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抗虫棉仅仅是对棉铃虫具有一定的抗性,棉铃虫以外的其他棉花害虫和病害也会在抗虫棉上发生,尤其是棉叶螨和红叶枯病发生较重,必须加强栽培管理,及时用药防治。 相似文献
70年代在我国茶树上发现的茶叶新病害茶芽枯病 ,近年来因冬季气候变暖 ,在闽东乃至江南茶区早芽种的茶园出现不同程度的发生危害 ,严重地影响着春茶的产量与制茶质量 ,给茶叶生产者造成较大经济损失。被病菌侵害的春茶芽叶叶梢生长受阻 ,叶片萎缩卷曲 ,直接降低了春茶产量与质量。1 发生规律与症状该病是由真菌侵染引起的 ,发生在气温 1 5~2 0℃ ,空气湿度较大的春季。且芽叶营养物质丰富的春茶 ,病菌器孢子借风雨传播、侵染。当气温高于 2 9℃时 ,病菌生长受抑制 ,停止发病。春茶芽枯病主要为害春茶幼叶和第一至第三片嫩叶 ,叶片初侵染时… 相似文献
为了明确棉花库源比(铃叶比)变化对红叶茎枯病发生的影响,揭示红叶茎枯病的病因,本研究开展了多项试验。试验结果显示,棉株的病害严重度与其铃叶比呈高度正相关。早熟品种开花期早,铃叶比高,病害发生重;盛蕾期以前的气温对棉花生长和红叶茎枯病发生的作用大于土壤水分的作用。与常温处理相比,提高棉花3叶期至盛蕾期的气温,可促进棉花的营养生长,减小库源比,其发病盛期延后约45 d,病情指数平均减少72.9%,棉花生物学产量平均提高123.8%;去蕾和推迟打顶均可降低棉花铃叶比,减轻病情,以去全蕾处理的作用最为明显;叶面喷施甲哌鎓可提高棉花铃叶比,利于病害发生。因此,铃叶比失调是红叶茎枯病的主要病因;开花期以前棉花代谢源(叶)的生长量决定着病害发生的时间和严重度。 相似文献
20世纪 70年代在我国茶树上发现的茶叶新病害—茶芽枯病 ( Phyllosticta.sp) ,近年来因冬季气候变暖 ,在闽东乃至江南茶区早芽种的茶园出现不同程度的发生危害 ,严重地影响着春茶的产量与制茶质量 ,给茶叶生产者造成较大经济损失。被病菌侵害的春茶芽叶叶梢生长受阻 ,叶片萎缩卷曲 ,直接降低了春茶产量与质量。1 发生为害情况 春茶芽枯病主要为害营养物质丰富的春茶幼叶和第 1至 3片嫩叶 ,先在叶尖或叶缘产生淡黄色或黄褐色小病斑 ,后扩展成不规则形状 ,病斑边缘明显或不明显。芽尖受害呈黑褐色枯焦状 ,萎缩不能伸展。病斑后期表面散生… 相似文献
荸荠秆枯病的发生与防治 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
荸荠(Eleocharistuberosa)是我国的特产水生蔬菜。其营养价值高,既是佳蔬,又是良药,《本草纲目》中记有“马蹄能清热消渴,治痹热,温中益气、开胃下食,厚人肠胃,饭后宜食之”。可止渴失津,化痰消食,清心明目,解热杀菌,清黄疽,降血压,治疗... 相似文献
泰和县车前草穗枯病发生与防治 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
车前草 ( Plantag asiatica)是泰和县种植的一种重要药用植物 ,具有清热利尿、渗湿通淋、明目祛痰等功效 ,主治水肿、暑湿泄泻、目赤肿痛、痰热咳嗽等病症 ,是中药饮片配方 ,染料工业的重要原料。产品远销广东、福建、浙江等地。但是 ,在种植过程中 ,常常遭受穗枯病 ( Fusicoc-cum sp)的侵染 ,轻则减产 1 0 %~ 2 0 % ,重则绝收 ,严重制约了该县车前草生产的发展。1 发病规律1 .1 菌源 病菌以菌丝体和分生孢子在病株和病残体上越夏越冬。初次侵染源主要是带菌的车前草病残体。田间菌源的多少是影响穗枯病发生轻重的主要因素。1 .2 温湿… 相似文献
经多年调查研究 ,初步明确引致安庆地区小麦成株期叶枯病的病原主要为 4种真菌 ,其中细链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuis)发生最普遍 ,雪霉叶枯菌 (Gerlachia nivalis)危害最重。一般是几种叶枯病混合发生 ,较少单一出现。病害由下向上蔓延 ,中下部叶片发生多 ,小麦中后期多雨高湿病重。不同品种抗病差异明显。两年药剂试验表明 ,复配剂36%粉霉灵悬浮剂防病增产效果显著 相似文献
A twig and stem blight of cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum ) was observed in Tamil Nadu, India in 1977. The causal organism was isolated in pure culture and identified as Botryodiplodia theobromae , a first record of this species causing twig and stem blight on cotton. Typical fruit rot symptoms were produced on several inoculated fruits but not Citrus sp., Punica granatum or Achras sapota. 相似文献
