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In the past decade, there has been growing concern about the rapid degradation of marine ecosystems due to anthropogenic causes. Consequently, identifying priority areas for the conservation of marine biodiversity has become a crucial conservation issue. Taking into account the influence of human population density, we performed complementarity analyses to identify priority areas for the conservation of all coastal marine vertebrate species in Chile (265 species), and evaluated congruence among the different target groups. The distribution ranges of all species were digitized in a geographic information system and analyses were performed on latitudinal bands of 0.5°. Our results show that 12 latitudinal bands (∼16% of all latitudinal bands) are necessary to conserve at least one population of each species. Ten of these bands are irreplaceable, whereas two are flexible. Many of the irreplaceable sites lie within areas that have high human population density. In order to conserve all threatened and endemic species, six and three latitudinal bands are needed, respectively. Four latitudinal bands are needed to represent all species of fish, reptiles, and mammals, whereas nine bands are needed to protect all bird species. Taking flexible sites into account, reserve networks that meet the minimum representation goal for each taxonomic group, and for threatened and endemic species, represent subsets of the 12 latitudinal band network selected for all species. Spatial congruence among reserve networks selected for each target group was relatively low and only significantly higher than random in 9 out of 21 pairwise comparisons. However, with the exception of reptiles, conservation areas selected for different surrogate groups represented other groups relatively well, compared to randomly selected sites.  相似文献   

Global declines in shark populations have created uncertainty in the future status of many species and conservation efforts are urgently needed. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are used increasingly as conservation tools around the world, but how they benefit mobile and wide ranging species like sharks remains unclear. To evaluate the degree of protection MPAs may provide for sharks, we used an array of acoustic receivers to examine the movements and spatial use of two tropical coastal species within two MPAs in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. Juvenile pigeye (Carcharhinus amboinensis) and adult spottail (Carcharhinus sorrah) sharks were fitted with acoustic transmitters from 2009 to 2010. Both species displayed long-term use of MPAs, with some individuals detected for longer than 600 days. The mean percentage of time C. amboinensis and C. sorrah spent inside MPAs was 22% and 32%, respectively. MPA use varied seasonally, with C. amboinensis spending a higher percentage of time inside MPAs in summer (mean = 28%) and C. sorrah spending a higher percentage of time inside MPAs in winter (mean = 40%). Although sharks used large areas inside MPAs, most individuals tended to use only half of the available protected space. In addition, all sharks made excursions from MPAs and individuals exited and re-entered at consistent locations along the MPA boundaries. These results demonstrate that MPAs have conservation benefits for shark populations by providing protection across different species and life stages, and tracking studies can be used to help tailor MPA design to maximize effectiveness.  相似文献   

A total of 162 fish and shellfish samples representing important species have been collected from different coastal areas of Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf, and analyzed for lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The dverall mean levels for Pb, Cd, Hg and As in fish samples were 0.132, 0.032, 0.084 and 1.7 µg g?1 wet weight, respectively, whereas for shellfish they were 0.149, 0.045, 0.042 and 3.61 µg g?1 wet weight. These values indicate higher levels of metals in shellfish when compared with fish, except for mercury, and reveal that generally the levels of metals in these organisms are lower than existing guidelines, except for arsenic. The provisional tolerable weekly intake of Pb, Cd, Hg and As through fish was estimated to be 0.7, 0.17, 0.45 and 9 µg kg?1 bodyweight per week, respectively. Our results did not reveal a clear pattern regarding variations of metals concentration between areas and species.  相似文献   

Objective criteria are needed for ranking marine sites when examining candidate areas for protection measures. We suggest a Marine Classification Criterion (MCC) which allows the application of the widely used Ramsar 1% criterion for wetlands for seabirds with clustered distribution in offshore habitats. The maximum size of an area considered to be internationally important has not been defined by the Ramsar Convention. Terrestrial and coastal sites generally have obvious hydrological or physical boundaries, whereas such boundaries are less obvious at sea. The smallest unit which would pass the demands set by the MCC is 1% of the bio-geographic population of a particular species concentrated in an area (site) supporting a density exceeding a value equivalent of four times the average density of the species in the investigated regional sea. The effect of choosing smaller or larger reference densities is tested. The results indicate that the chosen threshold density is a suitable requirement for the inclusion of the most important areas for seabird species with at least 25% of their bio-geographic population occurring in the studied regions of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The test cases indicate that provided the MCC is based on geo-statistical analyses of un-biased survey data the boundaries of areas holding large concentrations of seabirds can be estimated with confidence. The MCC could be used to identify concentrations of seabirds and other marine animals of conservation priority and to rank marine areas by their cumulative importance to different species.  相似文献   

