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Amphibians are an important and imperiled component of biodiversity. In this study we analyze the efficacy of Italian reserve network for protecting multiple amphibian species in a climate change scenario, considering both nationally designated areas and Natura 2000 sites. Our approach is based on ensemble niche modeling estimate of potential range shift under two carbon emission scenarios (A1FI and B1) and two dispersal assumptions. The predicted distributions were used to perform gap and irreplaceability analyses. Our findings show that the current Italian reserve network incompletely represents current amphibian diversity and its geographic pattern. The combination of the nationally designated protected areas and the Natura 2000 sites improves current representation of amphibians, but conservation targets based on geographic range extent are achieved for only 40% of species. Under the future scenarios, Natura 2000 sites become a crucial component of the protected areas system. Nonetheless, we predict that climate change decreases for many species the amount of suitable range falling into reserves, regardless of our assumptions about dispersal. We identify some currently unprotected areas that have high irreplaceability scores for species conservation and that maintain their importance under all the future scenarios we considered. We recommend designation of new reserves in these areas to help guarantee long-term amphibian conservation.  相似文献   

The total content and content of mobile forms of potential soil pollutants (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Sr, F, S) are determined in the topsoil in the impact zone of a cement plant and phosphorus fertilizer factory. The total concentration of Cd (4.0 mg/kg), Pb (99.4 mg/kg), F (15.2 mg/kg), and S (479.6 mg/kg) is found to exceed the established maximum permissible concentrations (MPC, APC). The local concentration maximum of the major pollutants is observed at a distance of 0.5 and 1.0 km away from a phosphogypsum stack. Comparing sampling plots equidistant from the pollution source reveals that alluvial soils have accumulated 1.5–2 times more total forms of Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, S than agrosod podzolic soils.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered as an effective tool in marine coastal management, and considered able to enhance local fisheries through adult fish spillover. Indirect evidence of fish spillover could be obtained by horizontal gradients in fish abundance. To address this question, the existence of gradients of fish abundance and biomass across marine reserve boundaries was assessed in six Mediterranean MPAs using underwater visual censuses performed at various distances from the core of the MPA, in integral reserve (IR), to buffer zone (BZ) and fished areas. A reserve effect was evidenced with higher values of fish species richness (×1.1), abundance (×1.3), and biomass (×4.7) recorded inside MPAs compared to adjacent fished areas. Linear correlations revealed significant negative gradients in mean fish biomass in all the reserves studied after the effect of habitat had been removed, whereas negative gradients in abundance were less conspicuous. Generalized additive models suggested two main patterns of biomass gradients, with a sharp decrease at the IR-BZ boundary or at the BZ-fished area boundary. It was estimated that fish spillover beneficial to local fisheries occurred mostly at a small spatial scale (100s of metres). The existence of regular patterns of negative fish biomass gradients from within MPAs to fished areas was consistent with the hypothesis of adult fish biomass spillover processes from marine reserves and could be considered as a general pattern in this Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Protected areas are considered fundamental to the preservation of nature. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has standardized categories for protected areas designation, which are intended to represent varying levels of regulatory protection. We evaluate whether the present assignment of protected areas to IUCN categories corresponds to the expected gradient of naturalness in a globally consistent manner. Our proxy of naturalness was a global map of human influence known as Human Footprint (HF). Higher HF values represent less intact natural areas. Our final sample of protected areas included 21,186 IUCN-designated sites that were ?1 km2. We used multiple linear regression to test for the effect of IUCN categories on mean HF while accounting for biome and protected area size.The present assignment of protected areas to IUCN categories does not correspond to the expected gradient of naturalness. We observed that IUCN Category Ia areas have higher HF than expected and Category VI protected areas have unexpectedly low HF; Category VI protected areas also are generally larger than protected areas of other categories. Reporting of area protected in different IUCN categories is one measure of progress towards meeting commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity, yet because IUCN categories are not interpreted consistently across the globe, this is not a reliable metric. Further, despite the social, economic and ecological importance of protected areas with a very low HF, our results suggest that the availability of such areas within the global protected areas network is very limited.  相似文献   

