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Two field experiments on chemical weed control in Faro 41 upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety were conducted at a rainforest site near the National Cereals Research Institute, Amakama Substation in 1989 and 1990. The herbicides tested were a coformulated mixture of pretilachlor and dimethametryne at 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 kg a.i./ha, a co‐formulated mixture of piperophos and propanil applied at 3.16 and 3.95 kg a.i./ha, and Oxadiazon at 1.0 kg a.i./ha. Two hand weedings and a ‘no weeding’ treatment were included. The herbicides were applied 5 days after planting. All were safely selective to the crop. Most provided adequate weed control through 8–12 weeks after planting. Weeds controlled included Cynodon dactylon, Commelina benghalensis, Dlgitaria horizontalis, Eleusine indica, Panicum maximum and Pennisetum purpureum as grass weeds. The broadleaf weeds were Emilia sonchifolia, Ageratum conyzoides, Portulaca oleraceae, Richardia brasiliensis and Ipomoea Involuncrata. The sedges Mariscus alternifolius and Cyperus esculentus were encountered in the plots. Pretilachlordimethametryne at 2.5 kg a.i./ha had the best weeding score. Twoyear average grain yields of 1.7–2.6 t/ha were obtained from the herbicide treatments. With only 0.4 t/ha from the unweeded treatment, yield losses of more than 80% were recorded.  相似文献   


Experiments conducted at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines, showed that all commonly marketed formulations and derivatives of 2,4-D and MCPA were equally effective in controlling barnyard grass [Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.] and other annual weeds in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L). In the Philippines, these phenoxy acid herbicides cost US$2.50/ha as liquid formulations and US$5.50/ha as granular formulations. These low-cost herbicides provide excellent alternatives to hand weeding in transplanted tropical rice. Other herbicides which can control weeds before or after the weeds emerge are more expensive than 2,4-D or MCPA. Some of these selective herbicides, such as butachlor and TCE-styrene + 2,4-D, are in the Philippine market. Their prices vary from US$8 to US$12/ha.

For direct-seeded flooded rice, granular formulations of several new herbicides, such as butachlor, benthio-carb and C-288 (chemistry not yet disclosed), were highly selective in controlling barnyardgrass and other annual weeds under tropical conditions. C-288 controls algae in addition to annual weeds in direct-seeded flooded rice. Of these three promising herbicides, only butachlor is marketed in the Philippines at US$8/ha. For upland rice, the chemicals which look promising are butachlor, benthiocarb and fluorodifen. Butachlor liquid is available to rice farmers in Asia at about US$16/ha. These herbicides provide an excellent alternative to hand weeding. Generally a complete job of weed control in upland rice requires more than one hand weeding.  相似文献   

Infestations of marsh ragwort, Senecio aquaticus Huds., in established ley grassland were sprayed at the rosette stage in April or May with MCPA, 2,4-D, asulam or a 2,4-D asulam mixture. All treatments gave better control in the year after spraying than in the year of spraying. The most effective herbicide was 2,4-D ester at 1–68 or 1–12 kg/ha with or without the incorporation of asulam at 1–12 kg/ha. MCPA at 1–68 kg/ha was less effective, especially in the year of spraying and asulam alone at 1-12 kg/ha gave consistently the poorest control of all treatments. Spraying in May gave better control in the year of spraying than April application, but in the year after spraying date of application made no difference to the degree of control. S. aquaticus at the various sites differed in general susceptibility to herbicides in the year of spraying, but in the year after spraying these differences disappeared.  相似文献   

In a field trial in 1978 at Mokwa, southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria, metolachlor at 1.5 and 3.0, prometryne at 2.0 and norflurazon and diuron at 1.6 kg/ha combined good weed control with high grain yield of cowpeas. The grain yields with these herbicides were comparable to those of the hoe-weeded and significantly higher than the weedy controls. In 1979, under wetter conditions, crop injury was observed with prometryne and linuron at 2.0 kg/ha. However, the grain yields obtained with alachlor, metolachlor, chloramben, pendimethalin and norflurazon and their mixtures with prometryne, linuron, diuron or metobromuron were comparable to that of the hoe-weeded treatment. In 1979 at Samaru, northern Guinea savanna, pendimethalin at 1.5, metolachlor at 3.0 and chlorbromuron and linuron at 1.0 kg/ha gave selective weed control. Prometryne at 2.0 kg/ha was the only herbicide that gave a significantly lower broad-leaved weed weight than the weedy check but it reduced the crop stand. At 1.0 kg/ha it was tolerated by the crop but failed to control grasses. Metolachlor at 1.5 kg/ha had a significantly higher broad-leaved weed weight than the weedy check. All theherbicides, except pendimethalin at 3.0 kg/ha, controlled the annual sedges at Samaru.  相似文献   

