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Effect of Late Application of Nitrogen on the Grain Protein of a Maize Hybrid Rich in Lysine 1. In pot experiments the influence of an additional late N fertilizer application at time of flowering on a high yielding lysine-rich experimental maize hybrid has been determined. 2. N-fertilization at flowering increased the total-N and the lysine-contant of the grains. The lysine-N in % of total-N was constant at 5,1%. Comparable values from a former investigation with an opaque- and a standard hybrid are 6,0% lysine-N and 4,0% lysine-N of total-N, respectively. 3. The ratio of prolamine to gluteline was 1:1. N-fertilization did not change this ratio. 4. The amino-acid pattern of the single protein fractions, albumine globuline, prolamine and gluteline was very different, but it was not changed by N-fertilization. 5. Dissecting embryo and endosperm, demonstrated that by late N-fertilization the growth of embryo was promoted more than that of the endosperm. The embryo contributed 30% to total-N and 44% to total-lysine-N of the grain and was not changed by the late N-application. 6. At cultivating such improved hybrids it may be expected that the protein quality will not be changed by application of high amounts of N-fertilizer, whereas the protein quantity will be increased.  相似文献   

CP-MAS-13C-NMR Spectra of a Lithic Cryofolist CP-MAS-13C-NMR spectra of the organic layers of a lithic cryofolist show typical changes during litter decomposition and humification. Peaks due to alkyl-C (mainly polymethylene) and carboxyl-C increase, those due to ether-C (carbohydrates), acetal-C and aromatic-C decrease. These results are in agreement with the results obtained from conventional extractive techniques. The aliphatic character is far more pronounced than the aromatic one.  相似文献   

Soil development and heavy metal contents of a street sweepings dump Soils from an unsealed street sweepings dump of the city of Kiel are inhomogeneous in their properties and in their distribution pattern. The deposited material is contaminated with copper, zinc, lead, and at lower concentrations with cadmium. The high pH-values lead to predominating immobility of heavy metals. However, heavy metals bonded in organic complexes are liable to be leached into the underground because of a high portion of large pores in these soils. Since there are only few other possible bonding mechanisms than organics, after the leaching of lime, pH decline, and mineralization of organic matter mobilization of heavy metals may be predicted. Thus, in the unsealed dump a danger of groundwater pollution with heavy metals remains. The site should be treated accordingly permanently after closing.  相似文献   

The influence of fertilization with straw and sewage sludge on the humic system of a brunizem and a chernozem The influence of fertilization with straw, sludge and mineral nitrogen on the humic system of a black and a brown soil was determined. Soil samples from a polyfactoriel pot experiment lasting two years were analyzed using a photometric analysis of the humic system. Sewage sludge increased extractable humic substances in both soils; straw increased chernozem humic substances but not brunizem humic substances. The other factors tested had no influence. Fertilization with straw, sludge and mineral-N each caused a degradation of the humic system of both soils, as was the case with the combined treatmetns on the brown soil. On the black soil, however, the combined treatment with straw and sludge caused a pronounced aggregation of the humic system. Additional fertilization with mineral-N resulted in an aggregation already with the lower sludge-treatment.  相似文献   

A comparison of the humic systems from a Luvisol from the area of Köln and from an Austrian Chernozem Grey humic acids, brown humic acids and fulvic acids have been extracted from a Luvisol after removal of the “light fraction”. The humic fractions were investigated chromatographically using controlled pore glass with a pore diameter of 17,7 nm. Concentration of both coloured material and carbon were simultaneously recorded in the chromatograms. Specific extinctions at 400 nm were calculated and maximal values were taken as constants specific for “pure” humic substances. These were 349,6; 155,8 and 39,4 for “pure” grey humic acids, brown humic acids and fulvic acids, respectively, and were in part considerably below those determined earlier for an Austrian Chernozem. Using these constants “pure” humic substances could be distinguished numerically from accompanying non-humic substances. The ratio of “pure” humic to non-humic substances was approximately 2:1 for both soils. Within the “pure” humic substances Chernozem humus was dominated by grey humic acids amounting up to 52% whereas in the Luvisol brown humic acids had the same level.  相似文献   

In pflanzenbaulichen Untersuchungen ist es häufig von Interesse, den Einfluß verschiedener Ertragskomponenten auf den Ertrag zu quantifizieren. Beim Vergleich zweier Behandlungen stellt sich die Frage, welche Komponenten maßgeblich für einen möglichen Ertragsunterschied verantwortlich sind. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit einem Ansatz, der die relative Bedeutung der Ertragskomponenten prozentual quantifiziert. Es wird eine Modifikation vorgeschlagen, die zu einer eindeutigen Charakterisierung der Komponenten führt.  相似文献   

