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Inflammatory reactions in the teat and udder of the dry cow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inflammatory reactions in the teat and udder of the dry cow were studied by total and differential somatic cell counts (SCC) and by measuring bovine serum albumin, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase), plasminogen and plasmin. The teat and udder cisterns were surgically separated from each other in two udder quarters of each cow. Salmonella endotoxin was infused in one teat cistern and one udder quarter, and saline was infused in one teat cistern and one udder quarter. The inflammatory response was followed by several samplings post infusion. The reactions in the dry udder quarters were mainly in line with the results of similar studies in lactating glands. The differential SCC and the NAGase results were, however, somewhat different. The teats were capable of a strong inflammatory response. Reactions different from those seen in the glands were observed with regard to permeability changes and NAGase. The experimental model used showed promising results and is suitable for further studies of the inflammatory process.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-induced local inflammation was studied by frequent samplings in a bovine teat cistern model, which provides a unique possibility for in vivo studies of reactions in the teat without interference from the mammary gland. A rapid inflammatory response of rather short duration was elicited after endotoxin administration. An initial increase in the concentrations of bovine serum albumin and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, indicating a disturbance in the epithelial integrity, was observed between 1 and 1.5 h post infusion (p.i.). Approximately 0.5 h later, the first influx of leukocytes, mainly neutrophils, appeared. The neutrophils tended to enter the teat cistern in several peaks occurring between 2.5 and 5 h p.i. The sampling procedure decreased the accumulation of cells by approximately 40%, which was probably due to the removal of inflammatory mediators at an early stage. The parallel use of 2 teats instead of 1 had no major influence on the inflammatory process. This teat cistern model and the experimental procedure used should be suitable for further studies of the development of local inflammation.  相似文献   

A within herd comparison of teat dipping and dry cow therapy (full treatment) with only selective dry cow therapy (partial treatment) was carried out in six commercial dairy herds for a two year period. In four herds, the incidence of clinical mastitis was 2 to 12 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In another herd, in which the pattern of clinical mastitis isolates was unusual in that minor pathogens were isolated from 30 per cent of mastitis cases, the incidence was 43 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In the remaining herd the incidence was 10 percent higher in the full treatment group. Streptococcus uberis mastitis was more common in the partial treatment groups of five herds; coliform mastitis was more common in the full treatment groups of two herds and similar in both groups in the other herds. High rates of coliform mastitis were associated with poor herd environmental conditions but this was not true for Strep uberis mastitis. Rates of staphylococcus aureus and Strep dysgalactiae mastitis were low in all herds. The level of major pathogen infection in cows completing the trial in all herds increased in the partial treatment group from 5 per cent of quarters at the start to 12 per cent at the finish of the trial. In the full treatment group, however, there was only a small increase in this level. In contrast, levels of Corynebacterium bovis infection increased by 17 per cent in both treatment groups. Continued use of teat dipping and dry cow therapy was associated with a higher rate of coliform mastitis in two of the three herds where there were poor standards of hygiene and husbandry.  相似文献   

The udders and teats of cows were examined by brightness mode (B-mode) ultrasonography. A 5-MHz linear array transducer and a 5-MHz or 10-MHz mechanical sector transducer were used in the examinations. In lactating animals, the teat sinus, gland sinus, and lactiferous ducts were imaged easily. The scans also allowed visualization of the layers of the teat wall. The annular fold and the folding of the mucosa at the junction of the teat sinus and the papillary duct were seen best with the 5-MHz and 10-MHz mechanical sector transducers. In one cow lacking milk flow from one quarter, a mass at the junction of the papillary duct and the teat sinus was observed ultrasonographically. Surgical removal of the mass resulted in a return of milk flow from that quarter.  相似文献   

Udder capacity and udder shape were scored on 3- to 10-yr-old cows from a large Hereford herd. Udder capacity was scored from 1 (small) and 5 (large) and udder shape was scored from 1 (balanced, udder level with ground) to 5 (unbalanced, funnel-shaped udder). Data were analyzed within age of cow for udder capacity scores from 1 to 4 and for udder shape scores from 1 to 3 because of the limited number of observations in other categories. Year of birth of cow was a significant source of variation in both udder capacity and udder shape. Days in lactation (ranging from 81 +/- 23 d in 3-yr-old cows to 71 +/- 25 d in 4-yr-old cows) was an important source of variation for udder capacity; as lactation progressed udder capacity score declined. Body condition of the cow was an important source of variation for udder capacity in 3- and 4-yr-old cows; cows with more external body condition had larger udder capacity scores. The heritability estimates of udder capacity and udder shape for 3-yr-old cows were .12 +/- .14 and .15 +/- .16, respectively; the repeatability estimates of scores over years were .14 +/- .02 and .16 +/- .03, respectively. Residual correlations between udder capacity and udder shape were low, ranging from -.10 in 3-yr-old cows to .10 in 6-yr-old cows. Neither udder characteristic affected the number of years a cow remained in the herd, but cows with unbalanced udders had more udder defects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A mammary gland neoplasm was identified at necropsy in a 9-year-old ovariectomized Holstein cow with a 1-year history of an enlarged left hindquarter. A sterile serous secretion was expressed from the quarter. The cow developed Corynebacterium pyogenes infection in the quarter one year later and died of secondary complications. The left hindquarter was found to contain multiple cysts. The histologic diagnosis was multicentric papillary cystadenoma.  相似文献   