Three perennial legumes (alfalfa, red clover and birdsfoot trefoil) and four cool-season perennial grasses (orchardgrass, tall fescue, Italian ryegrass and red fescue) were grown in legume–grass combinations and in pure stands of individual species, at three locations in the West Balkan region (Novi Sad, Banja Luka and Pristina) in the period from 2012 to 2015. The study evaluated dry matter yield, legume–grass–weed proportion and forage quality. High annual forage yield of legume–grass mixtures can be obtained with proper selection of species and an appropriate legume–grass ratio. However, high and stable yield, particularly in the case of grasses, depends on the amount and schedule of precipitation as well as the cutting time. The mixtures and legume pure stands achieved better forage production both per cutting and on the annual basis and had better forage quality than grass pure stands.  相似文献   

New evidence is provided for the aeolian origin of the upper unit of the Boa Vista Formation, found in the eastern part of the Brazilian state of Roraima and in neighboring Guyana. This unit has two geomorphologically/sedimentologically distinct domains: a sandy and a silty realm. Located to the east and southeast (upwind) of the silty realm, the sandy realm includes very highly eroded, inactive parabolic and linear dunes and sand sheets. An extensive field of parabolic dune remnants was detected in an orbital radar image and in low-altitude air photos of the interfluve of the Cauamé and Uraricoeira rivers, near the town of Boa Vista. Along the downwind periphery of the sandy realm is a thin mantle of silty sediments forming a flat plain and penetrating into intermontane valleys. The eroded fossil dunes, oriented 50–60°E, and the downwind grain size selection suggest a late Pleistocene dry period with trade wind direction the same as that of the modern dry season. A more recent dry period, probably Holocene, is suggested by the presence of many well preserved circular depressions in the upper unit of the Boa Vista formation, interpreted as circular pans or blowout hollows.  相似文献   

The separation of agroclimatic areas for optimal crop growing within is suggested within the framework of the natural–agricultural zoning of Russia developed under the supervision of I. Karmanov. Overall, 64 agroclimatic areas have been separated in Russia. They are specified by the particular soil and agroclimatic conditions and by the particular crops recommended for cultivation. The biological potential of these crops should correspond to the soil potential of the given area. A combined scheme of the natural–agricultural zoning of Russia and the separated agroclimatic areas is presented. It is argued that the information contained in this scheme can be used for developing landscape-adaptive farming systems, land cadaster, and land valuation; it is also helpful for terrain and remote sensing monitoring of soil fertility on arable lands and for soilecological monitoring.  相似文献   

The semi-arid loess hilly–gully region in China has an extremely vulnerable ecological environment. Inappropriate land use — crop farming, overgrazing, and plantation forestry - has worsened soil erosion, intensified water shortage, and hence impeded the ecological conservation and agricultural development of the entire region in the past. Optimizing land use and vegetation cover and spatial pattern is conducive to achieving both ecological and economic goals in terms of controlling soil erosion, using water resources rationally and raising agricultural productivity. Changchuan Watershed, a typical small catchment in the semi-arid loess hilly region, was selected as the case study area to analyze the impacts of land use and land cover structure and associated spatial pattern on soil erosion and water consumption in the Watershed, through field investigation and model simulation. Land use structure was optimized by multi-objective programming, using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques, analytic hierarchical programming (AHP) and expert consultancy. The digitized optimum spatial pattern embodying rationally-proportioned land use structure was obtained through GIS-aided redistribution of land use types. The optimized land use structure re-apportioned woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, and croplands at 3.7%, 38.6%, 49.4%, and 6.3% of the land area respectively, compared to the current land use structure of 2.4%, 38.6%, 24.0%, and 12.6%, respectively, in the Changchuan Watershed. In the optimized land use spatial pattern, croplands are mainly located in the riverside plain and check-dammed valleys and grasslands are widely distributed in the lower reaches of the basin, while shrublands are appropriately established in the middle and upper reaches of the river. A comparative analysis shows that the optimized land use structure, with well-designed spatial pattern is able to reduce soil erosion, enhance the utilization of water resources and raise agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The aim of the study was to (1) investigate the distributions of sulfur (S), iron (Fe), and phosphorus (P) in coastal surface sediments under the stresses of high...  相似文献   

Diagnostic features of a catastrophic aridization of climate, desertification, and paleoecological crisis in steppes of the Lower Volga region have been identified on the basis of data on the morphological, chemical, and microbiological properties of paleosols under archeological monuments (burial mounds) of the Middle Bronze Age. These processes resulted in a certain convergence of the soil cover with transformation of zonal chestnut (Kastanozems) paleosols and paleosolonetzes (Solonetz Humic) into specific chestnut-like eroded saline calcareous paleosols analogous to the modern brown desert-steppe soils (Calcisols Haplic) that predominated in this region 4300–3800 years ago.1 In the second millennium BC, humidization of the climate led to the divergence of the soil cover with secondary formation of the complexes of chestnut soils and solonetzes. This paleoecological crisis had a significant effect on the economy of the tribes in the Late Catacomb and Post-Catacomb time stipulating their higher mobility and transition to the nomadic cattle breeding.  相似文献   

