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Inter‐row hoeing is known to control tap‐rooted and erect weed species more effectively in winter wheat than weed harrowing. However, little is known about its effectiveness for use in the spring in winter wheat grown at wide row spacing (240 mm) under the influence of different placement of fertilizer. Two field experiments, one in 1999 and one in 2000, were conducted to study the influence of fertilizer placement, timing of inter‐row hoeing, and driving speed on the weeding effect on different weed species and crop growth. Placement of fertilizer below the soil surface improved crop growth and grain yield in both years compared with placement on the surface, but the more vigorous crop did not give any better suppression of the weeds surviving hoeing. Timing was not important in one experiment, whereas hoeing twice beginning in early April was more effective in the other experiment where weed growth over the winter had been vigorous. Driving speed had no influence on either the weeding effect or the yield, except for one case where increasing speed reduced the control of well‐developed weeds. Compared with unweeded reference treatments, inter‐row hoeing reduced total weed biomass by 60–70% and tap‐rooted and erect weed species in particular by 50–90%. Sowing at 240 mm row spacing yielded less than 120 mm (Danish standard), and inter‐row hoeing for winter wheat needs to be adapted to narrower row spacing to avoid such yield decreases.  相似文献   

Information on phosphorus (P) fertilizer affecting crop–weed competitive interactions might aid in developing improved weed management systems. A controlled environment study was conducted to examine the effect of three P doses on the competitive ability of four weed species that were grown with wheat. Two grass and two broad-leaved weed species were chosen to represent the species that varied in their growth responsiveness to P: wild oat (medium), Persian darnel (low), round-leaved mallow (high), and kochia (low). Wheat and each weed species were grown in a replacement series design at P doses of 5, 15, and 45 mg P kg−1 soil. The competitive ability of the low P-responsive species, Persian darnel and kochia, decreased as the P dose increased, supporting our hypothesis that the competitiveness of species responding minimally to P would remain unchanged or decrease at higher P levels. As expected, the competitiveness of the high P-responsive species, round-leaved mallow, progressively improved as the P dose increased. However, wild oat's competitive ability with wheat was not affected by the P fertilizer. The results suggest that fertilizer management strategies that favor crops over weeds might deserve greater attention when weed infestations consist of species known to be highly responsive to higher soil P levels. The information gained in this study could be used to advise farmers of the importance of strategic fertilizer management in terms of both weed management and crop yield.  相似文献   

A 3-year field experiment was conducted at Kalispell, Montana, USA, to investigate the effects of spring wheat seed size and seeding rate on wheat yield loss (YL), economic returns and economic thresholds (ETs), as a function of Avena fatua density. Crop competitive ability increased as wheat seeding rate and seed size increased, with the greatest differences among treatment factors being observed at low weed densities. Both treatment factors decreased spring wheat YL, increasing economic returns during all 3 years of the study despite the higher associated seed costs. Averaged over all other factors, adjusted gross returns (AGR) were 477 and 537$ ha−1 for the low and high seeding rates, while values of 453, 521 and 547$ ha−1 were obtained for the small, bulk and large seed size classes respectively. Weed-free yield potential varied yearly. As yield potential increased, A. fatua competitive effects were more evident and ETs decreased. Nonetheless, both treatment factors increased ETs in 2 of 3 years. These results demonstrate that the use of higher seeding rates and larger seed size classes both improve wheat competitive ability towards A. fatua while simultaneously increasing economic returns.  相似文献   

The management of crop fertilization may be an important component of integrated weed management systems. A field study was conducted to determine the effect of various application methods of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on weed growth and winter wheat yield in a zero-tillage production system. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 50 kg ha−1 at the time of planting winter wheat over four consecutive years to determine the annual and cumulative effects. The nitrogen treatments consisted of granular ammonium nitrate applied broadcast on the soil surface, banded 10 cm deep between every crop row, banded 10 cm deep between every second crop row, and point-injected liquid ammonium nitrate placed between every second crop row at 20 cm intervals and 10 cm depth. An unfertilized control was also included. Density, shoot N concentration and the biomass of weeds was often lower with subsurface banded or point-injected N than with broadcast N. The winter wheat density was similar with all N fertilizer application methods but wheat shoot N concentration and yield were consistently higher with banded or point-injected N compared with broadcast N. In several instances, the surface broadcast N did not increase the weed-infested wheat yield above that of the unfertilized control, indicating that it was the least preferred N application method. Depending on the weed species, the weed seedbank at the conclusion of the 4 year study was reduced by 29–62% with point-injected N compared with broadcast N. Information gained from this study will be used to develop more integrated weed management programs for winter wheat.  相似文献   