The provision of recreational opportunities is one of the important human goals of marine protected areas. However, as levels of recreational use increase, human disturbance is likely to cause significant detrimental effects upon wildlife. Here we evaluate the best managing options to mitigate the impact of sea-based tourism on the foraging activity of an endangered population of European shags, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, in a coastal marine protected area (Cíes islands, north-western Iberia). Boat disturbance elicited a characteristic avoidance behavior that resulted in a substantial reduction in foraging activity as levels of boat use increased. Moreover, boats excluded shags from the best feeding areas, resulting in higher densities of foragers in areas of little boat traffic. We used a behavioral model to explore the effects of managing strategies aimed at reducing the impact of boats on the foraging activity of shags. Our model suggested that in low boat disturbance scenarios limiting the number of boats using the reserve would be a better management option than habitat protection (i.e. the establishment of set-aside areas free of boat traffic). On the contrary, when boat disturbance levels are high the protection of habitat is recommendable, even if spatial variation in habitat quality is unknown or poorly assessed. Our study stresses the point that management strategies to minimize disturbance to foraging seabirds may depend on the spatial overlap between sea-based recreational activities and foraging seabirds and the spatial variation in marine habitat quality for seabirds.  相似文献   

Identification of areas which should be a subject of protection is crucial for safeguarding the marine ecosystems. Amongst the reasons for protecting a region or location, the existence of unique populations or evolutionary significant units for one or more key species is a priority. The North American silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, is currently managed as two stocks (northern and southern) without considering gulf areas separately. Employing microsatellite and mitochondrial markers we have detected significant FST values between hake individuals inhabiting gulfs and those distributed in the open sea, and asymmetric gene flow, higher from the gulf to the open sea than in the opposite direction. These differences can be interpreted as signals of separate populations in gulfs which may act as sources of variability for hake species. Occurrence of similar phenomena in Atlantic waters in both the northern and the southern Hemisphere, for these two pelagic–demersal hake species, suggests that gulfs may constitute a target for designing marine protected areas and confirms the adequacy of gulf-specific management already employed in Argentina.  相似文献   

Western Australia has an extensive coastline ranging from the tropical north to the temperate south, with a high diversity of neritic marine fishes. Distribution data of 1855 neritic fish species were used to compare a range of methods for identifying priority areas for their conservation. Species richness and endemism richness hotspots, biogeographic zoning and complementarity analysis were tested for their efficiency at representing the total suite of species. The hotspot approaches demonstrated low efficiency, as the sections of coastline selected were grouped together in isolated geographic locations and relatively few of the total suite of neritic fish species were represented. Biogeographic zoning divided the coast of Western Australia into six regions, and as such, priority areas were selected around the entire coastline, which resulted in fairly high levels of efficiency. However, the complementarity analysis proved to be the most efficient method, as >95% of all neritic fish species could be represented in six, appropriately located, 100 km long sections of coastline. Complementarity analysis indicated a total of 26 priority areas for neritic fish conservation, which were spread around the entire coast of Western Australia. However, as current marine conservation measures in Western Australia are focused on the west and northwest coasts, this study highlighted the need for marine conservation efforts to be extended to cover the north and south coasts.  相似文献   

In recent years, much attention has been directed to the ways in which the most important areas for inclusion in reserve networks can be identified, and the most effective ways in which existing networks can be expanded. In contrast, rather little attention has been paid to the present and likely future performance of the approaches that have actually been employed. Using Wetland Bird Survey data, the effectiveness of the current Special Protection Area (SPA) network in the UK was assessed by comparing annual counts for 17 species of migratory waterbird on SPAs with the numbers supported by hypothetical site networks selected by five alternative site-selection methods. These analyses suggest that focusing on complementarity between component sites rather than applying criteria to each site individually improved the level of representation for each species, conserved a greater percentage of the national total across the 17 species and was robust over time.  相似文献   