The persistence of [14C]2,4-D at a rate equivalent to 1 kg/ha was studied in the laboratory on a heavy clay and a sandy loam at 85%of field capacity and 20°C both alone and in the presence of 1 kg/ha dicamba, dichlorprop, difenzoquat, TCA, and 2,4,5-T. The persistence of 2,4,5-T was also monitored in both soils under the same conditions in the presence and absence of [14C]2,4-D. All soils were extracted at weekly intervals using aqueous acidic acetonitrile and analysed for [14C]2,4-D remainining radiochemical techniques. The extracts containing 2,4.5-T were additionally analysed gas chromatographically for that herbicide. In each soil type the half-life of the 2,4-D was similar regardless of whether applied singly or in combination with the five herbicides tested. Similarly, [14C]2,4-D did not affect the breakdown of 2,4,5-T in either soil type. The persistence of tri-allate (1·5 kg/ha) and trifluralin (0·75 kg/ha) both singly and in combination were compared using small field plots at two locations in Saskatchewan. Applications were made during May of 1977 and 1978 and the plots were sampled and analysed for herbicide(s) remaining after 10 and 20 weeks, respectively. The results indicate that within experimental error the loss of both tri-allate and trifluralin from the plots treated with the mixture was the same as from plots treated with the individual compounds.  相似文献   

Unrestricted weed growth resulted in serious yield losses (60–75%) in rice (Oryza saliva L.). Hand-weeding once at 2 weeks after crop emergence was ineffective, but weeding at 2 and 2 weeks after crop emergence brought yield losses down to 20%. Pre-emergence application of bifenox and oxadiazon (12 l) and post-emergence application of molinate + propanil gave crop yields comparable to that of the clean weeded control (91–129%). Grain yields obtained with pre-emergence application of oxadiazon (25 EC) and post-emergence applications of propanil, bentazone + propanil, and bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone were considerably less than those obtained from the clean weeded plots. Bifenox, oxadiazon (12 l) and propanil + molinate gave adequate and persistent weed control (72–97%), and did not damage rice. Oxadiazon (25 EC) gave good weed control but resulted in a serious stand reduction. Post-emergence application of propanil, propanil + bentazone bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone had no adverse effect on crop stand, but gave poor control of grasses (0–40%).  相似文献   


Field experiments were conducted at Jobner (Rajasthan) during the winter seasons of 1982 and 1983 to evaluate certain physical and chemical weed control systems in fenugreek at two levels of applied phosphorus. The experiments comprised four herbicides (fluchloralin, pendimethalin, thiobencarb, and chloramben) at two levels each, manual weeding at three levels; and an unweeded check. The second factor, namely, application of phosphorus was evaluated at 0 and 40 kg P2O5/ha. The soil of the experiment site was loamy sand, containing 0.16% organic carbon. The results showed that amongst the herbicides, preemergent pendimethalin at 0.75 kg/ha controlled the weeds most effectively and gave 8.91 q/ha fenugreek seed yield, which was more than twice the seed yield obtained from the unweeded check plots. The twice hoed plots were found to give 1.32 q/ha higher seed yield than the pendimethalin herbicide treatment, but the benefit‐cost ratio was found higher for the herbicidal treatment. Application of phosphorus at 40 kg P2O5/ha was found to bring about significant increase in the seed yield of fenugreek by 59 kg/ha over control, without any interaction with the weed control treatments.  相似文献   