The development of integrated weed management strategies requires knowledge of mechanisms that influence compositional changes in weed flora. A 9-year study was initiated in 1988 at Delhi, Canada, on a loamy sand soil to evaluate the effect of tillage systems [conventional (CT) and no-till (NT)] and cover crops (only in NT) on weed density, species composition and associations, and crop yield in a winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)/bean/winter wheat rotation. Three bean types: soyabean ( Glycine max L. Merr.), white bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and kidney bean ( P . vulgaris L.) were included. The NT system included variations: rye ( Secale cereale L.) or maize ( Zea mays L.) cover crop, volunteer wheat disked after harvest and wheat stubble. Data were collected in 1994, 1995 and 1996. Tillage systems, cover crops and crop type had differential effects on weed densities, species composition and associations. Weed densities were not affected by tillage or cover crops in wheat but, in the beans, densities were greater in the CT than in the NT systems. Various associations of weed species with tillage system, cover crop and crop type were observed. Crop yields were not affected by tillage type or cover crop, except that soyabean yields were highest in plots with cover crops.  相似文献   

To better understand the potential for improving weed management in cereal crops with increased crop density and spatial uniformity, we conducted field experiments over two years with spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) and four weed species: lambsquarters ( Chenopodium album ) , Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ), white mustard ( Sinapis alba ), and chickweed ( Stellaria media ). The crops were sown at three densities (204, 449, and 721 seeds m−2) and in two spatial patterns (normal rows and a highly uniform pattern), and the weeds were sown in a random pattern at a high density. In most cases, the sown weeds dominated the weed community but, in other cases, naturally occurring weeds were also important. There were strong and significant effects regarding the weed species sown, the crop density, and the spatial distribution on the weed biomass in both years. The weed biomass decreased with increased crop density in 29 out of 30 cases. On average, the weed biomass was lower and the grain yield was higher in the uniform compared to the row pattern in both 2001 and 2002. Despite the differences in weed biomass, the responses of L. multiflorum , S. media , and C. album populations to crop density and spatial uniformity were very similar, as were their effects on the grain yield. Sinapis alba was by far the strongest competitor and it responded somewhat differently. Our results suggest that a combination of increased crop density and a more uniform spatial pattern can contribute to a reduction in weed biomass and yield loss, but the effects are smaller if the weeds are taller than the crop when crop–weed competition becomes intense.  相似文献   

In Germany, sugar beet is often rotated with 2 years of cereal. Extensive fallow periods between cereal harvest and autumn primary tillage allow for a weed flora to develop. Broad‐leaved weeds could potentially be alternate hosts for the common nematode Heterodera schachtii, one of the most important pests of sugar beet. Between 2009 and 2012, annual weeds developing in cereal stubble fields during July to mid‐October in the season prior to sugar beet were surveyed, including known hosts of H. schachtii. Yearly weather patterns and agronomic practices possibly impacted weed species composition and weed population densities. During September, Chenopodium album, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Mercurialis annua, Polygonum spp., Solanum nigrum and Sonchus spp. occurred at the highest frequencies. Weed hosts of H. schachtii were present, but densities, frequencies and uniformity were limited. In 2010 and 2011, staining for nematodes in roots revealed juvenile penetration of some weeds but few adult stages. No indication of nematode reproduction of H. schachtii was found on these weed hosts. A fairly stable weed flora was detected on stubble fields that could provide some carry over for weed species. An elevated risk for nematode population density build‐up on these weeds was not found and management of these weeds at the observed densities during the stubble period for nematological reasons appeared unnecessary.  相似文献   

