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We studied the relationship between plant and soil animal communities by geostatistical analysis in a piedmont forest close to Novorossiysk (Southern Russia). Vegetation on the slope of a hill was an oak-ash-hornbeam forest, while the vegetation on the foot of the hill was a maple-ash-hornbeam forest. Two plots were studied each including both slope and foot habitats. On every plot samples collected formed a grid of 10 × 5 units with a 5 m distance between them. Soil macroinvertebrates were hand-sorted from the samples, and several soil parameters (soil, pebble, and litter mass, soil moisture) were measured.The analysis did not reveal coincidence between the boundaries of plant and soil animal communities on the bend of the hill. Soil animal communities of the plots were dominated by woodlice, diplopods, and insect larvae, reaching an abundance of 680–990 individuals m2 throughout the plots. Number of taxonomic groups per sample and overall animal abundance in the bend were the highest in both plots, whilst these parameters on the slope were the lowest. Variograms and maps of spatial distribution indicated that the boundary between soil animal communities was situated further up on the slope than the vegetation boundary. The size of the animal community was smaller than the size of plots sampled, what probably explained the lack of coincidence between the boundaries. There was a significant correlation between distribution of litter mass and parameters of soil animal communities, which was modulated by depth of soil layer and soil moisture. Soil parameters were more important for explaining boundaries between soil animal communities than plant communities in the forest considered.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of domestic cats on population persistence of native and exotic urban bird populations using a model adjusted for habitat-specific catch rates, cat ownership and hunting activity data. GPS-derived home ranges of 32 cats and resource selection indices demonstrated the degree of penetration and preference for native vegetation fragments. Owners reported on prey brought back by 144 domestic cats in Dunedin, New Zealand, during 12 months. One third of cats never brought back prey, and 21% returned more than one item/month. Cats brought back a mean of 13.4 prey items/year (median = 4), with cats aged <1 year returning more prey than older cats. Birds were the most common prey, followed by rodents. Although cats penetrated adjacent vegetation fragments they did not catch more birds and preferred garden habitat, suggesting that predation pressure may be reduced in fragments. Cat home range size appears to be constrained by cat density while the number of birds caught depends on the density of available prey. Estimates of city-wide catch for six bird species were either more than total urban population size estimates or close to lower confidence intervals. Modelling of three species indicated low likelihood of population persistence with cat predation. The observed persistence of these prey species suggests a meta-population structure with urban populations acting as sinks with source populations located on the city fringe.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate what factors relate most strongly to breast-feeding duration in order to successfully support breast-feeding mothers. DESIGN: Prospective birth cohort study using questionnaires, routinely collected weights and health check at age 13 months. SETTING: Gateshead, UK. SUBJECTS: Parents of 923 term infants born in a defined geographical area and recruited shortly after birth, 50% of whom were breast-feeding initially. RESULTS: Only 225 (24%) infants were still breast-fed at 6 weeks, although 136 (15%) continued beyond 4 months. Infants in the most affluent quintile were three times more likely to be initially breast-fed (P < 0.001) and five times more likely to still be feeding at 4 months (P = 0.001) compared with infants in the most deprived quintile. A third of breast-fed infants were given supplementary feeds in the maternity unit and this was associated with a 10-fold increase in odds of giving up breast-feeding by discharge (P = 0.001). Frequent feeding was reported as a reason for giving up in 70% of mothers at 6 weeks and 55% at 4 months. Those infants who stopped breast-feeding earliest showed the most rapid weight gain and were tallest at age 13 months. Non-breast-fed infants had 50% more family doctor contacts up to age 4 months (P = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Initiation of breast-feeding in urban Britain remains strongly determined by socio-economic background and early cessation seems to be related to frequent feeding and rapid growth as well as a continuing failure to eradicate health practices that undermine breast-feeding. Those infants not receiving breast milk suffered increased morbidity, but the apparent association between breast-feeding duration and growth probably reflects reverse causation.