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Young clonal cacao trees have been grown under controlled soil moisture conditions for 20 months in a glasshouse. Weighable soil containers were used, and water was added to restore the soil to field capacity each time the total available water, which was about 40 lb. for each plant, had been depleted to 85% (wet treatment), 50% (medium treatment) or 15% (dry treatment). Plants were either given one of these treatments for the whole experiment, or one treatment was given during the natural dry seasons and another during the natural wet seasons.

Plants given a dry treatment at any time lost their apical dominance and flushed vigorously about 10 days after each watering, though many flushes subsequently withered. The other plants flushed normally, except that the continuously wet plants ceased to flush towards the end of the experiment. The mean expanded area of each leaf was greatest during wet and least during dry periods, and plants which had suffered the least soil moisture deficit throughout growth had the greatest net leaf area and dry weight accumulation. There was little difference in the rate of transpiration per unit leaf area between plants during periods of high compared to medium soil moisture, but the rate was less during dry periods. Dry weight increases both per unit of water transpired and per unit of net leaf area were greatest in the wettest plants.

There was little difference between the effects of the wet and the medium treatments on flower production or setting or on cherelle wilt, though ultimately slightly more pods ripened on the wet plants. Plants in a dry period developed few flowers, but initiation was apparently stimulated, for in a subsequent wet or medium period flowering was exceptionally heavy ; setting was poor and cherelle wilt high, however.

It is concluded that irrigation on a greater scale than is practised at present is likely to be beneficial to the growth and yield of cacao.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this paper were designed. (1) to investigate the mechanism whereby α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), applied as a spray to apple trees between full bloom and two to four weeks after petal-fall, reduces the crop ; and (2) to assess the possible value of this substance as a blossom- and fruit-thinning agent.

Spraying open flowers with NAA before pollination was found to induce incompatibility between the pollen tubes and the stylar tissue, and it is considered that this may account for the reduction in set which results from spraying trees at full bloom with NAA. Applied after petal- fall, the spray caused the abortion of a large proportion of the developing seeds and this, in turn, led to an abnormally large drop of young fruitlets. The seeds appeared to be susceptible to damage by NAA only as long as the endosperm was in the free nuclear stage, a condition which, in most varieties of apple, persists until about the third week after petal-fall. As a thinning agent, NAA has the disadvantage that it tends to retard fruit growth. This effect is particularly marked when the spray is applied later than two weeks after petal-fall, and frequently offsets any increase in fruit size which might have resulted from thinning. Earlier application of the spray may, in certain varieties, cause a permanent stunting of the foliage. In the strongly biennial Miller’s Seedling, none of the thinning treatments, using NAA on individual branches, resulted in the differentiation of fruit buds in the " on ” year.  相似文献   

Cox’s Orange Pippin apples from a factorial N, P, K manurial trial, with superimposed cultivation and sward treatments, were stored at 370 F. (30 C.) and 320 F. (o° C.) each year from 1953 to 1958 inclusive (except in 1953 when they were stored at 370 F. only).

Consistent effects were observed of nitrogen increasing wastage due to Gloeosporium (mainly G. album) rots, and of sward in reducing this wastage. The effect of nitrogen was greatest in the presence of applied phosphate.

Consistent effects were observed of potash and of sward in reducing wastage due to low temperature breakdown. The effect of sward was most .marked in the absence of nitrogen.

These differences in wastage in store were not related to differences in maturity at picking as measured by the time of onset of the respiration climacteric. They also were not related to differences in cortical cell size.  相似文献   

When examined in the field certain varieties of cider apple, e.g. Michelin, vary from apparent self-sterility to self-fruitfulness.

It is suggested that this behaviour is due to the influence of the nitrogen status of the tree. Under conditions of nitrogen supply which are sub- optimal, a common condition in cider orchards, the time of fertilizer application has a considerable bearing on the response of the tree. The use of summer nitrogen immediately after extension growth has ceased has been shown to promote fruit-bud production and to increase self-fruitfulness.

