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Wildlife provisioning, i.e. the provision of bait to generate aggregations of charismatic megafauna as tourist attractions, occurs around the world. This practice is often promoted as an economic incentive to conserve the focal species, yet has stimulated debate based on the potential for risks to human safety and perceptions of behavioural shifts in provisioned populations. We studied a population of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) in the Bahamas that has been subject to regular provisioning for >20 years. We used a combination of focal observations of sharks during feeding events, remote acoustic telemetry and stable isotope analysis of shark muscle tissue to determine the impacts of provisioning on the trophic signatures and ranging behaviour of sharks in this population. A small number of large sharks monopolised more than 50% of the bait on offer. These ‘fed’ individuals showed significant 15N enrichment in their tissues compared to conspecifics of the same size that failed to obtain bait at the feeding site, and un-provisioned sharks from a control site. Despite the disparity in trophic signatures, fed, unfed and control sharks exhibited similar degrees of residency at their respective home receiver sites, and travelled similar daily minimum distances. Thus, despite long-term provisioning of this Caribbean reef shark population, there is no evidence for shifts in the behaviours considered which might affect the ecological role of these sharks. However, further research is required to examine potential indirect effects of shark provisioning on sympatric fauna and habitat before this activity can be placed within a sustainable marine conservation framework.  相似文献   

Over-exploitation of whale sharks threatens the future of these wide-ranging pelagic fish. A long-term continuous record (4436 sightings) from a large aggregation (300-500 resident individuals) of whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia shows that mean shark length declined linearly by nearly 2.0 m and relative abundance measured from ecotourism sightings (corrected for variation in search effort and environmental stochasticity) has fallen by approximately 40% over the last decade. This population-level result confirms previous predictions of population decline based on projection models parameterised using mark-recapture estimates of survival. The majority of these changes are driven by reductions in the number of large individuals in the population. Phenomenological time series models support a deterministic (extrinsic) decline in large females, although there was some evidence for density dependence in large males. These reductions have occurred despite the total protection of whale sharks in Australian waters. As this species is highly migratory, the rapid change in population composition over a decade (<1 whale shark generation) supports the hypothesis of unsustainable mortality in other parts of their range (e.g., overfishing), rather than the alternative of long-term abiotic or biotic shifts in the environment. As such, effective conservation of whale sharks will require international protection, and collaborative tagging studies to identify and monitor migratory pathways.  相似文献   

The concentrations of methylmercury (MeHg) in 124 samples of muscle taken from nine species of common sharks of varying sizes and locations along the Florida coast were determined. Muscle MeHg levels averaged 0.88 μg/g (wet sample basis) and ranged from 0.06 to 2.87 μg/g, with 33.1% of the samples exceeding the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's 1 μg/g action level. Differences were found in MeHg concentration by species but not by sex. A positive correlation between MeHg levels and shark size was found such that most sharks larger than approximately 200 cm total length contained MeHg concentrations exceeding the 1 μg/g action level. Fetal sharks contained consistently lower MeHg levels than their mothers. Sharks collected off southern regions of the state contained significantly higher MeHg concentrations than those off the northeast coast. The human health concerns for consumers of Florida shark meat are discussed in relation to these findings.  相似文献   

The basking shark Cetorhinus maximus is listed as Vulnerable (A1a,d, + 2d) worldwide, and Endangered (EN A1a,d) in the north-east Atlantic in the IUCN Red List. However, protection for this species is limited in European waters and varies spatially. Without information on the amount of time individuals spend in different areas, any potential risks to population levels from incidental capture, possible future exploitation and climate change will be difficult to assess. To quantify the annual space-use patterns within political-economic zones in the north-east Atlantic we used geolocation data from seven transmitter-tagged basking sharks tracked for 964 days (16,754 km). Basking sharks tagged within the UK protection zone off south-west England and north-west Scotland spent subsequently only about 22% (range, 2.4-47.7%) of time at liberty within this zone, and a further 30% in the UK fishing zone. Although only about 6% of time was spent in the territorial waters of Ireland and France, basking sharks remained in UK, Irish and French fishing and EEZ zones for over 71% of track time (range, 51.4-89.2%). Sharks did not occupy International waters away from the European shelf at any time. These results indicate basking sharks move between different economic zones and were not afforded statutory protection for the major part of the time (78%) they spent within preferred habitat on the European shelf. This demonstrates the limited capacity of the British protection zone for encompassing the greater part of shark space utilisation. Tracked basking sharks regularly crossed national zone boundaries suggesting that conservation measures for this species need to be framed on a European, rather than national, basis. This study highlights the need for better information about the movements and habitat use by marine animals if conservation strategies are to be truly effective.  相似文献   