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that late-successional tannin-rich plant communities increase the amount of dissolved organic N (DON) relative to dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in decomposing litter. We devised an experiment to test this hypothesis by adding varying proportions of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tannin-rich Kalmia angustifolia litter to forest floor samples collected on six black spruce cutovers. An increasing proportion of Kalmia litter increased condensed tannin and total phenolic concentrations over the course of a 46-week incubation period. Mineral N concentrations did not vary among treatments in spite of much higher total N concentrations in Kalmia litter. This was more likely due to the formation of protein–tannin complexes rather than microbial immobilization of N, as indicated by the decline in available C with increasing Kalmia litter on two of the five sampling dates. There was a significant positive linear trend between the proportion of Kalmia litter and the DON/DIN ratio on one sampling date (week 13) only. Results suggest that the DON/DIN ratio is controlled by confounding factors (e.g., tannins bonding with non-extractable humus particles) and has limited value for describing ecological succession.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) fertilizer recommendations are mainly based on air -dried soil samples which can lead to over- or under-estimation of plant available soil K. Three on-farm trials were conducted in North Dakota and Minnesota to determine the variation of soil test-K between air-dried (KDry) and field moist (KMoist) soil samples. The differences between KDry and KMoist decreased exponentially as soil K increased, but increased linearly with increasing soil moisture. Soil drying influenced the plant available soil K-test value, producing higher K values compared to the moist soil K. It is unclear based on these initial experiments which method might produce a more predictable K critical value to aid in directing K application for corn in this region.  相似文献   


Anion‐exchange resins (AER) have been used to determine plant available phosphorus (P) since the fifties and their results have shown strong relationships with plant growth and P uptake irrespective of soil properties. However, this procedure is still not widely used by laboratories because of difficulties in handling resin beads under routine conditions. New kinds and different shapes of resins are being produced each with specific characteristics that must be evaluated before use in laboratory procedures. Thus the objective of this work was to evaluate an AER manufactured in membranes reinforced with a Modacrylic fabric. These anion‐exchange membrane (AEM) sheets are commercially available, making them suitable for soil testing. The membranes were cut in pieces (1.0×7.5 cm) identified as AEM‐strips. The AEM‐strips were soaked in 0.5M HCl for a few days and transferred, after being rinsed with deionized water (DI), to 0.5M NaHCO3 to convert them to HCO3 form. The AEM‐strips and resin beads in nylon bags recovered 98.4 and 98.0% of the P content in an aqueous P solution, respectively. Three eluent solutions were evaluated with different shaking times. The 0.1M H2SO4 and 1.0M NaCl in 0.1M HCl were equally suitable for the molybdenum blue color development without any pH adjustment, while the pH of the 0.5M HCl was too low. The elution of P from the AEM‐strips was independent of time with a 15‐min shaking being adequate for removal of all P from the strips. A comparison of soil sample preparation demonstrated that it was not necessary to vigorously grind or sieve the soil to improve the repeatability of the results. The AEM‐strips were compared with other methods (Pi impregnated filter paper, Mehlich I and Bray 1) using 32 soils from Guatemala with widely varying physico‐chemical and mineralogical properties. Phosphorus extracted by the AEM and Pi procedures (similar principle) were highly correlated and gave similar results irrespective of soil type. The acid extraction (Mehlich I and Bray 1 methods) attacked soil components (apatites) resulting in higher and inconsistent amounts of P extracted which may not be available to plants; the correlation between these methods within soils of similar properties was good, but when all soils were considered together the relationship was not significant. This demonstrated that the acid extraction method for P is not suitable for soils containing apatites, while those based on a sink for P (AEM and Pi) can be applied irrespective of the type of soil.  相似文献   

The maintenance of biodiversity in agro-ecosystems is often viewed as an insurance against an uncertain future, yet, there is increasing evidence of biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes. Here, we examined long term trends in the arable weed flora of North-East France by revisiting 158 arable fields initially surveyed in the 1970s. We assessed changes in species richness, density and frequency of occurrence in weed communities as well as for subgroups that are recognised for their conservation value. We also evaluated the importance of crop edges as potential refugia for the threatened arable weeds. Among the 121 species recorded in both surveys, 40% had significantly declined in frequency while 10% had significantly increased. At the field level, we recorded a 42% decline in species richness and a 67% decline in species density. Trends were comparable for weed species of particular conservation value. In the 2000s survey, crop edges harboured levels of weed diversity that were intermediate between those found in field cores in the 1970s and in the 2000s survey. Our results indicated that many species of conservation value had disappeared or seriously decreased in the field core but still persisted in the crop edge. The consequences of this general decline and possible conservation options are discussed in the light of the results.  相似文献   

