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Antimicrobial activity of the heartwood of Taxus baccata   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The ethanolic extract of Taxus baccata heartwood showed significant activity against selected gram-negative bacteria and against five out of nine tested fungi.  相似文献   



Taxus woodlands suffer from a lack of natural regeneration across its whole distribution range.


In Knyazhdvir Reserve in Ukraine Taxus baccata primarily competes with Abies alba. It has been assumed that in the conditions of deep shade, yews have a greater competitive advantage than firs.


To verify this hypothesis, a plot with both species growing under the canopy was established. Wood samples were taken from 20 trees of T. baccata and 20 trees of A. alba.


There were no differences in the mean tree-ring width, height and age between both species. Due to a lack of spatial separation of both species, yews and firs inhabited the same area in the analysed plot. Fir seedlings (up to 0.5?m) were recorded to grow under yew saplings (above 0.5?m), but the inverse situation of yew seedlings growing under fir saplings was not seen.


Seedling distribution, tree-ring growth rate, possibility of growth of fir seedlings under yew saplings and greater potential growth suggested that fir was predisposed to having the competitive edge over yew. Our results may confirm the hypothesis that T. baccata has a restricted distribution because of weak competitive abilities and can exist only in habitats where faster growing species are absent. The results call into question the prevailing opinion that human influences are the principal cause for the decline of T. baccata.  相似文献   

The lignification process and lignin distribution at different stages of cell wall differentiation in the secondary xylem of compression and normal woods of Pinus thunbergii were investigated by thioacidolysis and subsequent desulfuration. We prepared 50-µm-thick, contiguous tangential sections of pine shoots, cut from the cambial zone through to mature xylem. In compression wood, uncondensed guaiacyl (G) and p-hydroxyphenyl (H) lignins were deposited simultaneously from early to late stages of lignification. The various types of G-G, G-H, and H-H dimers were detected in compression wood, and the ratio of G-H and H-H dimers to total dimers increased as lignification proceeded. In contrast, uncondensed and condensed H units were detected in trace amounts in normal wood. Significant differences in the relative distributions of lignin interunit linkages were not observed between compression and normal woods or between differentiating and mature xylems in either compression or normal woods.Part of this report was presented at the 10th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, Yokohama, June, 1999  相似文献   

The genetic structures of six populations of English yew (Taxus baccata L.) from different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been characterized by means of isozyme analyses. Using six polymorphic gene loci, a total of 16 alleles have been found with a number of nine alleles, which were in common in all populations. In general, the values of observed heterozygosity reflect a very high level of individual genetic variation. Great differences in the relative allele frequencies lead to relatively high gene pool distances between the populations. Whereas the genetic structures of four populations corresponded essentially with the results of publicized investigations of yew populations from other parts of Europe, two occurrences show great differences. The possible reasons of these peculiarities are discussed. Based on the results of the genetic analyses, different measures for the maintenance and development of the genetic resources are recommended. The conservation management on the population level can prevent the possible loss of genetic adaptation as far as the reasons of genetic differences and their importance are not discovered to a sufficient extent.  相似文献   


The English yew (Taxus baccata L.) is an endangered rare tree species in Austria. More than 600 bud samples were collected from seven populations in three regions of the Eastern Alpine mountains for estimating their genetic structures by using isozyme gene markers. Nine gene loci encoding for seven enzyme systems were investigated. The revealed 32 alleles indicate a higher multiplicity of the east alpine gene pool compared with other European regions. English yew showed a high level of genetic variation, with a mean number of alleles per locus (A/L) of 2.7. A total of 76.4% of the loci were polymorphic, the average expected heterozygosity was (H e) 0.274 and the mean observed heterozygosity (H o) was 0.238. The relative proportion of genetic differentiation among the regions was found to be 6.2%, the level of gene flow was high (Nm=3.78) and the level of inbreeding (0.130) among the regions was medium. The obligatory out crossing (dioecious plant), the long generation time, the ability to regenerate from stump and the seed dispersal by birds and rodents might contribute to the high level of genetic variation found within the population. The conservation propositions are discussed with respect to the genetic structure and the poor recruitment of this species.  相似文献   