小麦连作、迎茬和轮作对麦田杂草群落的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过定位试验,研究了小麦8-12年长期连作、小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬和玉米-大豆-小麦轮作条件下麦田杂草群落变化。结果表明,小麦长期连作区杂草密度最大,杂草最多,小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬次之,玉米-大豆-小麦轮作杂草最少。小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬和玉米-大豆-小麦轮作区之间差别小于两者与连作区的差别。3种茬口杂草密度、杂草数量顺序为连作区>小麦-大豆-小麦迎茬>玉米-大豆-小麦轮作。随着连作年限的增加,小麦连作区一些杂草种类增加,同时也有些杂草种类减少。小麦连作10年增加的杂草有龙葵、鸭趾草、鬼针、苋及野苏,连作12年增加的杂草有问荆、扁竹菜和猪秧秧,而减少了龙葵、鬼针、野苏和苣荬菜。小麦连作区主要杂草为藜、龙葵、荠、稗、鬼针、鸭趾草和卷茎蓼。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Mediterranean environment of Central Italy from 2011 to 2013 with the aim of evaluating the effects of winter cover crops and their residues on weed composition in a cover crop‐tomato sequence. Treatments consisted of five soil managements (three cover crop species ‐ hairy vetch, phacelia, white mustard, winter fallow mulched with barley straw before tomato transplanting and conventionally tilled soil), two nitrogen fertilisation levels (0 and 100 kg N ha?1) and two weed management levels (weed free and weedy) on tomato. Cover crop residues were arranged in strips on the soil surface and then used as beds for transplanting the tomato seedlings in paired rows. Rotary hoeing was performed in the bare strips between paired tomato rows. At tomato harvesting, the weed aboveground biomass and density was higher in nitrogen‐fertilised tomato than unfertilised tomato, except in hairy vetch and barley straw that showed similar values. Hairy vetch used as a cover crop and dead mulch was the most suppressive species with the highest production of residues, while phacelia and mustard were not suitable for controlling weeds. The tomato yield was high in nitrogen fertilised and weed‐free treatments, except in barley straw mulch, which showed similar values among the weed management treatments. The mulch strips caused variations in weed species composition that was mainly composed of perennial ruderal weeds, while in tilled soil, the weed flora was dominated by annual photoblastic weeds.  相似文献   

More than 200 species of weeds are infesting main crop fields in China, among which approximately 30 species are major weeds causing great crop yield losses. About 35.8 million hectares of crop fields are heavily infested by weeds and the annual reduction of crop yields is 12.3–16.5% (weighted average). Along with rural economic development, approximately 50% of the main crop fields undergo herbicide application. Chemical weed control has changed cultural practices to save weeding labor in rice, wheat, maize, soybeans and cotton. At the same time, continuous use of the same herbicides has caused weed shift problems and weed resistance to herbicides. Consequently, integrated weed management in main crops is being developed.  相似文献   

There is interest in more diverse weed management tactics because of evolved herbicide resistance in important weeds in many US and Canadian crop systems. While herbicide resistance in weeds is not new, the issue has become critical because of the adoption of simple, convenient and inexpensive crop systems based on genetically engineered glyphosate‐tolerant crop cultivars. Importantly, genetic engineering has not been a factor in rice and wheat, two globally important food crops. There are many tactics that help to mitigate herbicide resistance in weeds and should be widely adopted. Evolved herbicide resistance in key weeds has influenced a limited number of growers to include a more diverse suite of tactics to supplement existing herbicidal tactics. Most growers still emphasize herbicides, often to the exclusion of alternative tactics. Application of integrated pest management for weeds is better characterized as integrated weed management, and more typically integrated herbicide management. However, adoption of diverse weed management tactics is limited. Modifying herbicide use will not solve herbicide resistance in weeds, and the relief provided by different herbicide use practices is generally short‐lived at best. More diversity of tactics for weed management must be incorporated in crop systems. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Light regulates dormancy termination and the subsequent germination in many weed species. Under field conditions, the light environment of the seeds, which is perceived mainly by photoreceptors of the phytochrome family, provides essential information for cueing germination in the proper environmental situation. The light environment's spectral composition and irradiance allow weed seeds to sense their position in the soil profile, the presence of a leaf canopy capturing light and other resources and the occurrence of soil cultivation. From an agronomical point of view, the control of germination by light represents a potentially useful step in the life cycle of weeds for developing effective control practices. The goal of this article is to place current knowledge regarding photoreceptors, physiological and molecular bases of seed responses to light and their ecological implications within the context of weed management in agricultural systems. With that final objective, the authors intend to show how a better understanding of the way in which the light environment regulates dormancy termination and the subsequent germination of weed seeds could be used to develop more accurate control practices and to improve weed management strategies.  相似文献   