We used dual labelled stable isotope (13C and 15N) techniques to examine how grassland plant species with different growth strategies vary in their ability to compete with soil microbes for different chemical forms of nitrogen (N), both inorganic and organic. We also tested whether some plant species might avoid competition by preferentially using different chemical forms of N than microbes. This was tested in a pot experiment where monocultures of five co-existing grassland species, namely the grasses Agrostis capillaris, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Nardus stricta, Deschampsia flexuosa and the herb Rumex acetosella, were grown in field soil from an acid semi-natural temperate grassland. Our data show that grassland plant species with different growth strategies are able to compete effectively with soil microbes for most N forms presented to them, including inorganic N and amino acids of varying complexity. Contrary to what has been found in strongly N limited ecosystems, we did not detect any differential uptake of N on the basis of chemical form, other than that shoot tissue of fast-growing plant species was more enriched in 15N from ammonium-nitrate and glycine, than from more complex amino acids. Shoot tissue of slow-growing species was equally enriched in 15N from all these N forms. However, all species tested, least preferred the most complex amino acid phenylalanine, which was preferentially used by soil microbes. We also found that while fast-growing plants took up more of the added N forms than slow-growing species, this variation was not related to differences in the ability of plants to compete with microbes for N forms, as hypothesised. On the contrary, we detected no difference in microbial biomass or microbial uptake of 15N between fast and slow-growing plant species, suggesting that plant traits that regulate nutrient capture, as opposed to plant species-specific interactions with soil microbes, are the main factor controlling variation in uptake of N by grassland plant species. Overall, our data provide insights into the interactions between plants and soil microbes that influence plant nitrogen use in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between overweight and wheezing in pre-school children in 14 small Brazilian communities. METHODS: Cross-sectional epidemiological study, conducted between 2001 and 2002. A sample of 3453 children under 5 years of age was taken from nine communities in the state of Bahia and five in the state of S?o Paulo. Data on housing, family and children were obtained by applying structured questionnaires in loco. Weight and height for each child were also measured. The association between wheezing and overweight was assessed by unconditional logistic multivariate regression models. RESULTS: Overweight children had a greater frequency of wheezing and an odds ratio of 2.57 (95% confidence interval 1.51-4.37) was estimated after controlling for several potential confounding variables. The magnitude of the risk was not affected by several different model specifications. CONCLUSION: Excess weight is associated with increased risk for wheezing in this population of children below 5 years of age.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) limits plant growth in many forest ecosystems. The largest N pool in the plant-soil system is typically organic, contained primarily within the living plants and in the humus and litter layers of the soil. Understanding the pathways by which plants obtain N is a priority for clarifying N cycling processes in forest ecosystems. In this review, the interactions between saprotrophic microorganisms and ectomycorrhizal fungi in N nutrition with a focus on the ability of ectomycorrhizal fungi to circumvent N mineralization for the nutrition of plants in forest ecosystems will be discussed. Traditionally, it is believed that in order for plants to fulfill their N requirements, they primarily utilize ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3). In temperate forest ecosystems, many woody plants form ectomycorrhizas which significantly improves phosphorus (P) and N acquisition by plants. Under laboratory conditions, ectomycorrhizal fungi have also been proven to be able to obtain N from organic sources such as protein. It was thus proposed that ectomycorrhizal fungi potentially circumvent the standard N cycle involving N mineralization by saprotrophic microorganisms. However, in many forest ecosystems the majority of the proteins in the forest floor form complexes with polyphenols. Direct access of N by ectomycorrhizal fungi from a polyphenol-protein complex may be