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不同砧木红星苹果树含水量的日变化呈V形曲线。以乔砧树最高,M7中间砧树次之,M9中间砧树较低。含水量的日变化与水势的日变化基本呈正相关。地上部含水量与砧木解剖构造有关,矮砧树地上部含水量较低是导致树体矮化的因素之一  相似文献   

矮砧及乔砧苹果树嫁接口的解剖观察   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张新忠  章德明 《园艺学报》1995,22(2):117-122
苹果栽培品种秋富1与M7、M26、八棱海棠3种砧木“T”形芽接1、2年生苗的嫁接口部位徒手切片显微镜观察,结果表明,砧木、接芽产生的大量愈伤组织,有不同方向、不同程度的分化,沿砧木和接芽的原有形成层逐渐分化产生新的形成层,使砧术与接穗维管组织连通;接口附近及过渡区域内各种组织均表现异常,维管分子及纤维细胞短、粗、弯曲,上下排列不同轴,射线细胞所占比例大,伸长较短,直径大;矮化砧M26的嫁接口内愈伤组织细胞层数最多,导管不同轴程度最高;乔化砧八棱海棠的嫁接口内愈伤组织细胞层数最少,导管不同轴程度较轻;半矮化砧M7介于二者之间。  相似文献   

Mature trees of Beauty of Bath, Tydeman’s Late Orange and Laxton’s Superb on M.VII rootstock, growing under commercial-type conditions, were severely deficient in magnesium as shown by leaf analysis and typical symptoms. Five sprays yearly of 2% Epsom salt (MgSO4.7H2 O) raised the concentration of magnesium in the leaves and largely eliminated symptoms: the concentrations of calcium and, to a lesser extent, of potassium in leaves were reduced. Over six years, there was little effect of Epsom salt on growth as measured, but crop weight was increased by 19–39% according to variety: this was largely, but not entirely, due to increase in fruit set. The proportion of fruit that dropped was decreased for Beauty of Bath and for Tydeman’s Late Orange sprayed with Epsom salt and the weight per 100 fruits of the late varieties Tydeman’s Late Orange and Laxton’s Superb was increased. Untreated trees on M.II rootstock, in contrast to those on M.VII, showed almost no foliar symptoms of magnesium deficiency, made more growth and produced larger crops; the concentrations of magnesium and calcium in the leaves were higher whereas potassium was usually lower. Epsom salt sprays did not increase growth or cropping; indeed, there was a tendency for sprays to reduce the crop weight of Beauty of Bath on M.II, indicating that they should not be used indiscriminately.

Epsom salt foliar sprays increased the “available” magnesium in the soil to a level considered to be medium—high; this effect was mainly shown in the top 6 in. of soil and gradually diminished to the 18–24 in. zone. Nevertheless, in the year following the termination of treatments, the proportion of foliage affected in Laxton’s Superb on M.VII, previously sprayed with Epsom salt, was almost as great as that of untreated trees and the concentration of magnesium in the leaves was as low. It appeared that magnesium in the soil did not reach the leaves.

The increase in “available” magnesium due to sprays was greater in soil carrying trees on M.II than M.VII, a result probably due to the extra quantity of spray required for these larger trees.  相似文献   

Plum and apple trees are the most widely spread fruit trees in south-eastern Europe. The main purpose of this paper is to characterize the spatial distribution of roots in medium and course textured soils to improve orchard management. ’Stanley’ plum cultivar grafted on Saint Julien A semi-dwarf rootstock and ’Topaz’ apple cultivar grafted on M.9 dwarf rootstock were studied in a temperate climate and medium and course textured soils. The trench technique was used. There was an intense concentration of roots near the trees and the roots did not occupy the whole soil space between tree rows. The finest tree roots in both species were prevalent. Root density was higher in tree rows versus inter-rows. Both the inter-row and in-row distances can be reduced to increase tree density if light penetration into canopy is sufficient. When a full irrigation regime is applied, a soil depth of 0.8?m would be sufficient for water application, and soil depths of 0.4 to 0.6?m would be recommended for deficit irrigation; water and fertilizers should only be applied over the surface area covering most of the roots. When a more strict control on root activity is desired, the tree roots could be cut vertically at 0.5–0.8?m distance from tree rows. The results could also be used in regions and countries with similar soil texture and climate conditions.  相似文献   

