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Seed and pollen dispersal are both important factors in the demography and population genetic structure of plant populations. How does one model and infer dispersal patterns? One approach is to map the locations of individuals in a population and use genetic information to suggest which parents generated which offspring. This article develops models and a maximum likelihood inference framework for data of this type. The procedure will be illustrated on data from a population of Chamaelirium luteum, an herbacious plant of the forest floor. This article shows how the proposed method avoids some of the problems found in the original analysis of these data. The approach also allows us to uncover some additional patterns in the data: differencesin the seed dispersal distributions between years.  相似文献   

Many tropical trees bear fruits adapted for consumption by animals, and many tropical animals depend on fruits for food for at least part of the year. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the potential importance of: (1) uneven species abundance distributions; (2) the imperative of local seed dispersal for plant recruitment; and (3) seasonality of fruit production for managing small tropical reserves. Some mutualistic seed-dispersal systems are ‘pivotal’ for forest communities. Although most species of trees produce when other fruits are readily available in the forest, others (e.g. Casearia corymbosa in Costa Rican rainforest and Virola sebifera in Panamanian rainforest) bear fruits during annual periods of fruit scarcity, and consequently maintain species of fruit-eating birds and mammals which are critical for the dispersal and ultimate recruitment of many tree species at other times of the year. The question of relative abundance presents particular problems when ‘pivotal’ plant species are rare or confined to special habitats. This paper considers ecological relationships which accelerate species loss from habitat islands over and above ‘random’ loss of ecologically independent species predicted from biogeographic theory, and suggests management methods that can reduce such excessive loss.  相似文献   

针对预切种播种器对成堆木薯种茎进行精密播种时待充木薯种茎乱序、充种可靠性低等难题,在播种器供种环节设计一种阶梯式振动散种机构。建立了木薯种茎在阶梯式振动散种机构上运动过程的数学模型,对木薯种茎相对散种板的下滑运动和其在阶梯式调姿板上的抛掷运动进行理论分析,确定显著影响机构性能的因素分别是作业宽度、振动频率、台阶倾角以及限位挡角。基于离散元法(Discrete Element Method,EDEM)建立了木薯种茎-振动散种机构的仿真模型,单因素仿真试验明确了各因素对横向调姿成功率和散种输送成功率的影响规律。研制了阶梯式振动散种机构试验台,进行四因素五水平正交中心组合试验研究,并基于最优的因素参数组合对4个不同品种的木薯进行适应性测试,确定最佳参数组合。结果表明当阶梯式振动散种机构的供种箱作业宽度为643.41 mm、振动频率为55.58 Hz、限位挡角为145.06°、台阶倾角为80.13°时,横向调姿成功率为85.7%,散种输送成功率为88.2%;当在最优因素参数组合下进行试验,横向调姿成功率为85.6%,散种输送成功率为88.6%。研究为预切种式木薯精密播种器相关装备的研制提供指导参考。  相似文献   

This study documents the proportion of woody plant species having different modes of seed dispersal, and classes of seed and fruit size at 16 Atlantic montane forest plots of southeastern Brazil (23-24° S). These plots represent six chronosequences (from 5-year-old to old-growth forest) of forest regeneration following small-scale shifting agriculture. Our results indicate that there is a gradual but predictable increase in the number of woody plant species relying on vertebrate-mediated seed dispersal in increasingly older plots. Moreover, the percentage of plant species bearing small seeds and fruits (< 0.6 cm in length) was more than halved from earlier to older forest plots, while the percentage of plant species producing middle-sized seeds and fruits at least doubled. Plant species belonging to the Melastomataceae, Myrsinaceae, Rubiaceae and Flacourtiaceae comprised a large proportion of the small-seeded and fruit species (33-53%), and largely occurred in early successional forest plots (5-30 years old). In contrast, species belonging to the Myrtaceae and Lauraceae represented most of the species (51-72%) bearing medium-sized seeds and fruits (0.6-1.5 cm in length), and occurred primarily in the old-growth forests. Shifts in the relative importance of dispersal strategies during the regeneration process of Atlantic montane forest, as well as in diaspore size appear to be related to the balance between early successional and shade-tolerant species associated with particular life forms and plant families. Finally, we discuss the relationships between the species richness of Myrtaceae and Lauraceae trees, seed dispersal by medium to large vertebrates, and possible regeneration scenarios for the Atlantic forest.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate the performance of faba bean landraces originating from different regions of Greece under both organic and conventional farming systems focusing mainly on yield, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), and competitiveness to weeds. Faba bean exhibited a high ability to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, as indicated by the percentage of N2 derived from the atmosphere which exceeded 75% in all evaluated varieties, and the total amount of biologically fixed N up to full anthesis, which fluctuated from 118.5 to 193.9?kg?ha?1 in the various cropping systems and cultivars. The weed density was appreciably higher in the organic plots, without significant differences among the faba bean cultivars, while wild mustard and corn poppy were the most competitive weeds. The application of inorganic starter fertiliser in the conventionally-treated plots had no negative effect on biologically-fixed nitrogen by faba bean plants, while the herbicide pendimethalin had no negative impact on the nodulation process. Protein concentrations in faba bean cultivars fluctuated from 27.3% to 31.4%. The evaluated landraces could be utilised in breeding programmes due to their earliness, and their high performance in terms of protein content, BNF ability, and productivity.  相似文献   

