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Analysis by GC/MS/MS showed that a worldwide collection of 58 wheat accessions differed significantly in the production of seven phenolic acids in the roots of 17-day-old wheat seedlings. The allelochemical contents among wheat accessions ranged from 24.5 to 94.5, 19.9 to 91.7, 3.7 to 15.4, 2.2 to 38.6, 1.0 to 42.2, 19.3 to 183.6, and 11.7 to 187.6 mg/kg of root dry weight for p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, cis-p-coumaric, syringic, cis-ferulic, trans-p-coumaric, and trans-ferulic acids, respectively. trans-Ferulic acid was identified as the most predominant phenolic acid in the roots. Phenolic acids, with the exception of syringic acid, were more concentrated in roots than in shoots. Significant correlation was found between the roots and the shoots in the contents of vanillic, cis-p-coumaric, syringic, trans-p-coumaric, and trans-ferulic acids, and in the content of each structural group of phenolic acids. Wheat accessions with high levels of total identified phenolic acids in the roots were generally strongly allelopathic to the growth of annual ryegrass.  相似文献   

The phenolic acid profiles of six cultivars of wheat with known tolerance to Fusarium head blight were evaluated during plant development from anthesis through maturity. Analysis by HPLC of grain at anthesis revealed that p-coumaric and ferulic acid were the two principal phenolic compounds present. The effect of these two phenolic acids on Fusarium species was evaluated in vitro. Both phenolic acids demonstrated significant reductions (p < 0.05) of Fusarium species growth at all concentrations tested. Ferulic acid is the primary phenolic acid in grain at all stages of development, and its concentration increased steadily during grain development prior to a 50% decrease during grain ripening. The accumulation of ferulic acid synthesis from anthesis until approximately 20 days after anthesis appears related with cultivar resistance to Fusarium. Concentrations of ferulic acid in the grain were similar at maturity, implying that the end-use quality would be similar for both resistant and susceptible cultivars.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to estimate the genetical variability of three salt-resistant genotypes, SARC-1, SARC-5 and S-24, exposed to saline environment. High-yielding and salt-sensitive variety MH-97 was used as standard for comparison. The behavior of these genotypes under saline environment was analyzed by using the hydroponics screening methods at the seedling stage. One hundred and fifty primers were tested of which 52 primers revealed differences between SARC-1 and SARC-5, 54 revealed differences between SARC-1 and S-24 and 61 revealed differences between SARC-5 and S-24. Polymorphism differences between MH-97 and SARC-1, MH-97 and SARC-5 and MH-97 and S-24 were 53%, 64% and 42%, respectively. Four primer pairs amplified special fragments, which were located in all the three salt-resistant genotypes but none on the salt-sensitive genotype MH-97. Primer GLD-15 (5?-CCGTGGCATT-3?) generated a prominent fragment of length 1460 bp; primer GLF-18 (5?-ACCCGGAACC-3?) produced a fragment of length nearly 980 bp in the salt-resistant genotype; the primer pair GLE-5 (5?-TTCAAGCCCG-3?) located one polymorphic amplified band of 1290 bp and the primer GLH-9 (5?-ATCCAGGTCA-3?) performed as a weak polymorphic band of 640 bp, respectively.  相似文献   

On the basis of our findings that the germination of intact wheat seeds (with husks) belonging to dormancy varieties was restrained as compared with that of the dehusked seeds (grains), the germination inhibitors in the husks were explored. The water-soluble extracts from the husks were separated by the aid of inhibition assay experiments, resulting in the characterization of 2-phenylethyl alcohol 1, 4-vinylphenol 2 and its 2-methoxy derivative 3, and dihydroactinidiolide 4, all of which showed clear inhibition of germination at 500 ppm in aqueous solution. The related compounds 1-phenylethyl alcohol 5 and tetrahydroactinidiolide 6 were as active as 1 and 4, while no noticeable difference in activity was detected among both enantiomers and the DL-form of compounds 4-6. Clear synergistic relations were observed between 4 and 1 and also 4 and 3. Since the present inhibitors have been isolated from various kinds of seed plants, they may be responsible for the general germination inhibition in the seed plants.  相似文献   

Nitrogen in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) forage was fractionated into water‐soluble protein N (WSPN) and non‐protein N (NPN). Both WSPN and NPN can be rapidly converted to ammonia in the rumen which may increase pH of rumen fluid and decrease solubility of Mg compounds and lead to increased incidence of grass tetany. In plant samples taken after spring growth initiation, WSPN represented approximately 50% of total N and NPN represented approximately 25% of total N. Total N concentration and relative percentages of WSPN and NPN decreased with advancing plant maturity in 1974, but during 1975 the relative WSPN and NPN percentages remained relatively constant at 43 to 55% and 18 to 30% of total N, respectively. Total N, WSPN, and NPN concentrations decreased as plants matured.

