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Understanding the movement and habitat use patterns of threatened species is essential to effective conservation planning. Modern tracking techniques such as active tracking and passive acoustic monitoring can be useful tools in elucidating this information for aquatic species. To aid in the development of conservation strategies for juvenile critically endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) their fine scale movements and habitat use in southwest Florida were studied using a combination of these techniques. Between 2002 and 2006 a total of 12 individuals were actively tracked for periods of up to 24 h to provide detailed habitat use and movement parameters (distance moved, speed, and linearity). Smaller individuals (<100 cm stretched total length (STL)) had the smallest home ranges, low linearity of movement and had a preference for very shallow mud banks. Juveniles >100 cm STL demonstrated larger home ranges, preference for shallow mud or and sand banks, and remained close to mangrove shorelines. Tide was found to be the main factor influencing movement on short time scales. Sawfish <150 cm STL spend the majority of their time in water <50 cm, while larger juveniles spend most of their time in water 50-100 cm deep. From 2003 to 2007 a total of 22 individuals were fitted with acoustic tags for long-term monitoring. Juveniles >130 cm had high levels of site fidelity for specific nursery areas for periods up to almost 3 months, but the smaller juveniles had relatively short site fidelity to specific locations. The use of a combination of tracking and monitoring techniques provided an expanded range of information by generating both short and long term data on habitat use. The data demonstrated that the conservation of shallow mud and sand banks, and mangrove shorelines will benefit the recovery of these endangered elasmobranchs. 相似文献
Jérôme Pellet Erica Fleishman David S. Dobkin Dennis D. Murphy 《Biological conservation》2007,136(3):483-495
Much of metapopulation theory assumes that the persistence of individual populations in a metapopulation, and persistence of the metapopulation as a whole, is best modeled by the area of habitat patches and their isolation. Estimates of isolation typically include a measure of geographic distance and a measure of either population size or patch area. This “area and isolation paradigm” assumes a functional relationship between the area of a patch and its extinction probability, and between isolation of a patch and its colonization probability. Although these assumptions are fundamental to use of incidence function models of metapopulation dynamics, the assumptions have been validated in only a small number of studies. We tested the ability of area and isolation to predict extinction and colonization patterns using multiple-year occupancy data for 10 species from three taxonomic groups (butterflies, amphibians, and birds). We examined 13 potential models of metapopulation dynamics. All models included four basic parameters: occupancy during the first year of the survey, probability of extinction, probability of colonization, and single-visit detection probability. In eight models, each parameter was either constant or time-dependent. Five models included a patch-level covariate of extinction probability (patch area or population size), colonization probability (connectivity, the inverse of isolation), or both. Extinction patterns generally were predicted more effectively as a function of local population size than as a function of patch area, a constant probability of extinction, or a time-dependent probability of extinction. In most cases, inclusion of connectivity as a patch-level covariate did not improve predictions of colonization patterns. We estimated single-visit detection probabilities for all species in our analyses, thus providing evidence-based guidelines for the refinement of future monitoring protocols. 相似文献
The monophagous flightless weevil Hadramphus spinipennis causes the frequent local extinction of its host plant Aciphylla dieffenbachii through overexploitation. Both species are endemic and restricted to the Chatham Islands group (New Zealand). The weevil is classified as endangered and the plant as a threatened species. As this herbivore-plant system is locally unstable long-term persistence only appears possible via a metapopulation structure in which subpopulations are connected by dispersal. This paper investigates this hypothesis using a spatially explicit model of a consumer population whose resource is patchily distributed. The parameters are adapted to the H. spinipennis-A. dieffenbachii system. Our model includes local population dynamics and dispersal of the consumer, the destruction of host plant patches due to foraging and their regeneration. The results show that the key factor for long-term persistence is the short-range dispersal of the consumer with high mortality during dispersal. Only this highly inefficient dispersal prevents the synchronisation of local dynamics while ensuring sufficient colonisation of regenerated patches. We also show that although synchronisation through spatially correlated environmental fluctuations may be critical for long-term persistence, it cannot replace the strong effects of dispersal. Thus, in a consumer-resource metapopulation with deterministic local extinction, the strength and spatial scale of consumer dispersal in relation to the spatial and temporal scales of the resource patch dynamics (patch destruction and regeneration, number, size and distance of patches) play a vital role for long-term persistence. The consequence for conservation management is that such metapopulations could in fact profit rather than suffer from decreasing connectivity of resource patches. 相似文献