为研究种层厚度对油麦兼用集排器供种装置充种性能的影响,该文运用EDEM(engineering discrete element method)软件和高速摄像技术,对不同种层调节板倾角和种层厚度的种群运动与供种性能进行了仿真与试验研究。EDEM仿真分析了种层厚度与转速对种群压力、种群与供种机构切向力和充种数量的影响;台架试验研究了种层厚度对充填角和供种性能的影响。结果表明:倾角为60°种层调节板的种群压力较大,充填角和充种性能均较优;种群压力和切向力随纵向距离增加而增加,随横向距离增加而降低;随转速增加,种群压力趋于稳定,切向力随之增加,单个型孔充种数量降低5%。转速为10~50 r/min时,初始充填角、充填角和供种速率均随纵向距离增加和横向距离降低而增加,但充种数量变异系数呈先降后升的趋势。种群压力、切向力、初始充填角、充填角与供种速率均呈极显著正相关,种群压力和切向力与初始充填角和充填角均呈极显著正相关,种层厚度和转速影响充填角分别源于种群压力和切向力。在纵向距离分别为15和20 mm,横向距离为46 mm条件下,油菜、小麦供种速率变异系数和破损率分别均低于1.0%和0.1%。田间试验表明该优化种层厚度条件下的集排器油菜种植密度满足农艺种植要求。该研究明确了种层厚度影响油麦兼用集排器供种装置充种性能的原因,为油麦兼用集排器供种装置种层厚度调节和结构改进提供了参考。  相似文献   

稻种的及时干燥和安全储藏是保持较高发芽率、防止良种退化的有效措施之一.为此,采用理论分析和实验研究相结合的方法,利用CHGT型塔式稻谷烘干机进行稻种的干燥技术和工艺研究,并对试验结果进行归纳,论述了两个主要观点第一,采用逐渐升温、多层干燥、充分缓苏和逐渐降温、冷却的低温干燥新工艺,有利于稻谷由表及里的均匀受热,特别是稻壳与糙米之间的连续传热,防止因表层水分蒸发较快和内部失水较慢而造成的应力集中现象.第二,采用对干燥过程中的介质温度、降水速率和水分在线检测技术,有利于对干燥过程的控制和调节,防止稻种温度与湿度梯度在糙米表面与稻壳内壁之间发生较大变化,保护胚芽部位免受损伤,并通过干燥后品质检测和发芽试验,获得相关工况参数.  相似文献   

水稻气力式排种器导向型搅种装置的设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2  
为提高水稻气力式精量穴播排种器的排种精度,在该排种器的吸种盘上设计并安装了一种由2个搅种齿组成的导向型搅种装置。以培杂泰丰、Y两优1号种子为对象,采用单因素试验和因素组合对比试验的方法,研究了吸室真空度、吸孔直径与搅种装置对排种器性能的影响。结果表明,排种器安装导向型搅种装置后,工作转速显著提高,对工作气流真空度要求降低,性能得到改善;在真空度2.0kPa、吸种盘转速30r/min、搅种齿厚度2mm、搅种齿楔角60°、内侧搅种齿安装角90°、外侧搅种齿间安装角60°以及吸孔直径1.6mm的最佳排种参数下,排种器对含水率20.7%的Y两优1号破胸芽种排出(3~4粒)/穴的概率为59.48%,≤2粒/穴率为15.03%,≥5粒/穴率为25.49%。试验结果显示导向型搅种装置对籼稻种子存在分离、导向、摩擦和支撑等助吸作用,可提高排种器的排种精度。  相似文献   