The variation in response to selfing in the variety Michelin was examined and found to depend on two factors, the longevity of the embryo- sac and the rate of pollen-tube growth. Both have been increased by boosting available summer nitrogen. In flowers from trees low in nitrogen, the short-lived embryo-sacs were usually disorganized before pollen tubes resulting from self-pollination at anthesis had reached the nucellus.

The relationship between fruit-bud production and flower behaviour is discussed, together with the advantages of summer applications of nitrogen in improving cider apple crops and grass management.  相似文献   

研究了3种叶面肥对新嘎拉苹果果实品质的影响.结果表明:3种叶面肥不同浓度喷施新嘎拉苹果对品质有一定的影响,由好到差的顺序是氨基酸液肥、硼和尿素.其中对果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量、花色苷含量和可溶性糖的含量影响最佳氨基酸浓度是1200倍,对果形指数和维生素C含量影响最佳氨基酸浓度是1000倍.总之,氨基酸液肥1000~1200倍喷施新嘎拉品质最佳.  相似文献   

Two-year-old potted trees of Cox’s Orange Pippin, Laxton’s Superb and Worcester Pearmain were grown in controlled environment chambers at Long Ashton during 1960 and 1961, and subjected to four types of winter temperatures : 1, a long, cold winter ; 2, a severe autumn and mild spring ; 3, a mild autumn and severe spring ; 4, a short, mild winter ; 5, natural winter.

The order of bud break was treatment 2 followed by 4, then I and lastly 3. The time of bud break was more strongly influenced by the date of winter chilling than by its intensity, but the intensity influenced the temperature at which bud break became possible. On I-year-old wood the number of leafy rosettes developing increased with the length of the chilling period.

Because of limitation of space and the consequent small number of trees used, no firm conclusions could be drawn, but flower bud production and rate of spur development from bud break to full bloom appeared to be favoured by a mild autumn. An early and severe autumn apparently increased flower bud abscission at green cluster, but no effect of treatments could be determined in the final yields of fruit.  相似文献   


Seedlings of Newton Wonder apple multiplied vegetatively on Malus sikkimensis rootstocks and inoculated with a mixture of chlorotic leaf spot, scaly bark and dwarf viruses showed varying degrees of sensitivity to these infections. Although none of the seedlings showed clearly recognizable virus symptoms, many showed a very significant reduction in vigour; the girth differences between the infected and control trees were still increasing three years after inoculation.

The infected trees showed signs of nitrogen deficiency, which were confirmed by foliar analysis ; leaf nitrogen as percentage of dry weight was 10% lower than that of the controls. Four years after inoculation 43% of the infected trees had cropped, compared with 58% of the controls.

The results suggest that some selection of varieties and rootstocks for virus tolerance has taken place and that the evaluation of new seedlings on their own roots may not be a true indication of their performance on infected rootstocks.  相似文献   

以6 a生新嘎拉苹果为试材,进行不同生育期喷施稀土溶液试验,研究其对单果重、硬度、果形指数、着色指数、果实固形物等指标的影响。结果表明:新嘎拉苹果喷施稀土的最佳浓度为1 000 mg/kg,喷施最佳时期为果实膨大期、采收前半个月各喷1次。  相似文献   

苹果套袋及除袋技术对果实微域温湿度及光照的影响   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
 探索套袋果实微域温湿度变化规律有助于进一步优化套袋栽培技术。本试验中采用温、湿度自动监测仪, 研究了套袋及除袋技术对果实微域温湿度的影响。结果表明, 套袋和除袋方法以及外界环境条件变化都能在一定程度上影响袋内微域温湿度及其果实表面温度。在一天中不同时刻除袋, 套袋果表面温度与气温和裸露果表面温度有所不同。除袋方法对果实温度有一定影响, 分次除袋更有利于果实对强光的适应。  相似文献   