Total water‐soluble carbohydrates (TWSC) were determined and N/TWSC ratios were calculated in wheat forage. TWSC concentrations increased from the initial sampling date to a peak concentration and then declined during the latter part of the sampling period. N/TWSC ratios were widest at the initial sampling date and decreased markedly in subsequent samplings.

Organic acid concentrations were determined in 1975 wheat forage samples by gas‐liquid chromatography. Citric and trans‐aconitic acids have been implicated in the etiology of grass tetany as chelating agents for Mg and Ca. Chelation in the rumen fluid may reduce Mg and Ca absorption or chelation in the blood serum may reduce biological activity. Malic and aconitic acids accumulated in wheat. Malic acid concentration increased with advancing plant maturity to a maximum of 1.70% (dry weight basis). Aconitic acid concentrations were highest at the mid‐point in the sampling period, a maximum of 1.24% being determined.  相似文献   

By the application of geographic information system (GIS) based on existing databases on soil characteristics, it is possible to quantify and assess categories of soil suitability important for crop cultivation. In this article we demonstrate such methods for winter wheat. The objective was to differentiate the Slovak rural landscape with respect to the possibility of effective winter wheat cultivation. The differentiation was based on soil climatic and production economic parameters. For soil categorization, correlation relationships between the site properties (soil and climatic conditions) and crop biological and agro-technical requirements were considered. The prediction was subsequently interpolated into four suitability categories: soils not suitable for wheat cultivation, less suitable soils, suitable soils, and very suitable soils. The database was developed and each area was added to it as well as the particular category of suitability for wheat cultivation. By using the GIS distribution in Slovakia, the maps of soil suitability categories for wheat cultivation were generated. In Slovakia, 29% of farmland was found to be very suitable for wheat cultivation, 25% suitable, 9% less suitable and 37% non-suitable by our calculations. These categories are characterized in detail and specified from the point of view of geographic, soil, climatic, production, economic and energetic parameters.  相似文献   

Antioxidant activity-guided fractionation based on three in vitro antioxidant assays (Folin-Ciocalteu, TEAC, and leucomethylene blue assays) was used to identify major antioxidants in blue wheat (UC66049 Triticum aestivum L.). After consecutive extractions with solvents of various polarities and multiple chromatographic fractionations, several potent antioxidants were identified by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Anthocyanins (delphinidin-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, and cyanidin-3-rutinoside), tryptophan, and a novel phenolic trisaccharide (β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→6)-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside) were the most active water-extractable constituents. However, anthocyanins were found to be major contributors to the overall blue wheat antioxidant activity only when the extraction steps were performed under acidic conditions. Alkylresorcinols were among the most active antioxidants extractable with 80% ethanol in the TEAC assay. However, this may be due to a color change instead of a bleaching of the ABTS radical. Ferulic acid was found to be the major antioxidant in alkaline cell-wall hydrolysates. The contents of the most active antioxidants were determined.  相似文献   

Benzoxazinones are naturally occurring secondary metabolites of some Gramineae plants, responsible for their resistance to some pathogenic fungi and for their allelopathic action. Six varieties of winter wheat grown in fields under organic or conventional systems and 11 old accessions were tested for two consecutive seasons and three plant development stages for the concentration in their roots of cyclic hydroxamic acids and their degradation products. This is the first report of six benzoxazinones analyzed in plants grown in the field. An analytical technique employing LC-DAD was used for determination. It was shown that 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one, its degradation product 6-methoxybenzoxazolin-2-one, and the lactam 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-2-one were predominant compounds in all tested samples. Their concentrations significantly differed with plant development stage and season, but no significant differences were found between varieties and between plant cultivation systems. The concentrations of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA) and its degradation product benzoxazolin-2-one (BOA) were much lower, ranging from 60 to 430 mg/kg of dry matter, depending on accession, stage of development, and season. There was no significant difference found between plants grown in different cultivation systems, but there were significant differences between old and new varieties; concentrations of DIBOA and its derivatives were significantly lower in old accessions. It was concluded that the concentrations of DIBOA and BOA, which are precursors of highly fungicidal 2-aminophenol, 2-amino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one, and 2-acetylamino-3H-phenoxazin-3-one, are theoretically high enough to protect plants against some soilborne pathogens.  相似文献   