The hen harrier (Circus cyaneus) population on the Scottish Orkney Islands has declined dramatically since the end of the 1970s. We postulate that the cause of this decline was due to a reduction in the amount of available prey and predict that if this was the case the population would currently be limited by food. The evidence for this hypothesis is explored by examining the rates at which males deliver prey to their females in relation to breeding performance both among individuals within the declining population and also between this declining population and another, non-declining population in southern Scotland. Breeding performance within the Orkney population was related to male provisioning rates: males that provided more food to their females were more likely to initiate a breeding attempt and there was a tendency for males with the highest provisioning rates to breed with more females. Comparisons between the two populations revealed that harriers on Orkney had a lower breeding performance and also a lower rate of food provision. Changes in agriculture, in particular decreases in rough grazing and increases in sheep densities are thought to be the most likely cause for a reduction in food supply. Conservation measures should be aimed toward increasing the areas of rough grass habitat.  相似文献   

为提高作物栽培景观造型机械化水平,该研究基于已有混编种子带编织机,提出并实现一种基于振动盘连续供种的混编景观种子带编织机改进设计方案。首先对供种振动盘、摆动导种装置和对置胶辊式走纸装置等关键装置进行结构设计,并对整机布局与工作流程进行优化,然后通过正交试验确定最优工作参数,最后采用基于种子带铺展关键点位测量法和田间实种景观图像采集处理法2种方法对实际编织效果进行评估。试验结果表明:充种时间对排种合格率的影响最大,供种流量的影响次之,状态切换响最小;排种系统在摆动导种装置状态切换转速为7 r/s,导种装置对纸带充种时间为200 ms,振动盘供种流量为40粒/s时工作性能最优,纸带充种合格率达到87.8%;走纸滑移率不超过5.62%,样机标记准确度误差在0.1%~1.1%之间,每行实际长度方差在1.58%~3.73%之间;室内铺展试验显示编织图案的图案相对位置变异系数小于10%,编织面积变异系数在10%左右,各行关键点位置变异系数小于5%。采集田间种植图案后与目标图案进行相似度算法评价,苗期图案还原度为86.58%,花期图案还原度为72.39%,满足景观造型需求。  相似文献   

We developed a rapid-test to screen for effects of biochar on seed germination and soils. Crop seeds were placed in containers and covered with 15 g of soil with 1% biochar by weight. Two agricultural soils from South Carolina USA were used. Eighteen biochars were produced from six primary feedstocks [pine chips (PC), poultry litter (PL), swine solids (SS), switchgrass (SG); and two blends of PC and PL, 50% PC/50% PL (55), and 80% PC/20% PL (82)]. Each feedstock was pyrolyzed at 350, 500 and 700°C. There were few biochar effects on seed germination. Shoot dry weight was increased for carrot, cucumber, lettuce, oat, and tomato; primarily with biochars containing PL. Soil pH, electrical conductivity and extractable phosphorus primarily increased with PL, SS, 55, and 82 treatments for both soil types and across species. This method can be an early indicator of biochar effects on seed germination and soil health.  相似文献   

Defatted seeds were evaluated for effective adsorption of organochlorine compounds such as chloroform, dichloromethane, and trichloroethylene. The amounts of these compounds adsorbed were plotted against the equilibrium concentration of substances in solution on a logarithmic scale. A linear relationship was obtained, indicating that the adsorption reactions were of the Freundlich type. The removal of these organochlorine compounds by defatted seed was attributed to the uptake by intracellular particles called spherosomes.  相似文献   

The kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) is a large, flightless, nocturnal parrot, endemic to New Zealand. It is critically endangered, with a world population of ca. 62 individuals and a male-biased adult sex ratio. The species has a polygynous “lek” mating system and adult males typically weigh 30-40% more than females. The kakapo is subject to intensive conservation efforts, including the provision of supplementary food to wild birds to encourage successful nesting. There is mounting evidence that, in polygynous species with large variance of male reproductive success, females in better condition may maximise their fitness by producing more offspring of the larger, more costly sex to be reared. We used data on the sex ratio of progeny of female kakapo that had or had not received supplementary food, to test the hypothesis that supplementary feeding might cause a male-biased offspring sex ratio. There was a significant excess of males in the clutches of females provided with supplementary food, suggesting that changes need to be made to the feeding regime to increase recruitment of females. This is an example of applying evolutionary theory to a practical conservation problem.  相似文献   