Soil loss tolerance limit is defined as the threshold upper limit of soil erosion that can be allowed without degrading long term productivity of specific soils. In India a default soil loss tolerance limit (SLTL) of 11.2 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1 is followed for planning soil conservation activities. The objective of this investigation is to provide a methodology to estimate quantitative SLTL for the Shivalik–Himalayan region in India for suggesting suitable soil conservation measures. A quantitative model was used to integrate potential soil indicators such as infiltration rate, bulk density, water stable aggregate, organic carbon and fertility status to assess soil quality governing soil resistibility to erosion. Scaling functions were used to convert soil parameters to unit less 0 to 1 scale. Normalized values of soil parameters were then multiplied by assigned weights based on relative importance and sensitivity analysis of each indicator. Soils were grouped into 1, 2 and 3 depending on overall additive score. A general guideline developed by the USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) was followed with certain modifications in depth category for estimation of SLTLs. Soil loss tolerance limits varied from 2.5 to 12.5 Mg ha− 1 yr − 1 compared to single value of 11.2 Mg ha− 1 yr − 1 being followed earlier. Consideration of the newly estimated SLTLs would facilitate site specific conservation planning and prioritising areas for watershed management activities in India.  相似文献   

Hu  Beibei  Wang  Dongqi  Meng  Weiqing  Zhou  Jun  Sun  Zongbin  Liu  Xiaolong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(8):3243-3253

The purposes of this study were to analyse the spatiotemporal variations in greenhouse gas diffusive fluxes at the sediment–water interface of sewage-draining rivers and natural rivers, and investigate the factors responsible for the changes in greenhouse gas diffusive fluxes.

Materials and methods

Greenhouse gas diffusive fluxes at the sediment–water interface of rivers in Tianjin city (Haihe watershed) were investigated during July and October 2014, and January and April 2015 by laboratory incubation experiments. The influence of environmental variables on greenhouse gas diffusive fluxes was evaluated by Spearman’s correlation analysis and a multiple stepwise regression analysis.

Results and discussion

Sewage-draining rivers were more seriously polluted by human sewage discharge than natural rivers. The greenhouse gas diffusive fluxes at the sediment–water interface exhibited obvious spatiotemporal variations. The mean absolute value of the CO2 diffusive fluxes was seasonally variable with spring>winter>fall>summer, while the mean absolute values of the CH4 and N2O diffusive fluxes were both higher in summer and winter, and lower in fall and spring. The annual mean values of the CO2, CH4 and N2O diffusive fluxes at the sewage-draining river sediment–water interface were ??123.26?±?233.78 μmol m?2 h?1, 1.88?±?6.89 μmol m?2 h?1 and 1505.03?±?2388.46 nmol m?2 h?1, respectively, which were 1.22, 4.37 and 134.50 times those at the natural river sediment–water interface, respectively. The spatial variation of the N2O diffusive fluxes in the sewage-draining rivers and the natural rivers was the most significant. As a general rule, the more serious the river pollution was, the greater the diffusive fluxes of the greenhouse gases were. On average for the whole year, the river sediment was the sink of CO2 and the source of CH4 and N2O. There were positive correlations among the CO2, CH4 and N2O diffusive fluxes. The main influencing factor for CO2 and N2O diffusive fluxes was the water temperature of the overlying water; however, the key factors for CH4 diffusive fluxes were the Eh of the sediment and the NH4+-N of the overlying water.


River sediment can be either a sink or a source of greenhouse gases, which varies in different levels of pollution and different seasons. Human sewage discharge has greatly affected the carbon and nitrogen cycling of urban rivers.