Critical values of boron (B) for wheat nutrition in soil and plant were determined through a pot experiment with twenty-one surface soils of Alluvial flood plain and Red-latertic belt comprising three major soil orders (Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols) with four levels of boron. Application of boron significantly increased the dry matter yield as well as uptake of B by plants. Critical concentration of hot calcium chloride (CaCl2) extractable B in soil for wheat was found to be 0.53?mg?kg?1. The critical plant B concentration varied with growth stages and values were 7.4?mg?kg?1 at panicle initiation and 4.18?mg?kg?1 at maturity, respectively. The findings of this investigation also recommend the application of 2?kg?B?1?ha?1 for ensuring B sufficiency to wheat in Indo-gangetic alluvial and Red-Lateritic soils.  相似文献   

Summary In this study the bacterial populations on root tips (1–2 days old) of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were compared with the populations on root segments about 1 week older (root base). The isolates were characterized with a set of physiological tests and the test results were used to group the bacteria by means of cluster analysis. Some clusters contained bacteria that occurred mainly on the root tips and were characterized by the ability to produce acid from different sugars and by the presence of the enzymes nitrate reductase, lipase, and oxidase; they were sensitive to high salt concentrations in the media. Another cluster included significantly more isolates from the root-base segments; these bacteria were characterized by a negative reaction to most of the physiological tests; the colonies formed by these bacteria had yellow pigmentation. Possiblemechanisms for the changes in the bacterial populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding programs are currently developing varieties that are free of amylose (waxy wheat), as well as genetically intermediate (partial waxy) types. Successful introduction of waxy wheat varieties into commerce is predicated on a rapid methodology at the commodity point of sale that can test for the waxy condition. Near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy, one such technology, was applied to a diverse set of hard winter (hexaploid) wheat breeders' lines representing all eight genotypic combinations of alleles at the wx-A1, wx-B1, and wx-D1 loci. These loci encode granule-bound starch synthase, the enzyme responsible for amylose synthesis. Linear discriminant analysis of principal components scores 1-4 was successful in identifying the fully waxy samples at typically greater than 90% accuracy; however, accuracy was reduced for partial and wild-type genotypes. It is suggested that the spectral sensitivity to waxiness is due to (1) the lipid-amylose complex which diminishes with waxiness, (2) physical differences in endosperm that affect light scatter, or (3) changes in starch crystallinity.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of crop genotypes determines the level of growth reduction by salinity. Effect of salinity levels (7.5 and 15 dihydrate m?1) using completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications per treatment were compared on germination, chlorophyll content, water potential, ionic sodium and potassium (Na+, K+) balance, and other growth-related parameters of six wheat genotypes for varietal differences under long-term salinity stress. Chlorophyll contents at flowering stage and yield aspects at maturity of all the wheat genotypes decreased with increasing salinity. The maximum Na+ concentration was observed at 7.5 and 15 dS m?1 in Bhakhar and Saher-2000, respectively, while minimum Na+ concentration was observed for 9476. However, the maximum K+ concentration and water potential was noticed in 9476 at 7.5 dS m?1. Careful selection of salt-tolerant genotypes for field crops is an important perspective especially in the developing countries facing salinity problem. Our results revealed that the wheat genotype 9476 performed best regarding growth and physiological parameters compared to other wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of catalase, CAT-1 and CAT-2, were purified from wheat germ after extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitations, hydrophobic chromatography, and two ionic-exchange chromatographies. The global yields and the purification factors were close to 3% and 50 for CAT-1 and close to 6% and 100 for CAT-2. Both isoforms exhibit an optimum activity at pH 7. When pH was decreased from 7 to 5.6, CAT-1 showed a decreasing affinity for its substrate, whereas the opposite was found for CAT-2. Both isoforms were irreversibly denaturated when exposed to acidic pH, CAT-1 being more sensitive than CAT-2. Conversely, CAT-2 appeared to be more sensitive to inhibitors. The rate as well as the extent of denaturation during incubation with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT) were higher with CAT-2 than with CAT-1. Guaiacol is a competitive inhibitor more potent with respect to CAT-2. The difference in affinity for hydrogen peroxide as well as the poor stability of CAT-1 in acidic medium suggests that this isoform could be less effective during dough mixing.  相似文献   