The tolerance of weed-free wheat and barley to a range of herbicides (bromoxynil, methabenzthiazuron, MCPA, bromoxynil + MCPA. linuron, prometryne, diuron, 2,4-D ester and 2,4-D amine) when applied at the crop three-leaf stage, was examined over the 5-year period 1968–72. All chemicals lowered grain yields to some extent, but the variation between chemicals was greater for wheat than for barley. In both crops, methabenzthiazuron was the safest chemical causing only small (<2·0%,) yield losses at rates up to 2·25 kg a.i./ha. At this rate of application yield losses of up to 36% were recorded for the substituted urea derivatives. Both crops had a low tolerance to 2,4-D ester and amine. Yield losses from bromoxynil, bromoxynil + MCPA and MCPA were similar, varying from 4 to 8% al 0·5 kg a.i./ha to 9–24% at 2·25 kg a.i./ha. Pertes de rendement dans le blé et l'orge provoquées, en l'absence de mauvaises herbes, par des herbicides de postlevée Pendant une période de 5 années (1968–1972) les auteurs ont examiné la résistance du béet de l'orge. Traités, en l'absence de mauvaises herbes, au stade 3 feuilles, avec une série d'herbicidcs (bromoxynil, méthabenzthiazuron, MCPA, bromoxynil-i-MCPA, linuron, prométrync. ditiron, 2,4-D ester et 2,4-D a mine). Tous ces produits ont diminué les rendements en grains dans des proportions variées, mais la variation entre produits a été plus grande pour le blé que pour l'orge. Pour les deux céréales, le méthabenzlhiazuron a été le produit le moins toxique, provotjuant seulement de faibles penes de rendement inférieurcs à 2,0%, à des doses allant jusquà 2,25 kg/m.a/ha. A cette dose d'application, des pertes de rendement allant jusquà 36% ont élé enregistrées avec des urées substituées. Les deux éréles ont manifesté uoe faible resistance au 2,4-D estr et amine. Les pertes de rendement provoquées par le bromoxynil, le bromoxynil + MCPA, et le MCPA ont été analogues, variant de 4 à 8% pour 0,5 kg/m.a./ha, jusqu’à 9 à 24% pour 2,5 kg/m.a./ha. Ertragsverluste durch Nachaufiatifherbizide in unkrautfreiem Weizen und Gerste In unkrautfreien Weizen- und Gerstebestánden wurde in fünfjáhrigen Versuthcn (1968–72) die Toleranz der beiden Arten gegenüber folgenden Herbiziden untersucht: Bromoxynil, Methabenzthiazuron, MCPA, Bromoxynil + MCPA. Linuron, Prometryn, Diuron, 2,4-D-Eister und 2,4-D-Amin- salz. Die Behandlung erfolgte jeweils im 3-Blattstadium. Alle Verbindungen erniedrigten zu einem gewissen Grad den kornertrag. Beim Weizen waren aber die Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Herbiziden grösser als bei der Gerste. Methabenzthiazuron war bei Aufwandmengen bis zu 2.25 kg A.S./ha in beiden Getreidearten das sicherste Herbizid und verursachte nur geringe Ertragsdepressionen (<2%). Bei dieser Aufwandmenge wurden bei den Harn-stoffherbiziden bis zu 36% Ertragsverlust festgestellt. Gegen 2,4-D-Ester und 2,4-D-Aminsalz waren Weizen und Gerste wenig tolerant. Die Ertragsverluste durch Bromoxynil, Bromoxynil + MCPA und MCPA waren etwa gleich und betrugen 4–8% bei 0.5 kg A.S./ha bis 9–24% bei 2,25 kg A.S./ha.  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted during the wet seasons of 1980 and 1981 to find out the relative influence of weed control and applied nitrogen on performance of transplanted rice and nutrients uptake by rice and weeds. Propanil and thiobencarb, each at 2.0 kg a.i/ha, were found comparable to two hand weedings in increasing grain yield of rice and minimizing dry matter of weeds. The mean grain yield was increased by 28.06% while dry matter of weeds reduced by 84.04% over unweeded control. Application of nitrogen from 0 to 75 kg N/ha increased grain yield to the tune of 1631 kg/ha. Remarkable increase in grain yield was noticed when weed control treatments were associated with application of nitrogen. Higher uptake of N, P and K by crop and lower removal of same nutrients by weeds were observed in herbicides and hand weedings than unweeded control. N, P and K in the order of 11.49, 1.71 and 12.40 kg/ha respectively could be saved through weed control in transplanted rice.  相似文献   


Seven different herbicides were tested in 1967, and two of these chemicals were further evaluated in 1969 for their efficacy in onions grown in Lebanon. Chloroxuron at 6 kg a.i./ha and Sindone at 1.5 kg/ha gave a significant increase in the bulb weight and yield of onions over unweeded plots. Significant reductions in yield were observed from pre-em. applications of chlorbromuron at 3 kg/ha, propachlor at 6 kg/ha, Sindone at 0.5 kg/ha, and prometryne at 1 and 1.5 kg/ha. Good weed control was obtained as a result of pre-em. application of all herbicides tested.