莲子物料空气动力学特性与壳仁分离装置试验   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
为获得莲子物料的空气动力学特性,研究合适的莲子分选工艺参数,该文针对莲子剥壳后混合物料的风力分选技术进行研究。首先,对混合物料各组分的空气动力学特性进行理论分析与试验,得出莲仁、莲壳、碎仁的悬浮速度变化范围分别为11.230~14.680、2.511~4.891、6.505~7.865 m/s,合适的壳仁分离气流速度范围为7.865~11.230 m/s,修正了莲子物料的形状系数。然后,设计制造了莲子负压壳仁分离装置,通过试验确定了装置的优化分离工艺参数为:入料管倾斜角60°,分离通道倾斜角35°,分离通道气流速度7.881 m/s,入料管长度220 mm,进料量6颗/次,开展检测试验,结果表明清选率达98.283%。研究结果可为莲子壳仁分离设备研发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

基于Seed Identification软件的棉籽机器视觉快速精选   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了研究Seed Identification软件在棉花种子加工工艺和精选参数选择上应用的可行性,以鲁棉28酸脱绒棉籽为材料,通过扫描仪获取400粒棉籽的PNG图像,利用Seed Identification软件快速提取图像中棉籽的RGB、Lab、HSB、灰度、长度、宽度和投影面积等物理指标,通过卷纸发芽获得每颗幼苗鲜质量作为种子的活力指标,种子物理指标与种子活力的相关性分析表明:幼苗鲜质量与R、S、B(HSB)、b、宽度、长度、投影面积的相关系数均达到0.05显著水平。按R<90、S≤18、B(HSB)≤36、b≤4、宽度>4 mm、长度>7.2 mm、投影面积≥25 mm2对种子进行精选,发芽率可由原来的89%分别提高到96.1%、95.1%、95.1%、95.3%、93.1%、93.5%、94.4%,获选率分别为96.6%、99.2%、98.9%、97.8%、98.6%、97%、94.7%。验证试验将种子按以上指标精选后,发芽率分别为95.1%、95.1%、94.8%、94.8%、94.4%、94.4%、94.8%。该研究为基于机器视觉技术对脱绒棉种实施快速、有效精选提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的] 研究恢复年限对高寒金属矿山排土场植物多样性和土壤化学特性的影响,为深入探讨高寒矿山排土场植物演替趋势,优化高寒矿山排土场植物恢复工艺方法提供科学指导。[方法] 以青海省果洛藏族自治州德尔尼铜矿恢复期为1~12 a范围内的10个矿山排土场边坡为研究对象,通过样方法调查排土场植物物种组成和多样性特性,并进一步调查土壤化学特性,明确了排土场Patrick丰富度指数等4个α植物多样性指数以及全氮等8个土壤化学特性指标与恢复年限的关系。[结果] 随着恢复年限的增大,天然植物不断侵入,排土场植物的科、属、种数呈现出逐渐增加的趋势,各年限排土场物种组成和群落特征存在一定的差异性。排土场Patrick丰富度指数随着恢复年限的增大呈幂函数增长趋势;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数随着恢复年限增大呈先增大后减小趋势,且均符合二次函数关系。随着排土场恢复年限的增大,土壤全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮和速效磷含量均呈先增大后减小趋势;速效钾和有机质含量呈幂函数增长趋势;pH值呈逐渐降低趋势。排土场植物4个多样性指数与土壤全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效钾和有机质含量呈不同程度的正相关关系,而与速效磷和pH值呈负相关关系。[结论] 恢复期为12 a时,试验区排土场植物仍处于演替发展阶段,未达到稳定状态;排土场植物演替和土壤养分之间存在明显的相互作用;建议矿区排土场植物恢复选用高氮高磷低钾型缓释复合肥。  相似文献   

