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Susceptibility to infection with bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV) was compared for calves with varying amounts of specific antibody in their sera passively acquired from the ingestion of colostrum. Challenge consisted of intranasal exposure to a strain of BVDV isolated from an outbreak of respiratory disease. Resistance to infection, as judged by nasopharyngeal shedding of virus, was directly related to the titre of neutralizing antibodies in sera. Besides protecting against infection of the upper respiratory tract, passive antibody, which was mainly IgG1, also protected against viraemia and, to a lesser extent, leukopenia. In the presence of colostral antibody, neutralizing and IgG1 antibody responses were apparently inhibited, but a specific IgG2 response occurred.  相似文献   

Two experiments incorporating 13 mares were conducted for the purpose of producing and monitoring intrauterine infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae. In the pilot study, the infection was produced with strains of K pneumoniae type 68 and type 10 isolated from the genital tract of stallions with a history of breeding problems. In the principal study, K pneumoniae type 68 was used to produce the infection. Tampons and guarded culture swabs were used to obtain uterine samples in the pilot study. In comparing the efficacies of isolation of K pneumoniae with the tampons and isolation with standard guarded culture swab, the tampon proved to be a more reliable means with which to isolate K pneumoniae and was used in the principal study. In both studies, inoculated mares became infected and remained infected at least until the postinoculation estrous cycle was initiated or was completed. Some of the inoculated mares remained infected through more than one estrous cycle. The numbers of K pneumoniae decreased in the uterus of mares after completing the estrous cycle after inoculation. Klebsiella pneumoniae was not demonstrable in frozen tissue sections of uterine biopsy specimens stained by fluorescent antibody technique. Postinoculation sera antibody titers to K pneumoniae, as determined, using the capsule swelling technique, were no higher than 1:8.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies recognizing the O-polysaccharide portion of Brucella abortus strain 2308 provided BALB/c mice with passive protection against challenge exposure with the homologous strain. Numbers of colony-forming organisms in the spleen were reduced by IgM and IgG monoclonal antibodies. Active immunization of mice, using B abortus 2308S lipopolysaccharide, resulted in production of IgM antibody at 14 days. Clearance of organisms in the actively immunized mice after challenge exposure at 14 days was nearly identical to that in passively immunized mice. Mice either passively or actively immunized were effectively protected from 0 to 28 days. Bacterial colonization of the spleen was observed to increase in both groups of mice at 56 days and indicated that humoral responses were effective in eliminating the organism in the early stages of infection, but other immune mechanisms were necessary for protection of mice in the later stage of infection with virulent strains of B abortus.  相似文献   

Protection of pregnant swine by vaccination against leptospira infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY The protection conferred on pregnant gilts by 2 commercially available Leptospira interrogans serovars pomona and tarassovi bacterins was evaluated. Gilts vaccinated either 3, 6 or 12 months prior to natural challenge with L. interrogans serovar pomona had significantly lower abortion rates (2% vs 69%) and foetal mortality rates (14% vs 57%) than unvaccinated controls. One vaccine was significantly superior to the other and contained approximately twice the number of L. interrogans serovar pomona organisms per vaccine dose. Neither vaccine protected against renal colonisation but vaccination reduced urinary excretion of leptospires. Both vaccines reduced agglutinating antibody response to infection, as measured by the microscopic agglutination (MA) test. This may prevent the detection of a carrier animal by serology. Foetal pigs did not develop specific MA titres. Cultural methods were not reliable in making a diagnosis of foetal infection. Histopathology of foetal liver and kidneys helped in making a diagnosis of foetal infection.  相似文献   

Pulmonic and peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations in healthy and Mycoplasma suipneumoniae-infected pigs were compared. The T- and the B-lymphocyte populations were counted, the B cells by the complement receptor (zymosan-complement rosettes) technique and the T cells by the ED-rosette technique (sheep RBC-dextran rosettes). The T cells were found to predominate among pulmonic, as well as blood, lymphocytes. Pulmonic B-cell and blood T-cell percentages were increased after mycoplasma respiratory tract infection. However, blood B-cell and pulmonic T-cell percentages were not significantly affected. A significant (P less than 0.001) correlation between pulmonic and blood T-lymphocyte compositions was found; conversely, no correlation was observed between blood and pulmonic B-cell percentages. These data could imply that pulmonic B cells are predominantly involved in local immune reactions after a mycoplasma respiratory tract infection.  相似文献   