With post-em. application, weed control was not effective. With the exception of prometryne at 1.5 kg/ha which injured the onions and reduced the yield, the post-em. applications of herbicides tested gave no significant effect on onion yield.

None of the treatments, in both pre-em. and post-em. applications, had any significant effect on leaf length, bulb index, bolting and splitting percentages, dry matter content, total soluble solids, or pungency of onions.  相似文献   

Five herbicides were tested in the dry and in the wet season for their effectiveness in conlrolling perennial nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in direct-seeded upland rice in the tropics. K-223 [N-(α,α-dimethylbenzyl)-N'-P-tolyl urea] gave the best results. When broadcast sprayed at 8.0 kg a.i./ha in the dry season and 10 kg a.i./ha in the wet season and immediately mixed into the soit just before drilling, K-223 gave excellent perennial nutsedge control with no visible crop damage and increased the grain yield. Bentazone at 2.0 kg a.i./ha applied 7 days after crop emergence was highly selective and gave fair control of nutsedge without being toxic to the crop. MBR 8251 [1.1,1-trifluoro-4′-(phenylsulfonyl) methane-sulfono-o-toluidide] at 2.0 kg a.i./ha, mecoprop (MCPP) at 1.5 kg a.c./ha and fenoprop (silvex) at 1.0 kg a.e./ha applied 7, 14 and 7 days, respectively after crop emergence provided a fair degree of nutsedge control. Fenoprop and MBR 8251 caused slight and mecoprop moderate initial toxicity, but the injury sustained did not significantly affect crop yield.  相似文献   

Summary. Experiments conducted in Northern Ireland between 1956 and 1960 show that Ranunculus repens may be controlled by MCPA-salt or -ester applied in November or December. These compounds are more effective than salt or ester formulations of 2,4-D and salt formulations of MCPB and 2,4-DB. Three varieties of raspberry were uninjured when a salt formulation of MCPA was applied during December at 2.2 kg/ha to the same plots for three successive years. Five other varieties were uninjured after one year's treatment. Wetting the dormant canes to run-off with MCPA-salt at 2000 ppm caused no injury but, in one experiment, MCPA-salt at 4.5 kg/ha reduced the number of shoots the following season. The margin of safety is not high but, in the absence of any alternative chemical means of controlling R. repens in raspberries, a late November or December application of MCPA-salt at 2.2 kg/ha is recommended in Northern Ireland where this weed is prevalent. In two trials, raspberries appeared to be slightly more tolerant of 2,4-D than of MCPA but in general, control of R. repens with winter applications of 2,4-D was inadequate except where the weeds were young or active.
La lutte contre Ranunculus repens L. dans les framboisiers  相似文献   

An increasing water crisis as well as shortage of farm labor farmers in many Asian regions is forcing a shift from puddled transplanted rice to direct-seeded rice. The weeds, however, are a major constraint to the production of direct-seeded rice. In this perspective, a field study was carried out to evaluate various pre- and post-emergence herbicides and different possible integrated weed management practices in zero-till direct-seeded rice. Weed infestation decreased the rice yield by near about 75%. Co-culture rice with Sesbania followed by (fb) pendimethalin fb 2,4-D effectively reduced the total weed population (65.1%) and biomass (86.7%) at 30 days after sowing (DAS). The lowest total weed dry biomass at 60 DAS was recorded from bispyribac-sodium+azimsulfuron-treated plot and such tank mix application of herbicide performed better against diverse weed flora as compared to a single herbicide. Higher yield and more profit from zero-till direct-seeded rice were obtained with the application of bispyribac-sodium+azimsulfuron herbicides as a tank mixture or an integrated approach through cowpea green-manuring fb 2,4-D+glyphosate fb bispyribac-sodium by effective management of versatile weed flora.  相似文献   