种子加工成套设备的计算机测控技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文介绍了种子加工成套设备的计算机测控系统硬件系统设计和软件编程关键技术。实现了包括振动频率、风速、风量、转速、温度、角度等多种参量的实时检测和加工设备关键部位的视频监视。控制参数包括电机转速、筛面振动频率、风速和风量等,实现了成套加工机组的工作流程自动控制功能。软件以虚拟仪器技术为核心,将先进的图形用户界面、动画仿真和视频监视等技术有机结合,设计了人性化的人机交互界面。实际应用表明,该系统实时性强,可靠性高,提高了牧草种子机械化加工质量。  相似文献   

大豆籽粒的表型参数获取对大豆育种具有重要的作用。现有的深度学习算法获取的大豆籽粒表型性状较少,且识别表型的神经网络模型训练成本高。该研究基于OpenCV图像处理库,提出了一种提取大豆籽粒多表型参数的算法,从大豆图像中一次性获取籽粒的多种表型性状参数,同时能识别大豆的优劣品质。将每个待测大豆单株的所有籽粒拍成一张图像,首先对大豆籽粒图像进行二值化、去噪等预处理,然后采用分水岭算法和改进的目标分割算法提取图像中的大豆籽粒轮廓。根据大豆籽粒的轮廓信息,调用OpenCV图像处理函数计算大豆籽粒的个数、长轴长度、短轴长度、面积、周长等多个表型性状参数。引入圆形度识别残缺大豆籽粒,使用RGB阈值判断识别病变大豆籽粒。测试结果表明,采用该文算法计算的颗粒总数识别率为98.4%,大豆籽粒正确识别率为95.2%,破损大豆和病变大豆的识别率分别为91.25%和88.94%,籽粒的长轴长度与短轴长度的测量精度分别为96.8%、95.8%;引入多进程并行计算,该算法处理215张图片时间为248.9 s,相对于单进程计算缩短了约2/3,实现了低成本高通量的高精度大豆籽粒多表型性状参数的自动获取,为大豆籽粒自动化考种提供有效的处理方法。  相似文献   

基于GA-SVM模型的机采籽棉杂质识别   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对中国机采棉加工过程中混级混轧、缺乏棉花参数检测的现状,提出使用遗传算法优化支持向量机参数的机采籽棉图像分割、杂质识别方法。在图像分割阶段,采用像素点邻域的色调、饱和度、亮度颜色特征与平均亮度、平均对比度、平滑度、三阶矩、一致性、熵等纹理特征构建特征向量,使用最优保留策略的遗传算法优化惩罚参数及核函数参数,建立图像分割SVM分类器;对杂质识别过程,在计算标记区域的颜色特征、纹理特征基础上,增加面积、周长、离心率、矩形度、形状因子等形状特征,使用遗传算法建立杂质识别SVM分类器。测试结果表明,该方法适用于边缘对比度低、纹理信息丰富的机采籽棉含杂图像分割,对杂质的有效识别率为92.6%。该研究为棉花加工设备的参数优化和国产采棉机的研制及优化提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

针对小麦种子在气送式集排器供种装置中因流动性差导致充种能力不足的问题,设计了一种可提高小麦充种性能的搅种装置。该文分析了搅种装置影响充种性能的主要因素,确定了搅种齿与搅种轴的主要结构参数,并构建了种子在搅种装置作用下的充种力学模型。应用EDEM仿真分析了搅种装置安装位置对种群压力、种群与供种机构切向力和型孔充种数量及其变异系数的影响;台架试验研究了搅种齿结构及其排布对充种性能和搅种装置与供种机构转速比对供种性能的影响。结果表明:安装搅种装置能明显增加种群压力、切向力、型孔充种数量、充填角和充种合格率。搅种齿长度显著或极显著影响充填角和型孔充种数,搅种齿排列方式显著影响型孔充种数。研究得出影响充填角和型孔充种数的主次因素为:搅种齿长度>排列方式>搅种齿形状。在搅种齿形状为圆柱形,搅种齿长度为6 mm和双螺旋排列方式条件下,充填角、型孔充种数和充种不合格率分别为78.20°、1.73和0.69%。供种速率随锥孔轮数量、转速比和转速增加而增加,在转速为20~40 r/min条件下,选择锥孔轮数量为6和转速比为1.154优化组合时,供种速率及其变异系数分别为690~1340 g/min和0.23~0.80%。该研究为搅种装置结构改进和供种装置充种性能的提高提供了参考。  相似文献   

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