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Die deutsche Wissenschaft trägt internationale Verantwortung für die Weiterentwicklung der Wissenschaft als gemeinsames Gut aller Völker, für die Stärkung des Friedens in Europa und der Welt und für die Erhaltung der Umwelt—regional und global.

Diese dreifache Verantwortung erwächst ihr aus der reichen Tradition der deutschen Wissenschaft, aus unserer immer noch guten ökonomischen Situation und aus der Tatsache, daß wir Verursacher und Leidtragende von regionalen und globalen Umweltschäden sind. Der Nutzen für die deutsche Wissenschaft ist evident: Wissenschaft gedeiht im internationalen Dialog und leidet in der Isolation, sie profitiert von Frieden und Wohlstand in der Welt, von Exportindustrie und Technologietransfer und sie braucht den Zugang zu fremden Lebensräumen für die Umweltforschung im weitesten Sinne.

An Beispielen aus der Ökologie tropischer Küstenzonen werden Formen kombinierter Forschungs‐ und Ausbildungsprojekte als Schritte zur Entwicklung partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit und zum Aufbau von eigenständiger Forschungskapazität in Entwicklungsländern geschildert.  相似文献   

Der Artikel informiert über die Ergebnisse der 3. Agricultural Engineering Conference in Pune, Indien. Ausgehend von den demographischen, sozioökonomischen und naturräumlichen Rahmenbedingungen wird die Leistung der indischen Landwirtschaft analysiert. Ziele der Bodennutzung und Probleme der Bodendegradation werden diskutiert. Das Konzept und erste Ergebnisse von VANARAI Pune, einer gemeinnützigen Organisation zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Lebens in Indien, werden vorgestellt.  相似文献   

In einem zwei/jaehrigen Blumenkohl-Monokulturversuch (Versuchsstandort El-Rabah/Jordanien) wurde die Wirkung organischer (Huehnermist- und Schafmistkompost 20, 40 und 80 r t/ha) und mineralischer Duengung (als eine NPK-Stufe 400 r kg N, 200 r kg P 2 O 5 und 100 r kg K 2 O/ha) im Vergleich zur ungeduengten Kontrolle auf Ertrag und Naehrstoffgehalte der Pflanzen sowie auf Blattflaeche und die Alkalinitaet der Asche untersucht. Im Verlauf der Untersuchungsphase konnten noch keine signifikanten, Unterschiede im Ertrag zwischen den verschiedenen Duengungsvarianten fesgestellt werden. Der Hoechstertrag wurde deutlich im zweiten Jahr erzielt. Unter den gegebenen Standortbedingungen hat sich die organische Duengung im Vergleich zur ungeduengten Variante nur im Einzelfall signifikant positiv auf die Naehrstoffgehalte, Blattflaeche und die Alkalinitaet der Pflanzenasche ausgewirkt. In a monoculture experiment using eight treatments ( i.e. poultry and sheep manure at rates of 20, 40 and 400 r Kg N/ha, as well as mineral fertilizers at rate of 400 r Kg N, 200 r Kg P 2 PO 4 and 100 r Kg K 2 O per hectare) field, nutient, content, leaf area and alcalinity of ash were compared with an unfertilized control treatment. This experiment was aimed to know the effect of such treatments on cauliflower yield and nutrient concentrations in plant leaves and fruits as well as determination of alkalinity in plant ash. The results revealed that there is no significant differences in yield of cauliflower due to treatment applied, but in general the yield increased with increasing treatment doses. The yield of cauliflower was higher in the second year compared with the first year in general. Under certain circumstances it was found that some treatments show a significant effect on nutrient concentrations of plant as well as leaf area, besides their effect on ash alkalinity.  相似文献   

Effect of high nitrate application on the kinetic and gaseous composition of denitrification in different soils Kinetic and gaseous composition of denitrification were studied with 16 different soil horizons after application of a relatively high amount of nitrate (400 μg NO N/g dry soil) at defined conditions (He atmosphere; 80 % WHC; 30°C; 3 weeks). At the conditions given, denitrification followed zero-order kinetics depending on the amount of decomposable organic matter rather on than the nitrate concentration. Denitrification intensity was most significantly correlated with the amount of extractable or mineralizable organic carbon (CH2O and Cmin, respectively). N2 and N2O (but not NO) were liberated by all samples, the amount and ratio depending on the soil and time of sampling. At the end of the three week's incubation period, the N2/N-N2O ratio varied between 8.1 and 1.4/1 (with an average of 3.1/1), except for the acid Ah-sample of the Pararendzina (N2/N-N2O = 1.0/1.2). The incorporation of an excess of easily decomposable leaf-powder resulted in an increased nitrate turn-over (from 64.7 % to 95,7 % of the nitrate loss) with N2 as the single denitrification product. N2O could be detected only with the acid “B”-material of the Pararendzina. The denitrifying capacity Y (in μg N2+N-N2O/g soil) of a soil at the conditions given may be predicted by the amount of water-extractable organic carbon X (in μg CH2O/g soil) according to the equation Y = 0.808 X + 120,1.  相似文献   


Since 1966, the effects of increasing mineral N fertilization in combination with different organic fertilizers (without, farmyard manure, straw) were examined at two sites in Saxonia (Methau: loam, Spröda: loamy sand) in two-factorial static experiments with regard to yield, humus content, N-balance, Nmin content and DL-soluble contents of phosphor and potassium. During the period 1966–2010, rising N application caused a significant yield increase. Farmyard manure treatments always showed the highest yields. Particularly, the yields of potatoes and sugar beets were considerably increased by applying manure, while this had substantially smaller effects on winter wheat and summer barley. The humus contents decreased clearly on both sites. They were almost halved with omitted organic fertilization. With manure supply, the starting contents could not be kept upright, but they were, in relation to omitted organic fertilization, on a clearly higher level. The effect on humus content, resulting from the straw fertilization, was comparatively weak. Under these experimental conditions, high yields with slightly negative to slightly positive N-balance results, were realised. Before winter, the Nmin content increased with rising N supply and showed a significant dependence to the N-balances. In case of manure fertilization, they always were on a higher level. The long-term differentiated fertilization strongly affected the DL-soluble contents of phosphor and potassium of the soil.  相似文献   

The water balance in the soil profile and soil moisture dynamic (available water content [%]) under sugar beet 2009 and spring barley 2010 were investigated in selected treatments of a long-term K-fertilization trial on a chernozem developed from loess in Bernburg, Germany (21% clay, 73% silt, 1.5% Corg), which received an annual K-fertilization of 0/0 and 249/124.5 kg ha?1, respectively, to sugar beet/spring barley within the last 14 years. Intensive K-fertilization increased the K content of topsoil and subsoil as well as available water capacity up to 60 cm soil depth. Under water stress conditions in August 2009, the treatment with high K-fertilization achieved the highest sugar beet yield, sugar content (°S) and white-sugar-yield at final harvest. Combined with the higher beet yield, the water use efficiency was also increased and the water pool of the subsoil was used more efficiently. In the following year (2010), weather conditions were relatively wet. Under these conditions, no differences in yield parameters and water consumption of sugar beet and spring barley between both K-levels were observed.  相似文献   

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