The Gully, a submarine canyon off eastern Canada, was nominated as a pilot Marine Protected Area (MPA) in 1998, largely to safeguard the vulnerable population of northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) found there. The boundaries and ultimate management regime for the MPA for this area remain under review. We have estimated the energy consumption of bottlenose whales in the Gully based on the number of whales present at any time, their trophic level, the food requirements of each whale, and the rates of energy transfer between trophic levels. These calculations suggest that there must be a substantial spatial subsidy in the underlying foodweb of the submarine canyon to support the bottlenose whales using the Gully. A substantial area beyond the distribution of bottlenose whales in the area will therefore require protection. Conservation priorities to protect such subsidies will primarily involve additional protection at the level of the sea floor. Spatial subsidies are probably common in the marine environment, urging careful ecological analysis in the establishment of marine reserves and suggesting that conservation priorities need to take into account key ecological linkages and processes that are vital for sustaining species and habitats of concern.  相似文献   

Data are presented on sea turtles caught in the Chilean longline fishery targeting swordfish, Xiphias gladius, in international waters off Chile. A total of 10,604,059 hooks from 7976 sets were observed, representing 94% of the total number of hooks fished between 2001 and 2005. Leatherbacks, Dermochelys coriacea, (n = 284) and loggerheads, Caretta caretta, (n = 59) were the most common species captured. Leatherbacks were caught in less than 4% of the sets, with an overall mean of 0.0268 turtles per 1000 hooks. Loggerheads were caught in less than 1% of the sets with a mean catch rate of 0.0056 turtles per 1000 hooks. Most leatherbacks (97.5% of total) were caught between 24°S and 38°S, while loggerheads were caught primarily in the northern portion of the area fished, between 24°19′S and 25°31′S. All loggerheads were dehooked where appropriate and released alive. A total of two leatherbacks were found dead. Despite the low catch rate of leatherbacks, the potential impact of this fishery on the severely depleted nesting populations in the eastern Pacific could be significant when combined with other fisheries and threats in the region. The very low mortality of bycaught sea turtles observed in our study is encouraging and suggests that there are opportunities for further reducing harmful effects of swordfish longline fishing on sea turtles. Results of spatial analysis of loggerhead bycatch relative to fishing effort show that closure of the northernmost fishing area would eliminate the majority of the loggerhead bycatch.  相似文献   

Large mammal faunas in tropical forest landscapes are widely affected by habitat fragmentation and hunting, yet the environmental determinants of their patterns of abundance remain poorly understood at large spatial scales. We analysed population abundance and biomass of 31 species of medium to large-bodied mammal species at 38 Atlantic forest sites (including three islands, 26 forest fragments and six continuous forest sites) as related to forest type, level of hunting pressure and forest fragment size using ANCOVAs. We also derived a novel measure of mammal conservation importance for each site based on a “Mammalian Conservation Priority index” (MPi) which incorporates information on species richness, population abundance, body size distribution, conservation status, and forest patch area. Mammal abundance was affected by hunting pressure, whereas mammalian biomass of which was largely driven by ungulates, was significantly influenced by both forest type and hunting pressure. The MPi index, when separated into its two main components (i.e. site forest area and species-based conservation index Ci), ordered sites along a gradient of management priorities that balances species-focused and habitat-focused conservation actions. Areas with the highest conservation priority were located in semi-deciduous forest fragments, followed by lowland forests. Many of these fragments, which are often embedded within large private landholdings including biofuel and citrus or coffee crops, cattle ranches and pulpwood plantations, could be used not only to comply with environmental legislation, but also enhance the prospects for biodiversity conservation, and reduce edge effects and hunting.  相似文献   

Though Neotropical countries are the most species rich in the world, their biodiversity is threatened by the loss of native vegetation. Land conversion in Mexico during the last 30 years has been extensive and is representative of that of other developing countries. However, the effects of land use change on the required size and configuration of an adequate biological conservation area network are largely unknown. It is shown here that endemic mammals in Mexico could have been protected considerably more economically if a conservation plan had been implemented in 1970 than is possible today due to extensive conversion of primary habitats. Analysis of the distributions of 86 endemic mammal species in 1970, 1976, 1993, and 2000 indicates that the distributions of 90% of the species shrank during this 30-year period. At each time step, optimal conservation area networks were selected to represent all species. 90% more land must be protected after 2000 to protect adequate mammal habitat than would have been required in 1970. In addition, under a realistic conservation budget, 79% fewer species can be represented adequately in a conservation area network after 2000 compared to 1970. This provides an incentive for rapid conservation action in Mexico and other biodiversity hotspots with comparable deforestation rates, including Burma, Ecuador, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Due to ongoing habitat degradation, the efficiency of a conservation plan decreases with delays in its implementation.  相似文献   



The Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) is an example of a coastal environment contaminated with mercury (Hg). Contamination is a consequence of nearly 500?years of activity at the Idrija Mine (western Slovenia), which is the second largest Hg mine in the world. Oxygen depletion can be common in the Gulf of Trieste due to late summer stratification of the water column and accumulation of labile organic matter. Since changing redox conditions can have an impact on Hg transformations, we studied the effect of oxygen depletion, in parallel with sulphide, iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability, on total Hg and methylmercury (MeHg) fluxes from sediments.