The impact of shade on the growth of European yew (Taxus baccata L.) saplings was investigated over a three-year period using artificial shading to simulate four different light regimes (3, 7, 27 and 100 % relative photosynthetic photon flux density, RPPFD). There was no mortality attributable to shading even under the 3 % RPPFD treatment. Increasing shade was positively associated with specific leaf area, leaf length, leaf width and total chlorophyll content, but negatively associated with plant height, stem diameter, total dry weight and root to leaf and shoot ratio. Discoloration of the foliage occurred in plants grown in 100 % RPPFD conditions (resulting in reduced growth rates) and those transferred to 100 % RPPFD conditions after being shade-acclimated for 2 years. Evidence suggests that T. baccata has the ability to regenerate beneath a lighter canopy but beneath denser canopies gap dynamics will play an important role in facilitating successful regeneration and this needs to be reflected in management of natural populations of this declining species.  相似文献   

Summary There is evidence showing that lignification causes both an increase in the thickness of the walls, and changes in the overall width or circumference of wood cells. Although data are not available on changes in length during lignification, it can be deduced that these must also tend to occur. As lignin occupies sites in the cell walls corresponding to those occupied by water, the theory of anisotropic shrinkage of wood may be used to predict the proportional dimensional changes tending to occur as each wall layer in a compression wood cell is lignified. Taking account of the microfibril angles in those layers, it is shown that if the angle for S2 is more than about 45°, inevitably S2 will tend to develop deep helical fissures or splits of the form of those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary Structural factors in a Pinus densiflora tree grown under the influence of strong wind were measured. No difference for cellulose molecules was noticed between compression and opposite wood, but the was somewhat lower in the region where the compression wood was concentrated. The degree of crystallinity of cellulose was 45–50% in compression wood, about 50% in normal wood, and 50–60% in opposite wood. The crystallinity decreased with increasing height above the ground. The maximum point of crystallographic b-axis (fiber axis) orientation distribution for cellulose crystallites in compression wood was located at 30°, in normal wood at 25° and in opposite wood at 0°. The cellulose crystallite dimension in the transverse direction was 3.2 nm, corresponding to four cellulose unit cells, a value that was almost constant throughout the wood. In the longitudinal direction, there were large differences in cellulose crystallite dimensions between compression and opposite woods. In compression wood the cellulose crystallite dimensions was 12 nm corresponding to 11–12 cellulose unit cells. In opposite wood it was 17–32.5 nm corresponding to 17–32 cellulose unit cells. These structural factors were apparently affected by the environmental conditions, and the mechanical properties of the wood were influenced by these factors. Opposite wood had longer crystallites, a higher degree of crystallinity and a better orientation distribution of cellulose crystallites in the longitudinal direction. Compression wood, on the other hand, had shorter crystallites, a lower degree of crystallinity and a large angle between the stem and the direction of the crystallites.  相似文献   

The longitudinal modulus of elasticity of common yew is astonishingly low in light of its high raw density. At least this was found for specimens examined at the solid wood level and at the tissue level. However, to reveal if this low axial stiffness is also present at the cellular level, tensile tests were performed on individual yew fibers and on spruce fibers for reference. The results revealed a low stiffness and a high strain to fracture for yew when compared with spruce. This compliant behavior was ascribed to a relatively high microfibril angle of yew measured by X-ray scattering. It can be concluded that the high compliance of yew observed at higher hierarchical levels is obviously controlled by a structural feature present at the cell wall level. In future studies, the biomechanical function of this compliant behavior for the living yew tree would be of particular interest.  相似文献   

Cortical microtubules (MTs) in differentiating compression wood tracheids of Taxus cuspidata stems were visualized by confocal laser microscopy. They were oriented obliquely at an angle of about 45° to the tracheid axis during formation of the secondary wall. Artificial inclination altered the pattern of alignment of MTs. Banding MTs were helically oriented late during the formation of the secondary walls. These results indicate that MTs might control the orientation and localized deposition of cellulose microfibrils in the secondary walls of compression wood tracheids.Part of this report was presented at the 46th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kumamoto, April 1996  相似文献   