The relationship between yield and phosphorus (P) concentration of dried subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) herbage has been measured in many long‐term field experiments in the greater than 800 mm annual average rainfall areas of south‐western Australia. In the experiments, seven levels of different P fertilizers (single superphosphate, rock phosphates, partially acidulated rock phosphates) were applied to the surface, either annually, or once only to new plots in different years. Yields and P concentration in dried herbage were measured whenever possible in each growing season (April to November near the south coast, May to October near the west coast) for several successive years. Critical P, the P concentration in dried herbage related to 90% of the maximum yield, was calculated. At each harvest, critical P was similar for different fertilizers. However, critical P was different when measured for samples collected at about the same time in different years at the same site or different sites, and it consistently decreased with increasing maturity of clover. Mean critical P (%) with standard errors and the number of observations in parenthesis were: April, 0.63 (0.01, 2); May, 0.56 (0.01, 2); June, 0.49 (0.04, 25); July, 0.44 (0.06, 37); August, 0.34 (0.05, 71); September, 0.32 (0.06, 91); October, 0.25 (0.04, 157); and November, 0.19 (0.01, 5), for a total of 390 observations.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to study the level and degree of mobility of heavy metals in the soil–plant system and to perform bioindication observations in the Don River estuarine region and the Russian sector of the Taganrog Bay coast.

Materials and methods

The objects of the study included samples of zonal soils (chernozem) and intrazonal soils (alluvial meadow and alluvial-stratified soils, Solonchak, sandy primitive soil) from monitoring stations of the Don river estuarine region and the Taganrog Bay coast, as well as their higher plants: Phragmites australis Cav., Typha angustifolia L., Carex riparia Curtis, Cichorium intybus L., Bolboschoenus maritimus L. Palla, and Rumex confertus Willd. The total concentrations of Mn, Ni, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cr in the soils were determined by X-ray fluorescent scanning spectrometer. The concentration of heavy metal mobile forms exchangeable, complex compounds, and acid-soluble metal were extracted using the following reagents: 1 N NH4Ac, pH 4.8; 1 % EDTA in NH4Ac, pH 4.8; 1 N HCl, respectively. Heavy metals in plants were prepared for analysis by dry combustion at 450 °C. The heavy metal concentration in extracts from plants and soils was determined by AAS.

Results and discussion

The total contents of heavy metals in the soil may be described with a successively decreasing series: Mn?>?Cr?>?Zn?>?Ni?>?Cu?>?Pb?>?As?>?Cd. The total concentrations of As, Cd, and Zn in the soil exceed the maximum permissible concentrations levels. Contamination of alluvial soils in the estuarine zone with mobile Сu, Zn, Pb, and Cd has been revealed, which is confirmed by the high bioavailability of Cu and Zn and, to a lesser degree, Cd and Pb accumulating in the tissues of macrophytic plants. Data on the translocation of elements to plant organs have showed their predominant accumulation in the roots. Bioindication by the morphofunctional parameters of macrophytic plants (with a Typha L. species as an example) can be used for revealing the existence of impact zones with elevated contents of metals in aquatic ecosystems.


The results revealed that increased content of Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, and As in soil have anthropogenic sources. The high content of Cr in the soils is related to the lithogenic factor and, hence, has a natural source.


《Biological conservation》1986,38(3):243-253
Seventy-five years (1910–1984) of quantitative information on pelt experts from Chile were examined, analysing trends in numbers and values exported, as well as historical shifts in taxonomic composition of the exports, and in countries of destination. Two cases were scrutinised more closely in which the fur trade appeared to have force furbearers to the verge of extinction: chinchillas (for which export data were available starting in 1828) and sea lions (for which capture quotas were established starting in 1972). A comparison of exports of the same furbearer types (vizcachas, guanacos, skunks, wild cats, foxes, and coypus) between Chile and neighbouring Argentina suggests that in the latter country the conservation status of those furbearers is in danger.  相似文献   

Karst areas in Kampot Province, southwest Cambodia, have suffered relatively recent soil erosion and partial infilling of caves by the eroded sediment. This soil loss is most pronounced in localities that have been a focus of human activity, such as along pedestrian and vehicular access routes and in areas subject to vegetation clearing and agricultural activity, but it also occurs more widely across the hillslopes. In comparable karst environments elsewhere in Cambodia and neighbouring countries erosion is similarly evident in areas that have been subject to intensive human use, but in contrast to Kampot it is absent from the broader landscape. The soil degradation in the Kampot karst seems to require disturbance of the natural vegetation cover which stabilizes the soil cover in the other karsts, probably during the latter half of the 20th century. No major changes in deliberate land‐use at the study sites that might have triggered this erosion have been identified. However, this part of Cambodia was subject to heavy aerial bombardment between 1965 and 1973, and the karst hills and their caves were a particular focus of military activity. This bombing in turn facilitated ascent of the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime which drove virtually the entire population into a subsistence rural existence, and then further armed conflict prior to that regime's overthrow, both of which are likely to have generated additional environmental damage. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Protected areas for conservation are intended to contain the environmental conditions that enable species and ecosystems to persist. The locations of such areas are fixed, but the environment within them may change, especially with climate change. To illustrate how multiple climate factors may change in relation to protection status, we used Principal Components Analysis to construct a climate space for California based on eight climate variables assessed at an 800-m resolution. We used projections of future climate derived from a downscaled regional climate model in conjunction with the IPCC SRES A2 scenario to assess how the climate space might shift under future conditions and to identify the combinations of conditions that may no longer occur in the state (disappearing climates) or that will be new to the state (novel climates). Disappearing climates, which were generally toward cooler and/or wetter extremes of the climate space, represented only 0.5% of California’s land area but occurred disproportionately more often in conservation areas that were fully protected. Novel climates (5.8% of California) also occurred disproportionately in fully protected areas; in most cases these climates were characterized by hotter and drier combinations with more seasonal precipitation. The disproportionate occurrence of both novel and disappearing future climates in currently protected areas may create challenges to conservation of the status quo, but such areas may also be “hotspots of opportunity” for responding to the extremes of climate change.  相似文献   