Detecting and determining the validity of local extinctions is an important conservation measure in order to uncover management failures. There are quantitative and qualitative methods that estimate extinction probability based on past sighting records. However, because current baselines about species’ abundances and distributions in the sea were mostly established after humans had started affecting marine populations, researchers must often rely on historical data to elucidate past environmental conditions. We review early historical records from the Archipelago of Saint Paul’s Rocks, together with data from recent expeditions, with the aim of testing the hypothesis that reef sharks (Carcharhinus spp.) have become extinct there. Our analyses are based on non-parametric probabilistic tests for extinction and on a qualitative framework to examine and judge as objectively as possible the likelihood of local extinction. Until the mid-20th century, visitors to St. Paul’s Rocks invariably commented on the remarkable number of sharks around the Archipelago. These observations contrast with those of expeditions carried out during the last decade, which report no carcharhinid reef sharks while scuba diving in the archipelago, despite many more hours of underwater fieldwork than previous expeditions. All quantitative and qualitative methods conclude that the reef shark Carcharhinus galapagensis is locally extinct at St. Paul’s Rocks after a sharp decrease in abundance that took place following the commencement of fishing. However, the persistence of occasional individuals of the once locally common Carcharhinus falciformis in the vicinity of the Archipelago, as a result of constant immigration of this oceanic species from outside the area, suggest that the population might recover if the present fishing pressure was removed.  相似文献   

Global declines in shark populations have created uncertainty in the future status of many species and conservation efforts are urgently needed. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used increasingly as conservation tools around the world, but how they benefit mobile and wide ranging species like sharks remains unclear. To evaluate the degree of protection MPAs may provide for sharks, we used an array of acoustic receivers to examine the movements and spatial use of two tropical coastal species within two MPAs in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. Juvenile pigeye (Carcharhinus amboinensis) and adult spottail (Carcharhinus sorrah) sharks were fitted with acoustic transmitters from 2009 to 2010. Both species displayed long-term use of MPAs, with some individuals detected for longer than 600 days. The mean percentage of time C. amboinensis and C. sorrah spent inside MPAs was 22% and 32%, respectively. MPA use varied seasonally, with C. amboinensis spending a higher percentage of time inside MPAs in summer (mean = 28%) and C. sorrah spending a higher percentage of time inside MPAs in winter (mean = 40%). Although sharks used large areas inside MPAs, most individuals tended to use only half of the available protected space. In addition, all sharks made excursions from MPAs and individuals exited and re-entered at consistent locations along the MPA boundaries. These results demonstrate that MPAs have conservation benefits for shark populations by providing protection across different species and life stages, and tracking studies can be used to help tailor MPA design to maximize effectiveness.  相似文献   

水资源系统与区域经济息息相关,利用经济数值反映水资源系统风险所致损失将更加直观。该文为了通过经济数值定量评价水资源失衡导致的风险,首先构建水资源失衡导致的经济损失风险模型,应用数据包络分析(epsilon-based measure,EBM)模型计算水资源利用效率,并结合黑龙江省水价及人均工资确定水资源失衡导致的经济损失值;然后,在EBM的基础上添加二阶段Tobit模型进一步分析水资源失衡风险经济损失原因。结果表明,2000—2020年黑龙江省由水资源投入不足导致的最小经济损失值为75.2亿元(2008年)、最大值为425.1亿元(2013年);水资源最小产出经济损失值为1 119亿元(2000年)、最大值为11 068亿元(2012年)。2000—2015年黑龙江省水资源风险经济损失逐年上升,水资源产出经济损失均占水资源风险经济损失的90%以上,预计2020年水资源风险经济损失为8 138.7亿元。在研究时段内黑龙江省水资源风险经济损失较高,水资源利用效率较低。黑龙江省水资源系统受到产业结构、经济发展水平和水利基础设施投资等驱动因素影响,需加大第二产业投入和水利基础建设投资,从而降低水资源风险经济损失,为后续水资源系统风险规避措施的制定提供支持。  相似文献   