Modelling the effect of crop and weed on herbicide efficacy in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BRAIN  WILSON  WRIGHT  SEAVERS  & CASELEY 《Weed Research》1999,39(1):21-35
Recommended field application rates of herbicides have to give effective weed control in every situation and are, thus, often higher than that required for specific fields. An understanding of the interaction between crop:weed competition and herbicide dose may, in many cases, allow herbicide application rates to be reduced, important both environmentally and economically. We have developed a model of the interaction between crop:weed competition and herbicide dose, using an empirical model of the relationship between crop yield and weed biomass (related to weed density), and an empirical model of the relationship between weed biomass and herbicide dose. The combined model predicts crop yield, given herbicide dose and weed biomass at an interim assessment date. These crop yield loss predictions may be used to quantify the herbicide dose required to restrict yield loss to a given percentage. Parameters of the model were estimated and the model tested, using results from experiments, which used cultivated oats ( Avena sativa ) or oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ) as model weeds in a crop of winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum ).For the crop:weed:herbicide combinations investigated there was little increase in crop yield for herbicide dose rates above 20% of recommended field rates, in broad agreement with the model predictions. There may still be potential for further reduction below this level on economic grounds; the model could be used to estimate the `break-even' herbicide dose.  相似文献   

Very little research has been done on weed seedbank communities in the northern Great Plains region of the USA. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of management systems on the weed seed banks and to assess the relationship between the weed seed banks and the above-ground weed communities. The seed banks were sampled along a range of areas of above-ground weed diversity in organic and conventional spring wheat production fields near Big Sandy, Montana, over 2 years. Eight 1 m × 0.33 m areas were selected in each field to encompass a wide range of above-ground weed diversity and soil cores were taken in each area to a depth of 20 cm and split in half at 10 cm. The number of seeds recovered from the top 10 cm of soil and the 10–20 cm depth were significantly affected by the sampling year and an interaction between the cropping system and the sampling year. The year was the only significant predictor affecting the weed seedbank diversity at both depths. A significant interaction between the management system and the year observed at the 10–20 cm sampling depth reflected the higher rate of decrease in diversity occurring between 2005 and 2006 in the conventionally managed fields compared with the organic fields. A multivariate ordination indicated that, although the year played a significant role in determining the weed seedbank communities, the management system had a role only during 2006. We failed to detect strong correlations between the above-ground and underground weed communities. The results of this study suggest that, in the studied region, yearly fluctuations in environmental factors have significant impacts on the weed seed banks.  相似文献   

Weed competition and nutrient scarcity often restrict organic cereal production, especially where the availability of livestock manure is limited. While harrowing of annual weeds and legume cover crops can be used, these methods are both executed in early spring and may hinder each other. Two cycles of a 2‐year crop rotation were carried out in south‐east Norway (60°42′N, 10°51′E, altitude 250 m) with weed harrowing and undersown cover crops (WHCC) at two fertiliser rates (40 and 100 kg nitrogen ha?1). The effect of the WHCC treatments was measured by weed density and species, weed biomass, changes in weed seedbank and grain yield. The weed density depended on the interaction between WHCC, fertiliser and year. On average, pre‐emergence weed harrowing reduced weed density by 32% and weed biomass by 49%, while pre‐ and post‐emergence weed harrowing reduced weed density by 59% and weed biomass by 67% compared with the untreated control. Spergula arvensis became more abundant at low rather than at high fertiliser rates. On average, white clover cover crop sown after pre‐emergence weed harrowing resulted in the highest yields for both oat (+12.1%) and wheat (+16.4%) compared with the untreated control. Despite differences in weed population density and biomass among WHCC treatments within years, the weed biomass, weed density and seedbank increased for all WHCC treatments over the 4‐year period. More research is required into improving the efficacy of mechanical and cultural weed suppression methods that organic systems rely on.  相似文献   