J. Jesús Casas Juan S. Sánchez-Oliver Ana Sanz Miriam Furné Cristina Trenzado Melchor Juan Mariano Paracuellos María D. Suárez Francisca Fuentes Irene Gallego Carlos Gil José J. Ramos-Miras 《Biological conservation》2011,(1):253-262
We studied the relative value of natural habitats, river and coastal wetlands, and artificial habitats, irrigation canal and ponds, for the conservation of an endangered fish, Iberian toothcarp, in its southernmost area of distribution, characterised by agricultural intensification. Our results show that the bulk of the population of the Iberian toothcarp is concentrated in irrigation ponds. Natural habitats sustained null or impoverished subpopulations, and individuals showed signs of low metabolic activity. This coincided with the relatively high habitat quality observed in ponds, particularly those with submerged aquatic vegetation, in contrast with the chronic eutrophication of the coastal lagoons. In spite of a generalised aggressive management in the irrigation system, featured by periodic vegetation clearance, desiccation and biocide treatment, the subpopulation of the Iberian toothcarp thrives in it probably thanks to adequate water quality and to an active path dynamics maintained by connectivity through the canal. Agro-environmental measures are discussed for the improvement of this species conservation in natural and artificial habitats. 相似文献
Because forest width is thought to be the most relevant metric to ecological communities, it has persisted as the dominant paradigm and focus of management recommendations for riparian forest conservation. Consequently, managers may overlook important effects of the surrounding landscape matrix. We determined if characteristics of the landscape matrix, particularly the amount of urban development surrounding a forest, were better predictors of bird communities than forest width. We sampled breeding-bird communities 3 times each June 2001-2004 in 33 riparian forest sites (69-565 m wide) in Ohio, USA. We examined if bird community structure and composition were more closely associated with forest width or the amount of urban development within 1 km of each forest using canonical correlation analysis. Results indicate that the landscape matrix surrounding these relatively large forest tracts explained >94% of the variation in bird communities compared to <6% explained by forest width. Numbers of Neotropical migrants were negatively associated with urbanization in the landscapes (r = −0.43), whereas residents (r = 0.57) and short-distance migrants (r = 0.41) were positively associated with urbanization. Similar patterns persisted at the individual species level, particularly for Neotropical migrants as 76% of species in this guild were negatively related to urban development. Our findings suggest that the traditional approach to conserving riparian forests is not sufficient and that explicit consideration of the surrounding landscape matrix also should be a key component in conservation efforts. 相似文献
Alessandra Maria Moreira Reis Dario Grattapaglia 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2004,51(5):529-538
RAPD markers were used to investigate the distribution of genetic variability in a germplasm collection of the dioecious tropical tree Aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva) composed of open pollinated maternal half-sib families collected from trees at least 300 meters apart and grouped in nine collection areas throughout its geographical range in Brazil. Open pollinated families from nearby trees from two natural populations were also included in the study. A Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) based on genetic similarities estimated with 83 RAPD markers showed no defined clustering among individuals from the same collection areas. However, a matrix correlation test showed low, but significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.17; p < 0.02). An AMOVA showed that 92% of the genetic variation is found within collection areas. Significant variation was found both between regions and between areas within regions although only 3.54 and 4.44% of the variation was found at these levels respectively. An AMOVA on the individuals from the two natural populations resulted in a pattern of distribution congruent to the one found for the collection areas, with 97% of variability within populations. An analysis of 10 open-pollinated half-sib families revealed that between 75% and 89% of the variability is contained within families, suggesting that seeds from one tree represent a significant proportion of the variability found in the population. These results indicate that, either for the establishment of in situ genetic reserves or for ex situ conservation, efforts should be directed to the conservation of several individual trees or collection of open pollinated seed families in a few distant sites. In addition, if resources are available to enlarge the genetic base of the existing collection, expeditions should prioritize collection sites located in areas at significant distances to those already sampled. 相似文献