Maize cultivation in Nigeria has increased rapidly in the last few years as fertilizers have become more readily available to farmers. Without the use of herbicides however, the area of land that can be brought under maize production will be limited. The following herbicides were evaluated in three ecological zones of Nigeria: atrazine and mixtures of atrazine and simazine, atrazine and metolachlor and atrazine and cyanazine. All herbicide treatments were applied at the rate of either 1.0 or 2.0 kg a.i./ha. The plots that received 1.0 kg a.i./ha also received one supplementary hand weeding. All treatments gave yields comparable to the weed free control, with the exception of the unweeded higher rate of the atrazine and cyanazine treatment which gave the lowest grain yield as a result of poor weed control.  相似文献   


Rice yield increased significantly and consistently up to 120 kg N/ha when weeds were not controlled. But when weeds were effectively controlled by two hand weedings (20 and 40 days after transplanting) or by use of thiobencarb at 1–0 kg a.i./ha rice yield increased significantly up to 80 kg N/ha. The optimum dose of N for transplanted rice under mid‐hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh (Palampur) was 82 kg/ha when two hand weedings were done and 86 kg/ha when weeds were managed using thiobencarb. The yield response per kg of N in the respective treatments was 20 and 24 kg of grain. The weed dry weight was significantly lower in thiobencarb and hand weeded plots compared with unweeded check though the difference in weed dry weight due to the former two treatments was not significant.  相似文献   


Further work with the herbicide C 19490 (S-(2-methyl-1-piperidyl-carbonylmethyl)-O,O-di-N-propyl dithiophosphate) in the mixture C 288 with the triazine C 18898 in the ratio 4:1, and with 2,4-D isopropyl ester (2,4-D IPE) in the ratios 2:1 and 3:2 have been completed. New toxicological data show that the risk of toxicity hazards to the user or to other mammals by contamination is low. Residue work shows that C 19490 leaves very low or undetectable residues in rice grain and soil, though C 18898 was detected in both, but never at more than 0.28 ppm in soil or more than 0.04 ppm in grain. There was no interaction between either C 19490 or C 288 and commonly used insecticides. Uptake of the products by plants was shown to be preferentially through emerging shoots, and less through roots.

Field trials resulted in recommendations for around 2 kg C 288 total a.i./ha in Japan, optimum timing depending on the prevailing temperature. Successful control was achieved in Taiwan with C 288 at 1 kg a.i./ha in both the cool and warm season crops, applied 7–12 days after transplanting. In equatorial Asia, mixtures worked well: C 288 at 0.75–1.25 kg a.i./ha, C 19490 at 0.75–1.0 + 2,4-D IPE at 0.5 kg a.i./ha and the 3:2 mixture at 0.75 + 0.5 kg a.i./ha (granular), applied four DAT on dense weed stands, but up to ten DAT on stands comprising predominantly moderate infestations of Echinochloa crusgalli, Monochoria vaginalis and annual Cyperus spp. These recommendations resulted in yields which were never significantly different from those of hand-weeded areas. On light, permeable soils, e.g. in Pakistan, C 288 at 1.0–1.25 kg a.i./ha, 8–10 DAT was less harmful to the crop than lower rates applied earlier, and was better than the 2,4-D IPE mixture for weed control. In Egypt, C 19490 + 2,4-D IPE at only 0.375 + 0.25 kg a.i./ha was successful, because of the susceptible weed flora.  相似文献   

选用7种不同的除草处理,探究不同茬次刈割后的单、混用除草技术对紫花苜蓿的安全性、产量及杂草防除效果的影响.结果表明:一茬刈割后施药,杂草鲜重防效最好的是烯草酮+2,4-DB,最差的是2,4-DB;禾草鲜防最好的是烯草酮,其次分别是精稳杀得和精喹禾灵,效果一般;喷施精稳杀得+2,4-DB和精稳杀得+苯达松可显著提高二茬的产量.然而,二茬刈割后施药,杂草鲜重防效最好的却是精稳杀得+苯达松;喷施烯草酮、精稳杀得和精喹禾灵防除禾草的效果非常好,防效在86.18% ~ 100.00%.喷施2,4-DB的单、混用处理三茬产量显著减少.此外,喷施2,4-DB和苯达松的单、混用处理对阔叶草的鲜重防效和株防效都超过66.70%.  相似文献   