Converting degraded grazing lands into exclosures is one option to restore soil nutrients and to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. We estimate the economic value of such a conversion and assess the perception of local communities concerning exclosures in the highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia. Our research combines a soil and vegetation study with a socio‐economic survey, and a financial analysis. Over a period of 30 years, sequestered carbon dioxide was 246 Mg ha−1, total soil nitrogen increased by 7·9 Mg ha−1 and additional available phosphorous stocks amounted to 40 kg ha−1. The Net Present Value of exclosure's ecosystem services under consideration was about 28 per cent (837 US $) higher than alternative wheat production. Carbon revenues alone added up to only about 44 per cent of the net revenues of wheat production. This indicates that (i) carbon market revenues only, would not generate sufficient incentives to establish additional exclosures, and (ii) if all benefits are taken into account and financially rewarded, exclosures are competitive to alternatives land uses. We also identified substantial opportunities to mobilize the local communities in efforts to establish exclosures, given that more than 75 per cent had a positive view on exclosures effectiveness to restore degraded soils and vegetation. We conclude that a comprehensive analysis is necessary to consider the ecological as well as economic and social impacts of exclosures. Our findings are important information for local decision makers and may provide incentives for the establishment of further exclosures in the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia, thereby contributing to a sustainable local development process. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国农作物秸秆综合利用潜力研究   总被引:34,自引:14,他引:20  
针对秸秆分区布局规划不完善,导致地区性、季节性、结构性秸秆过剩,资源浪费与环境污染问题突出,研究秸秆综合利用规划理论,提出"一主多元、农用优先"秸秆综合利用途径。中国秸秆综合利用潜力总量8.76亿t,比2015年增加利用量1.56亿t,其中秸秆肥料化、饲料化和能源化利用量分别增加8 722.4万t、5 122.3万t和1 720.1万t。通过肥料和饲料化利用,可直接和间接替代化肥潜力氮肥(N)1 481.6万t、磷肥(P2O5)419万t、钾肥(K2O)1 885.1万t,节本增效节约化肥成本约685.9亿元(折合98.5元/t秸秆);通过能源化利用,可替代煤炭等化石能源5982.4万t(标准煤),可减排二氧化碳1.5亿t、二氧化硫448.7万t、氮氧化物224.3万t,烟尘4068万t,经碳排放交易经济效益可达20.25亿元(折合16.9元/t秸秆),环境和经济效益显著。  相似文献   

Understanding of the soil resource is pivotal to our ability to use, manage and modify soils effectively and responsibly. Yet those who make the most decisions concerning soil use and management – farmers and landholders – rarely have access to reliable soil information at scales suitable for farm decision making. By default, many rely on limited local soil knowledge when making decisions that determine farm performance and environmental impact. Providing detailed nationwide soil information that is appropriate for farm decision making is feasible, as demonstrated by the achievements of several European countries and the USA. For New Zealand, a stratified programme at scales of 1:10 000 for versatile land; 1:25 000 for other agricultural land; and 1:50 000 for non‐domesticated land, would cost NZD $280 million, or NZD $11.2 million per year if spread over the useful life of the information. This investment is small relative to the economic value of agriculture, and necessary if New Zealand is to make meaningful advances in reducing current agri‐environmental trends.  相似文献   

采用环境经济学方法对北京市郊区农田污水灌溉的正负效应价值进行了评估。结果表明:2002年北京市农田污水灌溉的正效应价值约为4.62亿元,占当年农业增加值的9.3%,其中减少污水处理成本和节约清洁水资源的价值所占份额较大,分别为49.7%和27.6%,其次为节约化肥和粮食增产价值,分别为18.1%、3.1%;负效应价值约为1.39亿元,占当年农业增加值的2.8%,其中粮食减产造成的损失占总损失的46.5%,品质下降占2.2%,土壤污染占30.3%,人体健康损失占15.7%,而地下水污染占5.2%。污水灌溉的正负效应价值比为3.3∶1,其中污水灌溉的直接经济价值为负效应价值的1.7倍,说明污水灌溉的经济收益几乎完全是靠牺牲环境所维持的。因此必须高度重视污水灌溉造成的污染损失。  相似文献   