冬小麦生物量高光谱遥感监测模型研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
【目的】高光谱遥感能快速、实时、无损监测作物长势。研究不同氮磷水平下冬小麦不同生育时期地上部生物量高光谱遥感监测模型,可提高地上部生物量高光谱监测精度。【方法】在西北农林科技大学连续进行了 5 年田间定位试验,设置 5 个施氮水平 (N, 0, 75, 150, 225 和 300 kg/hm2) 和 4 个磷施用水平 (P2O5, 0, 60, 120 和 180 kg/hm2),选用不同抗旱类型冬小麦品种,测定了从拔节期至成熟期生物量与冠层光谱反射率,通过相关分析、回归分析等统计方法,建立并筛选基于不同植被指数的冬小麦不同生育时期生物量分段遥感监测模型。【结果】冬小麦生物量与光谱反射率在 670 nm 和 930 nm 附近具有较高相关性,在可见光和近红外波段处均有敏感波段;在拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期,生物量与归一化绿波段差值植被指数 (GNDVI)、比值植被指数 (RVI)、修正土壤调节植被指数 (MSAVI)、红边三角植被指数 (RTVI) 和修正三角植被指数Ⅱ (MTVIⅡ) 均达极显著相关性 (P < 0.01),相关系数 (r) 范围为 0.923~0.979;在不同生育时期,分别基于 GNDVI、RVI、MSAVI、RTVI 和 MTVIⅡ 能建立较好的生物量分段监测模型,决定系数 (R2) 分别为 0.987、0.982、0.981、0.985、0.976;估计标准误差 SE 分别为 0.157、0.153、0.163、0.133、0.132;预测值与实测值间相对误差 (RE) 分别为 8.47%、7.12%、7.56%、8.21%、8.65%;均方根误差 (RMSE), 分别为 0.141 kg/m2、0.113 kg/m2、0.137 kg/m2、0.176 kg/m2、0.187 kg/m2。【结论】在拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期可以用 GNDVI、RVI、MSAVI、RTVI 和 MTVIⅡ 监测冬小麦生物量,具有较好的年度间重演性和品种间适用性。同时,分段监测模型较统一监测模型具有较好的监测效果及验证效果,能有效改善高光谱遥感监测模型精度。  相似文献   

The recent drought in South Africa has reduced the production of both dryland and irrigated wheat. This study evaluated physiological traits of irrigated wheat genotypes in response to water stress (WS) imposed at different growth stages. A 8?×?2?×?3 [(genotypes)?×?(water treatmets; stresses and non-stressed)?×?(growth stages; tillering, flowering and grain filling)] factorial experiment based on a randomised complete block design with three replicates was conducetd. In general, the rate of photosynthesis was unaffected by WS except for genotypes LM43 at tillering and LM98 at grain filling. Stomatal conductance (SC) and transpiration rate (Tr) followed the same treand except for genotype LM35 which reduced its SC and Tr significantly at grain filling. Instantaneous waster use efficiency (IWUE) of genotype LM35 and LM57 was unaffected (p?>?0.05) by WS at tillering but at flowering stage it was affected. However, at grain filling IWUE was affected (p?<?0.05) in genotypes LM35, ML57, LM79 and LM 98. The relative water content was unaffected at tillering except for LM35 and LM47 genotypes whereas at flowering LM57, ML79, LM83 and LM98 were affected. These results indicate some degree of drought tolerance of these genotypes at different growth stages.  相似文献   

The cultivation of Triticum spelta (spelt) has no tradition in Hungary. In recent years the interest towards this old species renewed in many countries. This high‐nutritional cereal, which has a high ash and fibre content, can be used in many health‐oriented grain‐based food products. Therefore, field experiments have been conducted for some years to test the performance of this species under home growing conditions. Here we report the results of analyses for some important quality parameters of grain samples from the 1996/97 season in comparison with those of older and new home‐grown bread wheat cultivars. Three common wheat cultivars and one advanced spelt line were grown on small plots fertilised with an NPK dose necessary to reach the highest yield and quality. Spikes were sampled weekly from the time of 70–77% grain moisture to full ripening. The grains were analysed for ash, N, P and K content and amino acid composition. Concentrations of 16 other macro + micro elements and in the ripe grains, baking quality parameters were also assessed. The grain development of spelt showed a remarkable time‐lag compared to that of the common wheat cultivars. However, the highest thousand‐grain‐masses, ash, N, and P concentrations were measured in this cultivar after milk ripening. The grains of spelt contained the macro‐nutrient Mg and four micro‐nutrients (Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu) in higher concentrations compared to those of the common wheat varieties. The total and essential amino acid concentrations measured in the ripe grains of spelt were also remarkably higher.