A rare case of agalactia in a 7 year old cow is described. At the start of the 5th lactation all the teat cisterns were obliterated. Post mortem x-ray examination, with bariumsulfate contrast deposition in the glandular--and the teat cisterns, showed horizontal membranes in the proximal half of the teat cisterns. The membranes were 13--20 mm thick and consisted of fibrous tissue. Glandular tissue, distal parts of teat cisterns and teat canals were normal, and there was no sign of mastitis Obliteration of the teat cisterns, which had developed during the dry period, between the 4th and 5th lactation periods, were assumed to be a result of improper machine milking. The importance of overmilking is discussed.  相似文献   

Mastitis is an economically important disease and its subclinical state is difficult to diagnose, which makes mitigation more challenging. The objectives of this study were to screen clinically healthy ewes in order to 1) identify cultivable microbial species in milk, 2) evaluate somatic cell count (SCC) thresholds associated with intramammary infection, and 3) estimate relationships between udder and teat morphometric traits, SCC, and ewe productivity. Milk was collected from two flocks in early (<5 d) and peak (30 to 45 d) lactation to quantify SCC (n = 530) and numerate cultivable microbial species by culture-based isolation followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS; n = 243) identification. Within flock and lactation stage, 11% to 74% (mean = 36%) of samples were culture positive. More than 50 unique identifications were classified by MALDI-TOF MS analysis, and Bacillus licheniformis (18% to 27%), Micrococcus flavus (25%), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (7% to 18%), and Staphylococcus epidermidis (26%) were among the most common within flock and across lactation stage. Optimum SCC thresholds to identify culture-positive samples ranged from 175 × 103 to 1,675 × 103 cells/mL. Ewe productivity was assessed as total 120-d adjusted litter weight (LW120) and analyzed within flock with breed, parity, year, and the linear covariate of log10 SCC (LSCC) at early or peak lactation. Although dependent on lactation stage and year, each 1-unit increase in LSCC (e.g., an increase in SCC from 100 × 103 to 1,000 × 103 cells/mL) was predicted to decrease LW120 between 9.5 and 16.1 kg when significant. Udder and teat traits included udder circumference, teat length, teat placement, and degree of separation of the udder halves. Correlations between traits were generally low to moderate within and across lactation stage and most were not consistently predictive of ewe LSCC. Overall, the frequencies of bacteria-positive milk samples indicated that subclinical mastitis (SCM) is common in these flocks and can impact ewe productivity. Therefore, future research is warranted to investigate pathways and timing of microbial invasion, genomic regions associated with susceptibility, and husbandry to mitigate the impact of SCM in extensively managed ewes.  相似文献   

Neutrophil migration through bovine teat tissues into the teat cistern, after endotoxin infusion into the teat cistern, was determined in vivo by 2 experimental procedures, indium-111 labeling of blood neutrophils, and obtaining multiple biopsy specimens from the teat cistern tissues. In both experiments, the number of leukocytes in the teat cistern flushing samples was continuously measured. A lag phase of approximately 1 hour was required between endotoxin infusion into the teat cistern and the first observed neutrophil accumulation in the teat tissues. The rate of neutrophil accumulation in the teat tissues was highest between postinfusion (PI) hours 1 and 2, and the accumulation process ceased after PI hour 3. Neutrophils migrated toward the epithelium, and intraepithelial neutrophils were observed beginning approximately 2 hours after infusion, which coincided with the first influx of cells into the teat cistern. The cell influx into the teat cistern increased continuously up to PI hour 3, peaked between PI hours 3 and 5, and was close to preinfusion value at PI hour 22. Use of indium-111-labeled neutrophils in the study of the inflammatory process provides a reliable noninvasive method to quantify cell migration in vivo. Use of biopsies allows quantification of the number of cells in different tissue areas, but has the disadvantage of being invasive. These 2 procedures complement each other, and could be of use in future studies of the local inflammatory process.  相似文献   