省域土地人口经济多维协调格局及分区发展策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张慧  苏航  薛睿  章桂芳 《农业工程学报》2019,35(21):262-270
为了实现玉米含水率的快速无损检测,该文利用精密阻抗分析仪和自制介电参数测量传感器通过500 mV的激励电压在1 kHz~5.462 MHz频率范围内测量了热风干燥过程中不同含水率与不同温度下玉米籽粒的介电常数?''和介电损耗?"。通过对双介电参数频谱的分析,对含水率回归模型建模频段进行了初步选择,以1.072~5.462 MHz之间15个测量频点的双介电参数和温度值T共计31维变量作为支持向量回归机(support vector regression,SVR)模型的输入全变量,分别利用竞争性自适应重加权算法(competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,CARS)、迭代保留信息变量算法(iteratively retains informative variables,IRIV)和CARS-IRIV联合算法筛选特征变量,建立全变量、CARS、IRIV和CARS-IRIV筛选特征变量与玉米籽粒含水率的SVR模型。引入鲸鱼优化算法(whale optimization algorithm,WOA)优化SVR模型参数c(惩罚因子)和g(核函数参数),结果表明CARS-IRIV筛选特征变量(?''3.854MHz、?"3.854MHz、?''5.462MHz、?"5.462MHz、T)建立的SVR模型经WOA优化后(CARS-IRIV-WOA-SVR)具有最优的预测精度,预测集决定系数、预测集均方根误差和剩余预测偏差分别为0.998 4,0.40%和24.55,且模型复杂度最低。该研究为基于双介电参数和支持向量回归机实现玉米含水率快速无损检测提供了新的研究思路和基础数据。  相似文献   

Bonefish (Albula spp.) are a widely distributed group of morphologically indistinguishable marine fish species, that provide a recreational sport fishery, that is important for many local economies. Although the majority of angled bonefish are released following capture, little is known about their behavior or post-release survival. Using ultrasonic transmitters and small visual floats, we assessed behavior and mortality of bonefish following catch-and-release angling at spring water temperatures (25.5-27.3 °C) in two regions of the Bahamas with differing shark abundances. All observed mortality occurred within 30 min of release and was a direct result of predation by sharks. In the low shark abundance areas, all released bonefish survived, whereas in the high shark abundance areas, some mortality (39%) was observed. Exhaustively angled fish exposed to air had problems maintaining equilibrium following release. These fish typically spent substantial periods of the first 30 min post-release remaining stationary, then moved in rapid bursts. The results of this study, highlight the benefits of angling and releasing bonefish quickly, minimizing handling and particularly air exposure. Furthermore, when shark predation threat is high, anglers should avoid releasing bonefish in the immediate area. The conservation of exploited recreational bonefish fisheries will depend upon the development and dissemination of science-based catch-and-release strategies.  相似文献   

中国农村居民生活用能及CO2排放情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面掌握中国农村居民生活用能发展趋势与温室气体排放潜力,该文基于长期能源可替代规划系统(LEAP模型),模拟了3种政策情景下2020年农村生活用能需求和CO2排放情况。结果表明:2020年中国农村居民生活用能需求量约2.95~3.75亿t,呈上升趋势;如果采取强有力的政策措施,可减少CO2排放量约0.87亿t。该研究可为中国政府出台应对气候变化、减少温室气体排放的政策措施提供依据。  相似文献   

黑龙江省巴彦县耕地资源价值体系及价值定量测算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
耕地资源不仅具有经济价值,还具有社会价值和生态价值。其社会价值和生态价值往往在政府决策及耕地流转交易中被忽视,导致大量耕地资源被过度开发及低效利用。全面显化耕地资源价值,有利于耕地保护和农业可持续发展。以巴彦县为例,在界定耕地资源价值内涵基础上,借鉴资源经济学的市场价值法、替代市场法及成果参照法等研究方法,对耕地资源经济价值、社会价值和生态价值进行了测算。结果表明:(1)巴彦县耕地资源每年提供的功能价值高达672 415.79元/hm2,其中,经济价值为67 661.78元/hm2,社会价值为573 852.33元/hm2,生态价值为30 901.68元/hm2,耕地资源总价值是显化的耕地资源经济价值的9.94倍;(2)巴彦县耕地资源价值以社会价值为主,占其总价值的85.34%,而经济价值和生态价值分别占其总价值的10.06%和4.60%,其中,耕地的社会价值主要体现在社会保障功能上,占其社会价值的67.52%。合理确定巴彦县耕地资源的真实价值,对维护市场等价交换交易,激励农民自觉经营生产和保护耕地,促进区域农业经济的健康稳定发展有一定现实意义。  相似文献   