刘秀春  陈丽楠  王炳华  赵新兵 《园艺学报》2013,40(10):1877-1886
 研究山荆子、八棱海棠和辽砧2号/山荆子3种砧木富士苹果在400 mg · kg-1锰胁迫条件下树体的生理响应和锰积累特征。结果表明,400 mg · kg-1锰胁迫下,3种砧木的富士苹果幼树叶片先后出现中毒症状,其中山荆子砧的幼树中毒最重,辽砧2号/山荆子砧次之,八棱海棠砧的最轻。400 mg · kg-1锰显著抑制了山荆子和辽砧2号/山荆子砧富士苹果幼树的生长,增加了锰在地上部的积累,却促进了八棱海棠富士苹果幼树地下生物量增加和锰在地下部的积累。过量锰导致山荆子和辽砧2号/山荆子苹果叶片自由基和丙二醛含量大量增加,超氧化物歧化酶活性和抗坏血酸含量增加较小,抗氧化物酶活性变化不明显。八棱海棠砧富士苹果幼树受锰胁迫后叶片抗氧化酶超氧化物歧化酶、抗氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶和抗氧化物质AsA活性显著提高,与锰胁迫前相比叶片自由基含量没有显著差异,丙二醛含量增加幅度较小。  相似文献   

A distinctive seasonal pattern in the outgrowth of shoots was observed in upright maiden apple trees. Until midsummer, extension shoot growth was confined to the apical region of the trunk. After midsummer, vigorous shoots grew from the basal region of the trunk, and the production of these shoots coincided with a decline in growth rates of shoots in the apical region. A similar pattern of shoot growth was evident in trees grown in horizontal and inverted positions but was modified by the effects of gravity, viz. growth curvatures, effects on the symmetry of shoot production about the axis, and changes in the vigour of shoots in the apical and basal regions of the trunk. Growing trees in horizontal and inverted positions caused a reduction in terminal extension growth, but did not reduce the total amount of shoot growth compared with vertically-grown trees. Changing the orientation of the trunk caused differences in the pattern of axillary flower bud formation, but had no detectable effect on the total numbers of flower buds initiated.  相似文献   

红星、红富士苹果幼树施用多效唑后,对抑制新梢生长、调节枝条组成、促进花芽形成、提高坐果率、增加幼树产量、控制树冠增长均有明显效果,效果大小与施用方法、时期、药剂浓度和剂量、品种有关,土施比叶喷效果好。土施以3月或9月施入为宜,叶喷的最佳时期为5月上旬。土施的适宜剂量为0.5一1.0g·m~(-2),叶喷最适浓度为1500一2000mg·1~(-1)。红星比红富士对药剂反应敏感。多效唑施后的持效期土施比叶喷的长,并随着剂量和浓度的增加而延长。土施0.5一1.0g·m~(-2)持效期为2一3年,叶喷1500一2000mg·1~(-1)的持效期仅为1年。  相似文献   

1、秋季修剪①拉枝。于立秋至秋分进行拉枝,此时可避免基部劈裂,背上冒条,同时可改善光照,促使所有的芽发育均衡,结果枝组发育一致,促进枝条成熟,翌年结果时果个均匀。拉枝角度一般要求主枝拉成70-80°,临时枝、辅养枝拉成90-100°,中干保持挺直。乔化品种比短枝矮化品种拉枝角  相似文献   

水分胁迫条件下10种苹果砧木抗旱性评价   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
叶乃好  翟衡  杜中军  许宏 《果树学报》2004,21(5):395-398
在盆栽条件下对10种苹果砧木进行了水分胁迫下的抗性鉴定,对旱害指数和相对生长量进行了聚类分析,结果表明,新培育的砧木品系Luo-6、Luo-2是抗旱性强的砧木,在土壤相对含水量40%~45%的中度水分胁迫下,新梢相对生长量分别可以达到92.13%和88.56%,其中,Luo-6在30%~35%的重度水分胁迫下24d才出现1级旱害症状,新梢相对生长量可达78.40%,Luo-2能忍受10d以下短时间的重度水分胁迫;莱芜茶果、黄海棠、海棠果、莱芜难咽、八棱海棠是中等耐旱,可以忍受20d以上的中度干旱,新梢相对生长量保持在66.13%~88.56%;平邑甜茶、六蜜海棠、山定子对水分胁迫非常敏感,在相对含水量55%~60%的轻度水分胁迫下17~31d即出现1级旱害症状,新梢相对生长量下降到70%以下。  相似文献   

经两年试验表明红富士苹果"以果定果"疏果技术能提高果品质量,克服花期大风、晚霜、连阴雨等恶劣天气所造成的授粉率低的现象。5月中下旬果实基本定型时进行,选果形端正、授粉受精良好的幼果,可提高果形指数,减少偏斜果率,是目前生产高档果的有效措施。  相似文献   