本文对南京市栖霞区个体农户饲养的 40 0头荷斯坦奶牛的悬韧带、后乳房宽度、后乳房高度、乳头长与奶牛的产奶量和乳脂率进行了相关分析 ,数据应用MicrosoftExcel进行计算分析。结果表明 :后乳房宽度和悬韧带均与产奶量呈强正相关 ,与乳脂率呈中等强度的负相关 ;后乳房高度与产奶量呈中等强度的负相关 ,与乳脂率呈弱正相关 ;乳头长与产奶量呈弱正相关 ,与乳脂率呈弱负相关  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the teat characteristics in relation to the animal temperament during milking in the Anatolian buffaloes using ultrasonographic, histomorphological and immunohistochemical methods. The teat canal length (TCL), teat wall thickness (TWT), teat cisternal diameter (TCD), teat diameter (TD), teat length (TL), and teat circumference (TC) values in docile (n = 5) and nervous (n = 7) buffaloes were measured at the 0th, 3rd and 6th minute of stimulation. In additional experiments, comparative histomorphology and immunohistochemical examinations of buffalo (n = 7) and cow teats (n = 8) were performed. It was determined that post-stimulation mean TCL values were significantly higher in nervous buffaloes than those of teats in docile buffaloes (< .05). A significant positive correlation between TCD and TD, TL and TC in both docile and nervous buffaloes was noted (< .05). Unlike nervous buffaloes where only 3/14 teat canals were open by 3rd minute of milking stimulation, almost all (9/10) teat canals were observed opened in docile buffaloes. There were fewer muscle but more collagen bundles in buffalo teats compared with cow teats. It seems that temperament of animal during milking effects the milking efficiency, and in nervous buffaloes, probably the stimulation alone may not be sufficient for opening of the teat canal and hence achieve complete milking.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the effect of combining an internal teat sealant (ITS) and a long-acting cephalonium-based dry cow therapy (DCT) on the prevalence of cows with a somatic cell count (SCC) >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving, and the incidence of clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the first 100 days after calving.

METHODS: Cows from a spring-calving, pasture-based, dairy farm in the South Canterbury region of New Zealand were randomly allocated to receive cephalonium DCT (n=289) or cephalonium and internal teat sealant (n=304) at the end of lactation. Cows were inspected twice daily by farm staff during the dry period and following calving for signs of mastitis. Individual SCC were determined from herd tests conducted in the previous lactation and following calving. Logistic regression models were used to determine relationships with the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, and survival analysis was used to model time to the first case of clinical mastitis following calving at the cow and quarter level.

RESULTS: The OR for a cow with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, including age and individual SCC in the preceding lactation in the model, was 0.53 (95% CI=0.32–0.89) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.017). At the cow level, including age and preceding SCC in the model, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis by farm staff in the first 100 days of lactation was 0.60 (95% CI=0.39–0.98) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.04). At the quarter level, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis, with age included in the model, was 0.41 (95% CI=0.23–0.74) for the combination therapy compared to cephalonium alone (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The combination of internal teat sealant and cephalonium DCT was more effective than cephalonium alone at reducing clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the 100 days after calving, and the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study adds to the evidence that the prevention of intra mammary infections throughout the dry period and up to calving by using combination therapy is important in reducing the incidence of farmer-diagnosed clinical mastitis and prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old multiparous Holstein cow was admitted for evaluation of progressive milk flow obstruction of one quarter of the udder. Physical examination findings suggested the presence of a mural teat abscess. Ultrasonography substantiated the physical examination findings and delineated the extent of the lesion. Surgical excision of the abscess en bloc yielded satisfactory functional and cosmetic results.  相似文献   

In cows with teat lesions, partial drying-off of the affected mammary quarter is recommended for a period of 3 to 10 days. The other three quarters are normally milked. Partial drying-off reduces the risks of complications due to the daily milking. The slight reduction of milk production, connected with the temporary drying-off a single quarter, is nearly compensated within 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Changes in dimensions of impressions of the lumen of the teat canals of 13 cows were examined at 17 intervals during the nonlactating period and early lactation. Impressions were made of teats of 2 diagonally opposed quarters of each cow, using dental impression material. Impression length was measured and cross sections of the impressions at the proximal (distal to Furstenburg rosette), distal (proximal to the teat orifice), and middle (midway between the 2), portions of the teat canal were prepared. Cross sections were photographed and enlarged, and circumference and area were determined by use of planimetry. Effects of making repeated impressions during the nonlactating period and early lactation on new infection rates and somatic cell counts were also assessed. Mean length of teat canal impressions decreased between days 0 and 3 of involution and during the prepartum periods. Depending on the level from which they were taken, cross-sectional areas of impressions tended to increase or increased significantly during the period of involution and again in the prepartum period. Significant changes in cross-sectional area were not observed during early lactation. Changes in circumference of proximal, middle, and distal cross sections followed trends similar to area measurements, but were more variable and differences were less statistically significant. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that heightened susceptibility to new infection during mammary involution and the prepartum period may be attributable, in part, to changes in the patency of the teat canal. Making impressions repeatedly throughout the nonlactating period and early lactation did not affect the number of new intramammary infections.  相似文献   

A surgical procedure to separate the teat and udder cisterns in the udder quarter was described. The sampling method used and its influence on the somatic cell count and bacteriological status of the teat samples were determined. The surgical procedure resulted in complete separation of the teat cistern from the udder cistern in nine out of fourteen teats in six cows. An increase in SCC was seen in one of nine teats during the sampling period of 4 to 8 days. Coagulase-negative staphylococci were isolated in samples from three of six teats at the end of the sampling period. The described methods could be of considerable importance in future studies of inflammatory reactions and defence mechanisms in the bovine teat.  相似文献   

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