The pattern and extent of variation of microfibril angle (MFA) in normal and compression tracheids of softwood were investigated by using confocal laser scanning microscopy technique. All measurements support the idea that the orientation of microfibrils in single wood tracheids is not uniform. MFA of the radial wall of earlywood tracheids was highly non-uniform and had an approximately circular form of arrangement around the bordered pits (inside the border). Between the bordered pits the measured MFAs were less than the other parts of the tracheid. In the latewood tracheids MFA was less variable. The average orientation of simple pits in the crossfield region was consistent with the mean MFA of the tracheids; however some of the measurements showed a highly variable arrangement in the areas between the simple pits. In many cases the local measured MFAs of compression wood tracheids agreed with the orientation of natural helical cavities of compression wood. Comparing the measured results in different growth rings showed that MFAs in juvenile wood are generally larger than in perfect wood.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of lignin in normal and compression wood of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) has been studied by the technique of lignin skeletonizing. Hydrolysis of the wood carbohydrates with hydrofluoric acid left normal wood tracheids with a uniform distribution of lignin in the S1 and S2 cell wall layers. However, the S3 region of both earlywood and latewood tracheids consistently retained a dense network of unhydrolyzable material throughout, perhaps lignin.Lignin content in compression wood averaged about 7% more than in normal wood and appears to be concentrated in the outer zone of the S2 layer. The inner S2 region, despite helical checking, is also heavily lignified. The S1 layer, although thicker than normal in compression wood tracheids, contains relatively little lignin.Ray cells, at least in normal wood, appear to be lignified to the same extent, if not more so in certain cases, than the longitudinal tracheids. Other locations where lignin may be concentrated include initial pit border regions and the membranes of bordered pits.This report is a detailed excerpt from the Ph. D. dissertation of R. A. P. Financial support provided by the College of Forestry at Syracuse University and the National Defense Education Act is hereby gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The moisture diffusion coefficient of compression wood in spruce (P. abies) and tension wood in beech (F. sylvatica) was examined. The results indicated that the diffusion coefficient measured under steady-state condition (cup method) could well characterize the drying kinetics of the reaction woods. The compression wood offered more resistance to the moisture diffusivity when compared with the corresponding normal wood. The thick cell wall rich in lignin explains the small mass diffusivity in compression wood. In contrast, the mass diffusivity in beech is almost always higher in tension wood than in normal wood, in spite of similar density values. The high moisture diffusion in tension wood can be explained by the ease of bound water diffusion in the gelatinous layers (G-layers).  相似文献   

Fire-retarding properties of 200?ppm nano-silver solution, with a size ranging from 20 to 80?nm, on five woody species were studied and compared with Borax and Celcune ? . Blocks of 150?×?130?×?9?mm3 were prepared and divided into four groups of control samples, nano-silver-, Borax-, and Celcune-impregnated specimens. A special apparatus was designed, and six fire-retarding properties of each specimen were measured, namely ignition, glowing, back-darkening and back-holing times, as well as length and width of burning. Results showed that all three kinds of treatments had improving effects on the fire-retarding properties. Celcune showed the best improvement on glowing time. Cluster analysis showed direct relation between density and fire-retardant properties; also, fire-retarding behaviors of the four hardwoods were quite different to those of the one softwood. Furthermore, there are improvements in some fire-retarding properties of nano-silver-impregnated specimens that are in connection with its heat-transfer property.  相似文献   

The heartwood and sapwood characteristics of 11 Amazonian trees were investigated. Whereas 7 of the specimens had densities greater than 0.7 g/cm3, the heartwood density of ipê amarelo (Tabebuia serratifolia), maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi), cumaru-ferro (Dipteryx odorata), and guarita (Astronium lecointei) exceeded 1.0 g/cm3. Jatobá contained small amounts of Klason lignin and α-cellulose, and large amounts of holocellulose and alkali extract, suggesting that it has a high polysaccharide content that can be dissolved in an alkaline medium. The difference in the syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratios of the samples before and after alkali extraction suggests that alkali extracts contain syringyl-type polyphenols. In all of the samples, the heart-wood methanol extracts were larger in volume than the sapwood methanol extracts, and the sapwood alkali extracts were larger in volume than the heartwood alkali extracts. The antioxidant activities of the methanol and alkali extracts were assayed by measuring the levels of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and super oxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity, respectively. The heart-wood methanol extract of jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) exhibited the highest level of activity (EC50 = 44 mg/l), which exceeded that of α-tocopherol (EC50 = 48 mg/l), and the heartwood alkali extracts of jatobá and ipê amarelo had high SOD-like activity comparable with red wine.  相似文献   