Soil association upon and near to a waste disposal site Soils of a waste disposal site and a moraine slope in the neighbourhood were mapped and analyzed, to see whether they are related soils and that means soil associations after Schlichting. Erosion/sedimentation-processes as well as translocated gases and waste fluids influenced the different soils of the landscape so that these soils are related with each other by soil forming processes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen turnover in a loess catena N-mineralization and mineral-N-contents were determined from spring 1993 to autumn 1995 on arable soils from loess (Luvisol, Calcaric Regosol, Gleyic-Calcaric Regosol and Cumulic Anthrosol) of a catchment area called “Bonartshäuser” farm near Gondelsheim in western Kraichgau (SW-Germany). The aim was to find out, whether the course of net-N-mineralization and mineral-N-content of the soil could be explained by the parameters soil temperature and soil moisture. Soil samples were incubated in polyethylene bags on site for mineralization and aliquots analyzed in the laboratory for the determination of the mineral-N-content. In 1993, 55 kg N ha—1 were immobilized and up to 170 kg N ha—1 mineralized depending on the soil type. In 1994, between 181 and 297, and in 1994, between 59 and 230 kg N ha—1 were mineralized annually. Mineral-N-contents of the different soils throughout the experimental period (n = 45) were found to correlate much better (r2 between 0.55 and 0.86) whereas net-N-mineralization (n = 44) showed coefficients of determination (r2) just between 0.08 and 0.53. Except for the Luvisol (37%) only 0 to 8% of net-N-mineralization could be explained by the combined effect of mean soil temperature and soil moisture at the beginning of the incubation using multiple linear regression analysis. Merely 1 up to 9% of mineral-N-content of the soil could be explained by the same effect. The variability and inconsistency shown by net-N-mineralization renders it inappropriate as a tool for predicting nitrogen delivery of the soil and basis for setting rules governing permissible nitrogen amounts in the soil.  相似文献   

Aus der Kenntnis der Wirkprinzipien der Siliermittel lässt sich deren gezielte Anwendung für unterschiedliche Einsatzbereiche ableiten. Danach ist die Wahl des Produktes aus dem am Markt befindlichen Angebot zu treffen. Das DLG‐Gütezeichen bietet dafür eine wertvolle Hilfe. Der durchgängige Einsatz von Siliermitteln bei der Welksilagebreitung in allen T‐Bereichen (bis etwa 50%) kann insbesondere bei den Mitteln empfohlen werden, die auch für die Wirkungsrichtung 4 ein Gütesiegel erhalten haben. Als Grundvoraussetzung ist jedoch immer das Management bei der Silierung und der Tierfütterung so zu gestalten, dass die durch das DLG‐Gütezeichen ausgewiesenen Wirkungspotentiale voll genutzt werden können. Ökonomische Effekte durch den Siliermitteleinsatz werden in der Regel nur erzielt, wenn neben einer Verringerung der Silierverluste auch eine Leistungssteigerung (Milch/Mast) erreicht wird.  相似文献   

Heavy metal sorption of a new developed porous borosilicate glass suction cup In relation to conventional ceramic P 80-suction cups, a porous borosilicate glass suction cup shows distinctly lower sorption and desorption regarding the heavy metals Pb and Cu.  相似文献   

Four loess-derived soil profiles (southwest of Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany) with increasing influence of impeded water (Hapludalf to Humaquept) have been investigated micromorphologically. The nature of the different micromorphological features, as well as their distribution within the horizons of the profiles are described and quantitatively represented. Observations on the soil fabric in B-horizons show that tubular macropores have been filled either by clay skins, pure silt grains and/or clay-rich silty material. The breakdown of macropores and/or iron/manganese-enrichment may cause the occurrence of involved systems of “generations” of macropores, whose development cannot be reconstructed exactly. Semi-quantitative investigations indicate that numbers of these latter features decrease in going from well-drained soils to wetter soils.  相似文献   

Monitoring of atmospheric soil contamination by Cs-134, Cs-137 and Ru-103 with Bergerhoff-collection vessels At 131 locations all over Bavaria it was possible to compare the radioactivity of Cs-134, Cs-137 and Ru-103 in atmospheric precipitates with that of neighbouring soil samples in 0–3 and 0–30 cm depth. 85% of duplications from two Bergerhoff-vessels per location indicate a CV of < 20% and a correlation with 0–3 and 0–30 cm soil depth of r = 0,63*** and r = 0,89***, respectively.  相似文献   

Water balance and distribution in the soil on maize in southern Chile A water balance on maize in a Dystrandept in southern Chile was determined. With raingauges and stemflow rings the amount of rainfall was divided into throughfall, stemflow and interception. The variation with time of the water content in the soil was determinated by tensiometers and gypsum-blocks located in the soil in and between plant rows. The water distribution on the soil surface was very heterogeneous depending on the plant development. The stemflow increased with plant growth and it is the principal factor of the irregular distribution of water in the soil profile. In the plant rows and up to a medium soil depth the matrix potential was greater than between rows. Small precipitations only have a significant effectiveness on the soil because of stemflow.  相似文献   

Soil-Nitrate Determination with the NO3-sensitive Electrode A NO3-sensitive ion electrode (Orion, No. 92–07) was tested to determine the nitrate concentration in soil extracts. Some analytical problems are to be respected: 2. During a 2–8 week period of measurement the electrode gradually lost its potential (Figure 2). Therefore it is necessary to replace the sensitive elements (ion-exchanger, nitrate concentration and membran of electrode) at a certain level (in this 165 mV with 0.22 ppm NO,-N-solution). 3. Additional problems are from the heterogenity of thes oil(s = 0.10mg NO3-N/100g soil in this experiment). With 4 replications in sampling at given site or date, significant differences in the range of 20 kg NO,-N/ha have been obtained. Observing the before mentioned precautions the correlation between nitrate content 1. The optimal range for measurements can be calculated by application of the Peters-Nernst equation between 1 to 10 ppm NO3-N (Figure 1). This equation is influenced by the used electrode. Because this influence changed, it is necessary, to measure the standard solution before and after the series. determined by the nitrate electrode and conventional method (r = 0.92, Figure 3) was highly significant. The deviation of 0.28 ppm has no influence on the agronomy conclusions based on the nitrate determinations.  相似文献   

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