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (APMV-1) isolates was made from the flock. The intra cerebral pathogenicity indices of the 4 isolates tested were in the range 1.78–1.88. By means of immunoperoxidase monolayer assay with murine monoclonal antibodies and sequence analysis of an RT-PCR amplified segment of the F0 viral protein it was found, that the virus belonged to the highly virulent C1 antigenic group and that the amino acid sequence at the F0 cleavage site corresponded with the sequences of virulent APMV-1 strains. Based on the epidemiological circumstances it is believed that the virus was transmitted to the pheasants by feral birds.I  相似文献   

辽宁省环颈雉种群密度初步调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾瑞 《野生动物》2009,30(4):201-202,228
2005年4-6月,作者在辽宁省实验林场、灯塔市铧子林场和建平县罗福沟乡对环颈雉种群密度进行了调查,调查方法采用样带法。辽宁省实验林场环颈雉种群密度为2.0只/km^2,灯塔市铧子林场种群密度为3.2只/km^2,建平县罗福沟乡种群密度为6.8只/km^2。造成环颈雉种群密度差异的因素主要是生境质量、猎捕压力和天敌数量。辽宁省调查地区的环颈雉种群密度明显低于其他省市和欧美地区,应采取加强宣传教育,保护栖息环境等措施。  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to investigate if male-to-female aggression of common pheasants in the course of the breeding season was related to the concentration of plasma testosterone and/or other biochemical plasma indicators in male pheasants housed in breeding cages. The influence of season on the concentration of testosterone and biochemical indicators was also investigated.

2. Males were divided into non-aggressive and aggressive groups during the breeding season based on ethological evaluation. At the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the breeding season, a blood sample was taken from all males on the same day and the concentration of selected biochemical indicators and the total circulating testosterone in the plasma were determined.

3. Male-to-female aggression during the breeding season of pheasants was not influenced by the total plasma testosterone of males.

4. The concentration of total plasma testosterone in males decreased gradually during the breeding season.

5. Male-to-female aggression of pheasants did not have a significant effect on any of the assessed biochemical indicators.

6. The influence of the breeding season affected the activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase as well as the concentrations of glucose, magnesium, potassium and chloride in the blood plasma of cage-housed male pheasants.  相似文献   

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