Using a multi-dimensional ecological design, this study aimed first to analyse whether local environmental conditions can account for the spatial segregation of two Italian native decapods, the crayfish Austropotamobius italicus and the river crab Potamon fluviatile, in Central Italy freshwater ecosystems. Second, we aimed to analyse which environmental variables were more closely associated with the presence/absence of the two decapods in specific sites within their distribution area. Following a factorial design, a total of 32 sites were selected in two neighbouring geographic areas, one occupied by crayfish and one by crabs. Within each distribution area, eight streams where the decapod was present and eight where it was not present were selected. At each site, macro-invertebrate community composition and 16 abiotic variables were recorded and analysed with multi-variate methods. Variations in physical (minimum and maximum temperatures), chemical (calcium, oxygen, nitrate and nitrite) and geomorphological (substrate composition) parameters explained spatial segregation of P. fluviatile and A. italicus in the study area. The occurrence of crayfish reflected variations of chemistry (such as pH, calcium, nitrate and nitrite concentrations), temperature, water depth and substrate composition. On the contrary, the presence of the river crab, within its occurrence zone, was not associated to any biotic and abiotic parameters and was probably affected by anthropogenic pressure and uncontrolled harvesting. These findings provide fundamental ecological data for the maintenance of the two decapod natural populations as well as for the selection of areas and streams adequate for their reintroduction. 相似文献
Marlene Lidén Monica Pettersson Urban Bergsten Tomas Lundmark 《Biological conservation》2004,118(4):431-442
Due to increasing fragmentation of the boreal forests of Fennoscandia, a number of epiphytic lichens are now becoming threatened. Since these species typically are limited by a poor ability of dispersal, one possible but largely unexplored strategy for conservation is to disperse lichen material artificially into suitable habitats. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate survival and vitality in lichen fragments from Evernia divaricata (L.) Ach. and Ramalina dilacerata (Hoffm.) Hoffm. after transplantation into three different stand types situated in northern Sweden, using different fragment sizes and modes of transplantation. After one year, survival ranged between 85% and 97.5%, and new growth occurred at all transplantation sites. The study has shown that transplantations of small fragments might constitute a resource-efficient option for establishment of new populations of endangered lichen species, or for enlarging their populations at the present sites of occurrence. In addition, the mode of transplantation was of importance for fragment vitality. 相似文献
Saproxylic insects are characterised by their exceptional diversity and high proportion of threatened species. No recent studies have demonstrated the validity of habitat suitability analysis for scientifically based habitat management for these species. We studied the habitat requirements of the endangered longhorn beetle Cerambyx cerdo, a species with a supposed keystone function for the saproxylic insect community living on oaks. We used species distribution modelling based on datasets from Central Europe to understand the species-habitat relationships and to find the environmental variables responsible for habitat selection of C. cerdo. Our results show that the most important parameters, insolation, presence of oak sap, bark depth and the distance from the next colonised tree, are able to predict the presence of C. cerdo very well. A spatial validation procedure revealed very similar predictive power, indicating the general validity of our model. Tree-level parameters were shown to have a stronger effect on the occurrence probability than landscape-level predictors. To improve the tree-level conditions (e.g. insolation on the trunk) habitat management in the form of semi-open pasture landscapes is recommended from which many other taxa will also draw considerable benefit. The provision of such conditions over decades is the essential key in the conservation of this longhorn beetle species. The success of the European network of conservation areas “Natura 2000” heavily depends on broad biological knowledge of the designated protected species. The present paper shows that species distribution models can give valuable contributions for conservation in saproxylic insects. 相似文献