limited. Ectomycorrhizal fungi may depend on saprotrophic microorganisms to liberate organic N sources from polyphenol complexes. Thus, interactions between saprotrophic microorganisms and ectomycorrhizal fungi are likely to be essential in the cycling of N within temperate forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The effectiveness of geographic targeting in nutrition programmes depends largely on the degree to which malnutrition clusters within particular areas. This study investigates the extent to which the childhood nutrition indicators, stunting (height-for-age Z-score <-2) and wasting (weight-for-height Z-score <-2), are spatially clustered; this information is used to determine the implications of spatial clustering for the effectiveness of geographic targeting. DESIGN: Analysis of data from Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) results. Clustering is assessed by calculating intra-cluster correlation coefficients (ICCs). Estimating the proportion of malnourished children covered by a programme successfully targeting 10% of clusters with the highest malnutrition prevalences allows an assessment of the effectiveness of geographic targeting. SETTING: Fifty-eight DHS III (1992-1997) and DHS IV (1998-2001) reports from 46 developing countries. SUBJECTS: Pre-school children of mothers interviewed by DHS. MAIN RESULTS: The extent of clustering of nutritional status was surprisingly low (median ICC for national samples: stunting=0.054, wasting=0.032) and most countries were characterised by having an ICC <0.1--i.e. low clustering--for childhood undernutrition (91% of countries for wasting and 78% for stunting). Our assessment of the effectiveness of geographic targeting showed that coverage was better for wasting than for stunting; for wasting, 23% of countries would achieve less than 20% coverage, compared with 76% of countries achieving less than 20% coverage for stunting. Coverage is dependent on the overall prevalence of malnutrition and the ICC. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood nutritional status is determined at the household, or even individual, level; nutrition programmes that are geographically targeted may result in high levels of under-coverage and leakage, thereby compromising their cost-effectiveness; the lack of clustering questions the appropriateness of current nutrition interventions.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of soil water regimes on the formation of iron (Fe) plaque on the root surface of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) and on the microbial functional diversity in a paddy soil. The rice seedlings were subjected to three moisture regimes (submergence, 100%, and 60% water‐holding capacity [WHC]), and were grown for 5 and 11 weeks. Aerobic lithotrophic Fe(II)‐oxidizing (FeOB) and acetate‐utilizing Fe(III)‐reducing bacteria (FeRB) in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil were determined at 5 weeks using the most probable number (MPN) method. The carbon substrate use patterns of the microbial communities in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil samples were determined at 11 weeks using Biolog‐GN2 plates. The amount of Fe plaque (per unit dry root weight) was much higher under submerged conditions than at lower soil moisture contents and decreased with plant age. There was a positive correlation between the amount of Fe plaque and phosphorus accumulated in the Fe plaque at both sampling times (r = 0.98 and 0.92, respectively, n = 12). Numbers of FeOB and FeRB in the submerged soil were lower than in aerobic soil, but by two orders of magnitude higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil. On the other hand, the functional diversity of the rhizosphere microbial communities was much higher than that of the non‐rhizosphere soil, irrespective of soil water regimes. We conclude that soil flooding results in a decreased number and diversity of Fe‐oxidizing/reducing bacteria, while increasing the Fe‐plaque formation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between childhood undernutrition and poverty in urban and rural areas. DESIGN: Anthropometric and socio-economic data from Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in Angola-Secured Territory (Angola ST), Central African Republic and Senegal were used in this analysis. The population considered in this study is children 0-59 months, whose records include complete anthropometric data on height, weight, age, gender, socio-economic level and urban or rural area of residence. In addition to simple urban/rural comparisons, the population was stratified using a wealth index based on living conditions and asset ownership to compare the prevalence, mean Z-score and odds ratios for stunting and wasting. RESULTS: In all cases, when using a simple urban/rural comparison, the prevalence of stunting was significantly higher in rural areas. However, when the urban and rural populations were stratified using a measure of wealth, the differences in prevalence of stunting and underweight in urban and rural areas of Angola ST, Central African Republic and Senegal disappeared. Poor children in these urban areas were just as likely to be stunted or underweight