Although its wet gluten content (47.5%) was considerably higher than that of the bread wheat cultivars, its breadmaking quality was poor.  相似文献   


Wheat is the main source of carbohydrates and amino acids consumed in the world. Amino acids and other physiological characters were determined in six wheat genotypes viz. IBWSN-1010, IBWSN -1025, TD-1, ESW-9525, Khirman and Chakwal-86 for pot experiment, to evaluate the response of genotypes under water stress at Nuclear Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan, during 2018. Eight different physiological indices (Proline content, glycine-betaine, total sugars, total chlorophyll, nitrate reductase activity (NRA), potassium (K+) content, osmotic potential (OP) and relative water content (RWC)) were determined. The variance of analysis shows two-way interaction one with water stress [Control (normal four irrigations) and the other with terminal drought (Soaking dose) having significance at p?≤?0.05. It was observed that, ESW9525, IBWSN-1010 and IBWSN-1025 exhibited the tolerance followed by, Khirman and Chakwal-86 by maintaining their OP and accumulation of higher proline and glycine-betaine content. Whereas, moderate total soluble sugars were found in these genotypes. However, NRA increased in IBWSN-1010 enhancing tolerance under water stress.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most widely cultivated crops in rainfed areas of Iran, where drought is the main limiting factor on yield. The object of this study was the identification of drought-tolerant genotypes in bread wheat. Forty bread wheat genotypes were tested in separate experiments under drought stress and normal conditions in two years (2009–2010 and 2010–2011). Nine drought-tolerance/susceptibility indices including stress susceptibility index (SSI), mean productivity (MP), tolerance (TOL), stress tolerance index (STI), geometric mean productivity (GMP), yield index (YI), yield stability index (YSI), linear regression coefficient (β) and drought response index (DRI) were determined. Simultanously applied factor analysis used two factors instead of nine indices in this study. Mahdavi was recognized as the most drought-tolerant genotype in both years based on factor analysis. In this study an equation was developed for estimating the Stress Tolerance Score (STS). The results of the equation were identical to those of factor analysis in both years. The equation was much easier to use than factor analysis and is suggested as a screening tool for the identification of drought-tolerant genotypes. In this study, Mahdavi was the most drought-tolerant genotype also corresponding to this equation.  相似文献   

Summary A field study was undertaken to examine the effects of various management strategies on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) performance and N cycling in an intensively cropped soil. Microplots receiving 100 kg N ha–1 as15NH4 + 15NO3 at sowing, tillering or stem elongation were compared with unfertilized microplots. Stubble from the previous rice crop was either incorporated, burnt without tillage, burnt then tilled or retained on the surface of untilled soil. Wheat grain yield ranged from 1.5 to 5.1 t ha and was closely related to N uptake. Plant accumulation of soil N averaged 36 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 10) on stubble-incorporation plots and 54 kg N ha–1 on stubble-retention plots. Fertilizer N accumulation averaged 18 kg N ha–1 (LSD 51% = 6) on stubble-incorporation plots and 50 kg N ha–1 on stubble-retention plots. Tillage had little effect on burnt plots. Delaying N application from sowing until stem elongation increased average fertilizer N uptake from 26 to 39 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 6), but reduced soil N uptake from 50 to 37 kg N ha (LSD 5% = 10).Immobilization and leaching did not vary greatly between treatments and approximately one-third of the fertilizer was immobilized. Less than 1% of the fertilizer was found below a depth of 300 mm. Incorporating 9 t ha–1 of rice stubble 13 days before wheat sowing reduced net apparent mineralization of native soil N from 37 to 3 kg ha–1 between tillering and maturity. It also increased apparent denitrification of fertilizer N from an average 34 to 53 kg N ha–1 (LSD 5% = 6). N loss occurred over several months, suggesting that denitrification was maintained by continued release of metabolizable carbohydrate from the decaying rice stubble. The results demonstrate that no-till systems increase crop yield and use of both fertilizer and soil N in intensive rice-based rotations.  相似文献   

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