The protective immunity induced by 3 experimental FeLV vaccines were evaluated: Prototype inactivated FeLV vaccine developed from a molecularly cloned FeLV isolate (FeLV-FAIDS-61E-A); a mixture of immunodominant synthetic peptides corresponding to regions of the FeLV-Gardner-Arnstein-B (FeLV-GA-B) envelope proteins; and an adjuvant-disrupted but non-activated virus prepared from a non-cloned FeLV field isolate comprised of subgroup A and B viruses (FeLV-05821-AB). Included as controls were parallel groups of cats inoculated with adjuvants alone or with an established commercial FeLV vaccine. After each inoculation and after virulent virus challenge exposure, sera from all cats were assayed for ELISA-reactive antibody against purified FeLV, FeLV neutralizing (VN) antibody, and FeLV antigenemia/viremia--viral p27 antigen in serum and within circulating leukocytes. Immunity was challenged by oral/nasal exposure of vaccinated and control cats with FeLV-FAIDS-61E-A or FeLV-05821-AB, an infective, noncloned, tissue-origin, FeLV field isolate containing subgroup-A and -B viruses. Vaccine-induced immunity was assessed by comparing the postchallenge-exposure incidence of persistent viremia and the pre- and postchallenge exposure titers of VN and ELISA antibody in cats of the control and vaccine groups. The percentage of cats, that resisted development of persistent viremia after FeLV challenge exposure and the preventable fraction (PF) for the vaccine groups (which adjusts for the severity of the challenge and the degree of innate resistance in the controls) were as follows: adjuvant controls, 26%; FeLV-FAIDS-61E-A inactivated virus vaccine, 95% (PF = 93.2%); FeLV-GA-B peptide vaccine, 5% (-28.4%); FeLV-05821-AB noninactivated vaccine, 67% (55.4%); and commercial FeLV vaccine, 35% (12.2%). The prechallenge exposure mean VN antibody titer for each group was: less than 1:8 in the adjuvant controls; 1:43 in the FeLV-FAIDS-61E-A-vaccinated cats; less than 1:8 in the peptide-vaccinated cats; 1:38 in the noninactivated virus-vaccinated cats group; and 1:12 in the cats vaccinated with the commercial vaccine. Thus, induction of VN antibody in the vaccinated cats, although modest, appeared to be correlated with induction of protective immunity as defined by resistance to FeLV challenge exposure. Results of these studies indicate that inoculation of cats with an experimental inactivated virus vaccine prepared from a molecularly cloned FeLV isolate was most effective in stimulating protective immunity against heterologous and homologous FeLV challenge exposure.  相似文献   

Efficacy of sulbactam, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, in combination with ampicillin, was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced pneumonia caused by beta-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection was experimentally induced in 18 healthy weanling foals that were randomly allocated to 3 treatment groups: sulbactam plus ampicillin (S/A, 3.3 and 6.6 mg/kg of body weight, respectively), ampicillin (6.6 mg/kg), or vehicle only. Foals were treated daily for 7 days; the observer was unaware of treatment status. Compared with ampicillin and vehicle, treatment with S/A resulted in a statistically significant (P less than 0.05) decrease in severity of pneumonia, with regard to bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings (decreased total cell and neutrophil numbers, and increased lymphocyte numbers) and extent of macroscopic lesions in lung tissue of the noninoculated regions. Marked trends toward improvement of S/A-treated foals were observed for quantitative results of bacteriologic culture of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples (P less than 0.07), macroscopic pathologic features of the whole lung (P less than 0.1), and histopathologic variables (P less than 0.07), compared with ampicillin- and vehicle-treated foals. Treatment effects were not observed for radiographic, hematologic, and blood gas abnormalities that resulted from infection. In conclusion, the combination of sulbactam plus ampicillin was found to have synergistic effects in vivo, to reduce the extent and severity of experimentally induced gram-negative lung infection in foals.  相似文献   

为研究艾叶烟熏对正常呼吸道的组织学影响,将54只健康SPF昆明系小鼠分为对照组、2 g艾叶/m~3组和4 g艾叶/m~3组,艾叶烟熏疗程,分为艾叶烟熏1次、1周和2周。结果可见:艾叶烟熏能造成小鼠肺脏和气管的水肿;2 g艾叶/m~3组艾叶烟熏后气管黏膜上皮细胞脱落数量出现先升后低的变化,艾叶烟熏2周试验组气管黏膜上皮细胞脱落数低于对照组但并无显著差异;艾叶烟熏2周试验组鼻黏膜上皮细胞间杯状细胞数量与对照组相比较具有显著性增加。结果表明,艾叶烟熏能造成小鼠肺脏和气管的水肿,但没有进一步的组织损伤。适宜浓度的艾叶烟熏能加强呼吸道黏膜的完整性,并能增加杯状细胞的数量,增加呼吸道黏液分泌。  相似文献   