Materials and methods

Pore water concentrations and benthic fluxes of total dissolved Hg and MeHg were studied in situ and in microcosm laboratory experiments using flux chambers encompassing three different stages: oxic, anoxic and reoxidation.

Results and discussion

Our experiments showed that in the oxic stage there were small effluxes of MeHg to the water column, which increased in the anoxic stage and dropped rapidly in a subsequent reoxic stage, showing influx. Our results support the hypothesis that MeHg desorption from reduced metal hydroxides under anoxic conditions, and co-precipitation with Fe-oxides and MeHg demethylation in the reoxidation stage, may play a major role in determining MeHg benthic fluxes. For Hg and MeHg, it appears that there is little relationship between their pore water distribution and flux and that of FDOM, i.e. humics.


The results indicate that there was no significant difference in Hg and MeHg pore water levels and their benthic fluxes between the contaminated northern and central parts of the Gulf of Trieste and the pristine southern part. This suggests that shallow and stratified coastal marine environments, in general, represent areas with a risk of high benthic release of toxic MeHg.  相似文献   

Marine protected area (MPA) networks designed without consideration of the interests of local communities are likely to fail. However, in many regions where conservation action is needed most urgently, socioeconomic data are not available at spatial scales relevant to conservation planning. In the Philippines, the primary stakeholders relevant to conservation efforts in coastal waters are small-scale fishers. Unlike commercial fisheries, no logbook data are kept to record fishers’ spatial effort and usage patterns. We investigated the effects of including different surrogates for small-scale fishing effort in the systematic design of an MPA network for Siquijor Province. We compared a reserve selection scenario in which socioeconomic data were not considered with four different surrogates for fishing effort and with empirical data on the spatial distribution of fishing effort collected through interviews. We assumed that minimising opportunity costs to fishers would increase the likelihood that they would support and comply with MPA implementation, resulting in more effective conservation. Surrogates modelled on the number of fishers or boats in each community consistently outperformed those based on population census data. However, none of the surrogates we tested were able to accurately predict fine-scale resource use patterns. Whilst socioeconomic surrogates may be able to assist conservation planners to identify regional-scale opportunities where conservation objectives may be met more easily, they cannot act as a shortcut for comprehensive consultation with communities, which will be required to identify actual sites for MPA implementation.  相似文献   

Cereal steppe habitat is a low intensive system that is rapidly disappearing as a result of changes in agricultural practices, and has the highest number of bird species with an Unfavourable Conservation Status of any habitat in Europe. A logistic regression model showed that the lesser kestrel, a globally threatened species, prefers to forage close to colonies, selects fields with livestock and avoids tree plantations. The conservation of this species is dependent on maintenance of extensive agriculture characterised by a rotation of cereal and grazed fallow. Abandonment of traditional agriculture and recent changes in agri-environmental programme support, which favour afforestation, are jeopardising the future of cereal steppes. Agri-environment measures are likely to be the most effective means of retaining the specific characteristics of cereal steppe habitat.  相似文献   

Identifying areas with relevant features of biodiversity is useful to rank priorities for strengthening the design of well-sited natural protected areas and to optimize resource investment in conservation. This study provides decision makers critical tools for highlighting pieces of land worthy of conservation in Spain. We studied four taxa—amphibians, reptiles, nesting birds and mammals—in a 50 × 50 km grid (n=259 cells). We used five criteria for identifying areas of high-value diversity: species richness, rarity, vulnerability, a combined index of biodiversity, and a Standardized Biodiversity Index that measured all four taxa together. As far as we know, the combined index of biodiversity and the Standardized Biodiversity Index are original. Areas of high-value diversity were defined as those cells within the 15% top segment of ranked values for the different criteria. Congruence of areas of high-value diversity for taxa pairs was moderate to low, and averaged 38.5% for areas of high-value diversity based on the combined index of biodiversity. The performance based on the average proportion of threatened species excluded from areas of high-value diversity followed the rank combined index of biodiversity=rarity (0.3%) > vulnerability (9.9%) > species richness (13.8%). The areas of high-value diversity identified according to the Standardized Biodiversity Index included all amphibian and mammal species, all but one reptile species (categorized as rare) and all but six bird species (three of which were categorized as threatened). About 70% of the areas of high-value diversity identified based on the Standardized Biodiversity Index included natural protected areas. However, they average only 274.6 km2, thus occupying a small fraction of the areas of high-value diversity, and there is no guarantee that the species found in an area of high-value diversity site will be present in its protected fraction. Consequently, we urge managers of natural protected areas to conduct diversity surveys. We also urge that additional natural protected areas be established to include the gap of 30% of areas of high-value diversity not currently protected. We took an step for biodiversity conservation planning in the studied region, and discuss the usefulness of maps of areas of high-value diversity for conservation, ecological restoration, and environmental impact assessment and mitigation.  相似文献   