Taxus chinensis and T. wallichiana in have been threatened in their distribution areas in recent decades because of their over-exploitation and reduction and destruction of native habitats. Determining the genetic diversity in populations of the two species will provide guidelines for their protection and preservation. Two hundred and fifteen trees from six populations of T. chinensis and150 sampled trees of T. wallichiana were sampled. Six microsatellite primer pairs selected from 16 primer pairs were used to investigate genetic variation at the population and species levels. Five yielded polymorphic alleles, and among the 13 putative alleles amplified, 11 were polymorphic(accounting for 76.33 %).Shannon's information index(I) and percentage of polymorphic bands(PPB)(I = 0.202 and PPB = 67.22 % for T. chinensis; I = 0.217 and PPB = 65.03 % for T. wallichiana). Both species had low levels of genetic diversity(mean H_o= 0.107, H_e= 0.121 for T. chinensis; H_o= 0.095, H_e= 0.109 for T. wallichiana). Genetic differentiation among populations was higher(FST= 0.189) for T. chinensis and lower(0.156) for T.wallichiana, indicating limited gene flow(Nm) among populations for T. chinensis(0.68) and T. wallichiana(0.65).Variation among individuals of T. chinensis was 63.59 and73.12 % for T. wallichiana. Thus, the threatened status of the two conifers is related to a lack of genetic diversity. All populations are isolated in small forest remnants. An ex situ conservation site should be established with a new population for these species that comprises all the genetic groups for the best chance to improve their fitness under environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Summary Metabolic differences in the formation of guaiacyl and syringyl lignins were explained in terms of the different functions of O-methyltransferases and reducing enzymes which participate in methylation and reduction of the hydroxycinnamic acid intermediates in the biosynthetic pathway of these two types of lignins. Sinapyl alcohol was dehydrogenated with peroxidase and H2O2 under various reaction conditions. Chemical properties of the dehydrogenation polymers (DHPs) formed were characterized, and the possible occurrence of syringyl lignin in hardwood was discussed. DHP and dimers of p-coumaryl alcohol were also characterized and discussed in relation to the formation of grass lignin which contains p-hydroxyphenyl propane as an additional lignin monomer.The authors are indebted to Messrs. Y. Nakamura and H. Kuroda in this Division and Mr. T. Yamasaki at Kagawa University for their cooperation in the course of these investigations  相似文献   

东北、内蒙古山区分布有近千万株野生山丁子大树,如能高接果个大、品质好、耐贮藏的寒富苹果,可在短时间内获取较高的经济效益。选择连片的山丁子树,按2.5-3.0 m×3-4 m株行距留株,按主干疏层形、纺锤形整形留枝,去除多余枝,用劈接、插皮接法进行硬枝嫁接,接后对接穗保湿,应及时进行抹砧萌、解绑,并防治害虫。  相似文献   

杨燕  邱坚  闭梅松 《福建林业科技》2007,34(3):82-86,106
要实现木材-无机质复合材的人工模拟,其关键还是在于研究和探讨木材生物矿化的机理,因此要对木材中无机物的情况进行研究,从而获取生物矿化所形成的木材/无机质复合材料的形成机理,以此来指导木材的生物改性或木材/无机复合材的仿生合成。本文采用光学显微镜对几种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中硅石的分布进行观察发现:硅石主要分布在木射线细胞中,大量的晶体在木射线细胞以及轴向薄壁细胞中均有分布;采用重量法对几种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅含量情况进行测定表明:子京、山油柑、柚木、柠檬桉、山竹子等5种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅含量分别为1.5106%、0.8941%、0.8654%、0.2155%、0.1676%。  相似文献   

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