Pre-emergence activity of pendimethalin on propanil-resistant jungle rice (Echinochloa colona) was demonstrated in glasshouse trials. Both susceptible and resistant populations, collected from Costa Rica, were controlled by 1·25 kg ha-1, the usual application rate used in the field where Rottboellia cochinchinensis is also a problem. When applied post-emergence, propanil performance was improved by the addition of low doses of pendimethalin to the herbicide mixture. A propanil-resistant selection was controlled by 0·23 kg ha-1 pendi-methalin+0·54 kg ha-1 propanil at the one-to-two leaf stage, and 0·23 kg ha-1 pendimethalin+1·08 kg propanil at the three-to-four leaf stage compared to 1·08 kg and 2·16 kg ha-1 respectively when propanil was applied alone. This suggests that pendimethalin improves post-emergence control in the field compared to the standard propanil treatment and can provide residual pre-emergence control of late-germinating individuals, so reducing the propanil selection pressure. For effective jungle rice control, growers apply propanil (3·84 kg ha-1) at 10 and 20 days after planting (DAP) followed by one application of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (0·045 kg ha-1) at 35 DAP. Field experiments, conducted in dry-seeded upland rice in southern Costa Rica, demonstrated that under high jungle-rice population pressure, one application of pendimethalin at 1·5 kg ha-1 provided an effective replacement for propanil, resulting in reduced weed-control costs. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

In four field experiments begun in 1963, each of four herbicides was applied to plots planted wilh the same crop each year. The annual treatments were: MCPA at 17 kg/ha to barley (Hordeum sativa Jess) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at growth stage 15. tri-allate at 17 kg/ha pre-emergcnce to barley and wheat, simazine at l7kg/ha pre-emergence to maize (Zea mays L.) and linuron in two applications of 084 kg/ha pre- and post-emergence to carrots (Daucus carota L.). MCPA did not affect growth or yield of either barley or wheat. In general tri-allate also did not aftect the crops although wheat yield was depressed in 1978, wheat 1000 grain weight was reduced in 1972 and barley germination percentage was increased in 1973. Simazine did not influence the height, yield or appearance of maize. Linuron normally produced no effect on carrot yield, density and size. However, in 2 years when the post-emergence application was late, density but not yield was lower than in control plots. There was no accumulation of residues of any of these compounds in the soil. Rates of loss were similar to those predicted on ihe basis of laboratory experiments. In a fifth experiment these herbicides were applied twice per year (3 times in the case of linuron) at double the rales above on each occasion to bare plots. These applications ceased in 1968 (1969 for MCPA) but residues were monitored until 1972 except in the case of MCPA. Disappearance rates were similar to those in the cropped plots and residues were largely confined to the top 10 cm. The plots treated with MCPA had developed an enhanced ability lo degrade il prior to 1968. This persisted for 5 years after the final application.  相似文献   

3种除草剂对水稻旱直播阔叶杂草防效及安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔祥男  张一  丁伟 《植物保护》2021,47(5):302-309
为明确不同除草剂茎叶处理对旱直播水稻田旱生阔叶杂草防除及安全性的影响,采用随机区组试验设计,选用30% 2,4-滴丁酸钠盐AS、84%氯酯磺草胺WG、480 g/L灭草松AS 3种除草剂在水稻4叶期、5叶期施用,施药后每间隔7 d测定杂草株防效、鲜重防效和水稻目测药害,同步测定水稻生长指标和抗逆酶活性。结果表明:30% 2,4-滴丁酸钠盐AS 900.0 g/hm2在水稻4叶期的杂草防效最佳,第28天杂草株防效及鲜重防效仍可达93.55%和96.42%,且对大龄鸭跖草防效显著,施药后水稻生长与人工除草相比无显著差异。叶片SOD、POD活性和MDA含量均先升后降,至施药后28 d恢复正常。30% 2,4-滴丁酸钠盐AS 900.0 g/hm2可高效防除阔叶杂草,该药剂在水稻4叶期和5叶期施用对旱直播水稻安全。  相似文献   

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