as poor children living in rural areas. The odds ratio of stunting in the poorest compared with the richest quintile was 3.4, 3.2 and 1.5 in Angola ST, Senegal and Central African Republic, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This paper demonstrates that simple urban/rural comparisons mask wide disparities in subgroups according to wealth. There is a strong relationship between poverty and chronic undernutrition in both urban and rural areas; this relationship does not change simply by living in an urban environment. However, urban and rural living conditions and lifestyles differ, and it is important to consider these differences when designing programmes and policies to address undernutrition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study dietary diversity and its relationship with socio-economic and nutritional characteristics of women in an urban Sahelian context. DESIGN: A qualitative dietary recall was performed over a 24-h period. Dietary diversity scores (DDS = number of food groups consumed) were calculated from a list of nine food groups (DDS-9) or from a list of 22 food groups (DDS-22) which detailed both micronutrient- and energy-dense foods more extensively. Body mass index (BMI), mid upper-arm circumference and body fat percentage were used to assess the nutritional status of the women. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Five hundred and fifty-seven women randomly selected in two districts of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. RESULTS: The mean DDS-9 and DDS-22 were 4.9 +/- 1.0 and 6.5 +/- 1.8 food groups, respectively. In the high tertile of DDS-22, more women consumed fatty and sweetened foods, fresh fish, non-fatty meat and vitamin-A-rich fruits and vegetables. The DDS-9 was not associated with the women's socio-economic characteristics whereas the DDS-22 was higher when the women were younger, richer and had received at least a minimum education. Mean BMI of the women was 24.2 +/- 4.9 kg m-2 and 37% of them were overweight or obese (BMI > or = 25 kg m-2). Neither the DDS-9 nor the DDS-22 was associated with the women's anthropometric status, even though there was a trend towards fewer overweight women in the lowest tertile of DDS-22. CONCLUSION: In this urban area, the qualitative measurement of dietary diversity is not sufficient to identify women at risk of under- or overweight.  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) are key organisms in the N cycle, as they control the first, rate-limiting step of the nitrification process. The question whether current environmental disturbances, such as climate warming and plant diversity losses, select for a particular community structure of AOB and/or influence their activity remains open. The purpose of this research was to study the impact of a 3 °C warming and of plant species richness (S) on microbial activity and diversity in synthesized grasslands, with emphasis on the nitrification process and on the diversity (community structure and richness) of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). We measured soil chemical characteristics, basal respiration, potential nitrification and AOB diversity in soils under increasing plant species richness (S = 1, S = 3, S = 9) at ambient and (ambient +3 °C) temperature. Species were drawn from a 9-species pool, belonging to three functional groups: forbs, legumes and grasses. Mixtures comprised species from each of the three functional groups. Warming did not affect AOB diversity and increased potential nitrification at S = 3 only. Under warmed conditions, higher plant species richness resulted in increased potential nitrification rates. AOB richness increased with plant species richness. AOB community structure of monocultures under legumes differed from those under forbs and grasses. Clustering analysis revealed that AOB community structure under legume monocultures and mixtures of three and nine species grouped together. These results indicate that functional group identity rather than plant species richness influenced AOB community structure, especially through the presence of legumes. No clear relationship emerged between AOB richness and potential nitrification whatever plant species richness and temperature treatment. Our findings show a link between aboveground and belowground diversity, namely plant species richness, AOB richness and community structure. AOB richness was not related to soil processes, supporting the idea that increased diversity does not necessarily lead to increased rates of ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Mining areas are low-quality habitats for macro- and microorganisms’ development, mainly due to the degradation of the soil quality by metal pollution. The...  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1987,42(4):247-272