为研究重庆地区规模化肉牛场肉牛上呼吸道中肺炎克雷菌的带菌状况及耐药性。本研究从重庆荣昌、丰都两地肉牛上呼吸道分离细菌,采用形态学观察、生化鉴定及16SrRNA分子方法鉴定,获得12株肺炎克雷伯菌,分离率为19.7%,表明肺炎克雷伯菌是肉牛上呼吸道中主要的一种条件致病菌;分离菌株对庆大霉素,丁胺卡那霉素,头孢他啶,妥布霉素等药物敏感,对乙酰螺旋霉素,氨苄西林,苯唑西林耐药率达到100%,分离株存在多重耐药,但两个地区的分离株在耐药性上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

The onset of protection offered by intranasal vaccination with attenuated bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) was studied in 18 calves given a virulent BHV-1 aerosol challenge inoculum and an aerosol challenge exposure to Pasteurella haemolytica. Calves challenge exposed with virus 3, 7, 11, 15, or 19 days after vaccination and challenge exposed 4 days later with Pasteurella haemolytica did not develop viral-bacterial pneumonia, whereas 2 of 3 control calves died of fibrinous bronchopneumonia 40 and 60 hours after the bacterial aerosol and the 3rd control calf had similar lesions. All vaccinated and control calves had detectable amounts of interferon at the time of viral challenge exposure. Protection was observed before detection of neutralizing antibodies to BHV-1 in nasal secretions or in serum. Protection was therefore present from day 3 through day 19 after vaccination, but the mechanism could not be explained completely by neutralizing antibody or interferon.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a live 1B vaccine against three strains of Chlamydophila abortus, AB16, LLG and POS, was assessed in pregnant mice in terms of the reduction in the levels of infection recorded in their placentas, fetuses and spleens. The vaccine was more effective against the AB16 strain than against the LLG and POS strains, suggesting that there are antigenic differences between the three strains.  相似文献   

Seven experiments with four calves each were conducted in which the calves spent at least four days of adaptation in an environmental chamber and then were subjected to climatic stress in the form of a number of constant ambient temperature and humidity combinations. On the second day of climatic stress the calves were individually exposed to measured numbers of infectious units of bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1, virus of infectious bovine rhinotrachetis) in aerosol. The calves were killed seven or eight days later. Mycoplasma were found in some nasal swabs and in one lung. Certain bacteria but no Pasteurella were often isolated from the lungs. Bovine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from chamber air and from most postinoculation nasal swabs, tracheas and lungs. The number of macro- and microscopic lesions did not appear to be influenced by the climatic conditions of the experiments. The histopathological changes in epithelium at all levels of the respiratory tract were described in detail.  相似文献   

牛呼吸道感染细菌病原的致病机理与防控研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛呼吸道疾病综合征(BRDC)是一种急性呼吸道疾病,其主要细菌性病原有多杀性巴氏杆菌、溶血性曼氏杆菌、化脓隐秘杆菌和昏睡嗜血杆菌,常见于断奶、运输等应激后牛群。该病呈世界性分布,可经呼吸道感染,严重影响肉牛及泌乳牛的品质,给养牛业造成巨大的经济损失。国内关于BRDC的研究仍比较匮乏,且尚无可预防BRDC细菌性病原的疫苗,为更好地防控BRDC,现就国内外BRDC细菌性病原的致病机理和防控研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

A survey of K. pneumoniae was performed on cervical swabs, feces and nasal swabs of mares and on samples from the genital tract of stallions from 1980 to 1986 in south-western Hokkaido, Japan. K1 was the predominant type (79 of 88, 89.8%) in the metritis cases due to K. pneumoniae in mares of racing breeds. The same type was isolated from semen and swabs of the fossa glandis of 6 of 20 (30.0%) of the stallions of racing breeds. Heavily encapsulated and less heavily encapsulated K1 strains were isolated from the stallions. Mares bred to stallions carrying heavily encapsulated strains developed metritis, while those bred to stallions carrying less heavily encapsulated strains did not. K39 was isolated from cervical swabs solely from metritis-infected mares of draft breeds and not from any mares of the racing breeds examined. Untypable strains were isolated from cervical swabs in 7 of 88 (8.0%) metritis cases of mares of racing breeds and from semen in 7 of 19 (36.8%) stallions of racing breeds and they were predominant in feces (19 of 21, 90.5%) and nasal swabs (3 of 4, 75.0%) of healthy mares of racing breeds.  相似文献   

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