现代经济生活方式每年产生大量的废弃物,通过耦合收集、加工、运输、发电、供热等独立运行环节,形成整体关联的闭环供应链,实现废弃物到能源的循环利用和可持续发展。该文立足于循环供能与可持续发展两大维度,围绕废弃物回收、资源化处理、多能互补供应、多网络耦合的完整链条,系统分析废弃物到能源闭环供应链的废弃物管理、多能源供应、环境治理协同效应。基于联合国可持续发展目标框架,以全球能源、经济、环境和社会协调发展的重大需求为牵引,整合废弃物到能源闭环供应链的交叉兼容指标,构建涵盖复合维度的可持续性评价指标体系,并从内生风险与外源风险视角,识别刻画不可持续风险。  相似文献   

基于土地整治的项目区耕地资源社会价值评定及变化分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
社会效益评价是土地整治的重要内容之一, 而整治项目区社会价值是土地整治社会效益评价的重要依据, 因此, 开展项目区耕地资源社会价值评定研究对土地整治社会效益评价具有重要意义。本文以河北省曲阳县土地整治项目为例, 通过构建基于土地整治的项目区社会价值评定体系, 借鉴资源经济学的市场价值法、替代市场法、成果参照法及资本还原法等研究方法, 实现土地整治项目区社会价值货币化, 并对整治前后的价值变化进行分析。结果表明, 研究区在土地整治后, 社会保障价值增加32 442.02万元, 但所占总价值比例较整治前有所降低; 社会稳定价值增加1 453.29万元, 人文景观价值增加884.37万元, 且两者占总价值比例均有所升高。耕地总社会价值增加34 779.68万元, 土地整治社会效益显著, 不仅实现了耕作条件的便利、耕地面积的增加, 更实现了生态景观价值的提高。该研究方法对土地整治社会价值评定有借鉴意义, 评价结果可为曲阳县土地整治社会效益评价提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的农业园区循环经济发展评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为促进农业循环园区降低资源消耗和减少污染,实现农业现代化的新要求,该文构建了农业园区循环经济系统能值评价指标体系,以西北某农业科技园区为例进行评价。结果表明:该园区经济发展程度整体较好,但二三产业发展较为薄弱;园区能值投资率为8.06,能值产出率为1.12,能值再利用率为29.27%,整体资源再利用程度偏低;园区环境负荷率为8.11,废弃物能值比为11.57%,废弃物利用率为69.61%,废弃物资源化利用程度有限;可持续发展指数为1.61,改进的可持续发展指数为3.42,生态效率指数为0.88,产业结构较为单一且不均衡。建议园区改善资源利用,优化产业结构,增加系统强度和生产效率。该研究对国内其他农业园区循环经济的发展评价也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着国家对水土保持工作的不断重视,越来越多的水土保持措施开始实施,为评定水土保持工作开展情况,水土保持综合效益评价工作显得尤为重要。因此,选取南方红壤丘陵区水土流失严重的江西阳坑小流域为例,以2005年为基准年,通过层次分析法选择涉及生态效益、经济效益、社会效益的13个评价指标,从单项效益入手,运用市场价值法、替代市场法、对比分析法等方法直接计算水土保持各单项效益价值,从而得到三大效益及综合效益价值。结果表明:江西阳坑小流域经过水土保持治理之后,2005年水土保持综合效益总价值为12 445.42万元。其中生态效益价值为10 240.65万元,占82.29%;单项效益价值大小排序依次为:保水效益净化大气效益保肥效益保土效益。经济效益价值为894.13万元,占7.18%;单项效益价值排序为:粮食增产效益经果林效益水保林效益。社会效益价值为1 310.64万元,占10.53%;单项效益价值排序依次为:改善群众经济效益提高土地生产率效益增加耕地效益减少泥沙淤积效益。评价结果表明水土保持生态效益在水土保持工作中占有决定性地位,这将为今后水土保持工作提供重要的理论依据,同时也将提升人们对水土保持工作的了解与认识。  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil removed on sugarbeet ( Beta vulgaris L .) at harvest may be an important factor in soil degradation causing significant decline in soil productivity. This study evaluated soil losses on sugarbeet and estimated the cost of plant nutrients lost by this process. The losses were calculated using data from the agricultural reports published by the General Directorate of the Turkish Sugar Industry. Organic matter and plant available nutrient contents of soils removed from sugarbeet fields were determined. It was estimated that approximately 30 000 t of soil is lost annually in Erzurum, and 1.2 million t in the whole of Turkey. The cost of N, P and K losses is approximately 60 000 US$ annually for the study area.  相似文献   

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