近年来,矮化苹果树由于树体矮小、方便管理等优点,种植面积逐年增加。矮化苹果树的种植管理与传统的乔化树有很多不同之处,但在栽培管理中有很多问题亟需解决,例如种植密度不合理、定干过低、修剪不当、负载过重、肥水不足、树势早衰等。本文从栽植地的选择、株行距的确定、树形的选择、疏花疏果、合理施肥和病虫害的防治等方面对矮化苹果树的栽培管理进行了分析,助推矮化苹果树种植技术的推广。  相似文献   

SX系列矮化砧对苹果生长结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SX系列苹果矮化砧是用富平秋子分别与M26、M9、M7矮化砧杂交育成。1997年以富平秋子作基砧,以SX系列无性砧木、M26砧木(CK)作中间砧嫁接秋富1品种,在陕西渭北建园试验,中间砧基本埋入土中,地面露出3~5cm。经连续7年对各组合的鉴定表明,SX系列的致矮作用相当或高于M26,嫁接品种的累计产量显著高于M26,果实着色指数、可溶性固形物含量、果肉硬度、果形指数均优于或与M26相当,果个普遍大于M26,大部分SX系列的抗旱性和抗偏斜能力优于M26。其中SX126、SX13、SX138和SX140综合性状优良,可在渭北黄土高原苹果产区及条件相同的地区应用。  相似文献   

几种砧木对苹果新梢及叶特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对几种苹果砧木嫁接的四年生苹果树新梢及叶的特性进行了研究。结果表明,八棱海棠砧苹果树新梢和叶的总生长量高于用各类矮化砧木嫁接的苹果树。各矮化砧苹果树中短梢及其上叶的总生长量占全树新梢及叶总生长量的比例,高于乔砧树;矮砧树中短枝的单枝鲜重、比枝重、单枝叶数、单枝叶面积、单枝叶鲜重等指标,高于乔砧树。这是矮砧树树冠小、易成花结果的主要原因。以两个矮化砧木双重嫁接的苹果树,各类枝的质量明显好于以其中一个砧木嫁接的苹果树。  相似文献   

锰对苹果树的毒害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,因锰过多导致苹果发生粗皮病的报道不少,笔者在烟台也有发现,一些酸性土壤的果园苹果树常发生多锰症状,特别是红富士、新红星等品种非常易感粗皮病.近几年我们对苹果粗皮病的发生症状和原因进行了调查,现简报如下.  相似文献   

砧木对盐处理下‘丰水’梨幼树光合特性的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
 用CIRAS-1便携式光合作用测定系统研究不同盐浓度处理下,分别以‘豆梨’、‘杜梨’作砧木的‘丰水’梨幼树叶片光合作用。结果表明:(1)不同砧木对盐处理下的丰水梨叶片光合作用反应有显著影响;(2)在相同条件下杜梨上的丰水较豆梨上的丰水有更高的净光合率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs )、蒸腾速率(Tr)和羧化效率(CE),而在高浓度盐处理下,前者较后者有较低的细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)。(3)低盐胁迫对梨叶片光合作用的抑制,初期主要表现为气孔性限制,而在高盐处理和低盐处理后期主要表现为非气孔性限制;(4)不同砧木对梨叶片光合作用的影响在高盐处理后期差异不明显。  相似文献   

Apple trees with weak and normal unions were planted out in the orchard and grown for three years, during which there were no significant differences in the amount of annual shoot growth. With cvs Cox and Spartan on MM. 106 there was no significant residual effect of the initially weak unions on their strength at the end of three years; there was, however, a residual effect with cv Egremont on M.26, although probably not of practical importance.  相似文献   

尹承苗  相立  孙传香  沈向  陈学森  周慧  毛志泉 《园艺学报》2016,43(12):2423-2431
为了更好地利用砧木抗性来综合防控苹果连作障碍,以平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis Rehd.)、富平楸子 [M. prunifolia(Willd)Borkh.]、八棱海棠(M. micromalus Makino)、新疆野苹果 [M. sieversii (Le deb.)Roem.]、山荆子 [M. baccata(Linn.)Borkh.] 为试材,探讨了不同苹果砧木对连作土壤中的酶活性、微生物以及酚酸类物质的影响。结果表明:以平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤磷酸酶活性最高,八棱海棠为砧木的土壤蔗糖酶活性最高,富平楸子为砧木的土壤脲酶活性最高;平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤真菌数量最低,富平楸子和平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤细菌数量较高,平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤细菌/真菌比值最高。从总酚酸含量来看,平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤酚酸含量最低,八棱海棠为砧木的土壤酚酸含量最高。综上,平邑甜茶为砧木的土壤真菌数量最少,土壤总酚酸含量最低,且相关土壤酶活性较高,说明其对连作土壤环境的改善效果最佳,更适合作为砧木综合防控苹果连作障碍。  相似文献   

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