以双季红树莓‘海尔特兹’根蘖苗为试材,记录不同等级根芽数量及分蘖株数,并利用不同等级的根芽作育苗试验,研究了不同等级根芽的变化趋势及不同等级根芽对红树莓根芽育苗的影响。结果表明:随红树莓生长发育根芽总量呈逐渐减少的趋势,出土的根蘖苗呈逐渐增加的趋势。Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级的根芽总量最大值在3月14日,为12个,3月中旬是根芽育苗的最佳时期。通过生长量、生物量及部分生理指标表明,根芽育苗等级顺序为Ⅰ级Ⅱ级III级。  相似文献   

以"岳帅"苹果为试材,在果实采后进行1-MCP处理,冷藏2个月后研究室温下货架保鲜效果。结果表明:1-MCP可保持"岳帅"苹果果实品质,延缓果实衰老,处理后果实的硬度、可溶性固形物含量、VC含量、可滴定酸含量均高于对照。  相似文献   

The volatile oil contents of dried leaves of Majorana hortensis, Melissa officinalis, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis and Thymus vulgaris reached maximum values in summer. Different harvest dates are required in order to obtain the highest yields of dried leaves ha-1, the highest levels of volatile oil in the dried leaves, and the highest yields of volatile oil ha-1. The upper parts of balm, oregano and sage plants yielded the most dried leaves, but the lower parts showed the highest levels of volatile oil in the dried leaves.  相似文献   

优质苹果无公害栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、建园 1、新建果园要选择土层深厚,光照充足,远离污染源的地方.灌溉水质要洁净,果园的通风透光条件要好,在加强肥水管理的基础上,培育壮树,提高树体的抗逆性,并及时清除果园的残枝落叶、病果和垃圾,剪除病虫枝,刮老翘皮后集中销毁,保持果园良好环境.  相似文献   

套袋栽培对红富士苹果果实品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以采自甘肃省3个苹果产区的长富2号果实为材料,通过对采收期的果实品质及果实内含物含量的测定与比较,以及贮藏期品质的测定与观察,研究了套袋栽培对红富士苹果果实品质的影响.结果表明:套袋可导致红富士苹果果实的单果重、果肉硬度、可溶性固形物含量等品质指标的测定值下降;套袋后,果实水分含量略有增加,而有机酸、可溶性总糖有所损失,糖酸比略有下降,维生素C、全钙及硼的损失比较严重.套袋与否不影响果实贮藏期品质变化的基本趋势,但套袋果在贮藏期间更易失水,口感与风味都不及对照;因此认为套袋栽培不利红富士苹果果实的品质发育和采后贮藏.  相似文献   

欧洲苹果产量表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
┏━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┓┃ ┃ 2000 ┃ 2001 ┃ 加02+ ┃┣━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━┫┃ 欧盟国家 ┃ 82匝8 ┃ 751.7 ┃ 7263 ┃┣━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━┫┃ 意大利 ┃ 220.6 ┃ 217.2 ┃ 232.4 ┃┣━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━┫┃ 法国 ┃ 226 ┃ 193.8 ┃ 1972 ┃┣━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━┫┃ 德国 ┃ 113-j ┃ 92.2 ┃ 76.2 ┃┣━━━━━…  相似文献   

以黄瓜品种"玛利亚"为接穗,南瓜为砧木,通过测定黄瓜成活率及幼苗各形态指标,研究了在黄瓜双断根嫁接中,接穗不同切面长度对黄瓜双断根嫁接苗前期生长的影响。结果表明:黄瓜接穗切面长度为1.0cm,有利于黄瓜双断根嫁接育苗,适宜在黄瓜双断根嫁接生产中推广和利用。  相似文献   

萘乙酸对水培龟背竹根系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以生长健壮、个体大小一致的龟背竹为试材,对水培养的龟背竹根部进行20、50、100、200、300mg/L浓度萘乙酸处理,研究其对根系生长的影响。结果表明:适宜浓度萘乙酸处理会缩短生根时间,增加生根数量,促进根伸长,但浓度不宜过高,否则会抑制根的生长。各处理中以50mg/L萘乙酸处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

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