The Penman–Monteith (PM) equation was introduced as one of the most reliable equations to determine crop ETc, without using crop coefficient or ETo values. In this study, the PM equation was evaluated using lysimeters in a semi-arid region for wheat and maize. Different equations for aerodynamic resistance (r a) and canopy resistance (r c) were tested in the PM equation and they were ranked using statistical analysis. It was shown that the combined method of r a and r c in FAO-56 does not lead to a good prediction of ETc for wheat and maize in comparison with the lysimeter-measured data. The results indicated that a modified equation for r c was the most accurate method for both wheat and maize. Using this equation, the suggested model of FAO-56 and another investigation for r a led to the best results for wheat and maize, respectively. Furthermore, it was shown that the previously modified equation for r c was newly modified as a function of vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and the results were as accurate as before. Therefore, an equation as a function of VPD can be used when solar radiation (R n) is not available easily.  相似文献   

A methodological approach to the physically sound mathematical simulation of the hydrothermal regime for a complex soil cover on an agricultural field scale was proposed. To realize the approach, it is necessary (1) to restore the hydrothermal regime of two contrasting soils using a physically sound mathematical model on the basis of the experimental thermophysical and hydrophysical characteristics, (2) to adapt and optimize the model using the available experimental regime data, (3) to determine the hydrophysical and thermophysical properties for the entire plot under study using pedotransfer functions, and (4) to restore the hydrothermal regime of the entire soil plot using a mathematical model and the meteorological data for a specific time period. The proposed procedure allows simulating the hydrothermal regime of an agrogray soil complex in the Vladimir Opol??e region with a normalized standard error of about 8%. The analysis of the hydrothermal regime for the soil cover of the studied plot calculated from the meteorological data for the period from May to August of 2009 showed that the lower temperature values were confined to the areas of the agrogray soils with the second humus horizon: their average temperature was lower than the temperature of the agrogray soils by 0.44, 0.93, and 1.32°C at depths of 20, 40, and 70 cm, respectively, and the differences between their sums of the active temperatures for the considered period of 2009 reached 89 and 74°C at depths of 20 and 40 cm, respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in biodiversity may disrupt the ecological functions performed by species assemblages. Hence, we urgently need to examine the implications of biodiversity loss not only in terms of species conservation but also in terms of sustainability of ecosystem services. The ability of protected areas to maintain local species richness has been clearly demonstrated. However, preserving goods and services provided by ecosystems requires not only the conservation of species richness but also the conservation of the most ‘original’ species, i.e. the ones with the highest average rarity of their attributes which are likely to perform some unique functions in ecosystems. We proposed a new conservation of biological originality (CBO) index as well as associated randomization tests to quantify the ability of protected areas to maintain viable populations for the most original species. As an application, we used long-term fisheries data collected in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR) to determine the species which benefited from the protection reinforcement in 1999. We also estimated a set of 14 ecomorphological functional traits on the 37 fish species caught in the BSNR and we obtained a functional originality value for each species. As a result, we found that functional originality was significantly protected in the fish assemblage of the BSNR: species with the most original functional trait combinations became more abundant after 1999. Our finding suggests that protecting most original species is an insurance against functional diversity erosion in the BSNR. More generally, our new index can be used to test whether protected areas may protect preferentially the most original species and whether restorative management promotes the reestablishment of the most original species with particular habitat requirements.  相似文献   

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