M. G. Mellano G. L. Beccaro D. Donno D. Torello Marinoni P. Boccacci S. Canterino A. K. Cerutti G. Bounous 《Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution》2012,59(8):1727-1741
Centuries of co-evolution between Castanea spp. biodiversity and human populations has resulted in the spread of rich and varied chestnut genetic diversity throughout most of the world, especially in mountainous and forested regions. Its plasticity and adaptability to different pedoclimates and the wide genetic variability of the species determined the spread of many different ecotypes and varieties in the wild. Throughout the centuries, man has used, selected and preserved these different genotypes, vegetatively propagating them by grafting, for many applications: fresh consumption, production of flour, animal nutrition, timber production, thereby actively contributing to the maintenance of the natural biodiversity of the species, and providing an excellent example of conservation horticulture. Nonetheless, currently the genetic variability of the species is critically endangered and hundreds of ecotypes and varieties are at risk of being lost due to a number of phytosanitary problems (canker blight, Chryphonectria parasitica; ink disease, Phytophthora spp.; gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus), and because of the many years of decline and abandonment of chestnut cultivation, which resulted in the loss of the binomial male chestnut. Recently, several research and experimentation programmes have attempted to develop strategies for the conservation of chestnut biodiversity. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the status of biodiversity conservation of the species and to present the results of a 7?year project aimed at the individuation and study of genetic diversity and conservation of Castanea spp. germplasm. 相似文献
J.D. Baker B.L. Becker T.A. Wurth T.C. Johanos C.L. Littnan J.R. Henderson 《Biological conservation》2011,144(11):2692-2701
The deteriorating demographic status of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal has motivated renewed and expanded proposals for conservation action, including translocation of seals to improve survival. Over the past three decades, numerous monk seal translocations have been conducted with a variety of objectives, including mitigating shark predation and conspecific male aggression, reducing human–seal interactions, and taking advantage of favorable foraging habitats to improve survival. Here, we analyze our cumulative experience with translocation of Hawaiian monk seals. We found a strong correlation between the time seals remained in the vicinity of the release site and their age. Recently weaned pups (with little or no at-sea foraging experience) exhibited high fidelity to release sites commensurate with that shown by untranslocated pups to their birth location. In contrast, juvenile and adult seals tended to stray from their release locations farther and sooner. Nevertheless, when 21 adult male seals were moved more than 1000 km from Laysan Island in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), to the main Hawaiian Islands (MHI), they subsequently dispersed among the MHI; however, only one was observed to return to the NWHI. Translocated seals appeared to survive at rates comparable to seals native to the release site. Outcomes suggest that in most cases the intended objectives of translocations were achieved. Except for one notable case, translocations within the MHI to arrest human–seal interactions were mostly unsuccessful. These findings will be essential for informing successful large-scale translocation plans in the future. 相似文献
Stanley A. Temple 《Biological conservation》1981,20(2):147-161
There has been much interest and controversy over the application of island biogeographic theory to conservation planning, but few attempts have been made actually to apply theory to specific conservation programmes. This paper demonstrates how island biogeography might play an important role in developing programmes to preserve several endangered island birds on the island of Mauritius. Biogeographic theory suggests that the present avifauna of Mauritius contains an excessive number of species, in view of the much reduced area of forest that exists on the island today. Inter-island transfers of four endangered birds from Mauritius to nearby Réunion Island are proposed and justified by biogeographical and ecological studies. 相似文献
The Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus is one of the most critically endangered seabirds in the world. The species is endemic to the Balearic archipelago, and conservation concerns are the low number of breeding pairs, the low adult survival, and the possible hybridization with a sibling species, the morphologically smaller Yelkouan shearwater (P. yelkouan). We sampled almost the entire breeding range of the species and analyzed the genetic variation at two mitochondrial DNA regions. No genetic evidence of population decline was found. Despite the observed philopatry, we detected a weak population structure mainly due to connectivity among colonies higher than expected, but also to a Pleistocene demographic expansion. Some colonies showed a high imbalance between immigration and emigration rates, suggesting spatial heterogeneity in patch quality. Genetic evidence of maternal introgression from the sibling species was reinforced, but almost only in a peripheral colony and not followed, at least to date, by the spread of the introgressed mtDNA lineages. Morphometric differences were not correlated with mtDNA haplotypes and introgression is probably due to a secondary contact between the two species several generations ago. Overall, results suggested that the very recent demographic decline in this critically endangered species has not yet decreased its genetic variability, and connectivity found among most colonies should help to reduce species extinction risk. Spreading of introgression should be monitored, but the species is not jeopardized at the moment by genetic factors and the major conservation actions should concentrate at enhancing adult survival. 相似文献
Segall Y 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2011,59(7):2845-2856
Most organophosphate (OP) pesticides require metabolic activation before attacking the target site, as opposed to chemical nerve agents, such as VX and sarin, which inhibit the enzyme directly. The majority of OP pesticides exhibit weak anticholinesterase activity in vitro compared to their In Vivo activity. Biooxidation is probably the principal route by which these pesticides are activated or detoxified. The oxidized product, usually a short-lived intermediate, may either hit the target directly or hydrolyze rapidly or, following a rearrangement reaction, convert to another species with enhanced reactivity (metaphosphate) or lose its phosphorylation or carbamoylation properties. Biomimetic studies of these processes, using various model systems, have important advantages: in some cases they allow for identifying short-lived intermediates, formed metabolically, and direct monitoring of the systems' properties by NMR. Once identified, they may be synthesized in large amount to investigate their adverse effects, if any. Biomimetic studies allow for monitoring reactions at low temperature seeking transient intermediates and evaluation of activation and detoxification mechanisms as well as mode of action based on chiral isomers. This, in turn, allows for determination of whether certain compounds act directly, on preactivation, or both, and the possible design of safer pesticides. This paper covers over three decades of extensive fundamental and applied research that has been carried out at the Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology Laboratory (ECTL) at the University of California at Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. John E. Casida. 相似文献
Development of suitable approaches to the analysis of genetic diversity in a spatial context, where factors such as pollination, seed dispersal, breeding system, habitat heterogeneity and human influence are appropriately integrated, can provide new insights in the understanding of the mechanisms of maintenance and dynamics of populations. In this sense, it is important to recognise that patterns and processes may take place at different scales at the same time, and that the scales of a study must be chosen in accordance with the objectives pursued. Apart from conventional approaches to genetic structure, spatial autocorrelation and related techniques, such as Mantel test, correlograms, Mantel correlograms, join-counts, variograms and point pattern analysis, can detect and characterise the existence of spatial genetic structures and lead the way to discussing the environmental and biological factors responsible for them. An alternative way of including spatial variability in modelling approaches that deal with genetic patterns or processes is through the use of constrained ordinations. Although scarcely used at present, these methodologies have great applicability in conservation biology and can lead a way to an effective integration of genetic, demographic and ecological perspectives. 相似文献
Conor P. McGowan Mark R. Ryan Michael C. Runge Joshua J. Millspaugh Jean Fitts Cochrane 《Biological conservation》2011,(2):730-737
Many endangered species laws provide exceptions to legislated prohibitions through incidental take provisions as long as take is the result of unintended consequences of an otherwise legal activity. These allowances presumably invoke the theory of demographic compensation, commonly applied to harvested species, by allowing limited harm as long as the probability of the species’ survival or recovery is not reduced appreciably. Demographic compensation requires some density-dependent limits on survival or reproduction in a species’ annual cycle that can be alleviated through incidental take. Using a population model for piping plovers in the Great Plains, we found that when the population is in rapid decline or when there is no density dependence, the probability of quasi-extinction increased linearly with increasing take. However, when the