The competitive ability of five prominent weeds species that have the potential to interact in soybean cropping systems of Argentina (Amaranthus quitensis, Chenopodium album, Digitaria sanguinalis, Setaria verticillata and Tagetes minuta) was evaluated in two greenhouse experiments (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2). Crop and weeds were grown in all pairwise mixtures using an additive competition design. Competitive ability was evaluated through competitive indices based on species total biomass. Both experiments showed asymmetric competitive interactions between species, resulting in a competitive network predominantly transitive involving up to four from six species in Exp. 1: Glycine. max > C. album > D. sanguinalis > (A. quitensis, S. verticillata and T. minuta) and up to three from six species in two pathways in Exp. 2: G. max > D. sanguinalis > (C. album, S. verticillata and T. minuta); and G. max > A. quitensis > (C. album, S. verticillata and T. minuta). The hierarchical relationship between species found in this study has implications on weed population dynamics in the context of community assembly framework. We discuss engineered management practices that consider the use of the crop and weed competitive ability to modulate the community structure and the rationalization in the use of herbicides directed to avoid environmental damage.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted at two locations in southern Queensland, Australia during the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 growing seasons to determine the differential competitiveness of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivars and crop densities against weeds and the sorghum yield loss due to weeds. Weed competition was investigated by growing sorghum in the presence or absence of a model grass weed, Japanese millet (Echinochloa esculenta). The correlation analyses showed that the early growth traits (height, shoot biomass, and daily growth rate of the shoot biomass) of sorghum adversely affected the height, biomass, and seed production of millet, as measured at maturity. “MR Goldrush” and “Bonus MR” were the most competitive cultivars, resulting in reduced weed biomass, weed density, and weed seed production. The density of sorghum also had a significant effect on the crop's ability to compete with millet. When compared to the density of 4.5 plants per m2, sorghum that was planted at 7.5 plants per m2 suppressed the density, biomass, and seed production of millet by 22%, 27% and 38%, respectively. Millet caused a significant yield loss in comparison with the weed‐free plots. The combined weed‐suppressive effects of the competitive cultivars, such as MR Goldrush, and high crop densities minimized the yield losses from the weeds. These results indicate that sorghum competition against grass weeds can be improved by choosing competitive cultivars and by using a high crop density of >7.5 plants per m2. These non‐chemical options should be included in an integrated weed management program for better weed management, particularly where the control options are limited by the evolution of herbicide resistance.  相似文献   

In winter wheat systems in the Northern Great Plains of the United States, Bromus tectorum and wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) commonly co‐occur. While independent effects of these pests on wheat yields have been well documented, to our knowledge, no study has investigated whether WSMV modifies interactions between wheat and B. tectorum. Furthermore, the impact that environmental stressors such as nutrient availability have on these interactions has not been addressed. We conducted a randomised split‐plot field study over 2 years to investigate the effects of WSMV and nitrate (N) availability on winter wheat suppression of Bromus tectorum. The study included four N treatments (10–19, 20–31, 31–84, and 85–207 kg ha?1) and two WSMV treatments (mechanically inoculated or control). Increasing soil N increased the susceptibility of wheat to WSMV infection. In 2009, wheat in the lowest and highest N levels had 24% and 65% of plants infected respectively. However, regression analysis indicated that interactive effects of wheat competition, N and WSMV did not play a consistent role in B. tectorum growth. Specifically, the effect of both wheat density and distance from row on B. tectorum biomass remained constant across inoculation treatments, suggesting that wheat inoculated with WSMV suppressed B. tectorum as effectively as healthy wheat. Furthermore, wheat had a greater impact on B. tectorum growth in higher N environments, even though incidence of WSMV infection in wheat was highest. Overall, our results suggest that WSMV infection may not change the ability of wheat to suppress B. tectorum.  相似文献   

Competitive crop cultivars offer a potentially cheap option to include in integrated weed management strategies (IWM). Although cultivars with high competitive potential have been identified amongst cereal crops, competitiveness has not traditionally been considered a priority for breeding or farmer cultivar choice. The challenge of managing herbicide‐resistant weed populations has, however, renewed interest in cultural weed control options, including competitive cultivars. We evaluated the current understanding of the traits that explain variability in competitive ability between cultivars, the relationship between suppression of weed neighbours and tolerance of their presence and the existence of trade‐offs between competitive ability and yield in weed‐free scenarios. A large number of relationships between competitive ability and plant traits have been reported in the literature, including plant height, speed of development, canopy architecture and partitioning of resources. There is uncertainty over the relationship between suppressive ability and tolerance, although tolerance is a less stable trait over seasons and locations. To realise the potential of competitive crop cultivars as a tool in IWM, a quick and simple‐to‐use protocol for assessing the competitive potential of new cultivars is required; it is likely that this will not be based on a single trait, but will need to capture the combined effect of multiple traits. A way needs to be found to make this information accessible to farmers, so that competitive cultivars can be better integrated into their weed control programmes.  相似文献   

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