We analysed population trends of 24 wildfowl species in Mexico. Wildfowl numbers peaked during the early 1980s; lowest counts were recorded in 1997. Total wildfowl numbers (all species combined) and duck numbers (duck species combined) showed significant short-term (1981-2000) declines, while geese (goose species combined) showed a significant long-term (1961-2000) increase. Six wildfowl species suffered significant long-term declines, while four showed increases. During 1981-2000, 11 species declined, but none had significant increases. Redhead (Aythya americana), Mexican duck (Anas diazi), northern pintail (A. acuta) and black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) should be given high conservation priority because of the high proportions of their North American populations in Mexico. Declining numbers of the later two species should trigger further investigation into the possibility of assigning them legal protection status. Other species with apparent declines in numbers should also be more closely monitored. For setting hunting limits in the country, the population status of each species should be accounted for, as well as the condition of breeding populations the previous spring. Other species with poor data or combined counts should be targeted for basic population studies. We suggest that the mid-winter counts be expanded to cover non-surveyed areas and conducted every year to more precisely detect wildfowl population change. Integrated to a site-selection analysis, the information presented here can provide the basis for a wildfowl conservation strategy in Mexico.  相似文献   

Areas of high conservation value were identified in the Western Ghats using a systematic conservation planning approach. Surrogates were chosen and assessed for effectiveness on the basis of spatial congruence using Pearson’s correlations and Mantel’s tests. The surrogates were, threatened and endemic plant and vertebrate species, unfragmented forest areas, dry forests, sub-regionally rare vegetation types, and a remotely sensed surrogate for unique evergreen ecosystems. At the scale of this analysis, amphibian richness was most highly correlated with overall threatened and endemic species richness, whereas mammals, especially wide-ranging species, were better at capturing overall animal and habitat diversity. There was a significant relationship between a remote sensing based habitat surrogate and endemic tree diversity and composition. None of the taxa or habitats served as a complete surrogate for the others. Sites were prioritised on the basis of their irreplaceability value using all five surrogates. Two alternative reserve networks are presented, one with minimal representation of surrogates, and the second with 3 occurrences of each species and 25% of each habitat type. These networks cover 8% and 29% of the region respectively. Seventy percent of the completely irreplaceable sites are outside the current protected area network. While the existing protected area network meets the minimal representation target for 88% of the species chosen in this study and all of the habitat surrogates, it is not representative with regard to amphibians, endemic tree species and small mammals. Much of the prioritised unprotected area is under reserve forests and can thus be incorporated into a wider network of conservation areas.  相似文献   

On-farm conservation is recognized as a key component of a comprehensive strategy to conserve crop genetic resources. A fundamental problem faced by any on-farm conservation project is the identification of crop populations on which efforts should be focused. This paper describes a method to identify a subset of landraces for further conservation efforts from a larger collection representing the diversity found in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. Mexico is a center of origin and diversity for maize (Zea mays L.). The 17 landraces selected from an initial collection of 152 satisfy two criteria. First, they represent the diversity present in the larger collection. Second, they appear to serve the interests of farmers in the region. Data for applying the method were elicited through participatory as well as conventional techniques. They incorporate the complementary perspectives of both men and women members of farm households, and of plant breeders and social scientists.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the present status of the Italian National Parks and other protected areas. Nature conservation is still rather weak in Italy and the likely causes of this are pointed out and discussed. Inadequate boundaries, hostility of park inhabitants, speculation by promoters, insufficient support by the State and by the Regional Governments badly affect all National and Natural Parks. This may depend partly on historical factors and partly on the lack of State interest and public opinion on nature preservation. On the other hand, there are a few signs that this situation is slowly becoming better and the management of the Parks has noticeably improved during the last five years. The activity of associations such as the World Wildlife Fund has been of particular importance in stimulating public opinion and in protecting valuable areas.  相似文献   

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