Zheng Xiang-rong Zhang Mao-jiao Chen Feng-mao 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2022,162(3):655-665
European Journal of Plant Pathology - Buddhist pine (Podocarpus macrophyllus) is a widely cultivated evergreen tree species with high ornamental and economic value. Recently, severe leaf blight on... 相似文献
Fang Shi Tom Hsiang 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2014,138(4):763-773
An outbreak of a boxwood disease was observed in nurseries in southern Ontario in 2008, but the disease appears to have been present in Ontario for at least 15 years. From 2008 to 2010, over 300 fungal isolates were obtained from diseased samples, which included cuttings and whole plants. Almost half of the isolates (144) were found to belong to a single cultural morphotype which was confirmed as Pseudonectria buxi by DNA sequencing of several isolates. The remaining isolates were grouped into another seven major morphotypes, the largest of which accounted for 11 % of the isolates. Single representatives of all eight morphotypes were identified to species using morphological and molecular techniques, and were subjected to pathogenicity testing. Among them, only Pseudonectria buxi successfully satisfied Koch’s postulates on detached leaves, small twigs and rooted cuttings, which confirmed it as the causal agent of Volutella blight. Inoculation tests showed that wounds may be the major infection courts for P. buxi, since non-wounded inoculated tissues did not become diseased. Among several commonly grown boxwood cultivars in Ontario, ‘Green Gem’ was the most susceptible compared to ‘Green Velvet’, ‘Green Mound’, ‘Green Mountain’ or ‘Pincushion’, but all were found to be susceptible. Rather than behaving just as a saprophyte or secondary invader, P. buxi is capable of primary invasion after wounding, and causing extensive disease on live boxwood tissues. 相似文献
水稻白叶枯病发生危害损失动态与模型预测的探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
水稻白叶枯病是水稻主要病害,历史上几度流行成灾,研究探讨该病发生为害与预测预报,对有效防控该病流行,确保水稻丰收具有重要意义。通过对浙江桐庐1971—2014年和近年温岭、温州多地该病发生流行情况、为害与损失、影响发病流行因素的调查分析,基本探明了水稻白叶枯病的发生历史动态,即20世纪70年代到20世纪末为该病重发流行阶段,进入21世纪以来10多年为偏轻发生为害阶段,近2年病害又趋上升态势;揭示了该病各病情指标与为害损失关系,建立了水稻初发病期、激增期和稳定期为害损失模型,初步提出了该病的防控指标为水稻株发病率5%、叶发病率3%;分析研究了该病发生程度与气候因子关系,组建了中长期预测模型,平均预测准确率达93.18%,为指导病害防治提供了科学依据。 相似文献