The occurrence of this alien aquatic macrophyte has rapidly increased during the last decade reaching c. 100 sites mainly in England; these range from shallow acidic seasonal pools to small, more alkaline, nutrient-rich lakes. It is frequently dominant and can grow in an emergent form from 0·7m above the water to a submerged form 1·3m in length, to depths of c. 3m. Plant bimass is generally high with little seasonal cessation of growth. The habit is frequently a dense sward growth which smothers out other flora; it is present in c. ten reserves and is causing concern. It is widely available from aquatic suppliers, it has an enormous potential to propagate from small fragments and has a high growth rate. It is associated with soft sediments and possibly iron-rich areas; this is confirmed by growth trials in static water tanks. In flowing water trials, growth was even faster in water velocities up to 0·32 m s−1, indicating its potential—although no river sites in Britain are yet known. Control by physical removal, often recommended, results in numerous propagules and should be combined with a secondary technique. This initial study suggests that this plant will remain a problem and caution is required to prevent its further spread. Studies of techniques for its control are needed.  相似文献   

High levels of deer browsing can prevent canopy tree regeneration, but little is known about changes to forest size-structure following long-term deer herd reductions. We monitored changes in forest stand structure and composition in southwestern Ontario, Canada, over 28-years using permanent plots. Our study site was the largest remaining tract of Carolinian (deciduous) forest in Canada (11 km2), a habitat type that contains up to a fifth of Canada’s species at risk and is under intense anthropogenic pressures. We recorded declines in all tree size classes between 1981 and 1996, during which densities of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) reached a peak of 55 deer km−2. Despite significant and sustained deer herd reductions between 1996 and 2009, which reduced deer densities to 7 deer km−2, there was limited recruitment of small trees and declines in basal area of tree species that were sensitive to deer browsing. Our results suggest that recovery from herbivory is a protracted process during which canopy tree regeneration may continue to decline despite a reduction in browsing pressure due to deer culling. Large declines in canopy-tree densities in Carolinian forests may lead to forest size-structures and herbaceous plant communities that resemble rare oak savanna habitat, creating difficult decisions for conservation managers aiming to protect rare and endangered species within native ecosystems. We recommend that managers protect Carolinian forest stands and encourage canopy tree regeneration by increasing seed sources of native trees. While deer control is essential in reducing forest damage, our results highlight the need to explore other forms of active management to expedite otherwise slow increases in tree density.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous environments such as soil it is imperative to understand the spatial relationships between microbial communities, microbial functioning and microbial habitats in order to predict microbial services in managed grasslands. Grassland land-use intensity has been shown to affect the spatial distribution of soil microorganisms, but so far it is unknown whether this is transferable from one geographic region to another. This study evaluated the spatial distribution of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities involved in C-, N- and P-cycling, together with physico-chemical soil properties in 18 grassland sites differing in their land-use intensity in two geographic regions: the Hainich National Park in the middle of Germany and the Swabian Alb in south-west Germany. Enzyme activities associated with the C- and N-cycles, namely β-glucosidase, xylosidase and chitinase, organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (Nt), extractable organic carbon, and mineral nitrogen (Nmin) were higher in the Swabian Alb (Leptosols) than in the Hainich National Park (primarily Stagnosols). There was a negative relationship between bulk density and soil properties such as microbial biomass (Cmic, Nmic), urease, Corg, and Nt. The drivers (local abiotic soil properties, spatial separation) of the enzyme profiles (β-glucosidase, chitinase, xylosidase, phosphatase, and urease) were determined through a spatial analysis of the within site variation of enzyme profiles and abiotic properties, using the Procrustes rotation test. The test revealed that physical and chemical properties showed more spatial pattern than the enzyme profiles. β-glucosidase, chitinase, xylosidase, phosphatase, and urease activities were related to local abiotic soil properties, but showed little spatial correlation. Semivariogram modeling revealed that the ranges of spatial autocorrelation of all measured variables were site specific and not related to region or to land-use intensity. Nevertheless, land-use intensity changed the occurrence of spatial patterns measurable at the plot scale: increasing land-use intensity led to an increase in detectable spatial patterns for abiotic soil properties on Leptosols. The conclusion of this study is that microbial biomass and functions in grassland soils do not follow general spatial distribution patterns, but that the spatial distribution is site-specific and mainly related to the abiotic properties of the soils.  相似文献   

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