population is near stability and subject to density-dependent survival, there was no relationship between quasi-extinction probability and take rates. We note however, that a brief examination of piping plover demography and annual cycles suggests little room for compensatory capacity. We argue that a population’s capacity for demographic compensation of incidental take should be evaluated when considering incidental allowances because compensation is the only mechanism whereby a population can absorb the negative effects of take without incurring a reduction in the probability of survival in the wild. With many endangered species there is probably little known about density dependence and compensatory capacity. Under these circumstances, using multiple system models (with and without compensation) to predict the population’s response to incidental take and implementing follow-up monitoring to assess species response may be valuable in increasing knowledge and improving future decision making. 相似文献
Focal-species approaches provide tractable frameworks for structuring site-based conservation, but explanations of how and why focal species are chosen are often lacking. This paper outlines the rationale and selection criteria for one such strategy: the “Landscape Species Approach.” We define five criteria for selecting landscape species (area requirements, heterogeneity, ecological function, vulnerability, and socioeconomic significance) and illustrate the process using data from two landscapes, the northwestern Bolivian Andes and northern Congo. Candidate species from each site were scored and suites of complementary landscape species were assembled. Like all focal-species approaches (and indeed all conservation planning), this approach is not without biases. However, by making our assumptions explicit and allowing evaluation of the inherent biases, we attempt to provide a transparent, replicable method for identifying species around which to structure site-based conservation (landscape species). The process is also useful for identifying data gaps, ranking threats, and setting research priorities. Clear justification and selection criteria should accompany any focal species strategy to allow methods to be replicated, tested, and refined. 相似文献
Although amphibian populations are thought to be declining in many parts of the world, detailed information on populations in decline are often not available. From 1988 to 2001, we studied temporal variation in the reproductive biology of the only known population of dusky gopher frogs, Rana sevosa Goin and Netting. We found high annual variation in reproductive effort, mortality at the egg and larval stages, and hydroperiod length. No overall trends were apparent in terms of either number of egg masses deposited or in reproductive success, as we found extensive variation among years in the number of egg masses deposited, a high rate of reproductive failure, and no consistent relationship between the number of females present, the number of eggs deposited, and the number of metamorphs emerging. Given the complete isolation of this population from other gopher frogs and the high rate of reproductive failure, the probability of extinction of this population appears to be quite high (0.125-0.316). 相似文献
Rita Bastos Mário Santos Jaime Albino Ramos Joana Vicente Carlos Guerra Joaquim Alonso João Honrado Ricardo Santos Ceia Sérgio Timóteo João Alexandre Cabral 《Biological conservation》2012,147(1):243-254
The Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) is an endemic bird of São Miguel island (Azores Archipelago, Portugal), currently threatened by two of the major causes of biodiversity loss worldwide: invasion of native habitats by exotic plants and habitat destruction by land use changes. The aim of this research was to develop and test a novel spatially explicit modelling framework that predicts the Azores bullfinch responses to alternative realistic scenarios of native forest management. This was done by integrating Multi-Model Inference statistical analysis, Stochastic-Dynamic Modelling and Geographic Information Systems under a common framework relating bird population trends to changes in the surrounding habitats. Overall, in the next 25 years, the Azores bullfinch breeding population was predicted to increase around 19% as a consequence of habitat management actions already implemented (“LIFE Priolo” project) or around 27% in the context of realistic future habitat restoration scenarios. These results represent, respectively, a supplementary increase of more 6% or more 13% in the Azores bullfinch abundance when compared with the trends simulated for the scenario without management. Nevertheless, those actions seemed to be relatively ineffective in promoting the expansion of the species from the actual restricted favourable area, essentially due to local forestry dynamics and on-going plant invasion processes. This novel integrative approach provides a promising baseline to support ecological models with increased realism and predictive power, making the outputs more useful and intuitive to decision-makers and environmental managers. 相似文献